BNE Magazine 2017 Special Edition - Chinese

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旅行指南 布里斯班和周边地区 最佳地点 | 全新体验


46 给心灵旅行者的推荐 52 奢华享受 56 购物 给予的艺术 58 给家庭的推荐

52 04 布里斯班 ,下一个世界城

20 土著地区

06 布里斯班机场

24 圣灵海岸

昆士兰的最佳地区 08 黄金海岸

28 大堡礁

12 阳光海岸 16 南昆士兰乡村 18 昆士兰内陆

42 给探险者的推荐

BNE Special Edition 2017 is published by Brisbane Airport Corporation. Brisbane Airport Corporation Media and Corporate Communications Manager: Leonie Vandeven Designer: Kate Guy, Kage Creative

Contributors: Nelson Hall, Kerry Heaney, Wendy Hughes, Natascha Mirosch, Shelley Thomas, Tonya Turner, Geoff Stead. Cover photography: Eric Wang. Model: Anna Pembroke, Viviens; Hair and makeup: Christian Alexander, Arc Creative. Location: Streets Beach, South Bank, Brisbane.


必游城市|悉尼|爱丽斯泉和乌鲁鲁 墨尔本|霍巴特

64 通往南太平洋 斐济|所罗门群岛|瓦努阿图 新喀里多尼亚岛|萨摩亚群岛

66 可直接从布里斯班机场 到达的目的地

32 昆士兰活动日历 布里斯班最佳 37 给商务旅行者的推荐

Managing Editor: Heather McWhinnie

62 通往澳大利亚

24 ©2017 Brisbane Airport Corporation. The contents of this publication are not for reproduction, redistribution or reuse by any means whatsoever or in any form whatsoever without express permission of the publisher.. The publication of any material or editorial does not necessarily constitute endorsement of views or opinions expressed. While every effort is made to avoid errors, some information contained in the publication may be superceded.



下一个世界城 布里斯班是一个年轻的、充满活力的个性化城市,是一个蓬勃发展的 多元文化中心,拥有世界一流的设施,同时也吸引了大量的游客 布里斯班的现代历史从 19 世纪 20 年代开始,是一个年轻又充满活力的城市。布里斯班是 昆士兰州的首府城市,人口超过 230 万。众所周知的是该城市拥有比其他澳大利亚首府城 市都多的晴天,然而最近该城市又被孤独星球杂志誉为一个蓬勃发展的多元文化中心,因 其“受全球启发的咖啡馆和餐馆,极好的咖啡,一个前卫的艺术广场和脉动的夜生活” 而 获此殊荣。另外,该城市对于国际游客的友好接待也受到了高度赞扬,包含旅行咨询和 访客信息的城市标杆报告广受好评,同时世界最快机场到市区的便捷交通也受到赞誉。 在机场和市中心,游客可以得到熟悉好几种语言的导游的帮助。例如,布里斯班迎宾员 Brisbane Greeters 提供免费服务,包括当地人带领的多语种城市游,外语指示牌,这些都 帮助国际游客轻松游览机场和城市。

布里斯班的美好曾不被人所知,现在却已经 被创纪录数量的国际游客所发现。这是一个 在布里斯班河两岸升起的世界性商业中心, 距离摩顿湾休闲运动场仅 15 公里,那里被许 多岛屿点缀,就像圣灵海岸一样美丽。在市中 心的南岸有世界级的文化场所,这里的剧院和 美术馆曾举办许多独家演出和展览,同时大家

布里斯班是澳大利亚 最靠近亚洲的首府城市

如果一个城市经济繁荣的标志是由该城市的天际线高楼数量 决定的,那么布里斯班肯定是繁荣兴旺发展的。自从作为 2014 年20 国集团(G20)领导人峰会主办城市以来,这里 的厨师来这里开创新的咖啡馆和餐馆。城市人口 便赢得了作为澳大利亚下一个世界级城市的荣誉,布里斯班 的平均年龄是 35 岁,这让这个城市充满了活力 还有许多前所未有的新开发项目,这正符合布里斯班是一个 不断发展城市的称号。 和青春。在市中心和周边地区,有许多活动可供 据估计,有超过130 亿美元的基础设施项目正在建设,而 游玩,从街道集市淘货,在当地节日中放松,去 布里斯班市的地方管理机构却想的更远。他们决心给布里斯 自然公园探索,在小道和野生动物保护区散步, 班建造一个地铁系统,这将提供一个穿过市中心的快速而 频繁的交通链。 或者在城市核心区购买名牌等。从布里斯班去探索 与此同时,全球跨国公司正在轮流计划开发一些重大一 其它澳大利亚和昆士兰的地方也很方便。 级项目,包括娱乐巨头 AEG,该公司通过其子公司AEG Ogden,提出修建20亿澳元的娱乐购物区,地址在市中 心的罗马街火车线路区域,利用公共交通设施使它更方 便布里斯班市民前往。台湾的 Shayher 集团正在中央商 务区建设布里斯班街区,将与澳大利亚首家W酒店形成 一体,将覆盖整个街区,该集团还将与 Star 娱乐集团, 远东财团和周大福集团联手开发布里斯班河的皇后码头 项目,将包括五家新的国际级别酒店,其中包括一家豪 华丽兹旅馆和第一阶段的综合度假胜地设施,预计将在 2022 年开放。 到 2031 年,这些需求和建设预计会将当地的经济从 1460 亿澳元增加到 2170 亿澳元,到那时,该城市就 会变成澳大利亚一个至关重要的商业中心,会增加其 科学创新、技术、高等教育、创意产业和大型会展活 布里斯班已经赢得了很多赞誉,被称为“澳大利亚最 动市场的影响力。 潮之城”(孤独星球杂志)和世界上十大最美丽的城 市(Rough Guides 杂志),这有助于近年来吸引游客 的稳步增长,去年国际游客在这个城市创出了超过 50 亿澳元的消费记录。这样的增长还没有丝毫放缓的迹 象,预计在接下来的10 年,到布里斯班旅游的国际旅 客将每年增加至少5%。 当地人也热衷旅行,布里斯班的机场数据显示,在过 去的五年里,出发旅行的人数也稳步增长,年均增长率 为 6%,这是由新的直飞航班,升级更新的飞机和更多新 航空公司的到来共同推动的。去年,超过 280 万名的居 民通过布里斯班的国际候机楼出发去旅游。 布里斯班几乎位于从澳大利亚大陆南端到澳大利亚东海 岸的热带北昆士兰的正之间,这是旅行者去其它目的地的 最佳中转站,包括昆士兰州的黄金海岸 (60 分钟车程) , 大堡礁(两个小时飞行时间), 还有其它澳大利亚重要旅 游城市,包括悉尼(飞行时间 90 分钟),澳大利亚中部 的乌鲁鲁(飞行时间4小时 30 分钟),还包括田园诗般的 南太平洋岛屿包括新喀里多尼亚、所罗门群岛和斐济(不 到3个小时的飞行时间)。 对美食的渴望吸引了来自澳大利亚和海外顶尖

布里斯班机场 进入新时代 布里斯班机场作为多项全球知名奖项的获得者 ,最近不 仅被评为澳大利亚/太平洋地区最好的机场 ,甚至可以称 得上是世界上最好的机场。在经过行业高官和全球乘客为 期一年的投票后 , 该机场在世界旅游大奖中获得澳大利 亚龙头机场的美誉。同时 ,国际上知名的航空旅游评分 机构 Skytrax 在 2017 世界机场颁奖礼上授予布里斯班机 场“最佳机场”以及“澳大利亚/太平洋地区最佳机场工 作人员”奖项。该机场在 Skytrax 的世界最佳机场排行榜 上排名第四位(服务 2-3 千万乘客),并且在世界百家机 场排行榜上一跃升至17位,而悉尼与墨尔本机场却未能 进入前二十。 该奖项对于这个机场来说是一个及时的认可。布里斯 班机场预计到 2034 年的客流量将比当前的二倍还多 ,

布里斯班机场国际航站楼已完成一项 4500 万澳元的重建工作,并由其十分有创意的 设计赢得了奖项。 于是机场便斥资 38 亿澳元来更新基础设施项目以应对 不断增长的乘客数量。现已完成一项 4500 万澳元的国 际航站楼重建工作 ,并由其十分有创意的设计赢得了奖 项。该重建工作自航站楼计划开启以来便野心勃勃 ,布 里斯班机场还做出了一个大胆的决定 ,以打破常规的设 计理念重新构造该航站楼 ,室内空间与室外空间混合的 风格反映了昆士兰的生活 ,同时又为游客提供了高效的 服务和无压力的乘机体验。 新建成的候机大厅包括一个绿色乡村区域 ,在这里有 各种热带植物 ,人们可以进行“野餐”或选择在休闲座 椅上休息 ,这些座椅都由当地的木材制成。酒吧餐馆一 条街提供了高品质的用餐选择,菜式具有当地特色 ,售 部的空间显著增加 ,现可多承纳20家新的商铺和一个巨

为了适应日益增长的旅客数量,布里斯班 机场将在 2020 年建成一个新的平行跑道。

大的免税步行街“迷你商场”,其中包含了国际知名的 香水、手表、首饰和酒类品牌。 新西兰航空、新加坡航空和澳洲航空也对各自的乘客 休息室进行了改造升级 ,开放了一个新的优质服务区 域,为顾客提供上等食物、舒适环境和高科技的体验。 香港环亚网络在澳大利亚的布里斯班机场为现付乘客开 设了第一家独立的乘客休息室。还结合当地生产的有机 护肤品牌 Jasmin 开设了澳大利亚第一个机场 spa。 国家最先进的技术也被引入到旅行体验中,包括数字 离境卡、自动护照扫描和可为手机充电的环保自行车。 布里斯班机场还提供了全澳大利亚最快的无线WiFi以供 快速下载。 机场的国内航站楼也已进行了翻新 ,很多澳大利亚品

你好昆士兰 你好昆士兰


环亚网络在布里斯班机场国际航站楼开设了澳 大利亚第一家独立乘客休息室。 牌进驻零售部门 ,同时一个全新饮食长廊被设计地像 一条食品街市 ,里面有多种美食商店和酒吧,其中包 含很多澳大利亚当地特色食品、啤酒和葡萄酒。航站 楼的设计遵循围板式设计理念 ,各个咖啡馆、酒吧和 餐馆展示出了昆士兰和澳大利亚当地最好的地方特色 产品。 2017 年将在国际航站楼开启新的项目工程 ,包 括一个新的国内地区卫星终端和一个升级的进入控制 点,在航站楼外也有很多扩建项目来提高乘客出行效 率,包括正在更新升级的主跑道和连接滑行道。 然而 ,布里斯班机场正在执行的发展项目中的重头 戏还未进入乘客的视野 ,该计划将于 2020 年完成。 一个新的平行跑道的建立将为日益增长的旅客数量提 供更多的承载量 – 仅在去年,布里斯班机场的乘客便 增加了近五十万 ,随着新航线的落成 ,各项增值服务 开通和飞机更新 ,现在两个航站楼已有将近两千三百 万的乘客。 中国东方航空和加拿大航空开通了最新的直达布里 斯班航线 ,他们分别在上海和温哥华枢纽处提供直航 飞机;澳大利亚航空增加了直飞东京的航线 ,并增加 了到新西兰基督城的航线和新几内亚巴布亚摩尔斯比 港的航线;中国航空和EVA航空均在布里斯班和台北 增加了航线 ,新加坡航空也在自己国家与布里斯班之 间增加了航线。 布里斯班机场可直通 29 个国际目的地,分别由 30 个航空公司提供。在澳大利亚国内,各航空公司提供 连接各州 50 个城市的国内航空网络。 建成后的新跑道将包括一个 3.3km 跑道,超过 12km 的滑行道、导航设备、机场设施和数百公顷的 机场绿化。

Townsville Mt Isa

Whitsunday Coast (Proserpine)

Hamilton Island


Bundaberg Birdsville

Sunshine Coast

BRISBANE BRISBANE Toowoomba Gold Coast

从布里斯班机场可以直接去往28个昆士兰旅游地 从布里斯班机场可以直接去往 28 个昆士兰旅游 从布里斯班机场可以直接去往28个昆士兰旅游地 点,每年有超过1720万游客通过这里去往不同的 地点 ,每年有超过 1720 万游客通过这里去往 点,每年有超过1720万游客通过这里去往不同的 旅游目的地,包括黄金海岸和阳光海岸的冲浪沙 不同的旅游目的地 ,包括黄金海岸和阳光海岸 旅游目的地,包括黄金海岸和阳光海岸的冲浪沙 滩,南昆士兰乡村凉爽的葡萄酒种植地,热带戴 滩,南昆士兰乡村凉爽的葡萄酒种植地,热带戴 的冲浪沙滩 ,南昆士兰乡村凉爽的葡萄酒种植 恩树雨林和大堡礁,还有昆士兰内陆红色沙漠。 恩树雨林和大堡礁,还有昆士兰内陆红色沙漠。 地,热带戴恩树雨林和大堡礁 ,还有昆士兰内 这些或壮观或奇特的地方都值得体验,我们挑选 这些或壮观或奇特的地方都值得体验,我们挑选 陆红色沙漠。这些或壮观或奇特的地方都值得体 了一些在下一页中进行展示。 验 ,我们挑选了一些在下一页中进行展示。


Gold Coast BRISBANE Gold Coast

La Costa Motel

Retro rocks on

Before the high-rises, the Gold Coast was the beach shack capital of Australia and the retro vibe is being revived by a passionate community


he Gold Coast has been a beach playground for Queenslanders and their southern state neighbours since the 1950s when a burgeoning tourism trade gave the coastline strip, 80km south of Brisbane, its name. By the 1960s weatherboard beach shacks were lining the shoreline and La Costa Motel at Bilinga, on the southern end of the Gold Coast, was there in its prime. Current owners Diane and John Cartmill have been able to trace the motel’s origins with the help of piles of Australian Women’s Weekly magazines they found behind the walls during a major renovation five years ago. “The magazines were used for insulation in those days and we found copies dating back to 1957,” says Diane. The Cartmills are born and bred Gold Coast locals who bought the motel after they saw the ‘for sale’ sign by chance. Initially they bought the property as an investment but decided to make it their business five years ago and so the massive renovation began. John and Diane did most of the work themselves (with the occasional help of expert tradies) restoring the beachside veteran to her former glory over a period of almost two years. Hardwood floors were uncovered beneath cracked linoleum, the exterior colour of the motel and the original neon light box for the sign have been retained, even the lettering on the sign is the same. Other features have been added such as white picket fences outside street-front units and vintagestyle bicycles are available for the free use of guests which add to the retro appeal. However, there are some things a modern traveller can’t live without, it seems, and rooms have been remodelled with facilities such as ensuites, air-conditioning (and ceiling fans), flatscreen televisions, espresso coffee pod machines, microwaves, mini bar fridges and complimentary WiFi. Nevertheless, it’s Diane and John’s friendly welcome that keeps guests coming back. They are only too happy to share their local knowledge about cafés and attractions or place ‘emergency rations’ (a microwave dinner and perhaps a wine or beer) in the room for late arrivals. As well as the bicycles to ride along the boardwalk, there are beach fishing rods to borrow and beach towels in the rooms. Some of the guests who stayed at La Costa back in the day still visit and have shared photos and stories of the motel’s colourful past, while their children and grandchildren visit now too, creating a whole new chapter in La Costa’s history. See


Canteen Coffee

Retro chic

The retro motel is just one of the success stories leading to a renaissance of the southern end of the Gold Coast from Mermaid Beach to Coolangatta. Great cafés are also a main attraction and the retro leather seats that once sat in a long-gone theatre are now keeping a busy clientele comfy at Canteen Coffee, a hideaway of industrial retro chic in a lane between James Street and Park Avenue in Burleigh Heads. The décor may look retro rustic but their home blend roast is an award winner and their all-day breakfast-to-lunch menu hints of Middle Eastern flavours. See

VINTAGE GEMS QT Hotel (7 Staghorn Avenue, Surfers Paradise) may be housed in a modern era building but the vibe inside brings back what great family beach holidays were made of. Thongs and sunscreen are provided in a net bag in the room, lolly jars are a temptation in the coffee shop, 1950s-style Acapulco chairs line up in the lobby bar and Bazaar brings back buffet dining in a good way.

Kat Creasey is behind the Gold Coast Design Collective markets

Vintage on show

Meanwhile the vintage markets created by Kat Creasey and her partner Matt Whalley have already outgrown the space they started in at Burleigh Heads and moved to the oval at Coolangatta State School, just behind the famous Kirra surf beach. Now the Gold Coast Design Collective markets host up to 80 stalls as well as street food trucks – many in retro caravans and refitted Kombi vans – and occasionally incorporate classic car shows at their events on the fourth Sunday of each month.

All the stalls showcase hand-made vintage goods, nothing imported and nothing that has appeared at other markets, and there’s always live entertainment. Kat and Matt have invested in a 1950s caravan now repurposed as a stage for bands which they pull up to every market (in their 1970s Ford F Truck) and unload retro umbrellas and chairs for their weekend audience. The Design Collective markets have become so popular that Kat and Matt are often asked to host pop-up events up and down the coast as the retro-themed festivals and fairs are proving to be a magnet for visitors from all over. See goldcoastdesigncollective/ The biggest nostalgia festival in Australia takes place in Coolangatta and Tweed Heads each year (7-11 June in 2017) where more than 100,000 people flock to Cooly Rocks On. The festival celebrates all things ’50s and ’60s and some of the hundreds of restored classic cars on display date back as far as the 1920s. See

Hire a Kombi

Image: Tourism and Events Queensland

Paul Ryan, too, has turned his passion for restoring Kombi vans into a business and instead of parting with his beloved vehicles he now rents them out at Hireadub for others to enjoy a retro experience on the road. The 1970s-era Kombi’s are kitted out as a campervan with the basics for a camping holiday, including esky, tent and shade tent, folding table and chairs, available for pick-up from Beenleigh, halfway between Brisbane and the Gold Coast, ready for an ultimate retro road trip. See

The Gold Coast is approximately 80-100km from Brisbane CBD, about a one hour drive along the M1 motorway. Find out more about the Gold Coast at

Alfred’s Apartment (2389 Gold Coast Highway, Mermaid Beach) does not offer accommodation but it will entice visitors to stay a while. Three brothers teamed up to create this unique space which combines a street food diner, barber shop and quality menswear fashion in a shop that pays homage to the 1960s with original photography on raw brick walls, hand painted signage and an old-time record player. Arkive Vintage (Shop 43, Centre Arcade, 3131 Surfers Paradise Boulevard, Surfers Paradise) stocks a collection of original vintage clothing for men and women from the 1930s to the 1990s, hand-picked from sources in the UK, Europe and USA. Accessories and homewares are also chosen for their retro appeal. The Village Markets at Burleigh Heads State School oval (1750 Gold Coast Highway) is not all about vintage but there is a bohemian vibe to the showcase of local designers and artisans, and live music that entertains on the first and third Sunday mornings of each month. Vintage Espresso (1/43 Alfred Street, Mermaid Beach) has brought a homely feel to its bright beachside location with furniture that looks like it came from granny’s flat, but the menu is thoroughly modern with sautéd kale served with bacon and egg, salted caramelised banana and ice cream on French Toast and a homemade Bircher muesli among the favourites. Studio Fascino at Burleigh Heads is

where photographer Megan Rizzo masterminds portraits that are a work of art with props and styling authentically co-ordinated to recreate the vintage glamour of a bygone era. Sets are tailored to each individual.

- Shelley Thomas

黄金海岸 布里斯班



拥有州最先进场地设施的黄金海岸, 已经准备就绪迎接 2018 年英联邦运动会

在黄金海岸 ,每年平均有 287 天阳光普照 ,它有着 50 千米的冲浪 海滩、260 千米的划船水道和 20000 公顷的公用场地 ,而且从布里 斯班驾车或乘火车只需一个小时 ,所以它理所当然是澳大利亚最受 欢迎的度假胜地之一 ,每年吸引着1200万游客来一览它的风采。 这是一个能让你充分享受健康户外生活方式的城市 ,每天都有人 在海滩上散步、在河流中划艇、在岸边骑自行车。黄金海岸每年都会 承办世界级体育赛事,包括马拉松、赛车、PGA高尔夫锦标赛、经典 冲浪锦标赛和山地自行车锦标赛 ,现正为举办2018年英联邦运动会 进行筹备。 昆士兰现已投资约20亿美元用于承办 2018 年英联邦运动会 ,在 2018年4月4日至15日这11天里 ,70个英联邦国家及地区之间将展 开19项体育运动竞赛。一些十分有亮点的场馆已准备就绪 ,均按世 界标准建立。例如 ,Oxenford(位于电影世界主题公园)乡村路演 工作室的 Sound Stage Nine,它通常是作为大型电影制作现场 ,但 将来它会成为乒乓球、壁球和拳击比赛的竞赛场馆,还有世界上的最 佳冲浪之地——Coolangatta 海滩将会第一次作为英联邦运动会沙滩 排球锦标赛的比赛场地。 一些新场地现已投入使用 ,包括重新修建的位于 Broadwater 的 黄金海岸水上中心、Carrara 的全新 KDV 体育中心(拥有高规格网 球场 , 高尔夫练球场 ,健身中心和各种适合全家人的运动设施 ) 和Coomera室内运动中心(英联邦运动会期间将作为体操比赛和篮网 球决赛场馆),为当地人和游客提供便利。 随着 2018 年 4 月 4 日(星期三) 英联邦运动会开幕式的不断临 近,相关方面已投入数百万资金进行开发 ,从而让游客们在运动会 结束后继续享受黄金海岸的美好。 运动员村(如上图)的投入资金为两亿六千四百万澳元 ,建于 01. 冲浪者天堂海滩

Images 01-03: Tourism and Events Queensland

02. 2018黄金海岸英联邦运动会吉祥物Borobi

03. 沙滩排球


令人兴奋的周末 丢掉沙滩巾和游泳池边的鸡尾酒, 来黄金海岸感受更刺激的体验吧

04. 运动员村


Words: Geoff Stead and Heather McWhinnie

Parklands ,运动会结束后这里将成为全 新的住宅和商业社区 ,其中的公寓和联排 别墅可供出租或购买。这个新开发的区域 有望成为黄金海岸医院和格里菲斯大学之 间的健康知识中心 ,其与布里斯班和冲浪 者天堂之间交通方便 ,到 2018 年,三地 之间的轻轨路线将从 Helensvale 延伸到 Broadbeach。 在 Broadwater,STAR 娱乐投资三亿四 千五百万澳元的火星酒店和赌场扩展项目 将会在运动会开幕之前完工 ,届时将建成 一座高200米、有700个房间的酒店和一座 公寓大楼。这仅仅是总投资为八亿五千万 的大计划的开端 ,运动会结束后将建成更 多高楼。 位于火星酒店对面的太平洋购物 中心已于去年完成了其六亿七千万 澳元的重建计划,吸引了包括 Louis Vuitton、Gucci、Michael Kors、Salvatore Ferragamo、Furla、Bulgari、Prada 和 Christian Louboutin等多家奢侈品零售商 前来入驻。如今 ,购物者们可以在绿意盈 盈、水波荡漾的度假村进行休息 ,可以在 躺椅上小憩一会 ,也可以在餐馆享受饕餮 大 ,或是在营业至深夜的酒吧里小酌一 杯。 与此同时 ,现有的酒店也升级了用餐选 择并添置了新餐饮体验。如,Watermark 酒店新开了 Clifford 烧烤·酒吧(以十九世 纪的冠军桨手 Thomas Clifford 命名), 皇冠假日酒店升级了 SiFu (六星级亚洲体 验,新开了 Balthazar 餐厅提供极致餐饮体 验,食客们可以在由玻璃和六百瓶美酒环 绕的共享桌上享用美食。 若想了解更多信息 ,请访问 和

黄金海岸距离布里斯班市中心约 80 至100 公里,沿M1高速公路驾车约 花一小时。了解有关黄金海岸的更 多信息

来到黄金海岸 ,不用跳飞机你就能拥有高空自由落体的感觉。冲浪者天堂中央的黄 金海岸IFly玻璃厅里能产生 280 千米的风力 ,让你在空中自由翱翔。你只需要穿好装 备,了解一下专业的飞行简介并在专业教练的指导下踏入气流飞翔即可。这里的飞行 相当于 4000 多米(14000 英尺)高的自由落体跳伞 ,如果是第一次来你可以在 90 分钟里享受两次飞行体验。 你还可以顺便去 4217 感受 Paradox 咖啡烘焙(冲浪者天堂海滩路10号)吃一顿 丰盛的午餐,来一杯香醇的咖啡 ,但一切并没有结束。漫步到 Q1——黄金海岸最高 的建筑 ,再一次穿上装备 ,来一次令人紧张激动的露天甲板攀登吧——是的 ,让你 耳朵嗡嗡直响的高速电梯根本不算什么 , Skypoint 攀爬是在距离地面270米的观景台 外。从海滩到内陆的360度景观足以让你叹为观止,完成这个项目所需的时间约为90 分钟。 辗转回到街头 ,晚饭之前你还可以再来一次冒险体验。在冲浪者天堂站搭上 轻轨去Southport站 ,下车之后过个马路就是世界首个全息影像游戏中心—— Holoverse(Nerang街59号)。在这里,各个年龄的孩子们都可以在游猎中挥着剑与 恐龙搏斗或者躲避乱窜的大象。Holoverse共有40个不同的虚拟现实房间 ,你可以根 据兴趣任选一个进行探索。 坐轻轨原路返回几站 ,然后去冲浪者天堂新开的最新高层公寓之一——Rhapsody 酒店住宿吧 ,从主海滩和冲浪中心过去只需几分钟。小憩一会之后 ,你可以步行去 QT Bazaar享用一顿前所未有的最佳自助晚餐。

第二天 你可以去 Spit 的 Get Wet 冲浪学校(位于Seaworld Drive的尽头)上一节冲浪课 , 他们可以提供冲浪者天堂附近住宿的免费接送服务。那里的小组课程旨在让你能在第一 个海浪或第二个海浪过后成功站在冲浪板上 ,这也会增强你对接下来蟹肉三明治的食 欲——这正是那附近 Seaway 餐厅的特色午餐。 现在你准备好在 Broadwater 主海滩(位于Waterways Drive )的喷气机大冒险释放 你心中的 James Bond 了吗 !喷气发动机的力量能让你从海面上向空中上升数米 ,但 是你要做好落水的准备 ,因为掌握窍门还是有一定难度的。在真正体验之前 ,导师将 通过在地面教你几个炫酷动作来引导你完成挑战。 体验过这些惊险刺激的项目之后 ,你可以回到 Rhapsody 倒上一杯酒 ,在阳台上品 着酒看着夕阳在海滩尽头落下。 请访问 和 www.queensland.com了解更多详细信息。 BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | 11.

