Hydrogen Denmark

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Hydrogen Denmark HYDROGEN & FUEL CELLS

Hydrogen Denmark / Brintbranchen Vodrofssvej 59 DK-1900 Frederiksberg C Denmark

Tel.: +45 39 20 20 03 www.brintbranchen.dk info@brintbranchen.dk

HYDROGEN & FUEL CELLS by Hydrogen Denmark

Green hydrogen will help fuel a non-fossil future These are times of changes and challenges. Climate change is a fact – beyond any doubt. It is scientifically supported and widely acknowledged. The unveiling of the magnitude of the climate changes and their potentially devastating consequences has been shocking. One of the greatest challenges facing the global community in our time is finding ways to combat the changes in the climate. With the Paris Agreement, the Social Development Goals, the Danish 2030 and 2050 Goals we have formulated strategies to be implemented in policies, business and individual behavior if we are to succeed in taking on this task. Cutting emissions, independence from fossil fuels and the transition to energy systems based on renewable sources are key in reaching these goals. Sustainability is core, and innovation is imperative. We are on the threshold of making the vision of sustainable energy systems come true. The will is strong, and the ambitions are high. As research is put into practice and technologies become commercially viable the steps towards the goal become larger. Green hydrogen and fuel cell technologies is a core element in securing stability and resilience in the future energy supply. It will enable storage and conversion of sustainable energy hence limiting the challenges of basing an energy system on fluctuating sources. There is still much work to be done but the necessity of solutions fathers innovation – for the benefit of the planet, future generations and economic growth. The Danish hydrogen cluster has the capacity to bridge the gaps between the needs of today and the solutions of tomorrow. I am proud to be the head of an organisation that joins together an increasing number of members representing all aspects of hydrogen and fuel cell potential. Members who through innovation and entrepreneurship make their contribution to the completion of the green transition. Hydrogen Denmark Tejs Laustsen Jensen, CEO

Tejs Laustsen Jensen, CEO


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2020 2030 Hydrogen Denmark is an association that organises all stakeholders in the field of hydrogen and fuel cells. For - Greenhouse gas emissions reduced by 40% the past 15 years we have represented a vast variety of members each of whom are widely recognised for their - Greenhouse gas emissions reduced by 20% - Renewable energy in consumption increased to 20% - Renewable energy in consumption increased to 50% expertise. Denmark has always been one of the world’s leading champions of sustainability and innovative - Energy efficiency improved by 20% - Energy efficiency improved by at least 27% energy solutions. The Danish commitment to renewable energy has paved the way for hydrogen and fuel cell technologies as the natural next step in the green transition. 2050

All of our members are dedicated to contributing to a world independent of fossil fuels. A world in which economic and technological growth are not at the expense of the climate, and where breathing non-polluted air is a birth right. The potential for business, jobs and export in the hydrogen and fuel cell technologies is tremendous.

- Greenhouse gas emissions reduced by 85-90% - Denmark is to be a low-emissions society independent of fossil fuels

Hydrogen Denmark serves as a partner in the efforts of our members as well as an active partner in several na- Transport tional and international projects. We are the gateway to hydrogen and fuel cells in Denmark. The organisation Government proposals consists of a handful of dedicated employees with great knowledge of all the links in the hydrogen value chain - No new fossil fuelled cars sold after 2030 that our members represent. - No new plug-in hybrid cars sold after 2035 A large part of our day to day work is providing knowledge and input to both local and national authorities. We - No new taxis emit CO2 after 2025 are consulted by municipality and government officials in matters of energy policy, transport and specific initia- All taxies must be zero-emissions after 2030 tives to further the green transition. Strong communications efforts and a clear message is pivotal in our work. We provide in-depth information and updates through our websites brintbranchen.dk, brintbiler.dk. - No new busses emit CO2 after 2020 nor particles after 2025 - All new busses must be zero-emissions after 2030

The Paris Agreement

- Commitment intensifying initiatives needed for a sustainable low carbon future - Combating climate change by keeping global temperature rise well under 2O C

UN Sustainable Development Goals

- Global initiative to strengthen the efforts to raise the levels of life quality, innovation and sustainability around the world - Ambition to reach the 17 Goals by 2030 Goal #7 - Affordable and Clean Energy: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all Goal #13 - Climate Action: Taking urgent action to tackle climate change and its impacts

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The Danish course for the green transition has been set and the goal are clear. The ambitions are high – but so are the stakes. We have to re-think energy production and consumption fundamentally if we are to take on the challenges that the climate changes present. A continued dependency on fossil fuels will not only be detrimental for the climate but also for the levels of air-pollution. Basing an energy system entirely on renewable sources is challenging. But it is possible – and absolutely necessary.

In 2015 Denmark joined Mission Innovation along with 22 other countries and the European Union. The overall goal of Mission Innovation is to “reinvigorate and accelerate public and private global clean energy innovation with the objective to make clean energy widely affordable”.

Along with these challenges, however, there are great opportunities to be seized. The transition requires innovative solutions to take over from traditional technologies. And innovation is what Denmark does best! The members of Hydrogen Denmark are among the stakeholders who have seized these opportunities. Through dedication and entrepreneurship, they have conducted the research, developed the businesses and cemented their positions internationally as the elite. Denmark is well on track towards the energy milestones. In 2016 the share of renewable energy in the adjusted gross energy consumption was 29,1%. This share was increased to 32,3% in 2017. However, complete fossil independency is still a long way away. This first part of the green transition is relatively simple to achieve, by no means easy, but simple. The future tasks require vast investments, innovation and a strong commitment – political and businesswise. If we succeed in these processes there are significant rewards to be gained. The industry and export opportunities in regard to green technologies and solutions hold the potential for jobs, economic growth and a strengthening of the Danish brand.

