由歐洲聯盟駐香港及澳門辦事處、各歐盟成員國及瑞士合作,與百老匯電影中心合辦的第13屆「歐洲電影節」,將於7月15日(五)至31日(日)在百老匯電影中心、MOViE MOViE 太古城中心、PALACE ifc、PREMIERE ELEMENTS 及MY CINEMA YOHO MALL舉行,歷時兩星期。「歐洲電影節2022」為大家獻映18部從未在港正式上映的歐洲得獎佳作,一如既往,電影的種類相當廣泛,包括喜劇、驚慄、劇情片等等,定必讓各位觀眾大飽眼福!
The European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macao, in collaboration with the EU Member States and Switzerland and in association with Broadway Cinemathèque, is proud to present the European Union Film Festival 2022 (EUFF). Now into its 13th edition, the EUFF brings to Hong Kong cinemas a selection of 18 award-winning films that have never been screened in Hong Kong before.
Stay tuned for more details on our Facebook and Instagram!