A NEW YEAR, A NEW YOU! ✦ How many times have you made what you believed to be steadfast New Year resolutions that often tend to peter out before the end of the month?
weight in a certain time, for example, is a tough ask, particularly if one is not habitually an exercise or health food enthusiast. Maybe set piecemeal goals where a certain amount is targeted each week or each month. Sure, have the six-month or 12-month target but don’t focus on that figure too much as it can often seem unattainable, particularly at the outset. Small, measured steps can equate to definite progress and, once you witness this succeeding, confidence builds as does your motivation to stick at it and see it through. Also, truly consider the goal you are striving to attain. Why exactly are you doing it? Is it a goal based on the perceptions or ideals of someone else advising you to change, societal pressure perhaps? If you are doing it to please or displease others, this can often lead to resentment, anger and subsequently failure. Like anything in life, make it genuine, mean it, want it and you have a far greater chance of succeeding.
But fear not as there are ways to make your resolution stick past a couple of days or weeks to become a permanent lifestyle change. Whether it is a pledge to get fitter, lose weight, drink less, work less, work smarter, spend less time glued to our phone or adopt ways to get luckier in love, there are systematic approaches that can help us achieve our goals. First and foremost it is advised that you pick the right resolution and for the right reasons. Be honest with yourself. It has to be realistic and doable otherwise you are setting yourself up for an almighty fail. Set goals but make them attainable without having to suffer a life of misery as this typically leads to resentment and ultimately a decision to scrap the campaign. Make goals measurable and precise as vague goals are rarely achieved. Aiming to lose a significant amount of
Likewise, plan for the odd wobble as this will come. Plan and prepare for it and you will stand a far better chance of bypassing whatever hurdle is thrown your way. Talk to others and make them aware of your task at hand and how determined you are to achieve it. This can help foster a support network that will not only tolerate potential moodswings and agitated moments but hopefully ensure you have the motivational backing when struggles kick in. Ultimately, it comes down to the individual and how serious they are about effecting whatever the change is. But, as the old adage goes, if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again and New Year resolutions are no different so don’t pressure yourself too much. However, try your best, maybe adopt some of the approaches outlined here and you may well surprise yourself as you embark on a path to a New You in the New Year!
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f you have then you are certainly not alone. Each year there are millions of people across the world who commit to something only to let themselves down shortly afterwards. According to Forbes, virtually every study tells us that around 80% of New Year’s resolutions don’t make it past the end of January.
Planning is, of course, key. Understanding what the goal is, why you want to achieve it and how you will achieve it while ensuring it doesn’t become an obsession. Understand how much time you can and should allocate to building the new you and give yourself enough time to properly focus on the task.