NPB Projects - Latest Property Hot Spots on the Coast Guide

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GUIDE DISCLAIMER The information provided in this guide is of general nature. (Information being data, dates, diagrams, facts, statistics, statements, photographs, calculations, graphs, analytics, results, property transactional information and property attribute data including any commentary). It should not be interpreted as specific advice or relied upon in lieu of appropriate professional advice. NPB Projects/Nationwide Property Brokers (including any related entities, directors, officers and agents) gives no warranty nor accepts any liability or responsibility for any decision of the reader of this guide (or any purchaser’s associates) which purports to be based wholly or in part on this guide, such as any decision to invest in, to buy or not to buy property within the areas described in the guide. While NPB Projects/Nationwide Property Brokers has taken all reasonable endeavours to ensure the Information in this guide is current and was sourced from reputable resources, the information is a broad snapshot of real estate from Northern NSW to the Central Coast of NSW, and is to be used purely as a guide. Thereby, NPB Projects/Nationwide Property Brokers does not warrant the accuracy, currency or completeness of the Information and to the full extent permitted by law excludes all loss or damage howsoever arising (including through negligence) in connection with the Information. Further NPB Projects/Nationwide Property Brokers gives no warranty in relation to the guide and the contents of the guide and expressly disclaims any liability for any loss or damage which may arise from any person acting or deciding not to act partly or wholly on the basis of the Information. Any financial, taxation, property investment, or property related specialist services must be obtained by the reader under their own investigations or enquiries. This Guide has been created by Nationwide Property Brokers (ABN 83 606 663 414) and NPB Projects (ABN 89326526712).


The Guide to a Guide For many, and the number is on the rise…living on the Mid North Coast of NSW is nothing short of a dream come true, and we would like to share with you some of the exciting things that are happening here. Significant infrastructure investment which includes national motorways, universities, education, aged care and other commercial projects, underpins the confidence of federal and state funding initiatives into the region…it’s no wonder that Port Macquarie and surrounds regularly features in the top three regional centres in the many articles that are published by reputable real estate and investment sources. This guide has been prepared in a way that allows the reader to have various pieces of information with inputs of statistics provided by reputable sources, to present a near complete picture from a liveable and solid real estate investment opportunity, in the Mid North Coast of NSW as a region. All that is needed once this guide has been read in its entirety, is to visit and experience the magic of the area…it really is like living in a dream if you’re into a peaceful lifestyle. Prior to the guides’ development, we noticed that there was a lot of information about why the Mid North Coast of NSW was becoming popular, building further on the growth that has already been experienced in particular over the past 10 years. The information available ranges from real estate articles, newsworthy visits from heads of government and the chamber of commerce. Other sources include state and federal government policy development, major infrastructure projects, capital investment from large commercial developers, aged care growth and investment, education etc What we also noticed that all of this information isn’t available in one place…hence the development of this guide. The way to use this guide is to use the information purely as that…a guide that has been developed to capture as many inputs as possible that highlight the region, knowing that as events, announcements etc become available, we will endeavour to update this guide and keep it ‘live’. We trust you’ll enjoy this guide, we absolutely welcome any feedback as to what other areas may be of interest for those looking to live in the beautiful part of the world. Please email us at Have a great day! The Team at NPB Projects.


A little about the Mid North Coast


The NSW Mid Nth Coast comprises an area of around 17,000 km2, and a mid-way point between Sydney and the Gold Coast, QLD. The region consists of the following Local Government Areas; Port Macquarie Hastings/ and former Greater Taree Coffs Harbour Bellingen Nambucca Kempsey …and includes the World Heritage Area of Lord Howe Island, around 600km off the east coast adjacent to Port Macquarie. With its natural borders of The Great Dividing Range to the west and the pristine coastline to the east, the landscape is characterised by a moderate climate throughout the year, boasting sub-tropical rainforests and pristine beaches, meandering big rivers, waterfalls…and the list goes on. With a population of around 260,000 predicted to grow steadily over the next 15 – 20 years, opportunity is apparent in the region.


