Pivotal Magazine

Page 1

Issue #2

--- be inspired --- be informed --- be entertained


CONTENTS --- be inspired Stop Trying to be Normal ………………………………………………………………


Spiritual Faith ……………………………………………………………………………...


More Power in Your Little Finger …………………………………………………….


Makeover your Career..…………………………………………………………………..


Improve Your Attitude …………………………………………………………………..


How to Stay Ahead of the Competition …………………………………………...


--- be informed Networking by sign ………………………………………………………………………


Computer Corner ………………………………………………………………………….


Web Content: Knowing Whether It’s to Sell You or Inform You ….………..


Making time for Marketing …………………………………………………....…….


The Interactive Approach to Doing a Presentation …………………………….


--- be entertained Just for fun…………………………………………………………………………..………


Listening ..……………………………………………………………………………..……


For Kids ………………………………………………………………………………..……



“There are those of us who are always about to live. We are waiting

until things change, until there is more time, until we are less tired, until we get a promotion, until we settle down - until, until, until. It always seems as if there is some major event that must occur in our lives before we begin living." -- George Sheehan


Networking by Sign Schmooze with confidence by Cortney Litwin For many of us, networking can be downright intimidating. Whether you're in need of a full-time job or looking for supplemental freelance/contract opportunities, the thought of schmoozing with people who can assist you can seem like a painful, manipulative, or insincere task. If your idea of the perfect schmoozer is someone insanely outgoing -- not to mention shallow -- then you need to rethink the art of making contacts. The truth is, networking is about building sincere, productive relationships that are based on respect and the willingness to keep in touch.What's more, the people who can point you in the right direction are the same ones who might need your help later on. It's a two-way street. You're not asking for a handout -- you have something to give as well, like offering advice and sharing your expertise. And don't forget to update your contacts when things are going great, too, like sharing your accomplishments and pointing out job openings at your company. Keeping in touch is easy through sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Or perhaps you prefer the in-person approach via lunch dates, parties, and conferences. In either case, start with a base of friends, family, and coworkers (past and present), and watch your network grow So what are your schmoozing strengths? Using your natural talents, as indicated by your Sun and ascendant signs below, will help you be both authentic and effective while networking. Pisces: Your thoughtfulness and perceptiveness, mixed with a certain mystique, draw contacts into your networking circle. By heeding your intuition, you'll be naturally drawn to people who can assist you. Conversely, your compassionate nature is always ready to lend a helping hand. You'll just need to keep your goals strongly in mind so you don't get distracted by the needs of others.

Aries: Your enthusiasm for new plans, projects, and people make you a natural networker, if you don't let fear of rejection stymie your efforts. People are intrigued by your high energy and definite opinions. Your competitive, self-centered nature can be both a draw and a turnoff, so consider the needs of others when you're making contacts. Taurus: People are drawn to your genuineness and aura of dependability. You have a subtle but powerful charisma that attracts people who can assist you. However, this attractiveness can also make you lazy, so you may need to be more outgoing in seeking out contacts. Once you make a contact, though, you're excellent at keeping them in the loop. Gemini: Your strong verbal skills and curiosity about people make you a natural networker. You can talk to just about anyone. Plus, you have an abundance of witty and knowledgeable tidbits to share, which makes you both valuable and entertaining as a contact. Just remember to listen closely to others when they have something to share.

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Cancer: Your ability to connect emotionally with people can inspire a devoted following of contacts. You also have a feel for what the public wants and needs, which makes you a valuable person to know. However, you're way more comfortable with people in your inner circle, so you may need to network with someone who can make some introductions. Leo: Whether you're a lion that roars or a lion that purrs, people are drawn to your compelling charisma, creativity, and confidence. As such, in-person networking may work best for you. Your generous nature is quick to open doors for others, but if you're the one in need of a break, your pride may keep you from asking for assistance.