To support the efforts to reach the goals formulated in the Paris agreement the participating countries in Mission Innovation have each pledged to “seek a doubling in their governmental and/or state-directed clean energy research and development investment over five years”. If we are to make a significant impact on climate change in time to prevent reaching a devastating point of no return, we must take action now. Political pledges and international declarations of intend are important. They show commitment and send a vital signal to business and industry that this will be taken seriously. But agreeing on a course of action is far from enough. The Clean Energy Revolution that Mission Innovation seeks to accelerate will be largely carried out by businesses and industries. The green transition requires new technologies and innovative solutions. This is why the countries pledge to invest significantly in research and development. The nations provide the funding and the framework – and the talent will lead. Part of Mission Innovation is organised as challenges. There are eight challenges in total and participation is entirely voluntary. The eighth Challenge was formulated in May 2018. This challenge entails the exploration and development of hydrogen production. Hydrogen is becoming widely recognised as a viable component in ensuring security and resilience in a sustainable energy system as well achieving significant cuts in emissions. As hydrogen is an energy-dense energy carrier the eighth Challenge will be closely connected to other Challenges where hydrogen’s qualities in regards to conversion and storage can be explored.


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Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe. It is the very first element in the Periodic Table and hydrogen is at the very core of all forms of energy. On Earth hydrogen exists very rarely in free state and therefore it is not available as an independent energy source. It can, however, exist in combined state in chemical compounds from which it can be extracted, and used as an energy carrier.

Converting green energy from renewable sources like wind, solar and wave power, to hydrogen creates possibilities for the usage of this power to an extend that would not have been possible if left in its original electrical form.

The method used most often in the production of hydrogen is electrolysis. Using water and electricity the process of electrolysis extracts hydrogen and oxygen from the water molecules. In this way the electricity is converted to hydrogen which can be utilised elsewhere. Conversion of energy is pivotal in ensuring stability and integration in energy systems centred around renewable sources. It is possible to have an energy sector based on sustainable sources, but without a stabilising component the energy supply would be far too vulnerable to be viable on a national scale. Hydrogen is that stabilising component. Using surplus energy from renewable sources for electrolysis, this energy – in the form of hydrogen – can be stored for other uses. In Denmark wind power contributes extensively to the overall energy supply. This poses certain challenges in securing a stable supply within the system – sometimes the wind means we produce too little energy and at other times too much. It is this surplus green energy that is to be used in the production of hydrogen on a larger scare. As an energy carrier hydrogen enables many different forms of energy conversion. Converting green energy to other forms will allow for the storage that can stabilise the energy system and ensure the resilience required to accommodate fluctuations in supply and demand. Whether the converted energy remains in its hydrogen form or is further processed its potential is vast. Hydrogen can serve a component in the production of methanol or methane. Letting green electricity be a variable in an equation rather than an end result can mean that this energy can be used in e.g. the transport sector or stored in the gas grid. Integration is key. Sectorial barriers need to be removed in order to maximise the utility of the energy supply. Electricity, transport, heat, gas grid etc. are all part of the same cycle and in order to reach the goals for sustainable energy and zero emissions the sectors have to be linked more closely.

There are inherent vulnerabilities in basing an energy system entirely on renewable sources. The supply is completely at the mercy of the weather. This means that at times too much energy is produced and at others not enough. This creates an instability that makes the system insufficiently resilient as sole provider of energy nationwide. When not enough power is produced fossil fuels are used to balance out the supply. This is far from ideal – especially given the fact that when too much power is produced we either export the excess power at low prices or turn off e.g. wind mills completely. We have the technology for creating green power and the potential for a sustainable energy system based on renewable energy is there. The intractable problem is balancing out the supply to ensure system reliability. This means storage of the energy. The best way to store the green energy is to convert it to other forms. By using excess electricity from windmills to power an electrolysis process in water hydrogen can be produced. This hydrogen can be stored and used on its own in e.g. transportation. The hydrogen can also be part of further processing. When combined with CO2 it can create methanol and methane. The methanol can be used as a liquid fuel in all types of automobile transport as well as maritime and air travel. There are great advantages in using hydrogen or methanol as fuels as it will mean no carbon emissions while traveling. Vehicles running on these fuels only emit oxygen and water. Methane can be used in both upgrading gas from biomass and utilising CO2 emitted from different sources. Biogas, extracted from green biomass, consists of approximately 40% CO2, and by the process of methanisation these 40% can be converted into nearly the same amount of biogas. Hence, incorporating methane into this process will not only create nearly twice as much biogas which can be used directly on large parts of the gas infrastructure, it will also limit CO2-emissions drastically. In this process CO2 becomes a resource which can be harvested from e.g. large factories. Using excess wind power for electrolysis, thereby creating hydrogen, enables this energy to be stored either as pure hydrogen, methanol, or in the gas grid. This will bind together energy sectors, and stabilise an energy system based on renewable energy.

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One of the greatest challenges of the green energy transitioning is the transport sector. It continues to be the problem child of sustainable energy consumption. Having the global transport sector run on fossil fuels is not only one of the most damaging things to both climate and environment it is also detrimental for air quality. Air pollution is an increasing problem especially in cities around the world. The populations in these areas are at risk of developing respiratory diseases and heart conditions because of the poor air quality. Each year more and more people die early as a direct result of this pollution.

