Roma online may 2014 en

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ROL 163 - MAY 2014

ROMA ONLINE Brothers of Charity The Holy Week in Rome is always very special. It starts with the procession of palms on Palm Sunday, and it was the second time I could participate in the procession with Pope Francis. The most intensive celebration is on Good Friday, where the veneration of the Cross by the Pope is a strong prayerful moment. Of course the celebration of Easter, with the blessing of the Pope, knowing that so many people worldwide are following it, is also moving.


of reflection, and we can say that in all the provinces and regions, they worked very hard to do a good follow-up of the chapter. We visited the Congregation for Catholic Education, the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care, three dicasteries who are linked to the apostolate of our congregation. With a nice celebration we brought the relic of Father Triest in our chapel, and all the superiors received a personal relic with the wish to start also a greater devotion to our founder in the provinces and regions. Saturday 3th May was a free day, with an outing to the abbey of Farfa and a meal in Riofreddo. It was a necessary relax after a week of great activity. During the second week we had two speakers in order to guide us: Fr. Robert Maloney, the former general superior of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians) about systemic change and Bro. Tony Leon of the Marist Brothers on the animation of vocations. For many brothers was the participation on the public audience with Pope Francis an important moment, and on Thursday we finished the meeting with clear and very practical conclusions. The house became empty again, but a new group of associate members of Belgium arrived on Sunday, in order to have a recollection day with the Superior General and visit Rome. On 13th May we had the celebration of my birthday. My birthday of 60 years was celebrated a little bit more solemnly than usual, with several visitors from outside. Let us thank the Lord for the 60 years of life He gave me, and thank you to all the brothers, associate members and friends who sent me their nice wishes and the promise of their prayers! With my great appreciation!

During the Holy Week, we prepared our meetings of the next three weeks: first with the general council and the provincial superiors and then with all the regional superiors. The general council meeting went very well, with a lot of decisions and planning for the future. The presence of the provincial superiors brought the reality of the provinces and regions very near. The last day of the meeting was spent on a whole day reflection about Fracarita International. Never before was our house so full, especially with the canonization of our two beloved Popes: John and John Paul. We could follow the celebration and it was like a blessing not to have rain during the Eucharist. It waited to start raining just at the end of the celebration. Many brothers could participate, and also the Belgian Bishops who were staying in our house were part of the 1000 bishops who were present in Rome! And then started the meeting with the provincial and regional superiors. We had first an evaluation of the past period and the question what was done for the follow-up of the general chapter. The motions were taken as point

Bro. René Stockman, Superior General

FRATELLI DELLA CARItà • Curia Generalizia • Via Giambattista Pagano 35 • 00167 Roma • Italia t. (+39) 06 66 04 901 • F. (+39) 06 66 31466 • Responsable: Communication Service Brothers of Charity •

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THE SUPERIOR GENERAL’S VISIT SCHEDULE - 19 May: Belgium - 21 May: Rwanda, with a session on mission for the boards and teaching the novices - 25 May: inauguration of the new centre in Ngozi (Burundi) - 26 May: visit Uvira (DR Congo) - 27 May: visit Shabunda (DR Congo) - 30 May: visit Goma (DR Congo) - 31 May: visit Bukavu (DR Congo) - 1-5 June: retrait in Bukavu - 6 June: perpetual profession in Bukavu - 7 June: back to Belgium - 9 June: Charismatic groups conference in Flanders - 10-13 June: Session on charism for the European province and a meeting with the Historical Committee of the P.J. Triest Cause - 14-22 June: Rome - 23-25 June: Belgium, with the Spirituality course graduation and Fracarita Belgium general assembly - 26 June: to Pakistan for two retreats to the Sisters and Brothers of Charity until 11 July

NEWS FROM THE COMMUNITIES u ROME : CASA GENERALIZIA The 2nd April was the Birthday of Br Floyd Kalyati. Since it was a working day, we celebrated it on Thursday 4th.

On the 10th April, the Student Brothers met the Holy Father, on the occasion of his annual meeting with the Pontifical Universities. Songs were sung and our Brothers were part of the choir. From the 13th April, the Provincials and Regional Superiors started arriving for their annual meeting which was to be held on the 28th. Brother Joel (the Provincial of the Americas), arrived that day. In preparation of the excursion of the Provincials and Regionals with the General Council, Brother General invited the Brothers to pay a short visit to Tivoli, Villa Adriana, the afternoon of the 15th.

In preparation for Christ’s Resurrection, a special penance service was held in the Community by the Pontifical Belgian Confessor Fr Ivo on the 3rd April. The 9th April, Mgr Edouard Mununu, the bishop of Kikwit Diocese (in DR Congo), travelled back to his country after a month’s stay in our Community, and his testimony was positive; he enjoyed the hospitality and the fraternal climate he found in the Community, and urged us to keep the same spirit. His stay as of every visitor was a blessing for our Community.

ROL 163 - MAY 2014 - p. 3 On the 19th April, we prepared and decorated the chapel, awaiting the Resurrection of Our Lord. The same day, the Vicar General (Bro. Jos) and the Provincial of Africa (Bro. Paulin) arrived. The 20th April (Easter Sunday), the Provincial superiors and the student Brothers attended the Mass on Saint Peter’s square and were also present to the Urbi et Orbi, the solemn blessing addressed every special occasion to the World in almost all the languages.

