Pro 50 2016

Page 1




The number of players vying for young

favour. You must have a visionary CTO

eyeballs online has increased in the last

in your company, who also has the clout

year, and OTT is the industry’s new blue-

and the courage to tinker with all of the

eyed boy. First, we had the regional OTT

new toys that have not been tried, tested

players. Then the traditional broadcasters

and deemed a standard yet by the powers

announced their OTT offerings; then

that be; you must have equipment that

some of the international video streaming

can be seamlessly integrated with

services jumped on the bandwagon; and

new technologies; and you must have

now, Netflix has come to town. So the

a management that is willing to take

buzzwords these days all centre around

that risk.

OTT players, MCNs, binge viewing,

Our top 50 companies is a good

trend-jumping millennials, the need for

indication of where most of the revenue

personal engagement and offering the

for the industry is still coming from

viewer flexibility in terms of pricing,

and if you ask me, 90% of it is being

bundles and recommendations that are

generated from the buying and selling

based on what they have viewed thus far.

of traditional equipment. Traditional

With so much going on around OTT

players still make up a large volume of

in the region, we have ensured that

players in the industry although this

Vijaya Cherian,

our introduction to the Pro50 this year

time, we have some entrants that are

Editorial Director

focuses on this much talked-about

operating in the new space as well.

topic and a survey that A.T. Kearney did

No doubt, with time, all of this will

within the region. The analyst’s report,

change; but that time has not yet come.

which was written exclusively for our

We still don’t have public cloud services

readers, touches upon the most recent

in the region and we don’t have a large

developments in the region while also

volume of high-quality Arabic content.

giving us a deeper understanding of the

Content development and cloud

TV and OTT trends in the market.

solutions are still in their infancy here.

With all of the buzz around OTT, it is

But the MENA TV and film industry

easy to think that linear television belongs

is evolving rapidly and we expect to

to the dinosaur age and traditional

see big changes in the coming months.

equipment is no longer valid. We are

In most cases, companies also seem to

tempted to think that everything is now

be gearing up for this change. Most of

happening in the cloud and at the click of

the products and services offered by

a button, you can launch a channel online

companies in the Pro50 this year afford

with all the bells and whistles while not

greater flexibility and an openness to

owning any of that infrastructure.

accommodate future scalability and

That may be true in theory, but for

expansion to multiple platforms. But

its accurate deployment at this point in

I’ll let you see it for yourself. Welcome

time, many variables must work in your

to our fifth edition!

CONTENTS Introduction

OB Services



Pay TV in the MENA Region: Situations, Trends and Outlook


Al Aan Media Services

Satellite 122



APT Satellite







Gazprom Space Systems, JSC


Amaranthine Trading LLC


On-Air Asia

142 146

HorizonSat M-Three Satcom




Master Media





Service Providers 156

ABS Network







Aspera, an IBM company






PCCW Global




U-TO Solutions (I) Pvt. Ltd.


Brainstorm Multimedia






Fischer Connectors


Hitachi Kokusai Electric Turkey

Systems Integrators




Al Futtaim Technologies




Aret Video and Audio Engineering


Miller Tripods


BFE Studio und Medien Systeme GmbH




Broadcast Solutions GmbH




Broadcast Systems Arabia


Riedel Communications




Rohde & Schwarz


HEAT for Engineering and Technology


Sennheiser Middle East


INC System Integrations




Systems Design


Utah Scientific


Tek Signals/Qatar Signals Systems









960 310



1090 2015

330 2015





2015 2015








510 2015




2020 2015


2680 750 2015

2020 Total pay TV households (000s) 12,700 4030 2015

51% to 75%

26% to 50%

11% to 25%

5% to 10%


< 5%

MENA Pay TV Penetration (current versus 2020)


he MENA TV sector is going

responded by expanding its content deals

rumours of further major developments

through a massive transition.

and launching three new entertainment

– look set to transform a TV market that

The last 12 months have seen

channels. Netflix has arrived in the re-

has until now been relatively stable and

major developments that are

gion (earlier than people expected) to join

dominated by free-to-air DTH broadcast-

shaking up the market. beIN added en-

Starz as the second major international

ing. This could potentially herald a more

tertainment content to its platform. OSN

OTT player. These moves – and ongoing

prominent role for pay TV.








TV platforms

OTT platforms

IPTV providers • Du • Etisalat

IPTV providers


• Ooredoo • Mobily

• STC • Selevision

DTH Satellite operators • Arabsat • Nilesat • Es’hailSat • Eutelsat • Yahsat • Noorsat

OSN (Go by OSN, OSN Play) beIN Media Group

DTH pay TV providers


AlMajd Network My-HD Netflix

Pure OTT players

Starz Istikana Telly Icflix


• MBC • Rotana

• Dubai Media Inc. • Abu Dhabi Media

• Nile TC

MBC Shahid Rotana DMI

Sources: Company Information; A.T.Kearney analysis.

Television Market Landscape – Selection of Operators Across the Value Chain The above-mentioned operators clearly see the market potential. While

consumers, this will eventually help grow

Competitive Dynamics – Competition

the overall subscriber base.

Heating Up

the overall pay TV market is predicted

At the same time, there have been several

The competitive landscape in pay TV is

to continue growing at a rapid pace to

commercial moves in OTT by icflix, MBC,

changing dramatically with new growth

a total subscriber base of more than 12

Telly and others to drive up subscriber

strategies by DTH operators, some IPTV

million by 2020 from four million today,

bases through distribution deals and

players changing their models and an

this will still represent less than 20% of

product innovation. While the impact of

increase in the number of pure OTT

all TV households. In comparison, pay TV

the arrival of Netflix is still uncertain, it

players. The first question centres on

penetration in many South and Southeast

will provide an impetus to players to review

the future of DTH. For OSN and beIN,

Asian countries is above 60%.

and enhance their proposition. Overall,

low penetration levels combined with

beIN’s entry into entertainment is

pay TV operators will have to navigate

their unique ability to provide a regional

likely to provide a significant boost to the

an increasingly competitive and complex

footprint suggest growth potential.

sector. While in the short run it can result

market, dynamic consumer behaviour,

Recognised brand names, established sales

in intense competition with OSN as both

evolving content trends and disruption to

and distribution networks and long-term

platforms go all out to acquire content and

distribution and delivery channels.

content agreements are likely to enable



the incumbent players to maintain their leadership. Research conducted by AT Kearney shows that DTH will continue to capture 60-70% of pay TV revenues in the region in the coming five years, albeit with variances across markets (Qatar, for instance, is likely to see more growth in IPTV driven by Ooredoo’s Mozaic expansion). However, competition for both subscribers and content rights will pose an ongoing threat to the ARPUs and

Pay TV operators will have to navigate an increasingly competitive and complex market, dynamic consumer behaviour, evolving content trends and disruption to distribution and delivery channels

OTT video penetration is likely to grow significantly. The MENA OTT market is crowded, with both regional pure OTT players such as icflix, Telly, Istikana, and Cinemoz competing with global players Starz and Netflix. With few of these players able to invest in original Arabic content, rival services from broadcasters’ and pay TV operators’ standalone OTT services, and rising competition for ever more expensive content rights, the market is unlikely to be able to sustain such a large

margins of DTH operators. IPTV is expected to support the growth

the UK, telecom operator BT has spent

number of pure OTT operators.

of the overall market and simultaneously

approximately $1.5 billion for a share of

For DTH players, OTT could result

provide a degree of competition to DTH.

the domestic English Premier League

in some cannibalisation as certain

IPTV platforms have been largely content

football rights over three seasons starting

subscribers switch to a lower-cost OTT-

redistributors but recent moves show

in 2016 (70% above the previous period).

only service. The impact of this will largely

they are keen to capture a greater share

This is on top of another $1.5 billion

be felt at the low end of the pay TV market,

of value through expanding their VoD

spent by BT for exclusive UK rights to

whereas higher-end subscribers will

library, starting their own linear channels,

broadcast the Champions League and

continue to pay for a premium service.

launching multiscreen offers or strategic

Europa League. BT’s target audience is

The net result will be a continued bi-

partnerships. Saturation in telecom

their three million superfast broadband

polarisation of the pay TV market in

subscriber growth will mean that telecom

subscribers who most likely represent the

terms of price and the content and user

operators look to broadband and triple/

segment of multiscreen video consumers.

experience that comes with that price.

quadruple play services to drive growth.

Saturation in telecom subscriber

With an established business model

growth and revenue pressure will mean

Netflix and OTT

and cash flows from their core telecom

that telecom operators look to broadband

The entry of Netflix has arguably been

business, these operators could potentially

and triple/quadruple play services to drive

the most talked about event in TV in a

mount a challenge to DTH, although this

growth. With strong similarities to pay TV

long while not just in the MENA region

will be concentrated in urban areas with

and healthy cash flows from their core

but also worldwide. With a presence in

the required fibre infrastructure.

business, they pose a potential challenge

190 countries and a total investment of

Batelco’s new IPTV service in

to DTH. Having said that, any content-

$6 billion in content earmarked for 2016

partnership with OSN, Ooredoo’s launch

driven IPTV play will be limited by the

(including 600 hours of original content),

of the Mozaic GO app and Etisalat’s 4K

economics of their fibre infrastructure

Netflix is making bold moves to transform

set-top box supported by a dedicated

and the broader issue of the MENA region

the TV market and possibly break

4K channel and enhanced VOD library

being a single market for content rights.

down decades-old models and barriers.

are indicative of this trend. Aggressive

Thus the role of telecom operators is likely

However, while it presents an attractive

investments in acquiring content rights

to remain largely focused on distribution

proposition to specific customer segments

to protect and grow the broadband

and local partnerships.

in the MENA region, the offering is not yet

subscriber base, as is being done by

The other big question centres on OTT,

sufficiently attractive to draw the majority

IPTV operators in some other markets

given the entry of Netflix. Owing to the

of pay TV subscribers away from their

may also be a possibility. For example,in

MENA’s high rate of technology adoption,

regular packages and short-term growth



is likely to be constrained. Long-term

most have distribution partnerships

customer experience, content curation,

success in the region will depend on how

and local content deals in place.

and big data-driven personalisation.

Netflix addresses certain challenges:

• Certain distinctive characteristics

Netflix’s success is partly due to its ability

• Netflix’s MENA content library is still

of most of the MENA region (low

to offer accurate recommendations based

limited compared to its service in other

willingness to pay for content, high

on a user’s viewing preferences and an

regions. Approximately 20% of the

mobile data costs, minimal credit card

easy-to-use interface.

total U.S. catalogue is available as of

penetration and high content piracy)

This means that the market for OTT

now and due to pre-existing licensing

present a challenge compared to many

services is evolving along two axes:

agreements with OSN, some premium

of its existing, more mature markets.

Content vs. Experience and Mainstream

in-house productions such as House of

• Netflix was already present in the

vs. Targeted. At one end of the spectrum,

Cards are not available on the MENA

region prior to 2016, with many

we have specialist community services

Netflix. More generally, attracting a

subscribers to U.S. or other versions

such as Stylehaul and Machinima

large user base to the extent seen in

of Netflix through VPNs (estimates put

targeting specific verticals (in this case

the U.S. and other success markets will

the number in the UAE alone at over

fashion and online video gaming) with

need substantial investment in both

200,000). This reduces the potential for

mainly short-form content hosted on a

developing local content (which it has

subscriber growth on its native MENA

third party like YouTube. At the other

done in markets like France) and in

service, which has significantly less

end are mass aggregators with premium

expanding existing rights deals (while

content than the U.S. or other services

long-form content on their own portal,

facing the challenge of content owners

accessible over VPN.

such as Hulu. The strategy adopted affects

increasingly prioritising their own OTT

More broadly, OTT video does change

the potential reach (global vs. regional or

the game by opening up new ways

even local), monetisation model (ad vs.

• Other OTT services such as Starz,

of competing for eyeballs. Whereas

subscription vs. hybrid), and approach

Icflix, Istikana, Shahid, Telly and pay

historically “content is king”, in an online

to content rights management.

TV multiscreen offerings have been

environment, operators can compete

While the Mass Aggregator and Social

available in MENA for some time and

effectively by focusing on factors such as

Video Centre models are prevalent in the


Top 10 Arabic shows - expat Arabs


Top 10 Arabic shows - Emiratis


Bab Al Hara


Shabeh Al Reeh

Al Emarat

Ramez Wakel Al Gaw


Shabayet Al Carton

Dubai Al Oula

Ostaz Wa Raes Qesm


Sawalef Tafash 3

Dubai Al Oula



Ramez Wakel Al Gaw (9.30pm slot)


Omna Rowayhet Alyana


Shabayet Al Carton

Sama Dubai

Alf Lelah We Lelah


Sawalef Tafash 2

Sama Dubai

Ramez Wakel Al Gaw (4am slot)


Law Enny Aaraf

AD Media

Horof Wa Olof


Al Rawy

Sama Dubai

Alo Fayez


Fi Aynayha Oghnia

Sama Dubai

Ramez Wakel Al Gaw (4.30am slot)




Source: tview.

Top 10 Arab language shows in UAE in Ramadan 2015 – Expat Arabs and Emiratis



MENA region, there is certainly scope for other approaches. With the high appetite for short-form video content as evidenced by world-leading YouTube consumption, there is a strong outlook for local digital multichannel networks (MCNs). An example of this is Saudibased U-turn Entertainment, a Mass Digital MCN with over 50 channels on YouTube, nearly 500K subscribers, and over 26 million views. Lumink, another Middle East MCN, even saw its animation,

Masameer, make the transition from YouTube to Saudi broadcast TV. Consumer Landscape – Complex with Strong Fundamentals for a Shift

with content that is already proven in

The market for OTT services is evolving along two axes: Content vs Experience and Mainstream vs Targeted. At one end of the spectrum, we have specialist community services such as Stylehaul and the other end are mass aggregators with premium long-form content such as Hulu

other markets and can be localised (for example, an Arabic version of

True Detective). This type of deal also helps MBC to hedge itself against risks stemming from the global trend of rising content costs. A further approach in content source is to innovate on content rights acquisition. In Indonesia, the Bakrie Group acquired, dubbed and brought to Indonesia two Indian TV series, Mahabharata and Mahadeva . The idea was that the historical and cultural elements of these series would also appeal to the Indonesian market. While the programming cost represented less than 5% of the total broadcaster’s budget, the shows attained

to OTT The MENA region is highly complex

Content Sourcing

audience shares of close to 20% and the

and diverse given the number of ethnic

Sourcing content to target such a diverse

broadcaster went on to create spinoff

groups, languages and differences in

number of segments is a challenge for

reality shows riding on the popularity of

income levels across the region. This means

mass market operators and requires

some of the storylines and lead characters.

that operators targeting the mass market

strategic thinking. MBC’s tie-up with

The mode of viewing is also shifting

need to address multiple factors including

global production house Anonymous is

with GCC countries leading the world in

content preferences, viewing platforms and

one way to complement its considerable

some areas. Although TV consumption

modes of payment.

in-house Arabic production capabilities

remains high, with daily viewership

The differences in content preferences importance of segmentation, rather than


following a pan-Arab or pan-MENA model. An overview of the top 10 rated TV shows during Ramadan in the UAE (typically the period with the highest viewership for TV during the year) reveals considerable differences between local and expat Arabs. Over Ramadan 2015 only two of the top 10 shows in the UAE were common between expat Arabs and Emiratis. It goes without saying that non-Arab expats from various other parts of the world, which also make up significant segments in the UAE market, had viewing profiles.


Canada U.S. Poland



60 50

Sweden Mexico

40 30

Pay TV potential?


Pay TV penetration %

even within countries highlight the

Australia Brazil




10 100









YouTube views per capita Sources:; Citi Research; ComScore; BMI Digital India; A.T Kearney analysis.

Comparison of YouTube views vs pay TV penetration of GCC with other countries.



60% Total

37% 3% 80%


16% 4% 76%



81% 17%

Morocco 2%

65% 33%

Saudi Arabia 2%

42% 54%

UAE 4%


Source: A.T.Kearney Middle East consumer survey.

Credit card

Payment preferences for pay TV subscribers across income groups.


exceeding three hours in the biggest

the potential for a wide range of both

to help accelerate pay TV adoption and

markets like KSA and Egypt, this masks

international and local OTT services.

again, we are seeing OTT providers

the fundamental shifts at play. The

Today, the GCC countries are amongst

taking the lead in this through payment

demographics of the region are a major

the heaviest consumers of YouTube

partnerships with telecom operators. This

factor driving change. The GCC region,

worldwide with Saudi Arabia ranked

is discussed further below.

for example, has very young demographics

number one.

with a median age below 30. Such

A third factor to navigate in pay TV is

consumers clearly have a strong affinity

the need to address payment preferences

DTH growth in other markets clearly

towards on-demand content on mobile

in a region with a strong bias towards

shows that beyond content, finding

devices. At the same time, smart device

cash. A recent survey found that in North

the right go-to-market model in terms

penetration is enabling this. Saudi Arabia

Africa over 75% of consumers prefer to

of targeted product design, attractive

and the UAE are two of the top three

pay for pay TV with cash, while even in

and differentiated pricing, and strong

countries in the world in smartphone

the GCC, there is a substantial number of

distribution and customer service can

penetration. Tablets, in particular, are

people with this preference. Credit card

go a long way in raising penetration levels.

eating into traditional primetime TV

penetration is low and even those with

The most important for pay TV operators

viewership and the UAE ranks number

credit cards frequently have a reluctance

is finding the right model to balance high-

one worldwide in tablet consumption in

to use them. Bank account penetration

end premium subscription services with

the bedroom with 50% of the consumers

is also low and banking direct debits are

low-end packages on the other that will

admitting to doing so regularly.

not permitted in many countries. These

draw in consumers who currently use free-to-air only or cheap pirated services.

Go-to-market – Innovation Required

What this translates to is expected

structural factors risk limiting pay TV

high demand for short-form and non-

growth, both offline and online. There is

Malaysian DTH operator Astro is a

linear content, which in turns supports

a need to simplify the payment process

success case. Astro successfully introduced



Multiscreen - tablet or smartphone

Content on demand


Personal recording features

86% 78%

77% 68%



Total market


Interactive features

High income

Low income

High income

Low income

High income

Low income

High income

Low income

Source: A.T. Kearney Middle East consumer survey.

Percentage of respondents who rated the feature as ‘very important’ or ‘somewhat important’ for a pay TV service a new low-end prepaid subscription

that such services reside exclusively in the

features for viewers while watching on

product without cannibalising its premium

high end of the market. Research in MENA

the big screen. It entered into several

service. Launched in 2012, NJOI is a

suggests that lower-income consumers

partnerships with pay TV operators and

prepaid service offering a basic bouquet

place equally high importance on services

broadcasters, including Sky, NBCU and

of 23 FTA channels with another 20 pay

such as content on demand, multiscreen


channels offered à la carte. In 2015, NJOI

viewing facilities, personal recording,

contributed to 85% of Astro’s subscriber

interactivity, catch-up, etc.

Distribution and Delivery – Part-

growth and accounted for 16% of Astro’s

Making these services widely available

total pay TV base. Astro’s penetration of

will be increasingly important especially


Malaysian TV households grew from 47%

to traditional pay TV operators facing

Platforms and broadcasters alike need to

before NJOI’s launch to 63% today. Going

the risk of losing the lower end of the

keep pace with the various technological

forward, NJOI is expected to contribute

market to OTT substitutes that often have

changes dictated by shifting consumer

substantially to subscriber growth as the

stronger capabilities in digital value-added

preferences and ensure that their

company aims to reach 80% of Malaysia’s

services and can compete on experience

distribution strategy maximises market

TV base by 2020. Notably, NJOI did not

without relying on expensive premium

reach. This increases the importance of

lead to overall ARPU decline, as Astro

content. Again, partnerships can play a

partnerships, where players can use one

simultaneously expanded its range of high-

role in retaining a degree of control over

another’s capabilities to build an efficient

end services. This bi-polarisation is likely to

these services without needing to invest

go-to market approach and maximise reach.

be increasingly common in pay TV markets.

in technology development and new

For example, DTH can provide excellent

Determining which additional value-

capabilities. Beamly, for example, provides

pan-regional reach and content but is

add services to offer in high versus low-

a live second-screen experience including

limited in its ability to provide triple-play

end packages is a key decision for pay TV

background information on the show and

services. Similarly, IPTV and telco operators

operators. One common misconception is

its cast as well as social and e-commerce

have vast amounts of consumer data and are


nerships Key to Navigate the New


used to handling large payment volumes on

For the telecom operators providing IPTV delivery perhaps the biggest challenge they face is managing the growth in traffic. IP traffic in the Middle East and Africa region is expected to increase sevenfold by 2020 to 14 petabytes per month – the fastest growth rate globally

a daily basis but do not have their core skills in content acquisition and management. OTT platforms possess significant consumer analytics skills, the basis of design of their entire customer experience. But these do not have physical distribution outlets, large customer bases or significant financial resources. Broadcasters have highly capable teams managing content rights and advertising but being traditionally B2B businesses do not have commercial capabilities in consumer sales and service. The most obvious area of partnerships we see emerging is between telecom operators and OTT providers. Netflix partnered

per-view model. Another notable partnership trend is the emergence of hardware players integrating OTT services such as Humax set-top boxes launched with Icflix bundles. Hardware partnerships with further potential are those similar to LG providing prepaid Netflix subscriptions along with a bundle of streaming channels such as Buzzfeed, Wired and Vogue preloaded on new TVs. Satellite operators are also key partners in the ecosystem and will be keen to ensure the continued dominance of DTH delivery as the market changes. Arabsat, Nilesat and Yahsat are the three main MENA satellite operators and will continue to work to

with broadband providers in its expansion

carrier billing. With an increasing number

reinforce their partnerships with leading

outside of the U.S., for example Vodafone

of broadcasters launching OTT services,

pay TV operators and broadcasters to ensure

in Germany, Orange in Spain and SingTel

partnerships such as those between Viva

that the most watched content is on their

in Singapore. In cash markets with low

and MBC, and between du and Starz Play

hotspots. At a global level, the SAT>IP

credit card penetration, partnerships with

will become ubiquitous, especially as micro

alliance between Eutelsat, SES and Hispasat

telecom providers can bring other benefits,

packages with daily or even hourly validity

aims to accelerate the adoption of SAT>IP

especially providing OTT subscribers with

could be introduced to satisfy consumer

in the satellite industry and push this

simple payment options such as direct

demand for snacking content with a pay-

technology to the consumer market with 2015-2020 CAGR




2 5 5 11

24 24 24 24



5 8 9





Lat Am



CE Europe



West Europe



North America





13 7 10 13

17 25

20 50

16 41 34







44 2018




Source: Cisco VNI; A.T.Kearney .

Global Internet Traffic forecasts by region: 2015-2020



the promise of transmitting live content simultaneously across multiple devices in




the home with superior picture quality. This will help DTH to offset certain advantages


that IPTV offers, such as signal quality


and native interactive and on-demand capabilities. For the telecom operators providing IPTV


2014 36%

38% 29%

delivery, perhaps the biggest challenge they face is managing the growth in traffic. IP traffic in the Middle East and Africa region is expected to increase sevenfold by 2020 to

Dedicated OTT service providers

FTA broadcasters/content providers

14 petabytes per month – the fastest growth

Satellite pay TV providers

Telecom operators

rate globally. This will be driven by video, which will account for over 80% of global internet traffic by 2020.

Source: A.T.Kearney Middle East TV Executives survey (2014,2015).

Survey of industry executives on predicted winners in an OTT environment

Working in partnership with content

growth potential, this does not need to

it can be sourced from, keeping in

delivery networks to deliver this unmanaged

be a zero-sum game but rather presents

mind the vast language, ethnic, social

traffic while preserving the quality of their

good prospects for all players in uncertain

and economic differences between

own managed IPTV services will be critical.

but exciting times. Consumers can also

Conclusions and Outlook

consumer segments in MENA.

look forward to greater choice and quality.

• Consider the user experience as a

There is no single recipe in this

differentiator rather than just relying

The MENA pay TV market is going

environment, however, we see five key

through a transitional period with strong

principles critical for success:

potential but an uncertain outlook. Who

• Innovate on packaging, while

position and fill skill and resource gaps.

the winners will be is unclear and is

considering the underlying trend of

• Build a strong internal operating

borne out in our recent survey of industry

market bi-polarisation.

executives on the likely winners in an

• Think broadly about what content

OTT environment. With strong market

is, what can be appealing and where

on content. • Use partnerships to strengthen

model to use agility, efficiency and data management capabilities as a source of advantage.

This piece was authored by Laurent Viviez (l), Partner, Christophe Firth (c), Principal and Ajay Jayaraman (r), Consultant, at A.T. Kearney Dubai.



CABSAT 2016 TO DRIVE ‘TRANSFORMATIVE’ MENA ENTERTAINMENT MEDIA MARKET The 22nd edition of CABSAT - the leading platform for broadcast, production, content delivery, digital media and satellite sectors across the Middle East, Africa and South Asia (MEASA) - will continue to drive disruptive innovation and monetisation opportunities across the MENA filmed and audio entertainment media market. CABSAT 2016 has more than 15,000 regional and international visitors involved in the creation, management, distribution and monetisation of content to explore pioneering products, technologies and regional investment avenues. The tailored event is an opportunity for industry professionals to test, use and experience the latest equipment in the broadcast, satellite communication, content delivery and electronic media industries. With the Middle East and Africa filmed and audio entertainment media market undergoing a fascinating transformation, forecasts by the global analyst division of Pricewaterhousecoopers’ Strategy&, predict entertainment and media spend will reach US$66 billion by 2018. In this lucrative environment, CABSAT provides a tailored experience for industry experts to engage, strategise and debate future market trends. Leading the CABSAT 2016 agenda are the rise of timeshifted or ‘binge’ viewing, on Video on Demand (VOD) platforms and the mass

Andrew Pert, CABSAT Show Director.

regional adoption of internetdriven content delivery platforms, including Internet Protocol Television (IPTV), TV delivered over broadband and Over The Top (OTT) methods - content streamed directly to handheld devices, game consoles and SMART TVs connected to broadband. In a region where more than 900 free-to-air TV channels serve the Arab world, satellite distribution still accounts for over 80 percent of the regional market. Despite being relatively new options, IPTV and OTT already contribute nearly 20 percent of regional content delivery platforms, thereby providing new opportunities for broadcasters and PayTV operators to monetise content via an emerging post-TV market. “The accelerated adoption of mobile technology across the region has created tremendous and transformative opportunities across multiple media platforms,” says Trixie

LohMirmand, Senior Vice President, Exhibitions & Events Manager, DWTC. “As international media companies and investors consider their global expansion strategies, MENA warrants new consideration and CABSAT provides a strategic entry-point.” With more than 950 local, regional and international exhibitors, the event boasts the all-new Content Marketplace – a dedicated content market for TV and film content creators. Its focus is buying, selling and co-production opportunities for Arabic and international content. Partners include Dubai Studio City TV and Film Commission, Dubai Film, VIACOM, Zee TV, Fox, MBC Group, NBC Universal and many regional broadcast pavilion organisers including the Nigerian Broadcast Commission. The CABSAT Content Marketplace is supported by Selevision, a leading Saudi-based technology

and service provider for the global broadcast industry, and multi-platform entertainment company which delivers premium content to MENA customers via Video On Demand services. “Just as Selevision has evolved, so have viewers in the region,” says Dr Raed Khusheim, CEO, Selevision. “We are committed to bringing a new and personalised viewing experience to consumers through Selevision’s entertainment services and, for this, we are proud to partner with CABSAT and the new Content Marketplace.” CABSAT 2016 also has a rebranded conference called the Content Congress - held under the theme ‘The Future of Television in a Connected World’ - and meetings programme dubbed the ‘Red Carpet Lounge’. The show also features expanded certified PostProduction trainings, CEO Roundtables, an Aerial Robotics & Drone zone, the Content Delivery Hub, a live Hackathon competition to develop apps for the next-generation viewing experience, and CABSAT Connect – a dedicated C-level evening network event. The Satellite Hub held in partnership with the GVF, will focus on key technical trends and major satellite issues and challenges across the satellite communications industry. Visit www.cabsat. com or www.cabsat. com/markletplace to find out more.


Consultants Master Media


master media



n the fast growing and continuously

and facilities, or establishing and managing

industry, from consultancy on setting

evolving media and broadcasting

the regional businesses of top international

up a TV channel, media production

market, the need for improved,

broadcasting manufacturers and solution

or broadcasting facility, to training and

efficient supportive systems is


technical or operational assistance.

essential. It was within this competitive

Backed by this superior skill and

background that Master Media was created.

knowhow, Master Media works to identify

Technology Procurement Management:

Master Media operates globally with a

solutions for improved efficiencies that

Master Media manages RFPs and tenders

concerted focus on the Middle East, Africa

will benefit its customers. The company

from requirements development through

and West Asia regions.

is noted for its ability to help clients with

vendor selection and contract negotiation to

Master Media was formed by Hasan R.

the transition to new ‘technology-enabled’

completion and delivery. In-house executives

Sayed Hasan, an award-winning executive

business initiatives and to ensure that this

help clients choose systems or manage

with more than 20 years of experience

is carried out smoothly and cost-effectively.

services either directly with suppliers or in

in the broadcast media industry. Master

support of the client’s procurement team.

Media’s team has been on the forefront of

Diverse Portfolio of Work

utilising and implementing the latest and

Master Media delivers a varied portfolio

Technology Architecture

upcoming technologies in setting up and

of consultancy and professional services

and Solution Design:

managing leading broadcasting networks

to the media production and broadcasting

This covers Facility Planning and Analysis,



Hasan R. Sayed Hasan, Managing Director (left) with Hassan Ghoul, Senior Partner.

Business Development Support: With expertise and network and a deep understanding of the Middle East’s media market, Master Media provides strategic advice and business development support to international companies (in media, entertainment and professional AV domains), who are interested or planning to enter this market. The company has supported a number of international players in successfully building their presence in the region.

Budget Preparation, Architectural and

Human Capital Services:

Electro-Mechanical Systems Review, Site

Master Media’s range of recruitment services

Virtual Reality Studios

Survey and Analysis and Technology and

includes the executive search and selection

Master Media is now leading the way with

Systems Analysis.

for senior management, both permanent and

an innovative initiative through venturing

Systems Design: Automation and

interim, and the recruitment of complete

into Virtual Reality production services

Control Systems, Video and Audio Systems,

operational and technical teams for start-up

and content development. In 2015, Master

Media Management Systems, Networking

organisations and broadcasters. Moreover, the

Media and RealVision came together to

Systems, Satellite and Communication

company provides an expert mix of creative

bring a new flavour of cinematic Virtual


talent on short, medium and long-term

Reality content with the short movie

Documentation: Workflow Diagrams,

placement services especially on project-basis.

Dirrogate- A Cinematic VR novel, a mix

Operation Manuals, Schematic Diagrams,

Support crew look into various aspects

of CG and live action in stereoscopic 360, a

of training covering among others, training

first in VR globally. The 2D version of the

plan development, technical, editorial,

film can be watched on YouTube on www.

Projects Delivery:

production and operational training and

Master Media supplies a complete and

systems philosophy and familiarisation.

AutoCAD Drawings and Floor Plans.

Master Media also provides Virtual

comprehensive range of Programme and

Dedicated and experienced teams with

Reality Production Services capitalising on

Project Management services. Specialised

decades of experience in global broadcast

its expertise in high-end VR and stereoscopic

teams help clients manage project

and media organisations, deploy a wide

3D production and technologies. Such

lifecycle and the company’s involvement

range of technical, creative and operational

services can range from producing a simple

is wholly dependent on a client’s specific

knowhow in their specialist respective

360 video as a second-screen clip for a

requirements. In effect, this can move

fields, supplying provisional backing on

TV production, an immersive video for a

from part-time assistance to full project

first production and or ‘on-air’ support and

heritage site, to a sophisticated long-form


ongoing operational support.

VR film.

Master Media is a member of various international professional associations.



Select projects and clients

Channel92- Pakistan

Youtoo’s overall business strategy and

Master Media’s clients include a variety of

Technology Consultancy

direction in the region.

regional and international media entities.

Master Media provided technology

Some of the projects undertaken and clients

consultancy and advisory services to

served over the last few years include:

Channel92’s senior management in

Fly Studio

preparation for the launch of this new

Business Development Support

Public Authority for Radio & TV- Oman

TV entrant into the broadcasting scene.

Fly Studio, a Montreal- based Canadian

Operational Assistance

Channel92 is a News channel targeting

creative post-production company, is

Master Media provides technical and

the Pakistan market with its headquarters

renowned for its resourcefulness and

operational assistance to Oman TV. For

in Lahore and newsgathering operations

creativity, attracting film, projections,

two years, a team of broadcast technology

across the country.

TV and advertising clients from around

and operations personnel has supported

the globe.

Oman TV in their migration to a new large

Master Media helped Fly Studio break

high-end HD tapeless facility.

Ericsson Broadcast & Media Services

into the Middle East broadcast market

Market Entry Strategy Development

by actively supporting their business

and Implementation

development efforts in the region. And

Al-Arab News Channel

Master Media advised Ericsson Broadcast

in a short period of time, Fly Studio were

Broadcast Technology & Operations

& Media Services with a market entry

able to secure many successful contracts

Consultancy and Project Management

strategy into the Middle East, then

for channel branding and creative projects

Master Media provided Al Arab News

provided specialist support to help

with major regional TV broadcasters.

channel with Broadcast Technology

EBMS implement this strategy and build

& Operations Consultancy services

a presence in the region.

including technology architecture and

design, procurement management (tender development and vendor selection), and


overall programme management and

Market Entry Advisory Services

launch support.

Adstream is an international media

company that develops powerful solutions that streamline advertising campaign

Urdu 1- Pakistan

processes. Master Media acted as advisor

Technology and Operations

to Adstream in the Middle East while

Consultancy and Launch Support

the company was setting up its regional

Master Media provided consultancy to


launch the Urdu1 TV channel, which in

a few weeks of its launch was rated as

CONTACT Master Media FZ-LLC Media Zone, Abu Dhabi (twofour54) Park Rotana Bldg, Office 803A PO Box 77915 Abu Dhabi, UAE Hasan R. Sayed Hasan Managing Director Tel: +971 55 881 7437 Email:

the top watched entertainment channel

Youtoo Technologies

in Pakistan. Master Media supported the

Market Entry Advisory Services

launch covering project management and

Youtoo set up operations in the Middle

Social media:

procurement management including the

East in the Dubai Media City, under the

selection of technology systems and service

name Youtoo Middle East. Master Media



provided advisory services for Youtoo in

addition to recommendations regarding



Twitter: @Master_MediaTV LinkedIn: master-media


master media master media master media consultancy . support . outsourcing consultancy . support . outsourcing consultancy consultancy .. support support .. outsourcing outsourcing

our commitment, your achievements our commitment, your achievements our commitment, your our commitment, yourachievements achievements


Distributors Amaranthine Trading LLC On-Air Asia




maranthine Trading LLC

Amaranthine also represents Kino

large-size TV and film production studios

is the representative of

Flo, the designer of unique fluorescent

based on formats and budgets provided

top quality brands of

lighting systems for motion picture, TV

by clients.


and commercial production. The versatile

Some of the established names from the


broadcasting equipment.

fixtures and proprietary True Match full

Amaranthine stable include Aaton Cantar

The company is the authorised

spectrum lamps have distinguished Kino

audio recorders, Anton Bauer professional

representative in the Middle East,

Flo as the leading innovator of creative

batteries and chargers, Assimilate Scratch

GCC, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan for

lighting solutions. The company offers

colour grading software, Angenieux

Arri. A world-renowned brand, Arri is

partial and total solutions for small-to

lenses, Audio Limited audio transmitter/

a leading manufacturer of filmmaking and broadcasting equipment, lighting systems, photography accessories and digital intermediate systems to the most advanced digital cinematography cameras in the world such as the Alexa, Alexa Mini as well as the most advanced documentary style camera — the Amira. Amaranthine also proudly represents DEDO WEIGERT FILM GmbH, manufacturers of the versatile range of Dedolight equipment. Dedolight is considered by professionals as the most ground-breaking lighting system when it comes to precision lighting needed in both motion picture and TV productions.


Scott Stueckle of KINO FLO, Amaranthine’s Managing Director Fariborz Kamrani, Technical Director Shahram Aderangui and the Amaranthine team at CABSAT 2015.




Amaranthine Trading LLC Partners

ARRI at CABSAT 2015.

ARRI ALEXA MINI Serial No.001 — and the men behind the award-winning Definitely Dubai film, Babak Amini of Eclipse Production and Shahram Aderangui.



receivers, Bebob on-board batteries, CineProject large venue cinema screening, Cinetics motorised stabilisers, DVS digital video and DI systems, Easyrig portable camera support systems, chargers and camera accessories, Elation professional lighting accessories, Flowcine high-quality camera accessories, Kupo grips, BNC click, Merging Technologies digital audio and video workstations, Nagra audio recorders, OConnor camera support systems, Panther cranes and dollies, Sanken microphones, Schneider filters, Schoeps professional high-end microphones, Symbiosis professional video tools, Transvideo LCD monitors, Philips, Osram and GE Lighting, among others. Sharjah Media Corporation and their team receiving the complete set of ARRI Alexa XT.

CONTACT Amaranthine Trading LLC Warehouse 37, Al Quoz Industrial Area 1 PO Box 124137 Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 3390944/3390945 Fax: +971 4 3390922 Email: Website: Fariborz Kamrani Managing Director Email: Tet Casalme Sales and Marketing Email: Social Media: Facebook: amatradingllc


Instagram: amatradingllc Twitter: amatradingllc







n-Air Asia is the leading

over two decades of technical experience

Asia-Pacific and Middle

as video specialist in the broadcast TV

East distributor for the

and film industry. His previous role was

ultimate post-production,

as technical director at Dreamtek Ltd.

broadcast and TV workflow tools covering

London, a company certified as one of the

ingest, edit while ingest, digital delivery,

first Apple solutions experts for video and

networking , MAM/PAM, storage, archive

audio in Europe. Elvin was involved in the

and 4K playout. And for the first time in

planning, installation, support and training

the Middle East, they sweep the ingest

of companies as diverse as the BBC, ITV,

and playout server market with a smart

Channel 4, MTV, Disney, Framestore

trio of market leading products - the

CFC, Iraq TV, CNBC Pakistan, Al Jazeera


UK and Qatar TV. He has also supported

HDP 4K playout server by Pace Media

artistes such as Jamiroquai, Pink Floyd,

and the DDP - Dynamic Drive Pool –

Iron Maiden, Lily Allen, Madonna and

award-winning Ethernet based SAN

many more. In addition, he has worked

shared storage.

as a demonstrator for Adobe, Apple, Avid,

Highlighting them in Dubai, others include the FileCatalyst for accelerated

DDP - Dynamic Drive Pool is an award-winning Ethernet-based SAN (Storage Area Network).

Blackmagic Design and other diverse products at various exhibitions.

and secure file transfer, networking

His support staff includes professionals

products from Broacade and Myricom,

from the world of sound mixing, Pro

MAM/PAM from Etere and Focal Point

Tools operations and other key areas of

Server, archive by Archiware and NEO

knowledge required for various PC/Mac/

(Tandberg) and a few others.

Linux equipment related to video and

On-Air Asia’s CEO Elvin Jasarevic, has

audio work.



DDP - Dynamic Drive Pool

FCP, Avid Media Composer, GV Edius,

a finalist for the best innovative product

The DDP is the best of SAN and NAS in

Avid Pro Tools, Adobe Premiere and

by IABM in 2008, 2011 and 2015.

one simple product. Manufactured by

many others.