For years Denmark has held a position within the elite of innovative and energy efficient countries, and we continue to do so. This is not least due to the national emphasis placed on scientific research. Prioritising an educational sphere of both curiosity and academic focus inspires in depth research and innovative practical solutions. This benefits not only scholars and businesses but also the labour market and export as well as the general Danish brand internationally. Denmark enjoys the respect and acknowledgement of the world in the field of green technology because of our long tradition of championing sustainable energy solutions.

We are, however, completely dependent on an extensive global infrastructure. Individual and commercial mobility is pivotal to economic growth, social development, innovation and business activities.

Hydrogen Denmark is proud to have among our members universities, companies and organisations who work together to bridge the gap between research and the practical applications hereof. They develop strategies, technologies and products that play a crucial role in the green energy transition.

In order to secure zero emissions transportation, it is necessary to make it an integrated part of the collective energy production and consumption. Converting green electricity to hydrogen allows for both energy storage and sustainable transport. Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies can enable any means of transport to emit nothing but oxygen and water. Replacing driving e.g. a traditional fossil fuel car with a hydrogen or fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) will not only remove the climate and polluting strain completely it will also limit national dependence on fossil fuels. The experience of driving such cars is not different to conventional cars – except it is close to noiseless. Hydrogen can be used as a fuel in itself. It can be stored in service stations and the car can be refuelled in nearly the same was as conventional cars – it is the same concept and it does not take longer. This means that there are no disadvantages in driving hydrogen and FCEVs compared to fossil fuel cars. This is also the case for methanol and electrofuels in general. Methanol is a liquid fuel that can be stored quite easily and used in the same was as other conventional fuels. Both hydrogen and methanol are very well suited for public transport and heavy-duty vehicles because of the quick refuelling, the light weight substances and the wide range. Especially in regard to aviation and maritime transport the transition to green zero emission fuels is vital. These means of transport are of the upmost importance to the global infrastructure because of cargo transportation and trade as well as private and business travel. Scaling up the efforts to convert these vessels to electrofuels will have a substantial impact on limiting the negative climate impact.

We need innovation if we are to reach the goals we have set for ourselves both nationally and within the international community. Energy supply and consumption has to be fundamentally redesigned. The use of fossil fuels must be phased out and replaced with energy from renewable sources as soon as possible. It has taken time for the consequences of climate change to be acknowledged but as we witness more and more natural disasters and climate related incidents around the world it is becoming increasingly clear that the time for action is now. As a partner in a variety of research and demonstration projects Hydrogen Denmark offers a platform for interaction between all relevant stakeholders in the realm of hydrogen related initiatives. We serve as communications partner and cluster coordinator in national and international projects – we have participated in several EU-based projects focusing on the gathering and dissemination of information regarding hydrogen and fuel cell technology. Our aim is to facilitate the green energy transition. This transition is not only a necessary evil for the sake of the planet, but it also represents great opportunities in regard to business, jobs, export and the economy in general. Denmark has the means necessary to make the most of these opportunities. The future is green. We know hydrogen will play a crucial role in securing a sustainable energy sector. And on behalf of our members we seek to influence and contribute to the development of viable solutions.


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A crucial element in the green transition is the success of shifting the transport sector from fossil-based fuels to renewable energy. This will not only make a substantial contribution to fossil independence, but also drastically cut the levels of air-pollution that cost approximately 500.000 Europeans their lives each year. Recent studies show that one in ten people live in cities where the air-pollution exceeds the recommendations of WHO. This is an increasing problem and the transport sector plays an essential part in the solution.

In the attempt to reach the Danish 2050-goal of an energy system which is based 100% on renewable energy, fundamental changes have to be made in fundamental structure of energy consumption. There are inherent vulnerabilities in a supply system founded on fluctuating sources. As we expand the efforts of renewable energy production and new technologies mature to the point of commercial and large-scale viability, the need for energy conversion and storage solutions become increasingly urgent.

Hydrogen and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) will be a significant contributor of this solution. Emitting nothing but oxygen and clean water these vehicles provide an immediate release to the strain on air quality that transportation causes. The Danish hydrogen cluster excel in this field as well. Several of the members of Hydrogen Denmark are internationally acknowledged for their expertise and products. Electrolysis, fuel cells, fuelling stations and industry partnership are just some of the core working areas among our members. Especially the realms of public and heavy-duty transport are where hydrogen technology can prove to be the most viable long-term solution. With their reliability, wide range and quick re-fuelling FCEVs are already now an alternative to fossil fuelled vehicles. As a part of Hydrogen Denmark’s communications efforts to promote knowledge about FCEVs we wrote a report, in which a variety of FCEV-users were interviewed about their experiences with driving an FCEV. This is the first publication of its kind with costumer analysis and user experiences.

The concepts of Power2Gas and Power2X will play a crucial role in providing the stability and resilience necessary in the future energy supply. The most important task in designing the future energy system is re-organising the sectors. Inter-sectorial integration is pivotal, and hydrogen is the key. By breaking down the sectorial silos and integrating all aspects of the energy system, resource utilisation can be optimised. Denmark provides the optimum conditions for further exploration and development in the field of conversion. The Danish framework for green initiatives among the best in the world. Dedication to sustainability and high ambitions are at the core of Danish energy policy. The national focus on, and support for, green technology have fostered an innovative environment of competent professionals and dynamic collaborations. The Danish wind power resources and gas grid capacity makes Denmark an ideal setting for low-cost largescale Power2Gas conversion. Further down the line, CO2 can be extracted from the air or harvested from e.g. large factories and utilised as an active component in the Power2X-process. Altering CO2 from a negative bi-product to a valuable commodity and component in energy production has vast potential. The members of Hydrogen Denmark are the hub at the very centre of these ground-breaking developments, and we continue to facilitate processes and communications efforts with the key stakeholders.

