由歐洲聯盟駐香港及澳門辦事處、各歐盟成員國及瑞士合作,與百老匯電影中心合辦的第12屆「歐洲電影節」,將於4月16日(五)至30日(五)在百老匯電影中心及PALACE ifc舉行,歷時兩星期。今年「歐洲電影節」為大家獻映19部歐洲佳作,數目是歷來之冠!今年入選的電影,題材和風格都相當廣泛,喜劇、靈異、浪漫、溫馨、探討社會議題等等,應有盡有,讓鍾情歐洲電影的朋友大飽眼福!
The European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macao, together with the EU Member States and Switzerland and in association with the Broadway Cinematheque, presents the European Union Film Festival 2021 (EUFF2021). Now into its 12th edition, the EUFF brings 19 award-winning titles to the Broadway Cinematheque and PALACE ifc from 16 to 30 April.
Stay tuned for more details on our Facebook and Instagram!