Virgo: People are attracted to your expertise and quiet self-assurance, and you'll go out of your way to help others find success. You have the ability to see opportunities that others overlook. It's obvious when talking to you that you have high standards. Just remember that a contact or opportunity doesn't have to be perfect to be valuable.

Libra: Your obvious interest in people empowers your talent for networking. Charming and intelligent, you're a magnet for a wide range of contacts, which can be superficial if you don't develop at least some these relationships further. Still, this large networking circle, along with your strong sense of give-and-take, enables you manifest opportunities. Capricorn: People are drawn to your integrity, strong goals, and grounded approach to life. You may not be the most sociable person in group settings, but you will pursue contacts who can open doors for you. However, you may need to share your lighter, fun-loving side while networking, so people see get a deeper sense of who you are

Scorpio: You have a talent for finding people who can assist you, and you're not above using your contacts to the fullest of their abilities. It's a testament to your intense passion, focus, and personal power that your contacts usually don't mind being used by you. After all, you bring out their best, to the benefit of both parties.

Sagittarius: Your outgoing, optimistic nature is a beacon for contacts, not to mention lucky opportunities. People just know you have something fantastic up your sleeve, even if it seems like a pie-in-the-sky venture. By seeing the bigger picture, and with a touch of serendipity, you'll often pull it off, too. Just don't promise more than you can deliver. Aquarius: You ability to excel in groupgatherings and online networking allows you to make contacts easily. People are attracted to your inner brilliance and unique individuality. Likewise, your interest in talented, brilliant people from different backgrounds energizes your networking circle. Keeping your goals in mind while networking, so you're not just socializing, is the challenge.

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STOP TRYING TO BE NORMAL Stop trying to be normal. It undermines your success and keeps you in a state of mediocrity. It's an interesting phenomenon. This idea of being "normal" starts to take hold in high school. There begins to form this desire to "fit in" - to be part of a group. Or at least, not be singled out as someone who "doesn't fit in". Along with that comes the desire to be an "insider". This need to belong and to be an insider can be very strong for many people. Although the challenges and insecurities from our high school days are long gone, that need to belong - to be part of the group - to be accepted - to belong - can still be very strong. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be accepted and/or wanting to fit in, but when this "wanting" turns to "needing", it becomes detrimental to a person's success.

This often occurs when a person has an "external frame of reference" rather than an "internal frame of reference". Having an external frame of reference means looking outside of one's self to determine the truth of things. Things like right vs. wrong, appropriate vs. inappropriate, and successful vs. unsuccessful. When a person has an external frame of reference, they look to others for approval. They base their self-worth and their selfimage on what others think and say about them. Conversely, having an internal frame of reference means looking within one's self to determine the truth of things; to determine right vs. wrong, appropriate vs. inappropriate, and successful vs. unsuccessful. When a person has an internal frame of reference, they don't look to others for approval. I'm not saying recognition and acknowledgment aren't meaningful to someone with an internal frame of reference. I'm simply saying that they aren't the driving forces for their actions. Someone with an internal frame of reference bases their selfworth and their self-confidence on what they know to be true about themselves. Which brings us back to the idea of being "normal". Most people consider themselves to be "normal" and consequently most groups of people consider themselves to be "normal". Therefore, in order to remain part of the group, one needs to remain "normal". And being "normal" - by definition - means being "average". Consequently, many people - in an attempt to fit in and belong spend their lives striving to be average. Sometimes they do it consciously and sometimes they do it unconsciously. Sometimes it's done by intent and sometimes inadvertently. But it happens nonetheless... A person is striving to be average (or "normal") when they work hard to meet a quota rather than exceed it. A person is striving to be average when they purposely minimize themselves and their dreams so that their associates, family and/or friends don't belittle them for dreaming big. A person strives to be average by "playing it safe" - not in terms of taking physical or financial risks, but in terms of taking the risks inherent in hoping for, dreaming of, and working towards the things that would set you apart from the others. It takes courage to break away from "normal"; to separate oneself from the crowd. You risk not fitting in and not being accepted by the group of people you've been a part of. You risk feeling embarrassed if you don't achieve your goals when you said you would. You risk being disappointed and frustrated. But when you reach your goals - when you realize your dreams - you will know that you are not "normal". You will not be average. And interestingly enough, you will find that you've

