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East Anglian Club Report
East Anglian Simmental Club
Report by Nigel Darling, Chairman
As I am sure with all other groups, the year has been difficult due to Covid restrictions which has curtailed many club activities. However, there have been some bright spots as we came out of lockdown and were able to get together. In May, when lockdown eased and permission was given for outdoor meetings, we held a club BBQ at Intwood Farm, Norwich. Unfortunately, it was a very cold night for the time of year and although we wrapped up warm, people went home frozen but happy to have been able to get together.
We had our AGM at Wensum Golf Club on a beautiful sunny evening in June 2021 where we conducted our formal club business, and thanks were extended to Dennis Mitchell who retired as Treasurer. As we started to get back to normal business following the lockdown, we organised our annual herd competition and we were delighted to welcome Boomer Birch to visit many of the herds in the area over a period of two days. It was great to get Boomer’s opinion and all at the club thank him for his attention to detail and his helpful comments.
Other highlights of the year were when members took bulls to both Melton and Worcester shows and sales, and we are particularly pleased to have a bull bred in our area at UK Sires, Devon, where his semen will be on sale. With the lack of shows and sales caused by the lockdown many members managed to successfully sell bulls off the farm. Congratulations must go out to Paul Gunther who made the long trip up to the Yorkshire show, taking a fine bunch of four home breed cattle. The animals were all well placed in their classes and Paul had an enjoyable few days.
It was also great to see East Anglia having a breeder selling well at the Society’s new Next Generation Sale of Females & Weaned Calves in December at Carlisle. Simon made the long journey to the North West and sold his young maiden heifer Key Katriona 4th for 26000gns to a new member based in Burnley.
Blue Cedar King Kong Blue Cedar Locomotive East Anglia Simmental Club 2021 Herd Competition Results

Judge Boomer Birch Best Bull Calf 1st Rendham Maverick 2nd Hollybrook Maximum 3rd Williams Merlin 4th Key Mean Machine Best Heifer calf 1st Rendham Melody 2nd Key Tinkerbell 3rd Williams Jewel’s Minerva 4th Guiltcross Mabel Yearling Bull 1st Williams Leonardo Gallant 2nd Hollybrook Laser 3rd Blue Cedar Locomotive 4th Fircovert Lucas Family Group 1st Shimpling Charlotte 2nd Twyford Forever 3rd Fircovert Cecilia 4th Williams Simone’s Crystal Group of Heifers 1st Rendham 2nd Key 3rd Hollybrook 4th Williams Cow & Calf 1st Shimpling Lottie & Guiltcross Mabel 2nd Williams Crystal’s Jewel & Williams Jewel’s Minerva 3rd Twyford Finella & Rendham Melody 4th Fircovert Honeysuckle & Fircovert Melody Stock Bull 1st Wolfstar Jumanji 2nd Williams Josef 3rd Hollybrook Inferno 4th Heathbrow Imperial Overall herd 1st Rendham 2nd Williams 3rd Key 4th Guiltcross