How To Get Into Your Dream College- Lucy C.

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Lucy C.

Each year tens of thousands of students apply to colleges all across the United States. It is a stressful time as students compete for spots in top universities. Students are all different and have different strengths and weaknesses, and they are being judged many times sight unseen on some numbers and essays...What is it that these universities are looking for in a student?

One of the main thing colleges look at is GPA. GPA stands for grade point average. It is the number representing the average value of a student's final grades earned in courses over time. The grade point average is based off the average of all final grades. The scale for GPA is A is 4.0, B is 3.0, C is 2.0, D is 1.0 and F is 0. Some schools have a weighted grading system where students get numerical advantages if they take higher level courses. Whether the GPA is weighted or not and how it is weighted varies depending on the school. The way grade point average is determined varies significantly throughout public schools and can also be very different compared to private schools. In high school, student's GPA is often used to determine their class rank, whether they are in honor or star roll, or certain academic awards they receive. These things are key when trying to get college. Grade point average is a key factor when applying to college. It is often one of the first things colleges look at. According to the National College Admission Counselors, grade point average in college prep courses is the most important factor weighing into the admissions decision. The GPA of students in high school was decided as the fourth most important factor when applying to colleges. Another thing colleges look for in GPA is an upward trend. This shows the college that the student is improving, and that they put effort into making good grades. Colleges are looking for students who get good grades in high level classes that will properly prepare them to be a successful college student. When universities see that a student is taking high level courses, has a high GPA, and has an upward trend in their grades, they will highly consider accepting that student into the college.

Another thing that colleges look at are standardized test scores. These are exams students take so that colleges can see how much the student knows compared to other students. It is the best way for a college to see how prepared they are for college in relation to other students.. Key entrance tests are the ACT/ SAT. One of these assessments is typically taken in the fall of one’s junior year. This entrance test can be taken multiple times if the student is not satisfied with their grade. On the ACT the highest score is a 36, and the test only counts questions that the student got right. The SAT is currently changing its format to eliminate a guessing penalty. The ACT is one of the most important tests a student will take because it will help a student determine their future. There is an interest inventory and student profile section that helps the student determine their interest which helps the student decide their career choices to colleges. A student’s ACT/SAT score can help them get a college scholarship or get noticed by a college, so the tests helps one prepare for life after high school. Test scores can reinforce a student’s academic achievement.

The high school courses that a student chooses matter when it comes to college. Honors classes look great on college transcripts. Colleges want to see a student being challenged with difficult classes, and by taking advanced courses the student can form a strong foundation of learning that will continue in college. AP courses or an IB program help make ready students for the difficult level of college work. High school students should always take advanced courses if the are capable.

officer, Jeff Rickey, says that the challenge of an AP/IB course will better prepare a student for college. He also said that most times it is better to take the more challenging course than taking an easier one, even if the student gets a B. Also, the student should take all advanced courses if he or she is capable. Even if the subject is not one if the students main interest, by taking the course often times that subject will become more interesting to the student. Taking difficult classes in high school is key to getting into a good college.

According to, “Colleges look for students who took the most challenging courses available to them. If your high school offers only a few college prep courses, admissions officers will take this into account.” The strength of a student’s curriculum is one of the most important of a their application. Admissions

Colleges are also looking for students who care about their community and are involved. Having a lot of different types of community service is always good, but that is not what the majority of colleges are really looking for. They want to see meaningful involvement. Just signing up for numerous clubs, but not doing any extra work not real community service. According to, “Think “quality” not quantity! So, pick and choose your high school extracurricular activities with care and do more with it than just sign up.” Even if a student is just involved with just one or two activities, but the student shows that they are making a difference through the those activities, it will benefit them when trying to get accepted by a college. When the college sees that a student is voluntarily devoting their time into making the school or community a better place, they will believe that that student will put the same effort and commitment into college. Student who are applying for college need to prove that they are capable of making a great impact on that college. Being greatly involved in clubs and other groups shows the college that the student is balanced and good at managing their time. These are two of the main things colleges look for in a student.

Lots of colleges do not just look at grades when deciding who they accept into college. It is important to get recommendations so they can know the student’s academic strengths and interest, personal qualities, role in the school community, and potential direction in the future. A positive letter also reveals that the student is likable because he or she gets along with the teachers. Recommendations reveal the attitude a student as towards learning and doing work. Harvard’s dean William Fitzsimmons says, recommendation letters are “...extremely important” and admissions officers are looking

for letters that reveal “...intellectual curiosity, creativity, and love of learning.” Essays are another thing that colleges often look at. Students should submit a well written application essay to their dream colleges that shows admission counselors what their best qualities are and what makes them unique. Well written essays can be the difference in getting accepted into college and not. essays make a big difference on the quality of acceptance received. The essay should convey a student’s writing skills and personality. Both a well written application essay and recommendations show how the student would fit into the college. Essays and recommendations are really important when applying to a college.

Bowen, Lily. "College Board." Class Rank & College Admission. Olympic Media Group, 2015. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.

Mayfeild, Angela. "Relevant Classrooms." Relevant Classroom. A Vivayic Company, 4 Aug. 2010. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.

Multiple Authors. "Latest Blog Posts." Help Getting Into A College. My College Guide, 2015. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. "College Board." Class Rank & College Admission., Inc, 2015. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. Saber, Rebecca ,"When Don't SAT/ACT Scores Matter for College Admissions?" When Don't SAT/ACT Scores Matter for College Admissions? PrepScholar, 21 Mar. 2015.

"What Is a GPA?" What Is a GPA? Study in the USA, 21 Apr. 2015. Web. 04 Nov. 2015.

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