Roma online march 2014 en

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ROL 161 - MARCH 2014

ROMA ONLINE Brothers of Charity This last month has been a month of travelling and visits. We started on 16th February with a visit to Sri Lanka together with Bro. Godfried Bekaert, the provincial superior. From the 17th until the 21th, we visited the houses of the Congregation in Sri Lanka: Ja Ela, where we participated in a very nice sporting event of our learners; Trincomalee, where we visited our technical school; Batticaloa where we visited the international school and where we seriously reflected on the future of the community house and the printer’s. The option is

u NEWS FROM THE SUPERIOR GENERAL that the printer’s, which has been closed since January of this year, will become a day centre for children with a mental retardation and our community house will partly become a house for elderly people. Then, we left for Kalmunai, where we had a nice meeting at the Carmel Fatima School where Bro. Stephen is the principal, and afterwards at our Benedict Menni Centre for psychiatric rehabilitation, and at the St. Mary Hostel. We appreciate the apostolate and the involvement of our brothers. Finally, we visited Hatton where we have a small hostel. On the 22nd, we started the retreat for our novices in Katugastota in preparation for their profession on the 26th. 15 brothers, 11 from Asia and 4 from Africa, pronounced their profession during a very nice ceremony presided over by His Lordship Bishop Vianney Fernandez from Kandy. We ended our visit to Sri Lanka with a meeting with the regional council on 27th February, and on the 28th we left for Nairobi. In Nairobi, 42 postulants of Africa were waiting for their oblation, and I gave the retreat of 5 days, and, of course, we took the time to meet the new formation team. We also had a meeting with the cardinal of Nairobi. On 7th March, the 42 postulants were accepted as novices to our Congregation and formally started their

canonical year. We welcome them to the Congregation and we wish their formators all the best! On 8th March, we left for South Africa where Bro. Constantino Kaunda, the regional superior was waiting in order to visit the houses. We started with the community of Florida where we met the brothers and on the 9th we left for Polokwane where we visited the hostel and met the brothers. In the morning of the 10th we visited the school and we met all the teachers. We continued our visit to Klerksdorp and on the 11th we visited the school and afterwards the Triest Training Centre. We returned to Florida with heavy rain and on the 12th we visited our half-way home Thandanani in the morning and Brakpan in the afternoon where the Sisters of Charity started a new apostolate for girls who are pregnant and will keep their child in very difficult situations. We ended our visit with an evaluation meeting with the regional superior and also the delegate Brother Romain and the provincial superior who joined us during these days in South Africa. On the 13th we left together with Bro. Constantino for Lusaka in Zambia, where we met the Archbishop and also the Minister of Health in order to see the possibility to start an apostolate. Of course, we were together with the brothers in our formation house for a few days until we return to Europe on 15th March, tired but satisfied with all the meetings and the good things we saw during these days. I thank all the brothers who helped organize these visits and all those I met: I appreciate your dedication as a Brother of Charity and I encourage all of you. I wish all of you who read Roma Online every month a blessed period of Lent leading up to Easter.

Bro. René Stockman, Superior General

FRATELLI DELLA CARItà • Curia Generalizia • Via Giambattista Pagano 35 • 00167 Roma • Italia t. (+39) 06 66 04 901 • F. (+39) 06 66 31466 • Responsable: Communication Service Brothers of Charity •

ROL 161 - MARCH 2014 - p. 2


- 18-19 March: Belgium - 19-30 March: Rome - 1-12 April: Belgium, teaching at the International Institute Canon Triest in Moerzeke - 12 April: back to Rome Schedule in Rome: - 22 April: General Council with the provincial superiors - 28 April-8 May: meeting with the provincial and regional superiors - Around 12 May: retreat to a group of associate members from Belgium - 19 May: Belgium - 21 May: Rwanda, with a session on mission for the boards and teaching the novices - 25 May: inauguration of the new centre in Ngozi - 26 May: visit Uvira - 27 May: visit Shabunda - 30 May: visit Goma - 31 May: visit Bukavu - 1-5 June: retrait in Bukavu - 6 June: perpetual profession in Bukavu - 7 June: back to Belgium

NEWS FROM THE COMMUNITIES u ROME : CASA GENERALIZIA • 01/02: The eve of the feast of the Presentation of our Lord, considered as the feast of all the consecrated, the Community had a special Vespers service. We sang our psalms as usual.

occasion for the apparition of the emeritus Pope Benedict XVI! People were amazed and so were the few Brothers present during the ceremony in Saint Peter’s Basilica.

• 02/02: After Mass, the community gathered for an aperitivo before sitting together for a meal.

• 04/02: The four Brother students ended their exams, which started on 27th January. And their results were positive! • 10/02: The community gathered for the monthly meeting, from 8:30 to 9:45. We always thank God, for all our gatherings, which are moments of brotherly sharing. • 22/02: Another historical moment in the life of the Church: the Consistory of the 19 Cardinals gave another

• The traditional Clericus Cup, which is a soccer tournament organized by the Vicariate of Rome for students and seminarians living in Rome, will soon start in March. This time, the Belgian College and the Brothers of Charity, united with the Guanelliani, decided to participate. Hence, intense days of training were defined: Wednesdays from 8:30’ to 9:45 pm and Saturdays from 2:30’ to 5 pm. During their visit to Rome, the king and queen of Belgium signed one of our footballs; a gesture of encouragement to this newborn football team. We also feel the support of the two communities, as they organize themselves as tifosi or fans.

