Roma Online October 2013

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ROL 156 - October 2013

ROMA ONLINE Brothers of Charity After our meeting with the general council and the provincial superiors in Belgium, that was a very fruitful meeting, we took the opportunity to visit several places in Belgium and to have a more deep insight in the apostolate and the life of the brothers in Belgium. We had first 2 days meeting with the regional council and the board of trustees and we received a clear picture of the very special situation the Brothers of Charity have in Belgium: unique with their apostolate, totally in line with our


NEWS FROM THE SUPERIOR GENERAL charism; a great involvment of lay people who are all continuing what the brothers started so many years ago; a great awareness of the importance of the christian identity and that in a very secularised environment; a big group of associate members who are very near to the brothers and are positively involved in both the community and the apostolate. We like to congratulate the brothers of the St. Vincent region for their witness and thank the regional superior Bro. Luc Lemmens for the organization of our visit. On Friday, we visited the Netherlands, where Bro. Veron Raes, the provincial superior, gave us an overview of the future vision of the domain of Eindhoven, and afterwards we could visit the several initiatives on Eikenburg. The 18th of October, we could receive the Father Deckers price from Caritas Catholica for our apostolate in Bukavu. Bro. Jean-Baptiste Mousau, the director of the institute, came especially from Bukavu to be present.

returned to Belgium in order to give some conferences. We started with the Sisters of Charity of Heule with whom we were together in Pax South Africa. They celebrated their 175 year of foundation and they ask me to give a conference to all the sisters on the 28th and the 29th. On the same sunday I visited our brothers in Beernem, what is always something special with all the memories these older brothers like to bring forewards. Yes, they are old, but they live really fully with all what is happening in the congregation. The next days were full with appointments and meetings and also a visit to our formationhouse in Kruibeke in order to make some clear arrangements. On Wednesday 2nd of October, we had a meeting with the board of trustees of the apostolic works of the Brothers of Charity in Belgium. From now on, we will have that meeting every 3 months. The next day we had the board of the Verbiestfoundation, and in the afternoon we went to Dave in order to give a conference to the candidates associate members.

On the 4th we were in Sint-Truiden where there was a symposium organized by the friends of “Santi Bhavan”, the institute we took over in Calicut in collaboration with the Norbertine Fathers of Averbode. I took the opportunity to visit the psychiatric hospital “Asster”, a fusion between our hospital “Ziekeren” and “Sancta Maria” of Melveren, originaly founded by the Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary. And finally on Saturday the 5th of October, we celebrated 20 years “Betanië” in Knesselare. I gave a conference on the faith symposium, especially organized for the deaf persons. On the 21st we left for Rome in order to do the follow-up So as you see, it was a very full week. On Sunday the of the decisions of the general council. On the 27th we 6th of October we left for India. We first visited Calicut,

FRATELLI DELLA CARItà • Curia Generalizia • Via Giambattista Pagano 35 • 00167 Roma • Italia t. (+39) 06 66 04 901 • F. (+39) 06 66 31466 • Responsable: Communication Service Brothers of Charity •

ROL 156 - October 2013 - p. 2 our new project “Santi Bhavan”, where now 4 brothers are taking care for chronic psychiatric patients. From Calicut we left for Mumbai, where we were present at the 2nd award Dr. Guislain, who was given to a man of Nepal who was himself psychiatric ill before and now is organizing a group to defend the rights of psychiatric patients. We also renewed our collaboration with the Tata Institute for Social Sciences, with whom we are developing formation programs in the field of mental health care. From Mumbai we travelled to Ranchi, where we, it means Bro. Jos Mathijsen, Mr. Prakash Goossens and Mr. Dominique Nedee, worked

together to make a clear plan for our “medical college” that we plan to open in Ranchi. With Mr. Nedee we formed a trust through which we will work together in order to realize that plan. On the 15th we had final profession of three brothers of India: Bro. Suboth, Bro. Navin and Bro. Dayal. About the rest of the visit in India and afterwards Sri Lanka, we will tell you next time.