Infrastructure The largest centres are Port Macquarie and Coffs Harbour, both have significant airports with Port Macquarie currently under-going a $9.875 million upgrade and are within about an hours’ flight of either Sydney or Brisbane, with flights also available direct to Melbourne. The Pacific Highway major upgrade that has a current forecast total investment of $75 Billion will see significant reduced travel times between Sydney and Brisbane. The dual lane upgrade has seen a certain decline in motoring accidents, keeping our people safer on the roads, and enabling more efficient transportation of goods. Key to this expansion is the development of satellite industrial ‘hubs’, the development of accommodation and convenience centres as population growth utilises the investment into significant infrastructure.


People The region as a whole attracts nearly 5 million people each year, a combination of local and international tourists. If you’re in business, and in particular are showcasing the local area through produce, or skills that guarantee people to return, opportunities are endless. Like-wise, there has been a significant increase in people commuting and working remotely as technology advances allow. (Insert GPM Tourism guide) or something similar.

Real Estate – Residential We’re a little excited about the opportunities in this space, we’re also a little curious as to the extreme variances in property value to our north and south, particularly as the Mid Nth Coast region boasts equally as beautiful topography, technology implementation such as the NBN, tourism attractions and everyday access. For example, we’ve provided a link to some information provided by for Byron Bay. The median price range for a .....


A Vision for Port Macquarie and Surrounds We picked up an article recently where the Port Macquarie business community gathered together in May 2018, for an informative presentation by NSW Chief Planner, Gary White, at an event hosted by the Port Macquarie Chamber of Commerce and Mid North Coast Business Chamber. The presentation was attended and well received by members and guests, including Mayor, Peta Pinson and State MP, Leslie Williams. After 40 years planning experience, Mr White has held some of the most senior planning positions both in NSW and Queensland. This includes City Planner for Ipswich City Council Deputy Director-General for Queensland’s Department of Infrastructure Local Government and Planning Department’s first Government Planner, as well as roles within the private sector participating in all aspects of the National Planning Agenda. In November 2017 the Planning Institute of Australia awarded Mr White with the ‘NSW Planner of the Year’ award, acknowledging his terrific achievements in planning and more recently, the ‘2018 Australian Planner of the Year’. Mr White spoke to a full house and encouraged attendees to have a vision, develop a strategic plan and put it into action in creating cities and towns that align with the way communities want to live, work and play. He answered questions from the floor with valuable and informative responses, with the presentation on “The Changing Face of Port Macquarie” being. In discussing his recent success with the city of Ipswich and the River Heart project, Mr White talked about the capabilities of building hope and working through logistics to see what was possible, rather than focusing on the negative aspects of a project. “With new legislation of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Act 2017 about to be announced – the biggest overhaul in almost 40 years – there is greater opportunity for communities to engage in planning. It is a wonderful strategic planning tool and we hope local governments can use it to gain increased insight into creating dynamic, prosperous and vibrant community and business spaces,” Mr White said. Mr White also acknowledged the powerful role played by the Chamber of Commerce and their members in influencing legislative and business outcomes at a local level and encouraged members to get involved and ‘start the conversation’. Port Macquarie Chamber of Commerce Executive, Mark Wilson said, “We were absolutely thrilled to


have partnered with the NSW Business Chamber in bringing such a highly informed and regarded speaker to discuss current changes with our members and guests. With our new website now up and running we envisage being able to inform the community of many more such events in the future.” These articles which are ‘live’ records of progressive discussions, provide confidence to communities and investors alike that the Mid Nth Coast of NSW is increasingly growing in popularity, and capital growth into the future.

