The Preschool and Lower School Curriculums
PRESCHOOL CURRICULUM: Pre-Nursery – Pre-K (ages 2-4) At Preschool, NYIS follows a ThemaGc Approach to teaching and learning
THEME A (e.g. myself)
THEME B (e.g. my family)
THEME C (e.g. animals)
THEME … (e.g. food)
The New York International School
THEME Z (e.g. holidays)
Children listen a5en6vely to teacher and others in a range of situa6ons, and express themselves effec6vely. They listen to stories, understand them, respond to ques6ons, make comments or ques6ons, take ac6ons, etc. They use past, present and future forms accurately when talking about events that have happened or are to happen in the future. They develop their own narra6ves and explana6ons by connec6ng ideas or events.
Children read, understand and write simple sentences and irregular words. They decode regular words and read them aloud. They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read. They write simple sentences, which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phone6cally plausible.
Provide children with opportuni6es to develop and improve their skills in coun6ng, understanding and using numbers, calcula6ng simple addi6on and subtrac6on problems; and to describe shapes, spaces and measures. Develop learning and problem solving skills. Recognize pa5erns, sequences and rela6onships. Learn basic words, expressions, commands and gestures. Form simple sentences to express ideas, needs or feelings. Read aloud stories. Establish connec6ons. Ask ques6ons. Develop language habits through games. Follow classroom instruc6ons and direc6ons. Children talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members. They talk about similari6es and differences between themselves, among families, communi6es, tradi6ons, the features of their own immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another. They make observa6ons of animals and plants and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes. Children sing songs, make music and dance, and experiment with ways of changing them. They safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimen6ng with color, design, texture, form and func6on. They represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role-‐play and stories.
Self-‐Confidence & Self-‐Awareness: Children try new ac6vi6es, talk about their ideas and preferences in a familiar group, choose the resources they need, etc. Manage Feelings & Behavior: Children talk about how they and others show feelings, about their own and others’ behavior, understand the rules, etc. Making Rela6onships: Children play coopera6vely, they show sensi6vity to others, form posi6ve rela6onships, etc.
Provide opportuni6es for children to be ac6ve and interac6ve. To develop co-‐ordina6on, control and movement. Children must understand the importance of physical ac6vity and healthy choices in rela6on to food. Games, gymnas6cs and dance. Both indoor and outdoor.
Language & Literacy
45 min.
Language & Literacy
Music & Dance
Language & Literacy
Physical Development
PS&E Development
Spanish / Chinese
Circle Time
10:45 -‐ 11:30
Spanish / Chinese
Circle Time
9:15 – 9:45
Spanish / Chinese
Circle Time
8:30 – 9:15
Spanish / Chinese
Circle Time
10:15 -‐ 10:45
Circle Time
The New York InternaGonal School: PRENURSERY SCHEDULE
Spanish / Chinese
30 min.
30 min.
30 min.
30 min.
30 min.
30 min.
15 Hours per Week -‐ Language (speaking & listening) & Literacy (reading & wri6ng): 2.5 hr. -‐ Numeracy: 1.5 hr. -‐ Spanish / Chinese: 2.5 hr.
30 min.
30 min.
30 min.
30 min.
Snack & Short Recess
(with Spanish / Chinese Teachers)
9:45 – 10:15
30 min.
30 min.
-‐ -‐ -‐ -‐
Art: 1.5 hr. Music & Dance: 1.5 hr. Circle Time & Assembly: 1.75 hr. Physical Development: 45 min.
30 min.
Language & Literacy 30 min.
Language & Literacy 30 min.
-‐ -‐
45 min.
45 min.
45 min.
Music & Dance 45 min.
PS&E Development: 30 min. Recess: 2.5 hr.
Language & Literacy
35 Hours per Week -‐ Language (speaking & listening) & Literacy (reading & wri6ng): 4 ½ hr. -‐ Numeracy: 2 ½ hr. -‐ Spanish / Chinese: 3 hr. (7 with Art & Music)
-‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ Art: 2 ¾ hr. Music & Dance: 2 ½ hr. Circle Time & Assembly: 1 ¾ hr. The World: 1 hr. -‐ -‐ -‐
30 min.
30 Min.
Story / Library
30 min.
2:00 -‐ 2:30
PS&E Development
30 Min.
Story / Library
30 min.
The World
30 min.
1.30 -‐ 2:00
Snack & Recess
45 min.
1:00 -‐ 1:30
Physical Development
30 Min.
30 min.