Bro. René Stockman, Superior General

THE SUPERIOR GENERAL’S VISIT SCHEDULE 6/10 - 18/10: India 20/10 - 25/10: Sri Lanka 25/10 -29/10: Belgium 29/10 - 5/11: China 5/11-7/11: Belgium

7/11-21/11: Rome 21/11 - 26/11: Belgium 26/11-8/12: Rome 8/12-11/12: Belgium 11/12-31/12: Central African Rep. / Rwanda /Burundi / Kenya


On 4 July visit to Tanzania where we received the Perpetual vows of Bro. Louis in Kigoma/Tanzania and the renewal of the vows of Brothers Ronaldo and Fidele, celebrated by the former Vicar General of Kigoma Diocese, on 6 July. It was a moment of joy and encouragement for the Vocations of the Brothers of Charity in Kigoma/Tanzania and we prayed for more vocations in the future. It showed also the sense of internationalisation and solidarity with the presence and support of some Brothers who came from SaintFrançois-Xavier Region (Rwanda and Burundi). At the same time, we installed Bro. Ludovik as local Superior of Marumba Community and visited Marumbe Mental Health Centre.

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From 12 to 25 July we visited Saint-Paul Region (South Africa) where we had meetings with the Brothers of the 3 communities (Florida, Pax and Klerksdorp) and we also visited our apostolate (Pax Farm with more than 50 horses and cows, Pax school, Klerksdorp School and Triest Centre, Tandanani Centre. This visit gave me the opportunity to see the reality of our Mission in South Africa and to encourage the Brothers and Collaborators for more charity, hospitality and involvement of our Brothers in our institution. We encouraged the Brothers for a prayerlife, fraternal love and unity in our communities, our identity, vocations, and we had some sharing on the motions of the General Chapter 2012. I thank the Regional Superior for the good organization of the programme of that visit ant all the Brothers for their fraternal welcoming and services.

From 28 July to 6 August we went to Congo to witness the Perpetual Profession of 2 Brothers (Adelard Nganga and Emmanuel Twisila) and the Jubilee of Bro. Bonaventure Tshite which took place on 4 August in Muanda/Bas Congo Province. Being in this place reminded us the arrival point of our first missionary Brothers of Charity from Belgium where one of them died after some days. So, we see it as a historical place for the beginning of the congregation in Africa.

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From 8 to 12 August we were in Zambia to receive the Perpetual Profession of Bro. Chisi Constantino which took place in Mpika/Zambia on 10 August.

Bro. Chisi Constantino

From 12 to 20 August we were in Congo where we had to accept the Perpetual profession of 3 Brothers (Luc Lusolo, Richard Kibambe and Theodore Medard) which took place in Lubumbashi.

Bro. Theodore Medard

Bro. Luc Lusolo

Bro. Kibambe Richard

On 24 August we had the final Vows of Brother Manda Edouard, received by the Superior General. It was a good witness of shining God’s love for the people of Loitokitok,where our community is located (Kenya). They came to support the Brother for his final commitment.

Bro. Manda Edouard

ROL 156 - October 2013 - p. 5 From 12 to 22 September we attended the General Assembly meeting which was held in Belgium where we had also meetings with the provincial Council and the regional Council of Belgium. We also visited some communities and apostolates of the Province of Europe (Belgium and the Netherlands). During these days we visited the Tomb of Saint Vincent de Paul and other important spiritual historical places, such as the Miraculous medal Church and the Cathedral of Paris where we had our mass. It was a time of reminding the Vincentian Spirituality and the Revolution of Charity for me. “Davantage” for shining God’s Love in the world. On 3 October we had a meeting with the Formation team of Nairobi in order to organize and prepare well the programme and the welcoming of the 44 postulants who had to arrive on 4-6 October to Nairobi from Ndera. From 7 to 12 October we visited our mission in Ethiopia (Community and Apostolate): Gefersa, Mekanisa and Hawassa). We had also a meeting with the Direction team of Gefersa Centre together with the Regional Superior, the 2 Brothers Erick and John Leo and our 2 collaborators Veerle and Gerd. I would like to thank the Regional Superior and all the Brothers for their fraternal welcoming and devotion in this mission.