Byron Bay – NSW Median 4BR house price $1.5 Million Median Unit price $800,000 Population 5,521

Port Macquarie – NSW Median 4BR house price $630,000 Median Unit price $385,000 Population 81,404

Old Bar – NSW Median 4BR house price $550,000 Median Unit price $800,000 Population 4,389

Terrigal – NSW Median 4BR house price $900,000 Median Unit price $938,000 Population 11,349


Comparitive Residential Real Estate Report

Annual growth Port Macquarie


Lake Cathie 7.6% Bonny Hills 8.4% Byron Bay 17.3% Terrigal 9.3% Old Bar 10.0% Nambucca Heads


Median rent for 4 bedroom residential house

Annual rental yield

Port Macquarie


Port Macquarie

Lake Cathie


Lake Cathie 3.8%

Bonny Hills


Bonny Hills 3.4%

Byron Bay


Byron Bay 2.6%



Terrigal 3.2%

Old Bar


Old Bar 4.0%

Nambucca Heads


Nambucca Heads




Median residential 3 bedroom house price

Rental demand as at March 2019 Port Macquarie


Port Macquarie


Lake Cathie


Bonny Hills


Byron Bay




Old Bar


Nambucca Heads


Est. cash flow as at March 2019 Port Macquarie


Lake Cathie Average

Lake Cathie


Bonny Hills Average

Bonny Hills


Byron Bay Average

Byron Bay


Terrigal Average



Old Bar Average

Old Bar


Nambucca Heads

Nambucca Heads





What Real Estate Investors Should Know to Invest Wisely


One thing we look at when making sound and solid real estate investment decisions is for areas that haven’t grown yet but have potential to grow, so we’re looking for the opportunity and in particular the opportunity gap. This can be seen in a number of ways and often there’s indicators that show you where the gaps may be that lead you to buy…and buy with purpose knowing you’ve done the ‘due diligence’ required. For example, it may be an area where pockets of real estate have already moved upwards and there’s lots of demand…so you look at the next suburbs nearby. However, look carefully, just because it’s nearby doesn’t mean it’s going to have the same upward movement. It will need characteristics like the initial suburb as well. Let’s take a look at Manly. You may look at Manly and think “If I buy right next to Manly it’s going to go off,” but the suburb next to Manly might have no infrastructure, or have some problems…these can be social, environmental, educational…you really have to do the homework. In the city of Sydney to give you an example, Brookvale Oval, and suburbs of close proximity…prices in Brookvale didn’t move for years because Manly was so close, therefore available suburbs around Manly, like Fairlight and so-forth moved first, and Brookvale took a long time. But now that all those areas are being exhausted… Brookvale is having its turn. It’s not always that obvious. You can’t just say that it’s the next suburb. You’ve got to look at what other drivers there are. Due diligence would’ve revealed Brookvale didn’t ‘go off’ because there was a transport corridor blockage, and there was also lots of commercial-industrial in the area, just to give you an example. Up on the coast of NSW, areas like Byron Bay, that’s already moved significantly upward, you need to look at the areas around Byron Bay, like Ballina and Goonellabah…these areas offer opportunity because it’s a short drive to infrastructure and destinations like Byron Bay. Prices aren’t as high yet, so there’s still opportunity to buy in. Infrastructure’s there now…there’s new infrastructure coming, such as new hospitals, new roads, new schools; all those things that go in to those areas are the drivers you’re looking for to help the investment have a solid platform to not only keep the prices or rental returns up, but to increase the likelihood of positive property price growth.


Bonny Hills, NSW 2445

Investment property data for all houses Compared to the same period five years ago (as at 2019), the median house sale price for houses increased 49.7% which equates to a compound annual growth rate of 8.4%. Median House Value - The median sale price for houses in Bonny Hills, NSW in the last year was $655,000 based on 36 home sales.

