Educators at TG’s Child Care have been paddling the canoe together for the past 22 years across their six centres. They work, play and live as a team and are welcoming to new educators, and embrace and celebrate each other’s experiences and gifts. TG’s educators understand the standards and expectations to go above and beyond in their commitment, dedication and the quality of care given to the children, families and communities.
Alicia Moody
Skye McGeoch
Belin da Russo
Lutaina Corley
Luzmar Carrasco
Gracie Reeves
TG’s is a safe place not just for the children but also for their educators. TG’s is proud of its inclusive culture where educators, team leaders and the management feel respected, listened to and supported. Their educators are as important to them as the children, and it is their gifts and personal touch that make TG’s an extended family and a second home that feels so loving to the children who come through their doors every day.
GET TO KNOW THEIR NEW TG’S CHILD CARE URANGAN EDUCATORS MEET ALICIA MOODY Alicia Moody is TG’s Child Care Urangan’s new Centre Manager. She has worked in Early Childhood for 19 years and is extremely passionate about her role supporting children, families and to her local community. She sees every child as an amazing world in themselves, regardless of their age and Alicia loves connecting with each one and learning about their experiences, interests and background.
MEET SKYE MCGEOCH Skye has been part of the TG’s Family for the past 8 years and has been lending a hand with setting up TG’s Child Care Urangan in the past few months. Skye is with the Joeys (0-2 yrs) this year at TG’s Child Care - Urangan and ready to get set and go!
MEET BELINDA RUSSO Belinda Russo is TG’s University-qualified Early Childhood Teacher and the Team Leader in TG’s Kindergarten Room. For Belinda, her definition of happiness is “a child´s biggest and loudest laugh”.
MEET LUTAINA CORLEY Lutania loves exploring nature and making magic brews but she is doing it with TG’s children who are always up for an adventure or two in TG’s beautiful gardens!
MEET GRACIE REEVES Gracie has been working in Early Childhood for four years and she has also obtained her diploma. That is an achievement considering her young age.
TG’S CHILD CARE AND KINDERGARTEN, URANGAN Licensed for 73 places for children 0 to 5 years. Open Mondays to Fridays from 6.30 am to 6.30 pm.
MEET LUZMAR CARRASCO Luzmar Carrasco was originally from Venezuela. Becoming a mother is a dream come true for Luzmar. Even when she was a child, she loved playing mommy to all of her cousins. She has been practising her whole life for this wonderful educator role! (07) 4184 2282 61 Miller St, Urangan QLD 4655