We also encouraged them for a prayerlife, our Identity, our Charism and Spirituality, our Community life, apostolate commitment and internationalization, which is visible in our communities here in Ethiopia. We also thank our 2 collaborators expert Nurses for their contribution in the apostolate of Gefersa Mental health Centre. We wish and hope the growth of this mission of Ethiopia in the future. Brother Paulin Kindambu

u Saint Francis Xavier Region RWANDA - BURUNDI On 23 and 24 September, an international symposium about epilepsy took place at the Neuropsyhchiatric Hospital of Ndera (HNP). The lecturers hailed from different countries in Europe, America and Africa. The participants were doctors and a few nurses of the HNP of Ndera, doctors of the hospitals of the district, and three doctors from Burundi among whom the director of the CNP. There were also three doctors from Congo of whom one works for the Centre of Mental Health in Goma and another one at the psychiatric centre of Lubumbashi. The presentations of the lecturers, especially the expertise in treating epilepsy were highly appreciated by the participants. We also notice that the Department of Health represented by Mrs Minister of State, welcomed this initiative in the framework of help to sufferers of epilepsy who seek help form the hospitals of the district and other care institutes. From July to September we organised the formation of the postulants of St. Augustine Province in NderaTwizere. It proved a positive experience based on the objectives as described in our general formation plan. Besides the community and apostolic experiences, the postulants studied the following courses: 1. Introduction to the formation plan (Bro. Deogratias Rwabudandi) 2. History and spirituality of the Congregation (Bro. Jean Jacques Mulopwe). 3. Origin and development of the religious life (Bro. Déogratias Rwabudandi). 4. Vademecum/lifestyle (Bro. Déogratias / Jean-Baptiste Hakizimana). 5. Introduction to prayer (Bro. Déogratias / Jean-Baptiste). 6. English course (Bro. Oscar Nkula). 7. Introduction to computerising (Bro. Grégoire Mubali). 8. Music in the Liturgy (Mr. Theodor Ndege). 9. Apostolate (Michel Iyamuremye, chief nurse). In the end, we had a 3-day retreat in Gatagara, preached by Sr. Marie-Paul and Bro. Déogratias. The team was vocation and perception. We availed ourselves of the opportunity to visit our apostolate at HVP Gatagara, and to organise a soccer match against the staff. The

ROL 156 - October 2013 - p. 6 following day, they went on a piligrimage to Kibeho, where Our Lady had appeared, and in the evening they returned to Ndera. On 2 October they left for Nairobi via Uganda. We wished them a safe journey. Bro. Déogratias Rwabudandi

u Our Lady of Africa Region D.R. CONGO


return to the Firm Brabanta while the agreement to cooperate has ended. The four Brothers, who worked there, were spread over Goma (Bro. Simon), Nioki (Bro. Alphonse), Lusanga (Bro. Henri), and Kabinda (Bro. Moïse). Bro. Maferland Kubhela

LUSAMBO COMMUNITY We started September with a community recollection about “GOD IS LOVE”, a motto dear to our Congregation. “God is Love” has two different meanings: • Love for God, • Love of God for us.

The associated members spent a day of brotherly meeting on Sunday, 6 October, together with all the Brothers of St. Augustine’s in Kinshasa. The recollection started with a H. Mass, followed by a conference about being formed by the Founder’s spirituality. It was organised by the local Superior, Bro. Albert Nkoy. Therafter we had lunch together; while we were at table a vote of thanks was extended to our monitor, Bro. Bonaventure Tshite, who was going to leave us for St. Bernard Community in Lubumbashi; last August he celebrated his silver jubilee; at the same time we welcomed Br. Jacob Kazadi.

Brother Bernard delivered a conference on this slogan in which he explained God’s Love as being a fatherly and motherly love. In his fatherly love He encourages and supports us: the father wants his child to grow and to lead it to adulthood. Therefore he corrects it and will not praise it in its presence to prevent it from assuming that it has already reached perfection and stop developing. In his motherly, on the other hand, God welcomes and tenderly loves us with intimate love, flowing from deep motherly motivations from which the child took form and which concerns our whole person in and out.