Ardis Technologies, the DDP advantages

• DDP works with all audio and video

are unique. It is a market-leading cost/

applications, and drives behave as local

A unique technology that can be seamlessly

performance Ethernet (IP) based SAN

drives without latency.

integrated with the most popular broadcast

storage solution with AVFS file system and

MOG mxfSpeedrail

• Built-in Archiware software for easy

technology and formats, MOG mxfSpeedrail

backup and efficient synchronisation.

offers high traffic performance, great

• DDP has over 100 different models

interoperability between platforms and

Key Features

and configurations designed to meet

efficient metadata sharing. With access

• DDP is two to three times faster than

the needs of every company and every

to a full range of automated solutions for

similar storage solutions. It is also faster

budget. From small systems with two SSD

file-based ingest, SD-HD/SDI capture,

than fibre channel storage systems when

drives up to fully redundant systems with

digital delivery and real-time playback,

using MCS (Multiple Connections per

no single point of failure with capacities

mxfSpeedrail customers can achieve the

in petabytes.

highest performance in the most diverse

with no license fees.

Session) means you can double, triple or quadruple cable speed.

• Clients include NASA, Disney, MTV,

file-based workflows.

• Standard software includes ‘workflow


manager’ (for folder-based access

Oracle, Arena Film, Arri, Red Bull,

Key Features

permission rights), ‘folder volumes’ (any

Discovery Channel, Constantin

Reduced costs with fast

folder can be exported as a virtual drive

Film, Molinare, NASCAR, 2DF, EBS,

turnaround of content

with real volume properties), ‘quota per

MediaCorp, Univision, CBS, NBC and

The mxfSPEEDRAIL is the ideal file-based

folder’, ‘bandwidth manager’ for QOS -

thousands of other happy users.

solution for post-production, playback and

Quality Of Service and easy-to-use WEB

• DDP is member of IABM International Association


components of the creation process into


Manufacturers and 2014 award winner

a single and unified platform, saving costs

for best shared storage solution. It is also

and reducing production creation time.

• Unlimited, automatic project sharing for


file archiving as it integrates the essential

GUI with user-friendly connection to

Service-oriented architecture The mxfSpeedrail service-oriented architecture is available either as a complete set of services that include the whole centralised system or as individual products that the customer can suit to his own requirements. Each system also has a wide range of models that can be customised from the most simple to the most complex workflow. Multi-format, multi-resolution and multi-channel The mxfSpeedrail is a perfect fit for multi-channel workflows as it allows multiple simultaneous transfers with



generations of hi-res and proxy versions.

designs such as corner logos, lower thirds

SAN (Storage Area Network) while the

Its multi-format capabilities also enable

and tickers that update from RSS feeds,

FocalPoint Server is a PAM (Project Asset

the user to encode its media contents in

XML data sources and remote databases.

Management) solution that automates file

all professional broadcast formats.

Besides SDI output up to 4K UHD, Cuba

management and organises workflow.

Powerful metadata annotation engine

HDP comes optional with an H.264 encoder

Designed with a simple, intuitive user

The mxfSpeedrail centralised solution

and closed-caption subtitle generator which

interface, the FocalPoint Server serves a

is completed with a powerful metadata

allows delivery of UDP and ASI feeds

new way to create, version, track and search

annotation engine to ease proper

directly from the playout server. The Cuba

for projects, graphics and documents. It

identification of material, saving time

HDP also features a web-based playout

offers users consistent file naming enforced

and money. And to keep track of assets,

management option, enabling operators

through drop-down menus, error-free

mxfSpeedrail preserves camera metadata

to plan and import playlists, monitor playout

versioning, as well as status notifications for

when transferring clips during ingest

servers and manipulate the rundown, as well

instantaneous communication and efficient


as granting them control over an unlimited


number of playout servers, regardless of the Cuba HDP by Pace Media

servers’ location across the globe.


This is a 24/7 channel-in-a-box playout

The Cuba Playout Management tools

system combining video playout, on-air

offer remote control and management of


graphics, playlist management and transfer

playlists and servers allowing the operation

2294-62 Shirahata

management in a single server solution.

of decentralised playout centres around

Sanmu City, Chiba

The playout server handles SD/HD/4K

the world. The Cuba HDP supports major


UHD workflows, integrates live feeds

broadcast video file containers and codecs.

from SDI or UDP, external triggers such as

Both the MOG mxfSpeedrail and Cuba


GPI events, as well as real-time graphics

HDP playout servers are fully qualified

from simple channel branding to complex

with DDP’s award-winning Ethernet-based

Tel: + 81(0) 03 5633 6545 Website:


IPTV Exterity Infomir




xterity is a market-leading

enabling the distribution of broadcast

Aramco, Etisalat, King Abdullah Sports

provider of IP video technology

quality digital TV and video over IP

City, several of the largest airports in the

that helps organisations to

networks to an unlimited number of end

MENA region including Dubai, Salalah

harness the power of video to

points. With centralised management,

and Doha, as well as multiple oil and gas

communicate, educate and entertain. Its

configuration and control, Exterity

deployments both on and off-shore.

end-to-end solutions enable you to capture

solutions support large volumes of content

TV and video content directly from any

and devices without compromising


source and manage its delivery, live or on

system performance or availability.

Exterity has hardware and software

demand, to any connected device via an

Headquartered in Scotland UK,

products that support every stage of

existing network. From corporate, finance

and with over 80 staff based at its

the IP video workflow. Solutions enable

and education, to hospitality, remote

headquarters and international sales

delivery of video content to any connected

facilities, stadiums and healthcare, Exterity

offices, Exterity extends its global reach

device on an existing network, as well

has global expertise in delivering complex,

through the StreamForce programme of

as beyond the corporate LAN via WAN,

pro-AV solutions.

technically innovative channel partners.

wi-fi and the internet to any device,

Founded in 2001, Exterity is firmly

An impressive list of clients include

in any location. An extensive range of

established as the global leader in

Best Western, New York University Abu

TVgateways, encoders, transcoders, origin

enterprise IP video technology and its

Dhabi, Jumeirah Group, The Hazza bin

server and set-top receiver decoders are

systems are deployed globally by some of

Zayed Stadium, Golden Tulip, Nurai

seamlessly integrated and controlled via

the most recognised brands in the world,

Island Resort, BP, Shell, ADNOC, Saudi

the dedicated AvediaServer, guaranteeing



ArtioPortal applied across a range of devices.

a level of robustness and reliability that

the output of a wide range of sources,

For delivery to large numbers of

cannot be matched by other providers

including digital cameras, set-top boxes,

viewers, the transcoder output can be

who have to rely on third party products

digital signage systems and personal

distributed via an origin server or a

to complete their solution.


Content Delivery Network (CDN).

The Exterity Encoder range includes AvediaStream TVgateways

SD, HD and 4K Encoders, each with

AvediaStream Origin Server

AvediaStream TVgateways capture

their own audio, video and encoding

Exterity’s innovative AvediaStream o7500

live digital TV and radio from any

capabilities and are suitable for a wide

Origin Server increases IP video system

terrestrial, satellite or cable source and

range of industry and video solution

flexibility by delivering content direct to

stream it directly across an IP network.


any number of devices both in and outside

TVgateways supply multiple channels

the wired LAN, using streaming protocols

at any resolution, including 4K, from

AvediaStream Transcoders

suitable for the mobile networks that

a single blade, delivering low cost and

Exterity AvediaStream Transcoders are

they are transmitted over. The Origin

power consumption per channel.

high-performance content transformation

Server converts content to enable

tools that enable content to be easily

viewing beyond the LAN. This involves

AvediaStream Encoders

converted into a compatible format for

transcoding to match the requirements of

Exterity Encoders stream live and pre-

delivery to the user’s preferred viewing

mobile devices by reducing resolution and

recorded video and audio over an IP

device, whether that’s a TV/display

bitrate to match the demands of wireless

network, creating a single channel from

screen, computer or mobile device.

networks, WAN and the internet.



End-to-end IP video systems tailored to your industry.

AvediaStream Chassis

the entire unit, saving time and avoiding

Exterity AvediaStream TVgateway

disruption to other IPTV services

and AvediaStream Encoder blades are

operating simultaneously in the same

viewers want, when they want it.

installed in one of three AvediaStream


Scheduled recording of live TV for later

chassis which are designed for a wide range of organisational needs and budgets.

is successfully delivered. AvediaServer delivers the content

playback as well as providing videoAvediaServer

on-demand are handled with ease. In

All Exterity AvediaStream Chassis

The Exterity AvediaServer is the central

addition, Catchup TV provides users with

are ‘hot swap’ enabled. This enables

hub for managing an IP video system.

the convenience of up to 7 days playback

movement and replacement of Exterity

It provides the ability to monitor and

directly via the Electronic Programme

Encoder, TVgateway and Transcoder

control all Exterity devices from one

Guide (EPG), so important programmes

blades without the need to power down

place ensuring that TV and video content

are never missed. The AvediaServer can also import assets such as training videos and movies, which can be distributed as video-on-demand or as play channels depending on viewers’ needs. The AvediaServer viewing interface, ArtioPortal middleware, can be tailored for individuals or groups of viewers to match even the most demanding of organisational requirements, including the ability to customise and apply branding within an easy-to-use intuitive interface. The content and user interface can be delivered across standard TVs, computer

ArtioSign built-in digital signage.


screens, smart TVs, mobile devices and


Exterity solutions enable organisations to bring video to any device, in any format, anywhere in a business environment.

thin clients so users can select their


preferred viewing device.

Digital signage is a natural enhancement


to an IP video system and Exterity’s AvediaPlayer Receivers

integrated set-top box solution makes it

Exterity Ltd

Exterity AvediaPlayer Receivers are

easy for any organisation to create and

St Davids House

highly reliable set-top boxes that connect

deliver digital signage screens. Designed

St Davids Drive

any screen to an IP network, enabling the

for organisations that want to install

Dalgety Bay

receipt of live TV and video, or video-

multiple displays to enhance employee,

Fife, KY11 9NB

on-demand. Exterity Receivers also

visitor or guest experience, the Exterity

work with ArtioPortal middleware to

system offers users a feature-rich, fully

Scotland, UK

provide a completely customisable end

configurable digital signage application

user experience. For installations where

and IP video system in one.

middleware is not required, receivers

For more information and a complete

also provide a full featured, customisable

demonstration of Exterity IP video solutions,

viewer interface.

contact the Exterity UAE headquarters.

Tel: +44 1383 828250 Email: Website: Social Media: Twitter: @Exterity LinkedIn: exterity YouTube: Exterity Exterity UAE Building EIB 4 (BT Building) First Floor, Office 107 Dubai Internet City PO Box 502290 Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 444 70 604 Colin Farquhar Chief Executive Officer Eleuterio Fernandes Middle East and Africa Sales Director

ArtioPortal on a Smart TV.





elecommunication technolo-

manufacturer, Infomir cooperated with

Odessa, Ukraine. The facility includes

gies evolve in the blink of an

the biggest Ukrainian state and private

R&D and broadband network laboratories.

eye. That is why companies

telecom companies. The manufacturing

MAG set-top boxes are also tested

in the industry should stay

facility Teletec was established in Odessa,

by in-house ISP which helps to find

vigilant and flexible in order to succeed.

Ukraine. Its production line was designed

technologies that are really in demand.

This approach has helped Infomir to ride

by TE Connectivity (also known as Tyco

One of the results of such researches is

the crest of the wave for more than 15

Electronics) which helped to unite the

the Stalker Multiscreen, a system that

years. Its main products, the MAG set-top

world’s leading equipment into one chain.

allows subscribers to watch content from

boxes, have spread all over the world and

All these factors allowed the company not

one STB on different screens.

become a foundation for more than 3000

only to produce up-to-date electronics,

successful projects.

but also to provide benefits such as

MAGical Universe of Infomir

reasonable pricing and fast delivery.

Infomir has three model lines of IPTV

Since analogue TV with its small content range became insufficient for a

With changing trends, the traditional

set-top boxes: Basic, Hybrid and Premium.

regular family evening, telecoms started

telephone exchange systems started

Each of them is designed to satisfy the

offering different options in order to

giving way to automatic ones. In 2006

particular needs of operators with

revive this family tradition. IPTV, OTT

this wind of change opened a new door for

different aims, location and capacity.

and VoD standards gained their popularity

Infomir. The company started producing

Here are the latest models and their key

due to connection with the widest content

MAG set-top boxes (STB) which became


source – the Internet. It was the beginning

a profitable solution for many IPTV/OTT

MAG254 is a basic set-top box with 3D

of a new industry and a historical start to


and FullHD video support.

Infomir’s success. Starting as a telephone exchange system


Infomir ’s



manufacturing facility are located in

• Chipset STiH207(650 MHZ, 1200 DMIPS).


• RAM 512 MB.

MAG257 is an ultimate model of Basic

• Chipset STiH301 (1.5 GHz, 3500 DMIPS).

• Optional: Built-in wi-fi 2.4GHz/

line that has more powerful processor

• OpenGL ES 2.0.

and HEVC support.

• Verimatrix Advanced Security profile

5GHz ac. MAG275 is a hybrid set-top box that supports DVB-C/T/T2 standards and

• Chipset STiH301 (1,5 GHz, 3500 DMIPS).

and VideoMarkTM. MAG350 is a premium set-top box based

allows enlarging the digital TV services

• OpenGL ES 2.0.

on Broadcom chipset. It supports HEVC


• Built-in wi-fi - optional and two USB-

content and can be equiped with built-in

• Chipset STi253 (650 MHz, 1200

ports to connect external carriers.

wi-fi adapter.

MAG277 is a new hybrid STB that allows

• ARM A15 (B15) Core CPU with 1500

• RAM 512 MB.

playing HEVC video content and has a

MHz frequency and 6000 DMIPS

• 3D-video playback.

high-performance rate.





• 8 GB emmc. • 3D-video playback. MAG352 is a premium 4K STB which is the biggest Infomir’s elaboration of 2015. MAG352 has a Broadcom CPU, 8 Gigabytes of flash memory, two USB 3.0 and SD memory card slot. • Chipset BCM7252s, 12000 DMIPS. • 4K P60 and HEVC support. • Verimatrix Advanced Security profile and VideoMarkTM. Global Approach with Customised Solutions EGOR MALIAROV BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT OFFICER, INFOMIR UAE

A variety of offered products is one of

“Being a global company requires not only advanced logistics and highly developed manufacturing, it is crucial to retain the local approach to every client and offer flexible solutions that will fit well with the actual state of affairs in each particular region. Infomir has diversified its structure in order to provide responsive services around the world. Now we pay special attention to Africa and the GCC countries as this region is developing so fast and it has already shown high demand for IPTV technologies. Our set-top boxes reflect the realities of this region. MAG set-top boxes are equipped with CAS/DRM systems that help to improve content protection. We have already conducted some prior agreements with local operators and are looking forward to implement more successful solutions with operators, content integrators and so on.”

of Infomir’s products (0.6%). A qualified


the building blocks of Infomir’s success. Add to that an extremely low reject rate technical support for all the company’s clients in languages such as Russian, English, German and Turkish is also a contributing factor to the brand’s image. Being a trustworthy partner is another important advantage that attracts new clients and partners. Presently, Infomir’s

LATAM regions. Taking into an account

set-top boxes are operating in 114 countries

regional specifics makes Infomir helpful

around the world and that number is

to any operator in the world.

constantly increasing. In 2015 more than

The entire company employs about

1 million set-top boxes were sold. Europe

500 professionals in different areas. Each

and the USA remain the main markets –

of them contributes to the company’s

Infomir launches about 10 new projects

success. And it can be noticed from

there each month. Infomir also takes a

Infomir’s outcomes: the sales growth in

keen interest in emerging MENA and

2015 was 65%.


Infomir has branches in the USA,

developed, due to participation in

Germany, the UAE, Russia and Estonia

exhibitions around the world. The

and each office is the response to

opening of the Dubai office was the main

emerging demand for Infomir products.

attribute of this growth.

The opening of a new office in Dubai

The plans for 2016 are even more

was one of the most significant events

immense. The start of new MAG models

of 2015 as Infomir had 393 projects in

sales is just the first of this year’s

the MENA region alone. The presence

breakthroughs. Stay in touch with Infomir

of a new office brings in benefits such as

to witness them all.

faster order-processing, shorter delivery time and local support.

Try MAG set-top box for free! If you like to try out all the advantages of

Constant Improvements

MAG set-top boxes, Infomir will be glad

Lately Infomir has demonstrated

to give you a free sample.

extensive growth by introducing four

To receive it, please send a request with

new models of MAG set-top boxes and a

your name, company’s telephone number

completely renewed Stalker Middleware,

and website to:

which operates every MAG STB. Global presence of Infomir has also substantially

Infomir will contact you to discuss the

CONTACT Infomir Europe and CIS Tel: +38 (048) 740-6-740 Email: USA, Canada and Latin America Tel: +1 (631) 482-6636 Email: Middle East and Africa Tel: +971-56-621-34-55 Email: Egor Maliarov Business Development Officer, Infomir UAE Tel: +971 (56) 621-34-55 Email: Website:

best delivery terms.


Manufacturers Aspera, an IBM company Aveco Avid Brainstorm Multimedia Datavideo Fischer Connectors Hitachi Kokusai Electric Turkey JVCKENWOOD Lawo Miller Tripods Newtec Panasonic Riedel Communications Rohde & Schwarz Sennheiser Middle East SGL Utah Scientific Verimatrix




ounded in California in

transfer distance and network conditions.

high-performance file transfer software.

2004 and now part of IBM,

At the root of Aspera’s success lies its

Consistently ranked first in every WAN

Aspera is the creator of

innovative, patented, highly efficient

transfer throughput benchmark it was

next-generation transport

bulk data transport technology: the FASP

ever evaluated in, FASP outperforms

technologies that move the world’s data

(fast, adaptive, secure protocol). This

software and hardware WAN acceleration

at maximum speed regardless of file size,

technology is unique and core to all Aspera

solutions alike.



Major film studios, post-production

16,000 active software licenses are widely

Aspera High-Speed Transfer

companies, visual effects houses, sports

used across a variety of industries all

Software Offers:

and news broadcasters rely on Aspera

over the globe, transporting petabytes

• Fast Content Transfers - Move the

to reduce their production cycles while

of data each day.

securely delivering high-resolution

largest files and data sets quickly, efficiently and securely across global distances regardless of network

media worldwide, with the utmost

Aspera FASP - Universal High-

quality of service, to ultimately provide

performance Transport Technology

consumers with their best content, faster

At the heart of the Aspera solutions is

• Enterprise File Sharing and Sync

than ever before.

the patented FASP transport technology

– Share, exchange and synchronise


Aspera software solutions bring

– a breakthrough transfer protocol that

large files with colleagues, partners

breakthrough cost savings and efficiency

leverages existing WAN infrastructure

and customers across desktop, web

gains to organisations that need to

and commodity hardware to achieve

and mobile devices and applications.

move large volumes of content over

speeds that are 100 x faster than FTP

• High-performance Cloud Computing

public and private IP networks. Easy-to-

and HTTP. A truly universal content

– Achieve line- speed transfers to, from

deploy, fully cross-platform, file type and

transport platform, FASP supports all

and across cloud infrastructure with

network type agnostic, Aspera solutions

data, infrastructure and storage types,

deep integration and direct to cloud-

deliver unprecedented levels of transfer

over global distances regardless of

based object storage.

performance to file-based workflows

location. It guarantees maximum speed

(including maximum speed, security

and powers a comprehensive array of

Orchestration and automation of file

and bandwidth efficiency).

solutions designed for all transport

transfer and processing workflow from

paradigms and deployment models.

very simple to the most complex.

Approximately 3,000 customers and

• Wo r k f l ow

Au t o m a t i o n



• Disaster Recovery and Business

based automation options for transferring

on Amazon Web Services, Microsoft

Continuity – Replicating massive file

files with globally distributed employees,

Windows Azure, Google Cloud and

systems across distances from primary

partners and customers.

IBM SoftLayer, Aspera On Demand

to backup sites, meeting stringent

comes in four distinct bundles with

recovery point and recovery time

Aspera On Demand

add-on options. It also leverages Aspera’s


Aspera On Demand unlocks the cloud’s

patented FASP transport technology,

unlimited computing and storage

to deliver reliable, ultra-fast transfers,

Aspera FASP Transfer

resources for big data applications by

enterprise-grade security and precise control over transfer speed and priority.

Servers and Clients

delivering high-speed transfers in, out

Leveraging the unique transfer

and across the cloud with scale-out

technology is a rich set of cross platform

transfer capacity, a variety of client

Aspera FASPStream

software applications including client

options (web, mobile, embedded),

Aspera FASPStream expands Aspera’s

and server software with browser plug-

and applications for ingest, sharing,

FASP transport technology for live and

in, interactive GUI, integrated mobile

collaboration and exchange of big data,

near-live data streaming and provides

client, hot folder and command line

all available as on-demand subscription

a fully reliable streaming protocol for

interfaces, as well as centralised browser

services. Available via a subscription

in-order data delivery over internet



WANs with excellent video quality

trusted third parties.

and negligible start up delay. Aspera

• On Demand SaaS offering global

FASPStream can be integrated into any type of application. • Easily integrate Aspera high-speed transfer technology directly into your applications. • Start processing the incoming data as soon as the first bytes are transferred, rather than waiting for the entire

content sharing. • Easy on-boarding of organisations with branded web presence. • Fast, easy and secure exchange of files and folders of any size. • Built on Aspera FASP for unlimited speed, size and distance.

video encoding and content ingest and distribution. • Provide end-to-end secure transfers between suppliers and receivers, including




authentication and authorisation, encryption and integrations with antivirus or other security technologies. • Receive content and data at high

• Store and readily access files and

speeds from multiple sources around

folders in multiple cloud-based

the world and seamlessly consolidate

• Enable in-memory access to transfer

and on-premises storage systems.

and merge incoming files and folders.

data for faster processing and better

(Supports AWS S3, MS Azure Blob and

Integrate with high-speed storage


SoftLayer Swift cloud storage and all-

platforms (on-premise or in cloud) for

on-premises storage).

scalable transfer performance across

transfer to complete.

• Initiate high-speed transfers of bulk data from your application memory

• Establish individual and project

metropolitan and long haul networks

space as the data is being captured or

workspaces with unique branding and

over any distance, with speeds of 10


any combination of storage to allow

Gbps and beyond.

• Leverage Aspera FASP high-speed

users to work as they choose.

technology, which is efficient, stable,

Aspera software can be purchased directly or through an expansive network

robust and predictable, even for the

Aspera Orchestrator

of reselling partners worldwide. In

longest distances and networks with

Aspera Orchestrator is a web-based

addition to offering a complete portfolio

the worst conditions.

application and SDK platform, that

of software products and a comprehensive

• Utilise Aspera security and

enables precise control over the

SDK platform, Aspera provides

management features when deployed

Aspera high-performance file transfer

engineering services to support custom-

in conjunction with an Aspera Server.

environment. It allows organisations to

tailored implementation of solutions

build efficient, predictable file processing

and transfer technology in all types of

Aspera Files

pipelines that interconnect business units


Aspera Files is a new SaaS offering

and external partners.

for global media sharing built on the

With Aspera Orchestrator, files can

Generation 4 Aspera Transfer Platform.

be directed, processed and redirected

The SaaS Platform allows any kind of

with easy-to-define rules based on an

media organisation of any size to establish

organisation’s workflows and using

a branded web-based presence for fast,

existing IT infrastructure. Aspera

easy and secure exchange of file-based

automation streamlines complex

media content between end users, where

workflows, integrates seamlessly with

the content can be stored and accessed in

third-party plug-ins and ensures that each

multiple cloud storage and on-premise

processing step is accurately performed.

storage systems. Sharing is as easy as

It allows:

drag-and-drop regardless of content

• Orchestrator scales fluidly and reliably

location and workspace and content

for the extreme processing required

remains private with easy peering with

by workflows such as high-volume

CONTACT Aspera 5900 Hollis Street Suite E Emeryville, CA 94608, USA Tel: +1 (510) 849-2386 Email: Social media: Website: Twitter: asperasoft LinkedIn: aspera-inc





veco is a manufacturer

• Independence - As an independent

of broadcast automation

manufacturer, Aveco glues all equipment

and news production

brands into seamless workflows without

number of devices need to be purchased.

automation, MAM, news-

any corporate policies - the customer is

• Low initial investment means low

studio-in-a-box and integrated playout

always in control.

devices to achieve high-end output. • By optimising device utilisation, lower

AMC cost.

solutions. For over 24 years, Aveco has

• Staying at the cutting edge – The

been known for reliability, innovation and

company listens to its customers and

require lower number of operators.

its customer-oriented approach. More than

helps them grow and adopt new business

• Automation assisted live news

300 broadcasters worldwide use Aveco

models and technologies - from on-air

production allows for less people, all

solutions on-air 24 hour a day.

to online, linear to social media, high-

the way down to a single person to run

The product line of Aveco can be used

end to news-studio-in-a-box, the only

the newscast.

as an end-to-end solution reflecting

integrated studio automation package

the business architecture and workflows

available in the market.

• Automated workflows and reuse of assets

Two-dimensional Range of Solutions T The Aveco product line creates a two-

of the customer or as individual products to fit each customer need. Aveco provides

Capex and Opex Optimisation

dimensional matrix that guarantees the

its customers with several key values,

Broadcasters (including news channels)

right-sized solution for any customer.

these are:

generate profit in an industrial process and

The first dimension is the form factor -

• Stability – A decade after purchase

Aveco solutions can help in the following

Aveco solutions work in Cloud, in the Box

of its products, Aveco is there to help

profitable ways:

or in the Rack.

and guide.

• High-end automation can use low-cost


The second dimension is functionality




Aveco, end-to-end solution.

- Aveco systems produce live news and

ASTRA Studio 3

centralised as well as distributed across

studio events, control broadcasting of TV

The news production automation provides

the globe. Redundancy options include

channels, manage media assets throughout

several advantages:

N+M, mirrored devices as well as

the whole lifecycle from ingest through

• More graphics, better on-air look, more

mirrored broadcast chains. Any third

postproduction to playout and archiving. They implement regional ad insertion,

viewers. • Less human introduced errors.

integrate social media and feed assets to

• PCR-MCR integration.

web sites.

• Automating additional services such as

Aveco can provide end-to-end solutions - individual products can also be selected as standalone or to integrate with third

social media or web publishing. • Radical reduction of operational cost.

party device or system can be integrated into the workflow. ASTRA MAM The MAM from Aveco enables facility-wide or multi-facility desktop

ASTRA Studio 3 is the only multi-studio

management for all high-res and

news production automation available. It

low-res content. The ASTRA MAM

allows easy assign rundowns to individual

database links to all other storage devices

Aveco Products

studios and move rundowns from studio

to provide a central point for media

ASTRA is a line of MAM and automation

to studio, share devices across studios

management. A rules-based workflow

systems that provide functionality such

as well as combine studios to produce

engine automates media manipulations

as live news production, MCR playout,

major events.

and transfers QC operations between

party devices.

ingest, MAM, regional ad insertion and disaster recovery.

multiple systems to simplify day-to-day ASTRA MCR


Redwood is a family of integrated

The master control playout automation

Integration between MAM and other

products that include news-studio-in-a-

from Aveco manages single TV channel

products of Aveco is simple – they are all

box and an integrated MCR playout device.

as well as multi-channel facilities,

components of one end-to-end solution



without any integration effort. They also

Technological Platform

use the same database.

Automation servers are made of industrial grade components from world renowned

Redwood Studio

manufacturers designed for long-term

Aveco is the world’s first company offering

reliability. The operating system is a

the news-studio-in-a-box product.

mission critical real-time operating

It combines world-class automation

system QNX implemented for critical

software and media asset management

applications where failure is not an

with integrated playout hardware that

option, such as air and space, security

includes a 4ch HD video server, 32 layers

and defence, medical, energy, automotive

of graphics and eight input production

or telecommunications.

switcher capability with six channels of DVEs all in one box. It is a cost-effective

David Vidlicka, VP Sales MENA.

The automation software consists of modules that can be used as LEGO bricks to build a customised solution. Modules

way to put a news or studio show on-air quickly and when run by a single operator.

Redwood Play is an integrated MCR

run in memory protected address spaces

Redwood Studio is a great solution for

playout solution which offers two major

and a problem in one module is always

small studios within a multi-studio facility


isolated - it will not crash the entire server.

where all studios traditionally equipped as

• Very rich graphics features.

Software modules are hot-swappable,

well as those with Redwood are controlled

• Ability to integrate to any third party

allowing for replacement, upgrade or

by the same ASTRA Studio automation,

device or system.

expansion while the system is on-air.

with the same GUI, the same training and

It can be used as a standalone playout,

This also permits easy and convenient

as well as for niche channel playout in

evolution of the system and support. The

a multi-channel facility under ASTRA

client software runs on MS Windows,


Apple OS X or Linux.

the same user experience. Redwood Studio is ideal for a network of regional news studios or as a standalone unit.

CONTACT Aveco Inc. 6538 Collins Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33141, USA Tel: + 1 (818) 292-1489 AVECO s.r.o. Veleslavinska 39 | 162 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic Tel: +420 235 366 707 Tel: +420 778 003 011 David Vidlicka VP Sales MENA Tel: +971 55 8367 850 Website:

Two-dimensional range of solutions.





vid is the world’s leading

The Avid Everywhere strategic vision

and services that run on top of it, enabling

provider of audio and

addresses the entire media value chain -

customers to create, deliver and monetise

video technology for

from the way media is created and managed

content in smarter, faster, easier ways - with

media organisations and

to the methods used to monetise, distribute

whichever Avid or third-party solutions

independent professionals. Customers

and track content - enabling broadcast,

they choose to use.

use Avid solutions to create, distribute

video and audio professionals to connect

From large enterprises to post facilities,

and monetise the most prestigious and

with their audiences in powerful, efficient,

schools, recording studios, editing suites

award-winning films, videos, music

collaborative and profitable ways.

and professional home studios, the secure

recordings, TV shows, live concerts and

Avid solutions have been recognised with

and protected Avid MediaCentral Platform

numerous industry and technology awards,

offers common services and a unified

including two Oscars, a Grammy and 14

front-end experience, no matter how


professionals choose to access it.

in research and development and currently

The Avid Line-up

Platform, Avid’s industry-leading Artist

holds over 200 patents. By envisioning and

To bring the Avid Everywhere vision to

Suite, Media Suite, Storage Suite and

delivering groundbreaking and innovative

life, the company introduced the Avid

marketplace solutions provide customers

solutions that fundamentally improve the

MediaCentral Platform - the foundation

with all the tools needed to create, manage,

way media professionals work, Avid has

of the industry’s most open, extensible,

store, distribute and monetise content.

become the leading technology provider

and customisable media production

Cutting-edge solutions, powered by the

and trusted strategic partner for video and

environment. The Avid MediaCentral

Avid MediaCentral Platform, enable media

audio production, broadcast, live sound,

Platform streamlines and simplifies

organisations and professionals to enhance

shared storage and more.

workflows by tightly integrating all products

collaboration, streamline production and

news broadcasts. Ever since Avid led the revolution in non-linear editing over 25 years ago, the company has continued to invest heavily


Building on the Avid MediaCentral




distribution, create and deliver higher

overhaul its technical operations: a phased

is unrelenting pressure to quickly create

quality content and maximise asset value

station-wide migration to HD to maximise

and deliver the high-quality content

with unparalleled power, speed and

efficiency and quality of content, while

that today’s audiences demand. Avid’s


significantly improving time to air for its

best-in-class solutions, including Media

news division.

Composer editing software, Avid ISIS |

Al Baghdadia decided to introduce Avid

1000 shared storage and the MediaCentral

Today’s broadcast industry is going through

MediaCentral Platform as the foundation

platform, streamline production, enhance

unprecedented change. In order to survive

that would unify and streamline workflows

collaboration and give video professionals

and thrive in this transformative era,

across the breadth of its studio, local

the power and flexibility to create the best

broadcasters need to increase collaboration

affiliate and field operations and has

story possible.

among their teams, optimise the value of

achieved a major business transformation

Jordan-based production house Arab

their media assets and deliver higher-quality

encompassing full file-based operation,

Telemedia Group produces a high volume

media that engages audiences on multiple

transition to HD and a closer integration

of content, often under intense deadlines. In

screens. Broadcasters worldwide rely on

of its studio production and field news

the past, fragmented technology workflows

Avid’s robust and scalable solutions, from

gathering workflows.

slowed turnaround times and made it

Broadcast Solutions

iNEWS and NewsCutter to Interplay MAM, PAM and ISIS shared storage.

difficult to access and monetise archived Pro-Video Solutions

media. They also needed to begin producing

When Al Baghdadia TV, the independent

Video professionals and post-production

content in 4K without dramatically straining

Iraqi-owned satellite TV network, wanted

houses are facing unprecedented

their production infrastructure.

to overhaul its operations in order to take

challenges. As media technology continues

Media Composer’s video editing software

advantage of file-based HD workflow

to evolve, projects are getting larger and

with Avid Resolution Independence gives

efficiencies, it required a holistic strategy

more complex. It has become necessary

Arab Telemedia’s creative teams the ability

that saw the broadcaster fully embrace

to connect creative professionals in

to acquire, edit and deliver content in any

Avid Everywhere. The broadcaster had

distributed workflow environments

format and resolution, from 4K and beyond.

two key issues in mind when it decided to

from wherever they may be. And there

Media Composer’s floating licensing also



a pair of Avid Venue | Profile desks which matched both his requirements and budget. Features including a headend that had an integrated audio analyser system, as well as a multichannel recording option were nonnegotiable, as were extensive plugin options. The integrated Pro Tools recording and playback as well as the virtual sound check functionality also proved very attractive. The installation, while straightforward, took rather longer than usual as it had to be done live while the grand mosque was in daily use without a sound check. Another major challenge was the need to create a total of 114 snapshots to match the various combinations of nine Imams and 11 Muazzins. That alone made 99 snapshots for every possible occasion during prayer sessions. With the desks now installed and enables Arab Telemedia Group to easily

as the latest Venue | S6L and its smaller

in constant use, the sound system manager

share licences across its entire network and

counterpart the Venue S3L-X, enable users

is positive about the effect they have had on

scale workgroups on demand.

to create and deliver premium-quality

working life for the audio team.

In order to streamline and centralise

audio, manage complex sessions and high

With Avid’s 25-year heritage of innovation

its media production processes, Arab

volumes of digital assets and operate more

and leadership, Avid is uniquely positioned

Telemedia Group also implemented

efficiently. With Avid, audio professionals of

to help organisations and professionals

advanced media management solutions

all backgrounds take on the most demanding

succeed in the highly competitive and

from the Avid Media Suite. To effectively

sessions and maximise their creativity

rapidly changing media industry.

archive a massive volume of 4K media,

without holding anything back.

Arab Telemedia Group deployed cutting-

With almost 4,000 speakers driven by

edge media storage solutions from the

400kW of power and in use for 20 hours

Avid Storage Suite, including multiple

a day, the sound system for the Prophet’s

ISIS shared storage systems and AirSpeed

Mosque in Medina is one of the busiest in

servers. Thanks to the openness of Avid

the world and requires almost constant

Everywhere, contributors throughout the

attention and upgrades. During peak season,

organisation can now quickly access and

the Mosque services almost 1,000,000

monetise the extensive archive of valuable

worshippers daily, so it cannot afford a

media assets.

second of audio loss. Having logged around 31,000 hours of usage over five years, it was

Pro-Audio Solutions

time to make a console change in time for

Avid audio solutions, from the Pro Tools

Ramadan 2015.

DAW to the Pro Tools | S6 console and

The sound system manager wanted to get

Venue family of live sound solutions such

the benefits of going digital and purchased

CONTACT Avid Aurora Tower, 19th Floor Office 1903, Media City PO Box 500646, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 559 0602 Social media: Website: YouTube: avid Facebook: AvidTechnology Twitter: Avid LinkedIn: avid-technology




MANUFACTURER Brainstorm Logo and Basic Reproduction

Pantone 877

Pantone 285





Regional Influence

as For-A Middle East, SOFTEDIT in

p rov i d e s

Brainstorm Multimedia as a corporation

Dubai, GHADEER Professional Services

industry-leading real-time

realises the multiple possibilities the

in Kuwait, DigitalCast in Iran as well as

3D graphics and virtual

Middle East and Africa have to offer in

Questek Technologies in South Africa.

set solutions for all broadcast graphic

the broadcast sector, especially in the

More recently Brainstorm Multimedia

types and workflows as well as for

booming of virtual studios in the Gulf

installed an Infinity Set virtual studio

feature-film production and 3D real-

in the past year. Brainstorm allocates

with unique patented technology at

time presentations. The Brainstorm

more resources in the region year after

NCMS (National Centre for Meteorology

customer list includes many of the

year and increases its efforts in renewing

and Seismology) in Abu Dhabi and

world’s leading broadcasters plus a large

opportunities where the potential is

Mozambique and an Aston 3D graphics

number of smaller and regional stations.


system at IRIB in Tehran. In addition,

Mu l t i m e d i a


Brainstorm’s flagship product eStudio,

Brainstorm has an extensive network

Brainstorm is willing to find new

considered the industry’s fastest on-air

of excellent resellers working all around

partners to intensify its presence in the

graphics and virtual studio engine, is the

the region, some of whom have been


base upon which all other Brainstorm

associated with them for many years.

At the recent IBC exhibition, the

products run.

These include Pharaon Broadcast in

Infinity Set was selected to be featured

With headquarters in Madrid and

Lebanon and Brainwaves in Egypt,

in What Caught My Eye, a special IBC

Valencia in Spain, Brainstorm is a

where the company has a huge number

video programme to highlight the most

company with a global reach and

of references such as LBC, Al Mayadeen,

eye-catching products and capabilities

committed to innovation, allocating 25%

Al Jadeed or ERTU, among many others.

at the exhibition. A highly sought-after

of the annual income to R&D.

Brainstorm also has valued partners such

‘award’, it has less than 30 companies





Production Services offices.

of the more than 1,800 exhibitors at

solution and the Aston 3D, a cutting-edge

IBC that are chosen to be represented.

real-time 3D graphics creation, CG and

Following on from winning the ‘IABM

playout solution.

Game Changer Award at NAB’, this is

Owing to the enormous success of

CONTACT Brainstorm Multimedia S.L.

further proof that the Infinity Set has

these events, Brainstorm will repeat

Avenida de la Albufera

unique, ground-breaking technologies

both this year. Those willing to attend

321, Planta 3, Of. 12

and features that are highly beneficial

and participate to watch the Brainstorm

for existing clients and new prospects

software in action may contact its

28031 Madrid, Spain

alike in setting themselves apart from

Commercial Department during

their competition. The unique Tele

CABSAT, or even to reserve a place for

Transporter, TrackFree Technology and

the upcoming Open House.

3D Presenter features were the main reasons for being selected.

As Softedit CEO Naiem Aiyed,

Tel: +34 91 781 67 50 Email: Borja Chirivella

Brainstorm’s reseller from UAE states,

ME Sales Manager

Brainstorm is in its sixth consecutive

“From the first stage of our relationship I

C/ Maestro Gozalbo, 23

year at Dubai CABSAT and is one of

realised that the Infinity Set fits perfectly

the major events that the company

in most of the requirements in the area - it

participates in the region. CABSAT

is powerful, visually engaging and full of

is not the only venue that Brainstorm

possibilities. I could confirm this feeling

attends in the region. Last year it

several weeks later, once we installed a

Jacobo García

organised an Open House in Dubai where

first reference in the Emirates at NCMS.

ME Sales Assistant

several broadcasters were invited and

Now I am about to open a training centre

Tel: +34 917 816 750

Brainstorm presented its award-winning

for the Infinity Set and Aston in my


Infinity Set, the most advanced virtual set

facilities to show potential customers.”

46005 Valencia. Spain Tel: +34 96 353 035



Datavideo engineers, designs and manufactures a wide range of innovative technologies for use in broadcast, AV, live event and production environments.





ased in Taipei, Datavideo

Production Switchers

engineers, designs and

The first Datavideo video switcher dates

manufactures a wide range

back to 1994. This small switcher was

of innovative technologies

rudimental but very powerful. It featured

for use in broadcast, AV, live event and

different wipe patterns, wipe colours and a

production environments. Founded in

basic audio mixer. The SE-200 was a huge

1985 in Taiwan, Datavideo has spread

leap forward with built-in title interface

globally with subsidiaries in America,

used for live events or recordings. Both

England, Canada, Netherlands, Singapore,

switchers were used by both consumers

Hong Kong, India, France and China.

and professionals.