Population: 2016 Census QuickStats People 2,971 Male 49.1% Female 50.9% Median age

Rental (yield) 3.4%


Rental (demand)

Est. cash flow



405 visits per house The median advertised rent as a percentage of median price, based on 61 property rentals and 36 property sales over the preceding 12 months. Data current as of 4 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms. Data supplied by Hometrack Australia &


The average number of visits per listing per month over the last 12 months that included at least one property view of houses in Bonny Hills. Data current as of 4 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms. Data supplied by

The ‘Estimated cash flow’ figure is a measure of monthly cashflow, either positive or negative, calculated by subtracting the median monthly mortgage repayment from the median monthly rent. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms. Data supplied by

Distance from City: Bonny Hills to Brisbane – est. 555km 6h 7min by car Bonny Hills to Sydney – est. 376km 4h 3min by car

Location: Bonny Hills is a town in New South Wales about 30 mins drive south of Port Macquarie.

Local and Nearby Facilities: Rainbow Beach Queens Lake Nature Reserve Burrawan State Forest Crystalline Pottery Bonny Hills Garden Café Bonny Hills Garden Centre Timbertown Heritage Village Bago Vineyards and Maze North Brother Mountain The Fat Fish café Wauchope Bonny Hills Surf Life Saving Club The Francis Retreat

Annual (growth)

Median (price)

Median (rent)




The compound annual growth rate in median price, comparing the median price of property sales in the preceding 12 months to the median price of properties sold in the same 12 month period 5 years ago. This is based on 106 property sales over both periods. Data current as of 1 March 2019.Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms. Data supplied by Hometrack Australia.

The price of a property that falls in the middle of the total number of properties sold over a period of time, based on 36 property sales over the preceding 12 months. Data current as of 1 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms.

The advertised weekly rent of a property that falls in the middle of the total number of properties listed over a period of time, based on 61 property listings over the preceding 12 months. Data current as of 4 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms.

Data supplied by Hometrack Australia.

Data supplied by

Source: Population: 2016 Census QuickStats google maps


Byron Bay, NSW 2481

Investment property data for all houses Average demand - data suggests there is average demand from people looking to rent houses in Byron Bay, NSW. Rental yield - 2.6% based on 118 property rentals and 75 property sales over the preceding 12 months. Median House Value - The median sales price for houses in Byron Bay, NSW in the last year was $1,600,000 based on 75 home sales. Compared to the same period five years ago, the median house sales price for houses increased 122.2% which equates to a compound annual growth rate of 17.3%.

Population: 2016 Census QuickStats People 5,521 Male 48.6% Female 51.4% Median age

Rental (yield) 2.6% The median advertised rent as a percentage of median price, based on 118 property rentals and 75 property sales over the preceding 12 months. Data current as of 3 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms. Data supplied by Hometrack Australia &



Rental (demand)

Est. cash flow



The average number of visits per listing per month over the last 12 months that included at least one property view of houses in Byron Bay. Data current as of 3 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms.

The ‘Estimated cash flow’ figure is a measure of monthly cashflow, either positive or negative, calculated by subtracting the median monthly mortgage repayment from the median monthly rent. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms.

521 visits per house

Data supplied by

Data supplied by

Distance from City: Byron Bay to Sydney – est. 764km 8h 28min by car Byron Bay to Brisbane – est. 166km 2h 6min by car

Location: Byron Bay is located on the Far Nth Coast of New South Wales.

Local and Nearby Facilities: Cape Byron Lighthouse

Tallow Beach

Belongil Beach

Arakwal National Park

Clarkes Beach

The Farm Byron Bay

Byron Community Market

Railway Park

Circus Arts Byron Bay

Lone Goat Gallery

Byron Bay Train

Byron Bay Ballooning

Stone & Wood Brewing

Education: Byron Bay Public School Byron Community Primary School St Finbarr’s Catholic Primary School Byron Bay High School Byron Bay Preschool The Byron Bay English Language School (BBELS) Byron Busy Kids Preschool & Childcare Centre Cape Byron Rudolf Steiner School Periwinkle Preschool SAE Institute Byron Bay Byron Bay English Language School Lexis English | Byron Bay Envirotech Byron Bay

Annual (growth)

Median (price)

Median (rent)




The compound annual growth rate in median price, comparing the median price of property sales in the preceding 12 months to the median price of properties sold in the same 12 month period 5 years ago. This is based on 160 property sales over both periods. Data current as of 1 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms. Data supplied by Hometrack Australia.

