本文由BRITISH COUNCIL–全球最值得信賴的英語 教學機構–提供,網址:www.britishcouncil.org.tw
Shakespeare Lives On! 莎士比亞恆久遠 共鳴不分古今 撰文及考題設計 British Council 英協教育中心 Mark O’ Sullivan 中譯 陳怡君 (中央社編譯)
oet, actor, and playwright, this 16th century
without doubt, yet surprisingly little is really known
British iconic figure has managed to transcend
about his personal life.
time and boundaries as his legacy stills lives on
after 400 years and has spanned the globe. Widely
regarded as the greatest writer in the English
language, William Shakespeare’s worldwide fame is
直到今天,莎士比亞的劇本仍在世界各地廣受歡迎。圖為 古巴國家芭蕾舞團舞者於2014年10月28日第24屆哈瓦那 芭蕾舞節上,演出《莎士比亞和他的面具》。(歐新社)
亞的個人生活卻罕為人知。 We know that he was born in 1564 in Stratford-
glove-maker and being born and raised in a simple
Upon-Avon in England, and at age 18 he married
sheep farming community, would not have provided
Anne Hathaway, who was 8 years his senior. They
the education or background to nurture such a
had three children together, Susanna, and twins
literary genius. In addition to this, it is suggested
Hamnet and Judith, and he died in 1616 at the age of
that his works display intimate knowledge of court
52. It is often claimed that he died on his birthday,
politics and culture, foreign countries, aristocratic
but exact details of the dates of his actual birth and
sports, and therefore no-one other than a highly
death are uncertain, as no precise records exist, only
educated nobleman could have written such details.
church records of him being baptised and buried.
The most popular suggested alterative authors are
我們知道他1564年生於英格蘭小鎮史特拉福, 18歲娶了大他8歲的安妮.哈瑟維,兩人育有三名
Sir Francis Bacon or Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl or Oxford.
一些專家也質疑莎士比 亞的作家身分,認為
作者群的掩 護─ ─無論出於什麼原因,無法或
不想 曝 光 真實身 分。外界 向 來懷 疑,身為 手 套
工人之子以及在綿羊牧 場社區中成長的寒微出
Even his exact name is a bit of a mystery, as
身,無 法 提 供培育這位 文學天才所需的教育 或
recordings at the time show anything ranging from
Willm Shakp , to Wm Shakspe , to William Shaksper ,
among many other variations. Interestingly, the
育的貴族才 能寫出這般 細節。法蘭西斯培根 爵
‘William Shakespeare’ name that we use today only
士或 英國第17代牛津伯爵愛 德華德 維爾,是莎
became the established spelling by the middle of the
20th century.
Shakespeare’s humble upbringing as the son of a
It is often said that about 2,000-3,000 new words
就 連他的真實姓名也是 個謎,過去文 獻 顯示
and phrases were invented by William Shakespeare
從「Willm Shakp」、「Wm Shakspe」到「William
and there are countless examples of language that we
still currently use today that are directly attributed
的「William Shakespeare」是一直到20世紀中葉才
to him. His extensive collection of writings includes
around 38 plays and 154 sonnets (poems) and has
A few exper t s have called Sha kespea re’s
been translated into every major living language,
authorship into question, and believe that the
and these works have been performed more than
Shakespeare from Stratford was used as a cover
that of any other playwright. Apart from the direct
for another author, or possibly authors, who for
theatres performances of his plays, many have also
whatever reason could not or did not want to reveal
been adapted into other forms of entertainment.
their true identities. It has been suggested that
Romeo and Juliet , for example, has formed the basis
全球中央雜誌 2016.02
本文由BRITISH COUNCIL–全球最值得信賴的英語 教學機構–提供,網址:www.britishcouncil.org.tw
莎士比亞被視為最偉大的英文作家。圖 為2015年10月29日德國柏林「杜莎夫人 蠟像館」為「2016莎士比亞年」活動, 所展出的新莎士比亞蠟像。(歐新社)
of many modern interpretations of this classic love-
Today, his plays still remain hugely popular
tragedy story, from the Disney animation ‘Lion
and are constantly being studied, interpreted and
King II’, to the Broadway musical ‘West Side Story’,
reinvented into modern works around the world. The
to the Hollywood romantic-zombie-comedy ‘Warm
fact that his characters and storylines still live on
after their Elizabethan origins, shows the genius of
his writing in being able to present the emotions and
conflicts of real people, which is why so many can
relate to his vast body of work and why his legacy
will continue to live on in the future.
Key Words playwright [noun] – 劇作家 a person who writes plays
called into question [verb phrase] – 引發質疑 to cause doubts about something
iconic [adj] – 代表性的 being very famous or popular
humble [adj] – 貧窮或社會地位低的 poor or of low social rank
transcend [verb] – 超越 to go further, to rise above something, especially a limit
upbringing [noun] – 撫育 the way in which you are educated and treated when you are young
spanned [verb] – 跨度(一段時間) to continue for a particular length of time
nurture [verb] – 滋養 to help develop
baptised [verb] – 受洗 to make someone an official member of the church, usually shortly after birth
雅思考試粉絲團: www.facebook.com/ielts.testcentre
attributed [verb] – 貢獻 to say that something is the result or work or something or someone else interpretation [noun] – 解讀 an explanation or opinion of what something means
雅思考試模擬試題 IELTS questions
Exam tip 1 – Underline key words in the question and study the text carefully to see if any relevant part matches the statement. Exam tip 2 – For standard tasks like this, the questions will follow the order of the text. Write ‘True’ (T), ‘False’ (F) or ‘Not Given’ (NG) after each of the statements 1~10.
Example Question: Question: Shakespeare’s legacy still lives on after four centuries Answer: True “…as his legacy stills lives on after 400 years…” Questions: 1. Shakespeare’s work has remained popular long after he lived and has spread worldwide. 2. He is regarded as the best writer ever. 3. Details of his private life are very clear and well-understood. 4. His wife, Anne Hathaway, was 8 years older than him. 5. William Shakespeare had five grandchildren. 6. Many historians argue that William Shakespeare did not really write his own work. 7. Shakespeare came from a relatively simple background. 8. William Shakespeare is responsible for creating around 25% of the English Language. 9. Shakespeare wrote hundreds of plays. 10. Shakespeare’s work is losing its interest and popularity because the themes are no longer relevant to modern society. 1. True 2.False 3. False 4. True 5. Not Given 6.False 7. True 8. Not Given 9. False 10. False 全球中央雜誌 2016.02