With regional offices in North America,

The current lineup of production

Europe, the Indian sub-continent and

switchers includes small switchers

South East Asia, and a global network

with four input channels used in small

of distributors, Datavideo deliver full

productions, but there are also the larger

support to resellers, end users and

16 input HD switchers capable of being

integrators. Datavideo is located all over

used in master control setups.

the world with the EMEA office located in Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Mobile Studio Systems Datavideo excels in creating versatile and

Product Overview

highly flexible mobile studio systems.

Datavideo designs a wide range of highly

All mobile studios are based around

innovative broadcast equipment that are

the acclaimed switcher range. They are

easy-to-use, cost-effective and long-

mounted in an impact resistant case

lasting. These listed below are some of

with an in-built screen and enhanced

the successful product lines.

with equipment like talkback and tally



interfaces. These mobile studios are the

educational field, small broadcasting

size of a briefcase and weigh around nine

field, webcasting, enterprise companies


and other small production facilities. The

The larger studios have a pull-out screen

key feature of this line of virtual studios is

and can also be equipped with chromakeyers,

that it is very easy to operate. Anybody with

recorders, audio delay interfaces and

a slight knowledge of video production

streaming encoders. These portable studios

can operate the system. For instance, the

are mounted in a shockproof flight case.

chromakey is made in seconds using the

Datavideo carries several configurations

colour picker and with fine adjustment.

to suit different needs.

Rob Op de Beek, Managing Director, Datavideo Technologies Europe B.V.

Datavideo also carries full OB Van kits, which exists of one, two or three 27RU racks, fully catered to individual requirements. These racks are fitted for

This virtual studio line is based around 2D trackless technology which means the background is 2D and the camera feed is projected onto the background. The main advantage of 2D trackless technology is that

use in the back of a van with special rails

solution which consists of MCU camera

it creates backgrounds easily. It is also easy

to mount them to the floor or the car. They

controls, tally/talkback interface and video

to create a studio by arranging JPG images

can also be popped out in minutes to use

lookback, all through a single cable that can

in the special editor built into the system,

in a venue. Rack solutions can be entirely

run up to 100 metres.

but also available free as a standalone app

configured through a web portal at the

for any Windows PC.

Datavideo website or by contacting the

Virtual Studios

local Datavideo distributor. These rack

Datavideo has developed a line of virtual

solutions can hold the full Datavideo CCU

studio systems that can be used in the

Datavideo booth at IBC in Amsterdam.


To simulate camera movement, three virtual zoom phases are built in. The TVS series virtual studios all have


Datavideo EMEA office in Utrecht, The Netherlands.

two built-in clip players that support a

Datavideo also offers rack mounting kits for

in 1080p and output this through 3G-SDI.

majority of video codecs and containers.

these compact converters, as well as battery

The bigger PTC-150 has professional

It has built-in recording facilities with the

packs, tripod mounts and other accessories.

features like manual shading and iris,

choice of recording on the built-in hard

Extending composite video, HD-SDI and

whereas the PTC-120 has less of these

drive or the use of removable USB media.

3G-SDI can be done up to 1000 metres with

options sporting a smaller footprint. The

It is also possible to stream broadcast

the VP series active extenders, whereas

PTC-150 is controlled by the professional

directly from the system using the in-built

splitting and distributing 3G-SDI can be

RMC-180 controller that can store pre-

H.264 RTMP encoder. A majority of live

done with distribution amplifiers.

sets and can control up to four cameras. The smaller PTC-120 has a unique feature

streaming networks now use this format. The Datavideo TVS series virtual studio


wherein the control cable can be cascaded

is available as a one HDMI input version

Datavideo offers a highly innovative way

like a daisy chain.

(TVS-1000) and a two input 3G-SDI

of teleprompting with a clever system

version (TVS-1200). Also available is an

that can be mounted on a regular iPad or

AUX input board for ingesting an extra

Android tablet to the front of a camera.

HDMI channel.

Through a halfway mirror you can see your

Datavideo Technologies

tablet screen running the teleprompting

Europe B.V

Signal Conversion, Extension

software. With the professional version

Floridadreef 106

and Distribution

you can distribute the script wireless to


Datavideo offers highly compact, cost-

different teleprompters to sync them.


effective and high quality signal converters,


The Netherlands

extenders and distributors. These range

PTZ Cameras

Tel: +31 30 261 9656

from simple HDMI to SDI (and vice versa)

Datavideo carries a line of cost-effective


converters to very flexible up/down/

and high-quality PTZ cameras. These


cross converters for multiple standards.

cameras are both able to capture the image



Broadcasters worldwide use Fischer Connectors’ innovative connectors and cable assembly solutions to overcome their challenges and achieve top performance.





roadcasters worldwide

power, lighting and signal transmission.

use Fischer Connectors’

What they demand is high-performance,

interconnection and cable

reliable equipment. Fischer Connectors’

assembly solutions to

1051 HD Triax Pro+ connectors link HD

overcome their challenges and achieve

video cameras and related equipment

top performance. Known for their

dependably. Its plug-and-play circular

reliability, precision and resistance, the

connector and cabling solutions include

products of Fischer Connectors, a pioneer

fibre optic signal and power connectors,

and worldwide leader in circular push-

plus options for connecting the camera

pull connectors, have a proven track

control unit (CCU) to cameras, equipping

record in diverse broadcasting fields

outside broadcasting (OB) vans, and

requiring faultless quality. The company’s

connecting fibre media converters.

innovative products are used throughout

And when broadcasters need to reduce

the media industry and are suited to any

the size and weight of their equipment

broadcast, audio and video applications.

while guaranteeing signal quality, Fischer Connectors’ miniature connectors come

Meeting Broadcasters’


Specific Needs Broadcasters face all kinds of connectivity

Connectors and Cable Assembly

challenges, such as linking TV cameras to

Solutions for Broadcast Applications

signal transmitting devices in a TV studio

• Fischer FiberOptic Series and Fischer

or on location, integrating complex movie

Core Series Broadcast (1051 HD Triax

production systems in harsh environments and optimising onsite equipment to provide

Pro+) for all your audio-video needs. • Easy to clean, maintain and store.



• Simple, quick installation to save time.

outdoor and extreme applications when

• Easy field cleaning.

• Watertight IP68 for inside and outside

performance and reliability are key, offering

• Easy mating with its push-pull locking

the perfect plug-and-play solution for field


• Rugged and reliable.

broadcasting activities. This new technology

In 2013 the Fischer FiberOptic Series

• Engineered for easy field repair.

gives you the stability you need for a high-

received a ‘Best of IBC’ award in the

• Lightweight, miniature design suited for

quality optical link, plus:

category production and infrastructure.

• Unmatched device protection.

It maintains stable, high-quality optical


portable devices. • Fischer MiniMax Series, to combine signal and power in a single connector. Industry Standard The Fischer Core Series Broadcast 1051 Triax HD Pro+ is a recognised industry standard for both studio and outside broadcasting. In 2010 it won the ‘Best of IBC’ award for innovation and costefficiency. It’s the user-friendly choice for connecting cameras and the production area, be it a TV studio or an OB van, over long distances. It offers: • Long transmission distance. • Low cost of ownership. • Easy maintenance. Robust Optical Performance and Easy Cleaning with Plug-andPlay Fibre Optic Solutions The Fischer FiberOptic Series connectors and pre-configured reels are ideal for indoor,


links indoors or outdoors. IP67 sealing FISCHER CONNECTORS Fischer Connectors has been designing, manufacturing and distributing high-performance connectors and cable assembly solutions for more than 60 years. Known for their reliability, precision and resistance to demanding and harsh environments, Fischer Connectors’ products are commonly used in fields requiring faultless quality, such as broadcast, telecommunication, medical equipment, industrial instrumentation, measuring and testing devices and military forces worldwide. Primary design and manufacturing facilities are located in Saint-Prex, Switzerland, with subsidiaries and distributors located worldwide.

unmated (IP68 mated) provides unmatched device protection, ensuring suitability even for harsh environments. The removable sleeve holder and push-pull locking system make them easy to connect, disconnect and disassemble for quick, efficient field cleaning. You can choose from fibre optic solutions (with two or four optical channels) and fibre optic hybrid solutions (with two fibre channels and two electrical contacts) saving space, time and money. Coupled with their new accessories unveiled at IBC 2015, the Fischer FiberOptic Series pre-configured reels make fibre optic deployment and transmission testing in the field as easy as child’s play. They’ve been designed to simplify technical support teams’ lives by facilitating fibre optic deployment (daisy chaining) and transmission testing in the field (loopback).


Thanks to Fischer Connectors’ extensive portfolio, the company can design a unique


solution for your application. For rugged applications when weight matters, for example, by packing more functionality into smaller devices, the Fischer UltiMate Series overcomes

Fischer Connectors Ch. du Glapin 20 CH-1162 Saint-Prex

space and weight restrictions, giving


designers more flexibility. Their lightness,

Tel: +41 21 800 95 95

high density, IP68 sealing, colour coding and


reliability meet the stringent requirements of


varied broadcasting applications. High Density, Signal & Power in One Miniature Connector When it comes to miniaturising broadcasters’ equipment while guaranteeing signal quality, the Fischer MiniMax Series connectors and cable solutions come handy. Awarded ‘Best of 2015’ by TM Broadcast International magazine, the Series fulfills all of the requirements of the HDMI protocol and can be used for audio/video applications, such as HDMI-compliant source devices as display controller, a compatible computer monitor, video projector, digital television, or digital audio device. A compact, rugged power and signal solution with a high data rate, means less connector, a smaller housing and lighter equipment. • Up to 45% smaller and 75% lighter. • Greater reliability, even in harsh environments (IP68 mated and unmated). • Available in 19 and 24 contacts. With a screened twisted pairs cable, these connectors have also been tested as belonging to Class Ea of ISO/IEC 11801, and can thus be used for applications such as 10Gigabit Ethernet, Firewire or Power over Ethernet.

Fibre optic deployment and transmission testing in the field as easy as child’s play: when it comes to capturing HD images in the field, the trend is towards plug-and-play fibre optic solutions. In enabling broadcasters to save setup, field deployment and testing time, the Fischer FiberOptic turnkey solutions give more modularity, more flexibility and more value for money.





itachi Kokusai Electric Turkey

Outside Broadcasting trucks that the

Vehicle-based Systems

(HKT) is headquartered

company designs and manufactures within

DSNG Systems: HKT’s DSNG systems are

in Istanbul, Turkey with a

its facilities. Also, Hitachi Kokusai Electric

based on the Mercedes Vito, Sprinter and

manufacturing facility in

Turkey build and integrate earth stations

Iveco vehicle models, weighing up to seven

for satellite communications, terrestrial

tonnes each. Vehicles from other leading

HKT provides sales and maintenance

sites and complete production studios to

car makers can be converted as well. For

services based on a ‘local production

create turnkey solutions for its customers.

systems integration purposes, the company

the Tuzla Free Trade Zone near Istanbul.

uses its range of antenna systems, satcom

for local consumption’ business model focussing on locally developed, designed and manufactured products in Turkey’s free trade zones. From its 8000 square metre production facility, HKT manufactures some of the broadcast market’s most cost-effective high-end products, systems and solutions

SOLUTIONS Vehicle Based Systems. Coachwork. Mobile Antenna Systems.

equipment and components, making turnkey solutions economically efficient. Comfort Series: These are compact and fast-responsive, based on the Mercedes Vito model with precise in-house coach building interior modifications. They are

serving customers in the regional broadcast

Satcom Equipment.

industry and government institutions.

Broadcast Cameras.

Pals PKM-120L antenna system and HD


Studio & Network Systems.

baseband production infrastructure.

manufactures mobile antenna systems,

Broadcast Media Solutions.

Smart Series: HKT’s SMART series of

controllers and SATCOM components,

Broadcast Sites.

DSNG vehicles are designed to be versatile

which are integrated into customised

Satellite Earth Station.

and ready for SNG/production, supporting

DSNG (Digital Satellite News Gathering)

Telecom Emergency systems.

up to four camera channels and with




vehicles, special purpose vehicles or


SD/HD MPEG-2/4 Encoding, RF with

sufficient space for HD A/V production




equipment and accessories. They represent

broadcasters all the mobile production and

4K Ultra-HDTV camera, a super slow-

some of the market’s most cost-effective

broadcasting capabilities they need. HKT

motion camera, a new version wireless

and reliable SNG systems, including vehicle

OB vans can support up to 16 HD cameras.

camera system, together with the

design and coach-building. These have SD/

OB-BOX: OB Box is a fully featured modular

company’s latest 3 MOS sensor series

HD MPEG-2/4 encoding, RF with Pals

OB facility, which is delivered to the

cameras - the SK-HD1300 and Z-HD6000

PDA150 antenna and 400W Ku.

customer and then mounted onto a vehicle’s

- as well as the DK-Z50,DK-H100 and 3G

Producer Series: HKT’s PRODUCER

chassis using a proprietary fixing kit.

DK-H200 POV Box cameras.

designed for fast, flexible live productions

Broadcast System Cameras

Satcom Equipment

and transmission of (HD) outdoor events.

HKT offers one of the market’s broadest,

For mobile SNG antenna systems, HKT

Outside Broadcast Vehicles: HKT’s broad

most advanced and diverse range of

manufactures satcom equipment which

base of experience in design and systems

broadcast system cameras. Developed

include antenna controllers, redundancy

integration of high-end video production

to meet the most demanding acquisition

switch systems, real time uplink power

studios is utilised to convert large vehicles

needs, these camera systems include the

controllers or remote monitoring and

into mobile digital studios (OB vans), giving

company’s market leading SK-UHD4000

control systems for earth stations.

series of DSNG vehicles are specifically



and archiving products - from simple studio facilities to complex multi-lingual, multi-platform play-out centres. The HKT team design and integrate various digital headend platforms configured to be extremely reliable and easy to operate for a single channel or multi-channel applications. Broadcast Transmission Networks HKT designs transmission towers for terrestrial broadcasting of TV and radio channels using the DVB-T and DVB-H standards. The company’s technical solutions include all transmitters and components, base, shelter and additional infrastructure.

CONTACT Hitachi Kokusai Electric Turkey Palladium Residence, Halk Street No:8/A 34746 Atasehir Istanbul, Turkey Mobile Antenna Systems

Systems Integration

HKT designs and manufactures a range

Media network solutions: HKT offers

of carbon fibre SNG antenna systems,

media network solutions, including

including drive-away antennas up to

earth stations, video networks, broadcast

240cm and flyaway antennas up to

studios and transmission sites to produce


and distribute live data, audio, video, voice

Branch Office & Factory Hitachi Kokusai Electric Turkey Istanbul Industry and Trade Free Zone Akif Kopuz Street. No:3

and internet.

34957 Tuzla

flexible mobile transmission for satellite

Earth stations: HKT builds earth stations

İstanbul, Turkey

news gathering, outside broadcasting and

that are 2.4 to 11m in diameter, configured

Tel: +90 216 394 29 08

communication during critical missions.

for C-, X, KU, DBS and KA-band.

Fax: +90 216 394 29 09

Systems are lightweight and provide

Antennas are ultra-light with composite


carbon fibre construction; they have dual

Broadcast Studio Facilities

optic configuration/C, Ku, DBS feeds.

HKT’s system designers deliver solutions


These models are fully compliant with

across the complete broadcast chain,

satellite operators.

integrating the best automation, server







VC has a longstanding reputation

a cine-style shallow depth-of-field look,

recording with the fast shoot-to-edit

for build quality, service and

and this has proved a very desirable

workflow JVC customers have come to

reliability, earned over decades

combination of features to customers


of being at the forefront of

looking to begin 4K acquisition even if

The GY-LS300CHE features JVC’s 4K

technological innovation in both consumer

delivery is required only in HD. JVC’s

Super 35mm CMOS sensor, combined with

and professional markets. From creating

4KCAM product line comprises three

an industry standard Micro Four Thirds

the first personal video player, to more

handheld camcorders and a remote camera

(MFT) lens mount. It records to non-

recent developments of live streaming

head system, each offering 4K and HD

proprietary SDHC and SDXC media cards

and extensive network connectivity in

recording with professional features in

in a variety of image formats including 4K

its professional 4K and HD camcorders,

a compact design. An

JVC has continually sought to push the


boundaries of quality, ingenuity and

to JVC’s successful

usability in its products. The main areas

ProHD product line, the

for JVC are content creation for film and

cameras feature dual SDHC/

broadcast, display technology and studio

SDXC card slots for dual,

solutions. JVC not only offers individual

backup and continuous

Ultra HD, full HD with 4:2:2


products in the Middle East region but also fully-configured operational systems. 4KCAM Professional Camcorders In the last year, JVC introduced a number of affordable 4K camcorders including the GY-LS300CHE Super35 camera, which offers 4K acquisition along with



sampling, SD and web-

uses the camera’s innovative technology

friendly proxy formats.

to allow zoom capabilities when using

JVC’s unique Variable

prime lenses. For this and the GY-

Scan Mapping technology

HM170/200 camcorders, there’s now a 70-

maintains the native angle of view for

bit mode to enable 4K recording on

a variety of lenses, including Super 35,

standard Class 10 SDXC cards, a

MFT and Super 16, and as a result,

histogram, new zebra indication

lens options are almost limitless,

and a variety of live streaming

making this camcorder ideal for

changes (GY-LS300 and GY-

customers who have already invested

HM200 only). There’s also the

in high quality lenses.

ability to trigger recordings via

The versatile fixed lens GY-HM200E

HDMI/SDI and JVC LUT support

and GY-HM170E camcorders offer an

via the Atomos Shogun and Ninja

outstanding combination of professional

Assassin external recorders.

features and performance for any filming

shoe and dedicated microphone mount

scenario. They deliver 4K Ultra HD, 4:2:2

(mic not included) and SDI and HDMI

Studio Solutions

full HD (50Mbps) and SD images with a 1

video outputs. This model adds all the

JVC’s developing relationship with

/ 2.3” BSI CMOS chip. Thanks to the latest

IP features from the top-of-the-range

Bradley/BR Remote is borne of the

free firmware update, they now include 120

JVC camcorders too, including excellent

intention to expand its range of solutions

fps recording in HD mode for smooth slow

network connectivity, FTP file transfer and

into the studio environment. JVC sees

motion effects. The camcorders feature a

live streaming capabilities. A built-in HD

an increasing demand for affordable

built-in 12x zoom lens with optical image

streaming engine with Wi-Fi and 3G/4G

HD and 4K studio solutions and the

stabiliser and 24x dynamic zoom in HD

connectivity allows live HD transmission

Bradley range is a perfect complement


directly from the GY-HM200E to hardware

to its existing studio products. JVC has

decoders, popular streaming websites and

enjoyed success with its GY-HM890

content delivery networks.

studio camera, alongside its production

The GY-HM200E also includes dual XLR audio inputs that are


mic/line switchable with

JVC sees the updating of firmware

monitors, recorders and related studio

built-in phantom power, an

to deliver new functionality within

components. The Bradley range adds a

integrated handle with hot

cameras as being critical to adding value

series of pan/tilt heads, integrated PTZ

to its customers’

cameras and studio control products,

investment in its

enabling JVC to offer a full range of 4K/

products. Since

HD studio solutions alongside existing

the launch of

products for corporate, education and


full broadcast environments.


range, there have

JVC has also launched the new DT-N

been a number

Series of studio monitors, with three

of very significant

models supporting up to Cinema 2K

upgrades adding in many new

2048x1080p signal sources. They include

features and improvements.

an array of professional features, such

For the GY-LS300, the latest

as waveform monitors, vector scope,

upgrade adds a JVC Log mode

histogram and 3G support, and are

that practically duplicates the look of film,

ideal for a wide range of broadcast,

plus Cinema 4K and Cinema 2K recording

OB, production and post-production

and a unique prime zoom feature that



Paddy Taylor, Sales Manager, MEA.

Camcorders for Global

With dual codecs and built-in FTP/wi-

years ago, the company made professional

Content Delivery

fi connectivity, getting your story on air

HD production affordable. Its 4KCAM

JVC continues to see the demand for IP

becomes fast and simple whether you need

product line follows that same tradition

connectivity growing as network and

a video stream or a complete broadcast

with cameras that make ultra-high definition

mobile infrastructure increases in capacity.

news story.

4K economical for cinematographers,

This now encompasses all aspects of IP

For the camera operator, this live

webcasters and broadcasters, corporate and

connectivity, from remote camera control,

streaming facility means it is possible to

live event production teams and independent

file transfer, live streaming and metadata

transmit urgent news directly and then


exchange. JVC was an early adopter of IP

follow this up with pristine quality HD

capability within its cameras, starting with

footage to the broadcast station via FTP at

the GY-HM650E camcorder, which is used

a later time. From high-quality HD video

in a wide range of ENG and production

to light, web-friendly proxy video data,

environments. The company has continued

delivering footage back to the studio has

to add to its IP functionality both with

never been faster or easier. In addition, the

new products, such as the GY-HM200 4K

company’s collaboration with Streamstar

camcorder and GY-LS300 Super 35mm

means that remote control of JVC

Dubai, UAE

camcorder and via free firmware upgrades

camcorder settings and zoom functions/

Email: exportsales@

to existing models.

CONTACT JVCKENWOOD Gulf Branch Jebel Ali Free Zone (South) PO Box 61161

presets are now available from within

Live streaming is a key feature of many of

the Streamstar live production software;

Tel: +971 4 816 5201

JVC’s camcorders, including the handheld

unique IP video stream inputs enable JVC


GY-HM650, the shoulder-mounted GY-

streaming camcorders located anywhere

HM850 and the GY-HM890 studio camera.

in the world to be used in live production.

Ideal for news, sport, production and web

With their elegant and user-friendly design,

applications, JVC camcorders’ innovative

JVC’s hand-held and shoulder-mounted

Facebook: JVCProfessional

streaming facility allows footage to be

4KCAM and ProHD camcorders are already

LinkedIn: company/495671

streamed live at the same time as recording

widely used throughout the region. When

full HD to the SDHC/SDXC memory card.

JVC launched its ProHD product line a few

Twitter: jvcprofessional

Social media: YouTube: JVCProEU







early five decades of

Lawo played a major role in global

operation. VSM uses a TCP/IP backbone

innovation have made Lawo

sporting events in 2014 – the Winter Games

and manufacturer-independent protocols

a world leader in IP-based

(Russia), the Asian Games (South Korea)

for controlling and monitoring all relevant

video, audio and control

and the World Cup (Brazil) which included

hardware in OB Vans, studio facilities and

for TV and radio broadcast production.

the application of IP-based solutions that

TV and Radio MCRs. The system controls

Its products are used in sports and

allowed remote production from Rio de

all major brands and models of video and

entertainment events, as well as theatres

Janeiro. These were followed in 2015 e.g.

audio routers, video and audio mixers,

and houses of worship worldwide. Lawo’s

by Formula One, the Biathlon World Cup,

intercoms, under-monitor displays and

portfolio includes solutions for IP video

the Australian Open and the US Open,

multiviewers, glue equipment and third-

core infrastructure, video processing

the Tour de France and the FINA World

party devices.

and routing and audio-to-IP interfacing,

Championships. The Lawo Team is looking

theWALL allows configuration of any

as well as digital audio mixing and

forward to its part in similar sporting

video monitor wall, signal routing, mosaic

routing. In addition to manufacture,

events in 2016.

layouts changes and use of user-presets

Lawo supplies both dry-hire and turnkey

through a HTML5-based app that runs on

solutions for major international sports

Product Lines

any mobile device. It enables operators and

and entertainment events.

Broadcast Control and

Engineers in Charge (EIC) to configure

Monitoring Systems

monitor walls in OBs or studios swiftly and

is run by the founder’s son Philipp and

Lawo’s VSM-System (Virtual Studio

on-the-fly. Instead of operating specific

employs more than 300 people in Europe,

Manager) integrates management of TV

multiviewer configuration software or

Asia, Australia and the Americas. More

and radio production equipment within

requiring time-consuming changes of

than 40 regional representatives and

a single system, providing unmatched

layout, users manage multiviewers with

partners guarantee customer support.

benefits in workflow and simplified

a single tool, saving setup time during

A family-owned organisation, Lawo



production and providing new levels of efficiency and operability. Video Solutions for IPbased infrastructures Lawo’s V__line video broadcast tools support workflows with unprecedented efficiency and compactness. V__remote4 is a bidirectional multichannel video/audioto IP-interface for remote production, providing a one-box solution for video and audio signal transport and processing in WAN-based remote productions. The 19”/1RU unit includes everything from J2K video-over-IP coding to monitoring and processing tools and uses virtual cabling to effect IP infrastructure benefits and cost savings. It includes parallel production-quality en/decoding of four uncompressed, raw -format video streams (SMPTE2022-6/-7 compliant) and four JPEG2000 video streams (VSF-TR01 compliant), as well as parallel encoding of four MJPEG and two H.264 video streams for monitoring. It supports source-timed, frame-accurate switching of SMPTE2022-6 video, in combination with VSM control systems. Its robust J2K codec and SMPTE2022-7 compatible port redundancy ensure uncompromised signal availability and quality. Lawo’s EPS technology for enhanced protection switching further

perfect transmission path gateway for AWARDS After receiving an Emmy Engineering Plaque in 2013, Lawo won the IABM award for the EBU/ VRT Live IP project, and a TVB Award for the Eurovision Song Contest 2015 (with ORF and EBU) for ‘Outstanding Broadcast’. Further recognition has come from the Panorama Audiovisual Jury (Brazil), and in the form of ‘Best of Show’ awards from TVBEurope and InstallationEurope.

enables system designs with true hardware and network redundancy.

multichannel productions. In use, DutchView Infostrada’s Cloud Production platform recently aired the world’s first live multi-camera broadcast using cloud-based technology. Integrating Lawo’s IP-based video, audio and routing, the infrastructure is centrally controlled via VSM. The setup comprises V__remote4 IP video production units as well as mc²56 audio mixing consoles, Nova compact routers, DALLIS I/O systems and A__mic8 analogue-to-IP audio interfaces. All video streams are furnished as uncompressed SMPTE 2022-6/-7; the audio streams use the AES67-compliant RAVENNA protocol.

with sample-rate conversion, 8x8 video

V__pro8 is the ‘Swiss Army Knife’

matrix, 384x384 audio matrix, time-code

Audio-to-IP Interfacing

of video processing, interconnecting

insertion, test-pattern generation, surround

The A__line series of 19”/1RU audio-to-

signals in different video formats and

down-mixing, quad split multi-viewer, plus

IP interfaces for broadcast, live and install

bridging between audio and video within

tools for monitoring and metering – through

applications transports analogue and

a studio infrastructure via high-density

an intuitive HTML5 GUI.

digital audio signals using IP network

audio connections (including MADI and

A DOLBY E option provides up to four

environments. Based on RAVENNA

RAVENNA/AES67). It features two-

DOLBY E en/decoders for fully compatible

technology, all A__line devices are AES67

channel, high-quality up/down/cross-format

management of multichannel audio on a

audio-over-IP interoperability compatible,

conversion, eight-channel colour correction,

single AES3 connection, with Dolby E

and come with VisCon__navigator software

frame sync, separate video and audio delay

metadata. In combination with the Dolby

for set-up of audio and video streams without

on all channels, embedding/de-embedding

E Auto Aligner, the V__pro 8 becomes the

the necessity for deep IT knowledge.



While the A__mic 8 features eight Lawo-

with RAVENNA/AES67 technology, all mc2

frame. Nova routers provide maximum

grade mic/line inputs and four line outputs,

series consoles integrate seamlessly into

reliability and flexibility and significantly

A__digital 8 offers eight AES3 inputs and

future-proof IP infrastructures.

enhanced workflows. They also have native

four AES3 outputs, and A__madi4 four

integration of AES67/RAVENNA audioover-IP technology.

MADI interfaces. All units provide two

Radio Broadcast Solutions

RAVENNA/AES67 Ethernet ports and

crystal and sapphire radio consoles support

eight GPIOs. For large-scale infrastructure

self-ops programme production with

Installations in the Middle East

installations, Lawo provides modular high-

tools like VisTool customisable screen

Broadcasters and OB companies in the

density audio-to-IP interfacing based on

building software used to create custom

Middle East and Africa are benefitting from

DALLIS I/O systems.

status displays, tablet and touchscreen-

the use of Lawo systems. These include

based button panels and mixing console

installations at Qatar TV, Al Kass and Al

Broadcast production consoles

controllers, as well as to capture and manage

Jazeera Children’s Channel, Oman TV,

Lawo’s mc236, mc256, mc266 and mc290

snapshots and for rights management. Lawo

Radio Jeddah/Radio Riyadh, Sky Arabia

mixing consoles set new broadcast

radio consoles are RAVENNA/AES67

News, IRIB, ORTAS, ERTU, Radio Tunis,

standards, allowing operators to focus on

native and operate stand-alone or within

LiveHD, and beIN Sports’ massive playout

their work rather than their equipment.

a networked environment.

centre. Most recently, Oman TV equipped a

Solutions are scalable, offering maximum

new OB truck with an mc2 56 audio console

reliability for every task. With the 2014

Audio Routing

and Al Dawri & Al Kass Sports Channel

debut of the mc236, Lawo extended its

Acknowledged by the Emmy jury as a

furnished its new HD studio complex with

application range, adding an all-in-one

benchmark in audio routing, Lawo’s Nova

a Lawo installation that provides innovative

mixing desk with a feature-set covering

series offers modular construction, Dual

networking. In radio, Dubai’s MBC Radio

broadcast, theatre, houses of worship, live

Star network topology and scalable routing

has adopted studio workflow from sapphire

and install applications. Natively equipped

of up to 8192x8192 crosspoints in a single

radio consoles and Nova routers. CONTACT Lawo Am Oberwald 8 76437 Rastatt, Germany Tel: +49 72 22 10 02-0 Email: Contact Person: Klaus-Jörg Jasper International Sales & Projects Manager Tel: +41 43 388 68 07 Email: Social Media: Website: Facebook: Linkedin: lawo Twitter: lawo





ounded in 1954, Miller Camera

countries. It is comforting to know that

Support Equipment designs

when you own a Miller you are in good

and manufactures professional


fluid heads and tripods for the

film and television industry, inspiring

Why Choose a Miller?

the world’s leading camera operators

Miller Camera Support Equipment is a

to imagine, create and tell their story.

company solely dedicated to designing

Celebrating more than 60 years in the

and manufacturing fluid heads, tripods

industry, Miller is a long-time, global

and other ancillary camera support

leader in the field of specialised camera

equipment. Each product is made by

support and holds the world’s first patent

passionate, zealous and highly skilled

for fluid head design, acquired in 1946.

craftsmen whose combined number of

With more than 200,000 systems in use,

years of experience adds up to centuries.

Miller’s camera support systems are used

Miller products are made from the

globally in electronic news gathering

highest quality, environment-friendly

(ENG), electronic field production (EFP)

materials and manufactured using high-

and cinema and television productions by

precision CNC machinery and modern

the world’s leading networks, production

manufacturing processes under strict

houses, corporate, educational and

quality control. Each product is tested to

government institutions in more than 65

a stringent tolerance and performance


Miller takes on the rugged Canadian wilderness with Derek Frankowski.




2090 Cineline 70 System.

regime through multiple levels of quality

and a smooth fluid head is to capturing

the payload capacity. Payload capacity is

control, starting at raw material level,

that perfect shot. When choosing a tripod

dependent not only on the dead weight

followed by component level and finally at

system, think ahead 5 to 10 years because

of the rig but also on the centre of gravity

finished product level. Before the product

this piece of equipment will most likely

of the total camera rig placed on top of

is shipped, a final check is made before

still be with you then. So will it still do the

the fluid head, including the camera,


job? Choosing the right fluid head and

lens and other accessories. Centre of


tripod system depends on many factors,

gravity (COG) is defined as the point at

manufacturing results in many years of




for example, the type and size of the

which the entire weight of a body may

trouble-free service evident by the large

camera, shooting style, type of location

be considered as concentrated, so that if

quantity of Miller products sold many

and then finally budget. The Miller

supported at this point, the body would

years ago that are still in use.

recommendation is to not shy away from

remain in equilibrium in any position. The

stretching the budget as, as most people

centre of gravity of a symmetrical cube is

How to Choose a Fluid Head

regret having skimped a few years down

the physical centre of the cube. A camera

from the Miller Range

the track.

rig however is not a symmetrical object

If you ask any camera operator what they

and its COG may be anywhere along the

consider to be the most important piece

Payload and Payload Range

length of the rig and between 50mm to

of equipment, they will most likely tell

One of the most important things you need

150mm or more, above the camera plate.

you how important a rock solid tripod

to consider when choosing a fluid head is

Typically, fluid head manufacturers



the rig is tilted backwards or forward.

shooting a long sequence where the

If the CB force is too strong, then the rig

fluid head needs to be locked in a fixed

will spring back and CB should be set to

position, the locking action should not

a lower step. If the CB is too light, the

cause any picture disturbance. Miller uses

rig will go towards the full tilt position

a floating caliper locking system, which

and CB should be increased. By selecting

means that the caliper is freely floating

the right CB position, using the Counter

and automatically finds the right position

Balance selector knob, you are looking

enabling it to grab the locking disc without

to select a spring with the right amount

causing bounce or picture disturbance.

of force to keep the rig at approximately

When choosing a fluid head:

half tilt, without springing back to level

• Buy it for long-term and do not skimp

or dropping to full tilt.

on price. • Choose the head with the right payload

Drag Resistance

due to changing rig configurations.

hallmarks of Miller’s fluid drag system.

• Smooth start, soft stops and constant

In much the same way as the stroke of

drag are fundamental requirements of

a rower is controlled by water, the fluid drag system applies carefully controlled Geoff Mackley with Arrow tripod system in the crater of the Marum Volcano on Ambrym Island in Vanuatu.

capacity keeping in mind varying COG

Smooth starts and soft stops are the

a fluid head. • The locking mechanism should not

resistance to ensure the force (torque)

create a disturbance in the picture.

generated by the camera operator is

• Miller staff and dealers are always

counteracted by constant resistance for

present to assist with any information

the entire pan or tilt action including start

and advice required.

and stop. Miller prides itself and is known specify the payload range at 100mm above

to make the world’s best constant drag

the camera plate.

fluid heads with soft starts and soft stops.


Stepped drag enables the user to precisely

Miller Camera Support

Counter Balance

and repeatedly select the level of drag

Counter balance is used to counter the

depending upon the focal length of the


weight of the camera rig when tilting. The

lens, shooting frame rate, distance from

amount of counter balance force required

the subject, subject size and the speed of

depends on the weight of the rig and the

camera movement.

30 Hotham Pde Artarmon, NSW 2064 Australia Tel: +61 2 8436 6111 Website:

location of its centre of gravity. When

In addition to pan and tilt drag, when

setting up a fluid head with the camera rig

choosing a fluid head diagonal drag needs

mounted the balance point of the rig needs

to be symmetrical in all directions. For

to be found by sliding the rig backwards

example, if both pan and tilt drag is set

or forward to a point of equilibrium with

on position 3, then drag should feel the

Asia & Africa

counter balance set to minimum. After the

same in every direction.

Tel: +61 2 9439 6377

Joseph White Regional Sales Manager,

Tel: +61 (0)437 774 445

camera rig is balanced to a point where the rig stays level, the Counter Balance

Pan and Tilt Locks

Fax: +61 2 9438 2819

(CB) springs, built-in within the head

Camera operators in the know, look for


take over when CB is stepped up and

bounce-free pan and tilt locks. When





n a milestone year, which saw Newtec

help Newtec’s customers keep up with the

• Consumer and enterprise VSAT.

celebrate its 30th anniversary, it is

insatiable demand for more bandwidth at

• Government and defence.

fitting that 2015 saw the company

lower costs. While transmission efficiency

• Mobility offshore and maritime.

continue to champion innovation.

is important, reliability is essential. The

This has been Newtec’s mission since

company’s roots in mission critical


it was founded in 1985 and today, the

services, such as TV broadcast and high-

Newtec offers powerful capabilities

specialist in designing, developing and

speed trunking, means equipment must

including Equalink 3 pre-distortion,

manufacturing satellite communications

be built to last.

equipment and technologies is continuing to break barriers. Products offered by Newtec include modulators, modems, redundancy switches, frequency converters, gateways, combiners, network optimisation units and hubs. The company is particularly focused on pushing the limits of spectral efficiency, with the introduction of technologies like wideband DVB-S2X, Mx-DMA, Bandwidth Cancellation and predistortion Equalink 3 – all of which aim to


which allows operators to increase their It’s the magic of satellite space segment efficiency by up to 20% main challenges in the following segments without changing the end-users’ existing communications that within the broadcast vertical market: Set Top Boxes (STBs) or impacting the allows information to be uplink chain in any way, other than • Direct-to-Home (DTH) broadcast. • Direct-to-Transmission Tower (DTT). updating the modulators to the latest transmitted anywhere, • Distribution to local headends. Newtec M6100 series. This will help position broadcasters as they gradually • Fixed contribution. helping to build a safer, migrate to HD and then to 4K in the • Satellite News Gathering (SNG). • Multi-Service BroadCast better (MSBC) future. informed and Networks. Another example would be for SNG or morefixedconnected world contribution, where the DVB-S2X In addition, Newtec caters for: standard can save more than 20% of the for everyone. • Cellular backhaul and trunking. space segment OPEX. Newtec’s solutions aim to address the





based on Newtec Dialog. By choosing Newtec Dialog, Intelsat is addressing the increasing pressure on media companies to meet the demands of a

It’s the magic of satellite communications that It’s the magic of satellite allows information to be communications that transmitted anywhere, allows information to be helping to build a safer, transmitted anywhere, better informed helping to build aand safer, more connected world better informed and for everyone. more connected world for everyone.


‘television everywhere’ society, as well as the challenges posed by the growing complexity of workflow management. Network Innovations (NI) has developed


its ‘Maverick’ service which is ideal for SNG-broadcast, government and energy clients wanting true dynamic bandwidth allocation via satellite. Through Maverick, NI offers the best and most efficient platform with flexibility and cost savings for its VSAT services worldwide. In addition to efficiency, scalability and flexibility, Newtec Dialog enables the automation of broadcast workflows and effective usage of available hardware

MOBILITY, OFFSHORE & MOBILITY, MARITIME OFFSHORE & MARITIME MSBC The Newtec Dialog multi-service platform is one example of how the application

and bandwidth resources. A sophisticated resource scheduling and workflow automation engine reduces costs, saves time and allows broadcasters to rapidly

• Control and automation of the

deploy new services as the market evolves.

contribution link from the SNG to the

The ground-breaking product was


awarded the World Teleport Association’s

of cutting-edge Newtec technology can

• Workflow automation incorporates the

‘Teleport Technology of the Year’ award

add significant value to the broadcast

management of available space segment

at the beginning of 2015. Its benefits,

vertical market. The primary driver for

and satellite ground equipment.

along with others brought by Newtec

developing this technology is reducing

• End-to-end system approach to

technology, can be applied to all of

clients’ OPEX and CAPEX, as well as

broadcast content exchange, whereby

Newtec’s key markets, as already outlined.

increasing operational flexibility.

VSAT and SCPC technologies are

Within the broadcast vertical market,

merged into one single multi-service

The Rise of HTS

Newtec Dialog brings automated

platform supporting always-on IP

The continued growth of High

workflows. The Newtec Dialog multi-

connectivity for data and voice services.

Throughput Satellite (HTS) has been a key

service broadcast platform is a single multi-

• Automated FNG live/file contributions

driver in Newtec’s product development

service platform designed to support and

for additional broadcast workflow

strategy. A further expansion of HTS

automate mixed occasional use live and


is on the horizon, bringing enormous

file broadcast workflows, in combination with always-on data and voice services. Benefits to operators include:

opportunities for operators and service To give two examples, Intelsat has

providers alike. However, in order to

launched a next-generation MSBC

ensure that all levels of the value chain get



the most out of HTS, choosing the right

VSAT terminal.

economics for their customers.