The 27th April, the so long awaited day, was the canonization of two 2 of the greatest Popes of the 21st century: St John XXIII and St John Paul II. All the Brothers attended the Mass; Rome was full of tourists, public transport was quasi impossible.

is a reminder to all of us that sanctity is possible, wherever you are. The 29th April, the Community celebrated the birthday of Bro. John O’Shea, the local superior of the Casa and the General Bursar of the Congregation. On this occasion, the General Superior gave a vote of thanks to this devoted man, saying : you are and have always been a good Brother, a good superior and a good bursar. We thank God for having Bro. John as a gift to the Congregation.

The 3rd May, we had a pilgrimage to Farfa (one of the oldest and strongest abbeys) and to Riofreddo. There was the ceremony of the installation of the relic of our beloved founder the servant of God, Canon Peter Joseph Triest. Before that, we were invited to watch a powerpoint prepared and presented by Brother General; then was the ceremony presided by Mgr Dirk Smet (the rector of the Belgian College). At the end, the new devotional prayers were distributed with a 3rd class relic in it; all the provincials and regionals received them. The 7th May, Bro. Richard (the regional superior of Nicaragua and Peru) celebrated his birthday; he was surrounded by fraternal love and support. Thank you, Brother, for your service.

The 28th April, the first day of the meetings, was held in our Community with a solemn Mass in honor for the 2 great new saints. We were reminded of the fact that, as a young priest, St John Paul II was a student at the Pontifical Belgian College. Their canonization

The 8th May was the last day of the meeting. After Adoration and the Regina Coeli, an aperitivo was held before lunch. The presence of the Brothers in our community has always been an example of unity and also an encouragement for us who are still journeying in the formation. We pray for all the Provinces and Regions, that we may always bring light and joy of the resurrection to the last, the least and the lost. The 12th May, we celebrated the birthday of Br Willy; the Community, together with the Brothers and the

ROL 163 - MAY 2014 - p. 4 associate members present, gathered with Brother Willy. The Superior of the House thanked him, for his availability to serve.

The 13th May was a great day for us: Brother General Superior celebrated his 60th birthday. A solemn Mass presided by Mgr Dirk and animated by the Brothers was said; after which a reception took place in the refectory of the Casa. We thank God for the gift of our Brother to the Congregation, and for his inspiring spirit for the well-being of the poor, the glory of God and the sanctification of our souls. The young Brothers animated the evening, together with the Belgian students. Many were the guests among which the Belgian Ambassador to the Holy See and his wife, and the Rumanian ambassador. The Associate Members from Wallonia, the co-workers from Belgium and Rome and friends of Br René. The evening was held in a brotherly spirit.

The following day, we were invited to the Belgian Embassy for an evening in honour of the two great Saints (John XXIII and John Paul II). On the same occasion, the Brothers sung some canticles; and this was the testimony of the Ambassador: “I thank very much Brother General Superior and all the Brothers for coming,…, and I would like to confess that it is the first time that the love of God is sung in the embassy, I would wish that it may not be the last…”. We were happy and thanked God that we could still give testimony even with our singing. Thank you Lord for this gift.

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u AFRICA : SAINT AUGUSTINE PROVINCE u International Novitiate NAIROBI • KENYA Our month of April started with continuous journey of lent in order to bring us to the joy of Easter and ended well with the Easter blessings. Our community of International Novitiate received many graces on this month. We showed our union with the mother church by animating the mass of Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday at Karen Regina Caeli parish. We received many graces and still many requests are coming to our community in order to go and animate in different communities and parishes. We see it as another positive way of evangelization.

an opportunity to visit the city, and see how diversity life is. We met the poor people who had nothing to count on and on the contrary there were rich too who had a lot. We shared with the people (the poor) in the park some food and felt in communion with them. These gave us a time to reflect upon the two extremes.

The community celebrated the joy of Easter with the poor families that are living around our neighborhood. On Holy Thursday we visited them with small things we had in order to share the joy of resurrection with them. They received us with joy and blessings. We offered them some food and clothes which were contributed by the novices and brothers.

We ended the month with a recollection by our chaplain (Fr. Emmanuel Mchopa SJ), in which we reflected upon “Spirituality of paschal Mystery-Good Friday of life and Easter joys of life.” It was quite enriching and pleasing because it is the reality of life.

On Easter Monday we had a chance to have community outing to Nairobi city and its environments. We had

On 25th, we celebrated the birthday of novice Felicien Ilunga. It was moving and the community wished him well in his vocation journey. The community appreciated his presence in our religious family.

On 30th April, we had a friendly match with the Marist Brothers. It was a way of fostering our relationship and improving our physical fitness. Novices Gaspar Ofisi and Ledo Gwemechu

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u Saint Francis Xavier Region RWANDA - BURUNDI

Wishing you a blessed Easter with the Joy of the Resurrection. Bro. Fabrice Bashamaro

St. Francis of ASSIsi Community SCOLASTICATE • BUJUMBURA On 12th April we had our Pascal recollection with all the communities of Bujumbura and pondered the Theme «Religious life as a light of Pascal mystery», followed by Confession and Adoration. Indeed, it was a joyous moment for us all.

u Our Lady of Africa Region D.R. CONGO

Saint Francis Xavier Community Lusambo On 5 April Easter holidays started for our primary and secondary school. On the same day, his Excellency Mgr Valentin, Bishop of Kabinda Diocese, paid us a visit in as part of the pastoral care for three parishes in Lusambo, Makwansa, St Anthony Centre and NotreDame. He left Makwasa on 5 April, St Anthony’s on 7 April, and Notre-Dame on 8 April.

Moreover, on 13th April we combined the anniversary of Bros. Prince and John Bosco whereby we invited the community of Saint Vincent de Paul and the Sisters of Charity. Both communities and friends, as well as our community, wished them many happy returns and prayed for them and their families. On the other hand, during the allocution they expressed their joy and gratitude to the community as well as to the invitees for their presence and encouragement.