ROL 161 - MARCH 2014 - p. 3 Our motto: “ Gioa, Lavoro , Vittoria” : Joy, Work, Victory We pray for successful matches on the 9th, 23rd, and 30th March. • 27-28/02: All the players went for a medical checkup as recommended by the organizational team. Bro. Bienvenue


Blessed Anuarite Nengapeta Lusambo • D.R. CONGO

We are pleased to announce the return of our brothers who went to Kinshasa to take part in the meetings of the regional council, the annual retreat, the sessions, and the regional chapter, along with the Superior General, the regional superiors and the regional council, and the local superiors. By common consent, important decisions were made with regard to the proper functioning of the Our Lady of Africa region in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Following the meeting in Kinshasa, the regional director paid a canonical visit to the community of Goma via Bukavu, from 25 until 27 February, to revitalise the brothers and encourage them in their life, service and community atmosphere. The next day, on 28 February, he flew back to Kinshasa. On the occasion of his visit, the regional superior had several individual talks with the brothers and the associate members, who were happy to learn that they had all been accepted to reaffirm their promise. In the course of June, we will have a collective retreat in Bukavu where they will make their promise and where the brothers will profess their perpetual vows.

Brother Regional Superior, Jean-Marie Mukonkole, paid a visit to the staff members of the centre for the physically challenged and took the opportunity to offer his best wishes for 2014 and to congratulate them for their 50 years of service to the poor (1964-2014). Afterwards, Brother Regional Superior went to our ‘Ecole de Vie’, where he saw the students and the staff, and extended the same wishes. He expressed his satisfaction about the results, the enthusiasm, and the work atmosphere among the students, teachers, and their director, Brother Augustin Tshimanga.

Following his visit to the ‘Ecole de Vie’, Brother Regional Superior also saw the staff members of the centre for mental health care, where he talked to everyone in their specific work environment and paid a visit to the patients and the new buildings. These will contribute to the humanisation of the patients’ surroundings. On 28 February, we welcomed the novices at Goma airport. They returned from different communities after six months of apostolate experience following the canonical year. Afterwards, we went to ‘la Petite Barrière’, a connecting point between Congo and Kigali, where we took the bus to Kigali along with Brother Athanase’s mother. She wanted to visit her son who is still being held captive in Rwanda.

ROL 161 - MARCH 2014 - p. 4 On 3 March, our local superior was involved in a road accident as he was on his way back from the university. A motorcyclist made a false manoeuvre while overtaking. After the collision, he got back on his motorcycle and drove off while our confrere was still lying on the ground. Fortunately, one of his friends, who had just returned from taking an exam, came to his aid. Thank God the crash was not that big and our confrere did not suffer any fractures. On 4 March, Brother Augustin Tshimanga renewed his religious vows for a period of two years. During that same ceremony, 10 associate members reaffirmed their promise in the presence of Brother Superior, Simon

Umba. Afterwards, we shared a meal with our visitors, priests, religious, and laymen, while soft Congolese music was playing in the background.

From an associate member

The Superior General himself led the retreat at the Verbist Centre (CICM) of Mbudi, Kinshasa. For five days, we were steeped in the great spirituality of our Congregation. The retreat’s theme was: ‘Let us be overwhelmed by God’s love’. During the opening session on 28 February, Brother Superior General talked about the basic attitude that is expected of a Brother of Charity and an associate member. In the afternoon, Brother Stockman spoke of ‘God is love for us’. God loves us unconditionally, taking no account of our behaviour. On 29 January, the second day, we listen to ‘Our human love: common ground with divine love’ with the basic idea: ‘Controlling our eros and making it into charity’. In the afternoon, we answered the divine love with the basic idea: ‘Through prayer, we reach an intimate relationship with God’. On 30 January, the third day, Brother Superior General addressed the topic of our prayer life and the basic idea: ‘God alone suffices’. In the afternoon, we talked about ‘Time for Prayer’, with ‘Making time for prayer’ as the basic idea.

I would like to thank you for the information that you have sent via e-mail, which keeps me informed of the activities that are organised by the Congregation. In exchange, I would like to make a small contribution and report on our retreat with Brother Superior General, the provincial superiors, the regional superiors, the representatives of the brothers of the region of Our Lady of Africa, and the associate members of the Saint Augustine community of Kinshasa. It all started on 28 January, the opening day of the annual retreat for the Brothers of Charity in the region of Our Lady of Africa and the associate members of the Saint Augustine community of Kinshasa. All the communities of the Democratic Republic of Congo were represented: Kinshasa, Lusanga, Nioki, Kananga, Lusambo, Kabinda, Goma, Bukavu, Shabunda, and Uvira. Without forgetting the brothers provincial superiors and regional superiors, of course. We had a grand total of 28 brothers and 17 associate members.

Bro. William de la Croix Mulenda Mwema

ROL 161 - MARCH 2014 - p. 5 On 31 January, the fourth day, ‘With Mary to Jesus’ was the meditation, and ‘With Mary, our Mediatrix, to Jesus’ the basic idea. In the afternoon, ‘The loving God in practice’ was the theme and ‘Jesus, abide with us in the neighbour’ the basic idea. Mt 20:40 On 1 February, the fifth and final day, Brother Superior General discussed Pope Francis’ exhortation on pastoral ministry: ‘Joy of the Gospel’. Love as the constructive dimension of the Church and as the social doctrine: the social integration of the poor.