The regional superior, a member of St. Augustine’s community, took part in the recollection before he left for Lubumbashi by plane on 8 October. He had been invited to preside the celebration of the International Day of Mental Health at the neuropsychiatric centre of the Brothers of Charity on 10 October, in his capacitiy of chief doctor of the medico-social service.

In our human context, both these loves – male and female – are equally balanced, more or less. Man knows from experience another kind of love, of which it is said that it “is strong like death and its sparks like flashes of light.”

About the moves of Brothers in the regio: Bros. André Kateba and Freddy Kitengie arrived from Abidjan; the former became local superior of the new community in Kabinda; the latter came on holidays. Bro. Pierre Makuala, coming from Lubumbashi, left for Nioki, where he will be in charge of the management of the centre. Bro. Freddy Mbayo went on holidays for Beni. Bro. Gérard Munandi returned to the Shabunda community after his 45-day of convalescence. Bro. Théodore Kalonga, at present in Kinshasa, will join Bro. Gérard in the same community on his return from holidays. Finally, we want to mention that the higher authority has decided to close St. Michael’s in Mapangu; the management of the General Hospital of Mapangy will

The story of God’s love does not end with his Resurrection, but extends over Pentecost which actualised God’s love in Jesus Christ till the end of the world. We are not forced to experience the love of God as a memory of the past. “because the love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit which has been given us,” (Rm 5: 5). In accordance with the Department of Education calendar, we started the school on 2 September. It is common knowledge that the holiday period is characterized by the lack of contact between students, teachers, administrative personnel and the school. Thus classrooms become dirty, weeds pop up in the yard… Therefore all these situations are to be cared for at the start of the classes so that things are ready for a fresh start. On 8 september we celebrated with the school authorities the 102nd anniversary of the arrival of the first Brother

ROL 156 - October 2013 - p. 7 missionaries in Lusambo. Everything took place in an atmosphere of cooperation; we had a moment of reflection on the work of the missionaries and the substance of their mission in chapel.

From 24 tot 26 September we had a session of the spirituality of St. Vincent de Paul with the lay helpers and the Sisters of St. Vincent de Paul.

On 27 September we concluded the meeting with the Eucharistic Prayer in honour of St. Vincent. Bro. Bernard Ntambwe

u AMERICA : OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE PROVINCE u Sao Sebastiao Da Amoreira BRAZIL In the month of August the news in Brazil was characterized by many celebrations. We had the commemoration of the putting into action of the 23-year-old statutes of the child and the puber. As so often, much of it remains dead letter. The execution of it is a challenge because the differences are more noticeable than the similarities due to political hindrances, ideological difference or individual interest of groups. For example, there is no unanimous vision on the decrease of criminal majority till 16 years of age. In Rio de Janeiro the 26th World Youth Day was celebrated. A new project was launched by the government for families with children between 0 and 6 years, “early youth”. One aims at creating a Brazil without free from misery by fighting the problem of extreme poverty. By this action more than 22 million people who already receive the subsidy “Bolsa Familia” (a kind of child allowance) would be followed up still more. Though this means an important improvement to fight extreme poverty, still Brazil remains a country with a small middle class. In our municipality, the “Council for the Rights of

Children and Adolescents” has succeeded to establish a fund so that all gifts are deposited in a special account for priority matters. The fund is especially aimed at financing all kinds of actions for the protection of children and adolescents. Until now the town has paid little or no attention to services and projects that want to turn around the neglect of this group of youngsters. Our after-school care for children between 6 and 14 years of age count on average of 80 children. Its activities are quite varied and based on the interests, requirements and possibilities of this age group. They are mainly playful, cultural and sports experiences, but also forms of expression, interaction, of learning to learn and social attitudes. Workshops for visual and performing arts, crafts, kung fu, for using recyclable material, party games and sports activities. The big number of participants proves the need of care outside school hours. During the period of March till July, 25 adolescents took part in our learning programme aimed at placing minors as apprentices. The motivation and quality of this

ROL 156 - October 2013 - p. 8 group improve year after year. However well the didactic means were used to make the lessons agreeable and instructive, we could arouse little intellectual work among the pupils in the initial years. But now we see to our satisfaction, that this new group of pupils manages to listen and join the thinking. First of all, they have come to learn in the hope of obtaining articles of apprenticeship – a hope that is dwindling due to the sickly obsession of the lawgiver to produce more rules. The government tries by all means to torpedo private initiative while bureaucracy and expenses to the account of the employer are increased. Till now we have only three workers’ collectives to which six teeners have been sent. Several enterprises would like to cooperate if the contracts would produce some fiscal profit. But contrary to their wishes, the department of labour has decreed new rules which put greater burdens on the enterprises.