Lastly, the Regional Superior paid a canonical visit to our community whereby we shared a dinner. We expressed our gratitude for his presence but also for his advice.

We celebrated Easter in the spirit of the Resurrection. On 21 April classes started again, which will end in exams : the school-leavers are preparing their essays and practical exams. On 25 April we pondered the theme of “How to implement the Easter joy in a community”, under the guidance of Br Bernard. He argued that “joy” permeates the whole Gospel : the Gospel writer Luke says that “it will be a great joy to the whole people” (Lk 2:10). Christian joy is based on the Resurrection of Christ, who has shown that God is the centre of the universe ; God has a word of love for everyone. The imitation of Jesus supposes a joyous lifestyle, not the pleasure of the world. What matters is to do good to the others, not to live for oneself. The Resurrection affirms the triumph of the Covenant. The Early Christians lived the Resurrection as a liberation in

ROL 163 - MAY 2014 - p. 7 Christ : man becomes really free, a creator ; that is part of the Good News which is to spread all over the globe. On 26 April we celebrated the National Day of Education. A conference on “Education and corporal punishment : what is its impact ?” was given. Punishments are humiliating. In line with former educational ideas, the child is considered a warped character marked by original sin and rooted in the order of nature. Thus coercive means are used to educate the child or restore it to the order of culture. But when the child is taken as a promise, rich in humanity, not only the methods but also the aim of the educational act are changed. It is no longer about training but about accompanying the child, i.e. to facilitate the realization of his potential. According to Montaigne, corporal punishment is to be condemned as it was the custom at schools in his time. He claimed that corporal punishment caused damage to the child’s development of his mind and body. The pedagogue Quintilian said that corporal punishment was only meant for slaves. On 27 April we had a recollection inspired by the second theme of the animation brochure – “Our response is to love”. God is continuouly looking for man ; He wants to start a dialogue with us and managed to establish it through Jesus. Prayer, then, becomes our response to God’s invitation, for “He has loved us first,” (1 Jn 4 : 19). We finished the month by celebrating the anniversary of Notre-Dame Region and by commemorating the national Day of Education of Congo ; unfortunately, we lost one of our pupils who was struck by lightning in the evening of 29 April. May he rest in peace. Bro. Bernard Ntambwe

Blessed Anuarite Nengapeta Community • Goma During Holy Week we took part in the services of the local parish church. On Maundy Thursday Mgr the Bishop offered the Eucharist in the cathedral. This church was destroyed in 2002 by a volcanic outburst but rebuilt by a local businessman, Mr Vani Ihusi. On Good Friday we attended the Veneration of the Cross; the crucifix was kissed fervently by the many children. During Vigil Mass of Easter, 70 youths were baptized by Mgr Theophile Kaboyi. A brotherly meal was shared afterwards; the parish organized this rendezvous. On Easter Sunday, each Brother went to the liturgical service of his choice. By 1 pm we gathered round our local superior, Simon Wumba, and visited three neighbouring communities: the Servants of Jesus, the Salvatorian Sisters, the parish priests. Congolese music entertained us. We shared the Easter joy with disabled people of our surroundings, with a deaf neighbor, some former mentally ill and a few youths: each of them received a meal with beer or a soft drink, and the invited danced out their joy. Visitors expressed their wonder at the jolly atmosphere in the community.

ROL 163 - MAY 2014 - p. 8 Not only the Brothers among themselves but also the Associate Members shared their Easter joy with us, in prayer and with the sick of the Centre, especially with the paraplegic patients who were loaded with gifts and served lunch by the visitors.

u Saint Dominic Region TANZANIA Happy Easter from our Region! May the Risen Lord be witnessed by your charitable action day by day. News about the Region The superior regional, Bro. G. Simpamagaye, continued to visit our communities and apostolic institutes, where he met the people in charge to discuss the way our works can enhance their quality, get a more effective management and infrastructure so that the environment for our clients be healthy and comfortable.

On Friday after Easter we celebrated the Eucharist at our Mental Health Centre. Our chaplain offered Mass for the intention of the sick. The latter danced to express their joy smiling a broad smile. The petitions were for the sick, the staff, the Brothers and the coworkers; one intention was for dear Bro. Athanasius, who is still in prison in Rwanda.

Bro. William de la Croix Mulenda Mwema

Ahadi in the refugee camps Ahadi’s activities go well. Distance learning courses at the camps of Nyarugusu and Tanzania are developing normally : • 104 students take the program of teacher’s training for secondary schools ; the teaching is done by teachers of the ISP, Kalemnie. • 113 students, spread over four networks, make use of the nursing courses and healthcare, bookkeeping and management. Our partner, ISTCE/Bukavu tries to keep to the set calendar by all means. • 18 students follow the social science course of Newman Institute of social works. • 1064 students will soon sit for the official examinations 2014 with oral, practical and traditional tests originating from D.R. of Congo. • 522 people of all ranks take the program of Peace Education. Newman Institute of Social Works organizes in Kigoma the program for a certificate and diploma of secondary education for the local populations of the town. On 13 March, a group of 23 students finalized their training ; during a big ceremony, their certificates were given by Mgr. Sébastien, apostolic administrator of Kigoma Diocese, who represented the Archbishop Paul Ruzoka. In his address, the representative of the students praised the Brothers of Charity for their marvelous work in the domain of education of the youth in Tanzania.

