Lettre 8 2016 en

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Newsletter from your consular officer in the consular district of Venezuela – Trinidad & Tobago – Saint-Lucia Number 8

Brigitte Saiz

Regional permanences Many fellow citizens have come to meet me during the permanence that I have had the pleasure to perform since beginning of March in regions of Venezuela: Maracay (French Alliance) and Valencia (Lidotel) on 12 March, Puerto La Cruz (Maison de la France) on 16 April, Porlamar (Alliance Française / honorary consulate) on 18 April. These permanencies are a riche non-formal experience and an opportunity for me to clarify local difficulties of our fellow citizens. I would like to thank those who kindly have allowed me to use their premises for a successful handling of the interviews. Next stops: Maracaibo, Mérida, Puerto Ordaz, Barquisimeto and if my professional commitments allow me, I will tour the south Caribbean islands in my district. I will email a targeted advance notice.

Agenda : 2017 French presidential and parliamentary elections The 2017 presidential and parliamentary polling dates have now been set. For the Caribbean and the Americas, the poll will take place one day before the French metropolitan area, hence: - Presidential election: First round on Saturday 22 April 2017, and second round on Saturday 6 May 2017 - Parliamentary elections: First round son Saturday 3 June 2017 and second round on Saturday 17 June 2017 When it comes to voting rights, be aware that: - If by any case you definitely leave your current country of residence, don’t forget to report your departure to the consulate in writing (on plain paper, by email or using the following Cerfa form 14040*03). A removal certificate will be delivered or sent by the consulate. Without being removed from the consular electoral register, you will not be able to vote in France in the national polls. - If you do not renew your consular card after expiration, you could get removed from the Register of the French citizen living abroad, which in turn could entail a removal from the consular electoral list unless opposed by you.

What has changed as of 1st April in France Family and social allowances, alimony, retirement pension and disability benefits, abortion, bikes and e-bikes,... Keep up with an assortment of what is implemented as of 01 April in France that you can find in the web site Service-Public.fr.

Addictaide.fr: online information about addictions Alcoholism, smoking, cannabis... Addict'aide is a web site that concerns individuals having dependency or abuse problems, but also their relatives, physicians, mutual aid associations and researchers. It proposes numerous solutions to improve addiction services. More detailed information can be found in the web site Service-public.fr.

Professions that are job opportunities in France in 2016 Security officers, artists, sales representatives, cashiers, chefs, nurses, engineers, clerks... What professions are currently job opportunities in France? If you need to find out more about the subject, read the Pôle emploi survey results regarding the hiring prospects for 2016.

Prepare your university studies in France The Connexion Francophone association has put an interesting program online for francophone students wishing to continue their studies in France. The MOOC study program will start on 27 June 2016 and is spread over five weeks. It will lead future students throughout the different steps of preparation for their arrival in France (first contact with student orientation services, registration validation, accommodation, funds management, grants, organisation of student activities, etc.). The portal is also a place for meeting and exchanging with other international students through its forum and through the social networks.

A few hints for better conditions to return to live in France If your expatriation is coming to an end, or if your life plan involves a comeback to France, it is important for you to know the formalities and administrative procedures that you need to perform before leaving your current home country and as soon as you arrive in France. In that respect, the following portals will provide useful information:  Section "Le retour en France" (Coming back to France) of the French ministry of foreign affairs: fo a better general understanding of the administrative procedures you need to perform;  Individualised interactive website to return to France: it consists of a survey allowing you to establish a personal journey;  retourenfrance.fr: this new web site supplements the other two sites by providing valuable tips for your well-being, and for a harmless social integration.

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Newsletter from your consular officer in the consular district of Venezuela – Trinidad & Tobago – Saint-Lucia Number 8

Brigitte Saiz

Orphan children legally sheltered by French citizens living abroad can now apply for French citizenship Rules of procedure to obtain the French citizenship for an orphan child sheltered French citizens vary depending on whether the child has been subject to full adoption, simple adoption, or provision of care. You can learn more about the subject by reading the article in Français du monde web site.

Child birth registration abroad Local legislation in many countries request foreign citizens to declare a child birth before the local Registration officer. This procedure is not mandatory but is necessary to obtain a French birth certificate. To learn more about it, please check the French foreign affairs ministry portal as well as the French embassies web sites in Caracas or Saint-Lucie.

Certificate of existence (French pension holders abroad) The National Pension Fund for Employees (Caisse nationale d’assurance vieillesse, CNAV) has posted online a blank certificate of existence for the French ordinary pension holders living abroad. It should only be used in case of lack of reception of the same filled form from the Pension Fund.

Service-Public.fr: get to know this online service The website Service-Public.fr provides access to application forms, online services, simulators, and nearly 200 letter templates that you (Franch citizen living abroad) can use in some cases and which allows to exercise your rights and facilitate your administrative steps. Some examples are the following:  Forms: To request a visa for long term stay in France (for your foreign spouse for instance) ; French citizenship declaration related to marriage with a French citizen;  Teleservices: Public record request (birth, mariage or death certificates -occurred abroad-) ; Job search in France or in Europe ; Spontaneous application for international expert job ; Application for French International Volunteer in Business (VIE) in Administration (VIA) ;  Templates: Request the child support payment to the debtor ; Civil Solidarity Act template ; Log a complaint before the French Republic prosecutor.

COUNSEL section – links for better information (all in French)       

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Preparing your return to France MonConsulat.fr (my French consulate website) French taxes for French citizens abroad Ministry of Foreign affairs agencies Traveling advices Pôle emploi international French Embassy in Venezuela


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Legal guide for French citizen living abroad Your rights and proceedings (French ministry of justice) Custom clearing formalities in France The Government's report on the situation of the French citizen living abroad (2014) French schooling abroad: CNED and AEFE web sites French Embassy in Saint-Lucia

Email: BsaizConseillereC@gmail.com On call through Skype: prior appointment through email (above). My user name in Skype is Brsaiz

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