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My name is Kenneth Washburn. At age 20, my sister-in-law convened me to go to beauty school. So, I embarked on an adventure unaware at that time it would spark a flame of passion lasting 30 years. During the first 2 year, I started to grow an interest for barbering. However, the opportunity to go to school had not yet presented its self. Over the Next 20 years, I to have worked in two Chicagoland Salons and spent 20 years as an educator with Pivot Point International. Needing a change, I had always wanted to be a barber but having to provide for my family and going to school was a lot. An opportunity to be an Education Manager for KAO, USA, came along so I took it. Meanwhile, I still had barbering in the back of my mind so after a little while I left and went into a salon. Like everything in life, “all things happen in due Bme”! I was working in the salon cuPng hair. When Pivot Point Academy asked me to teach for them. Shortly a)er that I was asked if I would be interested in creaBng a Barber Program for Pivot Point Academy. They then offered to pay for me to go to barber school to officially get my license. Shortly a)er finishing school, Pivot Point Academy launched the barber program. Where I am currently the Lead Master Barber and Master Cosmetology educator. Being inspired by BriBsh Barbering, I became a member of the BriBsh Master Barber Alliance in 2020. In 2021, I received my BriBsh Professional Barber AccreditaBon then in 2022 InternaBonal Master Barber and Grand Master Barber AccreditaBons. I am also member of the Hair and Barber Council and am a State Registered Senior Hairdresser as well as State Registered Senior Barber.

Barbering has re-energised my passion for the business and my calling to share knowledge on all levels of the industry. On the weekends you will find me either in the barbershop where I take clients or at a compeBBon or class; you should never stop learning. I tell all my students that they need to be involved in shows and educaBonal events to stay current. The different events allow you to bring new things back to your clients and rejuvenate your excitement for the industry.


Barbering to me is a way to express myself. I have seen how barbering can give people opportuniBes for a prosperous life that otherwise would not have been possible. An as those barbers start to prosper, they give back to their communiBes through back-to-school give aways, raising money for the homeless and many other ways. Barbering to me is more than being what is trending and popular at the moment. It is about being the corner stone of the community and it is an honour to be one.

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