ROL 163 - MAY 2014 - p. 9 The visit of his Excellency the Ambassador of Belgium in Tanzania On 16 April, Fracarita Tanzania and St Dominic Region received his Excellence the Ambassador of Belgium at Dar es Salaam, Mr Adam Koenraad, who came to inaugurate the agricultural project subsidized by CTB (Belgian Technical Cooperation) at the mentally ill centre of Kasaka. Together with his delegation, he visited the office of Fracarita Tanzania, where Bro. Gilbert, representative of Fracarita/ Tanzania, accompanied by the Regional Superior and the other Brothers, Associate Members and coworkers, gave them a warm welcome.

the Tanzanian government delivered a speech too by which he praised the efforts of the Brothers of Charity in the service of the local population. Finally, the Ambassador himself addressed the audience. He expressed his admiration for the work achieved by the Brothers in Kigoma. We noticed representatives of the consulates of D.R.C. and of Burundi among the delegation. We assume that it will not be the last time that we have seen them.

Arrival of his Excellency the Ambassador at the office of Fracarita Tanzania

His Excellency the Ambassador and his delegation visited the Centre at Rumonge as well. There the youth, along with Mr Gaston of AHD (Action Humanitaire contre la DĂŠlinquance), Mr ThaddĂŠe and Mrs Rita, from Bujumbura, offered an exhibition of their work. The visitors saw the chicken rearing, the carpentry of chairs and tables and other activities of the students of the Centre of Rumonge who have had a training in Burundi in cooperation with AHD. After Rumonge, the delegation visited Kasaka, where they were also given a warm welcome. The Ambassador and his delegation were received by the Brothers, the nursing staff, the villagers and their children of Msimba at Kasaka. The Regional Superior was the first one to address the visitors : he sketched the history of the Brothers of Charity in Tanzania, their apostolic work and the present situation at Kasaka. The representative of

Visit of his Excellency the Ambassador to the workshop at Rumonge

ROL 163 - MAY 2014 - p. 10 for the meeting of the Regional Superiors in Rome, Italy. We wish them a nice stay in Rome and a fruitful participation in the meetings there. Thanks for your attention ; united in prayer. Bro. Gerard Simpamagaye

Inauguration of the agricultural project at Kasaka

On 22 April, the Regional Superior, accompanied by Mrs Rita, travelled to Burundi on their way to Rome



u Sao Sebastiao da Amoreira BRAZil

de Vida, the Addiction Rehabilitation Center. See photo of first phase of rehabilitation at Zapallal.

• 22 April : Br Eric Verdegem’s anniversary. • 1st May : Br Origène Bergeron’s anniversary. Rev. R. Arsenault offers the Eucharist. Thereafter dinner at the chalet of St Alphonse Rodriguez.

u Saint Martin de Porres Region PERU - NICARAGUA


Bro. Bernard Houle, together with the collaborators of Ayacucho, collected the alms during the mass of Palm Sunday in the Cathedral to the benefits of Cosma.

Did you know that Bro. Bernard Boulay was nicknamed ‘Choclito’ (affective diminutive of ‘choclo’ which is a short cob of corn). Why? Two reasons. The Brother has blond hair. Two: the Brother used to tell jokes and his laugh showed the row of his teeth.

Bro. Johnny Apestegui took over the preparation of the Holy Week at the Escuela de Vida till the Solemn Mass of Easter Sunday that the residents celebrated with their families.

Correction: Last month we spoke of a multidisciplinary group gathered by Bro. Jimi to conduct a study of an institution; the institution (not mentioned) is Escuela

On Easter Sunday the community of Lima shared a typical Peruvian dish “Chanco al Palo” and brought the leftovers home.

Bro. Bernard Boulay contracted an allergy over several years of breathing the dust of the desert of Comas. He is following a cure of desintoxication/desallergization living and breathing the pure air of the community of Lima but needs to overview in Comas the works of store room of the “Taller de Vida” each weekend.

ROL 163 - MAY 2014 - p. 11 Associate Members of the region of Lima in Peru have chosen the Sunday following Easter to celebrate their annual meal. In Peru, the Brothers animate in turn the monthly recollections where the Associate Members may join; they also prepare themes of animation for the permanent formation of the Associate Members. The miracles are clear manifestations of the Love of God for his poor; we witness of it daily in our services. You are warmly invited to give a “like” to our Facebook page Fracarita Peru at

A former teacher of physical training of Jesus Obrero received a memorial plaque to honour him from the International Association of Physical Education. I had him already offered a plaque on the day of his pensioning. I still live at the house in Lima. My respirational problem has improved much so that I can climb the stairs to my room again without much trouble. But the disorder of my vocal chords remains : the doctor does not want me to talk at present. Bro. Johnny replace me at the School of Life, especially for the liturgical services of the Holy Week and Easter. He did so excellently – congratulations!

Did you know that we publish monthly the birthdays of all our collaborators? We celebrate them together with those of the Brothers and other special feasts in the prayer of the community on their proper day. Did you know that if you are working for one of the Institutions of Fracarita in Peru (Cepetri, Cosma), you can enroll your children or get free (or discounted) health care service for your close relatives? Did you know why the people in the countryside cut the tail of their piglets? Well, the tail is the only part of the pig by which you can cut without the animal crying. Therefore a pig without tail cannot be stolen without desperate cries ringing the alarm.