Sunshine Coast Sunshine Coast


There’s Something About

Mary Valley

It’s the Sunshine Coast’s little secret but the magic of the Mary Valley is slowly being revealed, writes Shelley Thomas


t’s a bit of a conundrum really, says Ian Harling in a hushed whisper, pausing to inhale the dawn mist as it rises in tendrils, like magician’s smoke, off Yabba Creek. It’s so mesmerizingly beautiful that even the sun holds its breath. “This is the best place in the world; so beautiful and quiet that you almost don’t want to shout about it too loudly …” Once a travelling nomad who now runs adventure tours in the picturesque Mary Valley township of Imbil, Harling is the first to appreciate the irony. He wants to share the magic of this hidden gem inland from the Sunshine Coast – his family’s livelihood depends on it – but only if it’s in a sustainable, organic way. Like so many others, the one-time plumber stumbled upon the Mary Valley, fell in love with the place and stayed – for 13 years and counting; the longest he’s lived anywhere apart from Surrey, England, where he grew up. 12. | BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017

It’s a similar story for Tanya and Tony Fisher, who moved to Imbil from Melbourne, building their dream home and B&B, Melawondi Spring Retreat, set on 12 hectares of secluded bushland. It’s a B&B that leans more towards luxury retreat than bush cabin, with a ‘Luxury Studio’ complete with freestanding double spa and breakfast with all the trimmings: home-baked bread, muffins, wood-smoked bacon and local free range eggs, yoghurt and jams. Like Harling, the Fishers’ philosophy is simple: do what you love and you’ll never ‘work’ another day in your life; it’s a sentiment echoed at every turn in Imbil, in the excited chatter of locals at the general store, strangers exchanging greetings on the street, or drivers honking their car horns in celebration, not road rage. Back on Yabba Creek, enveloped in a stillness broken only by morning birdsong, Harling’s kayak tour continues largely in silence – itself a welcome break from the daily rattle and hum. On one side of the bank sits a glorious old Queenslander – a beautifully restored 1920s farmhouse moved from Brisbane to its now location by owners Jim and Sue Thrower who offer it to holiday seekers as Imbil Bridge Farm. All rooms come with a knockout view. As Jim says: “There aren’t too many other places you can sit on the veranda and sip

chardonnay and see platypuses playing.” Holidaymakers are still slumbering in the grand old home as we pass and a smile dances across Harling’s face. He points to the water and

There aren’t too many other places you can sit on the veranda and sip chardonnay and watch platypuses playing it becomes apparently clear why he’s been talking in a hushed whisper. There, just as Jim might have predicted and literally within arm’s reach,


Images: Tourism and Events Queensland


the most peculiar of all Aussie icons cuts a wake in front of my kayak, resplendent with duck-bill and beaver tail. Within five minutes of launching from Imbil Bridge, in the middle of town – the first stop for James Nash who discovered gold in the Gympie region in 1867 and started the gold rush that saved Queensland from bankruptcy – we’ve paddled with four platypuses, including one that plops up almost touching my kayak. Now, that’s ‘gold’! It never ceases to impress guests on his Ride on Mary Kayak and Bike Bush Adventures who come from as far afield as America, Singapore, the UK, Europe, New Zealand and South Africa and are always blown away when they see platypuses. “Rock wallabies also come down to the creek occasionally for a drink and, on one tour, we saw an echidna on the bank as well as platypuses in the water! Sometimes you even see dingoes. I still get so excited every time I go out on the water.” While platypuses can be spotted all year round, Harling says winter (July to September) is the best time to spot them. Why? It’s their season to find a mate. “They like to cuddle up when it gets cold,” he says. For those wanting to cuddle up or simply get off the grid, Imbil (the jewel of the Mary Valley

and its main ‘business hub’) promises a couples’ getaway or family holiday that won’t leave you wanting. Neighbouring towns are equally welcoming, but Imbil has a vibe that gets under your skin, packed with gourmet cafés, artist studios, a classic country pub and buzzing Sunday markets – all a stone’s throw from a network of state forests and national parks boasting waterfalls, swimming holes, towering hoop pines, sub-tropical rainforest, deep gorges and camp grounds. Just two minutes from Imbil’s town centre, Miranda Downs, owned by local William Greer (also the town’s policeman), features Susquehana Lodge, a fully self-contained cabin designed as a secluded getaway for couples, complete with barbecue facilities and a wide deck to take in the sunset. There’s no check-in. Simply book. Roll up. Unwind. The hardest part is saying 03. goodbye. The property is also perfectly situated close to The Packing Shed, a café with the best coffee in town and delicious home-made chutneys. But for the ultimate escape in the heart of Imbil, look no further than Elsie of Imbil, a modest worker’s cottage turned holiday home that oozes warmth from its overhanging eaves to wide back deck. The pencilled height marks of growing grandchildren are still on the walls, a feature that adds to the ambience of this ‘home away from home’. The marks belong to Brisbane-based sisters Karen Phillips and Donna Dunn, now fully grown. The cottage, built in the early 1900s, was bought by their grandparents, Ted and Elsie Zillmann, in 1945 and remained in the family until the 1990s. The sisters jumped when the property came back on the market in 2012 and lovingly restored it as a

01. Mist over Yabba Creek 02. Melawondi Spring Retreat 03. Yabba Creek 04. That Place in Pomona


family vacation home, also available for holiday rental. In the main bedroom, ‘Pampa’ Ted’s favourite chair takes pride of place, together with a restored antique sewing machine stand that doubles as a bedside table. You can almost smell Grandma Elsie’s signature Russian caramel fudge cooling in the kitchen and the strains of Pampa Ted playing his accordion. “What makes us the happiest is that everyone who stays at Elsie of Imbil tells us they feel like they’re staying in a warm and loving home,” says Phillips. “Our Grandma would love that.”

Imbil is about 160km north of Brisbane, about two hours drive. For more information about the Sunshine Coast see, and

Hot Stops The Packing Shed Café, 3360 Mary Valley Road, Imbil One2One on Yabba café, 121 Yabba Road, Imbil Melawondi Spring Retreat’s Tanya Fisher is known in the Mary Valley as a ‘foodie’s foodie’, and she will launch cooking classes in 2017. Guests at the retreat can also order picnic or barbecue hampers, gourmet dinners, fireside dining, even a chocolate fondue for two.


The Blue and White Teapot café, 10 Busby Street, Amamoor That Place in Pomona, 18 Reserve Street, Pomona, is an eclectic venture that brings together a licensed restaurant, microbrewery, permaculture demonstration garden and boutique tattoo studio.


Sunshine Coast Sunshine Coast


A taste of paradise Kerry Heaney follows a food trail on the Sunshine Coast and discovers a wild range of taste sensations


hef Peter Kuruvita holds the fish with tender reverence, nursing it like a new born babe, and describes a meal that will be hard to forget. I’m standing opposite the kitchen servery in Noosa Beach House while Kuruvita creates magic with a coral trout purchased from the Noosa Farmers Market just an hour before. The striking, coral-coloured skin peppered with tiny bright blue dots smells like mineral water, the gills are red and the flesh firm evidence the wild-caught fish is a fresh catch. We are at Kuruvita’s restaurant in the main street of popular beach getaway Noosa, about 140km north of Brisbane, and the popular chef is creating steamed coral trout with ginger and shallot in a Cantoneseinspired dish (a recipe featured on his SBS TV show Coastal Kitchen) and everything he uses is sourced from the Sunshine Coast region. The morning has been a whirlwind tour of some of the best food producers in the area through the farmers market, where locals love to mingle every Sunday under the gum trees, squeeze a few avocados and indulge in a buttery almond croissant from aptly named French Sin. The warm climate, rich soil and teeming ocean make the Sunshine Coast a bountiful food bowl of produce including avocados, ginger, pineapples, strawberries, feijoas, macadamia nuts, tomatoes, passionfruit, lychees, seafood, lemon myrtle, beef, dairy products and even snails. Kuruvita moved to the Sunshine Coast from southern city Melbourne three years ago and now calls Noosa home. He shops at the markets regularly for his family meals picking the best Noosa Red vine-ripened tomatoes, organic beef and buffalo mozzarella, all while chatting with the stallholders who have become his friends. “The Sunshine Coast is synonymous with good food. It was a great dairy region and now we have some of the finest cheesemakers. Buderim Ginger was an early pioneer and now there is an incredible range of Asian-inspired cooking schools. The coast, of course, is a fishing haven and Mooloolaba and Tin Can Bay prawns and Noosa mud crabs are favourite menu items for chefs around the world,” says an enthusiastic Kuruvita. Mooloolaba is, in fact, the biggest swordfish port in Australia and is one of the busiest ports on the eastern seaboard. The wharf is a hive of daily activity with trawlers bringing in boatloads of fish, Mooloolaba prawns, 14. | BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017

lobsters and spanner crabs so one of the best places to grab a catch of the day is on Parkyn Parade in Mooloolaba, where a range of fish markets and takeaway shops serve up fresh local seafood. There’s also a huge variety of ethical and organic produce grown within minutes of the towns, ranging from nomadic chickens, macadamias and Indigenous bush tucker to camel milk. Yes, there are some more surprising local specialties, including camels bred in the hinterland of the Glasshouse Mountains to produce milk which is known as ‘white gold’. It tastes delicate and light with a mild flavour and has body without a fatty after taste. Live it Tours takes visitors to Q Camel farm and on my tour we tried canapés made from fresh camel milk. “Vibrant markets such as Eumundi and the Noosa Farmers Markets have allowed specialist producers to blossom, and with that has come a wide range of ‘hatted’ restaurants, wineries, breweries, coffee roasters and food attractions,” says Kuruvita. Backyard beekeeping is a hobby growing across South East Queensland, drawing more visitors to workshops hosted by apiarist Paula West, also known as Queen Bee, at her Peachester honey bee sanctuary. West has also set up an Adopt a Beehive program to support more beehive sanctuaries and encourage more people to set up beehives of their own. Just a mouthful of Kuruvita’s Banana and Honey soufflé is enough to encourage more supporters to the cause (search food and recipes to find the recipe at West is not the only one happy to share her knowledge with others. The Sunshine Coast is dense with top class cooking schools helping amateur chefs sharpen their skills. Award-winning Wasabi Restaurant on Noosa Sound serves Japanese-themed dishes with food sourced from the restaurant’s farm and chef Zeb Gilbert shares his passion for cooking with local produce at The Cooking School. The treat is devouring the creations at the end of the class overlooking the aqua-tinged water of the


在海滩高速公路上 驰骋 昆士兰的大海滩驾驶路线长达 380 千米 ,范围从 阳光海岸的 Noosa 到费沙海岸的赫维湾并延伸至世 界上最大的沙岛——列于世界遗产名录的费沙岛 , 这里因海滩高速公路、世界级的钓鱼场所和徒步就 可探索的景点而闻名。这里有两个联合国教科文组 织生物圈保护区 ,赶快跳进一辆四轮驱动车尽情地 去海浪与沙滩中放飞自我吧 !


02. 03.


01. Chef Peter Kuruvita 02. Peter’s Coral Trout 03. Q Camel farm 04. Farmers Market 05. Tamarind Cooking School 06. Mooloolaba prawns

第一天 从 Noosa 北海岸乘坐汽车渡轮到 Teewah 海滩 ,然后悠闲地驾 车开过约 50 公里的沙路到达彩虹海滩(Rainbow Beach)。在 Double Island Point 的海岬上停下来看看海豚、鲸鱼(观赏季 节为7月到11月)和海龟。 彩虹海滩因其铁矿石色的沙丘而命名,这儿的小村庄坐落在 未经开发的海岸线边 ,氛围十分悠闲。在这里 ,你可以看到红 褐色的夕阳 ,它会与你在别处划皮艇时所看到的完全不同 ,而 且你还可以看到成群的海豚在晶莹的浪花中翻腾嬉戏(见。 在 Arcobalena 吃一顿低调悠闲的晚餐,那里的无麸质披萨 是最热卖的 ;晚餐过后 ,你可以在 Plantation 度假村(彩虹 海滩路1号)或彩虹海滩海洋棕榈公寓(Rainbow Beach Ocean Palms)的房间内早早熄灯休息 ,这两个酒店均可提供一室、 两室、三室的海景房间 ,视线极佳。

第二天 伴着日出醒来 ,随心所欲地在清晨冲浪、游泳或散步 ,带着 你的冲浪板去“月球表面”一般的 Carlo Sand Blow,坐雪橇滑 下沙丘或者直接步行到丘顶 ,尽情饱览这彩沙世界。驾车前去 Inskip角 ,然后搭乘驳船到费沙岛。


Images: Tourism and Events Queensland and Visit Sunshine Coast


Noosa River. Other cooking schools led by masters of their craft include Spirit House at Yandina, Tamarind at Maleny, Red Hot Chilli Pepper at Caloundra and Amytis Gardens at Kiels Mountain. Craft brewing is also taking a creative turn on the Sunshine Coast as brewers such as Maleny’s Brouhaha Brewery go beyond traditional flavours and experiment with local ingredients to come up with their own unique brews – the tart spritz of Raspberry Saison, the fruity Passionfruit IPA and the sweet and creamy Milk Stout delicious examples. 阳光海岸在布里斯班以北不到两小时车程。 更多灵感 ,定制属于你的美食之旅请参见

在 20 世纪 20 年代 ,这里曾是一百多个伐木者的家园 ,然 而这里的淡水湖几乎和塔斯马尼亚州的一样多 ,有几个就坐落 在沙丘上。Boomanjin 湖是世界上最大的内陆湖(二百公顷) ,海拔最高的湖是 Bowarrady 湖(高于海平面 120 米),还 有麦肯锡湖(Lake McKenzie)的四周环绕着白色的石英砂 , 湖水清澈 ,宛如明窗。 在 Eurong 沙丘顶的费沙岛海滩房有着正宗澳大利亚海滩小 屋风格 ,它位于 coo’ee 的主湖区 ,那里还有一个专供孩童玩 耍的场地。

第三天 75英里海滩的北端是印第安角(Indian Head),那里是一个天然的瞭望地, 你可以从那儿去到岛的最东端去看一看。你还可以去 Waddy Point 充满泡泡的香槟池清爽一下 ,然后潜入海边的水晶岩 池。参观一下著名地标 S. S. Maheno 沉船残骸 ,在飓风席卷大 阪过后 ,这艘船于1935年搁浅。旁边的Eli溪每个小时都会向 海洋倾入400万升的淡水 ,许多弄潮儿都喜欢在这里炫技。 驾驶你自己的四轮驱动车或者从Noosa2Fraser 4WD租一辆 (见。更多信息和路线指南请见 BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | 15.

Southern Queensland Country BRISBANE Toowoomba



Why the west is cool

03. 04.

Toowoomba is the gateway to Queensland’s fertile southern country farmland, but a community with a creative spirit is also flourishing


oowoomba has long been known as Queensland’s Garden City, home to the annual Carnival of Flowers that announces spring every year with a festival of flora, food and entertainment that lasts for 10 days and draws visitors from across the state. It’s also one of the state’s coolest cities – and not just because temperatures can plummet to below 10°C in winter (record lows have seen that drop below -4°C). The city is now the largest outdoor ‘art’ gallery in Queensland, displaying 57 murals which have rejuvenated laneways and streetscapes into thriving social hubs. Local artists Ian McCallum and Grace Dewar, co-directors of creative space Kontraband Studios, have been instrumental in the change, organising Queensland’s first street art festival ‘First Coat’ three years ago in conjunction with Toowoomba Regional Council. So far the festival has attracted some of Australia’s leading graffiti artists such as Sofles, Fintan Magee, Matt Adnate and Vans the Omega as well as others from the US, the Netherlands, UK, New Zealand and Italy. While the city has not lost any of its country charm, it has found a new lease on life as businesses utilise previously overlooked


spaces in the heart of the city, providing a colourful backdrop to a flourishing café and bar culture. First Coat’s map of murals (see online at provides an ideal guide for a walking tour of Toowoomba’s inner city, turning up hidden gems such as Ground Up Espresso on the colourful Searles Walk (just off Ruthven Street). What started as a storeroom espresso bar is now a favourite local haunt for all-day breakfast and delicious pastries washed down with a Toby’s Estate brew. Lindra and Josh Budeman also started small, with a food stall at a local festival which was so successful they decided to take the leap to open a permanent diner last year in Club Lane (off Margaret Street). The pair, who moved to Toowoomba from Melbourne, transformed a nondescript warehouse into Skewers where they serve up their signature Indonesian street food accompanied by local wines, craft beers and cider. The taste for Asian food is booming in Toowoomba and Club Lane in particular has become quite an eat street with Skewers flanked by Royal Asian and Thai Majestic, adding to popular Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese restaurants in the city. But the newest neighbour in Club Lane has become

an instant hit – The 3rd Monkey is a sweet treat open every day until late, and has been recently voted Toowoomba’s best dessert bar. Also open late is Muller Bros (25 Bell Street), a café, restaurant and rooftop bar in a rejuvenated Federation building that was once home to a gun shop and hardware store, motorcycle workshop, second-hand retail and a book store. It’s food specialty is another surprise – Brazilian barbecue – perhaps a subtle reference to the explorer who ‘discovered’ Toowoomba, English botanist Allan Cunningham who arrived in the area after an expedition to Brazil and named the rich farming land bordered by the Great Dividing Range ‘Darling Downs’. Cafés like Firefly (100 Russell Street), established in a converted workshop with exposed brick walls, a mural (naturally), eclectic furniture and trailing plants (and there’s a herb garden out the back), are champions of the local farming community, choosing locally sourced, ethical and sustainable produce for seasonal menus made from scratch. Fiona May has been a driving force behind Rex Airlines flies direct between Brisbane and Toowoomba. Flight time 40 minutes. Drive time from Brisbane is one hour 45 minutes. See

01. Street art by Vans the Omega 02. Muller Bros rooftop bar 03. Sweet treats at 3rd Monkey 04. Cool brew at Groundup Espresso 05. Cosy up in a country cottage 06. Visit Paddock to Potager for a farm experience

Try It

On the wine trail Day One

05 06.

From Brisbane, head west towards Warwick. On the way, take a short detour through Ipswich, Queensland’s oldest provincial city. Allow time for a heritage walking tour to see graceful colonial homes, historic churches and sandstone buildings and browse antique shops and craft cottages along the heritage trails in the surrounding area. Continue on from Ipswich to Aratula on the Cunningham Highway and stop for the best home-made scones fresh from the oven at the roadside café before continuing over the range to Warwick. Stop at the top of the range at Cunningham’s Gap for a short rainforest walk. Arrive at Guy House in Warwick, a charming guest house, in time for a twilight happy hour on the veranda overlooking Leslie Park.

Day Two After breakfast at Bluebird Kitchen (130 Palmerin Street, Warwick) head south to Stanthorpe in the heart of the Granite Belt, Queensland’s premier wine region, boasting more than 45 wineries. It’s also prime fruit growing country for grapes, stone fruit such as peaches, apricots and nectarines, as well as apples and berries. Drive on to Golden Grove Estate at Ballandean, one of a handful of wineries in the region that have been given a five star rating by wine aficionado James Halliday. Following an afternoon of cellar door discovery, retreat to the Diamondvale Cottages for some country hospitality.

Words: Nelson Hall and Heather McWhinnie

Day Three bringing the farm experience closer to the city, establishing the Toowoomba Farmers Market (twice a month) and opening up her farm for the Paddock to Potager experience where visitors can collect eggs, harvest fresh food, have close encounters with farm animals, attend workshops and learn about farm life, about 30 minutes drive from Toowoomba (176 Merritts Creek Road, Pechey). Jondaryan Woolshed, the largest operating woolshed in the world, also about 30 minutes drive from Toowoomba, has been preserved by the local community to offer a glimpse into farming life the way it was in the pioneering days of the 1840s. In its heyday it was a massive pastoral station where 250,000 sheep were sheared each season. Today the Woolshed plays host to old time dances and special events and visitors can take self-guided tours of buildings, see demonstrations, eat damper and ride carts. Travelling south from Toowoomba towards Warwick, Rudd’s Pub in Nobby serves up steaks as big as the plate and a good bit of memorabilia with a few schooners. This is the pub where village local and writer Steele Rudd (real name Arthur Hoey Davis) came up with the characters ‘Dad and Dave’, writing comic tales of shenanigans of the Rudd family in On Our Selection with the help of a few pints. The stories have since been adapted for radio, television and film and today there’s an impressive collection of Steve Rudd memorabilia lining the walls – photographs, posters, newsletter clippings, paintings and the author’s books from floor to ceiling. Find out more about Queensland’s southern country region at and sample drive itineraries at

Start the day with an energising walk through the Girraween National Park and see dramatic granite boulders amidst the forest. There are 30km of walking trails so it’s easy to spend a whole day here but after a couple of hours you’ll feel like lunch, a good excuse to head back to Ballandean Estate winery, where the Puglisi family has been making wines since the 1930s. Today chefs Travis Crane and Arabella Chambers from Brisbane have joined the team and run the award-winning Barrelroom restaurant serving lunch and dinner Thursday to Monday and a seven-course degustation menu with wine matches. Plot a wine trail that includes Symphony Hill Wines (Ballandean), then Summit Estate at Thulimbah, north of Stanthorpe. To get a taste of other brews in these parts, Ernie Butler’s Brass Monkey Brewhouse (south of Stanthorpe at Severnlea) and Suttons apple farm and café (also at Thulimbah) should be added to your itinerary. Allow time for a leisurely drive back to the city via Killarney, the Falls Drive and lunch with stunning views over the ranges at Spring Creek Café and Cottages before travelling back to Brisbane.

