June Edition of Innovation/Dig Deeper Newsletter

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New Ideas. New Opportunity. Dig Deeper

What's new in the world of innovation and curiosity?

Here's your June update of the Acadia Innovation newsletter, your consolidated source for new innovation happenings at Acadia Insurance. Browse below to learn more!

A.M. Best Recognizes Berkley's Innovation Efforts

A.M. Best has changed their assessment of Berkley's Innovation program. Check out the next page to learn more!

Recently Submitted Ideas

Check out a few of the ideas that were recently submitted in SPARK! Don't forget to rate and comment on them!

The Edge Podcast Contest Recap

The Edge Podcast contest has concluded. Did you see the results in the previous email. Look at page 2 to see who the winners were.

Meet an Active SPARK! User

Find out why it is important to Kaylee Montelius to be actively engaged in Acadia's innovation efforts.

Knowledge Check

Answer an innovation question for the chance to win a prize!

Innovation Behavior Highlight

Learn more about challenging the status quo and nd resources to become certied in this behavior on the last page.

New Ideas. New Opportunity. Dig Deeper

driven by an increase in the "output" score from 10 to 12. The success of the 2023 100Experimentsfor$100 MillionCampaign is believed to be the reason for the improvement.

Experimentation is the Key to Demonstrating Results and Level of Transformation!

A.M. Best believes that companies need to establish that their innovation process is effective and creates value. The output needs to be tangible and quantiable. Our Experimentation Process has enabled us to demonstrate both. For more information on how A.M. Best assesses innovation and why it is important to their ratings? Read the Methodology and Criteria here

Recently Submitted Ideas

Here some of the recently ideas in SPARK!. Click on the ideas below to check them out, vote, and comment!

OSHA 10 Hour Construction Training by Reid Cote

Enhance Brewery Program by Sarah Ouellette

Final OCP Pricing by EJ Ososki

Click here to submit an idea for the Customer Impact initiative on the SPARK!

New Ideas. New Opportunity. Dig Deeper

The Edge Podcast Contest Recap

New Ideas. New Opportunity. Dig Deeper

Thank you to all that participated in The Edge Podcast Contest by listening to episodes from season 3! There were 175 listens to podcasts in the month of May from AIC employees. As a reminder Here are the requirements of the contest:

• For each episode completed, you will receive an entry into the contest.

Listen and completeepisodes from season three in order to qualify for an entry into our contest.

• If you have already listened to a season three episode, you will qualify for an entry as well.

• 3 Winning entries will be selected at the end of the contest period.

Congratulations to our lucky winners: Jim Coderre, Andrea Norton, and Patricia Kafka!

Don't forget to continue listening to The Edge Podcast! They have guests from several other Berkley companies explaining their innovation journeys as well as giving real world examples on how innovation has helped their companies.

Go to: The Edge | Season 3 page on the iLab to listen to podcast episodes today!

Meet an Active SPARK! User

We are continuing to highlight Acadia team members that are (the most) actively engaged in SPARK! The next active SPARK! user is Kaylee Montelius, Senior Underwriter - Twin States. WeaskedKaylee:

Why is it important to you to be actively engaged in Acadia’s Innovation efforts?

"I think it's important to stay engaged because we all experience different situations that could result in new ideas. Each employee comes across different situations daily with their customers or internally that may pose improvement and its important that we share that information with each other. We can use this information to improve our systems, become and stay a leader in the industry, and help us connect better with our customers. Acadia is built on it's employees and Innovation is a great tool to engage us."

We had ve employees correctly answer our last Knowledge Check questions, but Jackie Dougherty was our lucky winner!  Jackie, please be on the lookout for your prize shortly. Answer our next Knowledge Check question to win a special prize! Click on the green button to the left to submit your answer.

Next Knowledge Check: What experiment did Acadia contribute to the 100 Experiments for $100 Million Campaign in 2024?

New Ideas. New Opportunity. Dig Deeper

Innovation Behaviors

As part of our Innovation journey, we continue to work on the seven innovation behaviors to strengthen our knowledge and skill sets. We will highlight an innovation behavior each newsletter and provide links and information on where you can learn more about this behavior

The fourth behavior we will highlight is challenging the status quo. Why? What if? Why not? These are questions we should all be asking ourselves every day to counter the habitual patterns that unconsciously govern much of what we think and do. All too often, complacency sets into not only our routine tasks but our larger thinking. In order to continually see the world around us with fresh eyes, we must constantly challenge the status quo. The rst step in this process is to challenge ourselves to change.


• Challenge the Status Quo Skillsoft

Challenge the Status Quo iLab Page

As a reminder, you can use the Give A WOW platform to recognize your coworkers that have you've noticed exhibiting innovation behaviors. The innovation behaviors are the last seven options under the Nomination Category

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