In addition, we saw a film on Saint Therese of Lisieux called ‘My vocation is love’ the first night. The second night, we saw a film on Saint Bernadette Soubirous. On the third night, Brother Superior General entertained us with a slideshow about the opening of the tomb of Father P.J. Triest. We spent the fourth, and final night, in contemplation of the Blessed Sacrament. We concluded the retreat and dedicated 2 February to the associate members of the Saint Augustine community of Kinshasa. They had organised an outing in Bas-Congo, 158 km from Kinshasa, to Mbanza-Ngungu via Kisantu. About fifty people came. That day was an occasion to exchange our gifts and our wishes for a happy and prosperous new year. It all took place at the convent of the Sisters of Charity of MbanzaNgungu, who welcomed us in a spirit of fraternity and love. Before we reached Mbanza-Ngungu, we visited one of the country’s most beautiful natural sites, the botanical gardens of Kisantu, 130 km from Kinshasa. These gardens stretch out over 225 ha and are planted with local and imported flora. Everyone returned home around 5 p.m. Maximilien Yangiesu, Associate Member

In u the

Community Saint Vincent de Paul - Bujumbura BURUNDI

January 2014 issue of Deus Caritas Est, specifically in the article ‘Burundi on the rise’, our Superior General, Bro. Dr. René Stockman, conveyed his impressions of the Ngozi Neuropsychiatric Centre (Mubuga) to his readers. Construction is moving forward, and we are delighted with the quality as well as with the competence of our engineer, Mr. Apollinaire Nkiriho. We believe that everything will be finished by the end of March. If everything continues the way that it does, the inauguration will take place in May in the presence of Brother Superior General and representatives of the government. The project is part of the projects developed by Fracarita Burundi. Our sincere gratitude goes out to the governor of Ngozi, the administrator of Ngozi, and the Ngozi diocese for their cooperation. During the night of 9 February, we have had torrential rains and the subsequent floods caused a great deal of damage in the northern areas surrounding Bujumbura. No less than 5,000 houses were destroyed and more than 80 people died. The condition of the people who were afflicted, is terrible. In order to ensure the prevention and the follow-up of psychosocial problems, the Ministry of Health and AIDS Control has asked the CNPK to coordinate the necessary psychosocial interventions. We have already assembled a team of 12 psychologists, divided over four locations where those who were hit by the disaster were taken, and the hospitals. The team has already treated 190 trauma cases and psychological disorders (4 were hospitalised at the CNPK, 12 are receiving ambulatory medicinal treatment, and others have clinical consultations in their locations). Fracarita Burundi has a psychosocial intervention project in association with the CNPK. We would like to thank the French embassy in Burundi. They granted us an amount of 11,000,000 FBU. We would also like to thank the diocese of Ghent, which transferred the amount of 5,000 EUR to us thanks to the help of Bro. Dr. René Stockman. And we would like to say thank you to the WHO which offered us the amount of 5,000 USD via the Ministry of Health and AIDS Control (MSPLS). We also appreciate the Ministry’s continuous support. Between 1 and 14 February, we welcomed the mission of Véronique Coppin of Doctors without Vacation for advanced training, information, and technical coaching. Between 2 and 16 February, we welcomed the mission of Eric Meersman of Ex-Change to develop an ICT project for the CNPK. Part of the project is now almost

ROL 161 - MARCH 2014 - p. 6 complete and we will be running some tests within two weeks. The CNPK signed a partnership agreement with this organisation last year, and the first mission was carried out by Mr. Dominik in 2013 (developing Fracarita Burundi’s strategic plan) as well as the training for developing projects (CNPK and Fracarita Burundi staff). From 11 until 14 February, we had a follow-up visit from Julie and Frank of Fracarita Belgium. We exchanged ideas about the future of the works in Burundi and about certain, yet to be specified orientations with regard to the DGD/Fracarita Belgium 2014-2016 programme. Between 2 and 23 February, we welcomed Dr. Amilia Ekelschot’s mission. She is a psychiatrist with Doctors without Vacation. This mission aims at a skill improvement of the nurses and doctors, coaching, and developing a programme of skill improvement for doctors in association with Fracarita Belgium/regional coordination. From 16 March until 6 April, Martine Dermine will be joining us. She is a Belgian occupational therapist and her mission intends to support occupational therapists from the CNPK and other psychiatric centres under the regional coordination of Fracarita Belgium. On the occasion of International Women’s Day on 8 March, the women who are working in the Burundi Commercial Bank or BANCOBU expressed their solidarity with the women who are hospitalised at the CNPK. They gave 3,000,000 FBU to 5 needy women and prepared meals for all the patients, both male and female. The CNPK board applauded the initiative. A national reference library about mental health care is slowly taking shape at the CNPK. This initiative responds to the large number of requests from several

institutes, including universities, secondary schools, and others that appeal to us for practical training, data for dissertations, research, etc. Doctors without Vacation gave us a computer, a modem, and a switch for an internet connection. This library can grow into a research centre for mental health care with ‘the history of psychiatry in Burundi’. On 8 February, Brother Claude Simbiza renewed his vows. Brother Déogratias Rwabudandi, regional superior of Rwanda/Burundi, was delegated by Brother Superior General. Following Mass, the celebration continued in the Saint Vincent de Paul community. We would like to thank Fr. Noel of the Chemin Neuf Community, the Sisters of Charity and the attending brothers from Rwanda, Congo, and Tanzania. For now, Brother Claude is staying at the scholasticate of the Saint Francis of Assisi community. He will be travelling to Belgium on Wednesday 12 February. We should also note that Brother Fabrice was named superior of this community, replacing Brother Rodrigue, and that Brother Adelin was appointed as bursar. We wish you a good time of Lent. Bro. Hippolyte Manirakiza