become part of a new, different group. You will be part of a group that is not "normal". You will be part of a group that knows that each member is not "average". Mark Twain once said, "Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."The decision to separate yourself from the crowd comes from a within. It arises from a desire to realize one's full potential and a resolve to take responsibility for one's future. It doesn't matter what others say or do or think. None of them pay your bills. None of them have your dreams. Sometimes it's a lonely path. Sometimes it's hard. Sometimes it's frustrating. But one thing is true for sure. It's always worthwhile. I know what it's like to try to fit in. I know what it's like to try to be normal. I used to have an external frame of reference. But I changed. I stopped trying to fit in. I stopped trying to be average and I started striving for excellence. I started setting bigger and bigger dreams and goals. I started associating with other successful people. I don't fit in very well with people who are "normal". I never have. But I've come to realize that I fit in with people who are extraordinary. So stop trying to be normal. Come and join me instead...

Michael Beck is a business philosopher & strategist. For more articles and to subscribe to his free monthly newsletter, "Full Potential", please visit http://www.mbeckweb.com. Permission to reprint with full attribution. Š 2010 Michael Beck International, Inc.

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SPIRITUAL FAITH Faith may sound like a form of belief, but belief is actually a fixation upon a version of the truth. When a belief becomes rigid, seeking and growth are not possible. For example, the biggest challenge facing quantum physics today is the enormous shift that is required from previous beliefs about the nature of reality. Researchers have to shift to a new view where time, space and physicality are liberated from the constraints which people previously believed that they had. If you believe that you exist in a fixed location in space and that time must always pass you by like clockwork, think again. Subatomic particles do not share your beliefs about time and space. They take a much more liberated view. Subatomic particles pop in and out of physical

With spiritual faith, your heart and mind open up and guide you in your search for personal truth. Faith in the spirituality of life is what makes your spiritual path possible.

subatomic particles do, right there in the lab. As a result, in the mathematics of quantum physics today, one of the necessary tools is negative time - the ability of a particle to send a message into its past in order to change its own history. Subatomic particles are friendly by nature. When they bump into another particle that they take a liking to, and they seem to like all of them, they become friends and carry on communicating with each other, for ever. The fact that they may become separated by millions of miles does not reduce their willingness to communicate.

in a conscious universe. We are limited only by our personal collection of beliefs, our belief system. We also share our part of a larger, societal belief system, the consensus reality. Faith in the spirituality of life is what makes your spiritual path possible. With spiritual faith - an open heart and an open mind - we can discover more about today's New Reality and what it means to humanity. Discovering more about life expands our view of reality and evolves our belief systems. Besides, and this is what really counts, it's fun!

The speed of their communications comes as a surprise. Einstein said that nothing exceeds the speed of light, but apparently subatomic particles weren't listening when he said that. They communicate over huge distances virtually instantly. If there is a limit to the speed of transmitted thought, then that speed of thought has to be millions of times faster than the speed of light. Subatomic particles, by their very freedom, serve to remind us of our true potential as conscious beings

Owen Waters is editor and cofounder of Infinite Being LLC. He promotes a philosophy of spiritual empowerment through inner connection to the source of your ultimate potential. For more Spiritual Words of Empowerment subscribe to his free weekly newsletter. Owen Waters' new book, Love, Light, Laughter: The New Spirituality is available now in paperback and as a downloadable e-book. Peter Shepherd will be reviewing it on March 1st.