The price of a property that falls in the middle of the total number of properties sold over a period of time, based on 75 property sales over the preceding 12 months. Data current as of 1 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms.

The advertised weekly rent of a property that falls in the middle of the total number of properties listed over a period of time, based on 118 property listings over the preceding 12 months. Data current as of 3 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms.

Data supplied by Hometrack Australia.

Data supplied by

Source: Population: 2016 Census QuickStats google maps


Lake Cathie, NSW 2445

Investment property data for all houses Compared to the same period five years ago, the median house sales price for houses increased 44.0% which equates to a compound annual growth rate of 7.6%. Median House Value - The median sales price for houses in Lake Cathie, NSW in the last year was $582,000 based on 43 home sales. Average demand - data suggests there is average demand from people looking to rent houses in Lake Cathie, NSW.

Population: 2016 Census QuickStats People 3,494 Male 48.7% Female 51.3% Median age

Rental (yield) 3.8% The median advertised rent as a percentage of median price, based on 70 property rentals and 43 property sales over the preceding 12 months. Data current as of 4 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms. Data supplied by Hometrack Australia &



Rental (demand)

Est. cash flow



The average number of visits per listing per month over the last 12 months that included at least one property view of houses in Lake Cathie. Data current as of 4 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms.

The ‘Estimated cash flow’ figure is a measure of monthly cashflow, either positive or negative, calculated by subtracting the median monthly mortgage repayment from the median monthly rent. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms.

367 visits per house

Data supplied by

Data supplied by

Distance from City: Lake Cathie to Sydney – est. 379km 4h 8min by car Lake Cathie to Brisbane – est. 559km 6h 11min by car

Location: Lake Cathie is on the Mid Nth Coast of NSW about 15 mins drive south of Port Macquarie.

Local and Nearby Facilities: Long Point Vineyard Lake Cathie Foreshore Reserve The Big Lawn Bowl

Education: Lake Cathie Public School Lake Cathie Children’s Cottage Cowarra Park PreSchool & Long Day Care

Annual (growth)

Median (price)

Median (rent)




The compound annual growth rate in median price, comparing the median price of property sales in the preceding 12 months to the median price of properties sold in the same 12 month period 5 years ago. This is based on 133 property sales over both periods. Data current as of 1 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms. Data supplied by Hometrack Australia.

The price of a property that falls in the middle of the total number of properties sold over a period of time, based on 43 property sales over the preceding 12 months. Data current as of 1 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms.

The advertised weekly rent of a property that falls in the middle of the total number of properties listed over a period of time, based on 70 property listings over the preceding 12 months. Data current as of 4 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms.

Data supplied by Hometrack Australia. .

Data supplied by

Source: Population: 2016 Census QuickStats google maps


Nambucca Heads, NSW 2448

Investment property data for all houses Compared to the same period five years ago, the median house sales price for houses increased 29.7% which equates to a compound annual growth rate of 5.3%. Median House Value - The median sales price for houses in Nambucca Heads, NSW in the last year was $387,750 based on 80 home sales. Low demand - data suggests there is low demand from people looking to rent houses in Nambucca Heads, NSW.

Population: 2016 Census QuickStats People 19,212 Male 49% Female 51% Median age

Rental (yield) 4.6% The median advertised rent as a percentage of median price, based on 158 property rentals and 80 property sales over the preceding 12 months. Data current as of 6 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms. Data supplied by Hometrack Australia & realestate.



Rental (demand)

Est. cash flow



The average number of visits per listing per month over the last 12 months that included at least one property view of houses in Nambucca Heads. Data current as of 6 March 2019.

The ‘Estimated cash flow’ figure is a measure of monthly cashflow, either positive or negative, calculated by subtracting the median monthly mortgage repayment from the median monthly rent.

Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms. Data supplied by

Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms. Data supplied by

161 visits per house

Distance from City: Nambucca to Sydney – est. 485km 5h 7min by car Nambucca to Brisbane – est. 436km 5h by car

Location: Nambucca Heads is a town on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales, Australia in Nambucca Shire. Easy access to the upgraded Pacific Highway between Port Macquarie and Coffs Harbour.

Local and Nearby Facilities: Captain Cook Lookout Shelly Beach Headland Historical Museum Lions Lookout Bellwood Park Unkya Local Aboriginal Land Council Cultural Eco Tours (Macksville)

Education: Nambucca Heads Public School Nambucca Heads High School Nambucca Valley Christian Community School Frank Partridge VC Public School Nambucca Heads Pre-School Playcentre

Annual (growth)

Median (price)

Median (rent)




The compound annual growth rate in median price, comparing the median price of property sales in the preceding 12 months to the median price of properties sold in the same 12 month period 5 years ago. This is based on 171 property sales over both periods. Data current as of 1 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms. Data supplied by Hometrack Australia.

The price of a property that falls in the middle of the total number of properties sold over a period of time, based on 80 property sales over the preceding 12 months. Data current as of 1 March 2019.

The advertised weekly rent of a property that falls in the middle of the total number of properties listed over a period of time, based on 158 property listings over the preceding 12 months. Data current as of 6 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms.

Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms. Data supplied by Hometrack Australia.

Data supplied by

Source: Population: 2016 Census QuickStats google maps


Old Bar, NSW 2430

Investment property data for all houses Compared to the same period five years ago, the median house sales price for houses increased 61.3% which equates to a compound annual growth rate of 10.0%. Median House Value - The median sales price for houses in Old Bar, NSW in the last year was $500,000 based on 85 home sales. Average demand - data suggests there is average demand from people looking to rent houses in Old Bar, NSW.

Population: 2016 Census QuickStats People 4,389 Male 47.1% Female 52.9% Median age

Rental (yield) 4.0% The median advertised rent as a percentage of median price, based on 66 property rentals and 85 property sales over the preceding 12 months. Data current as of 6 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms. Data supplied by Hometrack Australia &



Rental (demand)

Est. cash flow



The average number of visits per listing per month over the last 12 months that included at least one property view of houses in Old Bar. Data current as of 6 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms.

The ‘Estimated cash flow’ figure is a measure of monthly cashflow, either positive or negative, calculated by subtracting the median monthly mortgage repayment from the median monthly rent. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms.

404 visits per house

Data supplied by

Data supplied by

Distance from City: Old bar to Sydney – est. 317km 3h 29min by car Old bar to Brisbane – est. 620km 6h 44min by car

Location: Old Bar is a coastal town in New South Wales. Situated around 16 kilometres (10 min) east of Taree on the Mid North Coast, and around 315 kilometres north of Sydney.

Local and Nearby Facilities: Jeff Vandenbergh Viewing Platform Manning Entrance State Park Saltwater National Park

Education: Old Bar Beach Childcare & Early Learning Centre Old Bar Community Pre-School

Annual (growth)

Median (price)

Median (rent)




The compound annual growth rate in median price, comparing the median price of property sales in the preceding 12 months to the median price of properties sold in the same 12 month period 5 years ago. This is based on 202 property sales over both periods. Data current as of 1 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms. Data supplied by Hometrack Australia.

The price of a property that falls in the middle of the total number of properties sold over a period of time, based on 85 property sales over the preceding 12 months. Data current as of 1 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms.

The advertised weekly rent of a property that falls in the middle of the total number of properties listed over a period of time, based on 66 property listings over the preceding 12 months. Data current as of 6 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms.

Data supplied by Hometrack Australia.