Outback Queensland

Mt Isa Longreach Birdsville

Bundaberg Windorah

01. Fred Brophy’s Boxing tent 02. Big Red dunes near Birdsville




The show goes on From Barcaldine to Birdsville Brophy’s Boxing Troupe keeps crowds entertained in an age-old outback tradition


red Brophy, Australian icon and fourth generation showman, steps onto the stage in his trademark red silk shirt and bangs on a drum to introduce his fighters and call for local challengers. “This is where boxing champions are discovered,” Big Fred tells the crowd that he holds in the palm of his hand. Challengers are invited to spend three, one-minute rounds against Big Fred’s boxers in the tent for a grand purse of $30 a minute if they can defeat his fighter. There is no ring and no ropes, just a canvas mat in the middle of the tent and when the fighting is over the boxers and the locals forget the ringside grudges and join each other for a few ales and a friendly yarn. Tent boxing started in England and took off in Australia in the late 1800s, with professional boxing troupes following shows and carnivals in mining and outback towns. There they would set up big top tents and take on all-comers for cash. In its heyday there were more than 40 boxing troupes travelling around Australia. Brophy started boxing at age 5, continuing in the sport for 20 years before crossing over to run his own troupe. His dedication to boxing has now spanned 40 years, during which time he has written a book (The Last Showman, published in Australia by Penguin), been inducted into Queensland’s Boxing Hall of Fame, and awarded the Order of Australia Medal (OAM) for services to charity and to the entertainment industry in keeping old-style tent boxing alive. Fred Brophy’s is now one of only three remaining boxing tents in the world and Fred remains passionate about the importance of keeping such traditions alive. His tent continues to travel around outback Queensland and is a major drawcard of the annual Birdsville Racing Carnival. Despite his many accolades, Big Fred says it’s the love of the outback and its people that motivates him more than any award. “We are a big family and we do it for the people. We need events like this, and others like


races and rodeo. It’s a social outing for the locals in remote areas. You know you’re in the outback when people wave to you when you’re driving; they stop and help you when you need it. This is the outback spirit that we love being a part of.” Big Fred’s colourful life – which has involved surviving rounds with venomous snakes, poisonous spiders, shotguns, baseball bats and knives – has seen him as the subject of a two-part documentary about his boxing tent, Outback Fight Club, which shows regularly on Qantas domestic and international flights. As well as touring with his troupe, Big Fred and his partner Sandi run the Cracow Hotel in central Queensland, 200km west of Bundaberg, as close to the middle of nowhere as you’re likely to get. The story goes that Sandi always wanted to visit a ghost town and they found it in Cracow, a gold mining centre that had long ago lost its lustre, current population 18 people, 29 dogs and about 150 broken down cars. Sandi fell in love with the grand old hotel and it’s been their home ever since. They have turned it into a country pub that’s not easy to forget with walls packed to the gills with weird and wonderful memorabilia – and all of it has a story, true or not! True to form for a country pub, there are comfortable rooms for an overnight stay and hearty meals, often cooked by Brophy himself. For more information about experiences and itineraries to tour Queensland’s outback see

Qantas flies direct between Brisbane and Bundaberg. Distance 01. 361km. Flight time 55 minutes. See




远离城市喧嚣的独特体验 朱利亚溪 DIRT‘N’DUST 节

布里斯班西北部的朱利亚溪(距布里斯班 1627 公里)给 你带来为时三天的惊奇冒险 ,其中包括铁人三项、沼泽潜 水、Dirt‘n’Dust 公牛骑行 ,然后大家还可以参与红爪午 宴——享用本地养殖的小龙虾。举办时间为2017年4月7日 至9日。见


辛普森沙漠位于布里斯班西北 1800 多公里处 ,沙漠中央的 红色大沙丘上 ,人们每年都会举办一次野营和音乐会演出, 今年大家将会欣赏到来自 Kate Ceberano、Lee Kernaghan和 Missy Higgins 的表演。在演出的间隔期间 ,你可以体验一 下滑沙,在红色大沙丘上坐着硬纸板或硬盒盖一滑而下。举 办时间为2017年7月4日至6日。见 au


Bedourie 位于布里斯班西北方约 2000 公里处 ,这里每年会 举行一次骆驼赛跑 ,是的 ,不是赛马 ,是赛骆驼。除此之外 ,这里还会举行小猪赛跑、劈木头比赛等等一系列的新奇活 动 ,这些事情你只能在内陆感受到哦。另外 ,大家还可以参 加传统野营烤炉烹饪比赛 ,用承办方提供的原料烹饪美味的 面包。举办时间为2017年7月8日。见


距布里斯班 1800 公里远的Isa山会承办澳大利亚投资最大 的竞技比赛,同时也是南半球最大型的竞技比赛,各位最优 秀的选手会在赛野马、公牛骑行、拉运、摔跤和绕桶赛中一 决高下。在远离竞技场的地方还有现场音乐、杂耍小巷和 Fred Brophy拳击帐篷供大家娱乐。举办时间为2017年8月 11日至13日。见


大多到澳大利亚游客喜欢品尝这里的小龙虾—— 一种可以 作为前餐的可口淡水贝类 ,但是在 Windorah 小龙虾比赛 中,人们会将这些硬壳小家伙们进行拍卖并让它们参加爬行 比赛,让它们在欢呼中闯过终点 ,拍卖资金将全部捐赠给 皇家飞行医生服务所(RFDS)。皇家飞行医生服务所位于 布里斯班西边1200公里处 ,可为所有驾车参加 Birdsville 比赛的人提供服务。举办时间为2017年8月30日。 见

Image 2 and bottom right: Tourism and Events Queensland


Birdsville位于布里斯班西部1800公里处 ,每年承办内陆的 墨尔本杯比赛 ,吸引着数万人来享受为时两天的比赛和娱 乐活动。特别搭起的帐篷城可为前来协助皇家飞行医生服务 所筹资的赛马骑师、驯马师提供住宿。你可以从布里斯班开 车或乘飞机去 Birdsville。举办时间为2017年9月1日至2日。 见 - Shelley Thomas Rex航空、澳洲航空(Qantas)和维珍 航空(Virgin Australia)提供布里斯 班和 Isa 山之间的直飞航班,Rex 航空提供布里斯班和 Birdsville之 间的直飞航班。若想驾车前往,请访问以下网址参考相关信息进 行规划: 和

从 Longreach 到 Winton 的旅程, 感受昆士兰的早期风貌

第一天 要想在 Longreach 探索昆士兰内陆的历史 ,那就从澳大利 亚 Stockmans 名人纪念馆、澳洲航空创始人博物馆和发电厂 博物馆开始吧。你可以在世界上最大的教室——远程教育学 院里感受一下这里的孩子们如何上学,然后来一次 Cobb 和 Co.教练骑行。在日落之前登上汤姆森贝尔桨轮船,在汤姆森 河上吃一顿晚餐,看一场秀,睡个好觉,度过乡村冒险之旅 前的美好一夜。

第二天至第四天 在 Longreach 租一辆四驱车前往汤姆森河上的 Lochern 国 家公园。Lochern 国家公园是一个重要的自然栖息地 ,占地 24000多公顷,有许多供鸟类栖息的泻湖和水潭 ,包括鹦 鹉、鸸鹋、鸢和高贵的澳洲鹤。Lochern 栖息地保护区自驾 游 (约40公里往返)需花两到四小时。你可以在水潭里钓鱼 (有大小和捕获量限制),你还可以在 Broadwater 水潭的灌 木营地中用你捕获的水产做一顿烧烤晚餐。 驾车前往巨石阵 ,在途中以巨石阵的风格留下你来过的痕 迹——用石头写下你所在的小镇的名字 ,这是一个非常奇特 的传统 ,始于很多年前的一位邮递员。在巨石阵停下来喝一 杯清晨的咖啡 ,然后驱车前往 John Egan Pioneer Drive一 览形成于数百万年前的壮丽岩层景观。 在 Swanvale 瞭望台尽情饱览美景 ,尤其是美丽的夕阳 ,然后前去 Jundah 度过欢乐时光 ,在 Jundah 酒店感受一 下老式内陆风格的款待(晚上在这里休息)。

第三天至第六天 驾车前往红色灌木庄园看一看世界上保存最好的恐龙足迹 , 它的历史已有九千五百万年之久。在导游的带领下游览百灵 采石场保育公园的恐龙窜逃地点 ,这里有三千多个散落在岩 石表面上的化石脚印。继续前往Winton看一看世界上最大的 澳大利亚恐龙时代的澳洲恐龙化石收藏 ,除此之外 ,Winton 还是《Waltzing Matilda》的诞生地,Waltzing Matilda 中心也是唯一一个完全为一首歌而建的博物馆。

澳大利亚航空(Qantas)有布里斯班到 Longreach 的直飞航班。飞行时间为 2 小时 50 分钟。更多信见

Indigenous Escapes

Cairns Tully Townsville


In the footsteps of THE

Rainforest people Visitors flock to the Daintree but there’s another patch of lush rainforest in Queensland’s tropical north where Shelley Thomas discovers one family’s mission to share their Aboriginal heritage with others



01. Jirrbal Elders 02. Kayak Tour, Bulgan Creek 03. Murray Falls in Girramay National Park

04. Sonya Jeffrey and father Dr Ernie Grant 05. Jungle Perch on kayak tour 06. Alligator’s Nest swimming hole

Images: 1+5, Ingan Tours; 4, Kate Duffy; 2, 3, 6, Tourism and Events Queensland


verything has a name … every rock and river bend, says Sonya Jeffrey, her eyes dancing as she talks, punctuated by ripples of laughter. Her laughter is genuine and infectious, buoyed by the simple joy of telling her family’s story and, in doing so, keeping it alive. “That rock, over there, is where a couple of family members get their names from,” she says. “It relates to the story of how the dingo got tired of chasing the grey kangaroo, lay down and turned to rock. Everything here is special and a part of who we are.” Sonya, a proud descendant of the Jabanbarra Jirrbal rainforest people, intends to keep it that way leading Ingan Tours, the Aboriginal tourism experience owned and operated by her family, in Tropical North Queensland’s Tully Gorge, more than 1500km north of Brisbane. It may be Australia’s wettest corner, recording the third highest rainfall in the world, but that shouldn’t dampen expectations as it’s also one of the lushest spots you’ll ever see. With a strong heritage as a banana and sugar cane growing hub the region around Tully is also home to vast tracts of World Heritage-listed rainforest, as magical as the Daintree Rainforest, halfway between Townsville and Cairns. Sonya started the culturally-immersive venture five years ago with her niece Caroline and father Dr Ernie Grant, the last living member of his generation to be brought up the traditional Jirrbal way. “Dad was raised in the rainforest and lived there until he was about nine, camping along the river. He’s the last of the elders who’s actually been taught by the old people. I learned from him and every tour we run gives people a totally different learning experience about who we are as Jirrbal Aboriginal rainforest people.” For visitors, that translates into a life-changing journey from river walks and traditional clay face painting to rainforest adventures that take in waterfalls, bush tucker and a ‘healing’ swimming hole, the art of boomerang throwing, basket weaving, fishing and must-do kayak tours complete with rapids, a resident ‘Old Man’ platypus and hundreds of curious jungle perch. No matter how many times she’s done it, Sonya still reckons the kayak tour is “out of this world!” “As kids, we’d all get tractor tubes, pump them up and float down Bulgan Creek,” she says. “Then Caroline and I were sitting up the backyard one day and we started thinking, why don’t we invest in second-hand kayaks? So, we bought

A local’s guide Sonya Jeffrey has five more top tips for the best places to explore in and around Tully...


Murray Falls in Girramay National Park, 36km south west of Tully. Cardwell Spa Pools located in the Girringun National Park. Cardwell Forest Drive features 26km of scenic loops, swimming holes, waterfalls and a spectacular spa pool (actually a natural depression on the creek bed that causes water to bubble and swirl like a jacuzzi).


Alligator’s Nest day-use area (it was named after a local boy scouts group, so there are no alligators there!) in Tully Gorge National Park and walking trails through the park. Bingil Bay Café, Mission Beach, a

colourful beach shack with home-made food and occasional live music.

Mount Tyson Hotel (on the main street of Tully) offers budget accommodation in refurbished rooms in a historic 1926 pub. 06.

four different kinds of kayaks and off we went. “There’s eight kilometres of creek and we’d never travelled right through. The old tractor tubes only got us so far but in the kayaks you can see it all and we couldn’t get over how beautiful and pristine it is, everything is so quiet … Beautiful areas in our own backyard that everyone has taken for granted or just not known about. The landscapes are incredible and there are small rapids which add a bit of adventure and fun, without being dangerous, so everyone can do it.” Fishing, however, is off limits at Sonya’s favourite ‘hidden gem’ location – a

We found a spot to stop for billy tea and damper where there is a heap of fish swimming around and they come as close as they can or follow the kayak

bend in the creek with a sandbank and deep water hole at the halfway point (four kilometres into the kayak tour). A place where her ‘babies’ gather – hundreds of freshwater jungle perch, measuring a whopping 30-40cm each. “We found this spot as a stop for billy tea and damper where there is a whole heap of fish swimming around. They come as close as they can or follow you in a kayak. People love that kind of connection with a fish!” Other wildlife regularly spotted on the tour include sea eagles, kingfishers, cormorants, kookaburras, satin flycatchers and butterflies (Ulysses and the Cairns Birdwing varieties). On every trip, Sonya delights in shaking the ‘concrete jungle’ out of visitors: “We’ve seen so many people so tensed up when they come. When you get them out into the rainforest, it’s amazing to witness the complete change in


body language. Everyone who comes off the kayak tour – whether they are from Australia or Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands or Norway – they come to us and say it was the highlight of their life. They’ve never seen anything like it. A crystal clear creek that’s beautifully rainforest-edged.” As well as giving visitors a unique experience, Sonya and her family are proud the business also provides support and employment for the local community. In 2017 Ingan Tours HQ, which occupies heritage-listed Tully railway station, will expand to include a museum and café featuring a ‘secret’ bush tucker menu. The café will be named after Sonya’s grandmother, Chloe, a feisty woman who side-stepped an arranged marriage and eloped to the Tablelands for a period with her ‘true love’, also leaving her legacy as the main informant for rainforest Aboriginal languages recorded by a visiting linguist in the 1960s. “We’ve tried to incorporate a lot of Grandma’s legacy into what Ingan Tours stands for today. A lot of what people are hearing in our interpretations and our stories actually comes from her – and we’ll be playing the old recordings in the museum.” Sonya is also working with local artists to showcase their work and exploring her family’s dream of opening up a network of walking tracks that run through the Misty Mountains, old Aboriginal trading routes that start at the bottom of Tully Gorge and wind up and over the mountains to Ravenshoe on the Tablelands, since damaged and partly hidden by a series of cyclones. There’s also the important work of testing and adapting bush tucker recipes for Café Chloe. “There’s a particular fruit in the rainforest that we use to make jam and it just melts in your mouth on scones with cream,” Sonya says. “We trialled it with a group and they demolished it! I also want to test sauces and ice creams with it. The rest is a secret!” For more information see Fly direct between Brisbane and Cairns with Jetstar, Qantas, Tigerair and Virgin Australia which operate a total of more than 90 services each week. Flight time two hours 20 minutes. BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | 21.

Indigenous Escapes

Cooktown Cape Tribulation Port Douglas Cairns Ingham Townsville


Gold Coast

Go walkabout There are many ways to see the world through Aboriginal eyes on tours across Queensland Walkabout Adventures explore the beach and the rainforest between


Port Douglas and Cape Tribulation, led by Juan Walker and his uncle Percy who consistently receive high praise for their engaging tours. The Walkers belong to the Kuku Yalangi mob that calls the region home and they share stories of their families passed down through generations. However, these tours are not all show and tell. Juan is adept with a spear and shares his skills in the shallows of Cooya Beach where everyone has a go and a successful morning’s catch could mean mud crab on the menu for lunch. While shellfish are a lunchtime staple in these parts, it’s not unusual for green ants to be on the tasting menu during a rainforest walk, and there’s plenty of activity to build an appetite, from hour-long bush walks to cooling dips in freshwater streams. Groups are kept to a maximum of 11 per tour which vary from half-day to full-day programs. See

Bama Way Discovery Tour traverses the bumpy but beautiful 4WD

Bloomfield Track from Cooktown to Cape Tribulation and links together three Aboriginalowned and operated tours – Guurrbi Tours (led by Nugal-Warra elder Willie Gordon from Cooktown), the Walker Family Tours of the Wujal Wujal area that includes the Bloomfield Falls (a 40-metre waterfall) and Kuku Yalanji Cultural Habitat Tours from Port Douglas. Each provides an insight to traditional Aboriginal culture from its sacred sites to bush lore and ancient rock paintings. Tours can be booked separately or in one to three-day packages and range from guided walks to spear fishing in the mangroves. See


Tjapukai Aboriginal Cultural Park is set on 10 hectares next to the Skyrail Rainforest Cableway, about 20 minutes drive along the scenic Captain Cook Highway from Cairns. The park is a centre for interactive demonstrations, performances and 01. guided bush tucker walks. At the Night Fire experience visitors can join a sacred corroboree with Tjapukai warriors and become part of the Rainbow Serpent circle, learning traditional language and songs before a ceremonial night fire catapults a fire ball towards the stars. There’s a restaurant that serves food cooked in the traditional underground oven and a gallery of photographs and short films that reveal the history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. See Mossman Gorge Centre is about 80km from Cairns and provides a shuttle bus

service into the gorge where you can take easy walks of 10-45 minutes through the southern part of Daintree National Park or join a 90-minute guided Ngadiku Dreamtime Walk which starts with a traditional ‘smoking’ ceremony (to cleanse and ward off bad spirits) before winding along private tracks to special places and culturally significant sites, past traditional bark shelters and over rainforest streams, followed by bush tea and damper. See

Mungalla Aboriginal Tours start at the homestead on Mungalla

03. 22. | BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017

Station, 12km from Ingham and about 90 minutes drive from Townsville. Once a cattle property and thoroughbred horse stud, today the station encompasses about 880 hectares, almost a quarter of it restored wetlands that is a natural habitat for more than 200 species of birds. A half-day cultural tour shares the story of the local Nywaigi people and the property’s history, gives visitors a go at boomerang throwing and a deluxe version of the tour includes a ‘Kup-Murri’ dinner feast (cooked in the underground earth oven). See

Try It

Indigenous Escapes


Journey to the heart of Queensland’s Cape York Peninsula as guests of the Olkola people, and follow in the footsteps of their ancestors, on a pioneering adventure more than 300km north west of Cairns

Day One Depart Cairns and travel to Laura, the small gateway village to North Queensland’s Cape York Peninsula and the end of mobile phone reception! Along the way enjoy a quick break at Mareeba, the last stop on the muster route that drove cattle down the Cape to be transported across Australia and overseas. Arrive at Killarney homestead which is base camp for the next four nights. Meet your Olkola hosts at dinner and storytelling around the campfire.

Jellurgal Journey and Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary Tour is a full day tour on the Gold Coast which

starts at Jellurgal Aboriginal Centre near Burleigh Heads, with Dreamtime stories, Aboriginal dance and didgeridoo performances, followed by an Aboriginal guided walk of the Burleigh Heads 04. National Park to an ancient midden before ending with a chance to meet some of the 1000 native animals at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. See

For more ideas to explore Indigenous culture see

01. Olkola country 02. Walkabout Adventure with Juan Walker 03. Bush tucker at Tjapukai Centre 04. Sleeping under the stars in Olkola country 05. Black swans at Mungalla Station 06. Inside Jilburu Cave, Bama Way

Day Two to Four 05.


Set out each day in four wheel drives to explore different aspects of Olkola country, from bird filled lagoons and waterways to escarpment country and Jungle Creek – a lush spring-fed permanent stream feeding into one of the five big rivers which rise on Olkola country and flow both east and west. See cave shelters with recently discovered rock art and stop at “the dancing grounds” where the ground below your feet wobbles above the water table. Each evening return to Killarney base camp and tent accommodation.

Day Five and Six The tour departs for Laura, through sandstone country and rainforest to Cooktown. Spend the final night at Hillcrest Guest House. In the morning visit Cooktown’s local market and the weekly meeting place for locals or explore the local museum. Visit Grassy Hill lookout in Cooktown and the mysterious Black Mountain on the way down the Bloomfield Track – arguably the most spectacular coastal rainforest drive in Australia – to Cape Tribulation, stopping at the iconic Lions Den Hotel to check out this quirky pub. The return journey includes the ferry across the Daintree River before heading back through sugar cane country and along the spectacular coastal highway to Cairns. This is a tour offered exclusively by Intrepid Travel with only six departure dates in 2017. For more information see




梦境般的 圣灵群岛






03. 24. | BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017

是一个自然景 观,这里最负盛 名的是洁白的白天堂沙滩, 美轮美奂的 心形石礁,还有碧蓝无瑕的海水 。它是 澳大利亚最大的近海群岛,横跨的区域 约为 24000 平方公里,它靠近昆士兰海 岸,可从 Proserpine 圣灵海岸机场轻松 抵达,从布里斯班乘飞机到这儿的时间也 不超过两小时。 这里由库克船长于 1770 年命名,圣灵 海岸一直维持着他所描述的“各地都适于 停泊…行程中的各个地方都是安全港口” 的样貌 ,现已成为帆船运动爱好者的热衷 场所 ,因为那里在温带水域(平均温度 26℃)并且常年有晴朗天空(平均每年有 274 天晴天) 。 这里四周有岸礁和清澈的海水环绕 , 拍照完全不需要加滤镜,也难怪这里的水 上运动这么受欢迎——海洋公园里有400 多种珊瑚 ,当你在水下潜游时,你可以 看到成千上百种五颜六色的小鱼,尤其是 在Hook、Hayman、Black 和 Langford 群 岛的北部海湾周围。白天堂海滩是游泳者

的天堂,平静的水面十分适于站式桨板冲 浪,从 6 月到 9 月,还可以在水面上观赏 鲸鱼——70%的圣灵海岸属于国家公园, 无论是在远些的 Gloucester 群岛,还是距 离大陆不到 10 公里的 Airlie 海滩和可以 方便到达的 Conway 国家公园,都可以供 大家远足和观赏野生动物。 圣灵海岸也有丰富的文化遗产,早在 9000 多年前,这里曾是 Ngaro 人的家 园。包括岩石艺术在内的早期定居迹象可 见于 Hook 岛的 Nara 河口,圣灵群岛的 Hill 河口上游至今仍被人们当做圣地。 早在 20 世纪 30 年代,当圣灵海岸在 很大程度上仍是荒野时就是一个热门旅游 胜地。在圣灵群岛的 74 个岛屿中,只有四 个有人居住——汉密尔顿、海曼和白日梦 岛都有度假村,最接近大陆的长岛有自给 客房——另外已有计划在 2020 年之前完 成林德曼岛的重建,南莫尔岛也被白日梦 岛的新主人买下来计划升级现有度假村。 更敢于冒险的旅行者可以从 25 个野营地点 中选择一处,因为这些地方数量有限,设 施少,可谓是真正的野外原始之旅。

捷星航空和维珍澳大利亚航空有布里斯班到圣灵海岸 (Proserpine)的直飞航班;维珍澳大利亚航空和 QantasLink 有 布里斯班到汉密尔顿岛的直飞航班。飞行时间约为 1 小时 50 分钟。

发现一个 梦想中的岛屿! 长岛是隐藏在圣灵海岸中心的瑰宝,是向游客开放的四大岛屿之一。 Shelley Thomas 找到了她梦想中的岛屿


Images supplied by Tourism and Events Queensland, Long Island, Hayman Island and Hamilton Island

01. 汉密尔顿岛上的考拉 02. 心形岸礁 03. 陆地上的 Hideaway 海湾 04. 宁静的海曼岛 05. 长岛鸟瞰图

aroline Murray已经习惯了与心 情不佳的客人打交道——长岛 上那些远离家乡泪流满面的旅行 者。纽约有华丽的高楼大厦、葡 萄园和近八百万的人口 ,但是昆士兰圣 灵海岸上的长岛人口一直都在 60 万以 下,原始的巴厘风格排屋一排又一排 , 旺盛的棕榈树郁郁葱葱。在这里 , 海滩 上有超过一艘皮艇就算是高峰时间了。 “我们经常会有客人离开时伤心哭泣, 因为他们不想离开!” Caroline笑着说 , 她的苏格兰式智慧就像周围的珊瑚海域映 出的蓝色一样耀眼。 棕榈湾度假村——曾经独揽大堡礁中 心所有服务的休息寓所——现已成为一个 颇受欢迎的度假村 ,提供五星级服务却 也价格公道。 的确 ,这里有令人羡慕的别墅和草屋 (所有房屋都有阳台、吊床 ,和一览无 余的海景),有日间水疗中心 ,有网球 场、游泳池和媒体室。然而 ,这里没有

餐厅或客房服务 ,你需要自己做饭吃。 在启程之前 ,你得在陆地上购买好食物 或在岛上购买有限的食材。客人们都十 分赞成这个理念 ,因为他们可以随时使 用设备齐全的厨房。 “客人们很喜欢这样 ,因为这里更有 友善、随和的感觉。”Caroline 说 , “人们在厨房中互相交流 ,看看别人在 做什么好吃的,分享好的菜谱和做菜心 得……好多人都成了终生的好朋友。” 这并不是这个岛屿唯一的与众不同之 处。棕榈湾度假村共有七名员工 ,但是 除了他们之外还有一群充满活力的志愿 者——主要是国际旅客——他们都通过 网站来到这里 , 上列着欢迎志愿者前来帮忙的酒店、农 场、牧场、民宿甚至是帆船 ,作为交换 他们将获得食物和住宿。Caroline 的两 名永久员工起初时就是志愿者 ,他们非 常热爱这里的工作 ,所以请求留下来成 为全职员工。 Ò



圣灵群岛 圣灵群岛




“这些游客里既有背包客,也有长住一 年的人。”Caroline 说。她自身就是一名 来自 Glasgow 的游客 ,来到圣灵群岛后倾 心于此,故留下来常住。“他们每天的工 作时间是四个小时 ,我们会向他们提供和 游客同级别的住宿 ,而且他们可以使用度 假设施。” “我们每次最多接待八位志愿者 ,最短 的停留时间为两周,所以通常情况下每两 周我就要训练一组新的志愿者。他们来自 世界各地:法国、德国、西班牙、芬兰、 瑞典、英国、澳大利亚和新西兰。” Alain Codino,三十岁 ,来自法国 马赛,职业是出租车司机;Lisa Marie Jousellin,三十二岁,来自法国布列塔尼, 职业是技工;Mariella Tusino,三十三岁, 来自意大利圣塞韦罗 ,精通各行业。这里 的经历改变了他们的人生轨迹。他们惊叹 于大堡礁的壮观 ,发掘出了自己内心对旅 游和酒店行业的热情。 “那里真是太美了!回到法国之后 , 我觉得我的未来职业生涯应当会是酒店行 业。” Lisa Marie 说。她于去年完成志愿 工作之后 ,成为了一名全职酒店服务人 员。 “在这个岛上,我对自己的认识更加 清楚,也寻找到了真正的宁静。平静和 真实、海边的平房、没有商店、没有汽

02. 26. | BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017

车……只有鸟儿清脆的啼叫声和海浪声。” 在棕榈湾度假村的客人中,约有 40% 来自海外,其中有许多来自亚洲、欧洲、 南美洲 ,最近美国和加拿大的旅客也比较 多。Caroline说 ,大部分人都是为了逃离 高压的工作环境或者是蜜月旅行和孕期蜜 月旅行。 在这里 ,孕期蜜月似乎不只是针对客人 而言的。长岛的“当地名人”——野生动物 们 ,无论是布什石杓鹬 ,还是茶色蛙嘴夜 鹰 ,还是岩袋鼠 ,或是巨蜥——它们也在 这里与各自的家庭共度美好时光。 在小岛周围 ,海洋生物的种类非常丰 富。度假村位于长岛的岩颈处(长约9000 米 ,最宽处约2000米),坐落在地形最窄 的地方 ,约 400米宽。 “这里真的很棒!因为可以从一头走到 另一头 ,看着海豚、海龟、魟鱼、儒艮 游过 ,冬天你还能在度假村前后看到鲸 鱼。”Caroline 说。 “你还可以喝着鸡尾酒,在岛的东边看 看日出,在西边看看日落。度假村前面有一 片 300 米长的未经污染的珊瑚丛,色彩瑰 丽 ,周围有许多海洋生物。你可以游泳从 海滩出发 ,也可以乘一艘度假村的皮艇, 把皮艇系在浮标上 ,跳入海中潜泳或者乘 一艘用于捕鱼的明轮船。” 真是发现了一个梦想中的岛屿!