Meanwhile our course of horticulture and floriculture was coming to an end. All participants of this programme are former pupils of a special primary school. With much enthusiasm they followed both the theory and the practice. Their conduct is straight opposite to that of the first group of boys and girls who came from mainstream education. In spite of the hopeless retardation of their schooling, they were all of the opinion that they were not called to dirty their hands. Twelve students obtained their diploma during a short ceremony and an incentive bonus. But as most pupils are under guardianship, the latter proved not so simple. The principal of the special school explained in great detail that the initiative had not been taken by the school but by the “Morning Star”, that this money had no influence on the scholarship of the government. The perverse side of the scholarship for mentally disabled children is that they are not allowed by their parents to work. On the contrary, they have to remain unable so that the parents do not lose the grant.

By means of this project we have laid out flowerbeds all over the municipality. We hope that the municipality will make an new arrangement to continue this action in future. We wish to stress that the quality of life in a municipality depends also on the cleanliness of the place, and that flowers and plants contribute to it. Neither does education escapes from the rules of which the government is so fond. There is no talk of investments. The department of education has extended the compulsory attendance of every Brazilian to 14 years (from the age of 4 to 17 years). If I am not mistaken, this is a few years longer than in the rest of the world. Under the influence of propaganda on TV and other media, everyone seems to find this great. But in view of the reality of education, it seems a law which puts the lath to high. One tries to remedy the illiteracy and lack of adaption of the youth by means of an extra number of school years, as if precisely the school would not be responsible for the lack of moral and intellectual baggage of the Brazilian youth. At the latest meeting of the municipal commission for the rights of the child, so said our psychologist, she sees anxiously the day approach to have to send her now 3-year-old child to the municipal school. She notices daily that the teachers do not care about what happens in class. Nobody cares for the little ones because of lack of money and means. As majority is approaching for Eliane, Carian and Paulo, they are looking more and more for autonomy and independence. Far from Eliane to think of leaving the institute as she does not want to neglect her studies. She is looking forward to a promising future. She also helps us in our activities for the children, where she shows leadership and responsibility. Carina, however, cannot yet decide for herself. Now she seeks happiness and independence by living with a partner, then she thinks better and wants to concentrate on her studies. All efforts to help her find her balance have been in vain. She cannot decide to remain with her friend or not. It is a real soap. She had been three days with her mother when she returned with a story about her friend who continued to stalk her and at one time wanted to take her down from a coach in Assai. The next day she had disappeared with her friend though she keeps saying she does not love him. A few days later she told him for the umpteenth time that she would leave him. She availed herself of un unguarded moment to return. As I happened not to

ROL 156 - October 2013 - p. 9 be at home, she went to the psychologist. It required half a day to make it clear to her friend that the relationship was finished, and to make Carina jot down all pros and cons and think on her situation. In the end, she realized that the boy wanted to profit from her, and that she was like a little bird in a cage so that it could not fly freely. I think that avarice was more decisive than her lack of freedom in her decision. In less than a week her friend managed to draw money from her bank account to pay for the food, to buy a sofa, a stereo and a DVD player. He also wanted her to pay the large screen television which he had bought while his mother asked for a loan of more than half her monthly pay. I wonder how long it will take for her to end up again in the same adventure.

“Escuela de Vida”. Bro. Johnny is replacing a teacher at “Jose Martin” public School while she is in maternity time. On September the 27th, Bro. Jimi and Mr. Veronikha shared a mass in honor of our Patron Saint Vincent de Paul together with the Vincentian Family.

