Digital Design M1 Journal Brock Smith 835203

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Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2020 Brock Smith

835203 Joel Collins, Studio 10

Week One

Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters. According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols?

As technology advances so does our interest and ability in the actuation of the virtual through Signs, Symbols and Diagrams Sign and symbols are material expressions of their object whereas diagrams mediate between physical constructs and concepts. The diagram is a tool that uses its reductive nature to describe relationships and prescribes performances in space and when a successful combination of descriptive elements synergise, a diagram can accurately represent sensations and affect.

For Zeara the diagram is a spacial organisational tool which informs architectural realities and potentials.


Week One

Precedent Analysis Fig 1. Radix stretches the threshold between inside and outside over the river’s edge to employ the steps as architectural elements to afford occupation and circulation within the void of the pavilion.

Fig 2. Open cut void thresholds combine with enigmatic ceiling forms to create a blurring of threshold and surface upon approach to the pavilion which slows approaches and encourages investigation and reflection.

Fig 3. Radix refrains from prescribing any particular activities, instead it affords a range of opportunities to interact with the environment and one another

Figs 1,2 and 3: Nico Saieh, Radix Pavilion, 2012.


Week Two

Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture. Herzberger discusses how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use.

The pavilion type provides a great case study for Hertzberger’s “In-Between” architecture as it does not prescribe an enclosed building envelope, therefore, allowing play between inside/outside, encouraging the blurring of thresholds and providing a context for the study of the space between things. The Radix Pavilion avoids prescribing specific activities and affords occupation and activity by creating a diverse space “in between things.” While open cut openings invite entry from afar, low and variant ceiling becomes visible from the outside which blurs threshold and stretches the space between things as approaching traffic investigates more carefully before entering. These techniques create ambiguity of function and space inside and around the Radix Pavilion. Spherical volumes suggest a democratic use and occupation of space and visual connection encourages interaction from inside to outside as space flows through the pavilion and shadows cast by its volume stretch out temporal thresholds throughout the day, affording occupation outside the pavilion itself in the shadowed space.


Week Two

Precedent Isometric Fig 4. Detail drawings are scaled up in Rhino6 to inform the 1:1 digital model and points and curves can be traced to provide references to build to

Fig 5. In order to achieve interior surfaces, spherical and ellipsoid forms are subtracted (using boolean difference command) from a solid rectangular prism form of 8000x8000x4000mm

Fig 6. The result is a dynamic and ambiguous pavilion providing spacial and textural intrigue through interruption and affordance


Week Two


Radix Isometric Modelling the pavilion in Rhino6 provided and excellent study of Radix and its illusive thresholds and circulation factors. Rhino6 isometric line work is captured through make2D command and imported at 1:50 scale to Adobe Illustrator to form the bones of the Isometric. From here an iterative representation practice resulted in a darker facade representation to highlight interior void spaces, which is the case in reality. To highlight the juxtaposition of exterior geometry and interior geometry, the void curves are represented in stark white contrast through the rectangular outer surfaces.


Week Two Diagrams

Ceiling Surface - Circulation Director

Ceiling Surface - Structure Threshold


Shelter Thresholds - Open Cut Gateways



Occupation Threshold - Height Restriction

Circulation Thoroughfares - Afforded by high accessibility

Primary Secondary

Adult Child

Shadow Thresholds - Temporal Exterior Zones

Staying Zones - Prospect and refuge

Venice 9am 3pm 12pm River

High Occurrence




Appendix Process

Import and scale reference image detailing dimensioned plans and sections into Rhino6. Reference centre points and radius dimensions to extrude spheres and ellipsoid and extrude rectangular prism pavilion mass extents.

Adjust spheres to required height datums and Boolean Difference the spheres from the prism mass to create inhabitable voids. Split spheres along pavilion extents and ground plane to create pavilion interior surfaces.


Utilising a combination of Rhino6 and Grasshopper, produce curves to form the detail on the interior of the boolean voids.

Trim curves to pavilion extents to complete the pavilion and model the river bank to provide context and complete circulation and threshold details between the pavilion and river bank steps.



In order to prepare for upcoming utilisation of Grasshopper plug-in software I elected to attempt drawing the lines on the interior voids of the pavilion to create parametric curves to facilitate iterative modelling.

Arc 3pt did not correctly scribe the ellipsoid arc needed.

Experimenting with divide curves to inform 3pt circle commands was successful in creating a parametric set of curves with controllable number of

Instead I used grasshopper to divide the curve to provide points to draw ellipses in Rhino with centre-point rather then the plane

curves applicable to any set of end points and radius points along divided curve.

required in Grasshopper.

The curves can also be drawn in Rhino using the Project command to transfer a Polar Array of lines to the interior surfaces, however I experienced trouble applying this command to the ellipsoid initially.

I look forward to learning more about the possibilities of Grasshopper in this way, possibly by rotating the plane for each ellipse in line with each different radius.


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