边住边玩 在长岛上,你可以有许多活动选择(适合 各种类型游客的需求),你可以做水疗、 潜泳或者乘坐度假村的小船和皮艇;你 可以钓鱼 ,可以沿岛上国家公园里13公 里的栈道漫步 ,或者只是美美的睡上一 觉。Caroline 和她的员工们还可以为你预 订附加旅游和冒险项目 ,比如乘坐罕见的 澳大利亚传统游艇观光(“Lady Enid” 号)或者乘坐水上飞机/直升机瞭望标志性 的心形礁。见 圣灵天堂探险家与度假村的合作项目可 为至多八名旅客提供贴心的一日游。当地 人 John 和 Jacqui Henderson 于去年推出 了这项业务 ,他们用一艘坚固的充气橡皮 艇搭乘旅客们到达“隐蔽瑰宝”之地 ,其 中包括能够观赏日落的27座小岛,冬天你 还能在那里看到鲸鱼成群结队地坏绕。 见

01. 长岛平房 02. 长岛棕榈湾 03. 白天堂海滩 04. 海曼岛度假村


在安全港口 扬帆远航 03.

海滩,小船和小屋 你可以选择在海滨露营 ,也可以选择住在 六星级的豪华别墅 ,在圣灵群岛你有多种 住宿选择 ,能够满足你的各种需求。这里 共有 25 个允许露营的地点 ,包括儒艮海 滩、标志性的白天堂海滩、彼得湾和Hook 岛 ,如果你选择 Hook 岛的话你可以直接 在海岸边潜游。Henning 岛的北砂嘴十分 适合玩皮划艇,Molle 群岛也是一个不错 的露营地点,Planton 岛或者 Denman 岛 一次只能接待一组游客。这是真正的荒野 体验,因为设施很少 ,露营者们必须自给 自足,但是你不必担心因人来人往而受到 打扰,因为人数是有严格控制的。你可以 提前11个月进行预定,最受欢迎几个地方 的预定都非常火爆。 陆地上有许多住宿地点 ,包括背包客 旅馆和度假公园 ,其中有 Airlie 滩和近 Cannonvale 的酒店和公寓 ,也有神秘湾 和鲍恩的酒店和公寓。 Airlie滩最新开的酒店叫心灵酒店&画 廊 ,那里重现了传统昆士兰风貌 ,有高 高的屋顶、木材包层和宽敞的阳台。顶层 的精品艺术画廊展览着当地艺术家的特色 作品。 岛上的游牧民可以像库克船长一样在圣

灵降临走廊上驾船 ,晚上选一个避风港抛 锚休息 ,白天继续探索岛屿。你可以同一 名船员或船长一起开着你自己的快艇夜间 旅行并规划自己的行程(见右侧示例)。 岛上的住宿条件从哈密尔顿岛的四星级 暗礁酒店到船坞周围的公寓和别墅 ,以及 自给自足超豪华私密海滨别墅 Qualia。 游客们可以租一个豪宅像摇滚明星一 样生活——泰勒·斯威夫特曾经在这里住 过,甲壳虫乐队已故的乔治·哈里森也曾 在这里住过。 如果你想拥有极致奢华的体验,那么你 可以乘坐水上飞机或租一架直升机到圣灵 海岸北端的海曼岛和距离外礁最近的可居 岛。 早在 20 世纪 50 年代 ,它就是作为一 个豪华度假村而建立 ,后续又经过了投资 数百万澳元的翻新 ,自 2014 年来一直处 于 One & Only 度假村的管理之下。一直以 来,它都提供着一流的住宿体验,内有游 泳池、海景房、海滩别墅和私人泳池,房 间配有 Diane von Furstenberg 的设计,可 提供私人管家服务。躺在圣灵海岸碧蓝色 海水浅滩的按摩椅上着实是一种梦幻般的 享受。

圣灵海岸是澳大利亚的第一海 航圣地(同时也是南半球最安 全的),即使是新手也可以乘 坐租用的空船用 3 到 7 个晚上 (或更多)去探索原始地区

第一天 大部分空船租赁公司都位于 Airlie 滩 上 ,可从 Proserpine 的圣灵海岸机场 驾车30分钟到达。如果时间很紧的话 ,你可以直接乘飞机到汉密尔顿岛。 储备好生活用品 ,预订可选的附加设 备(站式冲浪板、渔具甚至超豪华直 升机和水上飞机)。理想第一站是那 拉河口 ,位于富克岛的南端 ,是一个 像峡湾一样的迷人仙境 ,也是该地区 保护最好的夜间停泊点和出发点 ,你 可以走上岸 ,看看已有 8000 多年历 史的古代原住民洞穴绘画 ,相信你一 定会惊叹不已。

第二天 驾船驶向富克岛北端的蝴蝶湾。这里 是指定绿化区 ,属于世界遗产名录之 中 ,这是一个与巨大的毛利隆头鱼、 蝠鲼、鹦鹉鱼和五彩斑斓的珊瑚鱼一 同潜游的极佳地点。带着午餐便当或 下午茶上岸 ,看看蝴蝶聚居区。如果 你是潜水爱好者 ,那你可以搭乘该区 域内运营的潜水船(通过你的租赁公 司提前预订)。


如果不在圣灵群岛的白天堂海滩上 留下几串脚印 ,那么你的圣灵之旅 就是不完整的。白天堂海滩最美的 地方——5000 米长的纯白色硅砂 滩——在舌头湾停泊下来 ,搭坐小船 到海滩上 ,经过短途的灌木山行 ,到 希尔湾观景台上眺望这无与伦比的美 景。Matthew McConaughey 和 Kate Hudson 主演的电影《傻爱成金》中的 水上飞机追逐片段就是在这里拍摄完 成的。若想体验鸟瞰景色 ,你可以从 白天堂海滩预订一架直升机(咨询你 的租赁经营商以了解更多详情。)

空船旅行套餐包含全部学费。更多详细 信息请见


Great Barrier Reef

凯恩斯 汤斯维尔 班达伯格


野生动物们 在哪儿呢 Shelley Thomas 发现 ,在大堡礁 ,你不仅可以与鲸鱼、鲨鱼、 鳐鱼一同畅游 ,还可以体验许多探险项目 大堡礁每年都会迎来许多想要一览世界遗 产名录中奇幻自然世界的游客们,David Attenborough 先生这样描述:“这可能是 你一生中能见到的最神奇的世界。” 在六月和七月之间 ,大堡礁的“原始 北部”区域被认为是地球上唯一一个野生 动物们主动与人类进行互动的地方…纯粹 是为了玩耍。在这种情况下 ,一种群居的 鲸鱼——侏儒小须鲸会发出充满好奇的叫 声 ,科学家们将其称之为“星球大战的声 音”,类似于 Luke Skywalker 燃烧了他 的光剑。 由商业渔民变为自然资源保护者的 John Rumney 认为,地球上再没有第二个如此 的体验; 这就是他愿望清单首位的原始外 丝带礁体验。 “这样的体验对人影响深远,没有任 何其他东西可以比拟 。”John 说:“这 是前所未有的心灵涤荡。你可能是一个 曾5000 次在深海与鲨鱼一同潜游的潜水 员,但是你一定会惊叹‘哇塞 ,这里完全 不同啊!’”世界最佳纪录片摄制组(包 括在大堡礁上进行过录制的 Attenborough 团队)拍摄的海洋相遇潜水之旅被国家地 理旅行者杂志列为一生中最应体验的 50 个旅行之一。 Rumney 曾协助撰写小须鲸畅游海洋指 南 ,被视为是世界最佳实践典范。将自然 旅游与公民科学结合起来 ,John 在他的 《海上之旅》上为研究者们提供了自由空 间 ,从而能够使游客们见证鲸鱼的监测和 鲨鱼、海龟跟踪。 为了更好地了解来访侏儒小须鲸的生物 特性和行为,大堡礁海洋公园管理局 (GBR MPA)于2003年与研究人员和旅游经营商 联手 ,批准了世界上首个与鲸鱼一同畅游 海洋的相遇之旅项目。同时 ,批准执行该 旅行项目的旅游经营商需要向詹姆斯库克 大学的小须鲸项目提供相关数据。 Rumney说 ,虽然你能够在潜游时常常 看见鲸鱼 ,但最有意思的还数挂在水面上 的安全绳索上时与鲸鱼的互动 。平均相遇 互动时间可以长达两个小时 ,有时就像跑 马拉松一样——你会与二十多头鲸鱼相处 十个多小时! 28. | BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017


“鲸鱼一般会沿着绳索游 ,从四五米外 看着不同的人——有一头鲸鱼非常友善,他 们常常会游到距离人三米之内 ,有时甚至 是一米。 “当你望向别处时 ,它们还会悄悄来到 你身后。当你看到深灰色的东西露出水 面 ,然后意识到是向你游来的鲸鱼的鼻 子时 ,你的心脏会激动的扑通扑通狂跳。 “鲸鱼可能会停下 ,盯着你审视一番 ,

或是拱起它的背把鼻子举向空中在你面前旋 转 ,或是在你身下调皮地游过。我感觉我都 对这种体验上瘾了。”

生态旅游澳大利亚生态认证计划认可的高标 准旅游业务名单请见

01. 在Tribulation海角的海洋野生动物园潜泳 02. Osprey礁的鲨鱼 03. 与侏儒小须鲸近距离接触 04. 长得像尼莫的小丑鱼 05. 120 岁的巨蛤


Great 8 旅行 在大堡礁 ,与侏儒小须鲸相遇并不是唯一能与野生动物进行接触的 机会。大堡礁的“Great 8”相当于水下的非洲野生动物园 ,沿着 从约克角到班达伯格的珊瑚礁可一览海下景色 鲨鱼的故事:在 5 月到 8 月的洛岛(道格拉斯港边15公里处),你可以看到柠檬鲨在30 厘米开外的海水中游来游去。到了冬天,洛岛(一块珊瑚礁,大小只有两公顷)的海滩不 远处会聚集着约 100000 只成群结队的钓饵鱼,它们一般是以家庭为单位,吸引着鲨鱼科 中的温柔成员——许多超过三米的柠檬鲨。 同时 ,你若想要与鲨鱼来一场终极相遇 ,那就跳上一艘潜水艇去 Wild North 一睹 Osprey 礁上喂养的活鲨鱼的风采吧!那里有成群的梭鱼、犬齿金枪鱼和马鲛鱼 ,旁边还 有让人吓破胆的鲨鱼 ,包括有白鳍鲨、双髻鲨、灰鳍捕鲸鲨和银鳍捕鲸鲨。 神奇魔鬼鱼(学名蝠鲼):大堡礁南部的伊力特夫人岛被誉为“魔鬼鱼天堂”。实际上, 潜水教练员职业工会早就将它列到了世界上接触蝠鲼的最佳地点前五名。蝠鲼是一种非常 温和的生物 ,翼展长达七米 ,脑体比例是现有的鱼种中最大的。 众所周知 ,蝠鲼喜欢与潜水员和浮潜者互动 ,并展开一场迷人的求爱 ,被称为“求偶 训练”——有点像水下康茄舞——公蝠鲼会模仿母蝠鲼的一举一动 ,有时会长达数日。对 于有生态意识的旅行者来说 ,伊力特夫人岛生态度假村是很近的 ,就像你抓住一个碳中 性模型一样。 海龟的力量:世界上共有七种海龟 ,而大堡礁就是其中六种的家。Raine岛是世界上最大 的绿海龟繁殖地(在大堡礁偏远的北部),不对公众开放 ,你可以去伊力特夫人岛、马斯 格雷夫夫人岛、苍鹭岛、绿岛(唯一有热带雨林的岛)、菲茨罗伊岛和班达伯格的蒙利普 斯海滩(别错过昆士兰公园和蒙利普斯海龟中心由野生服务管理员指引的海龟相遇路线) 上看看其他比较受欢迎的交配和筑巢地点。十一月到三月是海龟产卵和孵化的季节。

除了鲨鱼、鲸鱼、蝠 鲼和海龟之外 ,可 以添加到愿望清单 的还有像尼莫的小 丑鱼、120 岁的巨 蛤、毛利濑鱼和重达 110 千克的黑斑 石斑鱼。


澳洲航空和维珍澳大利亚航空有布里斯班与班达伯格之间的直 飞航班;捷星航空、澳洲航空、老虎航空和维珍澳大利亚航 空有布里斯班与凯恩斯之间的直飞航班;捷星航空、澳 洲航空、维珍澳大利亚航空有布里斯班和汤斯维尔(大 堡礁和群岛)之间的直飞航班。飞行时间:到班达伯格 55 分钟;到汤斯维尔 2 小时;到凯恩 斯 2 小时 20 分钟。




Images: 1. Ocean Safari; 2-5 Tourism and Events Queensland


Haggerstone Island Lizard Island

Great Barrier Reef

凯恩斯 汤斯维尔

Bedarra Orpheus Island



私人小岛上的流浪者 如果你想像一个幸存者一样露营自给自足 , 那大堡礁海岸上的这个小岛真是为你和你的 好朋友们量身定制的 ORPHEUS岛 这是一个有着十四间屋子的豪华私人岛屿度假村 ,在汤斯维尔 北部80 公里处 ,拥有完美的海滩、巨蛤‘花园’和一个名为 Gwandalan的水疗中心 ,以使用土生草药和治愈的原则为游客提 供舒适与宁静。花一天在先锋湾体验一下小艇冒险或者探索一下海 洋研究站的工作 ,见一见烹饪人员 ,根据你自己的口味选择适合 的菜单 ,然后在码头的灯光下享受定制的“与潮汐共同进餐”体 验。这些都可以属于你…每晚 25000 美元(最少三个晚上),共 能接待 28 名客人 ,包括美食(与潮汐共同进餐项目额外算钱)、 最好的澳洲葡萄酒、啤酒和Orpheus日常探索体验。 见

01. Orpheus岛上码头 02. 南瓜岛 03. Bedarra岛别墅甲板 04. 大堡礁公路



Images 2+4: Tourism and Events Queensland

BEDARRA岛 Bedarra 岛号称“终极赤足奢华”之地 ,这个私密的岛屿度假胜地 远离 Mission 海滩的海岸 ,位于凯恩斯和汤斯维尔之间 ,接待过 很多大腕明星 ,比如 Elton John,但是这里仍然严格控制客人的数 量 ,从而保证“对环境的影响最小化”的承诺。经过五年前的可 持续性研究之后 ,这里将接待客人的别墅数量减少到了九个 ,每 座别墅都被郁郁葱葱的雨林隐蔽着 ,但同时可以俯瞰壮观的海景。 其他环保措施包括太阳能发电、将所有玻璃废料研磨成砂子来减 少大量的垃圾、把所有衣物送到内陆洗涤、培育有机蔬菜园和不断 种植植被以弥补海滩的侵蚀。 客人们可以有全方位的生态享受和包罗万象的活动(皮划艇、站 式冲浪板、潜游、捕鱼、小艇、网球甚至美食野餐船)。这些都可 以属于你…每晚 13530 澳元起价 ,其中包括为您和您的 17 位好 友准备的精美食物和葡萄酒。对了,还有无限畅饮的 Jacquart 香 槟。干杯!见



沿海驾驶 大堡礁路是一条壮观的沿海自驾路线 ,从凯恩斯北 部延伸至苦难角 ,共长 140 公里 ,途中有许多值 得领略的风景和值得尝试的体验 , 只需花一个星期就能完成

第一天 03.

HAGGERSTONE岛 Anna Turner 和她的丈夫 Roy 共同拥 有这个度假村 ,她在 20 世纪 70 年 代 ,也就是她 18 岁时与作为制片人 的爸爸(John Heyer)一同寻宝时发 现了这个遥远小岛 。约 10 年之后 , 她重新回到这里拥有了现在的家庭和 一些幸运的客人们。 根据Anna所述 ,Haggerstone 岛(坐落于距澳大利亚东海岸很远 的地方——约在凯恩斯北部 600 公里处——即使是距离最近的小镇 Lockhart 河也需要乘飞机花 40 分 钟才能到)被誉为“震撼世界的最佳 之地”。这里配备有一个45英尺的 喷气艇,一名船长(Anna的丈夫或 儿子,Sam),他们的任务是带你去 任何你想去的地方:陆地瀑布、Sir Charles Hardy 群岛或者去附近的珊 瑚礁捕鱼。 Haggerstone 还是美食天堂。Roy 擅长烹饪,他的拿手菜是改编自 Nobu 食谱的新鲜无比的龙虾小方饺 和咖喱珊瑚鳟鱼。这些都可以属于 你…每晚 7000 美元(最少四个晚 上——包括餐饮、住宿、设备租用、 装备、诱饵和活动)。这里会是你和 11位客人的最佳游乐地。见 南瓜岛 南瓜岛位于大堡礁南部吉宝群岛的耶蓬海岸上 ,是一个只有六公 顷的美丽小岛。这里有 7 个自给自足的环保小屋和平房以供住宿 ,你可以在这里尽情 DIY(没有厨师和管家 ,所有小屋都有独立 露台和烧烤炉)。岛上免费提供明轮船、皮划艇和站式冲浪板。 这些都可以属于你…每晚 2730 美元 ,可接待 34 个人。见 蜥蜴岛 大堡礁岛上的专属蜥蜴岛位于凯恩斯北方 240 公里处 ,距昆士兰 海岸 27 公里 ,共可接待 80 位客人 ,有 40 间豪华客房 ,每天 供应三餐 ,如果你需要的的话还可以提供野餐用具、香槟和上乘 的澳大利亚美酒 ,你还可以驾驶机动艇去探索周围的 24 片白色 沙滩。仅可从凯恩斯乘私人包机到达。这些都可以属于你…起始价 229,248.80 澳元两晚,之后 114,624.40 澳元一晚。见 - Shelley Thomas

途中在库兰达(古色古香的雨林村庄 ,遍地都是咖啡馆 ,距凯 恩斯北部 25 公里远)的雨林缆车索道停下来。乘着玻璃底的 小船或电缆索道饱览海岸线美景和雨林景色 ,往返时间需要两 个多小时 ,你可以在中间几站停下来欣赏沿途的风景。 继续前行去道格拉斯港吃午饭 ,但不要逗留太久 ,因为你 一定要去体验热带北部之旅必游项目戴恩树河游船 ,你可以坐 在太阳能船上看到野生鳄鱼。曾搭乘过太阳低语号野生动物巡 航船的名人有 Ed Sheeran、Lou Reed 和 The Cat Empire。驾 驶时间:从道格拉斯港出发需花 50 分钟。 这一天结束之前,再去 Cooper 溪边的 Heritage Lodge & Spa躺着放松放松,那里有 20 个隐蔽的小屋,十分适合观鸟者 和自然爱好者。

第二天 深吸几口平和又宁静的空气 ,去寻找澳大利亚体型最小、历史 最悠久的袋鼠——麝袋鼠。这种袋鼠只能在热带雨林里找到 , 通常出没于 Heritage Lodge & Spa 附近。 戴恩树雨林里有许多步行道 ,建议一直去到苦难角 ,驾车 向北一小时就能到达。通过高空滑索去戴恩树国家公园里最古 老的地方来来一次丛林探索之旅 ,雨林遇上大堡礁就是对那里 最生动的阐述。 在途中的 Cape Trib 海滩小屋办理入住 ,它是该地区唯一的 度假村,里面有海滨客房。丛林探险公司为游客提供免费接送 服务 ,沿途你还可能看到稀有的班尼特树袋鼠。

第三天 早起去大堡礁的海洋野生动物园寻找尼莫和它的 1600 多个小 鱼伙伴,就从苦难角海滩开始吧,差不多花上个半天时间。去 Mackay 和 Undine 礁潜游的话需要乘 25 分钟的船。 饿了?回到陆地上 ,去海洋探险办公室旁边的海龟岩石餐馆 吃一顿丰盛的午餐吧。要是你想尝试点更酷的东西 ,那就向南 驾驶30分钟去戴恩树冰淇淋公司吧,《孤独星球》杂志这样评 价它:“很有可能是风景最优美的冰淇淋公司。” 回到道格拉斯港,行程大约为回凯恩斯的一半 ,在这里好好 睡上一觉 ,第二天精神抖擞的继续上路 ,途中可以在原始海滩 和 Rexs 观景台停下来看一看。


Just the place to experience JAN



SUNSHINE COAST Noosa Festival of Surfing Mooloolaba Triathlon Festival

GOLD COAST Burleigh Pro Pacific Fair Magic Millions Polo

BRISBANE Brisbane International

BRISBANE Victoria Bitter One Day International Series Australia v Pakistan

GOLD COAST Quiksilver Pro and Roxy Pro Gold Coast SOUTHERN QUEENSLAND COUNTRY Oceania Continental MTB Championships & XCO and DHI National Series Felton Food Festival


BRISBANE Mountain Bike Australia National Championships

SOUTHERN QUEENSLAND COUNTRY E&E Waste Hell of the West Triathlon Have a Go! Festival

GOLD COAST Sand Safari Arts Festival

SUNSHINE COAST Noosa Summer Swim

OUTBACK QUEENSLAND Julia Creek Dirt n Dust Festival Roma’s Easter in the Country

BRISBANE Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Conference (ARVO Asia)

GLADSTONE REGION Agnes Blues, Roots and Rock Festival

GOLD COAST Jewel World Triathlon Gold Coast and Gold Coast Triathlon – Luke Harrop Memorial TOWNSVILLE NORTH QUEENSLAND Townsville MTB Festival

BRISBANE Brisbane Global Rugby Tens

TROPICAL NORTH QUEENSLAND 14th World Rural Health Conference

GOLD COAST TOTAL BWF Badminton Sudirman Cup

Magic Millions National Sale

THE WHITSUNDAYS ADC Forum Australian Leadership Retreat

GLADSTONE REGION Captain Cook 1770 Festival and Art Show



GOLD COAST Blues on Broadbeach Music Festival


BRISBANE Marvel: Creating the Cinematic Universe*

CMC Music Awards


Goomeri Pumpkin Festival


Bleach* Festival


Noosa Ultimate Sports Festival

World Science Festival Brisbane

GOLD COAST Australian Surf Life Saving Championships

GOLD COAST Jeep Magic Millions Carnival, Sales and Raceday


SUNSHINE COAST Noosa Food and Wine Festival

TROPICAL NORTH QUEENSLAND Great Barrier Reef Masters Games Port Douglas Carnivale


GOLD COAST Gold Coast Film Festival

FRASER COAST Relish Food and Wine Festival

Surfers Paradise LIVE

Mary Poppins Festival

GOLD COAST Australian Open Lawn Bowls

CAPRICORN REGION Golden Mount Festival

TROPICAL NORTH QUEENSLAND Cape York Laura Aboriginal Dance Festival BRISBANE Qantas Wallabies v Italy BRISBANE The Planting

BRISBANE QPAC International Series – The Royal Ballet**

Scenic Rim Eat Local Week

* Adi Granov / Keyframe for Marvel’s The Avengers 2012 / © 2012 MARVEL ** © ROYAL OPERA HOUSE 2015. PHOTO - ROH JOHAN PERSSON, 2014

OUTBACK QUEENSLAND Winton’s Vision Splendid Outback Film Festival

TROPICAL NORTH QUEENSLAND Cairns Airport Adventure Festival

Australia’s best live events BRISBANE Quandamooka Festival


Coates Hire Ipswich SuperSprint

GOLD COAST Broadbeach Country Music Festival

OUTBACK QUEENSLAND Birdsville Big Red Bash

MACKAY REGION Mackay Festival of Arts

Strand Ephemera 2017: The North’s Sculpture Festival



SUNSHINE COAST IRONMAN 70.3 Sunshine Coast Caloundra Music Festival

GOLD COAST Australian University Games

GOLD COAST Griffith Opera on the Beach – Aida

BRISBANE XXI World Congress of International Federation of Translators

Coates Hire Coolangatta Gold Buskers by the Creek

Royal Queensland Show (Ekka)

BRISBANE Bledisloe Cup: Qantas Wallabies v All Blacks

CAPRICORN REGION Gemfest “Festival of Gems”


SUNSHINE COAST Gympie Music Muster

GOLD COAST FASAVA Congress – Federation of Asian Small Animal Veterinary Associations

OUTBACK QUEENSLAND Mount Isa Mines Rotary Rodeo

BRISBANE Ashes Test: Australia v England


GOLD COAST Gold Coast 600


Asia Pacific Screen Awards



TROPICAL NORTH QUEENSLAND 2017 UCI Mountain Bike World Championships Cairns



BRISBANE Brisbane Asia Pacific Film Festival

TROPICAL NORTH QUEENSLAND Tropical Journeys Great Barrier Reef Marathon Festival

TOWNSVILLE NORTH QUEENSLAND Australian Festival of Chamber Music

Townsville 400

THE WHITSUNDAYS Airlie Beach Race Week Festival of Sailing

SOUTHERN QUEENSLAND COUNTRY Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers

BRISBANE Brisbane Festival

Toyota AFL Premiership Round 18 – Western Bulldogs v Gold Coast Suns

GOLD COAST Gold Coast Airport Marathon

TOWNSVILLE NORTH QUEENSLAND McDonald’s Townsville Running Festival

Outback Festival


BUNDABERG NORTH BURNETT Winterfeast (featuring Heartland Festival)




See the full events calendar at

BUNDABERG NORTH BURNETT Crush Festival Bundaberg


BRISBANE Rugby League World Cup – Semi-Final

BRISBANE Rugby League World Cup – Final

GOLD COAST Australian PGA Championship The 2017 Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2017)

BRISBANE Queensland Ballet – The Nutcracker

BRISBANE Woodford Folk Festival

SUNSHINE COAST Wanderlust Sunshine Coast


SUNSHINE COAST Noosa Triathlon Multi Sport Festival




Event, dates and venues are subject to change without notice. Please see for the latest listings.