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u Saint Dominic Region TANZANIA

On Friday, 28 February, in the presence of Mgr. Liberatus Nyamuguma, the Regional Superior of the Saint Dominic Region, Brother Gerard Simpamagaye, received the renewal of the religious vows of 8 Brothers: Brother Augustin Kapaya, Brother Flavian Musonda, Brother Geoffrey Mubanga, Brother Godson Manyaga, Brother Jiles Kanyoni, Brother Saul Osong, Brother Sylvestre Kapela, and Brother Victor Mupisi. Before renewing their vows, the brothers had five days of retreat in Marumba. After these 8 brothers had renewed their vows, all the brothers who attended the celebration renewed their vows and congratulated the Brothers who renewed their religious vows for a period of two years.

On the same day, Mr. Edward T. Kogal renewed his promise as an associate member while the other associate members (Japhet Mlenga, Nicholas Mmbaga, Christopher Malehe, and Jean Michel Serge) renewed their promise on 13 February.

In the evening, we came together; brothers, the associate members’ families, sisters, students from Belgium, and other guests to be with the brothers who renewed their vows. In his speech, Brother Gerard, the Regional Superior, congratulated the brothers and the associate member who had renewed their religious vows and promise. He encouraged and invited the brothers and the novices who were present to be humble and to persevere in their religious life and formation life. The novices were requested to become good ambassadors of our region and to be good disciples in the field of our Lord. The novices left for Rwanda for their further formation: the first group on 4 March and the second group on 7 March. Brother Jean-Baptist, who came from Belgium after finishing his studies, is now in Marumba; Brother Séraphin, who came from Rome, is now at the Saint Thomas More Community in Kigoma; Brother Prosper, who was in Marumba, is now in Dar Es Salaam where renewed his religious vows on 28 February. Brother Welhard is appointed at Kasaka as local superior, and Brother Kapinda was assigned in Marumba as local superior. Brother Simplicius Kahela, who is in the community of Tabora, renewed his religious vows on 26 February in the beautiful chapel of Tabora. Finally, Brother Jean Ilunga and Brother Patrick Milangila got their visa for Belgium and soon they will join the other brothers students in Belgium. Thank you and God bless you all. Bro. Séraphin



Pereyra of the Society of the Mission, themed: ‘Go to the periphery’. On 22 February, Brother Emmanuel went on holiday to join his family in Ivory Coast. He will also spend two weeks in Belgium to meet the people of Fracarita International to present the budgets and projects of our apostolic works in Nicaragua.

On 3 February, the Conference of Religious of the diocese of Granada convened all religious of the diocese for a meeting at the convent of the Clarisses to celebrate the World Day for Consecrated Life. Mass was presided over by our bishop, Mgr. Jorgé Solorzano Pérez, and followed by a meal.


On 6 February, the Vincentian family, sector Granada, organised a retreat morning led by Rev. Fr. Flavio

2 Feb. On the Day of Consecrated Life, various brothers celebrate the anniversary of consecration.

Bro. Richard Bardier

ROL 161 - MARCH 2014 - p. 8 14-15 Feb. On this date in 1962, three Brothers arrived in Comas to begin Triest’s works in Peru. Another meaningful way to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Henceforth, Fracarita Peru figures on Google Maps. Test it yourself by writing “Fracarita Peru” in the box. All of the (5) Brothers of the community Lima/Comas are involved in one way or another in the life of the Escuela de Vida in at least one of its three phases of rehabilitation (Zapallal, Comas and Lima). Bro. Roli guides a group of 10 students in psychology to conduct an evaluation of the satisfaction of the personnel of COSMA. He also used part of his holidays to follow driving lessons. 16 Feb. We joined the inauguration of a new module in the first phase of Escuela de Vida subsidized by Roncalli. 22 Feb. An important long-awaited-for step forward in the process of regularization of the administration of Escuela de Vida was considered to be one first miracle of recently passed away Bro. Benito. His second one is that our Superior Regional accepted a first candidate to Brotherhood from Ayacucho. 21-22 Feb. A two-day meeting of all the Brothers of Peru in Comas to draft the animation plan (itinerary) for the year 2014. Conducted skillfully by Bro. Jimi we came out with a realistic, democratic and hopefully inspired comprehensive plan of development of the values of the charism in regard to young/vocations, associate members, the clients and families in our three sectors of apostolate and the guidance of our 70 collaborators. Bro. Donald Joyal