I have finished my book about the past 35 years of “Jesus Obrero”. The cooperative will help with the printing of the first edition (1,000). The volume contains historical photos which nobody has ever possessed at Comas. My brother Paul died in the Dominican Republic some time ago. My sister Catou spent there 25 days to take exact information about the events that led to his death. Paul died at San Pedro de Macoris, where he tried to book accommodation for some Canadian visitors. He became unwell and asked the head waiter to call an ambulance. On arriving at the hospital, he passed away. Bro. Bernard Boulay

NICARAGUA Bro. Donald Joyal

In the beginning of April, four staff of our Institutions received their diploma for having attended a university session regarding the protection of children and adolescents. During Holy Week our children and staff of “Casa Hogar Amanecer” were on holiday.

ROL 163 - MAY 2014 - p. 12 Br Emmanuel returned from Granada on 22 April. The following day he went to the city, to “Centro Cristo Sana”, of which he is in charge; he is also responsible for Fracarita-Nicaragua. As for Br Richard Bardier, he left for the annual general meeting in Rome on 24 April.

Casa Hogar Amanecer Dry season

Rainy season

Cristo Sana

u Saint Anna Region CANADA

• 2 April: Decease of Mr Jules Bastien, husband of Rollande Bellemare, Br J. Bellemare’s sister. • 13 April: A letter of the Regional Superior to the Brothers and Associate Members for Easter. • 15 April: the Provincial Superior arrives in Rome (Italy). • 17 April: Regional Council meeting in St-Sulpice. • 18 April: Good Friday: adoration and recollection with our curate, Rev. Raymond Arsenault, in the chapel. • 19 April: Br Jacques Bellemare has finalized the taxes of his Canadian confreres. • 20 April: The solemnity of Easter presided by Rev. Fr Alphée B, Eudist. A beauty of a homily. In the afternoon of Easter is Gaston at the chalet. He needs snow shoes to do the tour of the frozen lake. • Monday, 21 April, work outside by a temperature of 17° C. It has rained all night; a thick mist prevails and it continues raining all day. In the evening we return to St Sulpice for supper and hockey : Canada is in the lead after 3 matches against Tampa. Unbelievable! One thought they would be beaten at the start of the tournament, but imagine how they win the 4th match on 22 April. The match was very tight to the very end. Final score : 4 – 3, with the winning goal scored 34 seconds before time against Tamp Bay. Arthur and Rolland were in seventh heaven. Ginette Reno sang the national hymn to introduce the last two matches. Mrs Malus, notary, who presided the sale of St Vincent House, informs us that there is still another document lacking until she can send us an official copy of the transaction. • 26 April: anniversary of Br Jean-Marie Laliberté []

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u ASIA : SAINT THOMAS PROVINCE u Our Lady of Sheshan Beijing • CHINA

At the beginning of April, after a meeting with Sr. Teresa Wang, one of our associate members in China, who is the general director of the Liming Family Institute for the Mentally and Physically Disabled, Bro. James Wang and Bro. Augustine Xu started their apostolic work at the Liming Family Vocational Training Center in Tangqiu Town, Ningjin County, Hebei Province, China. Both sides are thankful for the collaboration between Liming Family and our Congregation. Sr. Wang said, our Brothers could help them greatly in their services for the disabled there. At the same time, we were very grateful that our two newly professed Brothers could have an ideal platform at the Liming Family to get more professional experiences in the field of the care and education for the disabled people.

to annotate the dignity of human life of the disabled, who passed away with all charities in action.

After his visit to Vietnam, Bro. Adrian came back to Beijing on 13 April. Then, after staying for about a week in our community, he left for Rome on 19 April to partake in the meeting of the General Council together with the Provincial and Regional Superiors. He is scheduled to return to China again on 15 May. During Holy Week, Bro James and Bro Augustine took part in the liturgical celebrations held at the local parish church in Tangqiu Town, including the washing-feet ceremony at the Liming Family Institute. After Easter, on 24 April, Bro. James and Bro. Augustine went back to our community in Beijing, to continue their week-long formation programs under the guidance of our associate member, Fr. Paul Liu.

On 11 April, together with all members of Liming Family Institute, Bro. James Wang and Bro. Augustine Xu took part in the memorial service for the funeral of a child at the said institute in Biancun. According to them, it was really an inspiring and touching moment

On 24 April, our associate member, Fr. Paul Liu, together with the parish Priest of Honggou Village, Fr. Zhang Dongliang, and Bro. Jose Yuan, had a meeting in Beijing, with Mr. Miguel, an Argentinian architect,

ROL 163 - MAY 2014 - p. 14 to discuss the preparation for our construction plan for the project for the rest house for the elderly people in Honggou. The meeting was very fruitful, and it will be followed up with a site visit of the architect in May. Bro. James Wang and Bro. Adrian Hartotanojo

u Blessed Andre Phu Yen VIETNAM On 1st April, we were happy to welcome Bro. Adrian, General Asistant, who came to visit Vietnam; he stayed a few days in Vietnam, made time to visit and meet the Vietnamese Brothers. On 2nd April, Bro. Adrian and Bro. Dominic came to visit Vincent de Paul community at Bao Loc Town - Lam Dong Province. We shared a new plan for the future doing at Vincent’s Community. We planned to have our own apostolate in this area. At this time Bro. Adrian had an apportunity to meet the donator’s family and we talked with the family. Bro. Adrian stayed two days at Vincent’s community to work and guide us, give some information and help us to make clear up the plan as well.

u Our Lady of Lourdes PAKISTAN

our lady of Lourdes Community Youhanabad On 31 March the Brothers were invited to participate in the Annual Result of Canon Triest Middle school. The Brothers awarded the students who got top positions in their classes. On 1 April Bro. Naman and Bro. Chand started to teach at the school. Bro. Chand is teaching Class I in Canon Triest Middle School and Bro. Naman at teaching at Friends Public High School. On 13th Bro. Naman went to lead the choir in Renewal Center together with OMI Seminarians.