一个充满惊喜的城市 ,从俯瞰中央商务区的人 造沙滩到隐藏在巷道里有 400 多种威士忌的 酒吧。这是一个很有亲切感的城市 ,你可以 选择任何形式的交通方式 ,到处洋溢着欢迎和 友好的气氛。布里斯班的迎宾员们(Brisbane Greeters)都很了解当地流行地标的故事 ,他们 会很高兴与你分享旅行建议并免费带你游览 城市 ,让游客们有宾至如归的感觉。在布里斯 班这个城市里 ,你可以坐在舒服的世界级剧院 里看一场百老汇演出 ,也可以坐在草地上免费 听音乐家们分享他们的才华和赤诚的灵魂。布里 斯班到处都是有才华的厨师 ,他们富有激情 , 打造自己的菜单 ,就地取材 ,辅以新鲜和美味 的配料…我们很高兴成为他们的试菜员。在布里 斯班 ,你既可以购买高档设计师品牌 ,也可以 在集市摊位上买一些稀奇古怪的礼物。布里斯班 是你的冒险之旅的开始。听听大家的感受 ,激 发你的灵感吧… 34. | BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017

“…这里是 Turrbal 人的祖籍 ,人们通过音乐、 舞蹈、故事和画作来展现这里的古老故事。” ——MAROOCHY BARAMBAH,女歌者、法律女性和 Turrbal 人德高望重的长者

“…探险者的家园。我喜欢放松地徒步在库塔山步道 ,然后在 Ascot 赛马路上的 Buzz Emporium、Fortitude Valley 或者 Cafe 63 吃早 餐。”

——ALYSSA AZAR,珠穆朗玛峰会纪录保持者和冒险家

“一个变换多端的城市;离住宅区很近就是城市核心。在 这个城市 ,你还可以沿着7公里的河边道路晨跑 ,然后 吃一顿饱饱的早餐 ,喝一杯香醇的咖啡。” ——TYLER BRULE,Monocle主编;Winkcreative董事长兼首席执行官

“…这是一个 如齿轮一般转 动的城市 ,那 里的厨师和美 食家都是用心 在烹饪自己心 中的美食。” ——MATT MORAN,布里斯班名厨, ARIA Brisbane店主

“开放…开阔的心胸 ,开阔的 天空 ,开阔的空间 ,敞开的 心 ,梦想着伟大的世界 , 创造出美丽的世界级艺术。” ——KATIE NOONAN, 音乐家 ,昆士兰音乐节艺术总监

“…Sunnybank 的中国水饺 ,Moorooka 的非洲英吉 拉 ,Darra 的越南河粉。这里曾是一个纯朴的小城镇, 现在已成为了世界级的多元文化城市 ,但我们心存感 恩 ,我们下车时仍然会记得跟司机道谢。” ——NICK EARLS,作家

“…世界上最适宜居住 的城市之一。我喜欢这 里的天气 ,我喜欢这里 的轻松、好客和友好的 气氛。我喜欢河流蜿 蜒穿过城市的自然 美景。” ——LI CUNXIN, 昆士兰芭蕾舞团艺术总监

“非常适宜居住。我的家和工作 室就坐落在八英亩的灌木丛中, 那里有成群的野生动物 ,但我们 距离中央商务区和国家领先的博 物馆、画廊和文化机构只有 25 分钟的车程。布里斯班可以在繁 忙的大都市和乡村小镇之间自由 转换 ,所需要的只是短暂的车 程 ,真是两全其美。” ——MICHAEL ZAVROS,艺术家


你好 阳光

每天日照时间 8.1 小时 (气象局)

布里斯班机场每年客 流量 2270 万 (布里斯班机场公司)

布里斯班最常用 的五个外国语言

布里斯班地区 的人口 231万



1. 普通话

2. 越南语

3. 粤语

酒店床位超 过 42000 个 (澳大利亚统计局)

4. 意大利语

5. 西班牙语

布里斯班的公园 数量>2100 (布里斯班市政厅)

布里斯班骑车路线 3712个 (WWW.MAPMYRIDE.COM/AU/)

一杯咖啡的平均 价格 3.62 澳元 (卡布奇诺价格指数)

从布里斯班出发的五个最受欢 迎国际目的地 新西兰、美国、印度尼西亚、 英国、斐济




在商务旅行中 发现更多乐趣 Natascha Mirosch 写道 ,为适应商务旅客特别的‘连通’ 需求 ,新的酒店提供的不仅仅是技术和服务


每个星期,悉尼的 IT 专业人员 Andrew McConnell 都会到布里斯班中央商务区最 中心地带的皇后街购物中心 Next 酒店入 住。“这里位置很好 ,同时能够工作休闲 两不误 ,对于一个常常驻外工作的人来说 这一点非常重要。”他说。 在过去的八个月里 ,McConnell 每周 都会在Next酒店住大约两天 ,他说他经 常会待在酒店的四楼工作区。这里有玻璃 地板和天花板 ,你可以喝着免费的茶和咖 啡透过玻璃地板俯瞰游泳池和酒吧 ,这里 还有一个图书馆 ,有沙发和电视 ,与传 统的酒店商务中心有所不同。 “这意味着当我没有会要开时 , 也不 必整天呆在我的房间里工作…我可以欣赏 泳池甚至喝杯啤酒。”他说。  Next 酒店还为商务旅行者提供其它增 值服务包括特斯拉车机场接送服务(价格 与出租车相同)以及为在入住时间前到达 的旅客提供的 24 小时过渡休息室 ,这里 可以存放行李、洗澡、在休眠吊舱中休息 或进行工作 ,不额外收费。他们还有一

02. 03. 01. 特斯拉车机场接机 02. 为办理入住和退房前的旅客提供的休眠吊舱 03. Next 酒店的泳池露台和酒吧

个可下载的应用程序 ,能让客人控制他 们的房间环境、订购客房服务、办理入住 和退房并且能查看超过 2000 份世界报纸 和杂志。 然而 ,如今对于商务旅客来说 ,他们 寻求的不仅仅是位置、高科技和服务 , 他们也想要更多的个人体验。“对于商务 旅客来说 ,酒店不再单纯只是睡觉、发 送电子邮件和进行商务会谈的地方了。” Fairfax媒体执行方式的编辑 Michael Harry 说。 “商务旅客正在寻找一种‘家外之家’ 的感觉。当你在工作旅途中时 ,个性化 服务和新奇的事情会让你感觉到很大的不 同。” Spicers 在 New Farm 区的贝尔福酒店 (Balfour Suites)于去年开业,这个重新 装修的昆士兰风格建筑成为了一个成功的 精品酒店。 “我们的目标是让客人觉得这里是第 二个家。”经理 Sam Giles 说。“我们以 他们的名字为称呼亲切地迎接他们 ,并 亲自护送他们到各自的 套房。” Giles 甚至会 给客人自己的手机号 , 告诉他们如果有任何需 求或问题直接打电话给 他。虽然这里没有商务 中心 ,然而硕大的房间 装饰风格十分文艺 ,有 舒适的工作椅、桌子并 提供快速的无线连接网 络。当一天结束 ,客人 可以去到酒店的屋顶酒 吧(以诚信体系运营) 吃点免费点心 ,欣赏故 事桥的壮丽景色。 在布里斯班 ,越来 越多的酒店和服务公寓 已经意识到 ,有时商务 旅客想要的不仅仅是高 效率的商业服务——他 们想要像一个当地人一 样感受这个城市的各方 面 ,即使旅途很短暂。



布里斯班的 商务热门地点 “随着布里斯班全城发展的如火如荼 ,这里已做好准备欢迎越来越 多的商务旅行者。”Natascha Mirosch 写道

01. 皇后码头的发展 02. 正在建设中的布里斯班机场酒店及会议中心 03. 南岸布里斯班会展中心


世界一流的会展设施、高科技的基础设施和丰富的休 闲选择以及宜人的气候使布里斯班成为了一个十分有 吸引力的商业目的地。布里斯班会议展览中心坐落在 南布里斯班,那里是城市文化、娱乐、滨河餐饮区中 心 ,经国际会议中心协会(AIPC)年度大会的国际客 户评估和独立审查之后被誉为世界最佳,并且因为它 于四年前完成了1 亿 4000 万澳元的扩建项目,故它 在 2014 年承办了G20 集团领导人峰会。它是澳大利 亚唯一有三个独立剧院式礼堂的会展中心 ,它灵活的 会议设施可同时容纳五场会展。仅在 2017 年 ,该中 心就将举办超过 700 个活动。 除了私人商务旅行者外 ,布里斯班还可以在任何 时间接待大约 18000 名会展代表 ,而且随着更多的 酒店、会展场所的开业 ,这一数字将在未来几年内 飙升。 据布里斯班推广局的首席执行官 John Aitken 说, 布里斯班吸引的国际游客人数已经创下了记录,许多 重要的城市都在积极与布里斯班之间建立航空运输服 务 ,包括东京、上海、新加坡、台湾和温哥华。 他说:“当布里斯班机场在 2020 建成新的平行跑道 时,机场的容量将扩大一倍,从而使其成为澳大利亚 效率最高的机场。”与此同时 ,随着大量基础设施项 目的完成,城市中的建筑行业持续蓬勃发展。



布里斯班中央商务区坐落于河畔 ,拥有精致的用餐场所、豪华 的购物商场、舒适的商务设施和多样的休闲活动 ,各个场所之 间距离很近 ,步行即可方便到达。 交通:乘坐专用轻轨可从布里斯班机场直接到达中央商务 区 ,这里是当地列车网络的中心。市中心有许多公共汽车 , 包括有免费的城市环路巴士以及市郊巴士服务。CityCat(渡 口)站位于鹰街码头 ,这里也有免费的City Hopper渡轮服务 连接点,向上游或向下游走均可。出租车非常多 ,并且都有清 晰的标记。 设施:中央商务区的国际酒店很多,包括希尔顿酒店和万豪 酒店。2017 年底 ,喜达屋酒店集团将在乔治街 300 号开设它 们在布里斯班的首家W酒店 ,它将是一家拥有 305 间客房、 超过 900 平方米会议空间、可俯瞰布里斯班河景的五星级宾 馆。该集团预计将在下一年于玛丽街 111 号开设一家威斯汀酒 店。同时 ,当故事桥下的著名霍华德史密斯码头完成一亿澳元 精修项目后 ,亚太集团会于 2018 年在布里斯班开设它们的第 二家艺术系列酒店以作为该发展计划的一部分。该地点的规划 还包括活动和展览场所以及节日、集市、公用场地、自行车道 和滨江长廊的开放领域。 到 2022 年,皇后码头的三十亿澳元重建项目和增加的活动 设施可容纳多达 60000 人、50 个新餐厅和酒吧、一个独特的 天空甲板和世界级的游戏设施 ,除此之外 ,五家新的国际酒 店还将在布里斯班中央商务区增加 1100 多个高档酒店客房 , 包括丽思卡尔顿酒店和本市第一家六星级酒店。 最佳商务午餐地点:Aria、Alchemy、Esquire、Urbane、Otto.


毅力谷区可同时容纳各种大小型企业。它是初创企业和创意产业 之家 ,但其与城市毗邻 ,掀起了新公司和房屋的发展浪潮。 交通:布朗斯威克街的毅力谷车站有包括机场轻轨在内的所有 市郊线路 ,有多辆到达中央商务区的公交车。街上的出租车很 多,你也可以在专用出租车队伍中选择一辆。 设施:毅力谷有许多住宿选择 ,有精品酒店 ,比如 Emporium(安街 1000 号),也有位于鲍恩山边缘毗邻布里斯 班展览广场和皇家国际会议中心的 Rydges(Gregory Terrace 601号)。圣人酒店(詹姆斯街 70 号)与有历史特色的 Queens Arms 酒吧合并 ,最近刚刚开业 ,距詹姆斯街的时尚精品购物店 只有几步之遥 ,新的“城市度假”Calile 将于 2018 年在詹姆斯 街中心的道路(在 Doggett 街的拐角处)边开业 ,它有 178 间酒 店客房 ,届时将给这一地点带来更多的零售商店。 最佳商务午餐地点:Les Bubbles,Tartufo,Nickel 厨房和酒吧。


每年有超过 2270 万名旅客经过布里斯班机场 ,随着航空公司 增加新的航班服务,预计这一数字将继续增长 ,该市新的酒店 和会议设施也将完工。 交通:机场的国内和国际候机楼都通过机场专用火车路线 Airtrain 连接中央商务区。候机楼处也有出租车服务 ,通过机 场隧道 ,入城时间约为15 - 20 分钟。 设施:目前的住宿有位于 Skygate 的有157 间客房的 Novotel 酒店 ,可通过免费换乘公交车从机场候机楼直接 到达。由于布里斯班机场的旅客人数预计将在 20 年内达到 3800万,布里斯班机场公司正在进行投资 38 亿澳元的基础设 施建设 ,其中包括一个正在建设中的新平行跑道 ,将于 2020 年开放。 国际候机楼已完成了投资 4500 万澳元的改造 ,国内候机 楼有一个新的餐饮区域 ,附近的 Skygate 零售中心有新开的露 天咖啡馆和儿童户外游乐器械。今年下半年 ,新酒店和会议中 心的一期工程将会开放 ,当发展计划全面完成时会开放一个 5 星级的布里斯班机场普尔曼酒店和 3.5 星级的朱鹭酒店 ,到达 国内候机楼的旅客可通过自动人行道前往 ,到达国际候机楼的 旅客可乘坐摆渡车前往。 附近区域中,随着邮轮码头临港居住区和餐饮区面积的不 断扩大 ,有 227 间客房的新五星级宾馆 The Icon 计划将于 2018 年在北岸开放。 最佳商务午餐地点:Novotel 里的 Catalina 餐馆,布里斯班机场, Skygate;汉密尔顿码头区,日本 Sono 餐馆和亚特兰大希腊酒吧。


从中央商务区步行过河 ,便是南岸公园文化、娱乐和休闲街 区。West End 的波西米亚村 ,遍布咖啡馆、酒吧和有特色的商 店,步行即可到达。 交通:南岸走廊有两个 CityCat 终点站和两个巴士站 ,提供中 央商务区和市郊之间的便捷交通服务。从南岸步行通过 Kurilpa、 Goodwill 和维多利亚桥即可到达中央商务区。 设施:到 2018 年 ,新的 4.5 星 Novotel 酒店将会开业 , 横跨 布里斯班会议展览中心 ,拥有 238间客房 ,南布里斯班重点开发 区内的第二家精品 Emporium 酒店也将在南布里斯班车站门口开业 ,位于格里菲斯大学校园对面。 最佳商务午餐地点:沿河码头的 StokehouseQ,GOMA,Julius. BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | 39.




吃点什么 “酒店餐饮也是街头潮流趋势 ,有创意的厨师们掌控着厨房 ,自创 菜单吸引住店客人和挑剔的当地人。”Natascha Mirosch 写道。


nchcolm 酒店的 Thomson’s Reserve 的主厨Anthony Hales正在往 21 天的 牛三角肉上筛蘑菇粉。最终成品为低温 水箱牛排 ,伴有焦洋葱、菊花瓣,海藻油 和南瓜泥。《布里斯班时代美食指南》已 经连续三年授予这家餐厅梦寐之 帽了,Hales 的目标是通过 他的创意菜单赢得第二 个帽子殊荣。 就在不久之 前,酒店餐饮的 声誉一直非常 低迷 ,又有 点刻板,但 如今的客人 不仅乐意在 酒店餐厅吃 饭 ,本地人 也开始选择 酒店餐厅进餐 了,它们甚至 引起了餐馆评论 家的注意。 古代生活方式倡 导者——Asana 名厨 Pete Evans 会将烟熏苹 果酱、泡菜、血肠、酸辣汁或 古式汉堡和草饲牛肉、鸭、鸡蛋、培 根、腰果奶酪、生菜、番茄、香草蛋黄酱 和自制烧烤酱搭配起来食用。 40. | BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017

在 Next 酒店的 Lennon’s,厨师会先 花时间将来自昆士兰东南部 Nolan Private Selection 的带骨肋眼牛排或 300G 黑玛瑙 猎人谷牛腩等一级牛肉碳烤一下 ,然后辅 以土豆、牛肝菌脆皮和自选酱料。当然也 有烹饪度更低一点的选项 ,比 如生鱼片、牡蛎或传统鞑 靼牛肉。 卡克斯顿大街上 Gambaro’s 酒店 的Gambaro 海 鲜餐厅是布里 斯班最早成立 的优质澳大 利亚海鲜餐 厅之一—— 像本地著名 的蒜泥、柠 檬黄油或新 加坡式辣活 蟹。这里还有 甜烤大虾配欧 芹酱,摩顿湾带 壳小龙虾配芦笋、 04 柠檬、水瓜柳。有名 的葡萄酒有优质的澳大 利亚奔富。 在南岸 Rydges 酒店的 Bacchus,新的行政总厨 Massimo Speroni 曾经是在意大利的米其林两星


San Domenico 就职 ,但他对布里斯班并 不陌生 ,因为他几年前曾是该市的 Pony 餐厅团队的一员。他的五道菜品尝菜单和 七道菜品尝菜单都有侍酒师主管 Andrew Giblin 精心挑选的葡萄酒作为搭配。 无论是下午三点的一盘猪肉,或是深夜 的达令山丘 150 天粮食喂养牛的牛排辅以 巴黎咖啡黄油,二十四小时营业的赛贝尔 酒店克罗夫特住宅厨房&酒吧,都有一份能 满足你所有欲望的菜单。他们专注于本地 生产,包括本地烘焙咖啡、精选工艺啤酒 和澳大利亚葡萄酒。

喝点什么 布里斯班以其精致的酒吧内部和熟练的酒吧员工而闻名,其中许多 是国际奖项的获得者,城市里到处都是小酒吧 毅力谷的 Alquimia Tequila 酒吧有 87 种来自世界各地的龙舌兰, 其中有许多来自墨西哥的精品酒厂。鸡尾酒酒单选自经典的龙舌兰 酒与现代风味的饮料。 2016 年,西区的 Cobbler 酒吧摘得了澳大利亚调酒师杂志奖 中“澳大利亚最佳小酒吧”的桂冠。酒吧的规模虽小 ,但这里却 有着各种各样的好酒 ,包括来自苏格兰高地、低地和岛屿的400 种威士忌(包括稀有的 32 年 Laphroaig)和来自爱尔兰、日本、 澳大利亚、印度、台湾甚至瑞士的好酒。 毅力谷的 Dutch Courage Officers Mess 有一个双层的殖民地 主题酒吧,那里有 120种杜松子酒, 包括一些淘自澳大 01. 南岸 Rydges 的 Bacchus 利亚和世界各地的 02. 城区铂尔曼酒店的 Sixteen Antlers 稀有好酒。那里也 03. 在维多利亚公园打高尔夫 有十几种以杜松子 04. 城区 Fraser 的佳肴和卡普里酒 酒为基础的鸡尾 05. 西区的 Cobbler 酒吧 酒,你可以尝试一 06. 城区的交换酒店天台酒吧 下。


顶级朗姆酒鉴赏家应该到海象俱 乐部去看一看。海象俱乐部是一 个舒适、秘密的地下酒吧,通 过 Toowong 区有重要历史 意义的雷加塔酒店的无标 志楼梯即可到达。这里有 超过 300 种朗姆酒和朗 姆鸡尾酒,每个月都会更 新。他们还提供 30 种不 同类型的古巴雪茄。 布里斯班唯一的香 槟酒吧是这个城市著名 的 “啤酒花园”老酒馆 的小酒吧。它位于毅力谷 Baedeker 酒吧后面的花园 里 ,供应全系列的路易王妃 香槟 ,Carte Blanche 和 Cristal 都有。 – Natascha Mirosch


休闲时间 越来越多的商务旅行者希望能够将工作和休闲结合起来 , 而在布里斯班这一点很容易做到


布里斯班迎宾人员 Brisbane Greeters 以明亮的红色和白色T恤 为辨识标志 ,他们是拥有丰富的本地知识且可以分享城市旅游 经验的志愿导游。他们的导游时间为两到四个小时 ,可以针对 游客的兴趣进行个性化定制(需提前五天预定),或者你可以跟 随每天从城区出发的由迎宾员带领的小旅游团去游玩,观赏热门 景点。加入小团需提前三天预订——最多六人。搜索 Brisbane


加入数以千计的本地跑步大队吧,其中既有真正的跑者,也有 推着婴儿车的妈妈 ,每星期六早上7点开始,他们都会尽其所能 突破自己的5公里跑最佳运动记录。布里斯班有一个公园跑步环 形路线 ,从南岸的街道海滩穿过河到 Go Between 桥然后折返 回来。还有一条路线是在 New Farm 公园沿着河,经过布里斯 班Powerhouse 到 Teneriffe 然后返回。跑步免费 ,但是需要注 册。见


夜猫酒吧+地窖(毅力谷詹姆斯街 1 / 22)会在每星期六下午 2 点至 4 点之间提供免费品酒会。通常每次会打开约六瓶酒——

可能是来自世界各地的黑比诺或者来自同一澳大利亚酒庄的六种 不同葡萄酒。每周三下午五点起还可以免费品尝南岸 Rydges 酒 店巴克斯酒吧的首席侍酒师调制的葡萄酒。见


维多利亚公园是离市中心最近的高尔夫俱乐部,是一个不需要会 员费的公共球场。它是一个18 洞、USGA 级 63 杆的球场,开 球处和球道十分具有挑战性。那里有高尔夫俱乐部和机动车 , 还有高科技的“高尔夫板”可出租。如果你的时间很紧,你可以 去高尔夫练球场打几杆球 ,时间为工作日早上到晚上 10 点 , 周末到晚上11点。见


乔治街的皇后街购物中心顶部的 Reddacliff 广场每星期三都有 布里斯班独特的内城农贸集市。摊位出售各种本地热带水果、蔬 菜、新鲜海鲜等等 ,还有来自世界各地的各种熟食品 ,有土耳 其匹萨、德国香肠、西班牙海鲜饭和巴西烤肉。你可以在附近的 城市植物园看着布里斯班河 ,吃着刚买的食物 ,享受完美的午 餐时光。

– Natascha Mirosch BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | 41.

Brisbane Adventure

Access all angles

IImages:Brisbane Images: BrisbaneMarketing Marketing(abseil (abseiland andkayak) kayak)and andTourism Tourismand andEvents EventsQueensland Queensland

Brisbane River runs through the heart of the city and there are some exciting ways to view it for adventurers, as Wendy Hughes discovers


risbane River curls like a serpent through the city. Once the lifeblood to early dwellers, first the Indigenous tribes who lived there and found it abundant with fish for food and later as a trade route, today it’s a scene of entirely different activity. Clusters of restaurants and bars now cling to its banks, so river gazing over a sunset cocktail or perhaps share plates among mates is a popular choice. Smooth gliding CityCats and smaller cross river ferries cut through the water for the daily commute while pleasure craft cruise more slowly to take in the sights and changing landscape of the City Botanic Gardens, salt-water trees and mangroves, and skyscrapers that hug the shoreline. Looking across the river from the CBD the heritage-listed Kangaroo Point Cliffs loom large and steeply, a slice of natural wilderness that has become a magnet for abseilers, rock climbers and serious joggers who tackle the steep stairs – 107 steps from base to top – on a daily basis. The city view from the top of the cliffs is made for Instagram, with no two images ever the same from the morning sun mirrored in the glass skyscrapers across the water to sunset. It’s just one of many ways to see the river and some of the more energetic alternatives start at the foot of those cliffs where

adventure company Riverlife rents out fattyred segways to ride along the riverside paths, rollerblades and bicycles, or stand-up paddle boards and kayaks for an even closer connection to the river itself. If bobbing on the surface in the wake of CityCats and ferries flitting by seems daunting, a night-time ‘paddle and prawns’ tour with Riverlife soon sets our mind at ease when we join a group of paddlers as the sun dips down beyond the skyscrapers on a Friday night. There is an excited banter rising up from tonight’s crowd as we take in a short set of instructions from the fit and smiling crew, who are clearly expert at keeping the mood light. One by one we descend a ladder into the darkening river and lower ourselves into individual kayaks sporting lights on poles and gradually, without fuss, we bob our way into a long line, stopping and grouping a couple of times for instructions. Delighted onlookers shout from the shore “How far have you come?” after we’ve been on the water about 30 minutes but, who knows, I’ve already slipped into a relaxed trance on the gently rippling water. I’m in a kayak for just the third time ever but the paddling is a mild challenge and utterly enjoyable with the city lights rising up so close by and reflected in the ripples all around us. Depending on the tide, kayakers head downstream and underneath the historic Story Bridge, or around the bend in the other direction past the city’s alfresco dining quarter at South Bank Parklands, also home to the Brisbane Wheel and Brisbane’s cultural precinct. We paddle downstream and under the Story Bridge, the lap of water and chitchat between paddlers the only sounds

01. 42. | BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017

01. Story Bridge Climb 02. Cycling the riverside paths 03. Abseiling Kangaroo Point Cliffs 04. Kayaking on Brisbane River


noticeable, despite traffic passing overhead. The bridge, designed by the same engineer who was behind the Sydney Harbour Bridge, provides another thrilling way to view the river – and all of Brisbane – from the top of its cantilevered frame. Story Bridge Adventure Climbs venture up several times a day from dawn to after dark on tours that take about two hours from the briefing and suiting up to the 1138 steps climb to 80 metres above sea level. Like the kayak, it appears perhaps more daunting than it is. The first part of the climb straight to the highest point is the steepest then it follows a relatively medium gradient down to the centre and back before the climb down. From the top it’s a truly stunning view to the bay on one side and the mountains on the other and if that’s not a sufficient adrenaline charge then thrillseekers can add a 30-metre abseil down the anchor pylon to their adventure. From our vantage point it’s also a majestic view but just past the bridge our guide tells us it’s time to turn and that the home run to those prawns back on the deck is going to be an easier stretch with the tide on our side. We’ve been on the water about 90 minutes by the time we step back on land and meet our fellow paddlers who are a mix of locals and visitors from other Australian cities and overseas. While my tired muscles will remind me the next day of the fun I had on our summer night’s paddle is still more memorable for the people we met afterwards swapping stories from the journey and sending our laughter up into the night air on the banks of a river we now know a little more intimately than before.


