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Le French May
OFFICIAL WEBSITE www.frenchmay.com
Foreword French cinema has long captivated moviegoers with their unique storytelling, blending reality with wondrous elements to create original and everlasting films with singular visions. Le French May’s Cinema Programme 2016 entitled Dream of Another World Utopias, in association with Broadway Cinematheque, will present a selection of 15 films with four categories, Wonderworlds, Dream from Reality, Contemporary and Past Tales and Fight against and Fit into Reality, featuring some of the finest French actors and directors known today. The programme will be dedicating a special focus on French Animated Movies and the numerous Wonderworlds they give to life, with Opening Film, a spotlight on last year’s best French animation April and the Extraordinary World, voiced by Marion Cotillard. The release of the movie will be accompanied by the presence of the directors of this wonderful production. Another animation highlight includes Phantom Boy, voiced by the French sweet heart Audrey Tautou. Human is the Closing Film of this year, directed by Yann-Arthus Bertrand, is a series of more than 2,000 interviews throughout 60 countries. Human is an ambitious epic documentary which attempts to record the struggles and triumphs of humanity. The festival’s cinema line-up features several movie categories addressing the topic of Utopias, amongst which the awardwinning production, The Brand New Testament starring Catherine Deneuve in Contemporary and Past Tales category.
前言 法國電影製作人以其獨特的敘事手法,揉合真實與奇幻元素,成就極具原 創性的經典作品,多年來一直令影迷如痴如醉。 法國五月2016的電影放映環節《 夢迴烏托邦》與百老匯電影中心合辦,放 映15齣由法國當代最佳導演與演員參與的精選法國電影,共有四個部份, 分別以「奇幻世界」、「如夢疑真」、「新酒舊瓶」及「現實理想國」作 主題。今年的放映聚焦法國動畫長片,引領觀眾進入動畫構築的「奇幻世 界」。開幕電影為2015法國最佳動畫《 蒸汽女孩與不死貓》 ,該片由奧斯 卡影后瑪莉安歌迪娜亞配音;法國五月更邀得該片導演,親臨香江與香港 觀眾見面。在「奇幻世界」中,不可錯過的還有由法國甜心柯德莉塔圖 聲演的《廢青救地球》。 至於閉幕電影,是全能導演Ya n n -A r t h us Be r t r a n d,透過走遍60多個國 家,採訪2,000多人,審視人生的紀錄片《人類啟示錄》。除此之外,其他 放映電影均緊扣「烏托邦」的主旨,包括「新酒舊瓶」內,於各地獲獎無 數,由嘉芙蓮丹露主演的《衰鬼上帝老豆》。
Opening Film 開幕電影
April and the Extraordinary World 蒸汽女孩與不死貓 2015 / 105mins In French with Chinese and English subtitles 法語對白,中英文字幕 Director 導演 Christian Desmares, Franck Ekinci 基斯頓迪斯馬里、法克伊健斯 Voices 聲演 Marion Cotillard, Philippe Katerine, Jean Rochefort César Awards, Best Animated Film nomination 法國凱撒獎 最佳動畫提名 Annecy International Animated Film Festival, Cristal for Best Feature Film 法國安錫國際動畫展 最佳電影
amc(Tue)* 10/05 7:30pm
bc(Wed) 11/05
ifc(Sat) 14/05 5:00pm
Trailer 預告片
Here is an alternate version of Paris in the age of steam. Instead of dying at the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon III meets his demise in a laboratory accident caused by a mad scientist. Since then, scientists have been mysteriously disappearing, and for 70 years depriving mankind of their inventions. A second Eiffel Tower is built, nearly all vegetation is killed off by pollution, and the Grand Palais is refurbished into a giant greenhouse. April, a daughter of two missing scientists, decides to start off her adventure with a talking cat Darwin to find her parents and carry on her family’s science research. Adapted from the brilliant work of Jacques Tardi, this combination of colors and melancholy stickily delivers an impressive visual experience for both children and adults in striving to make the world a better place. 06
改篇自幻想大師Jacques Tardi的漫畫作品,這是蒸汽時代 別樣的巴黎,拿破崙三世死於瘋狂科學家造成的事故,其 後的七十年間,科學家相繼失蹤,本可改變世界的科學 發明也被迫中斷,第二座艾菲爾鐵塔已建成,但嚴重的 污染幾乎殺死了全部蔬菜,巴黎大皇宮淪為培育僅存植 物的大溫室。少女April的科學家父母也離奇消失,尋找 父母,繼續科研,April和會說話的貓貓Darwin一起開始 了一段冒險之旅。畫風復古優雅,故事光怪陸離,想像 力與歷史感互相呼應,讓小孩和成人一起接近這個充滿 熱情與創作力幻想世界。 *Director and artistic director will attend Q&A session 導演及藝術導演將出席映後談
Interview with Christian Desmares and Luciano Lepinay, director and artistic director of April and the Extraordinary World. 專訪《蒸汽女孩與不死貓》導演 Christian Desmares 及藝術導演 Luciano Lepinay Which were the biggest obstacles when directing the movie?
