An A-Z of Bristol SU

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Unfold me! Your 2021/2022 planner is inside

an a-z of Bristol su Everything you need to know about your students’ union

Activism Budding climate campaigner? Passionate about LGBT+ rights? We run campaigns throughout the year so you can embrace your inner activist.



We have two bars on campus, the Balloon Bar and The Beckford, providing you with a space to hang out with great value drinks!

At Bristol you’re part of a community of over 25000 students. We’ll provide you with opportunities to meet new people and make friends throughout your time here.

democracy We’re a democratic organisation. That means you elect the students who lead the SU and represent you to the university. There are over 800 elected reps who represent your voice. You have reps for your course, faculty, halls, and even more dedicating their time to help improve student life. Each year our reps do great things, from introducing microwaves on campus to making sport more affordable.



We have a diverse student-led events programme so there’s always something going on which you can attend.

We’re the fun side of your university experience!

groups Student groups are a huge part of student life at Bristol, and most students join at least one in their time here. We’ve got over 350 clubs, societies and volunteering projects that you can get stuck into. Try something new at a Give it a Go session and meet them all at our Welcome Fair.

Scan here to check out all our student groups!

I’m feeling...

how are you? Fill in this space with how you’re feeling about starting university.


Welcome to

We have an Intramural community of almost 3000 players in 250 teams in more than 12 sports.


If you want to do the sports you love without the pressure to perform or train regularly then intramural is a great way to get out and do some exercise with a group of friends on your course, in your halls or from a society. Scan here to find out more about Intramural and sign up.

jobshop We have an online JobShop so that you can find well-paid part-time work whilst you’re studying.

K –––––

We have an outrageous number of student groups – how many can you find at the Welcome Fair which begin with the letter K?

lettings We have an award-winning Lettings agency to help you find decent student accommodation.



As a student at the University of Bristol, you’re automatically a member of your union – that’s us, Bristol SU!

Networks are representative groups of students united by common interests or identities. We have 18 of them who lead campaigns, host events and represent you.



Your seven elected full-time officers represent your voice to improve the student experience. Equality, Liberation & Access



Student Living

Sport & Student Development

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Union Affairs


International Students


Undergraduate Education

Postgraduate Education

postgrad We’re here to support postgraduates too! We have a dedicated Postgraduate Education officer, and a postgraduate network where you can connect with other taught or research students.

quality advice We have an academic advice service, who are here to help if there are issues on your course. They help over 1000 students each year.

rAG Bristol RAG is the fundraising arm of Bristol SU. Founded over 90 years ago to make a difference in the local community, we raise tens of thousands each year for local, national and international causes!

Spaces Our home is the Richmond Building but we also have spaces in Senate House, which were all designed with you in mind. Come to the Bristol SU Living Room to relax and unwind and meet other people. Or head to the Bristol SU Loft to meet and share ideas.

the basket Want to know where to pick up your Bristol uni merch? Look no further than our shop, The Basket.



We’re independent from the University, but work closely with them to make sure your voice is represented in their decisions.

If you’d like to develop new skills, or get involved with the local community, you could join one of our student-led volunteering projects and put a bit of good back into the city.

wellbeing Coming to uni can be stressful. If you experience a dip in your wellbeing there are different ways you can support yourself whilst studying: Take a break in the Bristol SU Living Room Make connections with supportive friends by joining a student group or network Need someone to talk to? Reach out to student volunteers at Nightline 0117 9266 266 Reach out for support at

xtracurricular Ok so we cheated a bit on this letter, but we basically do everything which isn’t your course.

zero waste Not quite yet, but sustainability is something we’re passionate about. We have plans for a zero waste shop so watch this space...

you You are at the heart of everything we do.

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