更多休闲方式 猎鬼




为什么非要等到万圣节呢?你可以 在任一个周末去 Toowong 区的墓地 (澳大利亚最大的墓地)、Annerley 区的 Boggo 路监狱猎鬼 ,那里的 导游会与你在阴森森的夜间旅游 中分享谋杀案、犯罪和传奇的故 事。Boggo 路是澳大利亚最臭名昭 著的监狱之一 ,里面关着一些全国 著名的罪犯。 在市区、南岸和袋鼠角用平衡车代 替步行 ,时间在 45 分钟到两个小 时之间 ,看一看故事桥、城市植物 园、文化区等景点。


你还可以骑行一览布里斯班景色 , 绕城区和市郊有为各级别骑手而准 备的 3500 多个循环路线 ,当你在 骑行时你会有更高的几率遇见新的 当地朋友 ,同时发现这个城市最美 丽的一面。Brisbane By Bicycle 每 天都接待游客 ,既有必不可少的两 小时河畔路线也有受欢迎的四小时 上午路线 ,其中包括一顿野餐。两 条线路均从南岸公园出发。

草地滚球是一家澳大利亚机构 ,曾经这 里只接收退休人员 ,他们在当地俱乐部 穿着标志性的白衣服和巴拿马草帽,但 如今老年人们已向年轻的来访者敞开了 俱乐部的大门并奉行了一个新传统—— 在星期五的下午脱掉鞋子,在草地上扭 动你的脚趾 ,沿着绿色的草坪滚动一个 重重的保龄球 ,与一群伙伴们喝着 啤酒 ,感受旧时候学生们的乐趣。 从街角五彩斑斓的交通信号盒到桥塔上 特别委托创作的壁画,我们都可以看出 布里斯班是一个十分拥护公共艺术的城 市,这里的很多涂鸦艺术家 (如 Fintan Magee 和 Sofles)都因自己的街头艺 术作品而在世界各地受人尊敬。看看 Frank 和 Mimi 在 Arch Lane 的作品 《如果你知道》(他们还画 Brunswick 街猎犬酒吧后面的酒吧墙)或 Noke 画 在码头街的《鸟》,或者你也可以从 找到 50多个作品 的列表来规划自助游。每天都有新的作 品上墙 ,景观也在不断变化。在二月, 一年一度的布里斯班街头艺术节就将聚 光灯对准了新作品、现场艺术、音乐、 展览和最佳街头艺人的工作室。

04. BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | 00.

Brisbane Adventure


Not even Google maps will help you find some of Brisbane’s best bars but Natascha Mirosch offers a clue ... 01.

Beneath 351 Brunswick Street in Fortitude Valley is a subterranean wonderland of secret rooms, lounges and dimly lit bars, inspired by the street markets of South East Asia and the Golden Gai district of Shinjuku, Tokyo. Some of (1) Heya Bar’s five small bars have live music; others are furnished with pool tables or pinball machines. The menu, too, is based on Asian-style street eats and the eclectic drinks list covers wine, beer and cocktails.

Craft beer crawl

A craft beer tour will show you the way to some of the best home-grown microbreweries in Brisbane. Brewsvegas is an annual festival held every year in March dedicated to the craft with heaps of special events over 10 days but tours happen every week somewhere in the city, taking in four or five micro-breweries with talks from the brewers and tasting paddles at each venue.


Getting to (2) Greaser (259 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley) is half the fun. Look for the red double doors across the road from Brunswick Street station. Go in, then through the back alley, past the commercial kitchen and you’ll find Greaser, a much loved late night haunt of locals. The ambience in this gritty, graffitied basement bar is all American, including the menu. A bar within a bar? Go up the staircase at the iconic modern country bar (3) Lefty’s Old Time Music Hall in Paddington’s Caxton Street and you’ll find The Mermaid Lounge. It’s tiny, kitschy good fun, with a replica model galleon, fishing net ceilings, a taxidermied shark and Sailor Jerry wall murals. Keeping in the seafaring spirit, the drinks list has about 60 different types of rum. Accessed either via an internal staircase in Australia’s second oldest bookshop, Archive Books on Charlotte Street, or via a laneway on Elizabeth Street, John Mills Himself is a tiny bar with a strong ‘support local’ ethos. Beer and wine is sourced from not more than 250km away and spirits from Australian made and owned distilleries. Even the mixers and garnishes are local. Woolloongabba’s Can you Keep a Secret (619 Stanley Street) is part vintage boutique, selling everything from retro décor to frocks, and part bar. Cosy interconnected lounge rooms are furnished with vintage velvet armchairs and faux fireplaces and there’s an astro-turfed ‘secret garden’. The drinks list includes Australian craft beer, cider, wine and cocktails and there’s no food, but you are welcome to bring your own.

Images: Tourism and Events Queensland






第一天 在熙熙攘攘的毅力谷中央的 Lost Boys 咖啡厅 (安街 694 号) 吃早餐 ,这里有着树屋一样的装饰。菜单是有机素 食和碳中性咖啡。然后露天游览城市,舒服地坐在 Boom Mustang Thunderbird 三轮车的后面 ,可搭乘两名乘客。 同老板 Chrissy McDonnell 安排一个接待点 ,从她的计划 单里选一个行程 ,通常持续时间为一个小时到一天 ,具体 时长取决于目的地。短途旅行包括沿汉密尔顿丘陵街道的 特殊城市景观或文化遗产 ,与河相邻 ,长途旅行有布里斯 班南部 100 公里处的美景边缘景区(Scenic Rim) 。仔细询 问,轻装上阵——带上一个最小的过夜旅行包——Chrissy 可以带你去看秀丽的风景 ,指给你去坦柏林山的道路 , 你可以在坦柏林山的山庄过夜。

第二天 在距布里斯班南部约一小时车程的坦柏林山的主干西路上 ,我们常常可以看见飙升的悬挂式滑翔机 ,虽然它看起来 只适合老手 ,但是新手也可以从昆士兰东南悬挂式滑翔点 参与 Ken Hill 或他的团队的滑行。这里是能最近距离鸟瞰 壮观山谷风采的地方了。飞行时间约为15 - 20 分钟 ,但 是在降落之后 ,你得花差不多两个小时才能回到山上。见 www. 回到坦柏林山庄 ,沿着漫步长廊散步 ,看看周围的一 切,包括布谷鸟钟表店和酿酒工艺 ,然后选一家店停下 来吃午餐。花一个下午来平复上午的兴奋情绪 ,尝一尝 Witches Chase Cheese 的混酿酒。如果有兴趣的话 ,你可 以在 Fortitude Brewery 尝一尝极端啤酒或者在附近的丛林 中走一走。接下来好好酣睡准备迎接新的一天。见

第三天 你可能没听说过雷鸟公园 ,但是这个主题公园里有惊险刺 激的过山车 ,过山车的蒸汽动力需要你自己来制造。你还 可以花上四个小时来完成树梢挑战——几乎都是攀登—— 你要过许多级别的路线(从初级到终极) 并完成 100 多个挑 战 ,包括高空滑索、绳梯和树梢平台天幕坠落。峡谷飞行 高空滑索之旅本身就够让你肾上腺素飙升的了,地面以上 60 米处的树冠覆盖面和七种不同的高空滑索在之字形急转 弯中高达 70km/h 的速度更会让你尖叫连连。完成需要三 个小时。见 穿梭巴士可以带你回到山下的黄金海岸 ,然后回到布里 斯班,开启你的下一个探险之旅。

Who to follow These are just a few sources of inspiration to help you plan an exploration of Brisbane and South East Queensland Find out what’s new where just in time for the weekend at the weekend edition. Every Thursday new content is posted in categories following food and drink, fashion, design, culture, people and events around town, making it a good pre-weekend planner. Sections such as The Street Photographer and Locals also provide an insight to the creative personality of the city. Tap in at Kerry Heaney is Brisbane’s leading food blogger and a regular contributor to BNE magazine who is eating her way around Queensland (and the world) bite by bite, sharing highlights from the the cocktail bars of Fortitude Valley to the red dust veranda of Birdsville Pub. It’s not just a guide but a dish by dish deconstruction of what’s on the menu from the cheapest diners to the smartest degustation tables, and she shares the back stories of where the food is from. See Visit Brisbane is Brisbane City Council’s guide to what’s on and things to do in the city and South East Queensland with a guide to regions from Moreton Bay to the Scenic Rim. It’s updated to include current events and offers inspiration for everything from where to dine out on the best steaks to a hot list of free things to do. There’s also a guide to accommodation. See is the site to find out more about destinations from the Tropical North and Great Barrier Reef to the Outback and Southern Country. Plan a trip, read about experiences by others who have been there, done that, keep up with major events, be inspired by beautiful images and find out about hot deals on tours and accommodation. See provides up-to-date information in Chinese language on Brisbane Airport services and facilities as well as inspiration for travel destinations accessible direct ftom Brisbane, a guide to shopping deals within the airport, ticket promotions, airline updates servicing Brisbane Airport and special events. Follow the news at Brisbane Airport’s app has a social sign-in through Facebook or Google accounts, providing access to exclusive offers, and there’s a booking section for airport parking, rental cars and hotels. Selected content is also available in simple Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages. Available free from Apple Store and Google Play. BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | 45.

Brisbane Freestyle

Heal House

Stay small Smaller hotels and guesthouses are making a big impact as travellers look for a more personal service, writes Tonya Turner


very day is a special event for the owners of luxury Brisbane B&B, Heal House in New Farm, just 15 minutes from the city. Lindsay Bennett and Bryce Williams (pictured above) have been the driving force behind many of the city’s most prestigious events, including an annual fashion festival, for more than a decade. These days, however, they’re just as likely to be cooking breakfast and chatting with guests on the wide verandas of their elegant boutique guest house as socialising with Brisbane celebrities. Running Heal House, a gracious old Queenslander they renovated themselves, hasn’t been that much of a leap from their normal day jobs, Lindsay says. “It’s almost like an extension of what we do with events around Brisbane, because every guest experience is a new event for us and that’s how we treat it.” The pair stumbled into the accommodation


industry almost by accident. They bought the house to renovate with the idea of living upstairs and working downstairs, but friends in hospitality soon convinced them to turn it into a guesthouse after they discovered it was already licensed as a boarding house. “We thought if we were going to do a guesthouse we wanted it to be something really prestigious,” Lindsay says. Their efforts have paid off and Heal House was awarded a TripAdvisor 2016 Certificate of Excellence and named one of its Top 5 Bed and Breakfasts in Brisbane. Queenslander homes are an iconic feature of the city’s residential architecture but a rarity in the luxury accommodation market. Heal House provides accommodation in three beautifully appointed guest rooms with ensuites and the full use of stylish communal areas. Lindsay and Bryce run the guest house completely on their own, doing everything

from taking bookings and tailoring itineraries to cooking breakfasts with locally-sourced produce, gardening and changing bed sheets. Offering guests an insider’s guide to dining and things to do is an important part of their service. “Brisbane has so many untapped places to go and see,” Lindsay says. “Whether it’s a local café or bar in James Street or the Fortitude Valley precinct, we give them options in order to get the true flavour of what Brisbane is about.” Guests come from overseas, interstate or regional areas and usually stay a couple of nights, drawn to the charming and intimate setting of the guest house. Meeting new guests is one of the most rewarding parts of the job for Lindsay and Bryce. Although they work seven days a week juggling special events with their Heal House duties, they wouldn’t have it any other way. “We love what we’re doing and to us it’s not work. It’s a wonderful experience,” Lindsay says.

Boutique is booming Independent travellers are looking for personality in the places they choose to stay

1 Tryp Hotel

Street art is a feature of the hip Tryp Hotel (14 Constance Street, Fortitude Valley) outside and inside with rooms each featuring the work of world-renowned artists such as Fintan Magee, Numskull, Rone and Beastman. Some rooms have courtyards or spas. There’s a lively basement burger bar (Chur Burger) and rooftop bar called Up on Constance, a hangout as popular with locals as it is with guests.

2 THE Johnson

Brisbane’s first Art Series Hotel, The Johnson (477 Boundary Street, Spring Hill), pays homage to artist Michael Johnson, with his signature abstract works displayed around the hotel. Art aficionados can tune in to the dedicated art channel, browse the art library or arrange a free art tour. It’s walking distance to the city and Roma Street Parklands but guests can also book a Smart car or Lekker bicycle to tour the city.

1 2



3New Inchcolm Hotel

Built in the 1920s the heritage-listed New Inchcolm Hotel (73 Wickham Terrace, Brisbane) has more recently been restored to its former glory in an elegant New York art deco style and is now part of the MGallery boutique hotel portfolio. Accommodation ranges from hotel rooms to two-bedroom suites and lofts, each designed to reflect the art deco theme, some featuring four poster beds and city views. There’s an intimate cocktail bar and Thomson’s Reserve Restaurant is highly regarded.



4Spicers Balfour Hotel 5Emporium Hotel

You can’t get any more Queensland than a courtyard surrounded by Frangipani trees and shady wide verandas, which is why Spicers Balfour Hotel (37 Balfour Street, New Farm) could easily be mistaken for a stately mansion, so familiar in the leafy suburb of New Farm, than a boutique hotel. There are just 17 rooms and suites, furnished with a creative mix of modern and antique furniture, windows that actually open to let in the cooling afternoon breezes and an honesty bar with views of the city skyline.

As Brisbane’s first boutique hotel, the Emporium (1000 Ann Street, Fortitude Valley) paved the way for the boom that followed, bringing luxury to the edge of the Valley entertainment precinct. It has won too many awards to mention so it is no surprise it is now among TripAdvisor’s top one per cent of hotels in Australia and it is capturing global attention, named Leading Boutique Hotel in Australia at the 2016 World Travel Awards. It’s cocktail bar is a favourite stop for a glamour crew. - Natascha Mirosch



食物是一门新的艺术 Tonya Turner 采访了两个打破了布里斯班咖啡文化的当地乐师, 他们获得了巨大的成功,但是这样的人还有很多 对于Patience Hodgson 和 John Patterson 夫妇(如图) 来说 ,Southside 茶室就像第二个家 ,虽然人们认识他们大多 是因为他们是摇滚乐队The Grates的成员。自四年前开业以来, 他们的店就十分受布里斯班东部本地人的欢迎 ,现在这 对夫妇在这里待的时间比游览世界摇滚场所花的 时间还要多。 这个店就像夫妇二人的乐队一样向传统 说“不”。这里的装饰很便宜 ,既有复 古的桌椅也有媚俗艺术墙,均是来自 廉价商店或二手网站。店里有一个弹 球机,40美分可以打五场比赛,这 里也会举办一些活动,比如艺术展 览、衣服互换和棋盘游戏比赛。 “(当我们开业时)店里的一 切都看起来很贵的样子,但是它 仍然可能失败 ,我们认为我们可 以尝试买一些便宜的东西并建立 一个相应的社区。”约翰说。 2015 年,他们的计划成功了, 他们是将茶室扩大到隔壁商店至死 亡谷酒吧,这个酒吧是一个啤酒花 园,可以为返回的红罗宾晚餐卡车提 供空间。 在布里斯班市区边缘开一家咖啡馆和酒 吧是这对夫妇一直以来的梦想。“当我们周 游世界时 ,我们几乎都是在研究如何开酒吧或 者咖啡馆。”John 说 ,在纽约度过的两年时光给了 他们额外的动力。“我真是很喜欢我们在美国去过的所有廉价 酒吧,” Patience 说。“那里的气氛很放松 ,是提供美味精酿

啤酒的休闲场所。布里斯班除了有两个这样的酒吧之外,我认 为其他的酒吧都太考究了,特别是因为我已经很久不穿高跟鞋 了。我想彻底打破布里斯班的夜生活传统,开一家欢迎任何人 前来的酒吧。” Patience 说。 最开始时 ,Southside 茶室只有一种现调啤 酒 ,其他酒水都是冷藏在冰柜里面。当地 人花了好几年时间才接受了邻里酒吧这 个概念 ,但是随着酒吧空间的变化和 成长 ,John 和 Patience 获得了一 群忠诚的追随者。 提供多用途场地对他们来说也 很重要。“到了晚上 ,咖啡厅 会作为功能厅。我认为它就像 一个社区大厅。”John 说。 这也是一项家庭事业 ,因为 Patience 的兄弟姐妹和 John 的妹妹都在这里工作。即使是 The Grates 的鼓手 ,Ritchie Daniell,每周也会来这里磨三 天咖啡。至于 The Grates,他 们还在写歌和演出 ,但自酒吧和 咖啡店开业和女儿 Soda(现在两 岁)降生以来,John 和 Patience 一 直都有一大堆事情要忙。 “事实证明 ,经营咖啡厅和酒吧所花 的时间比我们预计的要多。”John 说。 Southside 茶室位于 Morningside 区 Wynnum 路 639 号。


尝一尝美食 早餐 在希伯来语中,NAIM 的意思是 “愉悦”,这里提供中东式 早餐 ,比如五香羊肉大饼、泡菜、鹰嘴豆泥、kusheri 和绿 色 Shashuka(以辣菠菜和鳄梨酸奶油青葱烘焙的突尼斯式鸡 蛋)或比利时华夫饼配自制蜂蜜冰淇淋、薰衣草棉花糖、可 可豆配开心果和饼干渣。NAIM 位于南布里斯班墨尔本街 111 号和 Paddington 区 Collingwood 街 14 号。



布里斯班南部的 Gauge 可能看起来像一个简陋的咖啡馆 ,但是它 更像放下姿态的精致餐饮地 ,那里有充满创意的菜肴 ,比如老甜 菜根熏榛子袋鼠鞑靼或者烧香草棕色奶油黑大蒜面包 ,大多数美 食评论家都对此赞不绝口。位于南布里斯班 Grey 街 77号。

GAUGE morning after

morning after

西区 CATCHMENT BREWING CO. 的菜单中有来自布里斯班、澳大 利亚和世界各地的各种精酿啤酒 ,包括点心和可以分享的小吃拼 盘,比如有用藏红花奶油杏仁烹饪的醉鳌虾 ,也有烧至枫叶色的 加利西亚猪肉。位于 West End 区 Boundary 街 150 号。  南岸的 GOMA(昆士兰现代艺术画廊)不仅因其辉煌的艺术展览 作品而闻名 ,那里的创意美食也是很有名的。实际上 ,行政主厨 Josue Lopez 一直在根据画廊的展示内容而激发灵感更新菜单 ,他 们的菜单十分倾向于本地的原料和食材 ,包括罕见的鸸鹋和檀香 树。位于南布里斯班 Stanley Place。


BAR ALTO 擅长现代意大利菜 ,他们的山羊肉酱宽面是招牌菜。 店外面有一个宽敞、隐蔽、可俯瞰河流的甲板 ,在 Powerhouse 剧场表演前后以及夏季晚餐时间生意非常好。位于 New Farm 区明 顿街 119 号布里斯班 Powerhouse。 MADAME ROUGE BISTRO AND BAR 感觉像是刚从巴黎区移植到 毅力谷娱乐区的 ,这里有沉重的红色天鹅绒窗帘、烛光晚餐和小 酒馆经典菜单 ,有蛋奶酥、带馅煎饼、尼斯洋葱塔和功夫鸭 ,每 一道菜都经过了受人尊敬的布里斯班厨师 Philip Johnson 的现代化 调配。位于毅力谷 McLachlan 街 100 号 11B。 STOKEHOUSEQ 的天花板和门(时常打开)都是玻璃的 ,看起来 就像是漂在水面上。周末人们都更喜欢到休闲的酒吧里跟随 DJ 的 节拍一起摇摆 ,食牡蛎特别时间是在夏季的周末 ,这里会供应博 林格香槟 ,是大家最喜欢的午餐前奏。位于南布里斯班 Sidon 街 沿河码头。


MORNING AFTER 的装饰别致而时髦 ,由母亲 Soula 和 儿子 Yianni Passaris 组成的团队全天提供早餐 ,菜单中 有一些比较特殊的选择 ,比如酸橙馅饼或杏仁泡菜腌章 鱼 ,煎蛋 ,莳萝油和面包香草烤饼和宿醉解救餐——有 63 度鸡蛋的早餐套餐。位于 West End 区秃鹫街与剑桥 街街角。 BILLYKART KITCHEN 的名厨还设计了一个菜单 ,这个 菜单忽略传统的早餐时间 ,自信地跨越国际界限 ,特色 菜肴有扳手蟹、扇贝粥或墨西哥式煎蛋——伴有手撕猪 肉、黑布丁,芭蕉片和辣调味汁。位于Annerley 区 Eric Crescent 1号和 West End 区埃德蒙斯通街 2 号。


GERARD’S BAR 藏在毅力谷的詹姆斯街上 ,供应着小镇上最好吃 的神户芝士汉堡和高级酒吧小吃 ,有西班牙火腿肉板和熏猪肉豌 豆饼。酒吧室内最好的座位是酒吧的凳子,食客们可以与工作人员 聊天 ,看看他们如何烹饪作品 ,了解各种高科技厨房设备。位于 毅力谷詹姆斯街 23 号13a。 VAQUERO 是另一个鲜少人知的好地方,坐落在 Albion 繁忙的 大街上的一个小屠宰场后面。毫不奇怪 ,这家餐厅的特色是陈 年腌肉,供应传统小吃 ,包括浅盘猪肉和腌茴香布丹扇贝。位于 Albion 区 Sandgate 路 344号。 SEYMOUR’S OYSTERS AND COCKTAILS 是卡克斯顿大街上的一 家古怪的小酒吧 ,他们的装饰注入了喜怒无常的新奥尔良爵士乐 审美观 ,饮料单的灵感也是来自于美国南部诸洲。其中有新鲜去 壳牡蛎搭配各种菜肴。位于 Petrie Terrace 卡克斯顿街 19 号。

- Natascha Mirosch



Brisbane Freestyle

On with the show Brisbane is an incubator for creative talent, providing a stage for world class shows as well as intimate experimental performances, writes Tonya Turner


tar couple Luke Kennedy and Naomi Price came to national attention after each competing in a different series of TV reality show The Voice Australia, but both were regulars on the Brisbane stage years before that. “We met 13 years ago doing community theatre in Brisbane and we’ve been together for six years. The whole time we’ve known each other it’s been through our love of art, music and theatre,” Naomi says. When Luke placed second on The Voice in 2013 under the mentorship of global star Ricky Martin, his star rose to new heights. Since then it’s been a non-stop ride of shows and performances all around the country, but there’s nothing quite like performing at home. “Performing in Brisbane means performing in front of family for me,” he says. Naomi appeared on The Voice in 2015 but she’s made her own success with writing partner Adam Brunes in The Little Red Company which they formed in 2012. Their debut work Rumour Has It, based on the songs and life story of Adele, has been a runaway hit and continues to tour the country with sell-out shows. This year they will premiere a new work called Lady Beatle, based on the songs of The Beatles. “Brisbane is thriving in terms of original creative work,” Naomi says. “We are proud to shirk off expectations and not conform. We make the art we want to make, not the art we think people want us to make … You’re more likely to find a hidden gem or an unexpected treat in Brisbane because people are making something really special.” The Little Red Company is one of many Brisbane independent theatre companies making waves across the country and overseas. Rumour Has It played in Malaysia last year. “Circa, Hot Brown Honey, Briefs, Dead Puppet Society all started in Brisbane and have taken their work to the world. Brisbane artists aren’t only interested in playing to a Brisbane stage, they’re playing to a global stage,” Naomi says. Luke and Naomi often collaborate on shows as well as work independently. “Because we’re both theatre performers we get to do it together, and that’s a bonus,” Luke says. As well as appearing alongside Naomi in Rumour Has It Luke also stars in shows Swing On This and Smooth Criminal, based on the works of Michael Jackson, and in his own intimate performances with just a pianist.