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WHEC 2020

An important part of Hydrogen Denmark’s endeavours to inform about and promote hydrogen solutions is public events. Whether they are part of project dissemination obligations, industry and research related or events designed to raise public awareness about hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, they are conducted in a way that makes the topics accessible for the public.

The world-renowned biannual conference World Hydrogen Energy Conference, WHEC, will be held in Denmark June 22nd - 25th 2020. It is an honour that the International Association for Hydrogen Energy, IAHE, has chosen Denmark to host such an event, and it is a privilege for Hydrogen Denmark to have taken part in ensuring that a conference of this importance and magnitude will take place on Danish soil.

We have participated in the People’s Political Festival several times and have organised and participated in a number of debates and presentations. This festival offers a wide range of events for all members of the public to participate in and it is a great opportunity to discuss complex matters in a more informal setting than otherwise possible. Each year Hydrogen Denmark arranges a large event in connection to the organisation’s annual general meeting. This marks the anniversary of Hydrogen Denmark and is an opportunity for our members to come together and learn more about the developments in the work of the organisation and our members. This serves as a way for all relevant stakeholders to keep updated with the field of hydrogen and fuel cell technology. It is important for us that our members have a recurring and well-functioning forum of interests in which to seek information and inspiration. Another annual event is our Danish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day. Like the event marking the anniversary of Hydrogen Denmark the Danish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day is a day of information. The focus here is on the process and progress of projects, pioneering research and new developments. Hydrogen Denmark hosts this event to encourage sharing of knowledge and facilitate collaboration. The common denominator is hydrogen and fuel cells and every aspect hereof is represented – business, research, academic and experimental work as well as political interests.


WHEC is by far one of the most important international conferences on hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. With its long history WHEC has become a bearing institution for development Tejs Laustsen Jensen within the field of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. CEO Hydrogen Denmark

This conference brings together the world’s leading experts, researchers, scholars, business owners and developers as well as political authorities. Information is shared, studies presented, and results debated. In that process ideas are exchanged, leading to new collaborations and development projects that can help shape the energy systems of the future. Since it was founded in 1976 WHEC has been the international benchmark for research and development of hydrogen and fuel cell technology. Copenhagen is one of the most sustainable cities in the world and has always played an active role in leading the green transition. We look forward to welcoming the participants here!



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AALBORG UNIVERSITY The Department of Energy Technology focusses on several research areas, such as fuel cells and electrolyser systems, how to use these technologies in smart energy systems, and power-to-gas solutions. In this multidisciplinary research program, the institute researches in components, systems and control, involving the above-mentioned topics, while constantly focussing on the combination of experimental and theoretical work. Key areas of research are: • • • • • • •

Development of new concepts for energy storage and liquid fuel production, based on electrolyses and carbon reusage. Development and improvement of fuel cell- and electrolyser systems based on advanced models. Design and optimisation of fuel cell- and electrolyser systems regarding specified demands. Development of advanced models to estimate parameters, controlling and monitoring of fuel cell and electrolyser systems. Degrading and lifecycle testing (real time and accelerated) State-of-the-art experimental facilities to collect data for validating and to demonstrate improvements in system design and control. Methanol production from biomass and waste, and usage of methanol in HTPEM fuel cells.

Aalborg University

Department of Energy Technology Frederik Bajers Vej 5 9220 Aalborg Denmark

+45 99 40 99 40 aau@aau.dk www.en.aau.dk

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AARHUS UNIVERSITY The Department for Chemistry and the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO) at Aarhus University conduct substantial research in energy storage. A great part of this research is closely connected to inorganic chemistry and development of new materials where the Hydrogen Research Group takes a leading position. Part of the institute’s activities focuses on the development of new nano-porous materials with channels and cavities at nanometer scale where hydrogen-containing compounds can be incorporated. The institute works with a variety of new materials such as nanoparticles that can be used in new types of fuel cells. The Hydrogen Research Group at Aarhus University’s Department of Chemistry and iNANO is very productive and they have published about 90 scientific publications in renowned journals in recent years and have patented new synthetic methods.

Aarhus University

iNANO and Department of Chemistry Nordre Ringgade 1 8000 Aarhus Denmark + 45 87 15 00 00 au@au.dk www.au.dk/en/

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AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide develops technologies and knowhow for the hydrogen market in areas such as production, distribution, storage and fuel cells. During the past 10 years Air Liquide has established hydrogen stations worldwide - and more are underway. Air Liquide has more than 200 production plants worldwide at its disposal. The hydrogen is distributed by different means according to the requirements of the customers. Air Liquide’s subsidiary companies, Air Liquide Hydrogen Energy and AXANE, are dedicated to the development of a sustainable industry - particularly in the areas of hydrogen and fuel cell production and distribution. One of Air Liquide’s goals is that at least 50% of its hydrogen production must be CO2-free in 2020. This is part of Air Liquide’s Blue Hydrogen Project which aims to exploit the opportunities that exist in areas such as sustainable energy sources, water electrolysis, biogas and storage. Air Liquide Denmark A/S was founded in 1906 and is the leading company in the field of industry gas in Denmark. The company is a part of the Air Liquide group which is active in 80 countries. By its worldwide presence Air Liquide is not only one of the largest industry gas enterprises in the world, but also leading in the development of gases, equipment and applications.