Language & Literacy
30 min.
Story / Library 30 Min.
PS&E Development
(in Chinese / Spanish)
30 min.
The World
45 min.
11:30 -‐ 1:00
30 min.
Lunch, Nap & Recess
45 min.
(with Spanish / Chinese Teachers)
45 min.
11:00 -‐ 11:30
45 min.
Art (Spanish/Chinese)
Music / Dance (Spanish/Chinese)
Music / Dance
30 min.
10:15 -‐ 11:00
30 min.
Spanish / Chinese Spanish / Chinese
Spanish / Chinese 30 min.
30 min.
Spanish / Chinese 30 min.
30 min.
9:45 – 10:15
30 min.
Snack & Short Recess
30 min.
Circle Time 9:15 – 9:45
Spanish / Chinese
30 min.
30 min.
8:30 – 9:15
30 min.
30 min.
30 min.
30 min.
30 min.
Language & Literacy
Language & Literacy
Language & Literacy
Friday Circle Time
Language & Literacy
Wednesday Circle Time
Circle Time
Circle Time
The New York InternaGonal School: NURSERY SCHEDULE Draa
2.30 -‐ 3:30
PS&E Development 1 hr.
Physical Development (Central Park) 1 hr.
1 hr.
(Gym) 1 hr.
Personal, Social & Emo6onal Development: 2 ½ hr. Physical Development: 2 hr. Recess: 12 ½ hr.
Language & Literacy
35 Hours per Week -‐ Language (speaking & listening) & Literacy (reading & wri6ng): 4 ½ hr. -‐ Numeracy: 2 ½ hr. -‐ Spanish / Chinese: 3 hr. (7 with Art & Music)
-‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ Art: 2 ¾ hr. Music & Dance: 2 ½ hr. Circle Time & Assembly: 1 ¾ hr. The World: 1 hr. -‐ -‐ -‐
30 min.
30 Min.
Story / Library
30 min.
2:00 -‐ 2:30
PS&E Development
30 Min.
Story / Library
30 min.
The World
30 min.
1.30 -‐ 2:00
Snack & Recess
45 min.
1:00 -‐ 1:30
Physical Development
30 Min.
30 min.
Language & Literacy
30 min.
Story / Library 30 Min.
PS&E Development
(in Chinese / Spanish)
30 min.
The World
45 min.
11:30 -‐ 1:00
30 min.
Lunch, Nap & Recess
45 min.
(with Spanish / Chinese Teachers)
45 min.
11:00 -‐ 11:30
45 min.
Art (Spanish/Chinese)
Music / Dance (Spanish/Chinese)
Music / Dance
30 min.
10:15 -‐ 11:00
30 min.
Spanish / Chinese Spanish / Chinese
Spanish / Chinese 30 min.
30 min.
Spanish / Chinese 30 min.
30 min.
9:45 – 10:15
30 min.
Snack & Short Recess
30 min.
Circle Time 9:15 – 9:45
Spanish / Chinese
30 min.
30 min.
8:30 – 9:15
30 min.
30 min.
30 min.
30 min.
30 min.
Language & Literacy
Language & Literacy
Language & Literacy
Friday Circle Time
Language & Literacy
Wednesday Circle Time
Circle Time
Circle Time
The New York InternaGonal School: PRE-‐K SCHEDULE Draa
2.30 -‐ 3:30
PS&E Development 1 hr.
Physical Development (Central Park) 1 hr.
1 hr.
(Gym) 1 hr.
Personal, Social & Emo6onal Development: 2 ½ hr. Physical Development: 2 hr. Recess: 12 ½ hr.
The New York International School
Reading: Word reading and comprehension. Wri6ng: Transcrip6on (spelling and handwri6ng), composi6on, vocabulary, grammar and punctua6on. Ensure pupils sound and blend unfamiliar printed words, read words correctly, develop wri6ng skills, oral vocabulary and ability to understand various gramma6cal structures. Numbers: Number and place value, addi6on, subtrac6on, mul6plica6on, division and frac6ons. Measurement. Geometry: Proper6es of shapes, posi6on and direc6on. Principal focus is to develop confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, coun6ng and place value. Listening, understanding and responding. Explore pa5erns and sounds with songs, etc. Link spelling, sound and meaning of words. Ask, answer, express. Speak in sentences. Develop pronuncia6on. Read and understand words. Broaden vocabulary. Write. Understand basic grammar. Plants. Animals. Humans. Everyday materials. Seasonal changes. Working scien6fically: Ask simple ques6ons, observe closely, perform tests, iden6fy and classify, use observa6ons and ideas to suggest answers, and gather and record data to answer ques6ons. Who am I? My family. My friends. My classroom. My school. Similari6es and differences. Apprecia6on for family, friends, classmates and teachers. Discussions, collabora6ve projects and presenta6ons.