More Power in Your Little Finger.... By: Liz Ryan, CEO and founder of WorldWIT

Very often, WorldWIT members listen to our radio interviews, and write to me to say "How does one achieve all that? Do you have suggestions for gaining influence, rising in the world, and becoming powerful?" The answer is yes - I do. In fact, finding one's personal power is one of my favorite topics. One of the best parts of my job is getting to interview fascinating women every week (sometimes, I interview men, too) for our WorldWIT Radio program. Many of our guests are in lofty positions and have tons of influence, as well as accolades in all sorts of areas. Very often, WorldWIT members listen to these radio interviews, and write to me to say "How does one achieve all that? Do you have suggestions for gaining influence, rising in the world, and becoming powerful?" The answer is yes - I do. In fact, finding one's personal power is one of my favorite topics. One of the best parts of my job is getting to interview fascinating women every week (sometimes, I interview men, too) for our WorldWIT Radio program. Many of our guests are in lofty positions and have tons of influence, as well as accolades in all sorts of areas. Very often, WorldWIT members listen to these radio interviews, and write to me to say "How does one achieve all that? Do you have suggestions for gaining influence, rising in the world, and becoming powerful?" The answer is yes - I do. In fact, finding one's personal power is one of my favorite topics.

trophies during a career. And then there is another problem what has been bestowed upon you can as easily be taken away. A big job, a fancy title, an enormous organization of subordinates - these can disappear in an instant.

But the first thing I would note about power is that there isn't just one kind. I believe that there are two very different sorts of power that a person can focus on developing.

There is another kind of power that I much prefer. I call it "small p" power. It's the power that doesn't depend on someone else's assessment of you. It's inside of you to begin with, and only gets stronger over time as you reinforce what you know, sense, and intuit. No one confers "small p" power on you and - wonderfully - no one can take it away.

The first type is pretty easy to identify. You'll have lots of power if you have a senior-level job, a big title, a large staff and loads of budgetary dollars to control. Likewise, awards, advanced degrees and high-level business relationships are strongly identified with power. We're all familiar with people whose resumes glitter with these gems. What more could one want, really, than a long list of honours next to your name? The trouble with these hallmarks of power is that they are externally focused. All of these things - titles, awards, degrees, staffs, etc. - are conferred by other people. In fact, the titles and honours, just like trophies on the shelf, are evidence of how much other people esteem you. In my experience, there is a strong correlation between a person's desire - or even need - to be respected and to feel significant, and his or her zeal to amass

That's one of the reasons why this type of externallyconferred power - what I call "Big P" power - is so stressful to maintain. In the quest to continue becoming more significant and more powerful, if you're focused on the Big P trappings of power, you're never done!

The Big P power is often fear-based, in two ways. People thirst for external validation because they're afraid that without it, they're nothing. Then, they fear losing that validation, and so they may act in fear-ful ways to maintain all those trophies. Surely you've come across, at least once in your career, a lofty personage (maybe a senior leader in your company) who really has no credibility at all, except for the big title that someone thoughtlessly gave her? Everyone knows that this person has all "Big P" power, and no personal credibility whatsoever. It's sad, because all the trophies in the world - as in "Look here, I'm a division VP and you have to listen to me!" can't induce people

to respect this person Big P power is power that says "Other people (like the CEO of this company, I'll have you know) respect me, and therefore you must, as well." Sorry - no dice. You just can't force people to respect you, although you can certainly train them to roll their eyes discreetly when you say something inane. That's the trouble with the Big P variety of power. But "small p" power isn't bestowed upon you and can't be withdrawn, either. You carry it around with you, and it only gets stronger over time - if you listen to your gut, and speak your truth as often as you can. It's not that easy, in many a corporate setting (and many other places) to speak your truth, of course. There are a lot of incentives to keep quiet, or say something silly in order to avoid standing out. But you don't build your personal power by going along with the crowd and keeping your mouth shut, even if that is the predominant cultural mode in your company. You speak up politely, but from your gut, and without equivocation. So when history's most idiotic idea is on the table, and you're dying inside at the stupidity of it, and so is everyone else in the room (except the person who proposed the idea) and no one is speaking, it's your personal power that allows you to say "You know, I'm not sure I understand how this idea will get us to the Point B we've identified. Perhaps I do not understand. Can we walk through that again?" Or when you yourself have proposed a plan, and you know it has merit, and the ranking person in the