Air Liquide

Høje Taastrup Vej 42 2630 Taastrup Denmark +45 43 55 50 50 www.airliquide.com

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AKZONOBEL AkzoNobel is a leading global paints and coatings company and a major producer of specialty chemicals. Calling on centuries of expertise, we supply industries and consumers worldwide with innovative and sustainable technologies designed to meet the growing demands of our fast-changing planet. Headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, we employ approximately 35,000 people in around 80 countries, and consistently ranked as one of the leaders in the area of sustainability, we are committed to making life more liveable and our cities more human. AkzoNobel is amongst others a leading salt player in Europe. Our salt production facilities are located in Delfzijl, Hengelo (The Netherlands) and Mariager (Denmark). The production of salt is based on vacuum salt technology. The main raw materials are raw brine and energy (steam and electricity). The raw brine is extracted from our salt caverns, which are located in the vicinity of our production plants, by means of solution mining. After utilizing these salt caverns for the salt production AkzoNobel is seeking for opportunities to (re-)use these caverns for the storage of liquids and gases (e.g. hydrogen). The possibility of underground storage could play an important role in the transition from a fossil into a non-fossil based energy system.


Head Office Strawinskylaan 2555 1077 ZZ Amsterdam Netherlands +31 20 50 27 555 www.akzonobel.com

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BALLARD EUROPE Ballard Power Systems Europe A/S is recognized as one of the leading players in the commercial application of fuel cell solutions. Ballard Europe is headquartered in Hobro, Denmark. The company’s activities focus on three key business areas: • Backup Power focused on critical infrastructure for IT and telecom industry. • Technology Solutions focused on enabling customers to solve technical and business challenges and accelerate their fuel cell programs by delivering customized, high value, bundled technology solutions. • Fuel Cell bus service: The European bus service team plays a critical role in supporting Ballard-powered zero-emission fuel cell buses used in public transit revenue service on European roads. Ballard Power Systems Europe A/S was founded in January 2007. The company is owned 100% by Ballard Power Systems Inc. of Canada.

Ballard Power Systems Europe A/S Majsmarken 1 9500 Hobro

+45 88 43 55 00 contact@ballardeurope.com www.ballard.com

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COPENHAGEN CAPACITY Copenhagen Capacity is the Danish capital city region’s official organisation for investment promotion, business development and cluster growth. Founded as a non-profit organisation with the mission to grow business capacity in Greater Copenhagen, Copenhagen Capacity works to: • Strengthen the region’s international competitiveness • Market its strongholds internationally • Improve framework and factor conditions for businesses, cluster organisations and international talent Copenhagen Capacity enables all companies considering locating or expanding their operations in Greater Copenhagen to succeed and achieve their business goals. Our services are open to all foreign-owned companies.

Copenhagen Capacity Nørregade 7 B 1165 København K

+45 33 22 02 22 info@copcap.com www.copcap.com

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DANISH POWER SYSTEMS Danish Power Systems (DPS) is a research based development company founded in 1994. DPS works in the fields of energy and chemistry. DPS commercially produces Membrane Electrode Assemblies (MEA’s) since 2013. DPS’s provides their business partners with competitive, custom made solutions based on state-of-the-art know-how and many years of experience. DPS’s MEA’s for HT-PEM are based on in-house expertise on PBI synthesis, membrane, catalyst and electrode manufacturing.

Danish Power Systems

Egeskovvej 6C 3490 Kvistgaard

+45 45 87 39 34 daposy@daposy.com www.daposy.com

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DANISH GAS TECHNOLOGY CENTER Danish Gas Technology Centre (DGC) is a technological consultancy and development company, focusing on green gases, gas utilisation and safety and environment. DGC undertakes consultancy, measurements, laboratory testing, along with training and certification for energy companies, authorities, organisations, equipment suppliers, installers, industry, consultants and other customers in Denmark and abroad. DGC has its head office and laboratory at SCION DTU in Hørsholm, north of Copenhagen, and a local office in Aalborg. The Aalborg office is the base for the company’s countrywide accredited energy and environmental measurement service and home to DGC Certification Body.

Danish Gas Technology Center - DGC Dr. Neergaards Vej 5B 2970 Hørsholm + 45 20 16 96 00 dgc@dgc.dk www.dgc.dk

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DTU ENERGY The Department of Energy Conversion and Storage (DTU Energy), Technical University of Denmark focuses on researching a number of energy technologies for sustainable conversion of energy from one type to another. DTU Energy is leading specifically in the field of SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cells) and HT-PEMFC (High Temperature PEMFC). These are used for clean and efficient conversion of hydrogen, biogas, natural gas, ammonia, methanol etc. into electricity and heat. Furthermore, DTU Energy develops High Temperature Electrolysis (HTE/SOEC) and Low Temperature Electrolysis (LTE, in particular AEC and HT-PEMEC) for the production of synthetic fuels like hydrogen, methane, methanol and DME. Finally, research in the development of materials and systems for energy storage (such as storage of ammonia in salts and hydrogen in hydrides) takes place. This electrolysis will be used for future conversion of windmill electricity into hydrogen and oxygen. Furthermore, electrolysis combined with biogas can produce methane - in this way sustainable energy is converted into e.g. methane, methanol and synthetic gasoline. DTU Energy offers a number of university courses (also in English) in the areas of hydrogen, fuel cells and electrochemistry.