Christian Desmares: Adapting Tardi’s drawing
style was the first obstacle. We had to simplify the drawings of the characters so that they did not come out as too complicated, whilst still keeping elements significant to the author’s style, such as the shape of the eyes and the wrinkles of the clothes. We have done a tremendous synthesis work on Tardi’s style.
Christian Desmares : 把Tardi的繪畫風格改編成電影 了讓角色們看上去不會太花巧,我們簡化了Tardi人物的 形象,保留了代表性的元素,比如眼睛的形狀及呈現衣 服褶皺的方法。
Luciano Lepinay : 對我而言是保留原著的畫風。我們 有來自巴黎、里爾和比利時的插畫家。我負責統籌他們 的畫作,要不時確保其統一性絕非易事。另一個難題則
Luciano Lepinay : Remaining faithful to the drawing
style of Jacques Tardi. Several artists had to joint their efforts so as to make it so it looked like only one artist had drawn it all. We had illustrators coming from Paris, Lille and Belgium. My job was to coordinate all their work, and it was not easy at all times. As for the creative part, a whole part of the movie was very poorly developed in his albums, we therefore had to imagine a lot of what “he would have done” and “how he would have done it”, which was also quite a pickle.
們要以Tardi的角度去想,想像他會或希望如何處理。 Director Christian Desmares will attend a Master Class of Animation with artistic director Luciano Lepinay and producer Raman Hui at Comix Home Base. (Date:10/5 Time: 5pm) 導演Christian Desmares及藝術導演 Luciano Lepinay將會與有「史力加之父」之稱許誠毅在 動漫基地舉行動畫大師班分享會。 (日期:10/5 時間:下午5時) 07
Closing Film 閉幕電影
人類啟示錄 2015 / 190mins In English and French with English subtitles 英語及法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演 Yann-Arthus Bertrand Venice Film Festival 威尼斯影展
bc(Tue) 31/05
ifc(Tue) 31/05
Trailer 預告片
Ticket price 票價: $120 (會員bc member $96)@ bc $130 (會員bc member $110)@ ifc Directed by the creator of Earth from Above and Home, Human is an ambitious epic documentary attempts to record the struggles and triumphs of humanity. It takes viewers on a journey across the globe to uncover the essential truths about what it means to be human. Through a series of more than 2,000 interviews throughout 60 countries, Bertrand expresses the collective human experience in all its forms. Being a renowned photographer, journalist and reporter himself, Bertrand returns to his stunningly captivating images placidly capture a range of honest reactions to the most humanely controversial topics including wars, races, religions, violence, and gender. It is not only anger and guilt, but also forgiveness and tears. And all above this, it is love that relieves all the sufferings and highlights the joy as a human. 08
集攝影師、記者、環保倡議者於一身的全能導演 Yann-Arthus
後轉變視角,拷問人性。不同種族,不同語言,不同 身世,卻擁有一樣真實的臉,一樣掙扎的人生。紀錄片 採訪兩千多人,走遍六十多個國家,內容觸及戰爭、種 族、宗教、暴力、性別、賣淫、歧視及仇殺等禁忌話 題。一個個經歷過如斯苦難的靈魂赤裸裸的與你對視, 毫無掩飾地講述自己的人生,控訴與懺悔交織,淚水與 寬恕融匯。生而為人,意義何在?在人生永無盡頭的征 途中,也許只有愛才能抵禦一切。
Director’s Note 導演的話 I am one man among seven billion others. For the past 40 years, I have been photographing our planet and its human diversity, and I have the feeling that humanity is not making any progress. We can’t always manage to live together. Why is that? I didn’t look for an answer in statistics or analysis, but in man himself. It is in faces, looks, and words that I find a powerful way of reaching the depths of the human soul. Each encounter brings you a step closer. Each story is unique. This film carries the voice of all the men and women who told me their stories. It is their messenger. I made the film I had dreamed of; my wish now is that everyone can use it in their own way, organizing screenings and becoming ambassadors of the Living Together initiative.