MUSIC (In Spanish or Chinese)
Use voices expressively and crea6vely by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes. Play tuned and untuned instruments musically. Listen with concentra6on and understanding to a range of high-‐quality live and recorded music. Experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using inter-‐related dimensions of music.
ART & DESIGN (In Spanish or Chinese)
Use range of materials crea6vely to design and make products. Use drawing, pain6ng and sculpture to express imagina6on. Develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using color, pa5ern, texture, line, shape, form and space. Discover great ar6sts, ar6s6c disciplines and styles.
TECHNOLOGY (In Spanish or Chinese)
Recognize common uses of technology at school and beyond. Use technology purposefully, safely and respecjully to create, organize, store, manipulate and retrieve digital data. Select from and use a range of applica6ons, equipment, tools and materials to perform prac6cal tasks (e.g. edi6ng, designing, shaping, etc.).
Personal, social and emo6onal development. Posi6ve sense of themselves and others. Posi6ve rela6onships and respect for others. Diversity and tolerance. Develop social skills and learn how to manage their feelings. Understand appropriate behavior in groups. Working collabora6vely. Communica6on. Health. Safety.
Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, and develop balance, agility and co-‐ordina6on. Team and individual, coopera6ve and compe66ve sports and games. Gymnas6cs. Dance. Ball games and basic athle6cs.
The New York InternaGonal School: KINDERGARTEN SCHEDULE
1 hr..
English 45 min.
11:15 -‐ 12:00
45 min.
45 min.
10:30 -‐ 11:15
Social Studies
45 min.
45 min.
45 min.
Social Studies
45 min.
45 min.
45 min.
35 Hours per Week -‐ English Language & Literacy: 6 hr. -‐ Math: 5 hr. -‐ Spanish / Chinese: 5 ¾ hr. (8 ¾ hr. with Art & Music)
45 min.
-‐ -‐ -‐ -‐
Science: 2 ¼ hr. Social Studies: 2 ¼ hr. Art: 1 ½ hr. Music : 1 ½ hr.
45 min.
45 min.
1:00 -‐ 1:45 Music
(in Spanish / Chinese)
45 min.
Social Studies 45 min.
12:00 -‐ 1:00
45 min.
1:45 -‐ 2:30
2.30 -‐ 3:30
Spanish / Chinese
(in Spanish / Chinese)
45 min.
Physical EducaGon
Lunch & Recess
45 min.
45 min.
10:00 – 10:30
(with Spanish / Chinese teachers)
9:15 – 10:00
Short Recess
30 min.
8:30 – 9:15
1 ½ hr.
Health & Life Skills 30 min.
(in Spanish / Chinese)
45 min.
45 min.
(in Spanish / Chinese)
Spanish / Chinese 1 hr.
Spanish / Chinese
(in Spanish / Chinese)
Health & Life Skills: 45 min. Assembly: 30 min. Physical Educa6on: 3 hr. Recess: 7 ½ hr.
Spanish / Chinese
45 min.
45 min.
1 ½ hr.
-‐ -‐ -‐ -‐
1 hr.
1 hr.
Physical EducaGon
45 min.
1 hr.
Spanish / Chinese 1 hr.
The New York International School
Reading: Word reading and comprehension. Wri6ng: Transcrip6on (spelling and handwri6ng), composi6on, vocabulary, grammar and punctua6on. Ensure pupils sound and blend unfamiliar printed words, read words correctly, develop wri6ng skills, oral vocabulary and ability to understand various gramma6cal structures.
Numbers: Number and place value, addi6on, subtrac6on, mul6plica6on, division and frac6ons. Measurement. Geometry: Proper6es of shapes, posi6on and direc6on. Sta6s6cs. Principal focus is to ensure pupils become increasingly fluent with whole numbers and the 2 opera6ons, including number facts and concept of place value.