meeting shoots you down by saying, "Okay, that's one idea, are there any others?" you find the voice to say "Before we move on, can we go through my plan in a bit of detail? That might be useful." Speaking your truth is essential to finding your personal, small-p power. You do it enough, and it becomes habitual. You find it harder to keep quiet when there's something that needs to be said, whether it's the clothes-free state of a leader in your midst or some other truth that can't stay under wraps. Other people begin to look to you to say what needs saying, and to help them find their own voices. And here's the crazy thing: as you build your own engine of power, without benefit of titles or accolades, those external trophies begin to come. I'll bet you've witnessed that to the person in a company who seems so together, so 'on it,' that someone says one day "Is she a manager? She's really on the ball," and about a week later you hear that indeed, this person has just been promoted. Real power is magnetic - it inspires respect. If you get a big title down the line, that's great - but that's not why people respect you. Your personal power doesn't rest on your title in the slightest. Big-P and small-p power work together like that. Big-P types don't get the dynamics of this relationship at all. When you obsess over, chase after, and value only the Big-P stuff, you don't discover who you are. It is too easy, in the Big-P-power value equation, to do the things you believe you're supposed to do in order to get promoted, get noticed, and get the external praise you're after. In the small-p orientation, you do what your heart and mind tell you to do, and let the chips fall where they may. Damn the promotions, full speed ahead: and over time,

you find the place (maybe several employers later) where that kind of power is valued, and the external honours come - exactly when you realize you don't need them. A woman said to me at a recent speaking gig, "But isn't it important to let people know your accomplishments? Just recently, I was at a meeting with a woman who had been a very high official, and in her introduction, she was encouraged to share this information - to let people know that she had been very influential in government, and wouldn't be trifled with." I winced inside. Why would it ever be necessary to say anything other than "Hi, I'm Claudia James" in an introduction? What benefit could possibly come from adding "And here's what I've done, and here's why I'm important?" Your power will show through, as soon as you open your mouth - or perhaps it will be evident as you sit silently, not opening your mouth at all. In fact, the more one argues for her power - for instance, in one of those excruciating-to-witness "Battles of the Bios" you encounter from time to time in corporate meetings - the more a colleague insists "But you must listen to me, I have 25 years of experience in this area," the more her power seeps out and puddles on the floor. That isn't power - that's a trophy-brandishing exercise. Power is the ability to be influential without invoking the trophies. That's the piece that Big-P sorts always miss.

And that's why talking with women about their power is so exciting to me. We have it - we're bursting with it!-we only need to determine where the power yardstick lies. It's not in degrees, honours and titles. It's in us. Waiting for the world to notice our greatness is the road to stress, frustration and internal conflict. Simply being powerful, day by day, is about a million times more satisfying, and doesn't require you to wait for anyone or anything outside yourself. Your personal power is there, waiting to be reinforced by your words and actions. You have it in spades, far more in your little finger than in a glass case of trophies on a panelled-oak wall. You can't control how other people value you, so why not focus on how you value yourself? Are you willing to let your sturdy gut speak for you, rather than some hourly-shifting notion of what's correct in your organization, under today's leader, given the current strategic focus, etc? The direct link from heart to brain to gut to mouth - let it rip, sister - that's power that could light up the city. You'll wonder how you ever lived without it.

Liz has over 20 years experience in managing high-growth organizations, she lectures nationally and writes about working and managing in the digital economy. If you're looking for advice or have questions related to your job, just ask Liz! You can email Liz at lizryan@worldwit.org

Most people have a clutter problem.