七十億人類中,我只是滄海一粟,在過去的40年裡, 我一直在用攝影機紀錄著我們的星球和生存在這星球上 千姿百態的人類。但我總有一種感覺,人類並沒有在進 步,我們總是沒法攜手共同生活。 這是為什麼? 我並不想在數據分析中找答案,而是要走進人類自身去 探尋。面對那各異的面容、表情和話語,我看到了一條 路徑,可以直至人類靈魂的最深處,由此,每次邂逅都 更進一步,每段故事都與眾不同。 這部電影裡收錄的聲音,來自所有曾對我敞開心扉的男 男女女,這是他們留下的訊息。 這部電影正是我多年來夢寐以求的,而現在我最期望的 是,每個人都能以自己的方式開啟它運用它,組織放 映,成為開拓“攜手生活”精神的大使。
Dream from Reality
如夢疑真 10 10
Contemporary and Past Tales
Fight Against and Fit into Reality
P24-26 11
Wonderworlds 奇幻世界
Phantom Boy 廢青救地球 2015 / 84mins In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕
Director 導演 Alain Gagnol, Jean-Loup Felicioli 阿倫賈諾,尚路費利西奧尼 Voices 聲演 Edouard Baer, Jean-Pierre Marielle, Audrey Tautou Toronto International Film Festival 多倫多電影節
bc(Thu) 19/05
ifc(Sun) 22/05 1:20pm
Trailer 預告片
From the directors’ of Oscar nominated A Cat in Paris, now comes a new exciting adventure of a boy with extraordinary power – Phantom Boy. He is eleven. He is invisible and he has 24 hours to save New York. Leo has always dreamed to be a hero. After his suffer from cancer, he realizes that his soul can freely wander from his body passing through walls like a phantom. One day he saves a lost phantom of an injured police officer Alex and befriends with him. Meanwhile, a man with broken face who has taken control of New York City’s power supply threatens the Mayor for a billion dollars. When Alex learns of Leo’s abilities, the two malfunctions started to work as duo, doubling their power and along with Alex’s love interest Mary, who is a reporter, three of them together they race against the twenty-four-hour ultimatum and try to save the city. Having spent five years making the film, Gagnol and Felicioli kept their French favor in their first American touch. 12
相比於兩位導演上一部奧斯卡提名佳作《巴黎兩生貓》, 新作在跌宕的情節上更勝一籌。電影摒棄浮躁的成人世 界,返璞歸真,講述小男孩Leo的心裡有個懲惡除奸的英雄 夢,患癌症之後的他發現自己竟有了靈魂出竅的超能力, 他和愛惹麻煩腿部受傷的警員交上了朋友,與此同時,紐 約城面臨生存危機,壞人用病毒侵襲了全城電腦,勒索市 長百萬美金,警員的記者女友決定深入虎穴,小男孩Leo則 自告奮勇保駕護航,然而意料之外險境迭生,小英雄的魂 魄能否凱旋歸來?
Wonderworlds 奇幻世界
救世兵團 2016 / 107mins In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕
Director 導演 Anthony Roux, Jean-Jacques Denis
bc(Tue) 24/05
Trailer 預告片
根據法國多人線上遊戲(每月計有一百五十萬名活躍玩 家)改編的動漫作品。Joris是個孤兒,貓爸Kerubim算 是他的義父,常跟他提起當年勇,使他幻想展開冒險生 活。Lilotte是個孤女,也是主角最好的朋友。Bakara是 前途光明卻膽小的少女魔法實習生。Khan則是某球類運 動的傳奇明星。他們生活在偉大的城市Bonta。一天,綽 號屠夫的Julith回到Bonta,打算毀滅這座城市。Joris與 他的夥伴能否拯救大家?
ifc(Sun) 29/05
The animation Dofus is adapted from the eponymous multiplayer online video game with 1.5 million active players. Joris is an orphan. Papa-cat Kerubim takes care of Joris like a father, telling him stories of youthful adventure and thus making him dream of leading an adventurous life. Lilotte, an orphan as well, is Joris’s best friend. Bakara is a timid but brilliant young apprentice magician. Khan is the superstar of a certain sport. They live in the magnificent city of Bonta. One day, Julith the Butcher returns and intends to annihilate the city. Can Joris and his friends save their fellow citizens? 13
Wonderworlds 奇幻世界
非越自由夢 2015 / 84mins In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演 Simon Rouby César Awards, Best Animated Film nomination 法國凱撒獎 最佳動畫提名 European Film Awards, European Animated Feature Film nomination 歐洲電影大獎 最佳動畫提名 Annecy International Animated Film Festival, Cristal for Best Feature Film nomination 法國安錫國際動畫展 最佳電影提名
bc(Sun) 29/05
bc(Mon) 30/05 8:10pm
Trailer 預告片
This is a coming-of-age story of 12-year-old West African boy Adama in animation. The use of 3D for characters, which are clay sculptures, imbues the animation with realism. Adama’s big brother Samba loves freedom and is good at diving. In his ritual of initiation, the elders stop the ceremony due to a bad omen of a white bird flying over Samba. Defying the elders’ warning that what lies beyond the cliffs are chaos and vanity, Samba goes beyond the cliffs and becomes a mercenary for gold. To take his brother back, Adama leaves his village, stows away on a ship, and throws himself on the battlefield of WWI in 1916. Looking back to the past from a century later, the animation reflects on colonization, slavery, and Africans’ sacrifice in WWI. 14
這是一個關於12歲西非少年Adama的成長故事,動畫 的實感透過3D黏土雕塑人物展露無遺。Adama的哥哥 Samba擅長跳水,熱愛自由。成年禮上,長老因為白鳥 飛過的凶兆中止儀式。於是Samba越過懸崖,進入「風 的世界」,不顧長老曾經警告懸崖之外的混亂與浮華,受 黃金誘惑「出賣靈魂」,成為僱傭兵。Adama為了尋回 哥哥,離開熟悉的村莊,飄洋過海,置身1916年第一次 世界大戰的前線,回顧一個世紀前非洲人被殖民奴役外, 與及他們在第一次世界大戰戰場上的犧牲。
Wonderworlds 奇幻世界
Aunt Hilda!