01. Naomi Price (centre) and Luke Kennedy (far right) and company on Rumour Has It. 02. GOMA; 03. Rabbits at QPAC; 04. Pat Tierney and 05. Tenille perform free at City Sounds 50. | BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017




City up late Marvel at modern art

Queensland’s Gallery of Modern Art recently celebrated its 10th anniversary and continues to inspire conversation and debate through its collection of around 17,000 artworks from Australia and around the world. It has earned a stellar reputation for major exhibitions such as its flagship Asia Pacific Triennial which will return in late 2018 and the upcoming Marvel:

Sounds of the city Brisbane is so proud of its music scene that residents nominated to call one of the city bridges after seminal local band of the 1980s, the Go Betweens. The city also plays host to the largest free live music program in Australia, with both emerging and established artists playing City Sounds sessions during the day at outdoor locations around the city centre and every weekend at South Bank Parklands. See

Creative stages

A time-weathered 1920s power station has been reborn as a creative hub by the river at New Farm. Still bearing its original graffiti, Brisbane Powerhouse is home to (sometimes controversial) art, live music, theatre, comedy, talks, dance, film, visual arts and digital art with more than 1250 performances each year. As well as ticketed events, there are also free events, including comedy every Friday night, music every Sunday afternoon and a program of talks and workshops. See Named after a celebrated Australian poet, the Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts in Fortitude Valley is home to a unique blend of cabaret,

Creating the Cinematic Universe (from May to September 2017) which includes original artwork, film props, costumes and more from the blockbuster movies. It’s Up Late program that accompanies each major exhibition keeps the gallery open after hours and has found a new audience with a program of talks and live music that quickly sell out. See Fortitude Valley is Brisbane’s nightclub precinct and The Tivoli and The Zoo are a couple of the oldest venues still drawing loyal crowds to live shows. John Collins, one-time bassist in top Aussie band Powderfinger now runs The Triffid at Newstead, a more laidback venue that inhabits the site of an old WWII aircraft hangar. The vibe is more backyard house party than nightclub which attracts different age groups with a program that includes acoustic sessions and free events.

circus, dance, music and contemporary performance. It also houses The Institute of Modern Art (IMA), one of Australia’s oldest independent art galleries and Musica Viva, the largest presenter of chamber music in the world. See The Queensland Performing Arts Centre (QPAC) at South Bank is Brisbane’s largest entertainment space, hosting more than 1200 performances each year across three theatres and a concert hall. Backstage tours offer a sneak peek behind the scenes that tell the story of QPAC’s history, development and how shows come to life. See

发现遗失的世界 用失落的世界来形容昆士兰东南部的秘密之地真是再 准确不过了。那里郁郁葱葱的山谷景观距离布里斯班 以南大约 2 小时车程 ,通过 Canungra ,位于美景 环区内 ,这里是靠近布里斯班的最佳乡村度假胜地之 一。该地区有壮观的山脉 ,热带雨林 ,清澈的小溪 和瀑布 ,你可以通过步行小径前往各个瞭望台欣赏

第一天 周末开始于星期五晚上 ,乘坐 CityCat 到海港码头 , 再走几步路到小吃街集市,那里是一个由改装的集 装箱提供食物的虚拟世界。傍晚搭上一辆公交车回 毅力谷 ,在位于安街主要地带的灯光昏暗的小酒吧 Bowery 里喝杯饮料。现在你就位于山谷娱乐区的中 央 ,四面八方都有俱乐部和酒吧 ,自己前进继续发 现吧。

第二天 租一辆四驱车 ,向南去距布里斯班八十公里的古朴乡 村 Canungra,它就位于著名的美景环区景区。再开 八公里到 O’Reilly 的 Canungra 山谷葡萄园探索这 里的一切 ,在小溪中寻找鸭嘴兽 ,或纵容自己来一 杯下午茶或午餐 ,看看地窖门上的葡萄酒选单(所有 的葡萄酒都以 O’Reilly 家庭成员的名字命名)。然 后去O’Reilly雨林放松一下 ,继续向前开27公里到 莱明顿国家公园。 O’Reilly 的住宿地点位于山坡上一个不起眼的地 方 ,在那里你可以俯瞰 McPherson 山脉 ,享受壮观 的景色和各种野外活动 ,如导游步行、动物表演和必 须要体验一下的树顶漫步(在九座悬索桥上)。如果 你在午餐上花的时间比较长 ,那么你可能会错过每天 下午一点左右起程的比利茶历史之旅 ,但是飞狐绳索 探险是在下午两点开始 ,如果你想偷个懒的话 ,你 可以去观看下午4点的地区介绍。

第三天 如果你已经有预约了的话 ,你可以来一场越野两轮体 感车之旅,穿过小溪口岸到 Morans 瀑布 ,路上大约 需要花两个小时——这里大约有 500 个瀑布 ,可以 通过160公里的自然小径到达。 之后你可以在 Lost World Day 温泉享受一番 (有 夫妻套房),打个盹,然后去休闲的热带雨林酒吧吃 自制披萨或在饭厅里选择一个美食套餐 ,其中包括来 自O’Reilly 的 Canungra 山谷葡萄园的葡萄酒。



终极享受 “租一艘超级游艇观光,在设计师品牌店购物 ,享用创意美食 ,这只是在布里斯班度过奢侈 48小时的一小部分。” Natascha Mirosch 写道。 在澳元贬值的情况下,布里斯班迎来了 比以往更多的国际游客来到这里,机票 价格低,仅是去年一年新增直达航线的 城市就有东京、上海、新加坡、台湾和 温哥华。所有这些因素都使更多的旅客 更容易发现布里斯班的好、它阳光明媚 的气候和轻松的生活方式,包括其国际 化的艺术和娱乐场景,豪华购物体验, 一流的餐厅,这些都是它与世界上任何 竞争目的地相比的优势条件。 最近入驻布里斯班的国际 奢侈品牌包括爱德华街区的 Gucci、Cartier、Burberry、Louis Vuitton、Hermes、Tiffany & Co 等 , 而澳大利亚的一些最棒的餐厅也将他们 的下一个开放地点选在了布里斯班 , 从而激发人们的外出用餐激情。 就在不远的地方,有夹满海鲜的三明 治、清凉的冰美人和上乘好酒 ,布里 斯班有许多任你挑选的奢华选择。


早上 8 点在斯坦福德广场酒店的斯坦福套 房吃早餐,开始一天的购物之旅。 早上 9:30 去距爱德华街斯坦福德广场酒店 只有几步之遥的布里斯班设计师购物广场, 就朝皇后大街的方向走就是了。艺术和古董 爱好者可以去 The Antique Guild,那里有 各种质量上乘的珠宝古董 ,比如 18 克拉 的乔治娜纪念戒指和中国康熙时期的御窑 瓷碗。时尚达人们也可以在爱德华街上找到 他们喜爱的所有品牌 ,包括Gucci、Louis Vuitton、Max Mara、Cartier 和 Hermes 等。 上午11点在 Tattersalls 拱廊的 Marchetti 咖啡馆歇歇脚 ,喝一杯咖啡、吃一份 Naples 地区最好吃的 sfogliatelle 重新 振作精神。商场里也有巧克力制造商 Dello Mano,它的粉丝包括演员 Ashton Kutcher,Dello Mano 曾在他生日那天定 制了一个包装优雅的豪华巧克力蛋糕寄去 巴黎。 上午11:45 继续沿皇后大街走,去步行露 天购物中心。购物中心里有珍贵的宝石,既 有新式又有古典式的“女王珠宝”,Hardy 兄弟。在 QueensPlaza,你会发现更多的珠




宝品牌 ,那里有宝格丽、蒂凡尼专卖店等 等,以及博柏利和香奈儿的时装。连接皇后 大街和阿德莱德街的是文化遗产布里斯班 拱廊 ,一座建于 20 世纪 20 年代的购物拱 廊,内设珠宝、古董、服装设计零售商 店 ,顶楼还有环境优雅的茶室。 下午1点 ,在河边 Eagle 大街的 ARIA 吃午 餐 ,ARIA 环境优雅 ,是一家现代化澳大 利亚全景餐厅 ,提供优质就餐服务。酒单 可称为国家最佳 ,既有 2007 年的PulignyMontrachet Les Enseigneres 1er Cru,也 有 2010 年的 Nuits-Saint-Georges Vieilles Vignes,以及优质的澳大利亚酒,比如具有 里程碑意义的 1995 年的 Henschke Hill of

01. 在 Aria 午餐 02. 在河边的 Alchemy 享用美食 03. 在 Urbane 晚餐 04. 在 Crystal Blue 号上航行 05. 在 Calexico 购物



保持前卫 全景房只是布里斯班 豪华住宿的开始




Grace。如果你不熟悉澳大利亚葡萄 酒 ,ARIA 的侍酒师会指导你选择一个适 合你的口味。 下午 2:30,午餐后会有豪华轿 车带你到规模相对 小一些的毅力 谷詹姆斯街精品购物村 ,那里距 城区差不多有 3 公里。建议你去 Gail Sorronda、Calexico、Scanlan Theodore、Sass and Bide、Molten Store、Gorman、Dinosaur Designs、Camilla 和 Zimmerman看看, 这些品牌的口碑都非常好。离詹姆斯街不 远的 Libertine Perfumerie(罗伯森街181 号)储藏着一些全球很难找到的香水。 下午 4 点 ,到夜猫酒吧 & 地窖(詹姆斯 街1 / 22)享受餐前“欢乐时光”,坐 在街边的横排长座上用玻璃高脚杯啜饮 一杯特别的美酒 ,这里既有Montrachet Grand Cru Chardonnay,也有Chateau La Tour。

早上 8 点,在沿布里斯班河航行的时尚超 级游艇上看看布里斯班的另一面。80 英 尺的豪华超级游艇 Crystal Blue 号能够承 载六十名乘客 ,即使你没有伴侣独自出行 ,这也是一种时尚的旅行方式。沿河距中 央商务区14公里处的摩顿湾是一个岛 群 ,那里的水下生物包括珊瑚礁、热带 鱼、海龟、鲸和海牛。在一个小小的私人 海湾里停泊下来 ,去游泳、浮潜、潜水或 冲浪吧! 中午 12 点,午餐甲板上的私人厨师会制 作当地佳肴,包括布鲁克牡蛎、昆士兰扇 贝和庞大的本地虾。饮料包括各种工艺啤 酒和库克香槟。见

斯坦福广场酒店的坦福德套房 这里的顶层滨河套房可以观赏壮观华丽 的城市全景 ,曾接待过国家元首、名人 和皇室成员。在 G20 峰会期间 ,伊丽 莎白女王和中国国家主席习近平就是住 在这里。这里的设施包括三角钢琴 , 房间装饰有设计师的作品 ,还有一个宽 敞的室外露台 ,到了晚上 ,住客可以 直接从这里观赏被五颜六色霓虹灯照亮 的故事桥。价格 4000 澳元/晚起。但 还有一个更豪华的选择 ,它包括套房的 餐厅和八人的私人宴会 ,一个配有随叫 随到私人司机的豪华轿车 ,24 小时管 家 ,按摩 ,早餐 ,美味野餐午餐 ,这 些都只是高档住宿套餐的一部分,每晚 10000 美元。费用:每晚 4000 美元。 地点:布里斯班 corner Edward 和玛格 丽特街。见

下午 3 点 ,在索菲特酒店的斯蒂芬妮豪华 水疗泡温泉(市区 Turbot 街 249 号)。 那里独特的蛋白石拉苏尔蒸汽寺是一个精 美的中东风格瓷砖“洞穴”,您可以尽情 享受泥浆浴、蒸汽和雨水淋浴。精油按摩 需预订。 下午 5 点 ,在 Mr & Mrs Gs 来一杯餐前 开胃酒 ,这里的墙壁都是玻璃的 ,你可 以透过玻璃看着布里斯班河畔的人来人往 和美丽的河流景色。这里有一系列的顶级 鸡尾酒和烈酒 ,或要求他们去隔壁的地下 室餐馆 Il Centro 拿你想要的酒 ,那里有 特别令人印象深刻的古董酒系列超级托斯 卡纳和巴罗洛。

布里斯班的气候四季温和,所以你可以 下午 6:30 在现代的意大利 Otto 餐厅( 皇后大街 480 号)找一张露天桌子 ,欣 赏彩灯点缀的故事桥和布里斯班河。

下午 7 点 ,Urbane(市区玛丽街 181 号)已被澳大利亚美食家杂志评为昆士兰 最好的餐厅 ,这里的行政主厨 Alejandro Cancino 巧妙地根据季节搭配着各种荤素 食材为食客们提供美味佳肴(有五道式和 七道式菜单)。

晚上 9 点,来一杯 Laphroaig 32 年的威 士忌?或者是来一杯珍贵的柯纳克?漫步 街角 ,在布里斯班河畔迷人的 Blackbird Bar & Bistro 来一杯餐后小酒。

晚上 10 点,在 Sazerac 酒吧吃宵夜 ,它 位于 30 楼(市区玛丽街 99 号),小酌 一杯看着这座城市的壮观景色 ,回味您在 布里斯班的时间。

05. BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | 53.


天堂般的 逃离之旅


Natascha Mirosch 发现 ,这些特别的旅行体验场所与市区之间的距离都不超过两个小时的车程 , 但他们让你仿佛步入另一个世界、给你难忘的经历


我们跟随迈克机长驾驶的直升机开始下降 ,一群活泼可爱 袋鼠映入我们的眼帘 ,它们之中有的还在口袋里装着自己 的袋鼠宝宝。我们轻轻地降落在周围 ,就像花瓣飘落一般 ,尽量不去打扰它们。不一会儿我们就在 Purga 村庄品尝到 了桉树岭葡萄园的葡萄酒 ,这个村庄在布里斯班西部 ,开 车约花 40分钟。我们的航程从伊普斯威奇直升机场出发只 需 10 分钟,这才仅仅是酒庄之旅的第一站 ,由迈克机长和 他的团队在伊普斯威奇的 Pteradactyl 直升机公司提供。 行程可私人定制 ,可安排从布里斯班市区酒店的直升机 停机坪启程 ,途中有充足的机会来享用当地食品和葡萄酒 ,产地从红地湾到美景环区 ,洛克耶谷到萨默塞特地区。 我们的旅程包括参观马尔堡历史林地 ,这里曾经是一个豪 华农庄 ,现在是星期日早午餐和周末郊游的热门地点 。我 们在那儿停一会儿 ,品尝上午茶烤饼和果酱 ,然后起飞去 派山的 Watercress 溪橄榄农场 ,之后回到伊普斯威奇的小 屋餐厅吃午餐 ,那儿是一个传统的昆士兰特色房屋,不远 处还有几个酒厂。如果你也是乘坐直升机 ,那你可以也采 用我们这个行程计划。 在参观完最后一个葡萄酒厂并品尝了那里的美酒后 ,我 们乘坐直升机飞过崇山峻岭 ,掠过浩浩荡荡的牛群 ,经过 弯弯曲曲的小溪和绿油油的田野飞向了下一个目的地。几分 钟后 ,我们到了门口 ,毫不夸张地说 ,就是我们酒店的正 门口 , 斯派塞隐蔽山谷豪华乡村别墅那里的工作人员正手 拿一瓶 Prosecco 等待着我们。之后 ,去泡一下室外温泉然 后欣赏山上的夕阳。在 Spicer 的获奖餐厅吃晚餐 ,之后在 星空中漫步回到我们的小屋里。 Pteradactyl 直升机可以安排布里斯班和伊普斯威奇之间 的交通。见 54. | BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017


郁郁葱葱的Tallebudgera谷距离布里斯班只有一个小时的车 程 ,Gwinganna(意为“瞭望台”)位于黄金海岸腹地和 雨林的 200 公顷高原上 ,你可以在那里看到横跨山谷和海 洋的壮观景色。 演员休·杰克曼是一个难得的访客——据报道他在多年 前来到这里准备呆一个星期 ,却最终逗留了两个月 ,他很 享受这里的一切甚至买下了这里的一部分房产。他不是唯 一一个来过这里的名人 ,但是就算有名人与你同时到访 , 你也不太可能听到有关消息 ,因为这里的移动信号不好 , 来到这里的客人都尽量少依赖科技 ,回归原始回归内心。 沿着陡峭的车道向回走 ,你会进入另外一个世界——一 个生活节奏很慢的地方。在这里 ,无论是套房酒店还是僻 静的果园别墅都没有电视 ,但是你可以在路边看到蹦蹦跳 跳的小袋鼠 ,也可以住在旨在鼓励人们怀有正念的沉思套 房里。 你能在 Gwinganna 体会到的就是健康和僻静。你不需要 有任何时间规划表 ,便可以把从黎明到黄昏的时间过得满 满当当。这里的食物新鲜、有机 ,具有本地特色 ,有些来 自于由专业有机园丁Shelley Pryor 监督的私有花园。 菜单每日都有变化 ,是根据最小人类干预等于最大营养 价值的原则来定。食物里不含酒精和咖啡因 ,餐馆里也没 有巧克力且不允许抽烟 ,但是这里有许多水疗设备 ,包括 热石按摩和阿育吠陀芳香疗法。虽然只需短暂地逗留片刻 便可使疲惫的你身心放松 ,但是大多数人还是选择至少在 这里待一个星期 ,在这里个人营养和健身计划都是可以量 身定制的。 每天早上 ,工作人员都会轻轻地敲门叫醒你去洒满阳光 的草坪上练会儿气功 ,然后你可以骑一段自行车或者走一


添加到愿望清单 像一个一线演员一样在这里享乐


01. 美景环区的桉树岭葡萄园 02. 黄金海岸腹地的Gwinganna 03. 大堡礁南部的埃利奥特夫人岛

走再去吃早饭。之后你可以选择做瑜伽、练拳击、学习创意 舞蹈或者骑室内自行车等。这里还有许多有关于身体健康和 个人发展的活动 ,游客在离开 Gwinganna 时可以拥有一个 全新的自我。Gwinganna 距布里斯班市区约有 100 公里 , 驾车约需一个小时三十分钟。见


去大堡礁的南端来一场一日之旅一点都不麻烦 ,真的 ,定个早晨叫 醒服务,收拾好背包就行了——带上毛巾、防晒霜和礁鞋,这些你 都会用得到。早起从市里的酒店出发去Redcliffe机场(距市区以北 约45分钟),然后乘飞机去距布里斯班东北部约 385 公里的昆士兰 中央珊瑚海岸上的伊力特女士岛。飞行时间约为 80 分钟,飞行过 程中会提供早餐 ,最终降落点为大堡礁南端 ,你可以一览美丽的原 始珊瑚礁。 伊力特女士岛是距布里斯班最近的大堡礁岛屿 ,这里有最原始的 珊瑚礁和 1200 多种海洋生物 ,包括热带鱼(比如尼莫的大家族) 、大海龟、海豚和群居的蝠鲼。 这个小岛位于国家海洋公园“绿色地带”之内 ,是大堡礁的澳大 利亚世界遗产地区。这个岛很小 ,只有四十二公顷 ,不到一个小时 就能绕一圈。你可以在导游的带领下 ,登上玻璃底板的小船 ,观赏 游来游去的小鱼。之后就是自由时间了,你可以自己选择更多的潜 水、海滩和岛上探险项目 ,然后踏上回程的航班离开这里 ,回到酒 店美美地享用晚餐。见

Image: Tourism and Events Queensland


黄金海岸范思哲酒店(世界上第一个完全意义上的时 尚品牌酒店)的皇家套房被誉为“富裕绿洲”。套房 面积为 160 平方米,设有阳台,你可以在阳台上观赏 Broadwater的日落。如果你想游泳了,这里还有一个私 人游泳池为你而准备。专用司机还可以开着范思哲酒店 的双定制劳斯莱斯幻影接送客人往返于酒店。见


Richard Branson 的 Makepeace 岛一直以来都是一个用 于接待朋友和举办庆典的私人世外桃源 ,但是现在这里 可以作为私人岛屿对外出租了。这个 10 公顷的心形小岛 位于努沙河的中央 ,仅可乘船到达 ,但是离繁华的努沙 镇非常近 ,几分钟就能到 ,而且一艘船能容纳 20 位客 人。岛上的设施包括一个巴厘风格的双层聚堂、一个巨大 的环礁游泳池、全尺寸的网球场、凉亭、水疗中心、剧 院、办公室、室内酒吧和一流的厨师服务。见


在相对较为原生态的 Lost World 天堂之中,Nightfall 的 豪华帐篷就坐落在清澈的圣诞溪旁和昆士兰的古莱明顿国 家公园热带雨林里。Nightfall 的豪华露营(“豪华野营” )体验与复杂而繁忙的现代生活相去甚远 ,它通过建筑 灵感、手工打造、永久的狩猎帐篷、丰盛的柴火饭和与老 朋友之间的轻松感重新定义了 “豪华”一词。见 www.

黄金海岸沿M1高速距布里斯班约为一小时车 程;努沙沿布鲁斯公路距布里斯班北部约为一 小时 30 分钟的车程;Nightfall 距布里斯班约 两小时车程 ,中间经过 Beaudesert

布里斯班购物 Souvenir Shopping

给予的 艺术

Elke Lucas 的 Konig Gold 系列 ,每件 40-50 澳元 ,购自 手工工艺美术馆

如果你想买创意礼品或独特的 布里斯班个人纪念品,那你可以 去市工艺美术馆找找灵感

Kenji Uranishi 的 陶瓷雕塑曾在布 里斯班博物馆展 览 ,你可以去那 里买一件他的小 作品

Enka 工作室在布里斯班博物馆 展示的作品 ,比如85 澳元的 Latisha羽毛围巾,55 澳元的 Tendai 绳饰和 30 澳元的手镯

Nicole Casella 的有趣却实 惠的 YippyWhippy 珠宝 ,价格 8 美元起 , 可在GOMA 商店购买

Marc Harrison 的 Husque 碗 , 由工匠用澳洲坚果壳制造而成

经销商:布里斯班阿德莱德街市政厅市博物馆;南布里斯班 Stanley Place 现代艺术画廊 GOMA 商店; 毅力谷 Brunswick 街 381 号的 artisan 56. | BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017

澳大利亚羊毛衫, 每件 90 澳元 , 可购于 Merino Collection

临行购物 Jabiru飞镖 , 每个 50 澳 元 ,可购于 Dreamtime Journey

从昆士兰开采的美丽蛋白石, 手工制作的靴子和腰带 , 到注入金箔的松露油。 布里斯班国际机场有丰富的 本地特色商店和设计师品牌 店,激发你出发前的购物欲

UGG 雪地靴 ,239.95 澳元 , 可购于 Merino Collection

Marcus Bree 的昆士兰 小房子套件 ,69.95 澳元 ,可购于 Australian Way

FURLA 果冻背包 , 545 澳元 ,可购于 JR /免税店

黄金松露油 , 39.95 澳元 , 可购于 Australian Produce store

开采自奎尔皮的博尔德蛋白石 , 镶嵌有昆士兰字样的白金钻石项 链 ,248688 澳元可购于 JR /免税店

鳄鱼皮钱包 ,每个 95 澳元 , 可购于 Australian Way

手工鞋 ,1000 澳元 ,可购于 R.M. Williams

经销商:Dreamtime Journey,Merino Collection,Australian Produce Store,Australian Way,JR/免税店 , 都位于布里斯班机场三楼国际候机楼。价格可能稍有出入,有些产品可能会有免税折扣 BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | 57.



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10 个家庭探险之旅

Tonya Turner 发现,从拥抱考拉,到公园里的烹饪课程…布里斯班有很多 适合家庭的娱乐项目


布里斯班的南岸滨河文化区有昆士兰美术馆和现代艺术馆(QAGOMA) 、昆士兰博物馆、科学中心、昆士兰州立图书馆和昆士兰表演艺术中心, 这里有适合各年龄段的场所 ,包括适合小朋友的博物馆“鲸鱼中心” ,那里有大大小小的鲸鱼雕塑;科学中心还展览有鲸鱼的“唱歌”声和大家互 动。GOMA 有一个永久的儿童专用艺术中心 ,那里的展出一直在不断地更新。


龙柏考拉保护区是世界上第一个也是最古老的考拉避难所,距布里斯班 市中心约12公里远,从南岸搭乘船前往大约需花75分钟,从市区乘公交 车大约需要花一个小时。除了拥抱考拉之外(如下图),这里还有很多 特色项目,包括亲手喂袋鼠和澳洲野狗以及与爬行动物近距离接触。孩子们也可 以成为一日管理员,帮助参与动物的日常护理。见




骑着自行车在风景如画的骑 行路线中探索河畔也是个不 错的选择 ,途中可经过市植 物园 ,穿过 Goodwill 桥(仅允许自 行车和行人通过),沿着南岸一路到 West End 区和戴维斯公园 ,星期六早 晨繁忙的集市会在那里如火如荼地展 开。你可以从植物园的阿尔伯特街入 口的 Valet 自行车出租点租到成人自行 车、儿童自行车和双人自行车(加上婴 儿座椅 ,布里斯班有150 个 CityCycle 站。布里斯班有 3700 多条自行车路 线。从 上找一条试试看。



库塔山保护区距市中心仅 10 公里 ,你们可以去那里畅游 一番。那里有 JC Slaughter 瀑布野餐场地 ,有揭示古代岩画艺术 的原住民艺术小径(步行仅 20 分钟) ,你还可以观赏瀑布美景(雨后最佳) 。前行两公里登上顶峰 ,山路可能会 比较陡峭,但是登上山顶的嘉奖就是 你可以在此鸟瞰整座城市。继续向北 ,D’Aguilar 国家公园的徒步溪探索 中心距市中心差不多有 12公里远 ,那 里有野生动物中心(里面有鸭嘴兽和袋 熊)和 5 公里的步行道,Enoggera 水 库是游泳、划皮艇或独木舟和建沙堡的 热门地点。


与鲸鱼 近距离接触

六月到十一月的摩顿湾是鲸 鱼迁徙路线的一部分,成千上万头鲸 鱼会在北昆士兰的亚热带海域和南极 之间游过。在距布里斯班南部 29 公 里的 Cleveland 启程到距市中心 39 公 里的 Redcliffe,或者是从摩顿岛的天 阁露玛启程也可以 ,你每天都能在北 斯德布鲁克岛的 Point 瞭望台看到它 们 ,从布里斯班乘船不到两个小时就 能到达。


布里斯班有 2000 多个公园 ,离城区最近的公园都 有游乐场。其中最好的公园之一就是南岸公园的滨 河绿地 ,那里有巨型滑梯、隧道、爬梯、秋千和海 盗船 ,你也可以只是简单地坐坐布里斯班摩天轮 ,观赏这座 城市的瑰丽美景。 从市中心坐 15 分钟的渡轮即可到达 New Farm 公园 ,那 里有充足的草坪游戏空间 ,一个儿童游乐场 ,夏天的晚上会 作为夜光影院 ,旁边是布里斯班 Powerhouse,现作为一块河 畔的当代剧场空间。 库塔山的布里斯班植物园非常奇妙 ,你可以在一个公园体 验不同的环境 ,其中包括一个最大的澳大利亚本土热带雨林 树木聚集地和一个仙人掌园干旱区。园里有一个捉迷藏儿童 路线 ,同时还有导游步行之旅和小巴士之旅。园区内的 Sir Thomas 天文馆也是免费开放的 ,你可以在那里探索布里斯 班遍布繁星的天空和太阳系。 布里斯班的所有市政公园都有免费或超级便宜的活动 ,包 括清晨太极、烹饪课程、园艺工作室、马戏团技能训练、暮 光之舞、手工艺制作、现场音乐等。搜索公园和活动:



伊普斯威奇铁路博物馆是澳大利亚历史最悠久的厂 房车间 ,现在仍处于运转当中。铁路博物馆有正宗 的机车和老式马车、铁路模型、模拟列车 ,还有 15 个大于实物的展品等待你去探索 ,你可以乘坐无轨小火 车去博物馆场地和车间参观。在每月的第一个星期日 ,博 物馆还会在布里斯班站和罗马街站之间运行老式蒸汽火车。 见




鸟巢烤串 这里的老板曾赢过一个电视烹饪节目 ,从那以后生意便非常火 爆。他们休闲而又喧闹的餐厅可为你提供传统的日本烤串(烤 鸡肉串),食客可以坐在高凳子上 ,看着烟熏烧烤的过程和厨 师如何工作。位于墨尔本街西端 220 号 5 号商铺和毅力谷安街 702 号。见 www.