That's right - most people have a clutter problem. That's why there are so many "Get Organized" programs out there! Some people make a living helping other people get their clutter under control. And most of them do a great job at this, and help lots of people. But that is where this is different. Author, Mimi Tanner is passionate about getting rid of clutter in her personal life. After years of seeking solutions, she made her own way through the many tips out there. She found an easy way to get order in her life, and shares it with you in the fastest read you'll ever see on this subject: Declutter Fast: How To Get Your Home In Order Almost Immediately. There is nothing in this world that feels quite the same as looking around your home and seeing it in order and glowing. And there's nothing more energydraining than living with clutter. You need to Declutter Fast. Start now!


Computer corner JetPhoto Studio 4.8 A number of photo software programs makbold promises, but JetPhoto Studio actually delivers the goods. The program is designed to helpusers manage their photograph collections, and some of the application's perks include GPS tracking, photo keyword tagging, and an interactive calendar feature which organizes photos by date. The program also features some basic editing tools, and the interactive online user guide is quite nice. This version is compatible with computers running Windows 2000 and newer and Macs running OS X 10.3 and newer


Web Content: Knowing Whether It’s to Sell You or Inform You When you pick up a magazine or newspaper, you want to know whether what you’re reading was written to inform you or to sell you. It has long been a publishing tradition to clearly separate editorial content from advertising material. Both have their purpose and their usefulness, but both have their place. The same principle applies to the brave new world of online publishing, although norms and practices are still emerging. This applies equally to Web pages and to search engines (the technology that often gets people to Web pages). Search engines have been criticized for not clearly

the top of the page in a shaded box and the

indicating when sites appear prominently in results lists because they’re relevant or because these

other to the right of the page. Yahoo! does the same, although it calls its headings “Sponsor

sites paid the search engine for their advantageous position.

Results.” Achieving Goals by Tracking your Success and Growth

Organizations such as Consumers Union

If you’re a consumer, does it made sense to click on these paid links when looking for

(http://www.consumersunion.org), which publishes Consumer Reports magazine; Ralph

information? If you’re a business, does it make sense to budget marketing dollars for paid

Nader’s Commercial Alert (http://www.commercialalert.org); and the


Federal Trade Commission (http://www.ftc.gov) have been vocal in expressing the importance for

Kevin Lee thinks so, in both cases. Lee is the

search sites to fully disclose when search results are paid for.

- If it’s important, measure it! We’ll help you track your performance so you gain clarity, focus, meaning and results. Choose from 11 efficient success tracking tools. Workbook includes 30 days of email support.

most visible expert in the country on paid search. He writes a weekly column on the subject for ClickZ (http://www.clickz.com), the well-regarded free online publication about

The top search sites have made improvements here, as Consumer Reports WebWatch

online marketing. He also heads up Did-it Search Marketing (http://www.did-it.com),

(http://www.consumerwebwatch.org) has pointed out. Google, for instance, places paid

a New York City-based search engine marketing firm, and chairs SEMPO (Search Engine

listings under one of two “Sponsored Links” headings—one at

Marketing Professional Organization; http://www.sempo.org).


Before talking with Lee, I was skeptical. I mostly ignore paid links, as I suspect many consumers do. I also

keywords through real-time auctions. Businesses can buy this advertising themselves.

