3 minute read



✦ Thomas Line, Chief Executive Officer of Taruga Minerals Limited (ASX:TAR) says their projects have good reasons to fascinate investors.

Taruga Minerals Limited’s projects have good reasons to fascinate investors, and the company is giving us new perspectives and a different way to look at things.

It is not every day that Noel Ong, CEO of Samso, gets so fascinated by a company’s projects and developments. His recent chat with Thomas Line,

➹ Coffee With Samso: Thomas Line, Chief Executive Officer of Taruga Minerals Limited (ASX:TAR), From making a difference with IOCG to ESG and why all land is important to the Aboriginal People.

CEO of Taruga Minerals Limited got him excited to know more about the company’s IOCG (iron oxide copper gold ore deposits) projects and how their projects are going beyond what is expected of the size of their company.

There is a reason why Noel tends to take things with a pinch of salt whenever he hears about a company that talks about IOCG. The simple, practical reason being small mineral explorers just do not have the funding power to pull through the project.

But with Taruga Minerals Limited, Noel is piqued by how their projects are developing. There is something different about them and that is always very exciting to learn more about.

Taruga Minerals Limited has projects which are showing characteristics more typically seen in much bigger companies. This is what makes this company so fascinating to dissect.

Mr. Line reveals the company’s story here:

• The passion and the reason why Thomas Line is doing this.

• Why South Australia and why these projects?

• The potential of the geology of the Gawler Craton and how it has secrets that have not been discovered because it has been greatly misunderstood.

• What are the components of the projects that Investors should take note of?

ESG (environment, social, governance) is on everyone’s lips nowadays, and Mr. Line is bringing something valuable to the company that is much needed - his unique understanding of ESG. It is one thing to merely talk about it, but Mr. Line is actually one to do it and make a difference:

Native Title is a boundary that was put in place. It was not a boundary pre-colonisation. Native Title land is not the only land that is important to the Aboriginal people. All land is important to the Aboriginal people.

✴ Native Title is a boundary that was put in place. It was not a boundary pre-colonisation. Native Title land is not the only land that is important to the Aboriginal people. All land is important to the Aboriginal people.

- Thomas Line, Taruga Minerals Limited

Aboriginal people need to be engaged to talk about Non- Native Title land as well as Native Title land.

Noel values what he gets out of a good discussion. And what makes investors stand out is their ability to listen and be open to learning as much as they can about a company and its developments.

We cannot know everything, so when there is the opportunity to listen to what companies think and do, that is when investors can gain insights which can help them see the big picture and have the confidence to make informed decisions.

About Taruga Minerals Limited (ASX:TAR)

Taruga Minerals Limited (Taruga or the Company) is a mineral exploration company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX:TAR) with a focus on acquiring and developing highly prospective Gold, Copper and precious metals exploration projects in Australia.

CEO Thomas Line is supported by a highly credentialed Board, and has provided the Company with exposure to the exciting, under explored, High-Grade Flinders, Torrens and Mt Craig Copper-Gold-Silver Projects on the margin of the Gawler Craton, South Australia.

Contact Taruga Minerals Limited:

+61 (8) 9486 4036



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