The setup will allow for broadcasting in

This important achievement shows

Looking at the HTS evolution, Newtec

the new DVB-S2X standard, while the Al

Newtec can utilise the capabilities of next-

has identified a clear trend towards

Yah 3 satellite will extend the company’s

generation satellites by using technology

multi-service networks across the

commercial Ka-band coverage to an

that is available today. Reaching this record

industry. Although the majority of VSAT

additional 19 countries and 600 million

demonstrates unparalleled efficiency at

terminals are deployed for consumer

users, covering more than 95% of Brazil’s

any rate, whether on low-speed voice or

broadband, much of the revenue actually


data connection or for medium-speed

ground segment technology is essential.

comes from high-end applications, like

A key factor in Yahsat’s decision to opt

mobility, oil and gas and cellular backhaul.

for Newtec Dialog was its capabilities to

By combining all these applications on

help it appeal to wider demographics in

a single platform, network operators

the markets in which it operates, meaning

can maximise economies of scale while

the platform may also be deployed in other

diversifying their business.

territories across Yahsat’s footprint.

backhaul links, all the way up to ultrahigh-speed trunks.


With a diverse modem portfolio and three return technologies, the Newtec

Breaking Barriers to Set

Laarstraat 5, B-9100 Sint-Niklaas,

Dialog multi-service platform was

New World Records


specifically designed to address this wide

Aside from reliability, speed and efficiency

Tel: +32 3 780 65 00

range of applications. Only 20 months

are also important to Newtec. In the

since it was released, Newtec Dialog has

past, the company has broken several

already been chosen by many customers

speed barriers and also demonstrated its

as a way of streamlining, expanding and

industry-leading spectral efficiency.

future-proofing their businesses.

Newtec has now taken this a step further and achieved a world first for

Connecting 600 Million Users

the amount of throughput in a single

Satellite services provider Yahsat chose

transponder – putting 20Mbps into

Newtec Dialog to prepare for the launch

2MHz. Maximising bits per second per

of its new satellite Al Yah 3, which is

Hz has always been a priority for Newtec

scheduled for service launch in early 2017.

and is increasingly important as satellite

The Newtec Dialog hub will be used as

operators and service providers look to

part of a new gateway in Brazil, along

launch new services while delivering

with various types of the Newtec Ka-band

higher performance and improved


Email: Website: Regional Office Dubai Media City Aurora Tower, Office 1203-A, PO Box 502388, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 4436058 Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: newtec_satcom YouTube: NewtecSatcom SlideShare: newtec_satcom






anasonic, one of the global

prestigious Emmy awards which got the

the most anticipated upcoming global



brand’s pioneering presence under spotlight

events; hosting Expo 2020 and World

electronics and technology,

in large-scale video monitoring systems,

Cup 2022 will provide ample scope to


has been providing the

broadcast digital VTR, Digital Production

invest in quality products. As governments

discerning broadcast and professional

Switcher, Variable Frame Rate Camcorder

are initiating and emphasising on smart

audio-video community for over 30 years.

“Varicam” and many more.

administration it is the responsibility of

Its products and solutions have been

Says Masa Kitamura, “We see a promising

companies like ours to support, innovate

actively serving a diverse set of categories

future in the region due to the advent of

and take ahead the vision of governments

within business communities around the

and at large, the people of the region.

world – in news (ENG), studios, sports

Panasonic is coming with the next wave

and live events, broadcast stations, OB

of innovation in professional 4K broadcast

Vans, film making, concerts, government,

and professional solutions and patrons

education and more. The brand’s wide

in the business will start taking note of

network of agents, distributors and

advancements that we are bringing which

resellers, specifically in the AV professional

will definitely support this growth drive in

category have been strongly supporting in

the industry.”

reaching out to deserving customers. With a view of the unprecedented change

Expansion Plans

in the world of broadcasting and electronic

Panasonic, as a people-focussed company,

media at present, Panasonic has plans to

trusts in the fact that people make the

make a radical shift in the kind of existence it has in the Middle East and Africa region. Panasonic’s three decades of expertise have achieved several milestones including the


Masa Kitamura, General Manager, Broadcast Division (Sub-division of System Solutions & Communication Division), Panasonic.

organisation and make it successful. By expanding its operations in the Middle East and Africa, Panasonic is thereby upsizing its broadcast team in the region taking


a strategic leap for improving customer

field of play to the spectators, Panasonic

pixels) OLED panel shows wide field

engagement and experience.

products and solutions capture every

angle with viewfinder magnification of

moment flawlessly through large on-site


24 Years, 11 Games –

video screens and professional audio

• Large-diameter 38 mm eyepiece

Panasonic’s Olympic Run

systems, and broadcasting the same to

lens offer comfortable viewing with

Starting 1984, Panasonic began its

people around the world with solid digital

involvement with the Olympic Games

broadcast equipment.

minimum vignetting. • Optical zoom and advanced focus assist function.

in Los Angeles as the supplier of the

• Detachable control panel for enhanced

professional sound system and large

The P2 Lineup Star –

video display for the main stadium. Soon

Varicam - Changing the Way

Panasonic became the Worldwide Olympic

Emotion is Created

Partner and joined the TOP (The Olympic

The VariCam line of cameras has been used

partner) programme (It is also the first

on a wide variety of movies, commercials

oartner to sign for the 2024 Games). Since

and TV programmes, and is known for its

then it has been providing the Olympic

colour reproduction, look and for bringing

Studio Handy Camera –

Games with its state-of-the-art digital

progressive workflow to the production

Featuring B4 Mount 4K Model

audio/video equipment.

camera flexibility. • 3.5 type LCD display panel for live preview. • Direct access to frequently used menu.

industry. The latest VariCam 35 helps users

1080p High-speed Model

Panasonic’s success to serve as Official

create emotion with its amazing latitude,

The B4 mount gives superior usability

Host Broadcast Equipment Supplier for

wide colour gamut and 4K resolution. It

and mobility for existing Panasonic Studio

several past editions of the Olympic

also revolutionises workflow with the

Handy Cameras and has opened a new

Games is proof of the brand’s pathbreaking

addition of dual-codec recording, in-

door in production industry.

technology, which plays a vital role in

camera colour grading and modular design.

delivering the sights, sounds and unique excitement of the Games. Right from the

Features: • High-resolution 0.7 type(1280x720

The Studio Handy Camera is nurtured in actual production exporting the superior Panasonic imaging. Product



Other key products in the switcher/ mixer category include Live Switchers, Compact Live Switchers, Digital AV Mixers and more. World’s First 4/3-type Large Format Camcorder with Integrated Zoom Lens – The DVX200 D Launched recently in the UAE, DVX200 is an ideal product for independent film and documentary production as well as event videography. It offers many top-end features including 4K/60p* recording, a 13X optical zoom and a V-Log L gamma

Broadcast Division team at Panasonic.

curve. Delivering a shallow depth of field and a wide field of view, the DVX200 is the

lineup includes 1080p high-speed system

with an S/N ratio of 60 dB or higher. Skew

ideal companion camera to the company’s

camera and a built-in special conversion

reduction can be realised through high-

groundbreaking VariCam 35 4K camera/

lens that allows to use existing 2/3-type

speed scans plus flash band compensation.

recorder. DVX200 shares the esteemed VariCam family characteristics of filmic

lenses for 4K shooting with high-quality video and excellent operability. There are

2ME Production Switcher

tonality and colourimetry with natural,

two versions of the Studio Handy Camera:

- AVA HS6000

subtle rendering of skin flesh tones and a

In addition to wipe, mix and cut transitions,

V-Log curve emulating the natural grey-

AK-UC3000 - 4K Studio

the 2ME Switcher performs DVE transitions

scale rendition of the VariCam 35. It also

Handy Camera

with 3D DVE 2ch, such as size reduction and

incorporates a newly-developed 4/3” large-

The AK-UC3000 is equipped with a newly

sliding. Diverse rendering of image effects

format MOS sensor and offers variable

developed large-format 4K MOS sensor

such as mosaic or defocus is possible. It

frame rate recording up to 120fps in FHD

and allows using two shooting modes. In

has 32 SDI and two DVI inputs and 16 SDI

mode, enhancing the DVX200’s utility

High Sense Mode, while also achieving

outputs, with a wide variety of keyers and

in sports and VFX production as well as

F10 at 59.94p high sensitivity, it is possible

DVEs. The intuitive operation is realised by

optimising 4K/HD quality.

to obtain an S/N ratio of 60 dB or higher

a multi-selection panel, cross point buttons

when noise reduction has been switched

with colour grouping function and a OLED

off. The result is low-noise and high-image-

source name display panel.

quality video.

CONTACT Panasonic

Multi Format Live Switcher

Panasonic Marketing Middle East

AK-HC5000 - HD Studio

This high-performance switcher handles

& Africa FZE

Handy Camera

the switching needs of broadcast studios,

PO Box 17985

The AK-HC5000 is equipped with a

OB vans and multi-camera systems

Jebel Ali

2/3-type 3MOS sensor and also has two

anywhere. Comprising 16 SDI Inputs,

Tel: +971 4 886 2142

shooting modes to choose from. In High

4 SDI Outputs and 2DVI-D Outputs, it

Email: customercare@

Sense Mode, it achieves F10 59.94p and

has a wide range of optional boards plus

F11 50p high sensitivity and low noise

luminance and chroma keying.



Wedding halls in Qatar: One of the five high-class celebration complexes with Riedel’s high-end communications solutions MediorNet and Artist.

Formula for success: For 20 years now, Riedel is enabling flexible communications at F1, including the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.







designs, manufactures and

Saudi Arabia, as well. Here are some of Riedel’s highlights in the region.

Just north of Doha lies the new Lusail Multi-Purpose Hall. The hall was built for

distributes pioneering real-

The MediorNet real-time media

the Qatar Olympic Committee (QOC) for

time video, audio, data and

network now is being used to address

three Olympic sports - handball, basketball

communications networks for broadcast,

the challenges of matrimony. Deployed

and volleyball. The building complies with

pro-audio, event, sports, theatre and

at The Wedding Hall, one of Doha’s

local and international standards for the

security applications. The company also

most popular wedding chapels, the

federation of those three sports and the

provides rental services for radio and

Riedel solution provides a flexible fibre

handball world championships that were

intercom systems, event IT solutions, fibre

backbone for simple, secure real-time

held there in 2015. To support the efficient

backbones and wireless signal transmission

communications and signal transport

transport of broadcast signals throughout

systems that scale easily for events of any

across the building’s five wedding

the facility, one of the biggest MediorNet

size, anywhere in the world. Founded in

halls. The system was installed and

and RockNet networks in the region has

1987, the company now employs more than

commissioned by systems integrator,

been installed.

350 people at 13 locations in Europe, Asia,

eMediaNet. With MediorNet, an Artist

In Saudi Arabia, the Ministry of Higher

Australia and the Americas.

digital matrix intercom system and the

Education has put an OB van on the road.

The Middle East has been very busy

RockNet real-time audio network, the

Integrated by First Gulf Company, the

over the past year with large installations

Wedding Hall can support ceremonies

van uses an Artist digital matrix intercom

for several key projects throughout the

and celebrations by delivering media and

system to provide clear and reliable

region. Aside from Dubai, there is a

supporting communications throughout

communications for local events and as

strong and rising demand in Qatar and

their facility.

part of an educational programme.




Also in Saudi Arabia, Saudi TV has

intercom system with a Riedel Artist.

customers to see what Riedel technology

recently completed the installation of a

There are several big projects coming

new Artist intercom system as part of a

up including F1, who Riedel has worked

In terms of new products, Riedel

massive MCR upgrade, designed to take

with for many years and, of course, the

continues to highlight MediorNet MicroN,

care of their current and future needs. The

World Cup. The company has also added

Tango, Smartpanel and the STX-200

Artist will provide connections between

staff and opened a new office in Dubai

professional Skype interface. Each of these

locations throughout the kingdom.

to better serve the region. In addition, an

products provide powerful features and

Dubai Media, Inc. (DMI) is also

inventory of rental/demo gear has been

substantial cost savings in new and existing

replacing an existing intercom talkback/

created that will allow many more potential

Riedel solutions.



can do for them.



MicroN is an 80G media distribution

functional user interface, the Riedel device

network device for Riedel’s MediorNet

boasts a unique feature set that includes

line of media transport and management

three high-resolution colour displays,

solutions. Working seamlessly with the

premium-quality stereo audio, a multi-

MediorNet MetroN core fibre router,

lingual character set and 18 keys in just

MicroN is a high-density signal interface

1 RU. These features make Smartpanel a

with a complete array of audio, video and

powerful user interface that can be further

data inputs and outputs, including 24

expanded through the use of apps. Three

SD/HD/3G-SDI I/Os, two MADI optical

apps are available offering different levels

digital audio ports, a Gigabit Ethernet port,

of functionality. RAVENNA/AES67 and

two sync reference I/Os, and eight 10Gb

AVB connectivity are standard with AES3

MediorNet high-speed links. MicroN is

over CAT/coax as an option.

available as a fully networked MediorNet

Riedel’s STX-200 professional broadcast-

device, or as a point-to-point solution, at

grade interface brings any Skype user

a very competitive price point.

worldwide into the professional broadcast





environment. Licensed by Microsoft, the

communications platform that supports

new Riedel product meets broadcasters’

RAVENNA/AES67 and AVB connectivity

increasing need for a reliable single-box

are standard with AES3 over CAT/coax as

solution that enables them to bring live

an option. With its own dedicated intercom

contributions from both reporters and

application, ‘My First Riedel’, Tango becomes

viewers into live programming — all while

an efficient intercom system that users can

avoiding typical problems such as consumer

tailor and scale to their needs. Tango is ideal

PCs running common Skype clients, the need

for collaborative production, exemplifying

to add scan and HDMI-to-SDI converters, or

the benefits that flexible communications

audio dropouts and menu pop-ups on the

provide for live or recorded events in single

live feed. The 1-RU box offers broadcast-

or multi-campus scenarios.

quality HD-SDI and balanced XLR audio

The new RSP-2318 Smartpanel offers

I/Os and is packaged with professional

features and capabilities that will enrich

Microsoft Skype TX software. The

the user experience and change the way

solution’s broad feature set includes remote

broadcasters and A/V professionals

management and monitoring of Skype calls.

communicate. As the world’s first control

The STX-200 was recently used for the

panel designed to serve as a powerful multi-

Indian show, India’s Got Talent.

CONTACT Riedel Communications – Dubai Riedel Communications ME FZ-LLC DMC Building 10, Office 111 PO Box 502438 Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 4229 574 Riedel Communications – HQ Riedel Communications GmbH & Co. KG Uellendahler Straße 353 42109 Wuppertal Germany Ahmed Magd El Din Tel: + 49 (0) 202 292 – 90 Marketing and Communications Serkan Guener Tel: +49 (0) 202 292 – 9517 Tel: +49 (0) 174 – 339 24 48 Email: Website: Social Media: Facebook: RiedelCommunications International Twitter: RIEDELnet Youtube: riedelcommunications LinkedIn: Riedel Communications GmbH & Co. KG Instagram: riedelcommunications


Rohde & Schwarz 4K: more than just resolution Rohde & Schwarz provides comprehensive 4K solutions for ❙ Ingest, playout and storage ❙ Multiplexing, encoding and monitoring ❙ Broadcast network infrastructure ❙ Consumer electronics testing See for yourself:




or more than 80 years, Rohde &

equipment, as well as of broadcasting

for almost 70 years. The company

Schwarz has stood for quality,

and T&M equipment for digital terrestrial

has significantly contributed to

precision and innovation

television. The Executive Board is made

the development of broadcasting –

in all fields of wireless

up of Manfred Fleischmann (Chairman),

from analogue to digital to the current

Christian Leicher and Peter Riedel.

high-definition UHD format. Its

communications. The electronics group is strategically based on five pillars: test

As an independent, family-owned

transmitters support the world’s most

and measurement, broadcast and media,

company, Rohde & Schwarz generates

common digital broadcasting standards

cybersecurity, secure communications,

its growth from its own resources. Since

and set standards in energy efficiency.

radiomonitoring and radiolocation. The

the company does not have to think in

The company’s transmitters and T&M

company addresses customers in the

quarters, it can plan for the long term.

equipment are in use in more than

mobile radio, wireless, broadcasting,

On June 30, 2015, Rohde & Schwarz had

80 countries.

electronics and automotive industries,

approximately 9900 employees with about

Rohde & Schwarz also sells T&M

in aerospace and defence as well as

5900 working in Germany. The group

equipment for installing, maintaining

government, security and critical

achieved a net revenue of EUR 1.83 billion

and monitoring broadcast networks.


in the 2014/2015 fiscal year (July to June).

Rohde & Schwarz is among the

Consumer electronics manufacturers can use this T&M equipment to develop

world market leaders in its established

Broadcast and Media Technology

and manufacture both current and next

business fields. It is the world’s leading

to Meet the Highest Requirements

generation devices. One out of every two

manufacturer of wireless communications

Rohde & Schwarz has been active in

set-top boxes around the world is tested

and EMC test and measurement

the field of TV and sound broadcasting

using Rohde & Schwarz equipment.



The company has been very successful in developing groundbreaking systems for professional TV and film post-production over the past decades. Major international players of the TV industry rely on future ready workflows based on Rohde & Schwarz expertise. Broadcast studios and TV control rooms around the world use the company’s products to produce and process news and entertainment programmes and serials. Rohde & Schwarz has positioned itself as a solutions provider for the entire broadcast value-added chain. It offers a complete product line to support the broadcast industry in rolling out the high-definition 4K standard. The company’s encoding and multiplexing solutions are used for test operations

provider for the entire broadcast value-

production and is a global market leader

and initial UHD TV services. Rohde &

added chain - from ingest to post-

in digital film processing.

Schwarz is also involved in defining future

production and transmission. It offers

standards, effectively supporting media

an entire product line to support the

Rohde & Schwarz Product


broadcast industry in rolling out the

Portfolio for 4K

Now Rohde & Schwarz focusses on

high resolution 4K standard. Rohde &

Rohde & Schwarz offers products for

more than just transmitters and T&M

Schwarz develops hardware and software

post-production, ingest, storage, playout,

equipment. The company is a solutions

for professional film and video post-

encoding and multiplexing as well as transmitters for this high-resolution standard. The company has also added new features to its T&M equipment to test 4K devices. Rohde & Schwarz offers a complete product line for the high-resolution 4K transmission path. Many of these products are already in operation in a wide range of applications. The R&S AVHE100 headend was used for test operations and initial UHD TV services. Asia Satellite Telecommunications Co. Ltd. and Rohde & Schwarz have partnered to advance next-generation Ultra-HD (UHD) TV technologies by implementing the first free-to-air (FTA) UHD channel on AsiaSat 4. The R&S AVHE100 encoding solution and R&S CLIPSTER mastering



station are key components of the UHD broadcast platform. Rohde & Schwarz has been offering systems for 4K processing in cinema post-production since 2005. The R&S CLIPSTER mastering station processes 4K data in real time. It supports mezzanine formats such as AS-02 and AS11 and can generate the necessary interoperable master format (IMF) packages up to 4K. R&S CLIPSTER supports Dolby Atmos, allowing post-production studios to create Dolby Atmos DCPs that can be easily integrated into existing workflows to increase efficiency. The R&S VENICE 4K ingest and production server enables TV studios to set up file-based studio production

feasible transition option until content

one height unit make the R&S SpycerBox

workflows in 4K which resemble HD

is broadcast entirely in 4K.

Cell an exceptional combination of performance and functionality.

workflows in their simplicity. R&S

The R&S SpycerBox Cell is used to store

VENICE 4K allows direct recording in

massive volumes of data in 4K production

The transmitter generation of Rohde

4K without any time-consuming stitching

environments. Thanks to the web-based

& Schwarz for digital TV, FM and DAB+

processes. The material is synchronously

SAN Remo management software, the

features maximum energy efficiency, an

converted to HD-SDI and saved as a file.

devices can easily be configured in

extremely compact design and innovative

This parallel generation of both HD and

clusters. 36 TB of storage and a maximum

redundancy concepts that can reduce

4K content provides TV studios with a

data throughput of 3G bytes per unit in just

costs by more than 70%.

CONTACT Rohde & Schwarz Middle East and Africa FZ-LLC Office No. 210, Building No. 01, 2nd Floor Dubai Media City, UAE Tel: +971 (0)4 44 61 900 Email: Website: Social Media Facebook: RohdeAndSchwarz Twitter: RohdeSchwarz YouTube: RohdeundSchwarz



Shakira using the Sennheiser SKM5200-II with Neumann KK105-S capsule.








musicians, sound engineers, presenters

motivated staff that have been responsible

Sennheiser has been driven by

and singers throughout the world are in

for exponential growth over the last six

a passion for sound; a passion

agreement that Sennheiser products are

years. With a long-term strategy in place

that has never diminished in

the pinnacle of technological perfection.

for the regional office and Sennheiser’s

nearly 70 years. From modest beginnings

commitment to its business in the Middle

in 1945, through to the present day, this

Sennheiser Today

East, Africa and Central Asia, the team and

family-owned German company has built

The 21st century sees Sennheiser

office continues to grow apace.

a truly global profile.

represented in over 105 countries,

Sennheiser Middle East has the

Faced with the technological deficiencies

employing over 2,200 people and

responsibility for distribution of the

of existing products, Professor Dr Fritz

continuing to develop the most innovative

Sennheiser Group brands across the GCC

Sennheiser devoted himself to finding

products for the professional sound and

and Levant region whilst also servicing

innovative solutions, looking to make the

consumer electronics industries.

countries in North and East Africa, as well

very best technology available to users

The Sennheiser Group also includes

as most of the former CIS countries in

everywhere. Ever since the company that

studio microphone and monitor

Central Asia. Having established a logistics

bears Dr Sennheiser’s name was founded,

manufacturer Georg Neumann GmbH,

partnership with Hellmann Worldwide,

it has been providing technological

bringing together two outstanding

based in Dubai’s Jebel Ali Free Zone

innovations that improve people’s lives –

microphone manufacturers in the

and with a significant stockholding,

and the Pursuit of Perfect Sound continues

industry; and Danish-based joint venture

the operation has become a natural

to this day.

company, Sennheiser Communications,

regional hub.

The first Sennheiser microphones were

which develops headsets for PC and

developed by broadening microphone

consoles, office and call centre markets.

Product Offering

theory. First launched in 1947, they were

The company turnover in 2013 was in

Sennheiser and Neumann’s combined

rapidly adopted by large numbers of

excess of ¤600m, with the EMEA region

current product range for the broadcast

artistes and professionals – musicians such

accounting for approximately 60% of the

industry comprises both wired and

as Louis Armstrong, singers like Edith Piaf

company’s business.

wireless microphones, headphones and

and politicians such as Eisenhower and

headsets for camera operators, production

Kennedy, as well as broadcasters, radio

Sennheiser Middle East

crews and studio engineers as well as

stations and air-traffic controllers across

In 2009, Sennheiser Middle East was born

award-winning studio monitors. All have

the world.

as a sales and marketing office, based in the

an identical core value - uncompromising

Dubai Airport Free Zone, with a small but

audio quality.

And now 70 years later, professional



KEY PARTNERS As the most recognised audio brand in the broadcast industry, Sennheiser Group products can be found inside studios and OB production units for some of the most respected broadcasters globally. Regional partners include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

ADMC. Al Jazeera TV. Al Kass TV. Al Rai TV. Bahrain TV. BBC Arabic. Dubai TV. JRTV. Kuwait Radio & TV. MBC. Oman TV. Saudi Arabian Radio & TV. Sky News Arabia. TwoFour54. Yemen Radio & TV.

DIGITAL 9000 - The Wireless Masterpiece.


Sennheiser MKH8000 Series

antenna splitting system, the single or

- Wired Microphones

dual rack mounted receivers ensure easy

Building on the legacy of the famous

installation and setup for large scale wireless

MD21 reporters’ microphone, launched

microphone systems.

in the 1950’s, the extensive range of wired microphones includes the MKH range of

Sennheiser 3000/5000 Series

RF condenser microphones that instantly

- Wireless Microphones

became an industry-standard in shotgun

The flagship of the analogue wireless

microphones for outdoor broadcast, a range

range, the 3000/5000 series has long since

recently extended to include the class-

set an international standard in wireless

leading MKH8000 series of compact and

microphones design. These microphones

shotgun microphones.

provide exceptional sound and total freedom of movement, while the modular receiver

Sennheiser 2000 Series -

concept provides flexibility and safety to

Wireless Microphones

any type of performance. Every evening

At the heart of its wireless microphone

the greatest artistes, the best theatres, the

range, Sennheiser offers the 2000 series.

most respected broadcasters and the most

Regardless of whether for theatre,

highly regarded sound engineers place their

broadcasting or live events, the 2000

confidence in Sennheiser’s 3000/5000 series.

series has become the first choice of sound engineers across the world because

DIGITAL 9000 Series - The

of its large switching bandwidth, flexible

Wireless Masterpiece

frequency management and operational

The pinnacle of Sennheiser’s wireless range

safety. With up to 64 intermodulation

is DIGITAL 9000, a meticulously designed,

free frequency presets and an integrated

ground-breaking digital wireless system


simulation and measurement technologies. The KH Range of loudspeakers represents Neumann’s use of the very latest in acoustic and electronic simulation and measurement technologies to ensure the most accurate sound reproduction possible. The range includes the KH 120 and KH 310 near-field monitors and the new KH 420 mid-field monitors, all of which feature Mathematically Modelled Dispersion (MMD) waveguides, flexible acoustic controls, analogue class-AB amplifiers, a number of input formats and an extensive range of mounting hardware. Perfect for tracking, mixing and mastering in music, broadcast, project and postproduction studios, these monitors can be used in conjunction with the KH 810 or 870 subs to extend the low-frequency response of the system and to increase the overall

Two MKH 800 in a stereo recording.

maximum output level of a system.

that provides uncompressed digital audio

processor, the system meets requirements

transmission, free from intermodulation

of professional audio production. With

and delivering stunning, artefact-free

a modular design, outstanding acoustic

audio dynamics with cable-like purity.

reproduction and conforming to the AES-

Sennheiser Middle East

Targeting broadcasting professionals,

42 standard, Sennheiser and Neumann

Office 345, Building 6E/B

(musical) theatres and high-profile live

again lead the industry in development of

Dubai Airport Free Zone

audio events, DIGITAL 9000 sets a new

microphone technology.

PO Box 371004, Dubai, UAE


Tel: +971 4 299 4004

benchmark in digital wireless transmission. With a comprehensive suite of accessories,

Neumann KH Range | Studio Monitors


it has been designed for the highest channel

For decades, Neumann has been regarded


counts in today’s increasingly dense

worldwide as the standard-setting, leading

Facebook: sennheiserme

frequency environment.

manufacturer of studio microphones, with models such as the U47 and M49 assured


Sennheiser and Neumann

of legendary status, alongside more modern

Sennheiser Electronic

Digital Microphones

incarnations such as the U87 and M149. It

GmbH & Co.KG

Sennheiser and Neumann have pioneered

is difficult to imagine a professional studio

Am Labor 1, D-30900 Wedemark,

the implementation of digital microphones,

without a Neumann microphone and today


succeeding in bringing the dynamic range

a new chapter in Neumann’s long and

and signal fidelity of some of the world’s

illustrious history has begun with the launch

Tel: +49 5130 600 000

best analogue studio microphones into the

of the new range of studio monitors, which

digital domain. Thanks to a tailored A/D

represent the latest in acoustic and electronic

Fax: +49 5130 600 300 Email:



Editor Studio.





GL is a leading provider of

architecture and open approach provide

content archive and storage

secure, future-proof business solutions

management software for

that grow with the customer.

multiple business sectors

FlashNet can control and manage

including post production, news, sports

all aspects of attached storage systems,

and government. Founded in the UK in

whether to near-line, disk, tape or optical

1991, the company has clients on every

disk (including Sony ODA) or the cloud. The

continent, serviced globally by offices

software presents the broadcast archive

in the US, UK, Germany, Singapore

as a single storage repository, ensuring

and Australia. SGL’s FlashNet content

a seamless integration into all types of

storage management system delivers

workflow. With a mature network of both

unrivalled levels of resilience, flexibility

hardware and software partners, SGL

and adaptability. Regardless of size

has developed an unrivalled integration

or environment, FlashNet’s clustered

programme providing broadcasters and



content owners with a truly adaptable and flexible video archiving solution. SGL ensures that all of its customers’ assets are fully protected. The company has many hundreds of archives installed around the world where Disaster Recovery (DR) workflows are either in use or can be made DR-capable quickly and easily. Its scalable FlashNet architecture provides a clustered system of multiple servers or nodes, each in constant communication. Each cluster node has identical software installed, and each is connected via a fibre channel into the archive devices generally disk storage and one or more

Bernie Walsh, Director, Worldwide Sales, SGL.

Trevor Morecraft, EMEA Sales, SGL.

tape libraries. At the heart of the cluster is a Microsoft SQL database, which is usually

re-ingest content to the archive and

forward in the production process

installed across two servers running a

also enables large amounts of data to

placing it alongside the ingest element

Microsoft cluster for fully automatic

be transported and archived on a single

of the chain. Instead of ingesting in the


LTO tape. This type of workflow is just as

traditional sense, the material can now

The archive has been revolutionised

valid on location as it is in a production

be moved directly into the LTFS archive.

over the past few years and SGL has

facility. To banish the ‘end of the line’

LTO has grown to become one of, if

been at the forefront of this change.

archive message, once the tape has been

not the, de-facto tape format installed

With the successful take-up of LTFS,

loaded into the archive, duplicate copies

in tape libraries by broadcast-centric

fully supported by SGL, broadcasters and

can be made automatically to back-up the

organisations implementing tape (and

content owners have true interoperability

valuable material. The archive system

disk)-based archives. LTFS is not a file

between what were once disparate

can also automatically copy the content

format or even a wrapper; it presents an

systems. Now material can be acquired

to a disk portion of the archive so that

open standard for broadcasters to provide

directly to disk and dragged-and-dropped

craft editors can start working with the

real interoperability between systems.

to LTO data tape and transported back

material as swiftly as possible.

Any tape written according to the LTFS

to a facility. This removes the need to

This places the ‘archive’ much further

specification can be read by any other









system using the same specification.

element of its digital workflow to

The cloud is also becoming part of

support its bouquet of HD channels. The


the storage hierarchy, which SGL is

broadcaster selected SGL because of its

integrating into its strategy. The latest

open system architecture, which provides


version of FlashNet brings to fruition

compatibility with MBC’s broadcast,

Unit 12, Fulcrum 2

SGL’s new integration with Aspera.

storage and server systems as well as its

Solent Way, Whiteley

Using FlashNet, broadcasters and content

proven maturity as a broadcast archive

PO15 7FN

owners can transfer media to the cloud at a

management system.

United Kingdom

guaranteed speed providing an additional

MBC used SGL’s XML-based API, which

means of storage and disaster recovery

allows broadcast vendors to create integrated


applications that can instantly access the

SGL has partnered with broadcasters

SGL content storage management system.

and systems integrators in the Middle East

The SGL archive interfaces with systems

for many years, and is now an established

from major suppliers including Aspera,

brand/company in the region. SGL

Avid, Dalet, Grass Valley, Marquis, VSN

FlashNet is now installed and is delivering

and more. It also allows the broadcaster

efficient broadcast archives to leading

to create dynamic watch folders within

broadcasters throughout the Middle East

its nearline storage, allowing broadcast

including AD Media, MBC, Qatar TV, Al

items to be moved to the watch folders

Baghdadia, Al Aan, Al Kass and many

ready for archive.

Sales Trevor Morecraft EMEA Sales Email: trevor.morecraft@ Tel: +44 (0) 1489 889930 Marketing Nicola Kay Marketing Manager Email: Tel: +44 (0)1489 889934

others. As an example, Qatar TV in Doha

SGL has a regular presence at CABSAT

uses SGL FlashNet as a key element of its

where it highlights its latest developments.

Social Media

digital workflow based around an Avid

Technical and commercial SGL staff at the

production environment in its state-of-

booth can answer archiving questions or


the-art facility.

discuss possible projects that customers

MBC uses SGL FlashNet as a key

may have.

Twitter: @SGLBroadcast Linkedin: sgl



Unlimited Flexibility UnlimitedI/O I/O Flexibility





tah Scientific set the

Since its first analogue router, the AVS-

switchers and associated distribution


1, Utah Scientific has taken the leadership

products. Utah Scientific takes pride

with the first no-fee, 10-

role in advancing routing technology.

in knowing that the reliability and

year product warranty

Significant milestones for the company

performance of their routers, control

and is the world’s leading specialist in

include the first large-scale digital router,

systems and master-control processors

all types of routing switchers, master

multi-format routing, integrated A/D and

are unmatched by any product line in

control switchers and related control

D/A conversions on inputs and outputs,

the industry.

software. The company was founded in

integrated fibreoptic conversion and

1977 to develop routing switchers for

300-Mb switching capability on all its

Today and Tomorrow –

the broadcast industry and after a short

digital routers since 1992. Additionally,

Solutions for Traditional and

span of seven months — in the spring

Utah routers are the most energy efficient

Hybrid IP Environments

of 1978 — delivered its first analogue

in the market. The company offers the

Utah Scientific’s flagship routers, the

router to KUED-TV in Salt Lake City.

industry’s widest range of control panels,

UTAH-400 Series 2, are designed to

The company’s integrity and high-quality

allowing customers to specifically tailor

provide a single platform for all signal

product quickly earned distinction and

Utah routers to fit any operation.

formats including the growing IP


television stations worldwide became Utah customers.

Utah Scientific has more experience

network-based environments, giving

than any other manufacturer in routing

broadcasts the ideal tool for navigating



to hybrid IP environments. The routers

modules with the latest advances in

The powerful set of tools for switching

hybrid architecture provides a complete

technology that greatly simplify system

and processing signals provides a complete

system solution for even the most complex

design by incorporating into the router

integrated system for today and the future.

signal management requirements. Utah

functionality that otherwise would require

Utah Scientific’s wide range of modules

Scientific has introduced a family of

the addition of external equipment.

include SDI, IP decoding and multiplexing



all in a single frame, allowing complete

Advanced Control Systems

flexibility of facility operation.

– Putting it All Together

In addition to this flexibility of

For any routing system to be utilised

configuration, the UTAH- 400 Series

effectively, the control system feature

2 offers a common set of I/O cards for

set and user interfaces must be tailored

any frame size. The cards are modular

to the needs of the customer. Utah

and hot swappable from the front. The

Scientific has a four-decade history in

series offers tremendous reductions in the

listening to the needs of its customers

physical space requirements and power

and developing control systems that fit

consumption, increasing efficiency and

their needs.

ensuring long-term operational reliability.

The current offering, System Controller

The routers are readily scalable from

4 (SC4) is the culmination of those years

72x72 to 1056x1056 with frame sizes of

of experience. It has a complete set of

72x72, 144x144, 288x288, 528x528 and

features designed for fault tolerance,


speed of reprogramming and ease of use, as well as the ability to interface to most

Compact Routing – 12G SDI

of the standard protocols in use in the

Solutions for Emerging 4K Standards

broadcast industry.

In addition to the Series 2 products, Utah

The control system as a whole offers

Scientific provides routing switcher

numerous GUI control surfaces, dozens

solutions that offer the smallest footprint

of different models of hardware based

and highest bandwidth available in the

control surfaces and a completely open


network-based control protocol. When

The UDS line of products allow for

this is combined with the fault resilient,

SDI video, AES audio and analogue audio

15-second boot time, Linux based OS of the

routing in 32x32 (1RU), 64x64 (2 RU),

SC4, what results is an extremely reliable

144x144 (4 RU) and 288x288 (8RU) that

and flexible system. Utah Scientific has

provides compact size, minimal power

more experience with routing switchers

consumption, low cost and state-of-the-

and related products than any other

art functionality. The UHD line provides

company in the world.

all of those features but adds support for

A complete product line up can be found

SMPTE ST-2081 (6G) and ST-2082 (12G)

on their website at

signal types, allowing a user to support 4K signalling in their facilities without using four cables for each signal. The


simplification of wiring infrastructure and

Utah Scientific

reduction in cost is a significant benefit

PO Box 410483

to the end user. When this feature set is combined with

Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 50 232 4448

of SMPTE ST-2022, synchronising

the internal control system it provides a

incoming signals to a common reference,

simple, user friendly routing system with


clean-quiet switching on specific outputs,

GUI and distributed hardware control


audio shuffling, de-embedding, embedding,

locations that can satisfy all customer


AES, MADI, fibre and analogue formats






erimatrix specialises in

Verimatrix offers fast deployment

securing and enhancing

through unmatched numbers of partner



integrations, highly responsive customer

network, multi-screen

support and award-winning technology.

video services around the globe.

Forward-thinking solutions boast

Leveraging a combination of established

multiple industry awards for innovation,

video standards and proven IP-based

deployment and flexibility.


technologies, Verimatrix is recognised

As the Middle East video services

as the global leader in revenue security

market matures, the growth prospects

for connected video devices.

have been well-documented. According

Its range of VCAS security solutions

to Gartner, developing markets in sub-

addresses multiple video delivery

Saharan Africa, the Middle-East and

networks with a unified approach to

Northern Africa will together experience

rights management. Its global deployment

18% growth in household subscriptions in

footprint and deep management expertise give the company an unparalleled insight to technology and market trends.


2015 and 14% in 2016. IHS reported that Geir Bjørndal, VP International Strategy, Sales Middle East and Africa, Verimatrix.

the recent growth in the Middle East was due to successful anti-piracy measures,




the high-quality pay TV offerings, the

include iPhones, iPads, Android phones,

investment in local content and the 2014

Android tablets and a range of Smart TVs

FIFA World Cup Finals. IHS expects the

for all of which Verimatrix provides the

growth of the pay TV market to continue

embedded security. The joint goal of this

in the region, with the number of pay

collaboration is quite simple: to provide

TV households reaching 6.6 million and

Etisalat’s customers with advanced services

revenues ¤1.7 billion in 2019.

on the broadest range of devices TV, while ensuring the security of the internet

Award-winning Security with Etisalat

delivered content services.

One of Verimatrix’s largest and long-

In fact, Verimatrix and Etisalat

standing customers, Etisalat is the leading

won a Global Telecoms Business

telecommunications operator in the UAE

Innovation Award in 2011 in the video

with almost 11 million customers and a

service innovation category for the robust

pioneer in next-generation networks for

security features embedded in Etisalat’s IP

fixed-line and wireless services. Today,

and OTT video services.

the operator offers its eLife service

Recently, Etisalat announced its plans

both through an innovative fibre-

to introduce the first 4K/Ultra High

based IPTV network and as in an OTT

Definition (UHD) TV service in the Middle

format that targets second screen and

East, offering a new premium service

mobile users.

proposition to its eLife customers. This

Etisalat’s broadband services and

advancement of technology and market

content are being delivered through a

maturation highlights a new security

wide range of set-top box devices, as well

concern: redistribution of premium content.

as leading consumer electronics products

Priorities for operators like Etisalat are not

through downloadable apps. These devices

only to protect content, but also the ability



management for PlayReady, Widevine, FairPlay Streaming and other DRMs. Verspective Intelligence Center The latest security innovation from Verimatrix, Verspective is a cloud-based security platform for system deployment, management, monitoring and analytics. Verspective harnesses the power of a globally interconnected revenue security platform to optimise solution performance, strengthen threat resilience and reduce operational expenses. This cloud resource enables operators to take advantage of global scale to address operational challenges, while improving competitiveness through visibility of service usage and subscriber to address revenue threats such as those

technology as well as TEE support. The

where premium content has been captured

patented VideoMark forensic watermarking

behaviour. Without a doubt, pay TV is becoming

and redistributed.

solution enables the tracking of pirated

more connected. And greater connectivity

Verimatrix is addressing these market

content and detects the last authorised

brings the promise of more engaging

dynamics with innovative new security

recipient of that content by securely,

services, but also potentially paints a

solutions for customers across the region

robustly and imperceptibly embedding

much larger target for would-be pirates.

from Kuwait to Qatar to Saudi Arabia and

identifying information within copies

To address these issues, it only makes sense


of media content. Through an insertion

for operators to have their revenue security

process, the VideoMark watermark can

platform connected as well.