4th April, Bro. Adrian and all Vietnamese Brothers went to picnic at Vung Tau beach. We relaxed and enjoyed ourselves together. On 5th April the communinty celebrated the feastday of St. Vincent Ferrer, patron saint of Bro. Vincent Nguyen Bao Tuan. On 23rd, some Brothers of Lavang community went to the beach with the handicapped children. The children enjoyed swimming and relaxing in the sand. Meanwhile the formation of candidates and studies of the Brothers at the university are continuing. Bro. Nicola Nguyen

On 17th the Brothers went to attend the Chrisma Mass in the Cathedral of Lahore. The Brothers were also invited to have lunch at the Sisters of Charity (St. Jaen Tied) Convent. On Good Friday the Brothers went to the parish church for the Veneration of the Cross. And on Holy Saturday we went to attend the Easter Vigil Mass in the Renewal Center. For Easter Mass we went to the parish. Pak Dil Center was moved to its building and the hostel boys were accommodated to the Formation House. The residents of Pak Dil Center went home for Easter Vacation: the Hostel students are also gone for their Easter Vacation. Kashana-e-Ulfat offered Easter lunch to his staff and his students before Holy Week.

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Holy Rosary Community Gujrat

u Father Constant Lievens Region

On 25th February the final examination of our students started. The Brothers helped the students with great attention and with care. It was a hard time for the students but they did well. The result of the students will be announced on 25th March. We hoped that our struggle and the struggle of our students would be fruitful for us all. The result came out and our students passed their exams with good marks.

SainT JohN DE BRITTO Sivagangai - Tamil Nadu

On April 10, there was a program about Calvary night. The Brothers participated in that program and they sung new Lenten songs. It was good and very touching. Lots of people came to see that program. There was a birthday celebration of Bro. Saleem on 21th April in the evening.

St. Francis Xavier Community Narowal Bro. Anwar went home on 31th March to visit his mother who is ill. (He has gone home for one month). On the 14th April the Hostel Boys started their Easter Holidays. They will be back on the 22nd April.


In the beginning of the month I arrived after visiting Ranchi, Jharkhand communities with a full program. Meanwhile, I had to go to visit my mother, who was seriously ill by cancelling my trip to Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu; of course, the Brothers were waiting for me at the house. After my arrival in Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu, again I had to do a lot of administrative works; thanks to the Brothers in the house, who are very supportive. After a few days I had to leave for Calicut, Kerala for organizing the Regional Council Meeting. We had fruitful meeting and the summary of the meeting was sent to the Brothers all over the world, where the Indian Brothers are present. One day during the meeting we had a recollection and a day of pilgrimage to the tomb of St. Alphonsa Muttathupadathu. A week after completing the work I had to leave to take two days of rest, since I was very tired of travelling around. Then we invited the Apostolic Carmelite Sisters for a farewell dinner. Thereafter I had to leave for Roma, Italy.

SainT GIUSEPPE MOSCATI PSYCHOSOCIAL REHABILITATION CENTER Sivagangai - Tamil Nadu The month was filled with the physical problems of the residents, one of the residents was very bad in his leg; so therefore, we had to take him for a blood check-up; another one had fall, due to low blood pressure and so on. Nevertheless, the visit of the doctor took place and he saw our residents. He is very good and was happy to come to visit. Meanwhile, the monthly meeting was also good and we had to admit few residents to our centre. Now we have a total of 18 residents and they are keeping well and do their duties faithfully.

St ALPHONSA MUTTATHUPADATHU Ranchi - Jharkhand On 4th April Bro. Subodh Ekka left for Calicut, Kerala, for the Regional Council Meeting and came back on 13th April. We could participate in the services of Holy Week on the Ursuline Campus; Brother Samuel was in the team to lead the Way of the Cross

ROL 163 - MAY 2014 - p. 16 at the Convent. On the Eve of Easter, Vigil Mass was attended by Brothers, collaborators and some of our residents at the parish church. On 24th April Bro. Subodh went to join the Golden and Silver jubilee celebration of the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel, at Kanke Road, Ranchi. Most Rev. Charles Soreng S.J Chief Celebrant, who is the Bishop of Hazaribagh, and many religious Brothers and Sisters were present.

PARAM MITRA SADAN Ranchi - Jharkhand In our Psycho-Social Rehabilitation Centre at Param Mitra Sadan there are staying 13 residents. Some have improved and others are under development. Most of the patients who come to our Centre are from the Government Hospital, RINPAS, at Kanke. This is a very famous hospital in Ranchi and some of our patients go there for the consultation every month and get medication. Two of our senior residents went on a home visit and came back with their family members. Our residents were very happy to take part in the Easter Vigil celebration together with the Brothers.

Blessed PIER GIORGIO FRASSATI Calicut - Kerala At Blessed P.G.Frassati House we are three Brothers and are doing charity in the name of Brothers of Charity and his Spirit the Founder of the Congregation in our community. Since Norbertine Fathers from Mananthavadi are here, we have Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer and Holy Mass in the Latin Rite, and we have Adoration and Meditation with them too. During the Holy Week, we the Brothers and a Norbertine Brother went to attend the services at St. Xavier church.

JEEVAVIHAR Calicut - Kerala For the moment we have 10 residents; among them six are seventy years of age or older. They belong to different States and do not have any family members, they arrived at our centre from the street. We are worried much about them; if something untoward happens, we have no any idea what to do. Meanwhile

we are trying our best to find an old age care home, but this proves to be very difficult. We have contacted the Missionary Brothers of Charity and we hope that they will accept them all. The residents enjoyed the Easter celebration!