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u Saint Anna Region CANADA

VISITORS For a few years now, Ms. France Lefrançois, chairwoman of the board of Fraternité St-Alphonse, who lives in our house in Beauport, Quebec, with Ms. Lise Doyon, treasurer, have been organising pilgrimages out of Ottawa, which can be done in full or in part, going to Ste-Annede-Beaupré. Along the way, these ladies ask people to offer their hospitality to the pilgrims. We have been offering them shelter for the night and breakfast for years. The new ‘Chemin Neuf ’ community, which was established in 1973 as a Catholic group with an ecumenical openness where members of different Churches unite, and to which Mgr. Christian Lépine, archbishop of Montreal, offered a building that can accommodate about 50 young CEGEP and university students, was able to benefit from our move and took over our furniture and bedding. This community has 1400 members in 26 countries: couples, families, priests, single people who make a commitment to the Church, the Gospel, and the world, in imitation of the poor Christ. PASSING Our beloved confrere Benoît Poulin passed away on 20 February at the age of 90 years and 2 months at LeGardeur Hospital. He had to have dialysis three times a week for nine years. His entire life, he displayed an availability and service beyond compare. While he was a cook, we saw him dedicate himself to the care of the sick. He even qualified as a department head. Next, he prepared meals at St-Benoît Hospital, in St-Georges-de-Beauce, in Drummondville, in Quebec, in Peru for 25 years, later at the General House in Rome, in St-Sulpice, and eventually at Phare, where he ended

his career before taking up residence at the St-Sulpice rest home. As a volunteer, he always had a busy schedule. One might even say that he had a second career with so many activities, like organising bazaars and sewing all kinds of clothes. He spent his retirement writing a journal entitled ‘Memories of a little Brother’, in which he wrote: ‘I’ve always been happy despite difficult times but they are part of life. At my old age, I placed my life into the hands of God and Mary every day, happy, surrounded by my confreres and the staff who took good care of me. I tried to stay young at heart and make other people happy.” This is what Brother Benoît wishes us from heaven! MOVE When you read this text, the Saint Vincent House on Rue Coronet in Montreal will have been sold and the former residents will have moved to Saint Laurent’s House in St-Sulpice, which will also accommodate the administration of the Saint Anne region. Bro. Jacques Bellemare

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u Sao Sebastiao da Amoreira BRAZIl

The projects have been restarted with great zeal. Registration for after-school care has doubled, and due to a lack of means, we were forced to limit the number of children that we allow to fifty in the morning and seventy-five in the afternoon. We have agreed with the local council that we will try (due to restructuring and recruitment of educators) to receive the children from their project, which was closed down, in the course of the year. In exchange, the local council would give us the means to recruit new educators. Let us hope that there is enough political goodwill. The number of adolescents enrolling for professional training is also showing an upward trend thanks to the many apprenticeships at the end of last year. Brother Joel paid us a visit. He stayed with us for five days and was able to see how we operate. Brother AndrĂŠ and I felt happy that he understood our situation with its strengths and weaknesses. In any case, he is convinced that the Congregation should continue to support us, even though there is little hope that the Congregation will find new members here. However, his visit really convinced us that our charism is worth promoting. Those many years in this Catholic country of Brazil have revealed that the Christian meaning of charity is insufficiently known by the Catholics. There is need for the spirituality of charity. Here, charity is the same as philanthropy, doing good by giving something to someone who has less. Here, charity involves politics and not love. Charity is a strategy to win people over and not a pure form of religion. Two weeks after our projects restarted, staffing is gradually reaching its normal level. All staff members used up every bit of their vacation and are back to give about 125 children and adolescents, divided into two periods, a pleasant and educational time. The new school year has started and so the children are conscientiously going to school. While the educators are finishing their programme, Brother AndrĂŠ is back to restock the kitchen and supervise the children. Our kung fu instructor provides more than enough activities for all on Mondays. As for the educators, Soraya is seeing to the preparations for carnival. She has started making masks with the children. Elizete is planning on setting up activities that involve nature, flower culture, and environmental conservation. Rafael is in charge of sports and games, Eliane of music. Ana Paula supervises the educators, sets up the programmes, and reviews

the work of the adolescents taking apprenticeships. I try to help where I can to meet the daily unforeseen needs, which are real and which we can do something about. Unlike those artificial ones, which the authorities regularly serve up. For instance, this week the finance department required that we account for the small expense of 500 euros given to us by the council for the youngsters who had taken part in our gardening project. We had to go round the entire city to collect data from 12 people, we made an appeal to an army of experts for advice, and we prepared a pile of paperwork. Hopefully, this is the end of it, because one might wonder how the government would actually benefit from all this. Bro. Eric Verdegem

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3rd February, the students of Holy Rosary Hostel in Gujrat received first Holy Communion with the group of children from the parish of Gujrat. The ceremony of the first communion took place on the Sunday and the parents of the students also participated in the Holy Mass celebration. A meal was served to the students, Sisters, Fathers together with the community after the celebration of the Communion. 13th February, the mother of Christina Siraj, Associate member of Brothers of Charity in Pakistan, passed away in the Lord. Brothers participated in the funeral at her home in Sialkot and consoled her and her family and shared the sympathies with them. We pray for the repose of her soul. 17th February, a tremendous celebration took place in the Archdiocese of Lahore when administrator bishop Sebastian Shaw was ordained as Archbishop of Lahore Diocese by the Ambassador of His Holiness, Pope Francis. Brothers participated in the celebration and congratulated him. A meal was served to all the guests after the Holy Mass celebration. 28th February, the annual result of the school was announced where the students of St. Raphael Hostel in Narowal are studying. The students have passed the annual exam with good marks and promoted to the next class which will start in few days.

u Father Constant Lievens Region INDIA

ST. JOHN DE BRITTO, Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu The month of February was filled with a lot of tasks, and we have had a visit to one of our communities. On 1st February, we had the welcome celebration of Rev. Bro. George Tirkey. After coming back from Ranchi, Jharkhand at the end of January, there were many invitations on the table that needed to be replied. We also received an invitation for the meeting in Roma, Italy. During the first week, we had a lot of administration work that needed to be finished. Bro. Emil was learned

driving and gardening together with Bro. George Tirkey. On 8th February, we left for Calicut, Kerala together with Bro. George Tirkey by train. For about ten days, we helped in the community and then came back to the community by bus, which was really almost like an exploration, and we got struck due to a lack of gasoline. However, we arrived safely in the community at about 10.00 a.m. On 16th February, we were invited by the Carmel Villa Sisters for the Silver Jubilee of one of their Sisters for the Holy Eucharist, and followed by supper. On 25th February, we left for Hyderabad for a meeting with CSO Partners. On 28th February, our new Brothers from Sri Lanka arrived: Brothers Surjeet Kerketta and Vijay Soreng.