VCAS Ultra

still be extracted from extremely low grade

This latest generation of VCAS is fully

analogue copies of the original conten, and

aligned with the needs of software-

the information contained can be used to

empowered video operators as it prepares

determine the time and place where the

Verimatrix GmbH

them for new premium service delivery

copy was originally made.

Fraunhoferstr. 7 85737

of UHD/4K content. Operators are able to extend their reach to premium UHD


services and advanced hybrid network

The leading multi-DRM revenue security

deployments that meet, or even exceed,

solution is designed for OTT services.

content providers’ requirements for

The solution brings CE devices and

protection of UHD content.


Ismaning, Germany Tel: +49 89 55265 100 Fax: +49 89 55265 101 Website:

HTML5 browsers with embedded, non-

Geir Bjørndal

VCAS Ultra features enhanced content

Verimatrix clients under the VCAS unified

VP International Strategy,

security profiles designed according

revenue security umbrella in order to

Sales Middle East and Africa

to MovieLabs’ defined UHD service

enable transparent content consumption

requirements—including fully integrated

for end users. The VCAS harmonised

Tel: +4791818058

multi-network VideoMark watermarking

rights platform supports entitlement



OB Services Al Aan Media Services






art of Tower Media Middle

Key Services

• Chroma Studio.

East FZ LLC, Al Aan TV is

• Uplinks.

• Studio Floors.

a pan-Arab TV broadcaster

• Post-Production.

• Studio Lights.

with its headquarters in Dubai

• Live Studios.

• Jimmy Jib.

Media City. Tower Media is the region’s

• Outdoor Production.

• Auto Script Teleprompter.

fastest growing service provider having a

• Space Segment.

• Makeup Rooms.

stronghold in the transmission facilities

• Creative Support.

• Studio Software Integration.

segment of the MENA region. Backed by

• Multi-Channel Playout.

strategic geographic positioning and skill

Outdoor Production Services

gathered from years of technical expertise,

Transmission Services

• Digital OB Vans.

Tower Media is today in a unique space

Transmission services comprise SD/HD

• SD6 Camera Setup OB Vans.

wherein their ‘expert edge’ helps them

with DVBS/DVBS2 modulator with fully

• 4 Camera Setup OB Vans.

translate client requirements into cost-

redundant flyaway and trucks. These are

• SD/HD DSNG Vans/

effective working methodologies.

ready-to-move and can be deployed at very

• SD/HD Flyaway SN/

short notice inside and outside the UAE.

• Space Segment.

The Tower Media track record reveals a well-established graph of companies in

It allows for:

the MENA region who have benefited from

• Broadcast facility (100 percent file based

their valuable services. These include leading


Post-Production Services • Final Cut Studio.

regional broadcasters and event organisers

• Multi-channel playout system.

• Graphic Workstations.

who have in the past received creative,

• On-air multi-graphic overlays.

• Sound Production.

technical and broadcast support from Tower

• Station ID Packages.

Media. Listed below are a comprehensive

Live Studio Services

• Show Opener and Promo Production.

line-up of services offered by the company.

• DTL News.

• Sponsorship Tags.



For all its services and solutions, the

Al Aan TV


company presently employs Avid, Final Cut

Based out of Dubai, Al Aan is supported

Al Aan produces innovative programming

Pro, Adobe Production and Creative Suites,

by four core pillars which define its key

developed by Arabs for Arabs. Its

3D Max, Maya 3D, Cinema 4D and Vizrt.

brand attributes and guide its corporate

young, highly skilled and talented team

vision; these are originality, interactivity,

generates original, homegrown, relevant

Creative Support Services

female empowerment and responsible

and empathetic content that continually

• Corporate Campaigns.

broadcasting. Expanding on these virtues

engages, motivates and inspires its pan-

• Off-Air Promotions.

and working on their guidelines has given

Arab audience.

• Web and TV Series.

Al Aan the unassailable edge over other

Al Aan’s originality resonates strongly

• Event Coverage.

broadcasters in a considerably short period

with its viewers because it anticipates

of time.

and meets their evolving needs thus guaranteeing their loyalty despite the

Worldwide Services Al Aan Services provide (lease/rental)


constant fragmentation of media.

throughout the MENA region. Currently,

Since its inception in 2006


its flyaway SNG are stationed in Tripoli and

Al Aan has enjoyed

Taking the pulse of its audience on a daily

Benghazi, Libya (SD/HD Flyaway Unit) and

tremendous growth both as a

basis is essential to Al Aan’s approach to

in Syria (SD/HD Flyaway Unit). Production

TV broadcaster and as a multi-

media. Through a variety of platforms from

and SNG facilities can be arranged anywhere

media brand, demonstrated

phone-ins to Facebook to WhatsApp, Al

across the MENA region covering broadcast

through its latest figures

Aan listens to its audience minute-by-

facilities, outdoor production, flyaway SNGs

(as of end May 2015).

minute, conversing with them in real-

100percent owned broadcast facilities

and live studios.

time, capturing their thoughts, feedback and suggestions. This information and interaction are essential to determining and shaping content, formats and product development. Female Empowerment Al Aan’s commitment to female empowerment stems from its unshakeable belief that pan-Arab advancement is highly contingent upon sustainable economic growth and that in turn, is inextricably linked to mobilisation of the untapped energy and potential of the Arab women. The channel believes that serving female empowerment does not benefit women alone. Men have an equal responsibility in realising a vision for a better world through supporting the socio-economic role of women. Al Aan informs and entertains



through the prism of Arab women while

in an entertaining and engaging manner. CONTACT

simultaneously targeting the family and, as such, its content and brand positioning

A Genre of its Own

attracts a more female-orientated and

Reality - In a Very Real Sense

Al Aan

younger audience.

Al Aan offers a strategic blend of current

504, Building 1, Dubai Media City

affairs and entertainment crystallised in

PO BOX 500765, Dubai

Responsible Broadcasting

the singular brand proposition. With its


At a time when the airwaves and the

progressive content and packaging Al Aan

cyber world are populated by the good,

defines its key brand benefit as ‘Real TV:

Sarah Sohail

the bad and the ugly, Al Aan stands out

Real news and real entertainment for real

Digital Sales Manager

as a responsible broadcaster, one which

people’. The positioning is complemented

Alaan Media Services

maintains a calm, positive and constructive

and brought to life by its call-to-action,

Tel: +971 56 430 1959

tone even on issues that are considered

‘Join the conversation’. All lines are open


highly contentious. The channel

and Al Aan consumers know that they

believes that the mission of a responsible

have real power to influence output 24/7,


broadcaster is to inform accurately but

every day of the year.

Facebook: alaantvservices


Satellite ABS APT Satellite AsiaSat Eutelsat Gazprom Space Systems, JSC HorizonSat M-Three Satcom STN PLC




ince its inception in 2006,

this year and 2017/2018 respectively.

Media and Broadcast

ABS operates a global fleet of

ABS-2A will deliver these exceptional

ABS satellites provide unparalleled market

six satellites including ABS-3A

economics on current generation satellites

penetration for regional and continental

at 3º West, the latest addition

providing Ku-band coverage connecting

distribution. It offers broadcasting

to its satellite fleet. Its extensive teleport

MENA, sub-Saharan Africa, Russia, South

services to media, broadcasters and to

network provides comprehensive coverage

Asia and Southeast Asia regions. ABS-8

telecommunications companies via its

to 80% of the world’s population across

will start to take it to the next level on

fleet of satellites (ABS-2, ABS-3A, ABS-6

five continents. ABS has strategic alliances

its high throughput spot beam payload

and ABS-7).

and partnerships with state-of-the-art

and provide substantial new capacity

ABS offers long-term 24 x7 playout or

communication hubs to deliver the best

into the Middle East, Russia, Southeast

turnaround services and transmits media

possible satellite solutions.

Asia, South Asia and the South Pacific

in all formats in MPEG-2, MPEG-4 or

replacing ABS-7.

HEVC, from Standard Definition to High Definition. Services are available on C

Planned Satellites ABS’ innovative design and procurement

Product offerings

and Ku-bands across the satellite fleet.

approach for satellites is designed to

The MENA market is a highly competitive

• Direct-to Home (DTH) television

deliver the best possible economics to

region, however ABS sees the constant

its customers for their IP networks. The

demand for data and broadcast services.

company’s current investment programme

Selling bandwidth services predominantly,

includes two satellites in the pipeline,

ABS also deploys shared hub services into

• Video contribution and distribution.

namely ABS-2A and ABS-8, which will

its teleports to augment customer networks

• Satellite News Gathering (SNG).

provide additional capacity planned for

and provide efficient avenues for growth.


service. • Programming and content delivery to cable headends and pay TV operators.

ABS will deliver two video platforms

Delivering Your Content to the World Services Include: ▪▪ Cable Head-end Distribution ▪▪ Full-time Contribution ▪▪ Turnaround ▪▪ MCPC ▪▪ Playout ▪▪ Encryption Picture from ABS Subic Bay MCR

services via ABS-3A, a premium satellite

IP Trunking services for the

engineering resources. Operators can

located at the 3°W orbital position, to

Middle East, A Africa and Europe

manage and monitor their VSAT networks

effectively meet the growing demand for

ABS-2 West Hemi (WH) Beam and

in a cost-effective manner and minimum

content and DTH services using 90cm

ABS-3A East Hemi (EH) Beam offer

capital expenditure. ABS VNO services are

dishes. The two new platforms will support

affordable IP trunking service that can

available on Ka, Ku and C bands, using a

both SD and HD channels in MPEG-2 and

support international and national data or

number of its satellites, as per below:

MPEG-4 encoding. Coverage will focus

broadband connectivity for enterprise and

• ABS-2 West Hemi Beam VNO operating

on the free-to-air channels and pay TV

government networks over the Middle

markets in Sub-Saharan Africa.

East and Africa and Europe. The IP trunking service streamlines your network

Data Services

into one manageable and affordable

ABS is pursuing an active strategy to

solution with flexibility.

in C-band. • ABS-2 MENA Beam VNO operating in Ka-band. • ABS-7 Steerable Beam VNO operating in Ku-band.

provide comprehensive data solutions with integrated technologies and flexible

Virtual Network Operator

Satellites in Orbits

service options. These cover:

(VNO) Services for the Middle


• GSM Backhaul.

East, A Africa, and Europe

• Launch date: February 2014.

• Broadband Internet and IP Trunking.

ABS provides a number of VNO services

• Design life: Estimated 2028.

• SCPC links.

allowing its customers to offer solutions

• Orbital position: 75ºE.

• Maritime connectivity.

without incurring a large startup

• Transponders: 89 C, Ku & Ka-band.

• VSAT networks.

infrastructure cost by leveraging its

• Geographic Coverage: MENA & Africa,

• Virtual Network Operator.

teleports, technology platforms and expert

South Asia, SE Asia, Korea, Russia.



ABS-3A, Ku-band Europe beam.

ABS-2 C-band West Hemi beam.

• Typical Uses: Telecommunications,

ABS-3A, Ku-band MENA beam.

video content.

VSAT services, data communications,

• Geographic Coverage: MENA, Africa,

DTH services, government use and


trunking applications.

• End of life: 2023. • Orbital position: 159ºE.


• Transponders: 28 C &16 Ku-band.

• Launch date: March 2015.

• Geographic Coverage: East Asia and the

• Design life: Estimated 2030. • Orbital position: 3ºW. • Transponders: 24 C & 24 Ku-band.

• Transponders: Ku-band.

Pacific Ocean. • Typical Uses: Video, data, VSAT services,

Russia, South Asia and SE Asia. • Typical Uses: Telecom, DTH services, VSAT, Maritime and Mobility solutions. ABS-8 (Future Deployment) • Orbital position: 116.1°E. • Transponders: C, Ku & Ka-band.

internet backbone and telecom.

• Geographic Coverage: Middle East, Africa, Europe and the Americas. • Typical Uses: Telecom, IP trunking,

ABS-7 • End of life: June 2018.


VSAT services, maritime and TV

• Orbital position: 116.1ºE.



• Transponders: 30 Ku and 3 Ka-band.

2107-2108, Al Thuraya Tower 1

• Geographic Coverage: The Middle East

Dubai Media City, Dubai, UAE

ABS-4/Mobisat-1 • End of Life: 2020.

and Afghanistan. • Typical Uses: Cellular backhaul, VSAT

• Orbital position: 61ºE.

services, satellite broadband and

• Transponders: High-powered cross

government requirements.

polarised Ku/S band. • Geographic Coverage: West Beam &

Planned Launches

East Beam (Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Syria,

ABS-2A (Launching 2016)

Libya and Saudi Arabia).

• End of life: 15 years.

• Typical Uses: Broadcast of digital audio/


• Orbital position: 75°E.

Tel: +971 4 454 2677 Fax: +971 4 454 2655 Email: Mohamed Youssif Chief Operating Officer and President, Middle East Website:


In Service Now Expanded Capacity to Connect the Americas, Africa, Europe and the Middle East High performance C & Ku-band coverage will provide inter-regional and trans-Atlantic connectivity and services. Contact ABS for your satellite solutions at:


Americas | Europe | MENA | SAF Satellite rendition courtesy of the Boeing Company

C BAND BEAMS 125 Global | West Hemi | East Hemi




ounded in 1992, APT Satellite

broadcasters and telecommunications

Satellite fleet

currently owns a fleet of five



in-orbit satellites, namely,

To go in line with business

Positioned at 138E orbital slot, APSTAR-5


development, the company is equipped

is a high-power satellite with the latest


with state-of-the-art ground facilities

in advanced technology and built by

forming the APSTAR fleet, covering

including satcom platforms and TV

Space Systems/Loral. Equipped with 38

regions in Asia, the Middle East,

broadcasting centre, pooling together

C-band and 16 Ku-band transponders, it

Oceania and most parts of Europe.

versatile satellite frequency resources for

is based on the highly reliable FS-1300

This vast regional influence stretches

the provision of TV playout and uplink,

platform. APSTAR-5 provides broad

across approximately 75% of the world’s

DTH, telecommunications and IP transit

C-band transponder coverage over Asia,

population and provides excellent

services. APT also strives to enhance its

Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific islands

quality ‘one-stop-shop’ services for

competitive advantage and promote

and Hawaii, as well as high-power Ku-

satellite transponder leasing, satellite

business growth through the formation

band transponder coverage over mainland

telecommunications and satellite

of strategic alliances with prestigious

China, India, Taiwan, Hong Kong and

TV broadcasting and transmission to

international satellite service contractors.







most reliable satellite platforms today and


distribution, DTH broadcasting, internet




developed by Alcatel Space (now Thales

Positioned at 76.5E, APSTAR-7 is based on

and VSAT services within the Asia Pacific

Alenia Space France). It has an estimated

the Thales Alenia’s SPACEBUS4000-C2

region and also inter-connection to the

operational lifetime of over 15 years.

platform which is one of the most

USA via the Hawaii spot beam.

The APSTAR-6 payload system consists

reliable satellite platforms present in the

APSTAR-5 was successfully launched

of 38 C-band transponders and 12 Ku-band

market today. The satellite is built with

by sea launch on June 29, 2004 to

transponders. Equipped with powerful

28 C-band transponders and 28 Ku-band

geostationary orbital slot 138°E as a

64W linearised TWTAs, the C-band


replacement satellite for APSTAR-1. It

transponders cover Asia, Australia, New

As the replacement satellite of APSTAR-

has an estimated operational lifetime of

Zealand, the Pacific islands and Hawaii.

2R, APSTAR-7 has the merits of high power,

over 15 years.

The Ku-band transponders mainly

high reliability and it was launched on 31

focus on the Greater China region. It is

March 2012 with an estimated lifespan of


designed with powerful and linearised

more than 18 years.

APSTAR-6 positioned at 134E is the

TWTAs, single polarisation and other

APSTAR-7 has 28 C-band and 28 Ku-

replacement satellite for APSTAR-1A and

unique features, allowing it to provide

band transponders. The C-band global

was launched in 12 April, 2005, using Long

ideal solutions for DTH, SNG and other

beam covers four continents: Asia, Europe,

March 3B rocket. The satellite is based on

broadcast and telecommunications

Africa and Australia. Through its advanced

the SPACBUS4000-C2 platform, one of the

services in the region.

technology, APSTAR-7 provides improved



A number of well-known global broadcast service providers such as Sony Pictures (AXN), HBO, Disney, Hallmark, Globecast, BBC, as well as other regional broadcasters utilise APSTAR-7 for distributing their channels across the region. APSTAR-9 Launched in October 2015, APSTAR-9 satellite is a DFH-4 platform satellite manufactured by CASC (China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation). Located at 142E orbital slot, APSTAR-9 is equipped with 32 C-band and 14 Ku-band transponders. C-band coverage consists of one broad beam for the Asia Pacific region (AP Beam) and one enhanced beam for South East Asia (SEA Beam), suitable for video broadcast and high throughput telecom and cellular backhaul services; Ku-band covers the west Pacific and east of the Indian Ocean region, providing DTH, VSAT and mobility services such as maritime and inflight connectivity. CONTACT APT Satellite PO Box 32443, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 50 754 4317 Email: communication performance, power and

Middle East, Asia, Australia, most parts

Principal Office

efficiency to customers. The four Ku-

of Africa and Europe, as well as numerous

22 Dai Kwai Street

band beams cover China, the Middle East,

islands scattered across the Pacific and

North Africa and Central Asia and another

Indian Oceans. Such advantages make

steerable area that is complementary to

APSTAR-7 ideal for broadcast and

the fixed beams.

telecommunications services which is

Tel: +852 2600 2100

Tai Po Industrial Estate Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong

Owing to its prime orbital slot, APSTAR-7

a major reason why APSTAR-7 through

Fax: +852 2666 7838

has the largest geographic coverage over

its predecessor APSTAR-2R is one of the


all visible landmass including all of the

highly demanded satellites of this region.



AsiaSat’s state-of-the-art earth station in Tai Po, Hong Kong.


AsiaSat’s Customer Network Centre provides 24/7 support services to customers.




sia Satellite Telecommuni-

an industry leading research laboratory

• Direct-to-Home (DTH) television.

cations Company Limited

in ultra-HD broadcasting via satellite to

• Delivery of content and programming to

(AsiaSat) has been Asia’s

promote UHD in Asia. Two UHD channels

cable headends and pay TV operators.

premier satellite opera-

on AsiaSat 4 have since been launched to

• Content distribution to mobile TV

tor for over 25 years. Through a fleet of

demonstrate this exciting and immersive

high performance satellites located stra-


tegically over Asia’s massive landmass

AsiaSat satellites’ comprehensive C-band

and surrounding oceans, AsiaSat delivers

and high-powered Ku-band coverage also

satellite solutions with the highest quality

provide secure and reliable connectivity

and reliability to its clients.

for applications such as banking, mobile

AsiaSat’s broadcast platforms are amongst

backhaul, oil and gas exploration, aviation,

the world’s most-watched. Operating

shipping, transportation, education and

at Asia’s prime orbital locations, these

rural consumer broadband.

networks. • Distribution of radio programming to retransmit stations. • Contribution feeds to broadcasters’ studios and playout facilities. • Video distribution of news, sports and special events. • Video distribution to nationwide UHF/ VHF & DTT rebroadcast stations.

platforms deliver 700 television and radio

AsiaSat is a wholly-owned subsidiary of

channels from the Middle East, Europe,

Asia Satellite Telecommunications Holdings

Telecommunications Services

South Asia, East Asia and international

Limited, a company listed on the Hong Kong

AsiaSat satellites support corporations,

networks. Broadcasters use AsiaSat to

Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 1135).

governments and telecommunications

deliver premium content instantaneously to

carriers around the world for a diverse range

all major Asian broadcast networks and pay

Broadcast Services

of services and applications.

TV platforms serving millions of viewers

With AsiaSat’s high quality C and Ku-

• Mobile backhaul.

across the region.

band capacity, broadcasters and channel

• VSAT networks.

providers are able to access their target

• Communications networks for

In 2014, partnering with content and technology partners, AsiaSat established

audiences and reach new markets.




full range of C-band and Ku-band capacity across its fleet ensures seamless connectivity that supports delivery of global, regional or local events, in SD, HD or even UHD. AsiaSat has extensive experience in providing satellite services for international sports and news events, including the FIFA World Cup, the Olympic Games, the Commonwealth Games, the Asian Games, UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, Formula 1, the ASEAN Summit, as well as supporting the first-ever live UHD telecast of the 2014 FIFA World Cup matches held on 28 June (Round of 16), 4 July (Quarter-Final) and the final on 13 July

AsiaSat 9

2014 in Brazil. • National and international networks.

connected to the world, from broadband

• Tele-education networks.

internet access to TV and voice services.

MCPC Platforms

• Rural consumer broadband.

AsiaSat also provides vital connectivity

From its Tai Po Earth Station in Hong

• Internet access.

links for real-time data communications

Kong and trusted partners in the industry,

• IP backbone connectivity.

that ensure operational efficiency and

AsiaSat offers wide-ranging distribution

safety for the industries and maintain


crew welfare.

• AsiaSat 5 C-band DVB-S2/S platforms

Mobility Services

Asia’s leading platforms for sports

AsiaSat offers an expanding range of mobility services for the aviation,

Occasional Use (OU)

and multilingual content and home to

maritime and transportation industries.

AsiaSat offers Asia’s prime OU platforms

Asia’s largest bouquet of Middle Eastern

AsiaSat enables people on the move, to stay

for distributing sports and news events. Its



Nominal Orbital Location


C-band Coverage

Ku-band Coverage

AsiaSat 4



Asia, Middle East, Central Asia and Australasia

East Asia | Australasia

AsiaSat 5



Asia, Middle East, Central Asia and Australasia

East Asia | South Asia | Steerable Beam

AsiaSat 6



Asia, Australasia, Central Asia and Pacific Islands


AsiaSat 7



Asia, Middle East, Central Asia and Australasia

East Asia | South Asia | Steerable Beam

AsiaSat 8




China | India | Middle East | South East Asia

AsiaSat 9


Late 2016/ Early 2017

Asia, Middle East, Central Asia and Australasia

Australasia | East Asia | Indonesia | Mongolia | Myanmar



• AsiaSat 7 C-band DVB-S2/S platforms


On Asia’s most popular TV satellite with superb channel neighbourhood and audience access. • AsiaSat 4 Ku-band DVB-S2 platform Multicultural DTH programming for audiences across Australia. • AsiaSat 4 C-band UHD platform Asia’s first true UHD content and freeto-air platform. Teleport Service • Downlink, turnaround and uplink.

40 38

36 34 32

• Fibre





Connectivity. • Playout service. • Equipment hosting.


• Encryption.


Backup ASIASAT 8 (105.5ºE) KU-BAND MIDDLE EAST BEAM EIRP (dBW) AsiaSat 5 is the preferred broadcasting gateway to the Asia-Pacific market.


• Recovery services.



CONTACT Asia Satellite Telecommunications Company Limited (AsiaSat) 12/F, Harbour Centre 25 Harbour Road Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2500 0888 Fax: (852) 2500 0895


56 56


Philip Balaam Vice President, Sales and Business Development Email: Website:


54 52

• Backup and emergency.

54 52


AsiaSat 8 offers exceptional power and unique Ku-band coverage for the Middle East.


Social Media: LinkedIn: asiasat Facebook: asiasat2014 YouTube: asiasatellite






utelsat Communications is

Eutelsat has been present in the MENA

one of the world’s leading

region for over 30 years, but their main

and most experienced

focus on broadcasting really shifted gear

operators of communications

over 10 years ago with the specialisation

satellites. The company provides

of some satellites for the region, and the

capacity on 39 satellites to clients that

collaboration with Nilesat in the 7/8

include broadcasters and broadcasting

degrees West arc.

associations, pay TV operators, video,

The 7/8° West position, jointly

data and Internet service providers,

operated by Nilesat and Eutelsat, is key

enterprises and government agencies.

in MENA as it enables 250 million TV

Providing coverage of Europe, the

viewers in a vast region from Morocco

Middle East, Africa, Asia-Pacific and

to the Gulf to receive over a thousand

the Americas, Eutelsat’s satellites enable

channels with a single small satellite dish.

video, data, broadband and government

This result reflects longstanding

communications to be established

partnerships between Eutelsat and

irrespective of a user’s location.

Gulfsat, Nilesat, Noorsat and anchor





media groups, including MBC and OSN

backhaul and data networks.

that are experiencing strong commercial

For the Arab and international

success and are well placed for further

broadcasting community the entry into

expansion in the region.

service of EUTELSAT 8 West B marks

The EUTELSAT 8 West B satellite

a milestone in the growth story of the

joined the constellation at 7/8° West

most popular satellite TV neighbourhood

in 2015, taking it to a new level of

in the Middle East and North Africa.

performance. The additional capacity

Channels can benefit from increased

provided by the satellite enabled over

power, more coverage options and higher

a hundred further channels to be

in-orbit security, as well as a future-proof

accommodated. EUTELSAT 8 West B

infrastructure for HD TV and Ultra HD.

also introduces C-band capacity to 7/8°

Eutelsat wants to help channels

West, connected to footprints covering

manage a transition to HD and set the

the African continent and reaching west

scene for Ultra HD that will take the

to South America. This capacity will

viewing experience into a whole new

be particularly beneficial for global TV

dimension. Looking forward, Eutelsat

contribution, telecom networks, mobile

believes that the move to higher



quality afforded by Ultra HD will

operators and broadcasters and developed

further consolidate satellite as a core

leading Direct-to-Home neighbourhoods.

infrastructure in the region.

In addition to 7/8° West, 13° East (HOT

The broadcasting sector in MENA is

BIRD) was confirmed by the Eutelsat TV

both vibrant and highly developed, as there

Observatory in January 2015 as the second

is a strong concentration of broadcasters

most-watched position in the Middle East

and service providers in Dubai and the

after 7/8° West, and 7° East remains a

Gulf states. This drove the decision to

vibrant neighbourhood for the Turkish

open new representative offices in Dubai.


The TV market is characterised by very

In November 2015, the Arab

high satellite penetration, representing

Broadcasting Union (ASBU 2015) named

nine out of 10 TV homes, due to lack of

Eutelsat ‘Satellite Operator of the Year’. In

terrestrial networks.

so doing, ASBU recognised the company as a driving force behind the massive

Longstanding Partnerships

expansion in the number of television

Eutelsat has established strong and

channels available to homes throughout

longstanding partnerships with MENA

the Middle East and North Africa region.

CONTACT Eutelsat SA Eutelsat Middle East FZ-LCC Dubai Media City Thuraya II tower 2003A PO Box 502239, UAE Tel: +971 (4) 3903145 Fax: +971 (4) 3688901 Website: Social Media: Twitter: Eutelsat_SA Facebook: Eutelsat.SA Linkedin: eutelsat Youtube: eutelsatvideo Flickr: eutelsat_communications







oint Stock Company Gazprom

point’ links, TV distribution, VSAT

Space Systems (known as JSC

networks, broadband, mobile backhaul,

Gascom before December 2008),

trunking, etc.).

is one of two Russian national

satellite operators holding 36% of the satellite capacity market in Russia. GSS was

Gazprom Space Systems’ first satellite, Yamal-100, was launched in 1999. Today




established in 1992 and its shareholders are

Communications System consists of

Gazprom, the world’s biggest gas company,

four satellites (Yamal-202, Yamal-300K,

Rocket-Space Corporation Energia, the

Yama-401, Yamal-402), a state-of-the-art

leading Russian space enterprise, and

telecommunications centre and VSAT

Gazprombank, one of the largest Russian

networks in Russia. Its total satellite

non-state banks.

constellation capacity amounts to 248

The company operates the Yamal Satellite Communications System,

equivalent transponders of 36MHz. About a third of Yamal satellite capacity

providing users with:

is concentrated in beams pointed over

• Satellite capacity worldwide, and

territories outside Russia. The geography

• Satellite services in Russia (‘point-to-

of GSS clients encompasses around



Yamal-202 Satellite.

30 countries and Yamal’s capacity services

official report, Gazprom Space Systems

Yamal-202 Satellite

are utilised in over a 100 countries.

was selected as the Corporate Teleport

Satellite: Yamal-202

Although on the international market GSS

Operator of the Year based on a 48%

Orbital slot: 49E

provides pure capacity, the company has a

revenue growth rate in 2008. In 2014,

Number of transponders:

number of partner teleport companies in

the company’s revenue grew to about 108

18x72MHz C-band

Europe, the Middle East, Far East, Asia,

million dollars, a growth rate of 24%.

Africa and America.

The company’s next step in its

This satellite has a semi-global coverage

In September 2014 on the World Satellite

constellation enhancement will be the

(Europe, Middle East, North Africa, South

Business Week in Paris, Gazprom Space

Yamal-601 satellite aiming to replace the

and South-East Asia) focussing mainly on the

Systems was recognised by the world

Yamal-202 satellite operating at 49E. In

international market. Yamal-202 is optimal

telecommunications community as the

total at least five new satellites are planned

for arranging point-to-point connection

Best Regional Satellite Operator that

to be launched by the year 2025.

and VSAT network for corporate customers

showed the most impressive growth in the preceding year, 2013.

having businesses in developing countries. It Space Infrastructure

is also used for government organisations,

The World Teleport Association ranked

GSS space infrastructure consists of

for arranging trunks between information

Gazprom Space Systems the third place

four Yamal satellites - Yamal-202 (49°E),

resource centres (mainly in Europe)

in the Fast 20 Top Teleport Operators of

Yamal-300K (183°E), Yamal-402 (55°E),

and centres of resource consumption (in

2014. And in 2009 according to the WTA

Yamal-401 (90°E).

developing countries of North Africa,

Yamal-402 Satellite (European and Southern beams).


Yamal-402 Satellite (Northern and Steerable beams).


Yamal-300K Satellite (Northern beam #1 and Steerable beam).

the Middle East and Asia), and for the

The satellite’s wide contour fixed beams,

fastest growing part of the company’s

distribution of TV channels.

covers the eastern territory of Russia, the

ground infrastructure. This site hosts

western parts of North America and North

the Mission Control Centre for all Yamal

Yamal-402 Satellite

of the Pacific Ocean where air and marine

satellites, hubs, uplink stations for satellite

Satellite: Yamal-402

traffic are exceedingly busy. Such service

communications, the satellite capacity

Orbital slot: 55E

zones make the beam ideal for aeronautics

monitoring facility and the Network

Number of transponders: 66 equivalent

and maritime sectors.

Operations Centre, managing networks

36MHz transponders, Ku-band.

The other fixed beam of Yamal-300K

of Gazprom and other customers.

covers the Far East. It is particularly

Additionally GSS is going to build its

Yamal-402 covers Russia, the CIS

advantageous to mobile operators who

own spacecraft assembling facilities and

countries, Europe, part of the Middle

develop backbone infrastructure for their

start business in the sphere of assembling,

East and Africa to the south of Sahara.

networks in the region.

integrating and testing of communications

The satellite introduced the company into

The steerable beam can be pointed over

the African market. Together with high-

any region of South-East Asia, Australia,

powered beams, Yamal-402 has strong

New Zealand or the island states of the

coverage that can connect Europe, the

Pacific. It has high power parameters

Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa. Its

and allows receiving TV signals to the

JSC Gazprom Space Systems

capacity is used to provide communications

dishes starting from 0.6m in diameter

services to operators of pay TV, corporate

and creating VSAT networks with the


sector, government organisations and

antennae from 0.75m.

NGOs. Almost a 100 VSAT-networks of diverse technologies and scale operate via

Ground Infrastructure

this satellite in the EMEA region.

The GSS ground infrastructure consists

and observation satellites. CONTACT

Russia, 141112 Moscow region Shchelkovo Moscow street, Bld. 77B

of a:

Victoria Ioda

Yamal-300K Satellite

• Telecommunications centre, and,

International Business

Satellite: Yamal-300K

• More than 900 satellite communications

Development and Sales

Orbital slot: 183E

earth stations, operating in the interests

Tel: +7 (495) 504-29-10

Number of transponders:

of Gazprom Group, built on the sites of


18x72MHz Ku-band, 11x72MHz C-band

production, transportation, processing,

storage and sale of gas. Yamal-300K at 183E brought GSS into

The Telecommunication Centre

the markets of the Western Hemisphere.

in Shchelkovo, Moscow region is the








orizonSat is a leading

turnaround. The company also provides

Global Reach

satellite service provider

managed broadband solutions (VNO) on

HorizonSat’s client base includes some

covering the Middle East,

i-direct and other platforms.

of the largest corporations in the region

Africa, Asia and Europe.

HorizonSat has witnessed remarkable

operating in the field of defence, voice over

HorizonSat currently operates on

growth since inception, and is known for

IP, broadcasting distribution/contribution

Eutelsat’s E70B, E21B, E3C, E10A, Sesat-2,

technical standards and its professional

and internet services (ISPs). HorizonSat

E7A, Intelsat’s IS-12, IS10-02 Yahsat 1A,

approach to telecom solutions. It was

has been aggressively increasing its

Apstar-7 and Azercomsat-1 satellites.

the first company to launch services on

market share and is reaching high volumes

Recognised as a key provider of

DVB-S2 in the Middle East – a substantial

of satellite capacity with various satellite

satellite communications services in

differentiator from other service providers


the Middle East, Asia and Africa,

in the region and Africa.

HorizonSat supports strategic and

Always at the forefront of new

institutional clients in the field of

technologies, HorizonSat is renowned

HorizonSat established its own teleport

telecommunications (broadband and

for implementing the latest satellite

in Munich, Germany under the name of

broadcast) and attributes its success to its

modulations from leading satellite

Horizon Teleports. Horizon Teleports can

dedication in implementing solutions that

equipment manufacturers in order to

offer access to C-Band, Ku-Band and Ka-

leverage the latest satellite technologies

optimise its use of spectral efficiencies

Band satellites located at 55 degrees west

and support through its 24/7 operations

to ensure its customers’ competitive

to 78 degrees east. The holding company



of Horizon Teleports is HorizonSat LLC,

Teleport Facilities

HorizonSat offers a broad range of

HorizonSat will continue to work

a well-known and experienced satellite

services that include IP trunking, private

closely with its customers, focusing on

communications provider based out of

networks, VoIP and GSM backhauling,

their objectives and creating solutions

Dubai, UAE.

media and broadcast services inclusive

that ensure continued success in their

of video distribution, contribution and

mission’s critical applications.

With a fully manned team of experienced support engineers monitoring the teleport



satisfaction are essential factors that enable Horizon to meet its objectives in creating value for its clients and shareholders. Services • IP Trunking. • GSM Backhauling. • Broadcasting Solutions. • Private Networks. • ISDN Solutions via Satellite. • i-Direct Broadband Services. Technologies • SCPC (Single Carrier Per Channel). • MCPC (Multi Carrier Per Channel). • TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access). • DAMA (Demand Access Multiple Access). • CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access). • DVB-S (Digital Video Broadcasting, Standard Modulation). • DVB-S2 (Digital Video Broadcasting, 24/7 and top-of-the-line equipment

a second Network Operations Centre in

featuring the latest technologies, Horizon

Dubai, UAE.

Teleports helps clients reach their intended goals cost-effectively.

Generation 2). Achievements

HorizonSat Management Structure

HorizonSat has witnessed remarkable

This state-of-the-art teleport is equipped

HorizonSat maintains a flat management

growth owing to client confidence

with 16 high-end antennae that offers high

structure with direct access to its executives

in its capabilities, service quality and

quality coverage and guarantees 99.99%

to facilitate the decision-making process.

responsiveness. The company has built

uptime. With a solid background in terms

Inquiries are processed between sales,

a reputation for rapid service activation

of experience and technical expertise,

contracts and operations within the same

and customised solutions, thereby setting

Horizon Teleports assures clients of high

location efficiently and rapidly. Customers

it apart from other service providers in the

standards of service and quality at all times.

are also constantly posted on the status of

Middle East and Africa.

Horizon Teleports provides managed

their links and activation process.

and customised solutions, detailed


technical consultancy, with a redundant


core network and backbone connectivity

HorizonSat is a communications

HorizonSat FZ-LLC

that is second to none in terms of efficiency

company that focuses on satisfying

PO Box 502343 Dubai – UAE

and performance.

its customers by providing them with

Tel: +971 4 391 5122

To ensure that customers are always

innovative and cost-effective solutions,

Fax: +971 4 391 2906

connected, Horizon Teleports Network

fully redundant reliable services, record

Operations Centre operates on a 24x7 out

availability rates, and round-the-clock


of Munich, Germany and is backed up by

support. Teamwork and personal employee








iglio Group’s fully owned

sport and shows and a systems integration

all elements of the broadcast and delivery

M-Three Satcom SpA is an

unit completes the 360° range of available


Italian company committed


to providing reliable,

Initially focused on the Hot Bird – E13

complete and cost-effective solutions to

east DTH distribution as a starting point,

Top-level and Worldwide Delivery:

international television, radio and A/V

M-Three Satcom gradually increased its

From its twin teleport facilities in

professionals. Since 2004 when M-Three

activity range and coverage reaching a

Milan and Rome and through long-term

Satcom was founded, its activity has been

primary position in the infrastructure-

agreements with teleport and satellite

based in two teleports in Milan and Rome,

provider arena. The services portfolio

operators worldwide, M-Three offers

connected to the worldwide Interoute

is organised into three interdependent

a wide choice of digital platforms for

network and allowing for a full range of

business units: teleport services, outside

fibre optic, satellite, OTT contribution

services in terms of geographical coverage

broadcast, systems integration as VAR

and distribution.

and solutions. A fleet of OB facilities for

(value-added reseller) for Thomson TV

The prime orbital positions directly

production and transmission of news,

Networks and other primary brands for

managed by M3 from Milan station are


Teleport Services


Eutelsat 13 East and 9 East, both in DVB-S

M-Three in delivering DTH bouquet in

Systems Integration Services

and S2 configurations, and serving a

the areas, and joining forces to provide

The approach as technology supplier

number of SD and HD channels as well

cost-effective, reliable solutions to

and end user makes M-Three Satcom the

as Italian and European radio networks.

clients. Clients benefit from an M-Three

ideal partner in projecting, delivering and

Most recently, M-Three started a new

commitment to interruption-free service,

supporting all production and transmission

service for distribution in the east and

earth station’s redundancy, power and

solutions from studio facilities to

Far East regions through Eutelsat E70

fibre diversity, 24/7 support, plus a full

modulation and compression systems,

East, uplinking on two beams dedicated

site backup and recovery system managed

uplink stations and complete teleports

respectively to the Middle East and India

between Milan, Rome

facilities. M-Three provides turnkey

(widebeam) and to the Far East and


Oceania (Asia Beam).

and partner

solutions covering all steps of the digital

Playout services and co-location: At

supply chain from content acquisition and

At the same time, both Eutelsat and

M-Three premises, in addition to the

processing, to compression and delivery to

other key players in the European and

robust fibre connectivity (which benefit

final audience. The experience as direct

EMEA region are cooperating with

from the co-presence of Interoute POP

technology user and provider and the

facilities at the teleport), a number of

continuous research and implementation

co-location and managed services are

activity carried at its teleport facilities

available. The playout centre consists of

allows M-Three Satcom to fully understand

secured rack space, MCR, multiscreen

client needs in building efficient, affordable

area, systems and personnel for a 24/7

digital networks for contribution and

operation from basic ‘hands on’ support to

transmission via satellite or terrestrial

full management of TV and radio channels.


Clients can very easily monitor and

M-Three is driven by innovation and

operate self-owned or leased equipment

care and shares with clients and partners

through IP-dedicated access while on-

every improvement in compression,

site personnel will provide ingestion,

bandwidth optimisation, reduction of

files quality controls and provide a single

delay in transmission and delivery. A full

contact point to coordinate operations

systems integration concept including

between broadcaster and distribution

project, delivery, on-site configuration and


24/7 maintenance and assistance assure



client success.

capacity for occasional use in every

production services combine the forces

As value-added reseller of Thomson

bandwidth and protocol configuration.

of a skilled team of professionals for all

Networks and many other main brands,

Outside broadcast production

related activities, from events scheduling

M-Three gives support with on-field

and transmission units from various

and management, system configuration

experience to clients for:

locations in and around Italy and in

and optimisation to complete on

• Production facilities.

the neighbouring countries can rely on

field service delivery. In addition, the

• DSNG and fly-away integration.