Blessed KURIAKOSE ELIAS CHAVARA Ranchi - Jharkhand Bro. Praween Kullu left for Calicut, Kerala to attend Regional Council meeting on 4th April, which started from 7th April. He returned to Ranchi on 13th April, that was Palm Sunday. We followed Easter celebration in our parish St. Francis Church Banohra. We went to Radha Rani for Vigil Mass at Mother Teresa’s convent, Rehabilitation Center for the leprosy patients. After Holy Eucharist Sister Superior distributed Easter eggs; thereafter the Brothers entertained the residents and returned home. The Easter celebration was good and we enjoyed it in spite of an electricity problem in our community. Three residents stay with us and they help in horticulture and the community too. Mr. Kuldip and Mr. Amarjeet went home to celebrate Easter. However, Mr. Amarjeet returned to Ranchi disturbed mentally, hence we have put him in Param Mitra Sadan. Mr. Kuldip has not yet come back from home.

ST Peter’s school Ranchi - Jharkhand Bro. Praween Kullu is an administration and organization director and Mrs. Dewanti Kujur is a pedagogical and didactical directress of St.Peter’s School, Simalia. Two Brothers, seven teaching staff members, and a cleaning lady are involved in the school. We have extended our school to the 7th standard this year; the total number of students is 170. There was Sarhul Holiday (Feast of Nature) on 1st April. We started the new session 2014-2015 on 3rd April; on same day two new teachers, namely Miss. Neelima and Mr. Samir, joined the school. A staff meeting was held on 7th April and several points were discussed. Teachers were given particular tasks besides teaching at the school. The school remained closed on the occasion of the feast of Ram

ROL 163 - MAY 2014 - p. 17 Nawami on 8th April. Summer is increasing day by day here, hence we started morning class from 9th April from 7.10 am to 11.30 am. We enjoyed the Easter Holiday from 17th April to 21st April, from Holy Thursday to Easter Monday. We had a staff meeting on 25th April. first of all we reviewed the points of the previous meeting, besides several points were discussed.

TRIEST house Ranchi - Jharkhand We wish you all Happy Easter! Bro. Alphonse and our postulants went to Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara Community to visit the Brothers in Simalia on 2nd April. Bro. Alphonse and our postulants participated in a charismatic prayer service program in Ranchi at Loyola Ground from 4th to 6th April. Our postulants received their passports on 7th April and for them it was a good day. Belgian visitors came to visit the community of the Brothers of Charity of Triest House on 9th April. They were very happy to see the Brothers after a long time. They had lunch with the Brothers. We, the Brothers and postulants participated in the service of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil Holy Mass in Ranchi at Loyola Ground. The Holy Mass was offered by His Eminence Cardinal Telesphore P. Toppo, the Archbishop of Ranchi. We, the Brothers and postulants shared our joy, peace and happiness in our community on 20th of April on the Eve of Easter. Bro. Dayal Tigga and postulants went to Holy Cross Sisters Community in Burdwan Compound to share the joy, peace, and happiness in the evening.

u Sacred Heart Region PHILIPPINES

Our Lady of Fatima International Formation House

Bro. Alphonse went to Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh for recruiting. He has strong faith and hope in Jesus Christ that he may bring some boys from Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh. The Brothers, postulants and co-workers do their activities in the morning, and after finishing the activities they do their responsible works in the community. Once more, I wish you all Happy Easter! “Christ the Lord is risen again; He has broken every chain - Alleluia!�

ROL 163 - MAY 2014 - p. 18 This is not only our famous song this month, but also the culmination of our Lenten Journey which began 40 days ago, part of the Salvation history showing God’s immeasurable Charity for mankind. On 6th April, our Asian provincial superior Bro. Godfried Bekaert arrived here at our formation house. We novices and formators fraternally welcomed him with a special’ welcoming party with a variety of entertainment. It was a joyous moment, since a visitor is always a blessing to the place of his visit. From 7th to 9th April, we had spiritual classes which were lectured by our visitor, Bro. Godfried. These classes were fruitful for our spiritual growth, because from them we gained new experiences about spiritual relaxation and yoga practice which helped us to nourish our mental and as well as our physical wellbeing. This was indeed a holistic treat. Further, on 10th April, we had a spiritual pilgrimage to Kawa Kawa Hills led by Bro. Godfried. It was yet another inspiring pilgrimage; we dramatized ‘the transfiguration of Jesus Christ’, and afterwards we had personal meditation based on the drama. The natural site of the hill was very enjoyable due to its shades and pleasant air that facilitated our full participation in the whole spiritual exercise. On 14th April, we bade farewell to our beloved visitor Bro. Godfried, with tears welling up in our eyes. Time seemed not enough to be with him, but aware of his other responsibilities, we “let it be”, and wished him well in his official visits to other communities of our Congregation. The farewell party was characterized by good wishes from novices and brothers through songs, dances and messages. On 18th April, we had the way of the cross by praying each station of the cross in different parish churches. It was a wonderful experience, especially the fact that we had to say the stations in a new environment. Everybody was pleased by the manner it was conducted. We thank the formation team and all the novices for the preparation. On 20th April, we had an Easter function called “Lenten Action” in solidarity with 80 poor children whom we had invited from the surrounding villages known as “Barangay”. We had some games, catechism and the film, the Passion of Christ. The sight of these children, some of them in the company of their parents, was evident of the need for true charity of

which the world today is very much in need. And as a way of appreciating one another’s presence, we shared snacks and dinner with them; and at last, we provided them with a small Easter gift to share with their families at home. The children went back home singing the great alleluia of the risen Christ in their hearts. We thank the Lord for blessing us and our community! Novices Courage Soko and Lukas Buregeya