ST. GIUSEPPE MOSCATI PSYCHOSOCIAL REHABILITATION CENTER, Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu For three months, Master of Social Work students (MSW) came to help two times a week in our apostolate. We find it very hard to say that our Doctor refused to come to our house, since he had a lot of other business. On 22nd February, we invited in our house all the family members of our Residents. The MSW students did their best to perform and, we also invited a few Priests from Ananda College. It was wonderful! A new Resident was admitted to our Psycho-Social Rehabilitation Centre.

ST. ALPHONSA MUTTATHUPADATHU, Ranchi, Jharkhand At the beginning of this month of February, the weather was very pleasant and sunny, so we, the Brothers, decided to go for a one day outing to ‘Panch Ghagh’, where five rivers come together. The Dominican Sisters joined us on 4th February. At the end of the month of January, Brother Navin went to collect his documents to Chhattisgarh, Raipur University, which took long time to finish. He came back on 13th February. On 26th February, Bro. Subodh went home for the thanksgiving celebration for his Perpetual Religious Profession, which is going to be held on 2nd March.

PARAM MITRA SADAN, Ranchi, Jharkhand In the month of February, we had ten residents in our psycho-social rehabilitation center, and one patient has been discharged on 20th February. They are doing well, except for the one new Resident from Nepal who is

ROL 161 - MARCH 2014 - p. 12 having trouble communicating. On 11th February, our residents went for a picnic to Mandar, and they enjoyed the picnic. On 18th February, nine students came from the Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi, for their study purpose and to see our Institute, and they appreciated the way we look after these Residents.

BL. PIER GIORGIO FRASSATI, Calicut, Kerala The Brothers are doing well all the activities of the community and communicate with each other and help in the community. On 8th February, Rev. Bro. Wilfred, the Regional Superior, and Rev. Bro. George Tirkey came to Calicut, Kerala community of the Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati House. The Brothers were very happy to welcome them to the community. Rev. Bro. George Tirkey, who is working in Belgium, came and helped us so much and set a good example for the Brothers. The Regional Superior worked hard for the administration works and finally we could find a solution and result. The Society of the Brothers of Charity now has a bank account in our community. A second thing is that our community received a motor bike through the hard work of Rev. Bro. Wilfred, the Regional Superior. We are saying thanks in the name of Jesus and His Spirit and Spirit of our founder and the help of the Rev. Bro. Wilfred. We are very happy with three members to work together and help each other in order to fulfill the will of our Founder, Canon Peter Joseph Triest. Please pray for our community.

JEEVAVIHAR, Calicut, Kerala After such a long time, our Mission successfully opened an account in the name of the Jeeva Vihar Psycho-Social Rehabilitation Centre, by the help and very hard work of our Regional Superior of India. Near the middle of this month, one of our Residents was discharged, and for the moment we have 10 old Residents. The Brothers are trying their best to improve the quality of life and quality of care. This month, we have changed the daily living routine for the residents. They are following quite well for the moment. Each Saturday, we have Rosary in the evening with the Residents and walking therapy, slowly, as well as improving the other kinds of activities and therapy. On 24th February, the Brothers went to speak with the Social workers of the Government Mental health Care Hospital Calicut, Kerala.

(During the visit to Jeeva Vihar in Calicut, Kerala)

BL. KURIAKOSE ELIAS CHAVARA COMMUNITY, Ranchi, Jharkhand We, the Brothers, Residents, and co-workers are doing fine and keeping busy with daily activities. One of our brothers, namely Bro. Ranjit Minz, was ready to go to Belgium but he couldn’t obtain his visa. Now his is teaching in the school. We have a new cook named Mr. Jerom Indwar. Our three Residents are busy in horticulture. They are busy with the therapy and activities such as collecting potatoes, beans, cultivating vegetables and so on. By doing these, they are happy. This month, Mr. Amerjeet Minz’ mother came to see him. She was happy to see a positive result in her son, and the brothers are taking care of the Residents very well.

ST. PETER’S SCHOOL, Ranchi, Jharkhand Greetings to you all from the students, teaching staffs, and non-teaching staff! Annual examinations will start on 10th March to 15th March. Teachers are busy with their subjects for revision. The positive thing is that our students learn the importance of examination, so they are busy like bees. They are attending regular classes. New students are also coming to our school for admission.

ROL 161 - MARCH 2014 - p. 13 We are hoping that our school may grow well in number. So that, many parents and students can benefit from the school of the Brothers of Charity here in India, in Ranchi, Jharkhand.