大媽的秘密花園 2014 / 90mins In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演 Jacques- Rémy Girerd, Benoît Chieux
Voices 聲演 Sabine Azéma, Josiane Balasko, François Morel Berlinale 柏林影展 Warsaw International Film Festival 華沙國際電影節
bc(Thu) 26/05
Trailer 預告片
富環保意識的法國手繪動畫生態寓言,用幽默奇法教導人 類給大自然一條生路。紅髮Hilda一生愛好是大自然,騎 單車代步,繼承家業成為植物學家,創立博物館保育珍稀 植物。肥胖反派Dolores是位追求最大利益的企業老闆, 她的瘋狂科學家手下發現了Attilem。Attilem能長成產生 巨大能量的巨型植物,看似能同時解決糧食不足與能源短 缺的問題。但這種基因改造植物一發不可收拾,入侵世界 每個角落,能拯救地球的只有Hilda。
ifc(Sun) 29/05
Aunt Hilda! a hand-drawn animated ecological fable, teaches humans how to let Nature be free with humor and imagination. Red-haired heroine Hilda is an environmentalist, who rides bicycle and becomes a botanist just like her parents. She creates a museum that preserves endangered plants. Obese baddie Dolores is a CEO, who only cares about maximizing profit. The mad scientists, who work for Dolores, discover a genetically modified plant called Attilem, which can become giant-size and emit energy. Attilem seems to solve hunger and energy crisis at once. But it grows out of control, invading every corner of the earth. Only Hilda can save the world. 15
Dream from Reality 如夢疑真
The Sense of Wonder 愛在甜甜圈之間 2015 / 100mins In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演 Eric Besnard Cast 演員 Virginie Efira, Benjamin Lavernhe, Lucie Fagedet, Leo Lorleac’h
bc(Sat) 21/05
ifc(Fri) 27/05 7:50pm
Trailer 預告片
The French title of The Sense of Wonder, a romantic comedy set in Provence, can be translated literally as “Le sens des merveilles”. “Merveilles” not only means “wonders” in French but also refers to a donut-like pastry in South of France made by widow Louise. She struggles to raise two kids on her own and keep her late husband’s orchards. One day, she accidentally hits a stranger named Pierre with her car. She takes him home and takes care of him. Pierre is different from anyone she ever meets. Pierre’s Asperger’s Syndrome, his brilliant eccentricities, brings laughter and warmth to Louise’s household. However, Louise wants to keep Pierre away from her worst enough life. Can Pierre’s wonder heal her broken heart? 16
發生在普羅旺斯的浪漫喜劇,法語片名可直譯為「法式甜 甜圈的滋味」。在法語裡,merveilles除了指「奇蹟」,也 代表南法甜甜圈,是女主角烘焙的糕點。寡婦Louise獨力 撫養兩幼兒,辛苦支撐死去丈夫的果園。一天她開車撞到 Pierre,擔心他的安危,堅持帶他回家。Pierre的亞斯伯 格症,他的天真直率、他的聰明古怪,讓Louise一家重展 笑顏,感受生命溫暖美好的滋味。
Dream from Reality 如夢疑真
Marguerite 金曲金后
2015 / 130mins In French with Chinese and English subtitles 法語對白,中英文字幕 Director 導演 Xavier Giannoli 沙維爾查洛 Cast 演員 Catherine Frot, André Marcon, Michel Fau, Christa Théret César Awards, Best Actress, Best Production Design, Best Sound and Best Costume Design 法國凱撒獎 最佳女主角、最佳製作設計、 最佳音效及最佳服裝設計
Will be screened in Macau only 只在澳門放映
Trailer 預告片
如何高唱先至動聽?如何表演先算有個性?在「黃金的二 十年代」的巴黎,女伯爵Marguerite熱愛歌唱,五音不 全唱的她卻毫不自知,常在自己城堡中作慈善表演,娛人 愚己,上流社會的朋友引以為笑料,卻又不敢說出真相。 她下定決心要舉辦真正的演唱會,當她最終戴上翅膀登 台時,觀眾會不會收貨? 故事改編自美國女高音Florence Froster Jenkins的真人真事,女主角Catherine Frot更藉 此片榮獲法國凱薩獎最佳女主角。
In the Golden Twenties in Paris, Marguerite, a wealthy socialite, devotes her whole heart to music. She always holds parties at her castle to share her singing with friends. Her solo always ends with hypocritic applause and also laughter. The truth is she sings terribly out of tune, but no one dare to offend her. Her passion attracts a young journalist to write an article and interview her, further strengthening her belief. Shedecides to hold a public concert. She even hires the most famous musicians to get everything prepared. When she finally gets on the stage, how will the audience react? The story is inspired by the life of Florence Foster Jenkins, an American soprano who is famous for her poor singing ability. 17
Dream from Reality 如夢疑真
The Wakhan Front 反恐最前戰
2015 / 100mins In French and Farsi with English subtitles 法語及波斯語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演 Clément Cogitore Cast 演員 Jérémie Renier, Swann Arlaud, Marc Robert, Kévin Azaïs Cannes Film Festival, Critics’ Week 康城影展 國際影評人週 César Awards, Best First Work nomination 法國凱撒獎 最佳首作提名