Data supplied by

Source: Population: 2016 Census QuickStats google maps whereis


Port Macquarie NSW 2444

Investment property data for all houses Compared to the same period five years ago, the median house sales price for houses increased 38.1% which equates to a compound annual growth rate of 6.7%. Median House Value - The median sales price for houses in Port Macquarie, NSW in the last year was $575,000 based on 679 home sales. Low Rental Return - data suggests there is low demand from people looking to rent houses in Port Macquarie, NSW.


(ABS ERP 2017)

LAND AREA 368,610

hectares (3,686 km2 )


Rental (yield) 3.9% The median advertised rent as a percentage of median price, based on 1,257 property rentals and 679 property sales over the preceding 12 months. Data current as of 3 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms. Data supplied by Hometrack Australia &


per hectare

Rental (demand)

Est. cash flow



The average number of visits per listing per month over the last 12 months that included at least one property view of houses in Port Macquarie. Data current as of 3 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms. Data supplied by

The ‘Estimated cash flow’ figure is a measure of monthly cashflow, either positive or negative, calculated by subtracting the median monthly mortgage repayment from the median monthly rent. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms. Data supplied by

204 visits per house

Distance from city: Port Macquarie to Sydney – est. 384km (by car) / 4h 11min Port Macquarie to Brisbane – est. 542km (by car) 6h 3 min

Location: Port Macquarie - City on the Nth Coast of NSW between Sydney and Gold Coast, QLD.

Local and Nearby Facilities: Glasshouse Cultural centre Port Central and Settlement city shopping centres Koala Hospital Ricardoes Tomatoes Bago Maze & Winery Billabong Wildlife Park Roto House (historical house) Extreme Velocity (Outdoor Vertical Wind Tunnel) Mid North Coast Maritime Museum Sea Acres Rainforest Centre Port Macquarie Astronomical Association Observatory Wave Bowl Bowling

Education: Port Macquarie Public School Hastings Secondary College MacKillop College St Agnes’ Primary School Heritage Christian School St Columba Anglican School Westport Public School Hastings Public / Secondary College Westport Campus St Joseph’s Primary Just to name a few...

Annual (growth)

Median (price)

Median (rent)




The compound annual growth rate in median price, comparing the median price of property sales in the preceding 12 months to the median price of properties sold in the same 12 month period 5 years ago. This is based on 1,487 property sales over both periods. Data current as of 1 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms. Data supplied by Hometrack Australia.

The price of a property that falls in the middle of the total number of properties sold over a period of time, based on 679 property sales over the preceding 12 months. Data current as of 1 March 2019.

The advertised weekly rent of a property that falls in the middle of the total number of properties listed over a period of time, based on 1,257 property listings over the preceding 12 months. Data current as of 3 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms.

Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms. Data supplied by Hometrack Australia.

Data supplied by

Source: Population: 2016 Census QuickStats Source: google maps


Terrigal, NSW 2260

Investment property data for all houses Compared to the same period five years ago, the median house sales price for houses increased 56.3% which equates to a compound annual growth rate of 9.3%. Median House Value - The median sales price for houses in Terrigal, NSW in the last year was $937,500 based on 136 home sales. Average demand - data suggests there is average demand from people looking to rent houses in Terrigal, NSW. Rental yield - 3.2% based on 231 property rentals and 136 property sales over the preceding 12 months.

Population: 2016 Census QuickStats People 11,349 Male 48.9% Female 51.1% Median age

Rental (yield) 3.2% The median advertised rent as a percentage of median price, based on 231 property rentals and 136 property sales over the preceding 12 months. Data current as of 3 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms. Data supplied by Hometrack Australia &



Rental (demand)

Est. cash flow



The average number of visits per listing per month over the last 12 months that included at least one property view of houses in Terrigal. Data current as of 3 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms.

The ‘Estimated cash flow’ figure is a measure of monthly cashflow, either positive or negative, calculated by subtracting the median monthly mortgage repayment from the median monthly rent. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms.