Fracarita Peru Office

During September the first meeting as a Fracarita Peru Office in Lima was organized to work as a team in our Corporate Identity, The Spirituality of the Brothers of Charity in our services and some guidelines about to work with human resources. A new project proposal was developed to get some final support for our Chronic patients in Ayacucho. Bro. Jimi is appointed as new General Director for “Escuela de Vida” (Rehabilitation Center for Drug addicted) and he started to work in the legal issues. Bro. Jimi Huayta

Mental Health Center COSMA – Ayacucho

Thus the stories of the children who left tus are repeated. Their mentality and world where they seek to belong, does not attach much value to freedom nor to being affirmed as a person. Material values like money and consumption seem more important to them than emotional and spiritual values. Paulo dreams of returning to his original family in Assai, to find a steady job and thus to leave school. As he will not succeed without vocational training, we registered him on the technical drawing programme. Bro. Eric Verdegem

u San Martin de Porres Region NICARAGUA - PERU

Communities in Lima

All Brothers and Associate members shared the recollection in St. John Macias Community at Comas, that day our Associate Member Mrs. Veronikha Gomero renewed her promises for three years. Bro. Bernard Boulay is busy trying to improve the food store place for

During the month of September Tania (nurse) and Zulma (psychologist) spent a month of training in the National Mental Health Hospital “Hermilio Valdizan” in Lima. During this month there was a lot of work in the revision of some Reports Profile. A meeting with the Regional Director, of National Security System office was held in order to present our Rehabilitation program for Chronic Patients. COSMA received through National Fracarita Office sixteen boxes with some food and clothes to support our poor patients and their families. Miss Cristina de la Cruz

Special Basic Education School CEPETRI – Comas

A team from our School followed a workshop about Inclusive Education for People with Down syndrome. Team works start to be implemented in order to review our entire program. In collaboration with Ann Sullivan Special Center some of our students received ophthalmologic consultation by Dr. Linda Lawrence. There was a meeting with our teachers to start a recycling initiative in our School. The process to get register in the system of the Local Education Management Units (UGEL) has been done. On September 28th, Mr. Victor Soto from the Ministry of Education developed an important workshop for our School talking about “Educational Policies for Disability Care”, it helps us to continue our process to get a national recognition. Mrs. Gabriela Morote

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u Saint Anna Region CANADA

LE PHARE Montreal

Bro. Richard

Community Centre ‘Le Phare’, established by the late Br. Jules Lamothe, celebrated its 30th anniversary. The animators asked to paint something on a wall. The children indicated spontaneously Br. Léo Martel, 84 years old, who shares their activities, forgetful of time; before he did so as a coworker; then as the director, and now as grandfather emeritus. The wisdom of children does not go wrong. Bro. Donald Joyal Travellers: At the next provincial council (closure), the following Brothers will visit us:: Joel Ponsaran, John Fitzgerald, Richard Bardier, Bernard Houle, André Payeur and Jimi A. Huayta R. Mr. Johnson Darcelin has been living with the Brothers of ‘Le Phare’ for almost two year since he arrived from Haiti. There he had studied with the Jesuit Fathers and had been recommended to the Brothers. We know that ‘Le Phare’ is practically situated in Montreal-Haitian territory. He has been very successful in his life. At present he works as a financial expert for the Department of National Health, in one of their office buildings in Quebec. He is a keen sportman and takes regularly part in marathons. Today he ran the half marathon of Montreal. Yesterday he arrived at our place to spend the night. After the race he returned for supper before his departure to Quebec, where he lives. On 25, 26 and 27 September, Rev. Fr. Paul-André Cournoyer and a priest of his friends in France were accommodated at our house. Rev. Fr. Cournoyer was a catechist and the chaplain at St. Bernard College in Drummondville for a long time. Bro. J. Bellemare

Bro. Remi

Bro. Joseph


Bro. Donald

On 30 September Bro. Donald Joyal left for Peru for his new field of activity. On 2 October P. Guy Lespinay o.p., formator in France for his order, delivered an encouraging address at the funeral by sending a message, of which we give here an extract: “My condolences to all the Brothers. I offered Mass for the intentions of the Brother and his community as usual.” On 5 October we celebrated Br. Maurice Cournoyer’s funeral. The last respects were paid at the residence; Mass was celebrated at the parish church of St. Sulpice; and the burial took place at our plot in the Notre-Damedes-Neiges cemetery in Montreal. Br. Richard Bardier arrived in Nicaragua on 8 October in preparation for the provincial chapter (closure), which will be held on 4 and 5 November at St. Vincent’s. At St. Vincent’s residence in Montreal we celebrated the birthdays of Brothers Jospeh Turcotte, Léo Descheneaux and Remi Gauthier on 9 October.