海滩卷饼 这是一个有假日氛围的街边小馆——它就是毅力谷咖啡店 ,店 里地板上铺满沙子,还有木制桌子和一个户外海滩风格的五彩 组合椅子。菜单上的食品从价格5澳元的玉米饼和速食玉米片到 十二英尺的卷饼 ,这个菜单是由一名冲浪手创立的 ,他给布里 斯班带来了真正的墨西哥味道。位于毅力谷 Brunswick 街 2 / 350 和 West End 区 Boundary街 100 号。见 www.

摩根海鲜外卖 Morgans 是坐落于 Redcliffe 半岛上 ,差不多在布里斯班以北 40 公里处。虽然距离比较偏远 ,但是它绝对值得你长途跋涉去 专门尝一尝那里刚捕捞的新鲜鱼肉 ,看一看码头的景色(如下 图),体验一下被一群海鸥包围的感觉。海鲜市场已经开了 30 年了,它是昆士兰州最大的海鲜市场 ,这里有长达30米的陈列 展示柜台 ,每天都有超过 180 种鱼产品,包括坦克活蟹、新鲜 生蚝和全鱼。位于 Scarborough 船港 Bird of Passage Parade。 见 www. morganseafood.


圣露西亚和北岸的汉密尔顿(靠近码头区的客船 码头)之间每天都有 CityCat 渡轮 ,每 15 分钟 一班 ,沿途停靠站点包括 West End、南岸、袋鼠 角、中央商务区、New Farm 和 Bulimba。SeeQ 卡允许持 有人在三天或五天内无限次乘坐公交车、火车和渡轮,或者 你可以在 CityCat 上购买涵盖两小时旅行的纸质船票。访问 搜索时间表。



布里斯班是一个不与海岸毗邻的城市,但是仍有 很多地方你可以感受飞溅的水花 ,让自己保持凉 爽 ,比如街道海滩(左图)、Aquativity 水上公 园和南岸船池,还有海湾上的 Wynnums 水上乐园,大约位 于城市东面约 20 公里 ,那是一个会在海水涨潮期间满溢的 封闭浅水池,退潮时你会看到寄居蟹在海滩爬行 ,鲸鱼模 型玩具调皮地喷水引得在公园里玩耍的孩子们尖叫声不断。 累了就在码头上休息一下,吃点薯条和冰淇淋。



圣海伦娜岛位于布里斯班以东约 21 公里 处 ,距布里斯班河河口仅4公里,只有坐船 才能到达。这里曾经是关押罪犯的场所,包 括杀人犯和丛林土匪,但是这臭名昭著的过去到现在只留下 了一堆石头废墟、1867 到 1932 年间的手工制品、墓地、 一个老采石场、码头、昆士兰的第一条电车轨道和橄榄树, 这些都为一系列导游路线提供了背景和素材——包括夜间的 幽灵之旅——你可以从布里斯班南部海湾的曼利 (距中央 商务区约 19 公里)或纽斯特德公园乘渡船(距中央商务区 约4公里)。在经过摩顿湾的海岸公园时 ,你一定要瞪大双 眼 ,看看近在眼前的儒艮、海鸟和海龟。

Nitrogenie氮气冰淇淋 这个炫酷的想法诞生于昆士兰 ,现在已经走向全球。它是一种 你以前从来都没见过的冰淇淋 ,——先选择一种味道(其中添 加有真正食材),然后看着工作人员(戴着护目镜,周围被冰 冷的氮气包围)现场制作你的订单。口味每星期都会变化 ,但 通常都有七种最佳口味 ,偶尔会融入一些澳洲特色,比如“牛 奶美禄”或者拉明顿蛋糕。位于南岸斯坦利街广场 30bc。见 www.

甜品车 这个甜品店的甜品可供各年龄段的人士选择。小孩子们可以在 DIY冰淇淋制作站自己做冰淇淋 ,也可以选择饼干煎饼堆、冰 淇淋滑块、熟樱桃热巧克力和脆脆的油炸饼 ,大人则可以选择 甜点比萨和甜酒味圣代。位于南岸格雷街 2 / 179。见


Brisbane Family Fun BRISBANE

Moreton Island Stradbroke Island

Island time


he whales are putting on a show – much to the delight of the small crowd sitting on the cliff above North Gorge on Stradbroke Island – and we’ve got front row seats for free. We’re an hour from Brisbane by car ferry across a serene and island-dotted Moreton Bay and for five months of the year it is the playground for thousands of humpback whales as they migrate north to warmer waters during the mating season from June to October. But they are not the only spectacle to watch from this perch at the most easterly point of Queensland’s coast. The water is so clear that large green turtles, languid rays and schools of playful dolphins are also in clear view. It’s such a mesmerising sight that spectators appear hypnotised, with quiet murmurs only rustling through the crowd when a whale spikes its head out of the water (spyhopping), flashes its tail (fluking) or jumps high out of the water (breaching) and splashes loudly down again. The ferry leaves from Toondah Harbour, about


30km south of Brisbane CBD and unloads its passengers at Dunwich, on the calm bay side of ‘Straddie’, as the locals call it. The island’s traditional name is Minjerribah meaning ‘Island in the sun’ and is home to several clans of the Quandamooka people, people of the sand and water. The island is as rich in history as it is in wildlife, and there’s a small museum not far up the road from the ferry stop and a cemetery a little further where the first burials date back to 1847. (Look up into the surrounding gum trees and you’re likely to see a koala). It’s enough to get a potted history of Straddie’s early settlement as a leper colony, asylum and quarantine station but to find out about life on Minjerribah long before colonial settlement jump on a 4WD tour with Eva Coghill or her dad Brian, sixth and seventh generation descendants of the Dandruba clan of Quandamooka people. As they tell stories of their ancestors they take visitors to lakes, creeks, dunes, beach and special

places most people still never see, to reveal examples of yurees (totems) and forage for bush tucker ingredients to add to a morning tea or lunch on the journey. They share long-held tips on how to collect mud crabs, how to find and cook quampie (oysters) and how to know when the sea mullet is ready for harvest (seeing great patches of silver fish rolling in the shallow surf is one of the treats of being on the beach in winter). Amity Point, a sleepy fishing hamlet about 20 minutes from Dunwich, is on the northern tip of the island and a good place for the amateur fisherman to cast a line straight from the jetty. Trawlers still tie up at the jetty to offload the night’s catch for local shops and restaurants and there are plenty of fish – we can actually see bream and flathead darting around the jetty’s pylons – but unfortunately none take our bait. However, we don’t go home empty handed as Rufus King Seafoods (fishmongers on the island for 20 years) has a little shop in the garage of a fisherman’s house and we get some local snapper

Images: Tourism and Events Queensland

An island escape with crystal clear water, pristine sand and abundant marine life is closer to Brisbane than you think, as Natascha Mirosch discovers

to take home to barbecue. By now we’re on island time and at dusk we join other holiday makers to watch the sun set spectacularly over Moreton Bay while pods of dolphins frolic just offshore. There’s a campground at Amity Point, where accommodation ranges from tent sites (tents can be hired) to eco shacks on the waterfront that sleep six. It’s a classic Aussie summer beach holiday – just a few steps away is an enclosed swimming area that’s as good as having a swimming pool in your front yard and the morning wake-up call comes from laughing kookaburras. There are plenty of holiday homes and beach ‘shacks’ to rent, too, within walking distance to a beach where activities range from early morning beach yoga to diving or snorkelling tours that make the most of the crystal clear water and coral reefs that are home to rays and tropical fish. There’s a surf school based at Point Lookout where children and adults can learn to ride the waves, or there’s plenty of room for swimming at the patrolled Cylinder and Main beaches. There are good walks too, to Frenchman’s Beach via Deadman’s Beach, where the rock pools are refreshed each day with the incoming tide and are home to crabs, anemones and tiny fish which makes for fun fossicking. The beach is towered over by a sand dune where kids trudge up and slide back down on boards or bits of cardboard as makeshift toboggans, whooping with delight. Another walk begins at the Point and winds its way a kilometre and a half past North and South gorges to Main Beach which stretches more than 30 kilometres back to Dunwich. The views on the walk are breathtaking and it’s not uncommon to see wallabies feeding on the native grasses. Inland, a fairly easy, flat walk (a little over 5km return) through a national park of wallum woodlands, forests of eucalypt trees eventually opens up to the freshwater Blue Lake, a haven for birds and such as honeyeaters and lorikeets and, once again, we come upon a family of wallabies. While Blue Lake is a place of spiritual significance for Indigenous islanders and therefore not recommended for swimming, Brown Lake, closer to Dunwich and accessible by road, is a popular picnic and swimming spot where it’s not unusual for curious goannas to amble up to see what’s for lunch. The water is shallow and tinged brown from the overhanging ti-trees and a dip in the soft water makes your hair and skin soft too. With its unspoiled surrounds, pristine water and unique flora and fauna, Straddie is an island paradise, where the locals like to keep things simple and the visitors like it too.

天阁露玛探险 在摩顿岛上 ,从黎明到黄昏,你都有很多活动可以参与。这是 一个冒险家的乐园 ,从布里斯班乘船仅需 75 分钟即可到达


那里有十五艘人为沉没以形成防波堤的 小船(如下图),这正好成为了一个天阁 露玛度假村海滩边的极佳沉船潜水地点。 带上一台防水相机 ,去水下抓拍各种热带 鱼类。



在平坦的沙滩适应机车的控制后,蜿蜒 上山,通过村庄和曲折的小路,在天阁露玛 度假村后面的沙石轨道上驰骋。


在摩顿岛的东北一带,火山岩和砂岩 形成了一道天然的防波堤,海水涌起经过 那里 ,就像温泉一样咕噜咕噜的往上冒泡 泡——看着海浪撞击着岩石,这真是一个非 常有趣的景象。


每天晚上日落时 ,一群友好的海豚就会 游到浅水区旁边的码头等着吃晚饭 ,度假 村的过夜客人可以在海豚护理小组的监督下 参加海豚喂养项目。


天阁露玛度假村外的浅滩和静水是练习 站式冲浪或乘皮艇探索沉船的极佳地点。同 时你还可以在透明皮艇夜游中 ,打开探照 灯 ,看看各种各样的珊瑚鱼、海龟、黄貂 鱼和狗鲛。


在你能坐着沙橇从沙丘上滑下来之前, 你得先走上沙丘。滑下沙丘的速度有时能达 到 40kmph,这是四驱车沙漠探险滑沙之旅 的一部分。

访问 和 查看更多相关信息

Find out more about North Stradbroke Island at Ferries to North Stradbroke Island depart from Toondah Harbour, Cleveland, about 40 minutes drive from Brisbane and the ferry journey takes an hour. See BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | 61.


Alice Springs


BRISBANE Perth Adelaide

Sydney Canberra Melbourne Hobart

通向全澳大利亚 布里斯班提供全澳大利亚 50 个城市的直达路线 , 让你拥有最美好的澳大利亚度假体验


从布里斯班直飞澳大利亚最大的城市只需一个多小时 ,这个城市因它的港口—— 世界上最大的自然港口——悉尼歌剧院而著名 ,它的设计看起来就像在风中飘扬 的船帆 ,人们也亲昵地将海港大桥称为“衣架”。 体验这一港口的方式有很多 ,你可以爬上 134 米高的大桥(或只是爬 200 级 台阶到南塔顶部),通过北大厅的窗户参观歌剧院 ,看看从环形码头到曼利的渡 轮 ,瞅瞅环形码头沿岸的酒吧和咖啡馆。你也可以在植物园里走走 ,上山看看麦 考瑞夫人的椅子 ,或者看看Rushcutters 湾码头的澳大利亚游艇俱乐部(CYC)甲 板 ,那里是悉尼 - 霍巴特帆船赛的起始点。 双湾附近的郊区是一个时尚购物村 ,从帕丁顿下山几公里即可到达。每个星期 六早晨这里都有集市 ,澳大利亚一些最成功的设计师会在这里销售他们的商品。 再往东 ,离市区约10 公里处 ,你终于到达了海岸和邦迪海滩 ,那里崇尚海滩文 化 , 街道边有许多口味极佳的餐馆和酒吧。 从邦迪海滩沿海步行到 Bronte 海滩吃午饭(如果你还有精力的话就继续向前去 Clovelly ),步行时间大约为一个小时(3 公里),途中你可以直观地了解澳大利 亚人 与海滩的亲近方式——在海滩上晒日光浴 ,在附近的草地上野餐 ,在清澈湛蓝的 海水中 冲浪。在海边雕塑节(十月/十一月)期间 ,步行会更加有趣 ,因为你可以看到 一百多个出自澳大利亚和国际艺术家之手的雕塑作品遍布悬崖边。 Tropfest(二月)、Mardi Gras(二月/三月)和 Vivid 节(五月/六月)都是一 些比较特别的节日,现在已经发展成了艺术、文化和派对活动 ,引起了全世界的 注意 ,国际游客与当地人打成一片,发掘勇敢内心(有时是傲慢的),激发更多 推动悉尼发展的创新精神 。


墨尔本是澳大利亚的人口第二大城 市,在世界上因在主要街道上仍保 留有轨电车穿行而闻名(拥有世界 最大电车路线网络),同时也因在 城市商业中心纵横交错的的小巷和 拱廊而出名。市中心有成百上千的 巷道 ,就像一个迷宫,在那里你总 能有新发现 ,比如隐蔽的精品店、 餐厅、小咖啡馆和密友酒吧。 Degraves街是墨尔本最繁华的道 路之一,距联邦广场只有几分钟的 路 ,路边有很多咖啡馆和精品商 店;弗林德斯巷曾经是墨尔本的服 装贸易中心 ,如今变身成为了美 食和画廊热门区域;小小的中央休 闲区是墨尔本最受欢迎的一条路 , 路旁边的咖啡馆一家挨着一家 , 还有设计师精品店;布洛克拱廊因 其极其坚固的建筑结构和马赛克瓷 砖地板而独树一帜 ,效仿的是米兰 的胜利画廊;而皇家拱廊是澳大利 亚最古老的拱廊。在 The Royal, 你可以找到已成为遗产的澳大利亚 巧克力店 Haighs ,同时你可以在 Hopetoun茶室中发现精美糕点。 最近几年 ,一些道路的普通名 字被替换 ,比如布朗胡同和公司巷 被改名为当地名人的姓氏 ,包括 Dame Edna Place(小柯林斯街) 、Divinyls’ Chrissy Amphlett 的 Amphlett 路(小柏克街)和为纪 念澳大利亚摇滚乐队于 20 世纪 70 年代在墨尔本度过的时光和他们在 全世界范围内声誉而命名的AC/DC 巷(弗林德斯街)。

- Dale Campisi

01. 悉尼歌剧院 02. 墨尔本弗林德斯街站 03. 爱丽斯泉附近的乌鲁鲁巨石, 04. 霍巴特外的 MONA

01. 02.


爱丽斯泉周围有红色泥土和让人流连忘 返的美丽山脉环绕 ,是澳大利亚红色 中心跳动的心脏。这是探索北领地内陆 自然奇观的一个大基地 ,包括乌鲁鲁 巨石、卡塔丘塔、国王峡谷、西麦克唐 奈山脉、标志性的 Larapinta 路、辛普 森沙漠的红砂和魔鬼大理石难以让人忘 怀的景象。这也是一个引人入胜的探索 澳大利亚土著文化之地。“The Alice”

是世界上最古老的艺术传统——澳大利 亚土著艺术的展览中心 ,许多作品在 城市各处的画廊里展出。早期土著的故 事和文化表现在石刻、身体绘画和地面 设计上,有些可以追溯到 30000 多年 前 ,近代的当地艺术家已经通过油漆 和帆布重新诠释了这些故事。当然 , 没有去过红色中心的乌鲁鲁之旅是不完 整的 ,皇室威廉王子和剑桥公爵夫人曾

为了看日出在“大岩石”上缓缓升起而 在经度 131 豪华露营度假村度过了一个 晚上。乌鲁鲁巨石对于澳大利亚土著居 民来说是神圣的 ,出于对它的尊重,他 们要求游客不进行攀爬。大家认为这块 岩石开始形成于约 5亿 5000 万年前 , 坐落在乌鲁鲁卡塔丘塔国家公园内,那 其中还包括卡塔丘塔的 36 块红色岩石 圆顶(也被称为“The Olgas”)。

- Stephanie Williams



Flinders Street Station photography by Robert Blackburn


霍巴特新老艺术博物馆——MONA,让 澳大利亚最南端的州首府世界闻名。它 是澳大利亚的最大私人资助博物馆 , 它的主人百万富翁 David Walsh 这样 描述它: “颠覆性的成人迪斯尼乐 园”。这儿的建造目的是容纳大型作 品,如 Sidney Nolan 创作的 46 米长 的《蛇》,它是一幅由 1620 副小作品 组成的壁画 , 营造出了彩虹色蛇蜿蜒 在整个房间的视觉感。 博物馆主要建在地面以下 , 游客们 会走下螺旋楼梯 ,来到这个展览着四 百多件作品的迷宫般的展示空间里。这

里没有介绍卡 ,但每个人都会有一个 智能手持设备(称为 O),它会根据游 客在画廊中的位置使用内部 GPS 系统 为游客提供作品的音频和文字讲解。这 个博物馆已经成为一个必游之地 ,距 离 Berriedale 半岛的霍巴特只有 25 分 钟的车程 ,它与霍巴特这座城市曾经 关押罪犯的殖民建筑结构(留存在市中 心和周边)形成了戏剧化的对比。 除了城区和惠灵顿山的壮观景色外, 你也可以去看看生产世界一流威士忌的 威士忌路看看 ,那里的酒厂供应威士 忌给澳大利亚各大酒吧。

捷星航空、澳洲航空、维珍澳大利亚和老虎航空提 供从布里斯班到墨尔本(飞行时间 2 小时 20 分 钟)、悉尼(飞行时间1小时 35 分钟)之间的 直飞航班。每周有超过 580 个班次的航班。捷 星航空和维珍澳大利亚每周共有 14 趟飞往霍巴特(飞行时间 2 小时 50 分钟)的航 班。澳洲航空每周有两趟飞往爱丽斯泉(飞行时间 3 小时 5 分钟)的航班。 BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | 63.


Solomon Islands

South Pacific


Vanuatu New Caledonia



gateway to the

South Pacific

Brisbane International Airport has more weekly flights to the dream islands of the South Pacific than any other port in Australia Fiji

Less than four hours flying time direct from Brisbane are more than 300 islands in the Fiji archipelago where there are so many things to do and see that one trip is not enough to experience all it has to offer, from jet boating and natural rock-chute waterslides to rainforest walks and river rafting. One of the most extreme adventures is the Shark School held every year at Beqa Lagoon Resort, which aims to bring people closer to sharks to understand their behaviour, lose their fear and support their conservation – and yes it includes diving among free-roaming sharks. Beachfront resorts line Viti Levu’s Coral Coastline but for a more Cast Away experience idyllic retreats such as Vomo Island are just a boat ride (or seaplane flight) from Fiji’s main island and Nadi Airport. Vomo Island is a private island in the northern Mamanucas, the same region where Cast Away was filmed, but here there are 30 luxury bures (with complimentary WiFi and air conditioning) and L’Occitane products in the bathroom. This is romantic heaven with a bar perched on the rocks overlooking the water and while it’s tempting to just lie back and enjoy the view, there’s a list of free activities that includes guided snorkelling tours, windsurfing, sailing, traditional kava ceremonies, daily fish feeding and glass bottom kayaking to name a few. Fiji Airways flies direct between Brisbane and Nadi on Viti Levu daily. See

01. Vomo Island, Fiji 02. To Sua Trench, Samoa 03. Skull Island, Solomon Islands 04. Domo Sheraton, New Caledonia 64 . | BNE SPECIAL EDITION 2017



Solomon Islands

Less than three hours flying time direct from Brisbane, the Solomon Islands is a scattered archipelago of nearly 1000 richly forested, mountainous islands and low-lying coral atolls that has attracted international visitors since 1568 when Spanish explorer Alvaro de Mendana sailed into its pristine waters. Mendana’s legacy can be found in the islands today which still bear the Spanish names he gave them – Santa Isabel, San Cristóbal and perhaps the most recognised of all, Guadalcanal, which takes its name from a small township in Andalucia in southern Spain. They remained mostly undisturbed until the British arrived about 300 years later, then the Pacific became engulfed in World War II. The battle of Guadalcanal is one of the most famous of the war and today it’s a popular site for World War II buffs and veterans and their families to visit. However, since the island nation gained its independence in the 1970s it has once again become a destination for travellers wanting to detour from the beaten track – surfers, birdwatchers, sports fishermen, yachties and culture-lovers. While there are hotels in Honiara, you haven’t really experienced the Solomons until you’ve taken a motorised canoe ride to any of the surrounding islands. A short flight to Munda is a stepping stone to the volcanic island of Rendova and Titiru Eco Lodge, the only accommodation on the island and walking distance to the local village. This is a Swiss Family Robinson-style getaway where daily activities include climbing the peak, exploring the Wild Cave (for sightings of bats, crabs and snakes), night crabbing and canoeing or visiting the villages on the south west of the island which are a nesting ground for endangered leatherback turtles. See Solomon Airlines flies direct between Brisbane and Honiara four times a week. See

Less than five hours flying time direct from Brisbane is Samoa, where signs of human occupation date back 300 years. Stonework ‘pyramids’ and mounds in star formation found throughout Samoa’s islands inspire many theories from archaeologists, but local mythology and legend says they descended from the gods and heavens to inhabit the islands. Samoa’s natural beauty is indeed heavenly, with rich green rainforests, waterfalls, natural swimming pools and ‘a necklace’ of white beaches. Adventurers will not want to miss the To Sua Trench – a challenging climb down a wooden ladder into a 30-metre crater – where the clear pool below is well worth a dip and the underwater channel that connects it to the sea is diveable at low and calm tide. Culture vultures can explore the mansion where Robert Louis Stevenson, author of Treasure Island, spent his final years, which is now a museum offering guided tours and there’s plenty of culture to absorb in the local villages. Accommodation ranges from beach fales for the Robinson Crusoe types to luxury resorts for anyone who just can’t leave their creature comforts behind. “Lalelei” is a word that is used a lot to describe Samoa’s turquoise lagoons and white powdery beaches, which means pretty or handsome, but we say “spectacular”. See Virgin Australia flies direct between Brisbane and Apia in Samoa four times a week. See

New Caledonia

Just two hours and 20 minutes flying time from Brisbane, New Caledonia is an eco hotspot, home to the largest marine park on Earth. Larger than Alaska, twice the size of Texas, three times the size of Germany, the Natural Park of the Coral Sea protects more than one million square kilometres of marine ecosystem that is a sanctuary for 25 species of marine mammals, 48 shark species, 19 species of nesting birds and five species of sea turtles. New Caledonia is also the cosmopolitan hub of the South Pacific with its French influence on food, boutique shopping on Rue de Sébastopol and at Centre Ville, and nightlife around Anse Vata Bay and Baie de Citrons. There’s a Latin Quarter, Chinatown and morning markets selling everything from fresh croissants and coffee to papaya and passionfruit. Stand-up paddleboarding may be the current water sport fad but New Caledonia is the windsurfing capital of the world so this is the place to learn, or try the ‘sans board’ version – kite surfing – which is an even wilder adrenalin hit. See Aircalin flies direct between Brisbane and Noumea three times a week. See



Two hours 30 minutes flying time direct from Brisbane is Vanuatu which lies on top of what is known as the Pacific Ring of Fire and it has several volcanoes spread among its islands and two more beneath the sea that are still active. The most easily accessible is Mt Yasur on Tanna Island and a 15-minute hike to the summit is enough to feel the earth rumbling and the heat from mini explosions. Others can be found on Gaua, Ambae, Ambrym and Lopevi islands. The volcanic geography means the islands are lush with tropical rainforests, mountain ranges, fresh water rivers, streams and waterfalls. Walking is the best way to see it on a guided trek that traverses plantations, dense rainforest, fresh water rivers and local villages to hidden caves, waterfalls and beaches. Most of the accommodation on the islands has been renovated, rebuilt or refurbished in the last two years, including Iririki Resort, a 36-hectare site in the harbour of Port Vila just a 200-metre ferry ride from the mainland. See Air Vanuatu flies direct between Brisbane and Port Vila or Espiritu Santo three days a week. See




Brisbane to the World


South Korea

Tokyo (Narita) Japan

Shanghai (Pudong)




Hong Kong



United Arab Emirates




Abu Dhabi


United Arab Emirates



Kuala Lumpur




Port Moresby


Papua New Guinea




to the world

To 79 destinations direct from Brisbane and beyond

China Southern Airlines




Los Angeles USA

Honolulu USA


Nauru Nauru


Apia Honiara

Solomon Islands

Port Hedland

Espiritu Santo Vanuatu

Port Vila Vanuatu


Charleville Fraser Coast (Hervey Bay) Roma Miles BRISBANE Quilpie BRISBANE St George Toowoomba Thargomindah Cunnamulla Norfolk Island Moree Armidale Narrabri Tamworth Coffs Harbour Dubbo Port Macquarie Birdsville



New Caledonia



New Zealand

Queenstown New Zealand


Whitsunday Coast (Proserpine) Hamilton Island Moranbah Mackay Mt Isa Barcaldine Rockhampton Longreach Gladstone Emerald Blackall Alice Springs Biloela Bundaberg Windorah Cloncurry




Orange Wagga Wagga

New Zealand



New Zealand

Newcastle Sydney

Lord Howe Island Canberra



New Zealand

Launceston Hobart Map not to scale. Please note airlines and destinations are current at time of print.

Malindo Air



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