Harry potter cursed child

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Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Parts One & Two

哈利波特與被詛咒的孩子:第一、第二部分 撰文及考題設計 British Council 英協教育中心 Melissa Henry 中譯 陳正杰(中央社編譯)



theme park attractions and studio tours based on the

a r r y Pot t e r is ba ck on t he st age, bot h

novels and movies, which speak for how popular the

figuratively and literally, in new ways for its

magical world of Harry Potter has become since the

next act. The eighth book is actually a script for

release of the first novel in 1997.

a play showing at the Palace Theatre in London

前七集小說由英國作家J.K. 羅琳撰寫,在全球共

that was written by playwright Jack Thorne but


based on an original story written by J.K. Rowling,


Jack Thorne, and John Tiffany. It comes eleven


years after the seventh and final book in the wildly


successful Harry Potter series, but this time the plot


features Albus, Harry and Ginny’s youngest child.



Despite the excitement for what some perceive


as an ending to the story, there is also something


exciting going on behind the scenes that possibly


makes this book more enchanted than the story


itself. Three different versions of this book have


been published – one in braille, one in large print,


and one for dyslexic readers.




圖 歐新社

有些人認為第八集會是整個《哈利波特》故事 的完結篇,因此相當激動,但幕後也有令人感到

The series of seven installations written by UK’s

興奮 的事,而且可能使 這個劇本比 故事本 身更

J.K. Rowling and has sold more than 450 million


copies around the world has additionally become


an eight-part film series. Furthermore, there are


全球中央雜誌 2016.12

本文由BRITISH COUNCIL–全球最值得信賴的英語 教學機構–提供,網址:www.britishcouncil.org.tw

《哈利波特》第八集是以舞台劇劇本的形式呈現。圖為2016年7月29日正上演 《哈利波特與被詛咒的孩子》的英國倫敦皇宮劇院外。


Latin alphabet, but now varies from language to

The Royal National Institute of Blind People and

language. The giant text version also published

Little, Brown and Company collaborated together to

is specifically for visually impaired readers that

publish a braille and giant text version of the story.

require larger texts. Little, Brown and Co. has

Braille is a writing and reading system for people

further mentioned the audiobook will be available

who are blind or visually impaired. Named after its


creator, Frenchman Louis Braille, Braille uses raised


dots on paper as codes so that you can essentially


read with your fingers. It was inspired by a French


military code called ‘night writing’ where soldiers


could communicate silently in the dark night under


the command of Napoleon. Braille stems from the






dyslexic readers need larger text and more space to


distinguish letters or characters, and colored texts


and backgrounds also help to see words more easily.


Thus, this version features simple, larger, blue fonts;


thicker, beige paper; and a more appropriate layout


and glossary. The publishers are basing their edition

5 Then, in September, W. F. Howes Ltd. published an edition for dyslexic readers. Dyslexia is a reading

off of research from the University of South Wales and the British Dyslexia Association, who worked together to ensure its success.

disorder, thus cognitive and not intelligence. It


varies from person to person, but typically involves


difficulty spelling, reading quickly, and pronuncia-


tion while reading aloud. Research has shown that

樣,但基本上在拼字或快速閱讀會有困難,或者 在朗讀時會唸得不順。研究顯示,有閱讀障礙的 人需要較大的字體,每兩個字母或字之間的空隙 要大一點,以方便辨識,有顏色的文字與底色,也 可以幫助他們看得更清楚。因此,這個版本採用簡 單、比較大的藍色字形,較厚的乳白色紙張,編排 和使用的字彙也比較適合有閱讀障礙的人。郝氏 出版公司設計這個版本,是根據南爾斯大學與英 國閱讀障礙協會的研究,而這兩個機構一起合作, 希望確保這個版本能夠獲得成功。

6 These two publishers are receiving international attention and recognition because they are including people who usually miss out. Most people will agree that books activate and enhance your imagination, opening new worlds and sparking creativity that does not exist elsewhere. So why not give everyone


the same opportunity? 這兩家出版商由於在出版此書時考量到因無法 正常閱讀而錯過盛況的人,獲得國際間的注意與 肯定。眾所皆知,書本可以啟動和強化人的想像

《哈利波特》系列作品一問世,就造成洛陽紙貴。圖為在香港一家 書店展示的J.K.羅琳最新作品《哈利波特與被詛咒的孩子》。


全球中央雜誌 2016.12

力,開啟新的視野,並激發在其他地方找不到的創 意,因此何不讓每個人都有相同的機會呢?

本文由BRITISH COUNCIL–全球最值得信賴的英語 教學機構–提供,網址:www.britishcouncil.org.tw

Key Words figuratively 比喻性的說法 – involving a figure of speech, like a metaphor

visually impaired 視覺受損或有障礙的 – partially or completely blind

literally 真實地 – in a real sense

stems from 源於 – comes from

speak for 為...說出,道出 – express the opinions or wishes of others

distinguish 區別,分辨 – recognize as different

behind the scenes 幕後 – out of sight of the public collaborated together 一起合作 – work with other people

miss out 未能參與 – leave out; fail to take part in something sparking creativity 激發創意 – start the use of imagination or original ideas to create something

雅思考試模擬試題 IELTS questions

雅思考試粉絲團: www.facebook.com/ielts.testcentre

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the article for each answer. 1. What does ‘Co.’ stand for in ‘Little, Brown and Co.’? 2. Who originally wrote Harry Potter? 3. What country does Braille come from? 4. When was Harry Potter initially published? 5. Which company relied on research to aid them to publish a successful book for its target readers?

Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-E, below. 6 Little, Brown & Co. published their copies at the same time as the original, 7 It can be inferred from the article that ‘night writing’ was used 8 The eighth book is not a narrative, 9 The two mentioned publishers have given the opportunity 10 Every language has different Braille codes A for more people to be included in the world of reading. B because they are not all Latin based. C but a script for a play. D but W. F. Howes Ltd. published theirs at a later date. E because the French military did not want their information intercepted by their opposition. Answers:1. Company CNA NEWSWORLD


2. J.K. Rowling

3. France

4. 1997

5. W.F. Howes Ltd.

6. D



9. A

10. B

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