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u ASIA : SAINT THOMAS PROVINCE u Father Constant Lievens Region INDIA

ST. JOHN DE BRITTO COMMUNITY Greetings from the Brothers of St.John De Britto! The whole month was very busy, since this month in our Parish is dedicated to Bible Month. On 14th September, the Brothers went to Velanganni Shrine together with Carmel Sisters. On 12th September, Rev. Bro.Swamynathan Wilfred and Rev. Bro. Thanislas Kannathasan, Johnson, were invited to be judged for the Bible Quiz in the Parish of Senjai. Rev. Bro. Swamynathan Wilfred went to buy something for the Frassati Community together with Rev. Bro. Aiswan Lakra to Coimbatore. On 22nd September, the Parish Valan Nagar, Ariyakudi organized some activities for the Parish people and some were very active and some were not. On 27th September, our Patron Saint feast was celebrated in our Community, we have had the Holy Eucharist by Rev. Fr. Maria Asir, and we invited our Carmel Sisters for this occasion. On the following Sunday that is on 29th September, the prizes were given to the people who won in the Bible Activities.

on 16 September. On 22 September Brother Subodh went to participate in a meeting called ‘Chhattisgarh Milan Diwas Samaroh’ in Loreto convent Ranchi. It was organized for the entire Religious group for those who come from Chhattisgarh.

PARAM MITRA SADAN Greetings from our residents and Coworkers! The residents and co-workers are doing well and they are working together with the Brothers. On 16 September, a group of ‘Panjabi help Samiti’ from Ratu Road came to our Half Way Home on the occasion of their Feast Day. They organized a prayer service together with our residents then they distributed breakfast and sweets for all. On 30 September we celebrated the family Day for our Residents. The family of our Residents came to our Rehabilitation Centre to offer sweets and fruit to our Residents. They asked prayers for their departed family members for the repose of their soul and for God’s Blessing.



The Residents were very enthusiast during this month. Sometimes, the food was served from outside. On the monthly basis the Meeting with all the Family Members were very interesting. Moreover, on 22nd September, Dr. John Sugadev visited our Resident and from the outside also more Residents came for the consultation. The Patients were given more tasks in the house, for example, gardening, collecting stones, cleaning stones, and so forth.

Greetings from the community of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, Calicut Kerala! It is the month of ‘Onam’ in Kerala. We have celebrated the feast of Onam on 13 September with the Norbatine International School children. The Brothers are very active in their tasks and other activities.

ST. ALPHONSA MUTTATHUPADATHU COMMUNITY In September, Brother Navin and Subodh went home for few days as preparation for their Final Religious Profession, which will take place in the month of October. On 9th September, the Brothers did their one day Recollection in Carmel Niwas Spirituality Centre Ranchi which is run by OCD Priests. Brother Rejius and Laurentus received their Visa in September in order to go to Ethiopia for their study and they left

JEEVAVIHAR We have celebrated Onam Feast on 16 September, in Jeevavihar, all the Residents were very happy. In this month Brothers contacted the Government Mental Health Care, at Calicut, Kerala, and consulted our Residents with the Doctors. Since 2013, the Residents were not consulted with the doctor. It was the first time after taking charge by the Brothers of Charity, that we consulted the Doctor.

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BL. KURIAKOSE ELIAS CHAVARA COMMUNITY We are three Brothers and three Residents are living here in Bl. Kuriakose Community. Bro. Praful Surin is sick almost one month and now he is recovering from his sickness. Bro. Ranjit Minz was also getting sick, some time and again. One of our Residents, Mr. Albinus, went home; his father came to take him home. The Residents are taking medicine regularly. On 5 September, on the occasion of Teacher’s Day, the Children thanked the Brothers for their service.