M-Three’s affordable and flexible OB

M-Three teleports and MCR support live

• Playout systems.

van and DSNG trucks fleet, configured

transmissions with 24/7 troubleshooting

• Encoding, compression, networking

to support any kind of live events. These

services, turnaround and backup.

systems. • Modulation. • Amplifiers, RF units. • Antenna systems for fixed installation, fly-away or on-the-move auto pointing antennae. Outside Broadcast M-Three Satcom through its fleet of OB Vans and SNGs provides live coverage of sport, entertainment, news and corporate events. Broadcasters, news agencies, sports associations and rights holders can count on M-Three Satcom’s affordable structure including a 24/7 booking centre, HD mobile facilities, fibre and satellite



M-Three has supported and covered

and distribution. Through long-term

a number of prime time event–the Giro

agreements with major fibre and

• Network management and global NOC.

d’Italia and the Tour de France cycling

satellite operators, M-Three provides

M-Three Satcom at CABSAT 2016

races, SuperBike motor show and races,

occasional and permanent use capacity

M-Three’s showing at CABSAT covers

skiing, rugby and football championships

on fibre and satellite networks for

new and available services. The company

as well as the Olympics and the World

worldwide coverage in every required

management together with colleagues

Championships, to name a few.


from the Holdings Giglio Group discusses

Available OB Facilities

Available Resources – Satellite

• HD/SD DSNG trucks.

• OU satellite capacity with booking on

possible projects or queries with

• Production facilities from light standup to HD multi-camera van. • Special units with aircraft, helicopter and special MW links in cooperation with international partners for sport events such as marathons, cycling races, car rallies and such.

a pay per minute basis. • From 4.5 MHz to full transponder in various orbital positions. • Middle and long-term booking available for special events. • 24/7 booking centre and MCR for support and troubleshooting.

• Playout, uplink and fibre injection centre in Milan and Rome.

Available Resources - Fibre Network

• Editing and post-production.

• Connecting most city centres all over

M-Three applications range from news coverage to sports broadcasting, content delivery and exchange, entertainment broadcasting, live corporate and business events, HD and 3D production

Europe and worldwide. • Leased lines from E1 to GbE and STM1/4/16/64. • IP Backbone access with CBR and

prospective clients and partners.

CONTACT M-Three Satcom SpA Via Borgonuovo 4 – 20121 Milano Operation Teleport Milano Via Brianza 15 20098 SG Milanese – Milano, Italy Operation Teleport Rome Via Cornelia 498 00166 Rome Email: Website:

burst capacity.



STN is a leading innovative teleport with headquarters in Slovenia, Europe.

STN’s services include remote and managed playout services, turnaround, down/up link in SD/ HD/UHD, channels distribution via all prime satellite orbital positions, TT&C, IPTV & OTT, CAS - encryption and fibre connectivity.



TN PLC provides global

Smart Solutions and Swift Services

with satellite capacity on all prime and

broadcast distribution via

STN provides a comprehensive, highly

most popular orbital positions to cover

satellite and media services,

proficient range of services covering

Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa,

with the capabilities to offer

myriad technical possibilities that

Australia, North America and South

multiple solutions, satellites and platforms

are superior to competitors and go


best-suited and tailored to individual

far beyond the transport of signals

customer requirements.

via satellite or fibre. STN offers TV

Trusted, Qualified and Technically

Since its inception in 2004, STN, the

channels, radio broadcasters and content


Satellite Telecommunications Network,

producers a high quality, cost-effective

STN’s range of expertise is diverse,

has significantly grown to become a leader

outsource for all or part of their playout

enabling the company to facilitate single

amongst teleports on a global scale - with

and transmission requirements. The

channel start-ups as well as transmit

world-class facilities that elevate industry

foundation of STN’s operation is based

multiple top-tier direct-to-home satellite

standards. In addition to its cutting-edge

on reliable and uninterrupted services

platforms while serving everything in

facilities, STN is celebrated for its quality

which are provided through several

between. Through professionalism

of services that include multiple solutions,

levels of redundancy ranging from power

and vast industry knowledge, STN has

satellites and platforms. Its speciality is

supply to end-transmission chains.

earned a reputation that is punctuated by

tailoring services to ideally suit individual

STN is a well-established and

reliability, trustworthiness, high quality

customer’s requirements, making it a

trusted partner to all major satellite

and an unrivalled turnaround time. It is a

single state-of-the-art emporium with

owners around the world, a provider

trusted partner of choice to over 600 TV

quality highlighting everything you need.

that offers its services around the globe

and 300 radio channels to date.



STN HQ, Slovenia.

STN Network Operations Centre.



Future-focussed and Ready for an

of standards including NTSC, PAL or

MPEG-2, SD/HD MPEG-4 AVC encoders

Evolving Digital World

SECAM, HDTV formats in 1080p59.94,

and the new h.265 (HEVC) encoders that

To keep ahead of the expanding market,

1080p50, 1080i59.94, 1080i50, 720p59.94 or

can be used to compress SD/HD or UHD

STN has developed strong work ethics

720p50 and 4K UHD (2160p) and convert

signals; all of which utilise advanced pre-

to equip itself with the latest technology

it to any other standard using state-of-the-

processing algorithms and multiplexing

and spare capacity on a rolling basis,

art motion compensated cross converters,

to further increase bitrate efficiencies and

in order to handle the demand for the

encoders and transcoders.

picture quality improvements. The headend

increasing number of time-dependent

For playout customers, STN uses three-

system is designed to provide world-class

projects. STN is able to maximise

tier playout options (Bronze, Silver and

performance, optimise bitrate/picture ratios

customer’s possibilities by utilising the

Gold) all of which are industry established

and be completely flexible. With STN there

most effective technology available in the

SD/HD/UHD channel playout systems

are no restrictions: 10-bit, 4:2:2, JPEG 2000

market. It is STN’s cutting-edge technical

with advanced graphics capabilities,

or 3DTV, 4K UHD are all available today.

infrastructure that affords complete peace

each with a unique capability to tailor

of mind as reliable, uninterrupted high-

customers’ specific needs.

quality services are ensured. STN can receive a signal in a variety

STN’s compression headend system

robust devices combined with powerful

is based on the latest series of SD/HD

stream processing constitutes the heart of

STN’s unique global footprint provides customers with simple, reliable access to diverse multi-platform distribution, which allows channels to grow in whatever direction you choose.


STN has implemented the new generation of system multiplexers. These


capabilities of the comprehensive NX-OS feature set. The switches are renowned for their high scalability and unparalleled performance and are designed to meet the scaling demands of traditional and cloud deployments. With the throughput of a staggering 2.56 Tbps (Layer 2 and 3 hardware based) and 96 10GE ports and 8 true 40GE QSFP ports, these behemoths now stand and serve the core of STN’s new advanced headend based on a multiplatform headend architecture. The new IP-based infrastructure is not only up to the latest technological

STN Equipment/Data Centre. STN not only has its PoPs in all major data centres in Europe, but is also connected with fibre networks spanning worldwide.

standard but also enables STN to offer higher reliability and flexibility to its customers, and all at a competitive price

the company’s MPEG-2, MPEG-4 AVC and

these devices operate in full active/active

to the elimination of costly routing and

HEVC SD, HD and UHD based broadcast

redundancy mode enabling maximum

switching equipment.

systems. STN takes great pride in the fact

resiliency without single point of failure.

Satellite point-to-point IP backbone

that each transmission chain is protected by

This modernisation will enable STN to

and IP Trunking networks provide local

spare/redundant units to ensure error-free

give better quality and meet the increasing

networks with access to the internet (or

no-single-point-of-failure operation.

demand to migrate contribution path

any other type of network) from a remote

from traditional satellite to the more

access point to regions that have no access

Modernised Data Centre

cost-effective fibre/IP contribution. Over

to fibre or undersea cable infrastructure.

STN PLC has recently invested in a major

the last couple of years STN has seen a

With STN’s implementation of the

internet and L2 PoP’s infrastructure

huge rise in the amount of clients who

latest technical solutions, clients are

upgrade. The upgrade includes investment

are investing in the products/services for

provided with highly reliable, robust, cost-

into the new ASR 1000 Series Aggregation

fibre /IP delivery systems. This migration

effective solutions that will help maintain

Services Routers, ASA 5585-X models

into the ‘terrestrial/cable’ contribution will

their competitiveness while retaining

with FirePOWER services which includes

on a long term save content providers/TV

profitability. Efficiency and reliability

a Security Services Processor (SSP) for

stations a great deal of money.

are at the core of STN’s IP trunking

maximum protection against any potential

STN has also concluded this phase with

services ensuring a high level of customer

threats on internet lines. At the same time it

a move to purely IP-based infrastructure

satisfaction. It is broadcasting distribution,

has upgraded and increased its international

eliminating and bypassing the need for

beyond borders, beyond expectations.

traffic capabilities on various PoPs around

costly (3/6/12HD)-SDI routers and ASI

the world (while simultaneously increasing

switches. The new IP-based infrastructure

its diverse path/dual ISP provider public

will provide the company with flexible

internet line by 1000% from 1Gbps

robust solutions while retaining maximum


redundant connection to 10Gbps fully

possible quality both for SD/HD/UHD

Kidričeva Ulica 22

redundant public internet line).

formats as well as for MPEG-2/MPEG-

1233 DobSlovenia

The new data centre switches are

4 AVC/HEVC video codecs. The core

Tel: +386 1 527 24 40

now based on Nexus series of switches

of the headend consists of the Nexus


and Catalyst 6500 series switches. All

family of data centre switches offering



Service Providers ABS Network Amagi Erstream NorthTelecom PCCW Global U-TO Solutions (I) Pvt. Ltd. Vectracom




BS Network is one of the

solutions. Through its expansive network of

largest broadcast services

22 offices, 10 of which are in MENA capitals

companies in the Middle East

and hotspots, ABS is capable of providing

and North Africa (MENA).

industry-leading services to major Arab as

Working closely with medium-to-large

well as international broadcasters.

broadcasters as well as smaller clients, the company delivers the most comprehensive

Company Roots

set of content production and delivery

ABS Network was founded in 1993 by

services. Owing to years of hard-gained

Mohammed al Ajlouni, a Jordanian-

regional expertise and strategic investments

American media entrepreneur with more

into the latest technologies, the company

than two decades of experience in broadcast

has developed the ability to expertly manage

production and services across the Arab

every aspect of the production process

world. Having successfully built media

from filming in SD and full-HD to post-

businesses and hosting channels such as Al

production editing and distribution via

Jazeera, BBC, Fox News, ABC News, CNN,

satellite, fibre and online streaming.

KSA TV, Sky News Arabia and many others

ABS Network’s formula for success

in his Amman-based production house, he

has been the combination of experienced personnel and professional expertise with the latest production and transmission


saw the opportunity to establish a news Mohammed Al Ajlouni, Chairman of ABS Network.

gathering service to deliver coverage of the Gulf War. As one of the few production


companies to have access to Iraq during

with a definite competitive advantage. As

major regional hot-spots including Erbil,

this time, ABS Network was quick to

their broadcasting gateway from the Middle

the Green Zone and Gaza.

support many international broadcasters

East to the world and vice-versa, the company

in their coverage during and after the war.

aims to spearhead the development of the

Commitment to the

They were also the first company to gain

region’s media industry through innovative,

Latest Technologies

permission to set up an uplink in Jordan.

ground-breaking services.

In an age where viewers demand the

The challenging circumstances under

highest level of production quality, ABS

which ABS Network was established and

Expansive Network

Network spares no expense to ensure that

the ability to overcome every obstacle and

ABS Network headquarters is based in

the equipment it provides is state-of-the-

become the largest broadcast services

Dubai, UAE. They also maintain a strong

art. Today it operates more than 34 mobile

provider in the region has led them to

presence across the region and have offices

Satellite News Gathering (SNG) trucks with

subscribe firmly to the belief that ‘If one

in key cities including Baghdad, Beirut,

full-HD capabilities and can supply mobile

combines courage and resolve with high

Benghazi, Cairo, Amman, Irbil, Manama,

real-time feeds of news and raw footage

professional standards, then, he/she is on

Ramallah, Tripoli, Tunis, Damascus and

to clients across the globe. Systems are

a winning formula in the field of television.’

Kabul. ABS Networks has established

upgraded to ensure the availability of HD/SD

This is precisely what ABS Network has

bureaus in Manhattan and Washington DC,

application technology at all their offices, and

been able to achieve on a consistent basis.

giving them the ability to engage deeply

it has purchased fully redundant HD systems

with broadcasters based in the USA. They

to cover all types of high-profile events across


have 22 offices in all, 10 of which are wholly

the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council).

ABS Network’s vision is to provide clients

owned by ABS Network and are located in

In 2014, ABS Network advanced its



capabilities and competitive edge with

2015 Highlights

broadcasters often addressing gaps in the

the establishment of a quick deployment

The last year saw the network expanding its

market. They include:

operations department that is supplied with

horizons further with the opening of a new

special production equipment for rapid

office in Istanbul, Turkey. The new office

Live Studios and Production

response purposes.

which was set up in Yenibosna is expected

From a simple interview to complex multi-

Having the best technology is only

to serve the area better and support the

camera studio set-ups, ABS Network is fully

beneficial to an organisation that can also

existing office in Besiktas. Another office

equipped for live studio productions. The

draw from a resource pool of expertly

that was also newly established was in

offices offer panoramic views of some of

trained and enabled staff. The company

Aden, Yemen at the start of 2015. ABS

the most iconic regional scenery, be it the

invests heavily in hiring and training the

Network hopes to open a new office in

blue dome of the Mohammed Al Amin

most professional staff. This ensures that

Kuwait in the coming year.

Mosque in downtown Beirut or the sun-

they are capable of utilising cutting-edge

kissed skyscrapers of Dubai. Facilities to

equipment to its utmost potential. ABS


cover complex, multi-camera broadcast

Network employs over 250 professionals

ABS Network prides itself on being able

requirements are also provided. These

and its production staff includes over 60

to deliver end-to-end services for the


producers, 50 editors, 100 cameramen and

broadcast industry. Over the years, it has

• Outside Broadcast Vehicles.

production support staff operating in over

tailored its portfolio of services to meet

• Portable Studios.

20 countries.

the needs of regional and international

• Portable (FLY/DRIVE-away) SNGs with


the latest technology.

they can facilitate transmission to and from

hours of priceless footage. This includes

• Remote studio set up and control rooms.

any location and act as a turnaround in

extensive coverage of wars, revolutions,

• Multi-camera sports production.

the middle.

invasions, protests and much more. This is expertly tended to by a skilled archivist

• Studios all over the branches for DTL - News Room

who has developed a superbly efficient

A dedicated team of news producers stay

system which gives customers almost

Event Coverage

abreast with the latest events, both locally

instantaneous access to this rich library.

ABS Network can rapidly deploy a skilled

and regionally and are ready to cover news

team to cover any event in the region or the

as it breaks, giving ABS Network unmatched


world. Be it entertainment or war, highly

news gathering capabilities. They have

While the company’s capabilities speaks

trained professionals are ever ready and

also built a comprehensive list of contacts

for itself, it is the impressive number of

provide world-class coverage services. Live

through years of diligent research and work

industry bigwigs who have placed their

event coverage include:

in the field and can find guests on any topic

trust in ABS Network for their broadcast

• Filming and editing.

for their customers anytime, anywhere.

needs that are the true testament to the

1,2 or 3 cameras (capability).

quality of their services. The company’s

• News packages. • Live stand-ups.

News Packages

experience and expertise have enabled them

• Studio set-up.

ABS Network produces a number of

to serve the region’s and indeed the world’s

• Logistics.

scripted news packages in Arabic and

biggest broadcasters. Their clients include

• Content delivery.

English with script, interviews and

Sky News Arabia, ABC News, CNBC, Al

• Consulting.

shortlists. ABS Network is highly flexible

Arabia News Channel, BBC, Al Jazeera,

• Editorial services.

- special requests are accommodated and

CNN, Al Hurra TV and the MBC Group.

• Rushes.

suggestions given for content.

Irrespective of the size or scope of a client’s engagement with the company, ABS Network



remains deeply committed to every customer,

Clients are provided with uplink services

ABS Network maintains a repository

treating each project as its own entity and

to European and Middle Eastern satellites

that contains over two decades’ worth

ensuring that meticulous detail is paid to

or fibre to and from the USA. In essence,

of archives, translating to countless

every aspect in order to achieve success. CONTACT ABS Network Dubai Media City Thuraya 1 Tower Floor 18, Office 1802,1801 Booking Department: Tel: +962791501550 Tel: +96264600700 Ext: 123 Email: Anas Athamneh Tel: +962797000919 Email:





magi is the leading provider

Products and Services

an integrated archival workflow with


CUMULUS - Amagi Cloud

instant retrieval of archived assets.

Broadcast Platform

Monetisation can be realised from

broadcast infrastructure

CUMULUS, Amagi’s cloud broadcast

content regionalisation and targeted ad

encompassing content preparation,

platform allows TV networks to prepare,

insertion across linear and OTT feeds,

playout, delivery, monetisation and

manage, playout, deliver and monetise

combined with the opportunity for ad

targeted advertising across traditional

their content all through a single platform.

sales partnerships and programmatic

TV and multi-screen platforms.

Using end-to-end cloud services,






Amagi has successful deployments for

content owners and broadcasters can

global and regional TV networks with over

create and deliver linear and non-linear

CLOUDPORT 3.0 Cloud-Based

10,0000 device installations across the

streams across cable, satellite, IPTV and

Playout Platform

Middle East, Europe, the USA, Australia,

OTT on-demand platforms reducing

CLOUDPORT 3.0 is a cloud-based

India and parts of the Asia Pacific region.

dependencies on individual service

platform for multichannel playout of

The company is headquartered in

providers. CUMULUS is built on a global,

both live and non-linear feeds. The next-

Bangalore, India, and has its sales offices in

secure and reliable architecture provided

generation CLOUDPORT platform has

New York, London, Los Angeles and Hong

by Amazon Web Services (AWS) lowering

transitioned from proprietary hardware

Kong. The Bangalore office also houses


to an Intel server residing in the cloud,

Amagi’s R&D, product development and

CUMULUS offers centralised content

giving broadcasters more control over

storage and archiving providing TV

their operations. By hosting a broad range

Amagi’s investors include Nadathur

networks with transparent, total access

of advanced playout capabilities from the

Holdings, Mayfield Fund and Premji

and control of their assets. Leveraging

Amazon Web Services infrastructure,


AWS Glacier, CUMULUS provides

CLOUDPORT 3.0 enables TV networks

operations teams.



Cloud MCR monitoring facility at Amagi, Bangalore, India.



Micky Edwards Head of Sales – EMEA, Amagi.

KA Srinivasan Co-founder, Amagi.

Sanjay Kirimanjeshwar Head of Global Marketing, Amagi.

to launch new channels in less than four

streams. Unlike the traditional approach


weeks at a fraction of the traditional

of setting up separate feeds for localising

OTT Ad Insertion Platform

broadcast cost.

ads, Amagi’s STORM platform eliminates

Amagi’s THUNDERSTORM platform

the need for high CAPEX and OPEX that

enables TV networks to dynamically

is typical with regional feeds.

insert ads on the server side simplifying

Using CLOUDPORT 3.0, broadcasters can support the entire playout workflow from channel branding and graphics

Central to the STORM platform is

the delivery of personalised and targeted

to subtitling, traffic and scheduling,

Amagi’s innovative, patented content

ads on premium live and linear OTT feeds.

compliance recording, quality control,

watermarking technology. The Amagi

With the ability to perform instant,

multichannel monitoring and more.

watermark is a unique, invisible and

server-side ad insertion, TV networks

In addition to delivering content to

inaudible signature that is inserted into

now have an effective approach to

operator headends and teleports for

the broadcast feed. The platform also

OTT ad insertion compared with the

further distribution, CLOUDPORT 3.0

consists of an advanced IRD installed at

traditional method of inserting mid-roll

also offers automated transcoding and

operator headends.

ads on the client side. The platform allows

delivery to different VOD and OTT

The STORM IRDs are capable of

broadcasters to insert multiple types of

platforms, enabling broadcasters to

receiving broadcast feed and recognising

ad formats, including bugs, L-bands

address the growing consumer demand

the Amagi watermark. These watermarks

and linear video for ultimate flexibility.

for multiscreen viewing.

act as replacement triggers and the

Since ads are stitched at the server level,

Leveraging the platform’s dynamic

STORM IRD replaces watermarked

THUNDERSTORM eliminates the need

and local ad insertion capabilities, TV

content with appropriate local ads stored

to create device-driven OTT ad streams

networks can increase monetisation.

in it as per the local playlist. The platform

making ads compatible across various

Full-screen graphics and UHD support

is flexible in supporting delivery of local


ensure a high-quality viewing experience

ads to the STORM IRD devices either

for broadcast subscribers.

through trickle satellite bandwidth or via

Awards for Technology Innovation

the cloud.

IBC Innovation Award 2015

The STORM platform also supports

Amagi was honoured with the IBC

Amagi offers TV networks a unique

traditional triggers such as DTMF and

Innovation Award based on its unique

platform that can insert targeted local ads

SCTE 35 cue-tones in addition to Amagi

ability to replace key content on Sundance

on a common feed creating new revenue


Channel Global’s Latin American feed

STORM Ad Insertion Platform



KA Srinivasan of Amagi and Dave Alworth of Sundance Channel Global receiving the IBC Innovation Award 2015.

with content specifically geared toward

regionalise advertisements in the Middle

the Brazilian audience, without using

East without disrupting the existing

separate satellite feeds or reducing audio-

workflow and satellite infrastructure or

visual quality.

incurring significant CAPEX and OPEX.

The solution features Amagi’s STORM

Using trickle satellite bandwidth,

platform and an innovative content

NDTV can deliver local replacement ads

watermark-based workflow that makes

and the playlist on the common satellite

it easy for broadcasters to regionalise

feed. Installed at various headends in the

television content, seamlessly replacing

region, Amagi’s STORM IRDs receive

bugs, logos and other channel graphics.

the common satellite feed, recognise the watermarked ads and then replace them

ASBU BroadcastPro Middle East 2015 Innovative Project Award

with the local ads as per the local playlist. Amagi won the Innovative Project of

Amagi’s STORM platform enabled NDTV,

the Year award for monetising the Middle

a pioneer in television news in India, to

East market for NDTV.

CONTACT Amagi Media Labs Pvt. Ltd. Medius House Sheraton Street London W1F 8BH England Corporate Headquarters and R&D Centre Amagi Media Labs Pvt. Ltd. 4th Floor, Raj Alkaa Park Bannerghatta Road Bangalore 560 076, India Email:





rstream has been operating

Erstream CDN Special Features

• Multi DRM.

globally for the past 14 years as

Compared to other CDN services available

• Common Encryption.

a leading technology company

in the market, Erstream is only focused on

• Number of chunks reduction of HLS

with a strong presence in

premium video delivery. Features include

the world’s leading markets providing

the following:

top-quality products and solutions to

• Storage cost of the customer brought

content owners and broadcasters. Their products include encoding, CDN and web streaming software and services that are

down by 70-80%. • Increases performance of storage and origin dramatically.

files. • Upload, callback notification. • Multi CDN support. • Thumbnail, logo, watermark insertion, etc. • API.

researched and developed in their own

• Provides a high performance Edge

R&D labs under the expert supervision

server that does not require a specific

Storage & Origin

of uniquely gifted engineers. Erstream

HW; and a very powerful cache layer

• Based on Gluster File System.

works in collaboration with Turkey and

with enhanced features, and a cost

• Similar Topology Netflix.

the international market’s established

effective proposal.

• Built-in origin, zero network delay

content creators and broadcasters.

As many other traditional E2E CDNs,

between storage and origin. Storage

Erstream’s operational flow is as below;

and origin server are built by Erstream

Erstream focuses on end-to-end online video delivery and works continuously to

based on an open source SW.

improve cost-effective solutions to their

Ingest Work Flow (VMS)


• Encoding VOD and LIVE.


• Arc Cache file system with custom settings according to last miles


behaviour and content type (MP4,

• On the fly DRM support.


• Custom Firewall settings for DDOS

HTML, CSS, etc). • Multi Nodes.

or SYN(when server serves directly to last mile).

• Enhance fingerprinting techniques to prevent re-broadcast of any important event especially sports. • Custom Edge service.

• 10Gbps constant uplink for chunked content. • Multi-Format Support (mpeg-dash, HLS, Smooth Streaming). • Multi DRM Support.



• Customised for premium video delivery

• Based on no-SQL DB.

only. • Enhance caching algorithms.

• Flexible filtering based on any different dimension in server logs.



However this usually causes other issues and does not increase picture quality as expected. To achieve picture quality, there are two criteria to be observed. One, if the size of the bitrate is lower than it should be, then you lose quality. And vice versa – which is if the size of the bitrate is higher than it should be, then there is the loss of storage size and storage performance (especially for standard HLS format, wherin storage is important as each HLS folder consists of thousands of mini ts files). There is also capacity demands in terms of CDN Edges or Uplink and unwanted re-buffer issues at the last mile because of high size bitrates, or low bitrate viewing ratio as it is difficult for client devices to download high-sized chunks. As a result of these blocks in bitrate determination, Erstream Encoding Service

before the encoding process starts. This

developed a workable logic that would

Erstream Encoder / Encoding Service

calculation finds out the ideal maximum

help decipher it. In 2011, they created

supports H264 and HEVC as codec; HLS,

bitrate for a specific content. The ideal

pre-calculation for deciding the ideal

Smooth Streaming and Mpeg-Dash as

bitrate is often determined by operators.

maximum bitrate size for a specific

video format.

Most operators want to give the best

content. The ideal bit rate size is the bit

So how is the Erstream Encoder

picture quality to their viewers and the

rate size above the picture quality that

different from other encoders? The

easiest way to achieve that is by increasing

does not increase and below the point

Erstream Encoder makes a pre-calculation

the size of the bitrates of the outputs.

where the picture quality can get worse.



Erstream provides the following services for Digiturk: • DRM. Largest customer Digiturk is the largest satellite and OTT

• VOD CDN distribution in Turkey(more than 30K video titles).

platform in Turkey with more than three

• VOD CDN distribution for global

million subscribers controlling 50% of

networks(more than 10K video titles).

the MENA market. Digiturk has a huge

• LIVE channels encoding.

video platform running globally covering

• LIVE channels CDN for Turkey(more

Europe, USA, Asia, Africa and Australia.

than 100 channels).

• LIVE Channels CDN for global markets(more than 100 channels). • Encoding, CDN and protection for the most expensive of Turkish content, the Turkish Premium Football League. • Smart TV apps for LG, Samsung, Arcelik, Vestel, etc. • SmartTV app for delivering 4K VOD with Samsung/Digiturk (first in the MENA region). CONTACT Erstream Video Delivery Company Defterdar Mahallesi Otakçılar Caddesi Kar Plaza A Blok, No:80, Ofis No:9 Eyüp-Istanbul, Turkey Ugur Kalaba Chief Executive Officer William De Felice Vice President, Global Sales Oguz Erginer Sales and Marketing Director Tel: +90 212 705 95 17 Email: Website:





orthTelecom is a leading

September 2007. Within this short pro-

Satellite Payload

global satellite service

active period, the company has grown

NorthTelecom offers the advantage

provider offering satellite

steadfastly into one of the most outstanding

of satellite payload, targeted mostly at



networking and satellite service providers

government entities and large corporations

services) on land and at sea. Having high-

globally, including internet access solutions

that are aiming to effectively invest in

quality managed network services from the

and broadcasting services. NorthTelecom has

their own assets for purposes of long-term

East to the West, NorthTelecom delivers

a global reach now with offices in Germany

business security. With the rising trend

leading-edge satellite communication

and Singapore, supported by operations and

towards broadband connectivity, large

services and solutions to meet customer

teleports in South Korea, Singapore, Dubai,

companies realise the potential of reaching

demands across the spectrum. Headquartered

Greece, Spain, the UK and Cyprus.

across to the other half of the world, and

in Dubai, UAE, NorthTelecom prevails at

The NorthTelecom corporate mission

the only commercial and viable means

12 international points of presence with

is communications all over the world and

of achieving that is by way of satellite

seven teleport operations, serving over 100

this undertaking has led the company to

communications. Distance is no longer a

partners globally and enabling businesses

provide exceptional solutions that are

hindrance. The NorthTelecom expertise

to be accessed worldwide. Leveraging up-

bound by client contentment. Combining

helps companies study their options, and

to-date ICT concepts, the company delivers

the strengths of its core professional team,

gives a first-hand account of their long

reliable, efficient services and solutions to key

NorthTelecom offers a plethora of services

distance connectivity possibilities, and

industries such as telcos and GSM operators,

to its partners and customers all over the

insures their CAPEX and OPEX in the

ISPs, NGOs, media and broadcasters, the

world, with a 24/7 network operations

long run.

maritime industry, oil and gas, mining, the

centre and global presence, thereby offering

government sector and more.

flexibility in aid and assistance to its valued

Broadband Internet

clients. Their steady and invariable expertise

Advanced internet communication is the

lends an eye to businesses at all times.

new basic need of today’s modern world.

NorthTelecom’s achievements are a far cry from its humble beginnings in



NorthTelecom provides broadband internet

Broadcasting (DTH, FTA)

and quality. The NorthTelecom VSAT

via satellite thereby accommodating satellite

Realising the increasing role that the

satellite communications network is

internet access on a variety of platforms

media plays in daily life, NorthTelecom’s

tailored to suit individual businesses, web

including iDirect (TDMA, SCPC), SCPC

networking solutions meet requirements

applications or any sort of communications

and DVB-S2 with the teleport backbone

for an integrated transmission and

such as banking, real time monitoring, video

in Europe and Asia.

management system, which processes

conferencing, government and military

diverse bi-directional traffic types while

services and much more. NorthTelecom

IP Trunking

automatically controlling multiple space

provides a reliable and stable network along

NorthTelecom offers IP connectivity

and ground segment resources. It is

with security that protects your business

services via satellite, providing end-to-end

ideal for high-speed contribution and

and the organisation.

solutions that cover all equipment needs and

distribution of any live or on-demand

ensures reliable connectivity. The corporate

data, audio or video content from IPTV

Offshore/Onshore (Oil and Gas)

vision is to provide cutting-edge solutions

to HDTV. These solutions cater to various

The oil and gas sector’s remote locations

for large-scale service providers including

choices for transmitting video or streaming

often mean heavy dependence on satellite

the government sector, telcos and GSM

data in combination with telephony and

solutions. As a result, minimising costs is

operators who wish to expand their quality

production intercommunication. Likewise,

key, particularly when bandwidth needs

of service at costs that are sustainable.

they also have provision for SNG systems

continuation to grow due to technological

for broadcast in remote areas.

advances in exploration and production.

Furthermore, NorthTelecom is a leading global provider of internet connectivity

Complex data from remote drilling sites

solutions over satellites and has years of

Private Network

are transmitted to corporate head offices

experience in implementing and delivering

Beyond providing satellite communications

for analysis by way of NorthTelecom’s

satellite ICT services through its earth

systems, the corporate endeavour is to

connectivity services through highlighted

stations and teleports in Europe and Asia.

engineer ways that improve productivity




NorthTelecom integrates instant

secure, wireless communication setup can be established at any location.


becomes an ideal solution for new urban


Dubai Office

developments or city outskirts. Construction

NorthTelecom supports onshore and

companies and master developers can have

offshore operations extending their services

regular updates from their construction

to maritime VSAT with coverage from Asia

sites through high-speed internet access.

Pacific to the Middle East and Europe.

connectivity at construction sites and once development is complete, satellite

NorthTelecom Flat. 2001, 20th Floor Grosvenor Business Tower TECOM, Dubai, UAE

Knowing MVSAT as a high-speed, two-

Tel: +971 4 452 9993 / 458 4662

Teleport Service

way IP broadband ship-to-shore satellite


NorthTelecom Teleport service offers

telecommunications service, NorthTelecom

complete uplink and downlink solutions

added value packages to its client along with

as well as telehousing requirements.

its existing infrastructure, such as video on

Customers can have their own satellite

demand, GSM services, fax, VoIP and SIP

platform hosted at the NorthTelecom

phone services.

facility, or share at the existing up-to-date

Germany Office - Teleport NorthLink GmbH Germany, Im Heilenbruch 7, D-66706 Perl-Besch Website:

facilities that offer immediate access to a

NorthTelecom at Your

Singapore Office

robust, reliable internet backbone and fibre

Service (Consultancy)

optic network across the world.

Mastering all phases of ground systems

NorthTelecom PTE. Ltd.

engineering, NorthTelecom offers

Level 39, Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 2,

GSM Backhauling

consultancy through design to final

In remote locations where communications

turnkey delivery of uplink and downlink

services are expensive to set up or almost

stations, control centre, teleports, video

impossible, GSM backhauling provides

and data management platforms and

a simple, quick and cost-effective way

network operations centre. From pre-

to provide connection for any sort of

designing satellite payload to its technical,

Social Media

mobile network (3G and 4G systems).

financial and market specifications,

Facebook: northtelecomofficial

This application is also suitable for first

regardless of project phase and challenges,

Twitter: @northtelecom

responder use, disaster recovery and for

NorthTelecom offers consultancy solutions

LinkedIn: northtelecomofficial

humanitarian activity. Within minutes, a

until completion of a mission.


10 Marina Boulevard Zip Code 018983 Tel: +65 6818 6206 Website:







CCW Global is a leading

PCCW Global has inherited over 40 years

telecommunications provider

of experience in the media industry and

with network coverage

has been a trusted partner for international

in more than 3,000 cities

broadcasters and service providers.

and 140 countries. Apart from offering

The company offers a comprehensive

innovating voice and data solutions with

MediaFlex Video Platform with the option

the global network coverage, PCCW Global

to have strong end-to-end management

is aggressively expanding its portfolio of

from the company to enable rapid entry

video solutions for the media industry.

in the fast-moving multi-screen OTT

Through a truly global coverage,

video market.

combined with local, on the ground knowledge, PCCW Global has built the

Video Contribution and Distribution

best in class connections across the globe,

PCCW Global offers an integrated global

especially in some of the remotest, hard-

satellite and fibre infrastructure to support

to-reach areas in exciting growth markets

global video contribution and distribution.

across Asia, Africa, Latin America and the

Global TV Network (GTVN): Advances

Middle East. Built on one of the world’s

in technology have meant that TV

largest and most diverse, integrated

broadcasting has evolved from analogue to

global backbones, PCCW Global offers a

digital and now high definition is a de-facto

portfolio of network solutions that provide

standard. Transportation of digital video

an efficient way to connect your business,

content internationally has traditionally

wherever you are located.

been served by satellite transmissions.



Global TV Network (GTVN) coverage map.

However, with the increase in bandwidth

solution for worldwide contribution and

self-owned teleport facilities in Europe and

requirements for carrying high definition

distribution of video content.

Africa and partnerships with satellite and

video content, it has become very costly to

Satellite TV Network: PCCW Global

teleport operators worldwide including

contribute video content point-to-point or

is headquartered in the broadcasting hub

interconnections with video switches in

point-to-multipoint over satellite (although

of Asia and has established the largest

strategic locations around the globe.

satellite is still the most cost-effective

commercial teleport in the region with

With its global broadcasting teleport

way to distribute to mass receiving ends).

more than 30 operating earth stations in

presence, PCCW Global operates a global

The media sector is converting to adopt

Hong Kong. In addition, PCCW Global has

satellite video contribution and distribution

diversified fibre transmissions as the means of carrying video content from source to mass distribution headends.

network. Whenever there is breaking news, MEDIAFLEX VIDEO PLATFORM

PCCW Global deployed GTVN, a video switching platform over its cable infrastructure, to offer a true managed endto-end global video contribution solution. Apart from extensive global coverage and robust backbones, the GTVN platform supports Simplex transmission and video multicasting for cost-efficient point to multi-point video content delivery. Coupled with PCCW Global satellite teleport presence, the integrated platform provides a highly customisable, reliable, end-to-end


special global coverage events, or regular broadcasting segments, PCCW Global is able to provide ad-hoc and full-time access

Launching your own multiscreen OTT video service is never easier:

anywhere in the world via satellites in the

Cost-effective high quality media transmission. World class quality transcoding at exceptionally low and stable bitrate. Flexible cloud-based OTT TV service. High-performance CDN optimised for video delivery.

Region (IOR), Pacific Ocean Region (POR)

Asia Pacific Region (APR), Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean Region (AOR). Transcoding The rapid uptake of content consumption on multi-screen has presented a challenge to broadcasters, service providers or content providers to prepare the appropriate formats optimised for consumption on the


increasing variety of devices. Uncertainty

system (CMS) and Electronic Programme

Ethernet, IP, fiber and satellite, voice and a

on the evolution of different competing

Guide (EPG). The OTT Video Management

suite of managed services to help customers

formats further adds to the complexity

supports a wide variety of business models

to optimise communications, simplify

on the CAPEX investment decision for

and extensive analytics to facilitate

operations and drive profitability.

the corresponding transcoding platform.

operators to experiment different models

PCCW’s advanced security solutions

PCCW Global offers a cloud transcoding

to maximise monetisation of their content.

incorporate real-time threat intelligence

solution that dramatically simplifies the

The service is offered as a white label

to identify and combat known and unknown

content transcoding process with presets

product and can be scaled to meet the

advanced network threats in their infancy.

for a wide variety of devices and flexible

needs of all audience sizes, from small

The company’s global IPX network

workflows. The transcoding solution offers

niche communities to global markets.

supports a one-stop solution for next

a pay-as-you-go model to provide flexibility

Entering the market with this hosted

generation of voice, video, messaging,

for the broadcasters, service providers and

solution helps operators avoid the capex

roaming solutions, enabling MNOs to deliver

content providers.

intensive infrastructure or specialist staff

a high quality seamless mobile experience.

Delivering broadcast quality content

typically required to build and operate an

PCCW’s media and entertainment

at limited bitrate is always a challenge

IPTV service, and allows them to focus on

solutions include fast, efficient video

and also a differentiator for multi-screen

their business requirements.

contribution and distribution, high speed

applications. This is particularly important

cloud-based transcoding and a fully

in emerging countries with limited

Content Delivery Network

integrated hosted online video platform

network bandwidth. The PCCW Global

The PCCW Global CDN Network has been

facilitating rapid, low risk, cost-effective

transcoding solution outperforms the

built to optimise delivery of large files and

entry into the online video market.

market by transcoding content in superior

video on-demand. The network allows users

PCCW Global maintains regional

broadcast quality and low bitrate even for

to bypass the congested public internet and

centres in Hong Kong, China, Japan, Korea,

the most challenging fast-moving sports

experience video in high definition on their

Singapore, the United States of America,

scenes. This gives service providers and

laptop, tablet or smartphone with picture

the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, the

content providers a competitive advantage

quality that is almost as good as being at

United Arab Emirates and South Africa.

to uplift the customer multi-screen video

the event. The PCCW Global CDN provides

To learn more about PCCW Global, please

experience without increasing their

leading coverage globally, including China,


network investment.

with innovative solution elements to enable CDN to be custom buit to extend coverage in

OTT Video Management

hard-to-reach areas in developing countries

PCCW Global’s OTT Video Management

to ensure the best user experience to the

offers broadcasters, service providers and

global audience.

content providers a rapid, low risk, costeffective entry into the OTT video market

About PCCW Global

with a fully managed and integrated hosted

PCCW Global is the international operating


division of HKT, Hong Kong’s premier

CONTACT PCCW Global Office 401 & 408, Level 4, Arjaan Business Tower Dubai Media City PO Box 502441

The OTT Video Management enables

telecommunications service provider,

Dubai, UAE

operators to deliver a full range of advanced

which is majority-owned by PCCW Limited.