628 visits per house

Data supplied by

Data supplied by

Distance from City: Terrigal to Sydney – est. 86.9km 1h 26min by car Terrigal to Brisbane – est. 847km 9h 12min by car

Location: Terrigal is a major coastal suburb of the Central Coast region of New South Wales located 12 kilometres (7 min) east of Gosford, approx’ 1hour drive north from Sydney.

Local and Nearby Facilities: Terrigal Beach The Skillion Terrigal Haven The Central Coast Marine Discovery Centre Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Parish, Terrigal Terrigal Lagoon Neale Joseph Fine Art Gallery

Education: Terrigal Public School Our Lady Star of The Sea School Terrigal High School Aspect Central Coast School Terrigal Early Learning Centre Little Miracles Terrigal

Annual (growth)

Median (price)

Median (rent)




The compound annual growth rate in median price, comparing the median price of property sales in the preceding 12 months to the median price of properties sold in the same 12 month period 5 years ago. This is based on 351 property sales over both periods. Data current as of 1 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms. Data supplied by Hometrack Australia.

The price of a property that falls in the middle of the total number of properties sold over a period of time, based on 136 property sales over the preceding 12 months. Data current as of 1 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms.

The advertised weekly rent of a property that falls in the middle of the total number of properties listed over a period of time, based on 231 property listings over the preceding 12 months. Data current as of 3 March 2019. Median data for 3 bedroom unit configurations are calculated off 3 or more bedrooms.

Data supplied by Hometrack Australia.

Data supplied by

Source: Population: 2016 Census QuickStats google maps whereis


Retirement…Your Best Years Yet Expansion of Sydney has effectively been halted by the State Government not releasing land, plus the geographic barriers of the Hawkesbury River, the ocean, mountains and National Park to the south. By limiting land supply while the population continues to grow, home prices and the cost of living will inevitably increase. The Government now wants to encourage people to move to regional centres. Over the next 20 years, the metropolitan population of Sydney is forecast to grow by about one million people. This equates roughly to 450,000 new homes being built, which is equal to the size of Adelaide and all its suburbs. The search for alternatives is on… room to expand is limited and there’s not a lot of new infrastructure, like roads, sewerage, water, power and public transport. And increasingly, we will have no workforce because younger people will not be able to afford to live in Sydney - the housing cost, transport, education. While the media talks about everybody heading for the coast, this not actually correct. The fastest growing regional NSW town is actually Maitland. Queanbeyan and Albury are not far behind (Source: ABS 2002-3). Over 50? Regional New South Wales wants you Moving to a regional area now makes even greater sense for people who are 50 or over, especially here in NSW. The major benefits are: Country towns actually want you: They need your skills and want your money. They want you to continue working, if you wish. And for every new dollar you bring into a country town, $7 is generated in local business transactions. Living costs less: Land and labour is cheaper in a country town, and that makes living easier. From housing, to entertainment, to rates and to insurance. And a simpler life means less to spend money on. Cash to live on: Selling a family home in Sydney will usually free up cash and still allow you to buy a better home in the country while eliminating a mortgage or releasing cash to invest. Healthier environment: Obviously the air is cleaner, but psychologically it is healthier in a country town as well, as people are less rushed and stressed. Big skies and clear nights compared to city traffic and smog. Country towns are safer: Crime is significantly lower and the community spirit of watching out for your neighbour provides comfort that does not exist in the city. You don’t miss out on life: One of the most common criticisms of country life is that you miss the things that cities offer, like the theatre, cafes and shops. The reality is that statistically very few people go to the theatre or the CBD because of time pressures, traffic, security and no real interest. Most regional towns have very active theatre groups and shops equal to the city.


You won’t regret it… There are numerous options to consider when retiring on the Mid North Coast and you’re looking for a new home. And…when the time comes to consider the next stages if necessary of independent living or higher levels of care, the options are also abundant. For any queries or for more information we’d love to help, send us an email or call Paul and the team on 1800 223 768.


If you’re looking for a lifestyle change, think sea and tree, or your next investment, click the link below to register your interest and we will be in touch shortly. Register Now

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