DTU Department of Energy Conversion and Storage Frederiksborgvej 399 P.O. Box 49 4000 Roskilde

+45 46 77 58 00 www.ecs.dtu.dk

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DTU PHYSICS Department of Physics has substantial activities within the area of sustainable energy conversion and storage through the two sections: Experimental Surface Science and Nanomaterials Physics, CINF, (see www.CINF.DTU.DK) and Theoretical Atomic Scale Materials design, CAMd, (www.CAMd.DTU. DK). CINF: The research at CINF is focused on experimental activities such as surface science and nanoparticle functionality with the aim of developing new and more efficient catalysts for sustainable energy harvesting and conversion. The primary aim is to establish a close correlation between structure and catalytic activity and to capitalize on this insight for developing better catalysts for electrochemical conversion of hydrogen whether it is fuel cells or regenerative fuel cells. These skills are utilized for making “Solar Fuels� where CO2 or N2 is hydrogenated, either conventionally or electrochemically, into higher energy density fuels such as methanol, methane, hydrocarbons or ammonia.

DTU Departmen of Physics

CAMd: CAMd is in many ways the theoretical counterpart to CINF, since they share many goals and objectives, although the approach in CAMd is entirely theoretically. The research includes setting up atomic scale simulations and calculating the electronic structure. By doing so it is possible to evaluate and compare different reaction pathways and to design surfaces with optimal catalytic properties.

+45 45 25 31 70 www.fysik.dtu.dk

Fysikvej DTU - Building 312 2800 Kongens Lyngby

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DTU MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING DTU Management Engineering contributes actively to the development of management tools and optimisation of processes by using and re-thinking theoretical engineering perspectives, models and methods. Main DTU research areas related to hydrogen are: energy, energy systems, production and management, work environment, entrepreneurship, innovation and product development, life cycle analysis, operations analysis and systems analysis. Research groups: • Energy Systems Analysis (Systems Analysis) • Quantitative Sustainability Assessment • Design Engineering and Innovation (Technology and Innovation Management) • Risk Research Group (Production and Service Management)

DTU Department of Management Engineering Produktionstorvet DTU – Building 424 2800 Kgs. Lyngby

+45 45 25 48 00 www.man.dtu.dk

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ELECTROCHAEA Electrochaea has developed a commercially viable and disruptive solution for utility-scale energy storage, grid balancing, and carbon reuse. Electrochaea’s proprietary process converts low-cost and stranded electricity and carbon dioxide into pipeline-grade renewable gas for direct injection into the existing natural gas grid, a conversion process known as “power-to-gas”. The core of Electrochaea’s power-to-gas system is a selectively evolved microorganism – a methanogenic archaea – that excels through unprecedented catalytic ability and industrial robustness. The technical advantages of this biocatalyst enable the patented BioCat methanation technology to operate at lower capital and operating costs and with greater flexibility than conventional thermochemical methanation processes. Electrochaea GmbH is a dynamic early stage company with headquarters, engineering and development teams in Munich, Germany, and a commercial scale demonstration facility in our Danish subsidiary. The first industrial scale pilot plant operates successfully in Denmark.

Electrochaea GmbH

Semmelweisstraße 3 82152 Planegg Tyskland

+49 89 32 49 36 734 info@electrochaea.com www.electrochaea.com

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ENERGY CITY SKIVE Energibyen Skive is a team under the technical administration in the municipality of Skive. The team is exclusively concerned with instituting initiatives within the field of climate and energy. Energibyen Skive collaborates with several different internal and external partners in projects with a focus on energy savings and the utilization of fossil free fuels in the municipality of Skive. In the GreenLab Skive project a P2G-system (Power to Gas) will be the focal point of conversion of waste electricity to gas through a production of hydrogen by electrolysis and linkage with CO2 from biogas. In addition to the P2G plant, companies in renewable energy can establish themselves in a professional business park with focus on green energy, so a dynamic research, development and demonstration environment will occur under the name GreenLab Skive. This wil benefit companies, universities and Skive Municipality.

EnergyCity Skive RĂĽdhuspladsen 2 7800 Skive

+45 99 15 63 65 Energibyen@skivekommune.dk

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ENERGY FUND SKIVE Energifonden Skive is a business foundation, which goal is to expand the general knowledge about climate, energy and environmental issues in the municipality of Skive, thereby establishing the municiplity of Skive as Denmark’s ’Green Tech Valley’ for new and existing companies. • The foundation will create guidelines and grow strategies for local companies active in the fields of green technology and sustainability. • The foundation will support the identification and implementation of energy effective initiatives for existing companies. • The foundations will economically support new, innovative initiatives and will participate in new projects. The foundation is the driving force behind GreenLab Skive Business Park.

EnergyFund Skive Torvegade 10 7800 Skive

+45 21 79 07 99 info@greenlabskive.dk

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EWII FUEL CELLS EWII Fuel Cells A/S is a high technology company devoted to research, development and production of fuel cell technology – in favour of the environment. Through strong competencies within electrochemistry, chemistry and material science along with electronic and mechanical engineering, EWII Fuel Cells has transformed ideas and patents – developed over more than 10 years – to commercially viable fuel cell products. In cooperation with international research groups, strategic partners and customers, efforts made have led to leading technology and products within Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) technology and Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) technology.

Ewii Fuel Cells A/S

Emil Neckelmannsvej 15 A & B 5220 Odense SØ +45 63 63 30 00 infofc@ewii.com www.ewiifuelcells.com

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GAS STORAGE DENMARK Gas Storage Denmark develops new products in dialogue with consumers and the market, and by using foreign countries and other sectors as inspiration. Gas Storage Denmark works to secure: • A functioning gas-market in Denmark, where competitive products can be developed in dialogue with consumers. • An open and transparent market for storage-service. • Optimal safety for supplies. The firm has 25 employees that work with the facilities in Stenlille and Lille Torup.