bc(Fri) 27/05
ifc(Sat) 28/05 6:20pm
Trailer 預告片
The war against terrorism is tinged with horror that may move “both heaven and earth.” In 2014, a French army Captain Bonassieu and his NATO-led security forces are stationed in Wakhan District, Afghanistan. Their dayto-day duties involve surveillance of the local sheep-farming villagers while looking out for the invisible traces of Taliban. While waiting to withdraw from Afghanistan, things suddenly get jeopardous and weird. A civilian approaches the border near Pakistan. A dozen villagers burn a sheep at night. Two soldiers disappear after their night shift. The troop begins to panic while Captain counsels sangfroid, as other soldiers vanish. Does the appearance of composure conflicts with the cruelties of war? Are terrorists or supernatural phenomena behind the missing soldiers? In the long shots of immense barren landscape, humans become tiny dots in dust. 18
2014年,法國隊長Bonassieu帶隊駐紮阿富汗的Wakhan 區,監控村民,提防塔利班。平靜外表下,卻離蔓著不尋 常的氣氛。怪異的事接踵而來,約十名村民神秘地摸黑上 山燒羊獻祭。儀式過後,兩名士兵離奇失蹤。接著,士兵 開始相繼無故消失。恐慌的氣氛逐漸籠罩著整個部隊。失 蹤背後是恐怖份子陰謀還是超自然現象?電影呈現了法國 人對參與反恐戰爭的恐懼,仿如幽靈一樣,無時無刻纏繞 著生活,泛起一陣陣的漣漪,更害怕有一天漣漪會變成巨 浪淹沒一切。
Contemporary and Past Tales 新酒舊瓶
The Brand New Testament 衰鬼上帝老豆 2015 / 115mins In French and German with English subtitles 法語及德語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演 Jaco Van Dormael Cast 演員 Benoît Poelvoorde, Catherine Deneuve, Yolande Moreau, François Damiens Cannes Film Festival, Directors’ Fortnight 康城影展 導演雙週 Golden Globe, Best Foreign Language Film nominated 金球獎 最佳外語片提名 Austin Fantastic Fest, Best Picture 奧斯汀奇幻電影節 最佳影片 European Film Awards, European Comedy Nomination, European Production Designer, 歐洲電影獎 最佳喜劇提名及最佳美術指導
bc(Sun) 15/05
《 Mr. Nobody 》 導演又一顛覆瘋狂之作。想像一下,你
爸爸是上帝,耶穌是你哥哥但已被老豆變成玩具掛在火爐 上。女神媽媽不得上帝歡心被變成啞巴。一家人「快快樂 樂」住在布魯塞爾的一個公寓內。上帝老豆整天靠著電腦 翻雲覆雨,煽動人類發動各種戰爭,看不過眼的女兒決定 離家出走改造世界,駭進老爸電腦公告世人死期。天機洩 露必造成世界大亂,女兒籍此「下凡」拯救世界,勢要推 翻老豆 ! 皇帝女相約六大門徒,重寫新約全書,江山從此 如此多「Fun」! 結集各式神話童話,天馬行空大膽幽默, 竟想到讓比利時影帝成為過街(老鼠)上帝,更讓法國影后 與猩猩擦出愛火花,令人拍案叫絕。
Trailer 預告片
ifc(Mon) 16/05
God exists. He lives in Brussels. He’s odious to his wife and daughter. We know a lot about his son, Jesus Christ, but very little about his daughter, 10-year-old Ea. One day, she rebels against her father, hacks his computer and texts everyone in the world the date they will die. Then she escapes to Earth, where she recruits six Apostles for a Brand New Testament. Mixing religious satire and ironic fantasy, the general populace now feels free to act on their basic instincts and hidden desires. 19
Contemporary and Past Tales 新酒舊瓶
Robin Hood the Real Story 這個羅賓真心膠 2015 / 90mins In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演 Anthony Marciano Cast 演員 Max Boublil, Géraldine Nakache, Malik Bentalha, Ary Abittan
bc(Mon) 23/05
ifc(Sat) 21/05 8:05pm
Trailer 預告片
The “real” story of Robin Hood defies our expectation. He is not a heroic thief taking from the rich and giving to the poor. He makes it his principle to rob only the women, the poor, the elderly, and the disabled because the others are too difficult to deal with. His sidekick Tuck has a crush on him. Robin Hood is politically incorrect, misogynist, and prone to getting pissed on. His dream is to open a hookers’ bar. After the king’s death, the young prince is manipulated by the villainous sheriff. The people pay too much tax, that making Robin Hood’s business bad. He planned to rob the Tax Office to fund his dream. Coincidentally, he encounters the Sherwood Gang, who have upset motto: rob the rich to help the poor, have the same idea of robbing the Tax Office. Can Robin Hood become a true member of the Sherwood Gang? 20
這個羅賓漢不是大眾所熟悉的俠盜,而是詐騙集團首腦, 專搶劫老弱婦孺。親密戰友Tuck暗戀他良久,介意自己 同時具備同性戀猶太裔阿拉伯人身材短小的身份。羅賓漢 政治極為不正確,歧視女性,夢想開妓院。自從國王死 後,行政長官挾年幼王子,魚肉百姓,民不聊生,連帶使 羅賓漢生意蕭條,萌生搶國家稅收的念頭。此時他誤打誤 撞在森林救了獨自撫養兒子的Marian,還認識一幫劫富 濟貧的綠林好漢。綠林好漢能否使羅賓漢改邪歸正,成為 真.英雄呢?