ST. PETER’S SCHOOL Still we are not getting electricity for the community and for the school. Every day we use a generator to fill up water in the tank. Solar is not working properly. Non-Teaching staff of school is not doing his service in a honest way. Very often they are absent from their duty. We had parents meeting and they are complaining about factory. They are saying that the Brothers are not taking any action. Parents are ready to support us. Because of the pollution from the factory, the teachers and students have difficulties to teach and they ignore to be present in the school. They feel headache and dizziness. On 5 September our students honored and celebrated the Teacher’s Day. On this date students of whole India remembered the Birth Day of Dr.Radha Krishnan. On this occasion, our students performed small programs and gave small gifts to each teacher. It was a good and wonderful experience for all the teachers. Some students are talented to lead their group. On this occasion students led their group in discipline and all teaching staffs were very happy. Now we have a new assistant teacher whose name is Miss Mariam Tirkey.

TRIEST HOUSE Bro. Binay Ashok (Alphonse) Kujur went for a vocation tour on 2 September and returned back on 8 September. He gave me a positive report that he met with several boys and brought their contact numbers. On 14 September, feast of Exaltation of The Holy Cross! We were invited by the Holy Cross Sisters at Burdwan Compound, Ranchi to celebrate the feast. There was a Holy Eucharist followed by breakfast in the morning and afternoon there was a tea party. On 15 September we celebrated the parish day called St. Mary Cathedral,

Bro. Alphonse and Aspirants participated in this celebration. Bro. Praween went for his annual retreat to Jharna Spirituality Centre at Namkum on 24 September and came back to the community on 29 September. Retreat was given by Rev. Fr. K. C. Philip, S.J. On 27th September, it was a feast of St.Vincent De Paul patron saint of the Congregation. There was a Holy Eucharist in our community. We were invited to celebrate the feast day by the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent De Paul and Daughters of St. Vincent De Paul for a tea party in the afternoon.

Bro. Swamynathan Wilfred

u Sacred Heart Region PHILIPPINES

INTERNATIONAL NOVITIATE FORMATION HOUSE First of all, we would like to convey our heartfelt greetings to all of you, may the Good Lord bless us all.

These are the novices of 2013-2014 which come from the different countries, namely: Vietnam, Philippines, India, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Belgium, Pakistan, and Zambia. This photo was taken with the presence of Bro. René Stockman, Superior General of the Congregation and with the formation team, namely: Bro. Isidore, Bro. Damianus, Bro. Jess and Bro. Joseph.

ROL 156 - October 2013 - p. 13 The Formation Team: from left Bro. Jesus Belusocoordinator, Bro. Isidore Kiro-Community Superior, Rev. Bro. Rene Stockman-Superior General, right, Bro. Damianus Wakiman-Novice master, Bro. Joseph Kasonde- Lesson plan for Novices. On 27 September, the feast of St. Vincent de Paul took place in our community, in the novitiate formation house because of the fact that he became our patron for a long time. His feast is well known in the entire Church and for this they gave special attention to celebrate this occasion. We are grateful and we are blessed for the reason that St. Vincent showed us the real example of perfect charity. As we commemorate his goodness and kindness through his feast, we made a short program and it started with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, followed by film viewing; and after the evening praise we had a festive and fraternal meal; after the joyous supper we had also a short play or drama presentation held at the recreation hall. We should be grateful, glorify the Lord as well through the patronage and guidance of St. Vincent de Paul.

One of the greatest treasures that we received from the Divine Lord is the gift of life and we thank the Lord for this, the true essence of life is that God fills it with love. On 29 September, two of our colleagues celebrated their birthday, namely: Reynante and Rey. Here in the formation house we usually celebrate birthdays once a month. On this occasion the Brothers gave their messages to the celebrants and even the novices celebrate through their group and individual performances. On 30 September, Bro. Joseph Kasonde came back to our formation house after his visits to his own country called Zambia. We thank God that He arrived safely, to rejoin his fellow formators to continue the mission of formation to the novices. We ask the Almighty God to bless us always and we ask His protection from all evil and harm, till we meet again next month. Prayers and blessings.

Novice Lucas Ezekiel Buregeya, Rey Montalban

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