D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 1 • V o l 26 • No 11
In This Issue
Beach Cleanup
The Battle for Talent in Asia By Mark Millar
Economic Growth across Asia
professionals across all job functions and all
region identified logistics, supply chain and
Whilst western developed markets
industry sectors.
customer-facing roles the most difficult
a re e x p e r i e n c i n g t o u g h t i m e s , w e s e e
roles to recruit for. In response to the
encouraging economic growth throughout
Over and above the well established out-
question ‘Which functions have you found
Asia’s complex mix of emerging, developing
sourced manufacturing bases we now
it most difficult to recruit for?’ the survey
and developed markets.
have the rapidly developing consumption
results showed the following as the top five
economies in the Asia region - in particular
Asia has for many years been the workshop
India, China and Vietnam - also driving
1. Logistics & Transport
of the world, deploying plentiful low-
demand for experienced practitioners.
2. Supply Chain
c o s t l a b o u r t o m a n u f a c t u re g o o d s f o r export to consumers in the west. In recent years, expanding economic prosperity – in large part fuelled by the success of the manufacturing sectors – is seeing the rise of increasingly prosperous consumers. It estimated by OECD that by 2030 Asia will account for 66% of the world's middle class,
Limited Supply However, the overall pool of talent is not to keep up with the demand – and hence the spiralling payroll costs as organisations
continuing growth patterns are presenting multiple challenges in the area of Human
that is available.
where both production and consumption are rapidly expanding - there is simply not
demand, resulting in the Battle for Talent
Organisations need to be thinking from the simple questions – ‘Why should I choose to join this company?’ and ‘Why should I chose to stay at this company?’
let alone support continuing rapid growth.
Attraction Amongst the fierce competition to
Although with Asia’s large populations
attract the best talent, it is essential for
there is substantial critical mass of labour -
organisations to adopt a marketing type of
with an abundance of talent, a wide range
approach to its human resources activities.
of skills and plenty of experience, there is
Within their respective industry sectors,
not a deep enough pool of workers with
individual businesses need to promote
the right skills and experience – and in the
their company image and build their brand
Demand Drivers
right place, thus causing the current skills
– as an “employer”, over and above their
Capitalising on the growth potential in
shortage across all sectors.
market positioning as a supplier. In the
in Asia. In the Gartner 2011 survey, CEO’s identified ‘Attracting Skilled Workers / Talent’ as their number two priority, second after retaining existing customers.
the Asia region is becoming increasingly
two fronts – Attraction and Retention.
enough talent to satisfy the existing demand,
Capital, where the supply cannot meet the
Venture Photography
The “Battle for Talent” needs to be fought on
fiercely compete to attract the limited talent
Especially in these developing markets in markets throughout Asia and these
5. Customer Service
employee’s perspective and consider two
Thus we are seeing rapid expansion
4. Sales & Business Development
expanding rapidly enough for the supply
up from 28% in 2009.
3. Distribution & Warehousing
current environment companies are not
important on the executive agenda and this
An employment survey conducted by
only competing for customers, they are also
is driving increasing demand for experienced
Logistics Executive throughout the Asia
competing for employees.
• News / New Appointments • Events • Shaken Not Stirred
(Continued on page 2)