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Midlands Club Report
Midlands Club
Report by Jennie Hassall, Chairman
Who knew 2021 was going to start the same as we ended 2020. As a club we decided to try and adapt to the way we did things and kicked the year off with a night of Zoom Quingo. Chris and Kath Martindale very kindly hosted this quiz and congratulations went to Andrea and Peter Booth who won the ‘Quingo Championship’!
In September we saw the return of the Annual herd competition. Simon Key of the Key herd, Norwich was very kind to give three long days of his time to come and judge a great selection of our herds. Unfortunately it is quite a large area to cover in just a weekend so we really appreciate Simon’s willingness and effort. The results of the herd competition were as follows:
Annual Herd Competition Results
Small Herd 1st - Atlow - David Donnelly 2nd - Forsdale - Chris and Kath Martindale 3rd - Fole - Joe Ede Medium Herd 1st - Star Green - Paul Jolliffe 2nd - Storersmith - Richard Storersmith 3rd - Booth - Stephen Wainwright Large Herd 1st - Scotland Hill - Tom Hill 2nd - Popes - Jimmy and Vikki Wood 3rd - Lambclose - Greasley Estate Cow Family 1st - Nelly - Jimmy and Vikki Wood 2nd - Hosanna - David Loftus 3rd - Fauna - Tom Hill Stock Bull 1st - Dermotstown King Kong - David Donnelly 2nd - Clonagh King Eyes - Tom Hill 3rd - Denizes Impressive - Jimmy and Vikki Wood Calf at foot born 2021 1st - Popes Princess Maya - Jimmy and Vikki Wood 2nd - Scotland Hill Merlin 3rd - Atlow Midnight - David Donnelly Maiden Heifers 1st - Forsdale - Chris and Kath Martindale 2nd - Popes - Jimmy and Vikki Wood 3rd - Scotland Hill - Tom Hill In-Calf Heifers 1st - Lambclose - Greasley Estate 2nd - Scotland Hill - Tom Hill 3rd - Popes - Jimmy and Vikki Wood Judges Prize Joint - David Loftus and Nick Goddard Overall Herd Scotland Hill - Tom Hill Reserve Overall Herd Joint - Popes - Jimmy and Vikki Wood, and Star Green - Paul Jolliffe Moving on to November, we kicked the month off with our club meal and herd competition presentation. A great night was had by all, with scrumptious food and great company. Many thanks to all the sponsors that allowed the evening to flow so well and provided the beef and wine. A big thank you to our guest speaker, the well-known McCartneys Auctioneer Clive Roads who travelled to entertain for the evening. Hall, Staffordshire Showground. The stand remained in its new ringside position and we were grateful to Ian Willison that we were able to have two very kind natured bulls on the stand. We had a very busy two days with members, old and new, being welcomed by the very hard working Andrea and Kath. Many cakes were donated by a number of members which we are always very grateful for.

The calf show at the English Winter Fair saw 10 cattle forward for our judge Tom Hill. Many congratulations go to the Woods
family who took home Male, Female and Overall and Reserve Overall Champions. It was great to see everyone having such a lovely time doing something that has been greatly missed over the last two years.
Finally our AGM was held on the second day at Bingley Hall. I would like to thank everyone for their support over the last 12 months, and many thanks to Chris Martindale for standing in as Vice Chairman. The AGM saw Andrea Booth officially appointed as club secretary, Anthony Heath as our new treasurer, and Hannah Wood as our new Vice Chairman.
We look forward to 2022 and I would like to wish all members and Simmental breeders a happy, healthy and successful year.


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