Contemporary and Past Tales 新酒舊瓶
Tale of Tales 異色童話
2015 / 120mins In English with Chinese subtitles 英語對白,中文字幕 Director 導演 Matteo Garrone 馬提奧加洛尼 Cast 演員 Vincent Cassel, Salma Hayek, Toby Jones, John C. Reilly Cannes Film Festival, In Competition 康城影展 主競賽單元 Nastro d’Argento, Best Production Design, Best Costume Design and Best Sound 意大利銀帶獎最佳美術指導、 最佳服裝設計及最佳音效
bc(Sat) 14/05
Trailer 預告片
導演馬提奧加洛尼在震撼康城之作《擬似主角》中玩 轉現實後,借新片挑戰傳說,以《五日談》為基礎改 編,寫實與超現實手法完美結合,用現代視角挑戰童話 審美。愛子如命的女王冷血獨裁,為了生子不惜生吞龍 心;耽於昆蟲的父王荒謬擇婿,嬌貴美麗的公主下嫁荒 蠻;荒淫無度的君主循歌而來,年華已老的姐妹換皮爭 寵……這是毛骨悚然的人性寫實,這是慾念與愛的黑色 怪談。電影佈景華麗逼真,帶領觀眾親身窺探童話世界 的黑暗真相。
ifc(Sun) 15/05 7:40pm
bc(Tue) 17/05 9:50pm
Director Garrone, whose previous film Reality has won the Grand Prize of the Jury in the Cannes Film Festival, re-presents a modern version of fairy tales based on Pentamerone written by Giambattista Basile. The film includes three stories, namely the Queen, the Flea, and the Two Old Women. A ruthless queen insanely craves for a child and gives birth to a boy after eating the heart of the aquatic dragon. A King feeds a giant flea with his own blood and porterhouse steak and randomly marries his daughter to an ogre who recognizes the skin of the flea. A sex-addicted monarch is intrigued by singings of a mysterious old hag and invites her to his bedroom at night… The world of tale is indeed insane and absurd. Director Garrone mixes real and surreal narratives and challenges the traditional aesthetics on tales through modern film languages. 21
Contemporary and Past Tales 新酒舊瓶
Beauty and the Beast 美女愛野獸 2014 / 115mins In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演 Christophe Gans Cast 演員 Vincent Cassel, Léa Seydoux, André Dussollier, Myriam Charleins Berlinale 柏林影展 César Awards, Best Production Design 法國凱撒獎 最佳美術指導 European Film Awards, Audience Award nomination 歐洲電影大獎 觀眾票選獎提名
bc(Fri) 13/05
ifc(Fri) 20/05 7:40pm
Trailer 預告片
Madame Beaumont’s 1756 fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast” has been adapted into classics such as Jean Cocteau’s postwar black-and-white cinematic poetry (1946) and the 1991 Walt Disney animation. How can it find new life in yet another film adaptation in 2014? Cool hottie Léa Seydoux (Blue is the Warmest Color) and wild wolf Vincent Cassel (Black Swan) add thawing sexiness to the tale of cross-species love. The film begins as a bedtime story: A widowed rich merchant has three sons, three daughters, and three ships. A violent storm sinks his fortune and forces the family to start a new life in the countryside. Only the youngest daughter Belle is contented. Belle wants nothing except a rose. One day, the merchant gets lost and stumbles across the magical castle of the Beast. He is sentenced to death when he steals a rose for his favorite daughter. Belle sacrifices herself in place of her father and discovers the Beast’s tortured past in dreams. In the magical realm, Belle exchanges a dance for seeing her family one last time. When Belle tries to escape, the Beast pins her down on a lake of ice…Can Belle’s heaving bosom and pure heart save the cursed Beast? 22
尚.高克多的戰後超現實黑白片詩篇(1946)與迪士尼動 畫(1991)珠玉在前,18世紀的法國童話故事《美女與野 獸》如何在2014年經典新詮?冷艷女神Léa Seydoux與亦正 亦邪狂野狼Vincent Cassel為奇幻人獸戀增添三分性感。床 邊故事是這樣開始的:喪妻富商有三子三女三艘船,一夜 間的暴風雨讓財富化為烏有,舉家搬遷鄉下種田,只有最 小女兒Belle毫無抱怨。Belle無所求,只要一朵玫瑰。一日 父親迷路闖進城堡,偷摘一朵玫瑰,野獸判他死罪。Belle 代父受死,一命償一玫瑰,卻在夢中認識野獸的過去。如 夢似幻的魔法世界裡,Belle以一支舞換見家人一面,逃脫 途中在結冰湖面被野獸「壁咚」。美女心跳起伏的真愛能 否解救受詛咒的野獸?