St. Francis de sales CommunItY Formation House “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” On March 22, the St. Francis de Sales International Formation House received two new postulants from the Philippines: Gil Mosquite and Ed Jesson Valiente. The whole community welcomed them wholeheartedly. On March 31, Bro. Godfried, the Provincial Superior in Asia, visited St. Francis de Sales Community. He stayed for only one day. The whole community prepared a simple welcome program. As part of the program, he delivered an inspirational message. He emphasized what Fr. Peter Joseph Triest expressed very clearly in some of his texts: “Pray and meditate, for remember a religious person without the spirit of prayer is like a soldier without weapons, a bird without wings, a city without ramparts, a body without spirit or soul”. He also had an individual conference with the Brothers of St. Francis de Sales Community. On the next day, April 1, he gave a conference to the postulants. He shared items about his vocation story that inspired the postulants. He also gave them some advice. He left the community in the afternoon of the same day.

ROL 163 - MAY 2014 - p. 19 On April 2 was the orientation day of the postulants regarding the schedule (order of the day) and duties & responsibilities. Bro. Isidore, the postulant master, gave his first lesson to the postulants about Spiritual Development. From this day, there will be a regular class schedule for the postulants every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

On April 7, we got the start of English classes for the two Vietnamese postulants. They will attend classes three times a week. It is part of the International Postulancy program for their preparation for the incoming modular classes this coming June.

On April 8, Bro. Adrian left St. Francis de Sales community for his new assignment in Holy Face Rehabilitation Center (Our Lady of Fatima community)

in Tabaco, Albay. The community prepared a farewell party for him. The postulants prepared song and dance numbers. The whole community wished him good luck for his new assignment. On April 11, postulant John (Gan Sen) left the St. Francis de Sales International Formation House. He decided not to continue anymore the international postulancy formation and go back to China. Only four postulants were left: two postulants from the Philippines and two postulants from Vietnam.

On April 13, the St. Francis de Sales Community celebrated Palm Sunday at the Somascan Fathers Formation House. Since the start of the Lenten season, the whole community started Lenten observance: way of the cross, fasting and abstinence. Bro. Isidore gave the postulants some reflections for Holy Week. April 14-20, the Holy week celebration of the St. Francis de Sales Community was meaningful and fruitful. We attended the H. Triduum Mass at the Dominican Sisters. During the reenactment of the Washing of the Feet, the four postulants participated as disciples of Jesus. On the next day, during the reenactment of Passion and Death of Christ, postulant Gil was chosen to act as Pilate. The whole community celebrated Easter Sunday at the Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary Formation House. Indeed, the meaning of Easter has been raised in our hearts. On April 22, St Francis de Sales Community decided to eat lunch at the kiosk, located at the backyard of our house, surrounded by trees and a beautiful garden. We enjoyed the relaxing ambiance outside. As part of our schedule (Order of the Day) St. Francis de Sales Community had its first monthly meeting. The agenda of the meeting was about knowing each other as a Brother. Postulant Ed Jesson G. Valiente

ROL 163 - MAY 2014 - p. 20

u EUROPE : SAINT BENEDICT PROVINCE u Saint Vincent Region BELGIUM On Saturday, 29 March the Brothers Congregations met for the 36th time at Vorselaar. More than half of the participants (46) belonged to the Congregation of the Brothers of Charity. Professor Didier Pollefeyt lectured about “The Catholic identity in our apostolate.” As a point of view for his different models he employed the research done within the organization of the Brothers of Charity. The lecture was followed by the H. Eucharist with as theme “With Jesus in de Desert”. Rev. Fr. J. Goethals officiated. Then we sat together for a brotherly dinner.

At the Provincialate in Ghent a remarkable Way of the Cross, “the Way of Hope”, is exhibited during the Easter Season. It is a work of art from the hand of Ulrich Barnicke put up at Point Alpha, on the former boundary between the German States Hessen and Thuringen. The artist made sculptures in metal several meters high as a modern and impressive message in a grand natural environment. The material is part of the former wall between West and East Germany, symbolic of the former unity between both countries. This work of art got high praise. In the picture you see the final three open doors, symbolic of the Resurrection. On the last door hangs the crown of thorns. On the soil below the crown are poppies like drops of blood. On Easter Monday some international students, Sisters and Brothers from the study-houses Moerzeke and Kruibeke paid a visit to the HQ of St Vincent region, Stropstraat Ghent. They were shown around by Brothers and Associate Members, who made them feel at home. It was a very interesting rendezvous and the visitors gathered much information.

On Wednesday 2 April Br General presented his new book, “Pandora’s Box”; it treats of abortion and euthanasia. Since 3 April 1990 abortion has been depenalized in Belgium so that, according to the author, the ethical integrity of the population is at risk. Mgr A.-J. Léonard, Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels and Rik Torfs, rector of the University of Louvain, the guest speakers, introduced by Mr. T. Osaer, director of Halewijn, the publishing house of the book, which is already at its second edition. Br. Romain Van Hyfte will be in Belgium from 16 April till 2 June. Since 15 April St Gerard community has a new superior, Br Joris de Roeck. His councillors are Br Emmanuel Brys and Br Henry Fransen.

ROL 163 - MAY 2014 - p. 21 If you know Brothers, associate members or sympathizers who do not receive Roma Online, please send their email address to The texts for the next Roma Online are expected to arrive here before 1 June 2014.

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