TRIEST HOUSE, Ranchi, Jharkhand On 1st February, Bro. Praween Kullu, together with aspirant Benjamin Minj, went to Simdega to attend the priestly ordination of Rev. Fr. Damatius Xess. The Ordination took place at St. Anne Cathedral in Samtoli in the hands of his grace, Bishop Anand Jojo D.D. of the Hazaribagh Diocese on the feast of Presentation of the Lord on 2nd February. On 4th February, Bro. Alphonse Binay Ashok Kujur and a few aspirants went to take part in the Final Profession of Rev. Fr. Anthres S.J. at Sapporam. They stayed one day in the Blessed Kuriakose community, and the next day they came back to Triest House. Bro. Alphonse and the aspirants participated in the annual Handwork Exhibition at the Holy Cross Auditorium, Burdwan Compound, Ranchi on 15th February. Rt. Rev. Charles Soreng S.J. was the chief guest and inaugurated the Handcraft exhibition. Three aspirants filled out their passport forms online on 17th February, and on 21st February there was an interview. The passport office asked them to submit their birth certificate from Gram Panchat, and so they went home to get it on 22nd February. We hope for a good future for them all.

u Rama Sandjaja Region INDONESIA

YOGYAKARTA The blast of the Kelud volcano sent millions of cubic meters of dust into the atmosphere and blankets the large area of Java Island. Yogyakarta is one of many other places where the volcanic eruption has had a great impact. Public activity is totally paralyzed, the local government called a general holiday for about three days and asked the people for general cleaning. In our community and our Schools, the students, brothers and teachers worked

together to remove the dust that covered every room. The situation became worse when it did not rain in Yogyakarta for a week. When the rain came, it removed the ash that covered rooftops and the trees. The situation changed one week later when rain had fallen and we once again saw expressions of joy on people’s faces.

On 12th-13th February, a group of religious from Semarang visited our Kunci Drugs Rehabilitation Center. They arrived in our Nandan-Yogyakarta community on Wednesday 12th February at 4 pm. Our local superior, Bro. Policarpus, welcomed them and gave them some general information about the community’s practical matters. They took part in a group sharing moment with our residents at 8 pm that day. The next day, 13th February, the group of religious and our residents had a morning meeting with which they started their day between 8 and 9 am. Afterwards, they had a conference on ‘Drug addiction and its effects’, presented by Mr. Agus until lunch time. They had another session after lunch with Brother Polikarpus Manao, F.C., the director, who spoke of the rehabilitation program in Kunci, its realizations and application. Brothers, teachers, kindergarten, elementary and junior high school students celebrated the Eucharist together for Ash Wednesday on 5th March in the parish church of Saint Alfonsius Nandan-Yogyakarta. The Eucharist celebration was presided over by Fr. Antonius SVD and enlivened by Karitas Elementary Choir group with our choir master, Bro. Robert F.C. In his sermon, Fr. Antonius invited the students and teachers to practice fasting and give meaning to it. The celebration started at 07.30 am

ROL 161 - MARCH 2014 - p. 14

u St. Benedict Menni Kalmunai • SRI LANKA Greetings to all the brothers and friends from the St. Benedict Menni Mental Health Rehabilitation Centre (SBMMHRC) in Pandiruppu, Kalmunai in Sri Lanka. In our centre on 4th February, we celebrated the Independence Day of Sri Lanka with the patients, as well as the 3rd anniversary of this centre. and ended at 10.00 am, after which they returned to their studies. That same day, two of our young brothers, Bro. Antonius Nelson and Bro. Hironimus, arrived in the NandanYogyakarta Community after about six months of following the international second-year novitiate formation in Sri Lanka. They arrived at 8 pm in evening. We hope and pray that their experiences, which they got during the formation period, can serve as a model for their services and further formation. Welcome home, Bro. Antonius and Bro. Hironimus. Bro. Peter

On 21st February, our beloved Brother General Superior visited to our centre along with Bro. Godfried, the Provincial/Regional Superior. We are very thankful to Brother General for the second visit to our centre. Firstly, Brother General visited our preschool for the poor village children which is situated just opposite the road managed by our centre. The children, the teacher in charge and the parents warmly welcomed him to this school. There are twenty-three pupils and one teacher with the guidance of Brother Lawrence. Both Brother General and Bro. Godfried inspected the entire situation of the preschool. Secondly, Brother General and Bro. Godfried visited the centre SBMMHRC and were warmly welcomed by the patients, well-wishers and staff of this centre. An opening ceremony for erecting our Blessed Mother Mary statue was held after the prayer conducted by Brother General. Then, Brother General went through the daily program and observed the activities of the patients of this centre. It was a blessing that he inaugurated the Vocational training centre of concrete Brick making, made by our mental patients. He encouraged the other activities of the patients, such as creativity therapy and gardening therapy of this centre. In 3 years’ time we have discharged 21 patients and who are living happily with their family members and doing some useful work such as home gardening, painting etc. In addition to this, five of our patients got a permanent job and getting a monthly salary. At the moment we have 14 patients residing in our rehabilitation centre. Brother General was highly impressed and proud about the blessing of God’s grace to this centre. Thank you all for the help rendered to us during this period and requested your prayer to grow more and more.

ROL 161 - MARCH 2014 - p. 15 We would like to inform a sad news of demising of one of our former patients, Mr. Morses Noel Stephen, who died on 19th February at his home. He has been admitted here on 7th October 2011 and discharged on 7th January 2013. He was suffering schizophrenia. During his stay at this centre he recovered a lot and participated in several activities. As he was a welleducated patient and good in English. He helped a lot during his stay at the centre in drafting letters and

writing on the notice board. He was a good example to other patients in systematic work and physical exercise. After he was discharged, he started a business to supply breakfast like hoppers and string hoppers to hotels. He was born on 25th July 1970 and went to eternal life 19th February 2014 at his home. We pray for his soul to rest in peace.