Fight Against and Fit into Reality 現實理想國
The Big Day 夢想由我創
2015 / 90mins In French with Chinese and English subtitles 法語對白,中英文字幕 Director 導演 Pascal Plisson 柏斯高普利桑
bc(Sun) 22/05
ifc(Thu) 12/05 8:10pm
Trailer 預告片
After On the Way to School, acclaimed director Pascal Plisson tells four parallel stories about four underprivileged teenagers from four different corners of the world. Fighting to live in their own big days, they start the soul journey of changing their life passionately and decisively. 11-yearold Albert from Cuba dreams to go to Havana to learn boxing; 15-year-old Nidhi from India craves for university education; 19-year-old Tom from Uganda is passionate in local nature protection; And 11-year-old Deegii from Mongolia fights to be a professional contortionist. They step over the boundaries of religions, genders and social classes to make their lives flourishing through hard work and perseverance. 24
導演柏斯高普利桑繼電影《平平安安上學去》之後又一 力作,影片真實紀錄四個少年改變人生的奮鬥之路,古 巴的Albert渴望前往首都學習拳擊,印度的Nidhi嚮往 大學教育,烏干達的Tom關心本地自然保育,蒙古的 Deegii立志成為專業雜技人,年輕的他們用努力和堅 持為自己搭建起了改變命運的舞台,在四個不為人知的 角落裡,他們用自己的雙手打破宗教、性別和階層的藩 籬,改寫自己的人生。
Fight Against and Fit into Reality 現實理想國
French Blood 純血時代 2015 / 100mins In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演 Diastème Cast 演員 Alban Lenoir, Paul Hamy, Samuel Jouy, Patrick Pineau Toronto International Film Festival 多倫多電影節
bc(Wed) 25/05
bc(Sat) 28/05 Trailer 預告片
鏡頭貼近極右勢力在法國抬頭的社會現實,關於一名 1965年出生的法國新納粹30年來的變化。故事從1985年 開始,Marco與新納粹夥伴專找阿拉伯人、黑人、同性 戀者與共產黨黨員的麻煩。一觸即發的暴力與巴黎郊區 的背景,令人想起法國經典電影《怒火青春》(1995)。 酒鬼父親與沒有床邊故事的童年,是否他白人至上的種 族歧視背後的原因?一天,他在巴士被種族仇恨吞噬, 無法呼吸,藥劑師的出現救了他一命。這次事件對他的 人生造成什麼影響?
Through the life of a French neo-Nazi Marco’s transformation over 20 years, French Blood reflects the rise of right-wing nationalist movement in France in recent years. The story begins in 1985, Marco and his two neo-Nazi pals pester and beat up Arabs, blacks, gays, and communists. The explosion of violence and the background of banlieue recall Mathieu Kassovitz’s La Haine (1995). Can Marco’s alcoholic father and childhood without bedtime stories explain his white supremacism? One day, consumed by racial hatred on bus, he has trouble breathing and is saved by a pharmacist. Can this episode transform the course of his life? 25
Fight Against and Fit into Reality 現實理想國
儘管如此別歧視我 2015 / 80mins In French and Arabic with English subtitles 法語及阿拉伯語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演 Philippe Faucon Cast 演員 Soria Zeroual, Zita Hanrot, Kenza-Noah Aiche, Chawki Amari Cannes Film Festival, Directors’ Fortnight 康城影展 導演雙週 César Awards, Best Film, Most Promising Actress and Best Adapted Screenplay 法國凱撒獎 最佳電影、最佳新演員及 最佳改編劇本
bc(Tue) 31/05
ifc(Sat) 28/05 8:15pm
Trailer 預告片
Fatima is a Moroccan-born single mother raising her two teenage daughters alone in Lyon. She speaks poor French, just enough for daily communication. And she works day and night as a cleaning lady to make ends meet. Her elder daughter, Nesrine, is a sensible 19-year-old medical student and is well aware of her mother’s sacrifice and hardship. Because of that, she works hard, but puts on too much pressure on herself. The other daughter Souad, a 15-year-old girl, rebels and even detests her mother for her poor French and low social status. One day, Fatima falls down on stairs at work. On leave, Fatima begins to write a dairy in Arabic about all her frustrations, dreams and hopes. The sentimental plots not only gently reflect the radical social problem, but also portray and celebrate the dignity of an ordinary immigrant mother. 26