Tel: +971 4 446 7480

digital video services, taking advantage

Covering more than 3,000 cities and 140

Fax: +971 4 454 2137

of PCCW Global high performance,

countries, the PCCW Global network


secure Global CDN (content distribution

supports a portfolio of integrated global


network), integrated content management

communications solutions which include





-TO stays true to its promise

has helped broadcasters, studios and

innovated and reinvented its solution

to deliver unmatched media

distributors address the complexities of

offerings with scalable technology, to

solutions to clients spread

their evolving business needs.

provide cost-effective solutions and

across the APAC region

The rapid evolution of digital devices

operational efficiency. Companies choose

with its flagship offerings ‘RightsU - Rights

and consumer behaviour is reinventing

U-TO for its expertise in consultancy,

Management Solution’ and ‘BroadView –

the broadcasting industry. To keep up with

project management, design, integrations

Broadcasting Management Solutions for

new challenges, media and entertainment

via web services/API, flexible workflow,

scheduling, programming, acquisition,

companies have leveraged U-TO’s

implementation and training, maintenance

ad-sales and traffic’. Trusted by industry

capabilities to maximise revenues from

and post-implementation support.

leaders globally for over a decade,

their content, advertising and promotional






understanding of the media domain

Since its inception in 2000, U-TO has

As the media landscape shifts towards non-linear platforms, U-TO is adding the appropriate tools to manage programme scheduling on OTT, electronic sell through, download to own (DLTO), TV everywhere, cable VOD, SVOD, web and IPTV. Company Goal “At U-TO, we believe in merging technology, innovation and business knowledge to help our clients achieve more,” says Sumit Suri, Founder of U-TO. Suri, a technology enthusiast leads a young team of domain experts in global broadcast and media. Middle East Footprint From its regional base in the UAE, the company is poised to offer broadcast solutions and services to existing and



prospective clients spread across the Middle

with Ericsson at TwoFour54 which

Broadcast Management System

East, Africa, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

supports automatic generation of

U-TO Solutions and BroadView Software are

With continuous investments and rapid

dynamic secondary events with native

dedicated to deliver solutions to the television

expansion, U-TO has created a strong

support for Arabic.

broadcast industry worldwide. With over 500

presence in the Middle East and this is the company’s second consecutive participation at CABSAT.

channels using U-TO software globally, the • Moby Group

company offers cutting-edge technology to

Tolo, Tolo News and Lemar TV

support any format in any country in multiple

Channels in Afghanistan and Lana

languages. U-TO provides an extremely

MENA Penetration in the Last Year

TV in Iraq, which are being uplinked

powerful, yet easy-to-use software solution

• Image Nation, Abu Dhabi

from the Moby Group’s first-of-its-kind,

that helps these groups manage all their

In partnership with Discovery

state-of-the-art facility in Afghanistan.

multi-channel needs in programming,

Communications, Image Nation

Alliance Media-Urdu1 leading GEC in

traffic, on-demand, media and ad-sales

launched Quest Arabiya, a free-to-air

Pakistan uplinked out of DMI (UAE).

for linear and non-linear platforms.

channel for the Middle East region. The channel showcases locally produced

U-TO and BroadView’s collaboration has • Fatafeat, UAE

brought a significant change in broadcast

Arabic infotainment content as well

Fatafeat, a part of Discovery

as leverages the large Discovery library

Communication is the first free-to-air


dubbed in Arabic.

food channel in the Arab world with

• Television networks and stations.

U-TO implemented a playout interface

playout from Samacom facility.

• Radio networks and stations.

Clients include:



• Speciality channels and cable networks.

intelligent built-in reporting systems that

The integration eliminates intellectual

• OTT and On-Demand needs.

help broadcasters track royalty payouts,

property rights violations. This comes

• Non-commercial broadcasters.

custom defined revenue/profit sharing

as a huge relief for broadcasters facing

• DTH operations.

rules, etc. RightsU also provides insight

potential losses from law suits of

into all available asset inventory across

intellectual property rights violations.

Content Rights Management

platforms or territories enabling revenue

The data exchange between two systems

and Business Intelligence

opportunities. It manages and monetises

is seamless, reducing dual data entry efforts

The media domain has evolved in recent

assets helping businesses achieve more.

and maintains data consistency across all

times and is now more aware of its content

What sets RightsU distinctly apart from

business units.

rights and exploitation. Rights are treated

its competitors is:

as a strategic investment bringing about

• Protection from intellectual property

an overall change in business perspective.

rights violations.

U-TO designed and developed a product

• Asset availability.

‘RightsU’ that addresses all these business

Compatible Interface Protocols & Mechanism U-TO has significant experience in developing interfaces and integrations

scenarios with intelligent modules and

Recent Achievements

to suit client systems. These interfaces

granular reporting.

The last quarter of 2015 was an indicator

are text or XML-based and APIs or direct

of U-TO’s success and its impact in the

database connections. Furthermore, an

media domain.

open database structure that is ODBC,

RightsU provides complete visibility and control over all acquired and syndicated media assets. This powerful solution

JDBC and .Net compliant also makes it

empowers businesses to manage content

RightsU - BroadView Integration

easy for other systems to extract key data

at every stage of the assets life. From

In a key strategic move, U-TO accomplished

directly from a database.

acquisition to syndication, get complete

native integration of asset rights

Today U-TO integrates with automation

flexibility and convenience in managing

(RightsU) and programme scheduling

systems, media asset management

assets across multiple platforms, territories,

(BroadView) - the first of its kind in the

systems, video servers, ingestion systems,

hold-backs and languages along with

Indian sub-continent.

character generators, graphics systems, accounting systems, EDI systems, sales proposal systems, media archive systems and various email delivery platforms. Client Footprint Sony Pictures Network A global commercial television provider with operations in Mumbai, Singapore and London, the group operates 30+ channels across six time zones. Discovery Communications, USA A $4 billion company, Discovery Communications has implemented BroadView’s scheduling and asset metadata tools for all of its 10 US networks. Worldwide, Discovery reaches 1.8 billion cumulative subscribers in 218 countries



and territories through its 155 channels.

725 users and has been managing these

The implementation involved complex

channels on BroadView since 2002.


Viacom18 Network, India

U-TO Solutions (I) Pvt. Ltd.

interfaces to numerous legacy systems in the Discovery environment.

BroadView’s programming, scheduling,

1st Floor, Todi Building


traffic and

sales system is used by

Lower Parel (West)

BroadView is used by the PBS network to

Viacom 18 network for 25+ channels

Mumbai - 400 013.

manage over 15 video streams that serve

across various genres such as general

Tel: +91 22 43 222 222

the 300+ PBS member stations across

entertainment (English, Hindi and


the USA. This system has over 350 users

regional) music, kids shows, etc. Viacom18


in Washington, DC. PBS has been using

Media Pvt. Ltd. is a 50/50 joint venture

BroadView from 2006 and has been

operation in India between Viacom Inc,

implementing workflow improvements

US and Network18 Group.

and customisations ever since.

BroadView Software Toronto, Ontario M5C 1K9

Tata Sky, India

MENA Office

Rogers, USA

BroadView is deployed at TataSky, which is

Richard Saldanha

A large North American group, it owns

one of India’s largest DTH platforms with

Media City, Dubai, UAE

and manages 46 local television channels

over 11 million subscribers. BroadView

Tel: +971 55 966 2815

arranged into a complex web of parent

also manages EPG content for TataSky


and child schedules. The group has over

integrating with NDS.





ectracom is a service company

in shipping archives across. Audio-visual

needs to manage the project in detail,

specialised in preservation

cultural heritage is of great importance

purchase equipment and manage the

and valorisation of audio-

and hence it is necessary to limit the risks

operations. For the end users, Vectracom

visual heritage (films, video


makes the project simpler and limits

and audio).

When a broadcaster, association or an

the risk. It also replaces large Capex by

Every year Vectracom digitises 100,000

administration has decided to go for a

to 200,000 hours of content regardless

digitisation campaign, Vectracom comes

By doing the job themselves, content

of their physical media type, covering

on site with the required equipment

owners have to deal with five big issues:

broadcasters, administrations, corporates,

and people. The company takes care of

• Find (hire) people with old formats

museums and associations. Vectracom is

everything. The content owner has only to

the leading mass digitisation company

provide or give access to the legacy audio-

in Europe with proven expertise and

visual carriers. At the end of the project,

references for critical and/or large projects.

the company takes back all equipment and





headquarters is located in Paris, France

the content owner has all their assets in a digital repository.

but the company operates worldwide with offices in Europe, North Africa and USA.

smaller Opex.

expertise for staff management. • Find (buy) the legacy machines to play the original material. • Maintain these players and time to refurbish them. • Take charge of systems design and commissioning.

Service Means Saving Money

• Finally, hire, train and manage staff.

In case of content migration, the

At the end, it is a lot of things to do

On-Site Service

big benefit of sub-contracting with

and many risks to take and once all the

Vectracom has long experience and

Vectracom is the total cost of operation.

material is digitised, the content owner

good understanding of content owners’

It is more expensive for a content owner

pays for equipment that has become

needs. Therefore, for digitisation, the

to do the job internally because they face

useless or redundant. As Vectracom is

company suggests on-site service close

complex tasks and heavy investment. By

the best specialist that you can find, the

to the archives vaults to avoid difficulties

doing the job in-house, a content owner

risk to content owners is reduced.



SD/HD/2K/4K scanning.

System under verification before shipment.

181 Vectracom is the expert of legacy formats.

Parallelised digitisation with a quarter inch audio.


In-house Designed Solution Vectracom also uses several inhouse software designed for archives digitisation. From workflow management, to automation systems and quality control, it is all about specific software allowing

dramatically. In 2023 beta heads will

investment on quality. Each step of the

become unavailable.

workflow reflects Vectracom‘s constant

• People having legacy machine knowledge are getting older. • The sooner you get digitised content, the sooner you can monetise it.

the company to provide fast solutions and

concern regarding quality. This means love and care of original material, faithful digitisation and comprehensive file checking, specific proprietary software allowing constant VTR monitoring during

customised services at the best possible

Valorisation: Make Money with

transfer. Each snag is recorded in a


Your Historical Content

database. Vectracom is probably one of the

Once content is digitised, it becomes

very few service providers in the domain

Digitisation - Do It Now!

available in many ways and gets a new

to display an ISO 9001 certification.

Content owners “should think about

life. As a file, it can be stored on various

digitising their assets if it is not already

containers (hard disk, LTO, DVD, USB

done,” explains Laurent Gignoux,

keys) and copied, transferred through

president of Vectracom. “There are

the internet and broadcast without any

several factors that are making it more

limitation. Asset Management System

and more difficult to digitise or retrieve

may retrieve any content with just some

media from audio and video tapes.”

keywords or indexes. Indexing is of prime

According to Gignoux these are:

importance, an archive has no value if it

• Material is ageing and degrading over

is not indexed as it is not usable.

time. This is true for all media (moisture

Vectracom has developed new services

and fungi) but more specifically for the

to help content owners to value their

film (Vinegar syndroma).

assets such as metadata enhancement

• Keeping material in optimal storage is

services. Large projects of these types

expensive – and you have to pay as long

are currently in progress in Saudi Arabia.

as you don’t digitise it. • Legacy machines are now rare, in few

Service Quality With an

years they will be untraceable and in a

ISO 9001 Certification

few decades they will be gone.

Vectracom is among the very few service

• Spare parts cost will increase


companies to have made so much

Quality Control operations.


Mass video digitisation using cart machines.

Large Project Management

tapes and metadata enhancement of

Vectracom has been in-charge of the largest

250,000 clips.

projects of audio-visual archive digitisation during the last 10 years and has saved


• For Switzerland: More than 45,000 hours of audio tapes.

more than 800,000 hours of video and

• For France (INA): 350,000 hours of

25,000 hours of film. Several countries

Beta tapes are currently digitised

have trusted Vectracom with preserving

(50,000 each year).

Vectracom 2 rue de la Justice 93210 La Plaine St Denis Cedex, France

their legacy tapes including Arab countries

• For French territories: 120,000

that have entrusted Vectracom with their

hours of DV and Beta located in nine

legacy tapes, such as Saudi Arabia with

locations around the world (Polynesia,

Jean-Michel Seigneur

(60,000 hours spread on 7600 films, 32,000

Carribean, Indian Ocean) are digitised


two-inch reels, 41,000 one-inch B reels and


1,600 one-inch C reels) and Tunisia with

• For the European Parliament: 120,000

(11,000 two-inch reels).

hours of audio cassettes.

Vectracom is currently managing

Vectracom participates in the activities

huge preservation campaigns:

of various organisations such as

• For Saudi Arabia: 110,000 hours of Beta


Tel: +33 6 08 75 49 90 Website:


Systems Integrators Al Futtaim Technologies Aret Video and Audio Engineering BFE Studio und Medien Systeme GmbH Broadcast Solutions GmbH Broadcast Systems Arabia GloCom HEAT for Engineering and Technology INC System Integrations Systems Design Tek Signals/Qatar Signals Systems TSL




l-Futtaim Technologies, one of the region’s leading systems integrators, is part of the Al-Futtaim group of


Al-Futtaim Technologies provides complete business solutions for large, medium and small customers. These include complete broadcast solutions, audiovisual solutions, networking solutions, IP telephony, infrastructure, contact centre solutions, business applications, ELV systems and managed services. With this strong pedigree and respected leadership position, Al-Futtaim Technologies offers its customers a sense of confidence in dealing with a wellestablished organisation where serving the needs of customers is fully understood and the key driving force. The established success of Al-Futtaim Technologies has been largely attributed



to its ability to understand the customer’s

Visual Systems, Public Address Systems,

The company integrates innovative

business needs and provide workable

Professional Audio Systems, distribution

solutions, working with leading brands

business solutions through effective

and acoustics, security systems and

and manufacturers with NO boundaries

design and implementation. This has

integration, access control systems,

and their services include consultation,

resulted in an impressive customer base

master clock system, nurse call systems,

design, deployment of solutions and

where the company has delivered a set

IPTV Systems, Video Conferencing

annual maintenance contracts.

of practical executable plans to reduce

systems and Intelligent Control systems.

operating cost and free up resources for

Al Futtaim Technologies’ ICT product

Audio-Visual System

new business initiatives.

range comprises voice and data solutions,

Al Futtaim Technologies has AVSP with

infrastructure solutions, servers and

on-board professional sales team and

storage and Microsoft Business Solutions.

dedicated pre-sales team who are qualified

Solutions Deployed Al-Futtaim Technologies, as both systems

and technically certified in systems

integrator and business solutions provider,

Broadcast Solutions

design. The team designs solutions that

boasts a highly skilled and professional

In broadcast, Al Futtaim Technologies

caters to government, education, religious

workforce with many years of combined

deliver collaborative solutions for radio,

and transportation facilities. Installations

experience. It is a converged systems

television and OB in the region. The

include arenas like stadiums, performing

integrator capable of catering to the needs

design team are experts in delivering

arts spaces, classrooms, auditoriums,

of office, commercial and residential

solutions for TV and radio studios, MCRs,

boardrooms, command-and-control

customers. The company’s offering of

post-production, newsrooms, headends,

centres, courtrooms, museums, training

solutions and services cover a wide range

DSNGs, TX&RX, studio lighting, play

rooms, multimedia presentation

low current and ICT systems for end-to-

out, virtual radio solutions, media

rooms, call centres, video walls, smart

end solutions. These low current systems

storage, studio networking, Media Asset

classrooms, small to large meeting rooms,

include, Broadcast Solutions, Audio-

Management and upgrading solutions.

guest room management systems,



interactive digital signage, presentation systems, dynamic digital signage, collaborative conferencing systems (Video -Audio -Data


Web -

Conferencing), smart audio-visual systems for enterprise and education, streaming media solutions, stage lighting, language translation and voting system, and lecterns. Most importantly the company has its own technical deployment team trained to install any complex audio-visual system. Training is Key for Successful Implementation Al Futtaim Technologies’ onsite training session is intended to give end users a comprehensive understanding of


Dawood Bin Ozair, Senior Managing Director, Al Futtaim Engineering and Al Futtaim Technologies.

Venkat R, General Manager, Al Futtaim Technologies.


audio, video and control fundamentals

spread out in other countries within the

along with a greater awareness of

region to address its ‘One Stop Broadcast,

systems technologies and improved

Audiovisual & ICT System Integrator’

troubleshooting skills.

campaign for customers headquartered

Al Futtaim Technologies truly believes that product training to end

in the UAE, and share in their regional growth aspirations.

CONTACT Al Futtaim Technologies 21st Floor, Festival Tower Dubai Festival City PO Box 5866

users improves the know-how with AV

The Al Futtaim Technologies’ area

technology and provides strengthened

of expertise is in building, installation,

Dubai, UAE

knowledge on installed products and

integration and maintenance of audio

Tel: +971 4 706 3111

applications – this process gives customer

and video solutions for broadcasters -

Fax: +971 4 256 5628

peace of mind and the confidence to

from image capturing to transmission


operate the systems they deserve.

solutions and beyond. The company’s

An expertise in any field saves valuable

experience and established strategic

time and money and confirms a higher

partnerships with the best global

level of customer service and satisfaction.

brands have enabled it to advance its incomparable depth of technical

Hassan M.A. Ali Business Unit Manager Broadcast & Audio Visual

One-Stop Systems Provider

knowledge and experience in the

Al Futtaim Technologies

Working with both SMB and enterprise

broadcast industry, which is reflected in

Tel: +971 4 706 3283

customers, the key focus is on delivering

its ability to increase customer efficiency,

Fax: +971 4 256 5628

value. The company’s customer list

productivity and profitability as well as


includes many well-known organisations

the strength of its relationships across


in the UAE and across the region. Al

the region.

Futtaim Technologies seeks to further





talian company Aret Engineering is

design, project management, coach

than 34 OB Vans delivered over the last

a globally active broadcast systems

building, systems integration, training

15 years, along with successful projects

integrator with wide ranging

and after sales support.

concluded in production studios, robotics studios, MCRs, MAM systems and

experience in the provision of

complex broadcast projects.

A History of Success

conference rooms. These projects were

Established 40 years ago in Milan, Aret

Founded in 1976 to provide OB Vans and

delivered to broadcast clients in Qatar,

continues to deliver consistently high-

studios for RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana,

Kuwait, Bahrein, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon,

profile turnkey projects to an international

Aret unfailingly demonstrates growth in its

Saudi Arabia, Tunis, Morocco, Nigeria,

client base in Europe, the Middle East,

business and technical expertise. Thanks

South Africa as well as private service

South East Asia, Africa and America.

to the wide range and volume of projects


Aret ’s



successfully rolled out, Aret continues

encompasses TV/ radio OB Vans,

to retain the confidence of its customers


DSNG Vans, radio and TV production,

worldwide. The drive for unceasing

Aret has built its market position through

post-production studios, news studios,

improvement prompted the creation of

strong ethical values. Honesty and fairness

production automation, master control

a ‘Learning Organisation’ within Aret

is the beating heart of all Aret business

rooms, tapeless workflows, storage and

which sets a benchmark for every project

practices – a position from which the


delivered and attempts to improve the next

customer receives impartial advice

one. This is an Aret tradition.

matching proposed solutions to budgets.

Aret services, which are exclusively managed by Aret trained staff, include

Aret is justifiably proud of its success

With over 400 OB Vans, multiple TV

consultancy, architectural design, systems

in the Middle East and Africa with more

studios and broadcast systems delivered



worldwide, Aret’s clients enjoy direct and

house’ representative and thus responsible

experiences in this sector and understands

consistent support.

for smooth project roll out.

the unique challenging nature of

Every project is commissioned with

these projects. The company’s expert

a fully detailed check list, shared and

capabilities translates to powerful design,

Systems Integration

agreed with the customer before the

flexibility, reliability, space, ergonomics,

Aret’s unique approach to broadcast systems

commissioning phase commences. The

heat dissipation and air conditioning to

integration relies exclusively on Aret

check list includes HW inventory and a

achieve success. Aret understands the

internal resources with fully trained, skilled

detailed system performance check.

customers’ need in a ‘Live’ situation!

Unique Approach to

and experienced staff covering all relevant

After delivery of a project with

All broadcast projects are designed

subjects e.g. broadcast and RF, mechanics,

commissioning and training processes

and implemented with several redundant

air conditioning, hydraulics, power

completed, Aret product specialists and

paths and all infrastructure around the

engineering and project management.

project managers remain available as

system is carefully created to anticipate

With its in-house coachwork department

single points of contact to assist customers

potential emergency situations and

and many years of experience, Aret has

during their daily operation to guarantee

guarantee Live-On-Air event success.

developed a highly effective coach building

the success of the project.

technique specifically dedicated to OB Vans working in harsh weather environments.

At Aret, commitment to customers is paramount.

A formally appointed project management

Through Aret’s internal coachwork department, the company has developed unique coachbuilding techniques which deliver exemplary performance in:

office, utilising the best practices in

400 Turnkey OB Vans Delivered

• Reliability.

management acts as the customers’ ‘in

Aret has one of the widest global

• Emergency operations.



to allowing the customer to return immediately to operations. After this value-added performance, the final problem solution normally consists of a spare parts shipping. Aret Care Programmes All customers who have sought turnkey system from Aret receive maximum care and immediate assistance to resolve issues in the event of a crisis. Beyond


this Aret offers bespoke customer care


programmes including periodic general check and ordinary maintenance, periodic performance checks, SLAs and spare parts

• Operation safety.

• Broadcast system drawings.

• Robustness and flexibility.

• Power, mechanics and hydraulics.

• Absence of rust and any kind of

• Air-conditioning drawings and


packages. Unique Project Capability ARET recently delivered large and


• Waterproofing.

• Broadcast equipment HW inventory.

outstanding turnkey studio projects which

• Space available inside.

• Small parts inventory eg, lights, pistons,

included two news studios including

• Soundproofing.

valves, filters, gaskets, etc.

two production rooms, one teleport, two

• Thermal insulation.

• Full software inventory.

documentator rooms, two graphics rooms

• Damage prevention through human

• All equipment configurations.

and 48 graphics and post-production

error while operating expansions.

When a customer calls, ARET engineers


• Easy maintenance.

are trained to give ready assistance on all

The project included over 100 rack

• Spare parts availability.

items and technologies, to understanding

cabinets and over 400 monitors, over

• Quality finish.

where the problem lies and to provide

300Km of copper cables and 250 fibre

workaround and permanent solutions

optic links. The project involved over 100

Aret OB Vans have an unmistakable style with standardised components that are simply the best suited for the purpose. All Aret designs have an unmistakable Italian style based on a careful choice


of materials and use of the finest Italian craftsmanship to deliver unique bespoke products. After-Sales Support With turnkey projects delivered throughout the world and with all components made in-house, Aret delivers comprehensive after sales support using stored strategic information for all projects including:




staff and was delivered in five months.

is wired for 18 cameras and is equipped

The next project is the completion

with two wireless cameras and two super

of a brand new 24hour news channel.

slo-mo cameras that are served by an

This project includes two production

architecture of networked slow motion

Aret Video and Audio Engineering

rooms, playouts, teleport, edit rooms

servers. A powerful audio mixer capable

Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 30

and graphics. Aret also oversaw

of 340 DSPs together with a powerful

I-20080 Zibido S. Giacomo (MI) Italy

broadcast infrastructure, design, project

intercom system serves the audio section,

Tel: +39 02 92270873

management and commissioning.

while a fibre optic system supports the

Fax: +39 02 92270882


The Al-Rayyan OB Vans project was

transit of signals to and from the OB Van.

delivered to the Qatari broadcaster and

A management and supervision system

consisted of a 14m HD OB trailer with

controls all the variables inside the OB

Umberto Asti

double expansion sides, a support truck

Van for powerful, flexible operations.

with a 70kVA diesel generator, an audio

All project details are available upon

Mob: +393487308920

OB Van and a DSNG van. The OB Trailer







FE is a leading European

and project management. To deliver the

BFE’s Latest Projects in

broadcast systems integrator

highest quality on time, BFE relies on its

the Middle East

with more than 40 years of

in-house capacities in mechanical and

Al Jazeera

experience in planning and

electrical engineering and production,

Al Jazeera was launched in 1996 as the

as well as in-house joinery.

first independent news channel in the

implementation of complex projects in broadcast and media technology including

Over the past 40 years, BFE has

Arab world; currently it has more than 70

studios, master control rooms, broadcast

successfully delivered projects in Europe,

bureaus around the world. This renowned

IT systems and OB vans.

Asia, North Africa and the Middle East.

broadcaster has selected BFE for a major

As a competent and reliable partner,

Additionally, BFE is a leading provider of

project aiming to completely overhaul

BFE supports its customers in

broadcast control and master control room

and augment its working infrastructure.

implementing systems solutions tailored

management systems. The KSC software

Al Jazeera is aiming to centralise, upgrade

to their specific requirements. BFE’s

solutions such as the latest KSC CORE

and renew the core of its distribution

clients also rely on them as a general

Control and Monitoring System, take care

facilities to deliver its audiences with

contractor. In taking on this important

of the entire broadcast chain, enabling fast

unparalleled coverage and an elevated

responsibility, BFE is utilising its

and flexible control of all systems. KSC

viewing experience.

comprehensive competencies in solution

solutions have been deployed worldwide

design, broadcast and IT-engineering

more than 900 times.


With over 40 years of experience in successful projects for the broadcast


Oman TV OB Vans – Two HDTV vehicles with specialised air-conditioning system and ambient lighting (2015).



Al Dawri & Al Kass Sports Channel – Three HD TV studios with custom-made furniture by BFE (2014).

Deutsche Welle, Studio 3 – Tailor-made, seamless 11m-wide LED wall (2014).

and media industry, BFE was chosen

one featuring an extendable frame for

Additionally, BFE built a flight case

to design and build a new, centralised

maximum work space. Both OB vans have

studio for Oman TV consisting of six

master control room, upgrade and

the latest HD camera and slow-motion

shock-absorbing 19” flight case racks

refurbish the teleport facility and build

technology on board and are controlled

to accommodate all of the technical

a Teleport Network Operations Centre

by BFE’s own KSC Commander Control

equipment. Part of this production unit

in Al Jazeera’s headquarters in Doha,

and Monitoring Software and BFE

is a support van designed for transport

Qatar. The project aims to change and

control panels. The vehicles are used

of flight cases and other necessary

innovate Al Jazeera’s communications

for live coverage of sport and other

production equipment.

and content management processes by

national and international events and

utilising state-of-the-art equipment

TV productions.

and cutting-edge technologies, thus

A major challenge in the project was

redefining the industry and setting new

to take the environmental conditions of

standards for excellence.

the Sultanate of Oman into consideration when constructing and designing the

Oman TV

vehicles. The two vans are equipped

Oman TV is the national television

with specialised air-conditioning

channel broadcaster in the Sultanate of

systems to cope with the extreme

Oman. In 2015, BFE designed, built and

climatic conditions of up to 50°C of

delivered two OB vans to Oman TV as a

heat, dust and humidity.

prime contractor together with United

All work areas, separated into audio

Broadcast & Media Solutions. The two

control, video control and technical

OB vans featuring 10 and eight cameras

control rooms, feature a tailor-made

respectively, have a length of 12.6m and

ambient lighting system for a truly

10m respectively, and were built on a

high-class look and great working

Mercedes Actros chassis with the larger



TPC Switzerland, HD6 OB van – 10 cameras, extendable frame and antenna for broadcasting in Swiss mountains (2015).


• Sharjah Media – Renewal of TV and Selection of International Projects TV & Radio

radio infrastructure, Sharjah, UAE. master control room, Bern, Switzerland.

TV studios for Al Dawri & Al Kass

• TVR – TV centre & regional TV centres,

Sports Channel, Doha, Qatar. two HDTV control rooms and three studios, 12 digital radio stations, Glasgow, United Kingdom. • Bibliotheca Alexandrina – Delivery of technical equipment for TV studios, Alexandria, Egypt. • CBC – Infrastructure for new TV centre, Baku, Azerbaijan. • Deutsche Welle – Renewal of studio 3 and construction of innovative LED video wall, Bonn, Germany. • MBC – Implementation of tapeless environment and MAMS, Dubai. • MOCI – Implementation of broadcasting complex for Radio Jeddah, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. • RTS – Systems integration of 2 HD studios, Geneva, Switzerland.


• SRG SSR – Renewal of playout and

• Al Kass – Integration of three HD

• BBC – New broadcasting centre with

• TVR – 4-camera OB van, Tashkent,

Tashkent, Uzbekistan. OB vans • JSTV – 8-camera OB van, Nanjing, China. • MOI – Three 5-camera OB vans, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Media Technology • Audi AG – New Audi driving experience centre, Neuburg, Germany. • Kofi Annan Centre – Peacekeeping Training Centre, Accra, Ghana. • UEFA Euro World Cup 2008 – Installation of media centres and media stands, Austria & Switzerland.

• Oman TV – 10- & 8-camera OB van, Muscat, Oman. • RAI – Two DSNG uplink vehicles, Rome, Italy. • RRI – 49 radio OB vans, Jakarta, Indonesia. • Smiths Detection – 10 X-ray scan vehicles as mobile security command centres for international airports, Wiesbaden, Germany. • TPC – 10-camera HDTV OB van,

CONTACT BFE Studio und Medien Systeme GmbH An der Fahrt 1 55124 Mainz, Germany Tel: + 49 6131 946 – 0 Fax: +49 6131 946 – 111 Email: Website:

Zurich, Switzerland. • TVP – 20-camera HDTV OB van, Warsaw, Poland.

George Schultz Marketing Manager Tel: +49 6131 946 124 Fax: +49 6131 946 111 Email: Dubai office BFE Studio und Medien Systeme GmbH Dubai Studio City Commercial Building #3 Office 402, Dubai Jürgen Loos Director of Sales Tel: +49 160 972 14022

Smiths Detection, Scan Vans – 10 Mercedes Sprinters as mobile security command centres for airports (2014).

Derek Holland General Manager (Dubai) Tel: + 971 5 04 43 76 77







roadcast Solutions GmbH

Broadcast Solutions is a one-stop-shop for

the Move solutions. With several mobile

is one of Europe’s biggest

all technology in the fields of broadcasting,

surveillance solutions already delivered,

and fastest growing systems

multimedia, infrastructure, engineering

Broadcast Solutions transferred its vast

integrators. For more than 10

or consultancy – video, audio, IP, control

experience from the broadcast and satcom

years, the German-based company stands

systems, digital signage, IPTV, satellite

business to the security and surveillance

for innovation and engineering ‘made in

communications and innovative coach

market. Combining all the company’s

Germany’. With subsidiaries in Europe, Asia

building, to name just a few.

knowledge the team also plans, implements

and the Middle East, Broadcast Solutions

The company offers German engineering

and commissions complex solutions for

plans, implements and realises projects in

to international standards thus giving

broadcast and multimedia infrastructure

the areas of Outside Broadcasting, satellite

customers peace of mind when it comes

in sporting and other venues.

communications, broadcast facilities, sport

to mission critical environments. Over the

arena multimedia solutions as well as mobile

years the company successfully delivered

One partner – from Planning

security and surveillance solutions.

over 300 outside broadcasting units in every

to Construction

Currently, Broadcast Solutions is

conceivable variant, from small radio SNGs

Crucial to their work is the responsibility

Europe’s biggest OB Van manufacturer. As

to 30-camera HD outside broadcasting vans.

to counsel customers before, during and

a hardware manufacturer and independent

Furthermore, Broadcast Solutions

after a project. The company’s experience,

systems integrator, the company offers

planned, implemented and commissioned

creativity and dedication lead to successful,

its expertise to the broadcast industry as

broadcast facilities, DSNGs, fixed up- and

time-saving and reasonable investments.

well as other demanding business areas.

downlink stations as well as Satcom on

Being a manufacturer and an independent



WHAT CUSTOMERS THINK OF BROADCAST SOLUTIONS “During the development process we worked closely together with Broadcast Solutions which led to affordable, reliable and flexible OB units with a very short delivery time.” Paul Henriksen, CEO Mediatec Broadcast “We were looking for companies that reach our demands for high-quality and specialised OB Vans and who work as a full service provider – and we found all this at Broadcast Solutions.” Samer Younes, Technical Advisor, Al Kass “Whenever I meet KBS people, they constantly tell me to thank you for the delivery of such a nice HDTV4 OB Van. The only problem is, all Program Directors rather work with it than to take any holiday…” J.S. Bae, Technical Senior Manager / Technical Sales, DongYang Digital / Korea “Broadcast Solutions delivered our first big HD OB Van, one of the first big productions was for the Olympic Games in 2008, and everything is still working fine, perfect German quality!” Ping Yang, Engineer at Technology Management Division, Hunan Broadcasting Systems / China VR “It was a great opportunity to work with you last year, and I appreciate your effort for making KBS’s best HDTV4 OB Van.” Yongsuck Cho, Head of Outside Broadcasting Department, Korean Broadcasting System / Korea



systems integrator, Broadcast Solutions

cost savings and without compromises on

also proposed a single media content

serves as a single source thus giving

technology and reliability.

management system, allowing maximum

customers the freedom to choose the best

profit from advertisement and distribution

technology available in the market. In close

Outside Broadcasting Solutions

throughout the whole arena. This would

relationship with customers, the company

for the MENA Region – SNGs

mean all audio and video systems are

develops individual solutions – tailored to

to 30 camera OB Vans

managed by one multi-functional control

their specific needs and requirements.

Over the years the company experienced

centre. Basic considerations in planning the

great demand for their outside broadcast

stadium’s concept and profitability focussed

Services Offered

solutions in the Middle East. In 2015,

on the flexible use and distribution of all

• Outside and mobile broadcasting

Broadcast Solutions delivered one

available multimedia content to available

Streamline HD 12 camera OB Van to Abu

and future channels.

solutions. • Broadcast facilities.

dhabi-based company, LIVE. Another 10

As a worldwide distributor of the

• Sport arena multimedia infrastructure.

camera OB Vans were handed over to the

Robycam system, Broadcast Solutions

• Satellite communications.

MBC Group in Dubai. In 2015, Broadcast

supported the use of the innovative flying

• Mobile surveillance.

Solutions also signed a contract to deliver

3D cable system, covering the sermons

• Engineering & innovation services.

a 30-camera OB Van plus supporting truck

during the Holy Month of Ramadan in the

to Qatari Broadcasting Company, Al Kass.

Sheikh Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi, the

Broadcast Solutions constantly scans

This big OB Van was delivered early 2016

biggest mosque in the United Arab Emirates.

the airwaves to update technology.

and is a tailor-made solution to meet the

Robycam is a highly developed cable camera

Keeping abreast of the latest technological

customer’s needs and expectations in every

system that is used in live broadcasting,

developments enables the company to be

aspect. Further deliveries to the region in

outside or in studio productions. The system

in tune with the ever-evolving broadcast,

2015 included an SNG for the Information

consists of carbon fibre gyro-stabilised

AV and multimedia technology. As a

Affairs Authority in Bahrain and other

remote heads and motion control systems

result, customers are one step ahead of the

government-based special projects.

that allow for 3D camera movements in a

competition. Striking examples of such developments

fast and precise way. Sport Arena Multimedia Infrastructure

include the trailblazing products from

– Solutions and Products with their multi-channel recording

Broadcast Solutions successfully planned

solutions, Robycam with stabilised camera

and delivered state-of-the-art broadcast

heads and cable cameras, ProSat solutions

and multimedia-infrastructure to Otkrytije

with traditional and future satellite

Arena, the new home of football club

communications technology and Serenity

Spartak Moscow. The arena should enable

with its unique Playout Software.

its investors to develop new revenue

The development of the Streamline

streams by using flexible and modern

product family of OB Vans, serves as a perfect

technology. Additionally, all technology

example of the company’s technological

had to be planned in compliance with FIFA

leadership. Streamline is a series of pre-

regulations since the stadium is a venue for

engineered, nearly off-the-shelf produced

the FIFA World Cup 2018. Furthermore,

and offered OB Vans. Streamline OB Vans

the company analysed the investor’s needs

come in five different versions, from four

and supported the planning team with its

to 16 cameras, and can be delivered in a

expertise when it came to entertainment,

very short time-period with significant

broadcast and multimedia solutions. It

CONTACT Broadcast Solutions GmbH 55411 Bingen am Rhein Germany Tel: +49 6721 4008 0 Fax: +49 6721 4008 27 Broadcast Solutions ME FZ LLC Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 504 541 570 Email: Website:








professionals, BSA’s expansive services

Broadcast Systems Arabia

extend beyond traditional platforms such

(BSA) is already a pioneer

as radio and TV channels to include all



forms of media such as satellite, radio

broadcast infrastructure solutions that

channels, internet streams, mobile media,

cover all aspects of integration -- from

websites and portals.



consultancy to planning, engineering,

Services include design, delivery and

project management, design installation,

installation of different broadcast facilities

commissioning, training, maintenance and

for newsrooms, studios, control rooms,

post-implementation support. A solid,

transmission centres, earth stations,

diversified experience and expertise in

disaster recovery suites and Outside

conflict regions and war zones has made

Broadcast (OB) vehicles. Key solutions

BSA market leaders in such areas where

cover deployment of terrestrial analogue

broadcast infrastructure needs to be built

and digital TV and of radio infrastructure

most of the time, from scratch. Under the able leadership of its CEO and broadcast expert, Muhammad Irfan Gondal and his specialised team of


and satellite channels, etc. From its UAEMuhammad Irfan, CEO, BSA.

based regional headquarters, the team is ideally positioned to offer extended production and broadcast services to


Systems Integration

Techncial Tranings


TV and Film Production

FM Radio Stations

TV Channel

customers spread across the Middle East

multiple projects many of which required

these third-party resources are expertly

and North Africa (MENA) and Pakistan.

the infrastructure to be built from scratch.

enabled by the company to guarantee the

Focus on Challenging Markets

and willingness to serve customers in

Following implementation, BSA

Though a great demand exists for

war-torn countries, BSA has enjoyed a

conducts in-depth knowledge sharing

broadcast services in war-torn nations

great deal of success in mature markets

with the customer and provides

such as Libya, Syria and Afghanistan,

across the MENA region. This is due to

comprehensive manuals detailing every

only a daring few understand the

the company’s position as a one-stop shop

aspect of the system. Furthermore, the

complexities of conducting business in

for all broadcast needs.

company’s dedicated 12-month support

In addition to its exceptional capabilities

such countries. BSA was quick to realise

highest quality of work.

of every completed project entitles each

this potential, and since its establishment,

Systems Integration

customer to engineer visits and 24/7

has invested heavily in developing the

BSA utilises its qualified team of broadcast

phone support.

unique skillsets necessary to address the

professionals guided by in-house senior

logistics, technical and political challenges

management staff to implement all

Consultancy Services

of conflict areas. The company is now one

projects. To meet stringent deadlines and

BSA’s end-to-end technical consultancy

of a select few systems integrators capable

ensure timely delivery of projects, BSA

addresses both knowhow and know-

of effectively operating in challenging

employs contract engineers and wiremen.

why requirements of its customers. The

markets and has successfully delivered

Through deep investment in trainings,

company’s services relating to studio



set-up, media technology, audio and

TV and Film Production

developing a sound business model. BSA

video solutions help new entrants in the

BSA’s technical proficiency has made it a

ensures that its FM systems are reliable and

broadcast industry reduce their time to

prominent solutions provider to TV and

conform to industry standards in order to

market. BSA also works extensively with

film production crews. Customers depend

meet and exceed customer expectations.

established TV channels in re-engineering

on BSA for cost-effective production

Radio transmission facilities designed and

their processes to better utilise their

services that include rental of all camera

maintained by BSA are renowned for their

systems and improve efficiency while

equipment and location services.

excellent quality and reliability.

FM Radio Stations

Successful Projects

in the field of systems integration to guide

BSA works closely with FM radio stations

Across the Region

clients in deploying tried and tested

right from the initial stages of technical

Libya Al Ahrar

broadcast solutions that deliver tangible

planning, allocating frequencies and

An ambitious start-up venture, BSA

business benefits. Consultancy services

securing necessary clearances, up to

initiated and managed the project by

also extend to production houses, content

complete systems integration. This

advising Libya Al Ahrar on how to build

creation, live broadcast set-up and radio

requires a particularly categorical approach

studios in the country for its news and


to addressing commercial aspects and

related programming. Expert guidance

cutting operational expenses. BSA draws on its wealth of experience



along with immediate and rapid project

Alwasat Radio in Libya (Benghazi,

with two fully equipped Satellite News

implementation meant the channel was

Albayda and Tubruk) with the additional

Gathering (SNG) vans for use in Idlib and

able to provide coverage of the country’s

live radio studio facility at Cairo Egypt.