ROL 161 - MARCH 2014 - p. 16


On 17 May 2014, we will honour these brothers who are celebrating a jubilee:

The Saint Vincent region’s numbers are in. Alabaster (75 years) Bro. Jaak Meylaers ROMA ONLINE MARCH 2014 We have said goodbye to nine brothers this past year. Bro. Leon Nieuwenhuyse Two brothers (Bro. Lucien Massenhove, Bro. Stan Bro. Antoon Theunis The Saint Vincent region’s in. Goetschalckx) returned tonumbers the Saintare Vincent region. One Platinum (70 years) Bro. Jos De Vos We have said goodbye to nine brothers this past year. brother(Bro. Christoph Welvaert) left for Sri Lanka. The Bro. Jaak Daemen Two brothers (Bro. Lucien Massenhove, Bro. Stan Goetschalckx) returned to the Saint Vincent region. charts indicate the number of brothers in the different Brilliant (65the years) Bro. VictorinQuets One brother(Bro. Christoph Welvaert) left for Sri Lanka. The charts indicate number of brothers age groups. the different age groups. Bro. Victor Engelen Gold (50 years) Bro. Gilbert Dierckx Bro. Paul De Cocq AGE NUMBER % Bro. Michel Boskin Bro. André Van Hoye 45-50 1 0,82 Bro. Antoine Utabazi 50-55 2 1,64 30 Bro. Frans Cornelis 55-60 6 4,92 Bro. Remi Leyseele 60-65 6 4,92 25

65-70 13 10,66 20 70-75 29 23,77 15 rs are in. 75-80 15 12,30 thers this past year. 10 80-85 14 11,48 hove, Bro. Stan Goetschalckx) returned to the Saint Vincent region. 19charts indicate 15,57 the number of5 brothers in ert) left for85-90 Sri Lanka. The 90-95 15 12,30 0 95-100 2 1,64 100+ 0 0,00 122 100

Until recently, the offices of Fracarita International were located in the Brothers’ House, on the Dr. Guislain Campus in Ghent, in the same building as the offices of Fracarita Belgium, the Belgian NGO for development aid of the Brothers of Charity. For organisational reasons, Fracarita International moved to Bruges in February 2014. It will be sharing the location with ‘Huize Leven’ (Boeveriestraat 14), a formation centre that offers initiatives of formation to the care sector and to students. The inauguration was attended by Bro. René Stockman, 30 In 2013, the group of associate members went from 94 to 107 members. additionoftothe 23 members SuperiorInGeneral Brothers of Charity, and Mgr. 25 who reaffirmed their promise for one year or three years, there were new Flemish Jozefeight De Kesel, Bishopassociate of Bruges, among others. members, who made their promise on 22 June. In Wallonia, five new associate members voiced their 20 commitment towards the Congregation on 23 November. 15

10 17 May 2014, we honoured these brothers who were celebrating a jubilee: On Alabaster (75 years) Bro. Jaak Meylaers 5 Bro. Leon Nieuwenhuyse 0 Bro. Antoon Theunis Platinum (70 years) Bro. Jos De Vos Bro. Jaak Daemen Brilliant (65 years) Bro. Victor Quets Bro. Victor Engelen In 2013, the group of associate members went from 94 to embers107 went from 94 to 107 members. In addition to members Gold (50 years) Bro. Gilbert Dierckx members. In addition to 23 members23 who reaffirmed one year or three years, there wereBro. eightPaul newDe Flemish associate Cocq there were eight their promise for one year or three years, e on 22 June. In Wallonia, five newBro. associate members voiced their Michel Boskin new associate members, who made their promise ation on 23Flemish November. Bro.five André Vanassociate Hoye on 22 June. In Wallonia, new members Bro. Antoine Utabazi voiced their towards the Congregation on se brothers who werecommitment celebrating a jubilee: Bro. Frans Cornelis Meylaers 23 November. Bro. Remi Leyseele Nieuwenhuyse

on Theunis De Vos Until recently, the offices of Fracarita International were located in the Brothers’ House, on the Dr. DaemenGuislain Campus in Ghent, in the same building as the offices of Fracarita Belgium, the Belgian NGO

ROL 161 - MARCH 2014 - p. 17 During this time of year, the convent communities will be holding ‘constructive days’. Brothers and associate members will primarily focus on the region’s 2014-2018 Policy Plan during their meetings. Many brothers and associate members will also be taking part in working groups. They will convene to further examine this policy plan and/or make it more explicit. On 1 March 2014, eight staff members from our schools and facilities in Flanders are scheduled to leave for

Rwanda and the Kivu region in eastern Congo on an immersion trip. They will get to know the works that we are supporting in education, psychiatry, and special needs care. During their ‘Journey South’, they will meet a few of our last Flemish missionaries. This is the 10th edition of the journey, which means that there are more than 70 privileged ambassadors who are bearing witness to the work done by their colleagues in the South.

u Saint Joseph Region IRELAND - UNITED KINGDOM

If you know Brothers, associate members or sympathizers who do not receive Roma Online, please send their email address to Many thanks beforehand. The texts for the next Roma Online are expected to arrive here before 1 April 2014.

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