Listening, understanding and responding. Explore pa5erns and sounds with songs, etc. Link spelling, sound and meaning of words. Ask, answer, express. Speak in sentences. Develop pronuncia6on. Read and understand words. Broaden vocabulary. Write. Understand basic grammar. Living things and their habitats. Plants. Animals. Humans. Uses of everyday materials. Working scien6fically: Ask simple ques6ons, observe closely, perform tests, iden6fy and classify, use observa6ons and ideas to suggest answers, and gather and record data to answer ques6ons. Where am I? My neighborhood, my city, my country and the world. How is my community? What are the similari6es and differences within the classroom community and beyond? Diversity and tolerance. Basic human needs: food, shelter, etc. World holidays. Discussions, collabora6ve projects and presenta6ons.
MUSIC (In Spanish or Chinese)
Use voices expressively and crea6vely by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes. Play tuned and untuned instruments musically. Listen with concentra6on and understanding to a range of high-‐quality live and recorded music. Experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using inter-‐related dimensions of music.
ART & DESIGN (In Spanish or Chinese)
Use range of materials crea6vely to design and make products. Use drawing, pain6ng and sculpture to express imagina6on. Develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using color, pa5ern, texture, line, shape, form and space. Discover great ar6sts, ar6s6c disciplines and styles.
TECHNOLOGY (In Spanish or Chinese)
Recognize common uses of technology at school and beyond. Use technology purposefully, safely and respecjully to create, organize, store, manipulate and retrieve digital data. Select from and use a range of applica6ons, equipment, tools and materials to perform prac6cal tasks (e.g. edi6ng, designing, shaping, etc.).
Personal, social and emo6onal development. Posi6ve sense of themselves and others. Posi6ve rela6onships and respect for others. Diversity and tolerance. Develop social skills and learn how to manage their feelings. Understand appropriate behavior in groups. Working collabora6vely. Communica6on. Health. Safety.
Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, and develop balance, agility and co-‐ordina6on. Team and individual, coopera6ve and compe66ve sports and games. Gymnas6cs. Dance. Swimming. Ball games and basic athle6cs.
The New York International School
Reading: Word reading and comprehension. Wri6ng: Transcrip6on (spelling and handwri6ng), composi6on, vocabulary, grammar and punctua6on. Pupils should read correctly, develop their vocabulary, ensure they become fluent and enthusias6c readers, write their ideas accurately and correctly, etc.
Numbers: Number and place value, addi6on, subtrac6on, mul6plica6on, division and frac6ons. Measurement. Geometry: Proper6es of shapes. Sta6s6cs. Principal focus is to ensure pupils become increasingly fluent with up to 4-‐digit numbers, the 4 opera6ons, basic frac6ons, applying it to real world.
Listening, understanding and responding. Explore pa5erns and sounds with songs, etc. Link spelling, sound and meaning of words. Ask, answer, express. Speak in sentences. Develop pronuncia6on. Read and understand words. Broaden vocabulary. Write. Understand basic grammar. Plants. Animals. Humans. Rocks. Light. Forces and magnets. Working scien6fically: asking ques6ons, senng up enquiries, compara6ve tests, making observa6ons, taking measurements, gathering, recording, classifying and presen6ng data, use scien6fic language, report findings, draw conclusions, iden6fy differences, use evidence. New York: basic geography and history of the city. Its five boroughs, landmarks, rivers and ins6tu6ons. Its origins and evolu6on, from Na6ve American Indians, the Colonial period, immigra6on to today. Fieldtrips to New York museums, historic sites, ins6tu6ons, its boroughs. Collabora6ve projects, debates, research and presenta6ons.
MUSIC (In Spanish or Chinese)
Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing musical instruments with increasing ability. Improvise and compose music. Use staff and other musical nota6ons. Listen to a wide range of musical genres from great composers and musicians. Understand the history of music.
ART & DESIGN (In Spanish or Chinese)
Develop mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, pain6ng and sculpture with a range of materials (e.g. pencil, charcoal, paint, clay), with crea6vity, experimenta6on and increasing awareness. Create sketch books to record their observa6ons. Extend knowledge about great ar6sts, architects and designers.
TECHNOLOGY (In Spanish or Chinese)
Understand computer networks including the internet, and their uses including communica6on. Use a variety of soaware applica6ons on a range of digital devices. Computer programming. Design and develop prototypes and objects. Use a range to tools, equipment and materials for prac6cal tasks.
Physical, emo6onal and mental health. Working collabora6vely. Importance of physical ac6vity and healthy ea6ng and habits. Friendship and rela6onships. Decision making and compromise. Responsibili6es at school and home. Communica6on. Presenta6ons. Generosity. Helping others and the community. Diversity and tolerance.