Aleppo along with full fly-away kits to

elections. In addition, BSA installed permanent

BSA also integrated a 3 cameras HD studio for Alwasat in Cairo.

satellite uplink facilities in Tripoli,

ensure backup availability. The crew was also provided Thuraya satellite phones for communicating between team members.

Benghazi and Masrata as well as 12 Digital

Alaan FM Libya

With the consultancy and support of BSA,

Satellite News Gathering (DSNG) vans.

Despite the turmoil in the country during

the team uplinked their broadcasts via

These included leasing satellite segments

the revolution, BSA efficiently installed six

Arabsat, using Thuraya IP for internet

for occasional broadcast on Arabsat and

FM radio transmission points in Tripoli,


Eutelsat and dedicating extensive time

Benghazi, Sabha, Masrata, Tubruk and

and effort to identifying and hiring local

Albayda. These installations enabled Al

resources and training them to manage

Aan FM to successfully relay its feed via

HD production equipment.

satellite to over 3.7 million listeners in all

For the channel’s main production

the major metropolitan cities in Libya.

facility, BSA delivered a hangar setup,

CONTACT Broadcast Systems Arabia MFZE Office No 103, Building 1

which was completed in just 22 days. This

Al Aan TV Services

RAK Media City

involved steel work, sandwich panels,

Al Aan was one of the first TV stations to

acoustics, painting, power and meeting

transmit live from within the borders of

PO Box 32429,

all infrastructure requirements.

war-torn Syria. It began its broadcast at a

Alwasat Radio 3 FM transmitters were installed for

Ras Al Khaimah, UAE

time when other channels were operating


from border crossings.


BSA provided Al Aan’s TV crew





loCom, founded in 1996,

partnership with its customers to design,

of the future, the role of a reliable and

is a broadcast technology

deliver and implement world-class tailored

competent systems integrator is becoming

integrator with its core

broadcast solutions. GloCom was the first to

ever more important. Working with its

activities in broadcast,

set up 24x7 customer support and introduce

customers to identify key current and future

broadband and the telecommunications

MPEG technology regionally. In addition

requirements, GloCom has evolved as an

industry. Headquartered in the United

GloCom delivered the first virtual studio,

industry leader in broadcast technology

Kingdom with a regional head office in

first MPEG-4 HD uplink, first largest IPTV

integration focusing primarily on high-end

Dubai, GloCom delivers cutting-edge

headend, first end-to-end pay TV system

IT/IP based technology integration. Over

solutions and unprecedented support as

as well as the first end-to-end contents

the past 20 years GloCom has successfully

well as training to its ever-growing customer

aggregation and playout centre.

delivered projects across the Middle East

As the industry reinforces the shift to file-

and North Africa utilising its reliable and

GloCom’s inception brought a broadcast

based media and legacy systems are required

competent in-house systems design and

pioneer to the region focusing on

to integrate with cutting-edge systems

project management capabilities.

base across the Middle East and Africa.

GloCom Solutions and Service Offering

Broadcast & Cinema Lenses


Broadcast Solutions

RF Solutions

Digital Video Delivery Infrastructure

Digital Workflow and Asset Management

Radio Solutions

Professional Managed Services


Broadcast & Cinema Lenses

RF Solutions

teleports, terrestrial transmission

GloCom has been the official partner

GloCom provides complete end-to-

(MMDS/DVB-T2/DTH) digital satellite

for Canon Broadcast in the MENA

end RF solutions covering all aspects

news gathering terminals, flyaway

region for over two decades providing

of ground system engineering from

terminals, Vsat and TVRO system

full technical maintenance repair and

consultancy to delivery of uplink and

solutions. GloCom has delivered fully

training to over 120 customers through

downlink RF and transmission systems.

automated audio-over-IP radio as well as

their approved in-house service centre

This includes satellite earth stations/

conventional radio broadcast solutions.

based in Dubai. GloCom supports Canon

teleports, terrestrial transmission

It is capable of delivering end-to-end

broadcast and pro-video product range

(MMDS/DVB-T2/DTH) digital satellite

radio transmission solutions which

including ENG/EFP lenses as well as

news gathering terminals, flyaway

meet industry standards and required

the latest cinema 4K and pro-video

terminals, Vsat and TVRO system

transmission coverage (FM/SW/MW).


solutions. GloCom has delivered fully automated audio-over-IP radio as

Digital Video Delivery Infrastructure

Broadcast Solutions

well as conventional radio broadcast

GloCom is one of the leading solution

Solutions on offer include Outside


providers delivering futuristic DTH/

Broadcast vans/units, studio integration,

IPTV/OTT solutions, providing end-to-

lighting solutions, virtual studio and

Radio Solutions

end pay TV (CAS, SMS, STB, call centre)

sports solutions, production, post-

GloCom provides complete end-to-

and free-to-air solutions for deploying

production and news, archive and

end RF solutions covering all aspects

triple play services over broadband

digital/media asset management

of ground system engineering from

networks, IPTV, wireless and other

solution, live censoring system,

consultancy to delivery of uplink and

interactive media. GloCom brings the

monitoring and analysing system,

downlink RF and transmission systems.

best of TV and internet technologies

playout automation and scheduling.

This includes satellite earth stations/

together in unified, interactive platforms.



Digital Workflow and

GloCom successfully upgraded Bahrain

In addition, the facility now boasts a full

Asset Management

TV’s 35-year-old MCR to a new state-

HD setup with 3G compatible cabling for a

GloCom provides a range of digital

of-the-art HD/3G facility as part of

more secured way of connectivity in terms

workflow and media asset management

revamping its broadcast infrastructure.

of signal quality and strengths.

services from capture to depiction. This

GloCom delivered the turnkey project

includes creation, adaptation, preservation

from inception and design through to

Dubai Channels Network (DCN)

and management of content. GloCom is

implementation and delivery. In addition,

- Radio Studios Upgrade 2015

capable and experienced to service its

GloCom’s delivery team relocated to

GloCom was recently awarded one of the

clients to meet the challenges facing the

Bahrain to ensure 24x7 technical support.

most prestigious projects in the UAE; the

The project entailed a complete overhaul

upgrade of Dubai Channels Network’s

of the broadcaster’s 35-year-old setup to a

(formerly known as Dubai Media

Professional Managed Services

24/7 live MCR with full HD infrastructure.

Integrated) Radio Stations, namely Noor

GloCom’s team is fully committed and

GloCom worked closely with Bahrain TV to

Dubai and Dubai FM.

qualified to support customers through

install a monitoring solution for all sources

Project involved upgrading the existing

its managed services offering including

in different levels such as playout, audio

infrastructure to the latest state-of-the-

24x7 support agreements to help a

processor out, final output, downlink of

art Audio-over-IP solution. The project

smooth operation transition, from design

BTV and other channels. This included

comprised four main on-air areas for Noor

inception to operational usage coupled

multiple remote sites for live feed reception

Dubai and Dubai FM, three recording

with the necessary training and onsite

over fibre, two live studios with production

studios that can also be utilised as on-air

technical support.

control rooms, centralised equipment

studios, two production rooms and one

room, centralised talkback connectivity,

production studio for music or drama

Landmark Projects 2014 - 2015

continuity rooms for a seven-channel

which can also be connected to the on-

Bahrain TV - MCR 2015

master control playout.

air studios.

dynamic digital era.



Cobham – PRORXB Receive Antenna.

The Ghanada dhow sailing championship.

Abu Dhabi Media Company (ADMC)

specifically to be completely splash proof

off from the world’s tallest building

– Wireless RF Transmission 2014

at an ambient temperature of at least 50C

offering panoramic views of the city.

GloCom in conjunction with Cobham

whilst providing excellent live production

GloCom’s partnership with Cobham

the RF transmission specialist company

image quality over wireless links, with

wireless technology continues to push

installed four wireless transmitters and a

support for composite, SDI, HD-SDI and

the boundaries of live video transmission

PRORXB receive system for live television

HDMI video input formats. This was the

under unfavourable conditions bringing

coverage of the Abu Dhabi Yacht Club’s

first time such a system was deployed

both companies to the forefront of

Ghanada Dhow Sailing Championship.


broadcast technology.

Transmitters were installed on two race event chase boats and a helicopter as well

HRH Crown Prince Burj Khalifa

as a receive and transmit ship, plus onshore

Falcon Jump - 2015

receive systems at the ADYC headquarters

GloCom brought the world famous Burj


and ‘Nation Towers’, the two skyscrapers

Khalifa Falcon jump to millions of viewers

Office 1304

near the southern tip of Abu Dhabi.

around the world through supplying a

Jumeirah Bay X3 Tower

Despite the long distances of up

light-weight nimble solution enabling

Cluster X, Jumeirah Lake Towers

to 80km offshore and harsh weather

live wireless video transmission without

PO Box 61439, Dubai, UAE

conditions, high-quality video and audio

compromising on quality. The falcon was

Tel: +971 4 379 2367

signals were sent and received from the

armed with a Sony action camera for an

Fax: +971 4 379 2397

chase boats and helicopter throughout

unprecedented one minute 40 seconds


the race. The solution was designed

flight around Downtown Dubai taking


Darshan the falcon fitted with a lightweight wireless video camera.







riven by broad experience

Test Equipment, Advantech Wireless

The Heat team of engineers is ready

and motivated teamwork,

MW, Vislink Communications, Gates

to provide optimal, accurate technical

Heat was founded in

AIR, Vitec and Cartoni Camera Support,

back up and is equipped to supply all

1993 as a privately owned

Avid Technology, Sony, Snell, Grass

technical services such as systems

company. Its extensive expertise in

Valley, Imagine Comunications and

design, installation and testing, in

electronic engineering, communications

Nevion, among others. Moreover, Heat

addition to precise information on the

and broadcast media determined the

is a business partner with a wide base

Jordanian market.

scope of work and specialisation of Heat.

of international manufacturers and

Heat is an accredited supplier in


Broadcast Systems

Jordan and other Middle East countries

In its endeavour to develop expertise

The Heat broadcast systems team

in the field of audio and video broadcast

in such a dynamic field, Heat keeps the

encompasses design and installation

and telecommunications, and has

momentum with the latest technologies

of powerful, turnkey video and audio

evolved into an authorised agent and

and concepts in both telecommunications

communication solutions to cater to

distributor for a number of world

and broadcast, aiming at continuously

all broadcast needs, from small post-

leaders in these fields of technology

updating customers and providing them

production and production studios to large

such as JDSU Telecom testing, Promax

with tailored technical advice.

multi-channel broadcasting corporations.



CLIENTS Broadcast Jordan Radio and Television Corp. JRTV. Yarmouk University. Moral Guidance Directorate/ Jordan Armed Forces. Arab Telemedia Services Centre. Play FM. UNESCO. JMI (Formerly Higher Council for Media). Royal Hashemite Court. UNRWA. Al Hussein Bin Talal University. Sawt Al Madina. Hayat FM. Spin and Ayyam FM. Amen FM. Al Waseela Productions. ZAD Group/ Saudi Arabia. Fujairah Culture & Media Authority. Moral Guidance/Yemen Armed Forces/ Yemen. Lina Productions/Yemen. Seyaha FM. Hayat FM / YEMEN. AL-Housna FM Radio. Telecom Royal Jordanian Air Force. Special Communications Commission. Zain. Umniah. Orange. NEPCO (National Electric Power Company). Public Security Department.


Heat has designed, tested and

that meets their specific requirements

installed TV and radio production

and business goals for the present day

studios, video and audio editing suites,

and also gives them a solid base for future

OB Vans, complete FM radio stations,


video editing and distribution systems

Heat has integrated broadcast systems

and satellite uplinks and downlinks

for corporations such as JRTV, Higher

for corporate, entertainment and news

Council for Media (JMI), Hayat FM,

applications. Based on client demands

Amen FM, Sawt Al Madine, Al Waseela

and requirements, the team can design

Productions, ZAD Group/ Saudi Arabia,

and deliver a user-friendly broadcast

Zayed FM radio-Fujairah/UAE, to name

facility that allows for ease of operation

a few.

and delivers a high quality, state-of-theart product.

A comprehensive list of services encompass:

Services range from providing a simple

• Consultancy.

design to complete systems design,

• Design.

systems integration and engineering

• Engineering.

complete broadcast facilities. Clients are

• Procurement.

furnished with a cost-effective solution

• Installation.





Central Archive System









Lighting System for 3 studios


Roya TV




FM RADIO Station




















Play-out centre - 32 channel



Zad Group

Zad Media Center (Production Studio)

Saudi Arabia


• Documentation.

Major projects have been undertaken

• Training.

for customers such as Jordan Telecom,

• Service & Maintenance.

Fastlink, Mobilecom, Xpress, Umniah, and the Royal Jordanian Air Force. List of services include:

Telecommunication Systems He a t ’s



telecommunications stems from

• Telecommunication Networks

• Performance benchmarking of competing service providers. • Perform radio access network audits (actual coverage footprint, capacity headroom and QoS) and provide recommendation for improvements).

Management Systems.

the profound experience of its


telecommunications and information

• MW Telecom Networks.

technology team. This division

• Fiber Networks and Testing.

offers services in the field of

• GSM Network Testing.

telecommunications with expertise

CONTACT Heat 3rd floor, Marmarah Centre

in specific areas such as radio

Telecom Consultancy Services

Subhi Omari Street

communications, telemetry, video

Wireless Expertise Services


communications, satellite earth-

• Dimensioning of radio network based

PO Box 140306

stations and the setting up of fibre optic

on subscription forecasts.

and microwave link, broad-band and

• CAPEX/OPEX estimations.

wireless local loop access systems, etc.

• Management of propagation model

Test and measurement solutions are offered to customers in fields as diverse

• Frequency scanning and qualification of


automation and environmental testing.



Tel: +962 6 586 1914 Fax: +962 6 586 3725

calibration campaigns.

as process control, electronics, defence,

Amman, 11814, Jordan

out- of-band

Email: Website:





NC System Integrations (INC),

scale installations prior to delivery. Each

consulting services to assist them through

a subsidiary company of INC

project is supervised by a dedicated

the transition so as to achieve optimum

Technologies, provides functional

specialist who remains the client’s

operational standards in all aspects of their

and cost-effective media technology

contact from project commencement to


solutions. INC offers project management, systems


completion and beyond.


INC is neither owned nor aligned with any vendor but maintain healthy

configuration, equipment sourcing and

T Technology Consulting

relationships with major media equipment

systems installation. It brings that little

INC provides consultancy services so that

and software vendors. They are involved

extra to the business of systems integration,

clients can identify their current and future

in projects at the earliest possible stage

applying an additional impetus to every

requirements, a service that can assist in

when strategies and goals are set, and their

project that is undertaken, irrespective of

detailing the technical and financial scope

experience enables them to offer accurate

the size or complexity of the job.

of potential projects.

and focused advice to clients from the

With its vast experience and expertise

As the industry moves from traditional

outset, ensuring that business and technical

in the field, the company has the

to file-based media, many companies are

objectives are realistically framed in the

werewithal to pre-build and test large-

looking for high level collaborative strategic

light of available resources.


SyStemS IntegRatoR



RECENT PROJECTS Dubai Government Media Office - Production Studio Upgrade. Kuwait TV HD 16 Cam OB Truck. Kuwait TV Studio 160B. Sharjah Media Corporation – 4.7M Motorised Antenna and TVRO System. Libya Al Watanya TV Channel. Intigral – R System. SUCCESSFUL PROJECTS DMI Camel Race – Al Marmoum. DMI Studio F & Sports Studio. Kuwait TV Master Control Room. Kuwait TV Channel One. Kuwait TV High Definition Centre. Kuwait TV Studio 500. Kuwait TV Studio 160. Kuwait TV Newsroom System. Bahrain TV News Studio. Bahrain TV Playout Servers & NLEs. Bein Sport – Studio One Lighting System – Sport. Bein Sport – Morning Studio Lighting System. Bein Sport TVRO System. Qatar TV Studio 5 – Doha/Qatar. Qatar TV HD Master Control Room. Qatar TV HD 512x512 Matrix. Qatar TV News Studio Upgrade. Qatar TV- Satellite Two Earth Stations. Qatar TV – TVRO System. Media Centre for the Arab Summit League – Doha/Qatar.


Project Planning and Management

Planning complex facilities requires

INC’s corporate culture and processes

understanding how buildings facilitate

provide stability, accountability and

media production and distribution. INC

leadership skills to their project managers,

has the skills necessary to bring vision to

thereby giving them a collaborative mindset

the total facility concept.

in dealings with internal and external project stakeholders. As primary point of

Technology Engineering

contact, the project manager works with the

and Workflow Design

client to set the technical vision and design

At INC, a thorough understanding of

philosophy that will direct engineering

broadcast operations and workflow

design, project scheduling, costing, quality

exists, gained over many years of close co-

control and on-site move-in and installation.

operation with a vast network of clients.

A typical project plan would include: • All milestones and significant delivery dates. • Dependencies between sub-tasks.

INC’s areas of expertise include: • Production Television Studios, Newsroom,




Transmission Systems.

• Outcome of sub-tasks.

• Linear & Non-Linear Edit Suites.

• Start and finish time of sub-tasks.

• Storage, Archive & Media Asset

• Resourcing and responsibility for subtasks.

Management. • Satellite Earth Stations.

• Timescale for client input and sign-off.

• Satellite News Gathering.

• Delivery milestones.

• Outside Broadcast.

• Specification of works to be undertaken.

• Emerging Technologies such as IPTV

• Draft acceptance documents.

and Mobile TV. • Space Planning (HVAC, Power Loading,

Facility Design and Liaison

Work Flow Design, Facility Logistics &

Liaison with architects and builders to


provide the correct building in which to install a broadcast system is one of

System Installation,

the services provided by INC Broadcast.

Commissioning and Testing


INC Broadcast has a team of engineers

pricing advantage that is then passed on

and installation wiremen, experienced in

to clients.


On completion, the system is commissioned

Support Contracts

INC System Integrations

and thoroughly checked both for technical

INC offers two types of support contracts,

Jumeirah Lakes Towers

performance and operational requirements.

both of which can be customised.

broadcast installations and commissioning.

In any project, partial or complete system

• Parts Pro: Where the company supplies

pre-build can be undertaken at the company

clients with spare parts only when a fault

premises prior to on-site implementation.


This technique saves time on-site and

• Service Pro: Where the company

reduces costs especially on overseas

supplies clients with spare parts


replacements as well as on-site inspection

The system testing procedure that is

and repair services when a fault happens.

followed is as per the industry’s highest standards, in which all major components


are tested – the cables path test such as

INC has developed a methodology

jitters, rise time and amplitude is conducted

that ensures high-quality and a wholly

using special measurement tools. Draft copy

customised system for each client. A robust

of the system testing procedure document

project management practice, it facilitates

is handed over to the client for approval

swift project commencement and progress

before testing commences.

through pre-defined stages of a low-risk path designed to achieve high quality results.

Equipment and Materials Sourcing

It is based on continuous client involvement

INC’s large annual purchasing volume

and remains the principal focus throughout

creates a strong relationship with major

the project and until the achievement of

vendors which often yields a significant

pre-arranged objectives.

Block Y - Swiss Tower 7th Floor - Office# 705 PO Box 454957 Dubai, UAE Tel: +00971 4 4542766/76 Fax: +00971 4 4542768 Dalia Taha Email: Website: com/broadcast INC Kuwait Safat, Kuwait City, Fahad Salem Street 11th Floor PO Box 1167, Safat 13012 Kuwait City, Kuwait Tel: +965 224431/2/3 Fax: +965 22443130 INC Qatar Elle France Building 5th Floor, Room: 13, Salwa Road PO Box 63142 Doha-Qatar Tel: +974 4432-5940 Fax: +974 4442-7065 INC Saudi Arabia Madarat Advance Trading Est. Fatimah Alzahra’a Street, Malaz Dis. Riyadh 11383 PO Box 355342 - KSA Tel: +966 1 4766626 Fax: +966 1 4772964





or over two decades, Systems

digital video broadcasting (DVB), digital

Design has provided media

signage, transmission facilities and

and broadcasting solutions

streaming technologies.

to innumerable clients across

the Middle East. Armed with an array of

Products and Services

specialised services, excellent technical

Systems Design employs a team of highly

systems and unparalleled expertise, the

qualified engineers, making it an expert

company has remained ahead of the

at designing, managing and implementing

mainstream and continues to satisfy

turnkey projects for:

discerning customers across the region.

Satellite channels playout centres.

The company mission is to deliver the

Studio complexes.

latest technologies in the broadcasting

Video Transport Solutions.

and media domain so as to maintain their

TV & Radio Master control rooms

status as a prominent systems integrator and provider of related technical and

(MCR). Media Archiving Solutions.

consultancy services. Fortified by a legion

Outdoor Broadcasting Vans (OB vans).

of engineers, Systems Design offer a wide

Audio & Video Restoration and

scope of solutions and services, including


value-added reselling of hi-tech equipment

Acoustical Isolation & Treatment Works.

and the design, engineering and integration

Video Storage & Archiving Solutions.

of turnkey projects for studios, video and

Video Transport Solutions.

cinema production/post-production,

Virtual Studios & Augmented Reality.


Systems Design’s MCR installations in Egypt.




Setup and support of all equipment and

Satellite Channels Playout Centres Working with customers, Systems Design provides customised, state-of-the-art solutions for playout centres that meet their needs, including on-site as well

KEY CLIENTS The Egyptian Radio & Television Union (ERTU)

as off-site locations and multi-channel

The Egyptian Satellite

solutions. Their solutions packages

Company (Nilesat)

include value-added features such as

The Egyptian Media

setup and support of all equipment

Production City (EMPC)

and solutions, consultancy and system

solutions. Consultancy and system design services. Complete turnkey solutions. Acoustical isolation and treatment works. Technical supervision for studio operations.

Saudi Media City (SHAMAS)

Video Storage & Archiving Solutions

design services, complete turnkey


Video assets are the most precious

solutions and a 24x7 on-site technical

Jeddah Chamber of

property for broadcasters. Systems Design

operations team. Studio Complexes Systems Design offers its clients complete

Commerce & Industry World Health Organisation Al Ahly Channel

in cooperation with global leading vendors in that field provides video storage and archiving solutions. Offered solutions include storing, moving, searching and

solutions for all their studio setup needs,


regardless of the status of the project.

Al Nahar TV Network

The company also sets up virtual studios

CBC network

for special applications such as news and

Arab News Agency (ANA)

Video Transport Solutions


On News Agency (ONA)

Based on Net Insight top notch technology

In addition to supplying the best-in-

Al Saeeda Channel

and Systems Design project execution

class studio equipment and software, the

Al Sahraa Channels

capabilities, the company offers

Systems Design package also includes:

Systems Design bagged the Grass Valley Top Growth for Middle East.


restoring video assets and their associated metadata in an easy, efficient manner.

professional media transport solutions

Systems Design was awarded EditShare 2014 Partner of the year, EMEA region.


The TVU Award.

for different applications such as;

TVU Outstanding Partner Award, 2014 went to Systems Design.

Satellite Backhaul and Contribution:


Media Contribution: Video and

Terrestrial infrastructure for client-

Systems Design has established

audio transport services combined

uplink and client-client transport for

partnerships with global market leaders

with datacom and telecom between a

media, datacom and telecom signals.

in the industry to deliver best-in-

Network-based Time Distribution:

class equipment and solutions to their

DTT Networks: National infrastructure

Distribution of extremely accurate

customers. Systems Design partners

from head-ends to transmitters. This

time signals over fibre-based network

include but are not limited to Grass Valley,

infrastructure supports TV distribution

infrastructure for Single Frequency

Lawo, Net Insight, Beehive Systems,

as well as mobile TV, mobile back haul

Network (SFN) operation of digital TV

EditShare, IBM, Barnfind, Sky Line,

and time distribution.

and mobile TV distribution. These time

Oracle, TV Logic, Syes, TVU, DARIM,

Sport Event Production: Transmission

signals are as accurate as those provided

Junger-Audio, Progira and many others.

of video, audio and data signals between

by GPS receivers but will not fail in the

the venues and broadcast centre for

event of a GPS system shutdown.

broadcaster’s different sites.

sport events. Sport Event Contribution: Long


Virtual Studios & Augmented Reality

Systems Design

distance, international contribution

With technological advancements in

of audio and video on a continental or

virtual studios and augmented reality

Building 199, 1st Neighbourhood,

global basis.

allowing real-time combination of

4th District, 6th of October City, Egypt

IPTV Distribution: Distribution of IPTV

people or other real objects and seamless

signals to remote operators or other parts

computer generated environments and

Tel: +20-2-3833-5320

of a service provider network, or from

objects, Systems Design is providing

Fax: +20-2-3833-5340

central head-ends to regional or local

turnkey solutions for high end virtual


head-ends for further distribution into

studios and on-air graphics to broadcasters


the metro or access network.

in the Middle East region.





ioneers in systems integration

and the expertise has given it a firm footing

• Customer Support Division (Est. 1994).

for over 23 years, Tek Signals/

among its a growing local and international

• Technical Consultancy (Est. 2002).

Qatar Signals has been the

client base.

expert choice for customers,

Tek Signals is the only company to

offering the most comprehensive and

have designed, installed, tested and

Tek Signals represents companies that are

innovative technology in systems

commissioned over 500 TV and radio

well-known and respected in their individual

integration, design, consultancy, delivery

channels ‘On Air’, in addition to upgrading

fields for product quality and reliability. Tek

and implementation of services in the

a record number of TV and radio stations,

Signals acts as sole distributor in the Middle

broadcast industry. Since its inception,

studios, edit suites, audio suites, OB Vans

East for over 80 major global players.

Tek Signals (TS) has made rapid strides

and auditoriums in the Middle East.

These include, Actix, AEQ, Aventura, Axis

and boasts being a leader in technical competence and workmanship. By integrating various path-breaking technologies, Tek Signals sets standards

Tek Signals’ Partners

Communications, Calrec, Christie, Clear-Com, Specialist Divisions

Comrex, Cussions, Bird, BDL-Autoscript,

• Broadcasting & Professional Systems

Bosch, Evertz, Extron, Grass Valley, General

(Est 1994).

Dynamics, Ikegami, Kompass, Kroma,

as a professional consultancy in the fields

• Telecommunication (Est 1997).

Kyocera, Promax, Spectracom, Tandberg,

of broadcasting, telecommunications, test

• Test and Measurements Division

Tecnovision, Tektronix, Telos, TSL, TCI,

and measurements, multimedia, education,

(Est. 1994).

instrumentation and professional systems.

• Multimedia Systems (Est. 1998).

Tek Signals is truly an innovator and leader

• Educational and Training Division

in the integration of different technologies,


(Est. 1997).

Vinten and Verite, among a host of others. Turnkey Projects Tek Signals undertakes projects on a turnkey


Al Jazeera Arabic News Channel PCR, Doha, Qatar.

basis, providing high technology equipment

3G studio in the Middle East.

engineering, including systems design and

• North Western University, Doha – first

system integration. It has distinguished itself

full infrastructure for a media university

amongst other system integration companies

in the Middle East.

by carrying out complex turnkey end-to-

• Al-Kass Sports Channel, Doha.

end fixed/mobile technical installations for

• Presidential Palace Project (PPP), Abu

complete tapeless set-ups that comply with

Dhabi – largest project infrastructure

full 3G HDTV, Dolby E standards.

for four palaces, a first of its kind.

• Du-Samacom – 14 Channel+12 channel playout stations, automated monitoring system. • Arab Media Group – Full TV Complex with seven automated TV, 5 radio stations and Radio TV. • Ajman TV, Al Dhafra TV, Lissali Camel Track, Infinity TV, Al-Majid Satellite

Tek Signals takes the credit for designing

• Shaikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi

(Dubai and Saudi Arabia), MBC (Dubai),

the first HD, 3G and the first fully

– first HD Studio in the Middle East –

Cultural Foundation Studio (Abu Dhabi),

automated studio, and also the first media

100 per cent robotic studio.

Al Ain University, Higher College of

university infrastructure in the Middle East. TS is now working as consultant for the Middle East’s first 4K studio.

• Abu Dhabi Media Company, Abu Dhabi TV – four studios. • Dubai Media Inc, Dubai & DMC – full news centre - three studios in DMC,

Recent Broadcast Projects (Turnkey) • Al Jazeera New Arabic Channel (part of AJWT project), edit suites, graphics stations, Doha. • beIN Sports (nine studios), Doha - first

studios D,E & F in Maktoum Centre, centralised ingest system. • Sharjah Media Corp, Sharjah - Studio 3, 5, MCR, CAR, Radio TV and SMC Kalba, Studio.

Technology (UAE), Ras Al Khaimah Radio Station. • Oman Radio & TV. • GEO TV, DMC, Dubai and GEO TV, Pakistan. • Duniya TV, Capital TV, Pakistan. • Home TV, Delhi, India, All India Radio, Delhi, India. • New TV, Lebanon, Future TV Lebanon.



Live HD OB vans rolling out of Tek Signals System Integration Facility.

World-class harnessing and installations by Tek Signals.

Club, Grand Cinema Complex – large

OB Vans • LIVE HD OB’s (4 OB’s 24/16 Cameras), Al Kass Sports OB and SNG Vans, Adduniya OB, Al Dhafra OB & SNG,

AWARDS • Best System Integrator of

Vietnam OB; Future Comm OB, Saudi

Middle East Award in 2007,


2008, 2013, 2015.

AV Division Projects • QNT – Qatar – Auditorium, Projection System, Audio etc. • Sidra Medical Centre – world’s biggest indoor curved LED installed • Emirates Foot Ball Club, Emirates Golf


• Best Technology Implementation Award for the year 2011, 2012, 2015. • Best Reseller / Distributor Award for the year 2014.

LED video walls, video banners, etc. • Over 50 automated meeting rooms. • PALM Tower, Qatar – high-end meeting rooms with state-of-the-art AV systems. Communication Division Projects • Al Jazeera Network, complete DBS earth station. • MBC, Dubai – 4 Dishes & complete D/L System for Nile-Sat, Arab-Sat, Hot-Bird, etc. • Integral-Dubai & Saudi Arabia - TVRO


down-link System V-Sat Network with

(leading to degree and post-graduation)

Comtech modem, 9 x 2.4m antennas.

in the Middle East in Doha. It contains 3G broadcast studios, film studios, IT

Telecommunications Division

infrastructure, high-tech class rooms with

The telecom division offers reliable

IPTV, video conferencing, non-linear edit

telecommunications services with

suites, audio and video 5.1 surround.

expertise in areas such as radio communications, military communication,


antenna, telemetry, video communications satellite earth stations and setting up of

Tek Signals

fibre-optic and microwave link, broad-

PO Box 392279

band multimedia access network and

Shaikh Zayed Road

wireless local loop access systems, etc.

Dubai Tel: +971 2 3197 000

Broadcast Project Al Jazeera Arabic Studio-3 (part of

Branch Office DMC

AJWT project) – One of the biggest 3G

PO Box 500608

Studios in the Middle East

1st Floor Building 4,

This was a turnkey project with 100%

Dubai Media City

content delivery. It was completed in the

Tel: +971 4 3902 870

shortest time span and included fully redundant design, power, video, audio, data, control redundancy and fault alarm. A 24/7 automated channel and work centre, efficiency, productivity and delivery with

Abu Dhabi

file-based workflow.

Tel: +971 2 6272 701

system, headend, dish antennas, D/L

in the region to accomplish digital audio


from the microphone to uplink, resulting

• Irdeto, Dubai – TVRO System, 6 Antennas, D/L. • GHQ UAE – “SAT-ON-THE-MOVE”

7th Floor, Gibca building, Khalifa Street

With a ‘room in room’ studio floor for

Soln, 6 Channel bouquets.

PO Box 47520

it was highly cost-effective and increased

perfect audio isolation - it is the first studio

• Etisalat – Advanced VSat Broadband

Branch Office Abu Dhabi

in crystal clear sound systems, unheard of before. This set a whole new standard in audio systems. It also included QC Check for every cable and signal level, jitter, eye pattern and noise measured for each path.

full turnkey project – 10 systems.

Branch Office Doha PO Box 23197 Doha Tel: +974 4466 4471 Fax: +974 4466 4472 Tariq Raja, Managing Partner Email: Joseph Varghese,

• YAHSAT - Complete design and

North Western University Qatar (NUQ)

Broadcast Division Manager

integration, turnkey project of bouquet

It is the largest and first media university

for ADMC, 6 + 1 HD channels.

in the Middle East, affiliated to NU, USA.

Tel: +971 50 6673 863

• QTEL DOHA - Complete design and

Tek Signals was the first integrator to build

integration, turnkey project of up-link/

a media and communications university

Email: Website:







local business, operating on a global scale.

internal integration resources for building

Systems is an independent



And the Middle East operation is a great

and testing systems. This allows costs

systems integrator trusted

example of this.

and projects to be closely monitored and

by broadcasters around the

From its offices inside the Dubai

maintained and is one of TSL’s major

world. Over the last 30 years, the company

Studio City, TSL FZ LLC provides

has worked on countless prominent

independent integration services at every

Importantly, all of these things are

technical and commercial integration

stage of a project. From consultancy and

done in a way that makes a broadcaster’s

projects and installations, covering

design through vendor selection and

life as simple and straightforward as

Enterprise MAM, broadcast IT networks,

pre-build up to FAT, integration and

possible. TSL Systems is very proud of

file-based workflows, shared storage and

installation, and beyond to support and

the knowledge and expertise it has gained

archiving, automation systems, multi-


over the years and it isn’t afraid to share

platform delivery, playout and studios and much more. During the last three decades, the company has never forgotten the importance of locality. TSL Systems is a



Working in partnership with a client’s

it. The door is always open for questions

own engineers, the sole aim is to enable

or queries, no matter how small. TSL

local broadcasters to meet and exceed

Systems people are always happy to chat

their technical and commercial goals.

and, importantly, to listen. This is a people

The company also has extensive

business after all.


The TSL Vision

better pixels, we have to abandon SDI just

from what we know and have been so

2015 was a pivotal year for broadcast

to accommodate native data rates. With

familiar with.

technology, not least with the growing

UHD-1 (4K) and UHD-2 (8K) along with

“This fundamental transition to IP is

realisation that IP can and will - as

High Dynamic Range (HDR) and Wide

greater than the move from analogue

predicted - replace baseband signals.

Colour Gamut (WCG) becoming the new

to digital or from SD to HD,” says TSL

During IBC, there were countless

standards, the only way to go is forward.

Systems’ new chief executive Roger

demonstrations of IP interoperability

IP promises greater efficiency but this

Henderson. “It is a step-by-step transition

and, although many were in an embryonic

will not be utopian. It is certain that in

for most customers, leading ultimately to

stage, all the major manufacturers showed

this new world, integration and workflow

a broadly software-only universe where

great willingness to participate. And

issues will remain. All products must play

functions are provided from suites of

there is a strong desire among many

nicely together, or they will surely fail.

software residing in local or remote,

broadcasters to make all IP infrastructures a reality.

At the same time, the adoption of IP

customer owned or outsourced clouds.”

is not going to be some big bang-style

Henderson believes that it could take

This change is now inevitable. As we

change. It will be a gradual adjustment,

three to five years for the early adopters,

move away from established picture

one that could potentially be long and

and perhaps five to 12 years for the

formats and move towards more and

difficult, as it represents a seismic shift

majority to make the switch.



Initially, they might create islands of IP functionality, suggests Henderson. “Either that or broadcasters will adopt IP for specific components within an infrastructure. After all, for perfect

down the source of those in the ‘cloud’ RECENT WORK Recent TSL Systems projects in the Middle East include:

environment. It will become specialist. And of course, signals and metadata have to be captured into any system and delivered from it.

systems integration, rather than just

OSN - MCR and NOC expansion.

media transport, there needs to be shared

Al Aan TV - HD video router

a huge demand for trusted specialists who

control architecture too - and that looks

upgrade and archive migration

are able to craft market leading solutions,

to be long way off yet.”

from LTO-4 to LTO-6.

many of them with mixed technologies,

Along the way, because of the

Sky News Arabia, Abu Dhabi -

implement them and be able to manage

incompatibility of files, formats, file

HD file-based news workflow.

them over the long term for those

movements, timing and metadata

NUQ, Qatar – File-based HD

operators who do not have the capacity

(amongst other issues), there will still be

news workflow.

to do so. This is where TSL Systems comes

a need for people and companies who are

First Media – File-based news,

to the fore.

able to manage complex and sometimes

production and playout facility.

bewildering issues and who can track


In the brave new IP world, there will be

As an experienced SI, TSL can also separate the underlying trends and


Roger Henderson, CEO, TSL.

Suhail Ahmed, General Manager, TSL.

through this transition, offering friendly

multi-viewer stack. The NOC was then

but sound advice and helping to keep up

moved to a new location. This process

with developments at the same time.

required significant documentation and

By making use of TSL Systems’ clear

planning. The preparation was essential

vision of the future, coupled with its

as it allowed the move to happen smoothly

strong networking skills and expertise,

in just three days.

broadcasters will be able to get it right first time.

With the NOC migration completed TX facilities were moved to their new suites along with the MCR. “Each day

Facility Overhaul

brought its set of challenges but TSL

Expanding an existing facility when

had multiple teams working endlessly to

technologies from the marketing hype.

mission critical services are still running

ensure the project was delivered on time,”

With a long and close relationship with all

is never an easy assignment. And that was

says Suhail Ahmed, project manager and

the major vendors TSL staff have access to

certainly the case when OSN asked TSL

solution architect.

the facts and the ability to uncover what

Systems to expand its NOC and MCR

is actually deliverable and what is pie-

facilities. The first task was to clear the


existing Studio Gallery. Over four days,


So, what’s next? With domestic

the kit was asset-tagged and 2.5 metric

TV offering 4K and now HDR (in its

tonnes of cable extracted. MCR and

many forms), the pictures in 2016 will

TX services were then migrated to a

be markedly better, and it is down to

temporary position. An open plan office,

the industry to provide the supporting

plus the legacy MCR and TX areas were

Dubai Studio City, UAE

material. It is relatively easy to swap

transformed into a new NOC position

Tel: +971 4 432 9143

a camera for a better model; changing

and new MCR area including seven TX

Fax: +971 4 432 9142

the core infrastructure will not be so

suits. This took 40 days in total and


straightforward. TSL Systems is perfectly

included the installation of Lund Hasley


positioned to take media companies

furniture and a Christie monitoring

TSL FZ LLC Building 4, Office 101 PO Box 502751


Index ABS




ABS Network


INC System Integrations


Al Aan Media Services




Al Futtaim Technologies


JVC Kenwood






Amaranthine Trading LLC


M-Three Satcom


APT Satellite


Master Media


Aret Video and Audio Engineering


Miller Tripods






Aspera, an IBM company






On-Air Asia






BFE Studio und Medien Systeme GmbH


PCCW Global


Brainstorm Multimedia


Riedel Communications


Broadcast Solutions GmbH


Rohde & Schwarz


Broadcast Systems Arabia


Sennheiser Middle East












Systems Design




Tek Signals/Qatar Signals Systems


Fischer Connectors




Gazprom Space Systems, JSC


Utah Scientific




U-TO Solutions (I) Pvt. Ltd.


HEAT for Engineering and Technology




Hitachi Kokusai Electric Turkey




Founder Dominic De Sousa Group CEO Nadeem Hood Publishing Director Raz Islam Editorial Director Vijaya Cherian Project Editor Kalyani Gopinath Contributing Editors Vibhuti Arora Clayton Aldo Vallabhan


Group Sales Manager Sandip Virk +971 50 929 1845 Sales Executive Natasa Glisovic +971 56 394 7706 Art Director Simon Cobon Production Manager Vipin V. Vijay +971 4 375 5713 Distribution Manager Sunil Kumar +971 4 375 5476

Published by

HEADQUARTERS PO Box 13700 Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 (0) 4 440 9100 Fax: +971 (0) 4 447 2409 PRINTED BY Al Alif Printing Press LLC A supplement of BroadcastPro ME. © Copyright 2016 CPI. All rights reserved. While the publishers have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of all information in this magazine, they will not be held responsible for any errors therein.

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