1 minute read


Facebook is casual environment that starts very locally geographically. At first you select friends and already known acquaintances to like your business page and recognition flows out from them. Facebook requires regular active social media marketing to keep your followers entertained. Do not keep posting adverts of your business over and over as this will cause people to ignore your campaigns. Keep it fresh, regularly update your page with new quality pictures and interesting features that followers will LIKE & SHARE as this will spread your page to further onlookers.



Instagram seems to be the Barbers favourite social media platform, it consists of the user uploading pictures which are liked by others, most barbers post pictures of their haircuts opening themselves to be judged by others. Good quality work and images can often be plugged (regramed) by other users which aid promotion of your brand. This is done by Tagging other users in your image description ie: @BritishMasterBarbers or #BritishMasterBarbers can help promote your work and further your reach. More tags equals more reach but make sure your tagging reflects your image and is aimed at third party’s that have an interest in your product.

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