Develop broader range of skills, improve performance in different sports and learn how to evaluate own success. Athle6cs, swimming, basketball, badminton, football, soccer, baseball, handball, tennis, gymnas6cs, dance. Indoor and outdoor ac6vi6es. Team and individual sports.
The New York International School
Reading: Word reading and comprehension. Wri6ng: Transcrip6on (spelling and handwri6ng), composi6on, vocabulary, grammar and punctua6on. Pupils should read correctly, develop their vocabulary, ensure they become fluent and enthusias6c readers, write their ideas accurately and correctly, etc. Numbers: Number and place value, addi6on, subtrac6on, mul6plica6on, division and frac6ons (including decimals). Measurement. Geometry: Proper6es of shapes, posi6on and direc6on. Sta6s6cs. Principal focus is to become increasingly fluent with up to 6-‐digit numbers, frac6ons, the 4 opera6ons, graphs, applied problems, etc. Grammar and vocabulary: Use present, past and future tenses, use various gramma6cal structures, develop vocabulary, use accurate grammar, spelling and punctua6on. Linguis6c competence: listen, transcribe words and phrases, develop conversa6ons, express ideas, speak coherently, read and understand, write prose, etc.
Living things and their habitats. Animals. Humans. States of ma5er. Sound. Electricity. Working scien6fically: asking ques6ons, senng up enquiries, compara6ve tests, making observa6ons, taking measurements, gathering & presen6ng data, use scien6fic language, report findings, draw conclusions, iden6fy differences, use evidence.
The United States: basic geography and history. Its ci6es, states, rivers, mountains, ins6tu6ons and landmarks. Its origins and evolu6on, from Na6ve American Indians, the Colonial period, immigra6on to today. Fieldtrips to Museums, historic sites and ins6tu6ons. Collabora6ve projects, debates, research and presenta6ons.
MUSIC (In Spanish or Chinese)
Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing musical instruments with increasing ability. Improvise and compose music. Use staff and other musical nota6ons. Listen to a wide range of musical genres from great composers and musicians. Understand the history of music.
ART & DESIGN (In Spanish or Chinese)
Develop mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, pain6ng and sculpture with a range of materials (e.g. pencil, charcoal, paint, clay), with crea6vity, experimenta6on and increasing awareness. Create sketch books to record their observa6ons. Extend knowledge about great ar6sts, architects and designers.
TECHNOLOGY (In Spanish or Chinese)
Understand computer networks including the internet, and their uses including communica6on. Use a variety of soaware applica6ons on a range of digital devices. Computer programming. Design and develop prototypes and objects. Use a range to tools, equipment and materials for prac6cal tasks.
Physical, emo6onal and mental health. Working collabora6vely. Importance of physical ac6vity and healthy ea6ng and habits. Friendship and rela6onships. Decision making and compromise. Responsibili6es at school and home. Communica6on. Presenta6ons. Generosity. Helping others and the community. Diversity and tolerance.
Develop broader range of skills, improve performance in different sports and learn how to evaluate own success. Athle6cs, swimming, basketball, badminton, football, soccer, baseball, handball, tennis, gymnas6cs, dance. Indoor and outdoor ac6vi6es. Team and individual sports.
The New York International School
Reading: Word reading and comprehension. Wri6ng: Transcrip6on (spelling, handwri6ng and presenta6on), composi6on, vocabulary, grammar and punctua6on. Pupils should read aloud wider range of books, summarize, read frequently, write ideas and stories correctly, emphasizing joy and understanding of language. Numbers: Number and place value, addi6on, subtrac6on, mul6plica6on, division and frac6ons (including decimals and percentages). Measurement. Geometry: Proper6es of shapes, posi6on and direc6on. Principal focus is to extend understanding of the 4 opera6ons with longer numbers, adding / subtrac6ng frac6ons, etc. Grammar and vocabulary: Use present, past and future tenses, use various gramma6cal structures, develop vocabulary, use accurate grammar, spelling and punctua6on. Linguis6c competence: listen, transcribe words and phrases, develop conversa6ons, express ideas, speak coherently, read and understand, write prose, etc. Living things and their habitats. Animals. Humans. Proper6es and changes of materials. Earth and space. Forces. Enable pupils to develop a deeper understanding of a wide range of scien6fic ideas: exploring and talking about their ideas, asking about scien6fic phenomena, analyzing func6ons, rela6onships and interac6ons, etc.