Fatima 是一名摩洛哥移民,她定居法國里昂,在那裡,她 獨自撫養著兩個青春期女兒,為此她日夜奔波,說著不流 利的法語為有錢人家做清潔工。她的長女是一名19歲的醫 科學生,深知母親的辛苦,勤力讀書但內心壓力不斷累積 有些不堪重負,小女兒15歲,叛逆倔強,鄙棄母親卑微的 職業和糟糕的法語。直到有一天,母親在工作時跌倒,休 養期間,她用阿拉伯語寫下了自己講不出聲的內心掙扎, 一切悲痛無奈,一切希望和執著終於都隨著母語緩緩流 出…電影節奏舒緩,感情濃郁,催人淚下的不僅是社會之 病,更是一位平凡母親不懈捍衛的尊嚴和愛。
Screening Schedule 放映時間表 AMC 10/5 Tue
*April and the Extraordinary World
PALACE ifc 11/5 Wed 12/5 Thu
April and the Extraordinary World
Beauty and the Beast
The Big Day
13/5 Fri
14/5 Sat
April and the Extraordinary World
Tale of Tales
15/5 Sun
Tale of Tales
The Brand New Testament
17/5 Tue
Tale of Tales
19/5 Thu
Phantom Boy
16/5 Mon 7:40pm
蒸汽女孩與不死貓 異色童話
The Brand New Testament
20/5 Fri
Beauty and the Beast
21/5 Sat
Robin Hood the Real Story
The Sense of Wonder
22/5 Sun
Phantom Boy
The Big Day
Robin Hood the Real Story
這個羅賓真心膠 廢青救地球
23/5 Mon
*Q&A Session 映後談
Broadway Cinematheque
愛在甜甜圈之間 夢想由我創 這個羅賓真心膠
Screening Schedule 放映時間表 PALACE ifc
Broadway Cinematheque
24/5 Tue
25/5 Wed
Fench Blood
26/5 Thu
27/5 Fri
The Sense of Wonder
28/5 Sat
The Wakhan Front
Aunt Hilda!
29/5 Sun
Aunt Hilda!
大媽的秘密花園 The Wakhan Front
Fench Blood
30/5 Mon
31/5 Tue
儘管如此別歧視我 Human
Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema 親臨票房或自動售票機購買
Enquiry Hotline 查詢熱線 2388 0002 (BC) 2388 6268 (PALACE ifc) 2265 8933 (AMC)
Phone Ticketing 電話購票 2388 3188 (BC / PALACE ifc) / 2265 8933 (AMC) Online Ticketing 網上購票
Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone: - $8 per ticket (from Mon to Fri), $10 per ticket (on Sat, Sun & Public Holidays) for screening at Broadway Cinematheque. - $10 per ticket for all screenings at PALACE ifc and AMC. *網上及電話購票均需收取手續費: - 百老匯電影中心 : 星期一至五場次每張$8,星期六、日及公眾假期場次每張 $10。 - PALACE ifc 及 AMC : 所有場次每張$10。 Ticket Price 購票 -- $85 (會員bc member $68 ) @Broadway Cinematheque 百老匯電影中心 -- $95 (會員bc member $80 ) @PALACE ifc -- $95 @ AMC Human 人類啟示錄 -- $120 (會員bc member $96 ) @Broadway Cinematheque 百老匯電影中心 -- $130 (會員bc member $110 ) @PALACE ifc
Screening Venue 放映地點
Broadway Cinematheque 百老匯電影中心 Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square Street,Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon
百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque
(MTR Yau Ma Tei Station - Exit C)
Podium L1, ifc Mall, 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong (MTR Hong Kong Station - Exit F)
AMC Level 1, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway Road, Hong Kong (MTR Admiralty Station - Exit F)
香港金鐘道88號太古廣場L1 AMC
法國五月團隊 Association Culturelle France - Hong Kong Limited
法國文化推廣辦公室 Board of Directors 董事 Chairman of the Board 董事會主席 Andrew S. YUEN 阮偉文 Lilas BERNHEIM 白莉嵐 Adrian CHENG 鄭志剛 Bernadette GICQUEL 姬素秋
Elisa GHIGO-BARTHELEMY 柏雅諾夫人 Kevin THOMPSON 湯柏燊 Mignonne CHENG 鄭陶美蓉
Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau
法國駐香港及澳門總領事 Eric BERTI 栢海川 Anne DENIS BLANCHARDON 安筱雨 Alice KING 董建平 Catherine KWAI 季玉年
Kin-Lap HO 何建立 Michelle ONG 王幼倫 Pansy HO 何超瓊
Chief Executive Officer 行政總裁 Julien-Loïc GARIN 賈奕楠 Executive Assistant 行政助理 Kennedy WONG 黃敬棠 Production and Events Manager (Visual Arts) 項目經理 (視覺藝術) Aurore BLANC 白曉熙 Production and Events Manager (Performing Arts) 項目經理 (表演藝術) Alix HILTEBRAND 夏莉思 Marketing Manager 市場策劃經理 Iris NG 吳敏婷 Marketing Assistant 市場策劃助理 Marcos LEE 李庭峰 Intern in Fundraising & Partnerships 項目拓展實習 Charles NICOLAÏ 周啟倫 Finance Manager 會計經理 Jon FONG Education and Outreach Programmes Officer 教育及外展項目主任 Polly LAU 劉嘉欣 Programmes Assistant for Visual and Performing Arts 表演及視覺藝術項目助理 Aurora KU 顧淑婷