Deep Roots Devotional: Week 4

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Week 4

Intro: how to use this booklet What you have in your hands could be a powerful tool. Think of this book as a map that could help guide you in drawing closer to God and help you hear what He may want you to hear about yourself, your world and Himself. By carving out these moments with God, your sense of purpose may become stronger, your self-reflection may become clearer, and your love for others may grow as you understand Him and yourself more. Or you could throw it in the recycling bin. The choice is yours. But if you do choose to use this booklet to draw closer to God, here is the blueprint we suggest: 

Set aside 10-30 minutes each day (I recommend the morning). Set reminders for yourself so that you will be consistent and won’t forget. Some suggestions to help you prioritize this time with God would be to schedule it in your day planner or cell phone calendar.


Remove any distractions during this time. Find a quiet place where your television is off, your phone is set to silent, and if possible, that you won’t be disturbed by people interrupting you.


Start by praying. Not sure what to pray? Try this: “God, as I take this time with you now, help me to hear you. Help me to focus on you. Help me to listen to you. Please speak to me God, I want to listen. Amen”


Reflect on and answer the questions asked each day.


End your time by praying again. Not sure what to pray? Try this: “God thank you for your grace in my life. Help me to

Sabbath Mark 2:23-28 23 One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields, and as his disciples walked along, they began to pick some heads of grain. 24 The Pharisees said to him, “Look, why are they doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?” 25 He answered, “Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry and in need? 26 In the days of Abiathar the high priest, he entered the house of God and ate the consecrated bread, which is lawful only for priests to eat. And he also gave some to his companions.” 27 Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. 28 So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.”

Leviticus 19:2-4 2

“Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: ‘Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy. 3

“‘Each of you must respect your mother and father, and you must observe my Sabbaths. I am the LORD your God. 4

“‘Do not turn to idols or make yourselves. I am the LORD your God.




Monday: Time for a break Why does the pace of life always seem to be getting...faster? How do you find the time to slow down in a world that never stops? God long ago instructed people how to handle the frantic pace that life can have. But we seem to have forgotten about it. This week we will be working to bring Sabbath rest back into our daily lives.

1) Is it easy or difficult for you to slow down? Why?

2) Workaholism is one of the most prevalent “aholisms� in our world. We may remember our parents growing up always working, or ourselves constantly in the office missing out on other things. It is also is one of the most rewarded addictions in our culture. To what extent have you experienced the rewards or the difficulties associated with workaholism?

3) Read Psalm 46:1-11 and 2 Chronicles 36:17-21. What are some of the consequences of a lack of rest as outlined by the scriptures?

4) What most gets in the way when you try to spend daily time with God?

5) What’s stopping you from starting every day with 15 minutes

Tuesday: To be renewed physically and spirituAll of us need to take a break sometimes. It is easy to be busy in this world. There are jobs to do, kids to drive, meals to make and friends to see. Being busy is easy, resting is not as easy. We need rest, God instructed us to seek rest through the Sabbath once a week. God designed us not to be over run with busyness but to find rest and peace in Him.

1) Take some time to look over your schedule. Do you regularly take time for rest and renewal? When did you do it last? What did you do? When you take time to rest and be renewed do you feel guilty?

2) Read Mark 6:30-56. What do you discover about Jesus as He ministers to people? How would you describe His approach to ministry?

3) Make a plan this week to take some time off. What will you do? When will you do it? Ask God why He might want you to take some time off and what you might do with your time.

4) What prevents you from resting?

5) When do you know you need to take time to rest?

6) How might taking time to be silent and alone before God help you find rest in your everyday routine?

Wednesday: take a nap Your life moves to a better place when you move at a sustainable pace. Our relationships, health, decisions, emotions all move to a better place when we move at a sustainable pace. So consider taking a nap. Schedule a full day to take a break and recharge your batteries. Ask the people closest to you, “Is my pace sustainable?� and do whatever it takes to move in a more rested direction. 1) What kind of person do you become when you are lacking rest? Are you more or less productive?

2) What are the most important things that come to mind when you think of spiritual disciplines? Where does rest fall on that list?

3) Read 1 Kings 19:1-9. God incorporates a pattern of activity and rest in Elijah’s life. Where else do you see a natural pattern of activity and rest?

4) Read Matthew 14:22-23. What steps can you take to incorporate rest into the rhythm of your life?

5) Is your ability (or inability) to rest an indication of

your trust in God? Are you living at a sustainable pace?

Thursday: more than just doing nothing Sometimes the idea of Sabbath or rest brings up ideas of a whole lot of nothing. That you do nothing at all and that is supposed to be restful. For many of us there is little that is attractive about the idea of doing nothing at all, it sounds a bit boring. What if instead of doing nothing, Sabbath was more about entering into something.

1) What do you take delight in? What brings you real joy?

2) In the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20:1-17, the commandment to keep the Sabbath is the fourth one. What comes before and after? Is there a pattern? Why do you think it finds itself as the fourth commandment? How often do you sin and forget to take the Sabbath?

3) In keeping the Sabbath we are not just asked to not do something, but enter into something. Following the pattern of God in Genesis 1 we rest when creation is done and enter into appreciation for creation. How often do you spend appreciating the world God created? How do you do it?

4) Set aside some time to do something that brings you joy. Mark it in your calendar or phone app to do in the next 24 hours. What is it you would do? Do you think you could be honouring God with taking joy in an activity that refreshes you? Why or why not? How do you feel about taking time apart from your regular responsibilities to experience something joyful?

Lost sometimes in our understanding of Sabbath rest is that it is

Friday: Plan your tomorrow The Sabbath is meant to be a glimpse of the joy and delight God experiences and invites us into. But sometimes to experience that joy and delight there is work that needs to be done before hand. 1) In Exodus 16: 21-26 the people are told to get a double portion of Gods gift of food because there would be none the next day since it was the Sabbath. This means the people needed to prepare and be ready to take delight in the rest God gives them. If you are to take delight in a Sabbath rest tomorrow, what do you have to prepare to do so that you can enjoy Gods gift of rest and creation? Make a list and do what you need to do to experience Sabbath tomorrow.

2)What will you do with your Sabbath day? What will bring you delight and joy and draw you closer to God? Either journal here or in your personal journal at the end of your Sabbath about your Sabbath experience.

CONTACT US: Senior Pastor | Rob@bromleyroadbaptist. org Kids’ Pastor | Christina@bromleyroadbaptist. org Youth Pastor | Sarah@bromleyroadbaptist. org Office | info@bromleyroadbaptist. org


1900 Lauder Drive, Ottawa, ON K2A 1B1 | 613.722.2834

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