The world. Its con6nents, major countries, ci6es, landmarks and ins6tu6ons. Its oceans, main seas, rivers, and mountains. Races and religions. Diversity and tolerance. The environment and its protec6on. Fieldtrips to United Na6ons. Collabora6ve projects, debates, research and presenta6ons.
MUSIC (In Spanish or Chinese)
Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing musical instruments with increasing ability. Improvise and compose music. Use staff and other musical nota6ons. Listen to a wide range of musical genres from great composers and musicians. Understand the history of music.
ART & DESIGN (In Spanish or Chinese)
Develop mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, pain6ng and sculpture with a range of materials (e.g. pencil, charcoal, paint, clay), with crea6vity, experimenta6on and increasing awareness. Create sketch books to record their observa6ons. Extend knowledge about great ar6sts, architects and designers.
TECHNOLOGY (In Spanish or Chinese)
Understand computer networks including the internet, and their uses including communica6on. Use a variety of soaware applica6ons on a range of digital devices. Computer programming. Design and develop prototypes and objects. Use a range to tools, equipment and materials for prac6cal tasks.
Physical, emo6onal and mental health. Working collabora6vely. Importance of physical ac6vity and healthy ea6ng and habits. Friendship and rela6onships. Decision making and compromise. Responsibili6es at school and home. Communica6on. Public speaking. Organiza6on and 6me management. Financial educa6on.
Develop broader range of skills, improve performance in different sports and learn how to evaluate own success. Athle6cs, swimming, basketball, badminton, football, soccer, baseball, handball, tennis, gymnas6cs, dance. Indoor and outdoor ac6vi6es. Team and individual sports.
The New York International School
Reading: Word reading and comprehension. Wri6ng: Transcrip6on (spelling, handwri6ng and presenta6on), composi6on, vocabulary, grammar and punctua6on. Pupils should read aloud wider range of books, summarize, read frequently, write ideas and stories correctly, emphasizing joy and understanding of language. Numbers: Number and place value, addi6on, subtrac6on, mul6plica6on, division and frac6ons (including decimals and percentages). Ra6o and propor6on. Algebra. Measurement. Geometry: Proper6es of shapes, posi6on and direc6on. Sta6s6cs. Extend understanding of the 4 opera6ons with more complex numbers, etc. Grammar and vocabulary: Use present, past and future tenses, use various gramma6cal structures, develop vocabulary, use accurate grammar, spelling and punctua6on. Linguis6c competence: listen, transcribe words and phrases, develop conversa6ons, express ideas, speak coherently, read and understand, write prose, etc. Living things and their habitats. Animals. Humans. Evolu6on and inheritance. Light. Electricity. Enable pupils to develop a deeper understanding of a wide range of scien6fic ideas: exploring and talking about their ideas, asking about scien6fic phenomena, analyzing func6ons, rela6onships and interac6ons, etc.
World prehistory and ancient history. World civiliza6ons and religions. From early man to ancient Egypt and ancient China. Archeology. Inven6ons. Chris6anity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism. Fieldtrips, collabora6ve projects, debates, research and presenta6ons.
MUSIC (In Spanish or Chinese)
Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing musical instruments with increasing ability. Improvise and compose music. Use staff and other musical nota6ons. Listen to a wide range of musical genres from great composers and musicians. Understand the history of music.
ART & DESIGN (In Spanish or Chinese)
Develop mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, pain6ng and sculpture with a range of materials (e.g. pencil, charcoal, paint, clay), with crea6vity, experimenta6on and increasing awareness. Create sketch books to record their observa6ons. Extend knowledge about great ar6sts, architects and designers.
TECHNOLOGY (In Spanish or Chinese)
Understand computer networks including the internet, and their uses including communica6on. Use a variety of soaware applica6ons on a range of digital devices. Computer programming. Design and develop prototypes and objects. Use a range to tools, equipment and materials for prac6cal tasks.
Physical, emo6onal and mental health. Working collabora6vely. Importance of physical ac6vity and healthy ea6ng and habits. Rela6onships and reproduc6on. Decision making and compromise. Responsibili6es at school and home. Communica6on. Public speaking. Organiza6on and 6me management. Financial educa6on.
Develop broader range of skills, improve performance in different sports and learn how to evaluate own success. Athle6cs, swimming, basketball, badminton, football, soccer, baseball, handball, tennis, gymnas6cs, dance. Indoor and outdoor ac6vi6es. Team and individual sports.