Gas Storage Denmark Pederstrupvej 76 2750 Ballerup

+45 70 10 22 44 www.gasstorage.dk

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GREENHYDROGEN.DK Greenhydrogen.dk ApS was founded in 2007 and produces electrolysis-systems for the making of hydrogen and has competences within development and production of complete systems, where our philosophy is to deliver solutions that maintains the customer’s specific needs. We focus on development and production of standardized electrolysis facilities. Module build systems assures an optimized facility with high efficiency, running assurance and simple installation, maintenance and service. The electrolysis systems from Greenhydrogen.dk is driven by electricity grid, however the possibility to be driven by fuel from alternative energy sources, like solar cells or wind mills from systems not connected to the electricity-network, is also there – as long as the production can be 100% green hydrogen.


Platinvej 29B 6000 Kolding

+45 41 21 35 89 nab@greenhydrogen.dk www.greenhydrogen.dk

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HMN GASNET HMN GasNet P/S is the largest gas supplier in Denmark. The construct, operate and maintain the grid that distributes gas to a great number of Danish consumers. Biogas plants are connected to the GasNet grid in their geographical supply-areas contributing to the continuing increase in green gas usage by Danish consumers. HMN Gasnet P/S is a subsidiary of HMN Naturgas I/S under the HMN Group, along with HMN Biogas ApS and HMN Gastankstationer ApS.

HMN GasNet P/S

Gladsaxe Ringvej 11 2860 Søborg Vognmagervej 14 8800 Viborg

+45 62 25 90 00 kundeservice@gasnet.dk www.gasnet.dk

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HYDROGEN VALLEY Hydrogen Valley is a knowledge and business center, that attracts investments and accumulates knowledge, growth and jobs within the field of hydrogen and biogas as a part of the green transition of the Danish energy system. Hydrogen Valley does this in close cooperation with companies, organizations, universities and public authorities. Hydrogen Valley is a partner in the HyBalance-project, a European initiative which amongst others was the driving force behind the opening of Denmark’s first hydrogen factory in the city of Hobro in 2018. Hydrogen Valley is one of the founding partners of House of Energy, which is a cluster for sustainable energy technologies and production in the Northern region of Denmark. House of Energy connects businesses with knowledge institutions and is a strong platform that gives members access to energy skills and resources. Hydrogen Valley is located in the business park CEMTEC in the municipality of Mariagerfjord and is financed by Region Nordjylland and Mariafjord Kommune.

Hydrogen Valley CEMTEC Majsmarken 1 9500 Hobro

+45 96 40 15 00 lars@hydrogenvalley.dk www.hydrogenvalley.dk

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HYUNDAI Hyundai is the world’s 5th biggest car producer and has a clear ambition of becoming the leading car producer when it comes to design, new technology and green mobility. A new design center in Europe is one of the results of these ambitions. However, Hyundai also aims to be leading with regards to green technology - and not just on an experimental basis. A good example of this is the Hyundai ix35 Fuel Cell, which is the world’s first hydrogen car to be batch produced. It looks like a regular SUV, drives like a regular SUV, but only emits water.

Hyundai Car Import A/S Korsvej 1 6000 Kolding


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ITM POWER ITM Power produces and develops dynamic PEM-electrolysis systems, which produces hydrogen under high pressure, and which meets the demands for net balancing of fluctuating and sustaining energy sources. Furthermore, they deliver integrated hydrogen fuel cell stations with electrolysis on sight for refueling of fuel cell cars, busses and other vehicles. ITM Power PLC was noted on the AIM-market of London Stock Exchange in 2005 and received £4.9 mio. as strategic investment from the entrepreneur-machine producer JCB in 2015. The electrolysis systems are delivered to both the sector of transport as well as Power2Gas-market in several countries, here amongst Great Britain, Germany and The United States. Furthermore, a network of integrated fuel cell stations in Great Britain is owned and run by ITM Power. ITM Power signed a cooperation agreement with Shel in Great Britain in 2015, for the placing of hydrogen fuel cell stations and has signed further arrangements amongst others, such as Toyota, Hyundai, Europcar and Anglo American, regarding refueling of hydrogen at ITM’s stations. ITM Power is a partner in several Fuel Cell Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) projects, amongst HyFIVE, H2ME and H2ME2, and has extensive experience in placement- and building permits, as well as building, running and maintenance of hydrogen facilities.

ITM Power 22 Atlas Way Sheffield S4 7QQ Storbritannien

+ 44 114 244 511 info@itm-power.com www.itm-power.com

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LOKE Lolland Energy Holding A/S, called LOKE, is a holding company, which proposes financial solutions for renewable energy projects and intelligent energy solutions. LOKE is owned by the municipality of Lolland and acts in accordance to the high Danish ambitions regarding sustainability through new solutions within energy and environment set forward by the politicians. LOKE has developed a concept called CTF (Community Testing Facilities). Based on triple helix constellations, universities and private companies are involved in implementing new technology in our society and our plants and grids, covering electrical distribution, wastewater, drinking water and central heating. Lolland produces five times as much green electricity – mainly from windmills - as the island can consume. Therefore, it is essential that hydrogen technology can help in balancing the grid by contributing to smart grid solutions.

Loke Energy Holding A/S Jernbanegade 7 4930 Maribo

+45 54 67 68 59 www.loke-holding.dk

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NEL HYDROGEN Nel Hydrogen is the leading producer within H2Station® fuel cell stations, which gives fuel cell cars the same fast refueling process and range as conventional cars. Nel Hydrogen has since 2003 invested in the development of H2Station®, and the technology is now marketed to markets where bigger networks of fuel cell station is being established. Nel Hydrogen is noted on Oslo Børs under NEL ASA. Nel Hydrogen is the leading producer of hydrogen technology for industry and energy purposes with more than 500 deliveries in more than 50 countries.

Nel Hydrogen A/S Industriparken 34 7400 Herning

Tlf: + 45 96 27 56 00 info@nelhydrogen.dk www.nelhydrogen.com

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SERENERGY SerEnergy is a developer and manufacturer of reformed methanol fuel cell solutions. With their experience of more than a decade and the highest numbers of deployed units, SerEnergy is among the leaders of the world in their field. The reformed methanol solutions have a variety of applications: stationary power generation, mobility and marine. With a dedication to sustainability and a focus on developing solutions that will help overcome the vulnerabilities inherent in an energy system based on renewable sources, SerEnergy continues to supply the world with first-class technologies. SerEnergy is owned by German Fischer Group, which since its founding in 1969 has grown to an international group of companies with sites in eight countries, 20 subsidiaries and about 2,000 employees.

Serenergy A/S Lyngvej 8 9000 Aalborg

+45 88 80 70 40 info@serenergy.dk www.serenergy.com

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STRANDMØLLEN As supplier of industry gasses in 100 years, it is a natural step for Strandmolen towards a future, where sustainable hydrogen in transport is widely used. Strandmollen runs Denmarks only industrial electrolysis set in hydrogen production. The electrolysis set is stable and secure, which combined with Strandmollens high expertise means, that we can deliver an extremely cost-efficient product. The set can fill 300 bars bottles and batteries. This is unique, since it means a double up on hydrogen pr. delivery. Danish Hydrogen Fuel A/S Strandmollen A/S, energy company OK and technology company Nel Hydrogen Solutions A/S formed a partnership in 2015 and created the firm DHF (Danish Hydrogen Fuel). The purpose was to, in co-operation, establish hydrogen fuel cell stations. The company have now established 4 stations: In Korsør, Aarhus, Kolding and Esbjerg. The fuel cell stations use, amongst other, Strandmollens unique 300 bar XL-batteries. In the beginning of the hydrogen refueling process, which we are in now, this is both cost-efficient and effective. However, the fuel cell stations are prepared for an addition in form of a trailer, that will connect with the set, which contains approximately 1000 refuels. This will be necessary when more fuel cell cars will fill up the streets. Knowledge on consumption A part of the progress for Strandmollen during the past years have, amongst other, been the fact, that we study our customers consumption patterns. With our system SOS, and GSM- and web based surveillance system, both we and our customers can control the consumption. By measuring and surveying, it is possible for us to secure the supply of hydrogen. By knowing our customers patterns, we can improve the competition on hydrogen for the future. Strandmollen A/S Strandmollen is Danmarks only 100 procent Danish gas company. We were funded over 100 years ago and has since then, produced and marketed gasses to all industries. Since 1967, Strandmollen, has been a fund-owned company. This means, that the company has a solid, long-termed and economically strong owner.

Strandmøllen A/S Strandvejen 895 2930 Klampenborg

+45 70 10 21 07 kundeservice@strandmollen.dk www.strandmollen.dk

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UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN DENMARK Through its research, innovation and study programmes the department will contribute with solutions to global social and environmental problems. We will help create growth and prosperity through technically sound engineering solutions that integrate other disciplines. The department will be a gateway for lifelong learning for employees, students, and project and network partners. By means of various forms of cooperation such as internships, student projects, networking and research projects with the industry and other public research institutions, there is a constant exchange of experience and knowledge which ensures that all parties have access to the latest and most relevant knowledge. Research Areas • Chemical process engineering • Functional materials and fuel cells • Biomass technology • Processing of vegetable raw materials for food, feed and natural medicine • System analysis and environmentally efficient technology • Biosystems technology

Department of Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology and Environmental Technology, SDU Campusvej 55 5230 Odense M

+45 65 50 91 86 www.sdu.dk

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TOYOTA Toyota is amongst the world’s largest car manufactures with remarkable success in being represented in Denmark since 1963. This is mirrored by being of the most driven cars on the Danish roads. The road to success can be divided into three parts – focus on quality, focus on client satisfaction and by having the absolute right dealers and employees. Mirai is Japanese for future The fuel cell car Toyota Mirai, meaning future in Japanese, is a revolutionary car, with a minimal effect on our climate and environment – and with a huge impression on everybody, with an interest in cars and technology. Are you ready to meet the fuel cell car, that brings the future to the present? Toyota relies actively on hydrogen as a propellant, and with its well-developed hydrogen infrastructure and attractive taxes, Denmark was in 2015 chosen to be one of the first countries in the world to introduce the unique fuel cell car, Mirai. The car and technology mark the beginning of a new era, where we won’t have to give up on the perks and comfort of hybrid-, petrol- and diesel cars, by choosing to drive a fuel cell car, which is completely emission free during the drive and only emits water. The environmental drive is combined with the all the comfort and joy, that can be expected by todays car. Mirai has lots to offer: notable design and inspiring joy by driving, thanks to the direct steering and low point of gravity. Hereto comes a stylish – and powerfull – acceleration from the electric engine.

Toyota Danmark A/S Dynamovej 10 2860 Søborg

+45 44 85 04 00 toyota@toyota.dk www.toyota.dk

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