When Yahoo! announced this option, it said that paid inclusion ensures that these sites will be indexed more

understood that Lee has a vested interest in promoting paid search. But, like he does in his columns, he

Search engine marketing firms help with the process by identifying keywords to bid on and

frequently and that they will be able to submit more information for Yahoo! to include.

presented some powerful arguments in support of paid search for consumers and businesses alike.

then bytesting the results.I’m an oddball, it seems, in neglecting paid listings. According to

First off, it’s a big business. According to Lee, these textual ad links generate more than $4 billion in revenue a year for search engines. If the links didn’t work, companies wouldn’t be paying search sites this kind of

Lee, “All the studies indicate that consumers pay attention to paid search.” He recognizes, though, that some consumers pay more attention than others.

money.For businesses, Lee said, paid search makes sense because it gives you more control than “organic

Interestingly, with Google, consumers don’t pay as much attention to paid links on the right of

search” (unpaid search results). “You test, and if it doesn’t work, you cancel.”

the page as they do to the ones at the top of the page, where they’re blended in more with

For consumers, paying attention to paid links makes

unpaid results. Consequently, when auctioned, keywords that appear at the top go for more.

sense because they can be as or more relevant than unpaid links. Lee stated: “Businesses are paying to be

Along with offering “paid placement” like

there and don’t want to waste their money.”

Google, Yahoo! also offers advertisers a controversial option called “paid inclusion.”

What businesses pay for are keywords: When a searcher types in a search word or words that are relevant to the

Here, you pay not to be listed separately from the non-paid listings, but to ensure that you’re

company’s product or service, its site will appear prominently on the search results page. Search sites sell

considered for the non-paid listings. These listings appear the same as listings from sites

All of this points again to the delicate balancing act between editorial material and advertising material. Reid Goldsborough is a syndicated columnist and author of the book Straight Talk About the Information Superhighway . He can be reached at reidgold@netaxs.com or http://www.netaxs.com/~reidgold/column

that don’t pay.


If there were dreams to sell, what would you buy? - Thomas Lovell Beddoes


Making Time for Marketing Make marketing a part of the time you are already spending

"I don't have time to market." It's a common complaint from self-employed professionals. When you are the only one who can serve the clients, manage the business, and perform all the sales and marketing functions, time becomes the most precious commodity you have. How can you find time for marketing with so many other important priorities? There are many time management techniques at your disposal, of course. You can defer tasks or delegate them, chunk down projects to smaller steps, and set aside time on your calendar for making calls, writing letters, or updating marketing materials. Perhaps you have already tried all those methods and discovered that time is still scarce. Maybe the real answer is not to find more time for marketing, but to MAKE time. Every day, you take part in many time-consuming activities that don't include marketing. What if you could integrate marketing with all those things you are already doing? Here are some examples of how that can work:

1. Attending workshops, business mixers, and cultural events. Whenever you plan to attend an event like this, consider inviting a business contact to join you. Just extending the invitation will contribute to building a stronger relationship between you. If your contact decides to attend, you can often get to know each other better in a more relaxed way than meeting oneto-one. 2. Having lunch or coffee with a prospect or colleague. If you are already planning to take time meeting with someone, add a third or fourth person to the party. Those invited will usually appreciate the opportunity to make new contacts themselves, and you may find conversation flows more easily when there is a group.


3. Traveling to another city. Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, arrange to meet for lunch or dinner with a client or colleague. On a business trip, this is usually much more enjoyable than dining alone. As a tourist, a meal you would be eating anyway takes no time out of your vacation schedule, plus you'll often get local tips about where to go and what to do.

4. Taking a walk, visiting the gym, and other forms of exercise. Meetings with business associates don't have to take place in the office or a restaurant. Invite someone to join you for a walk in the park, run around the track, or a game of tennis. You don't have to learn to play golf in order to get exercise and do business at the same time. 5. Reading an article. Any time you read an interesting article in the newspaper, a magazine, or online, think of three people you could send it to. Writing a short

"thought-you-would-be-interested" note and forwarding the item will take only a moment, but can make a big impression on the recipient 6. Shopping, dining, or running errands. Every time you leave your home or office, you meet new people. They are behind the counter at the office supply store, in line at the coffee shop, sitting at the next table, or shopping in the same aisle. Whenever you find yourself chatting with strangers, remember to introduce yourself by name and occupation. You'll be surprised to discover how often this will lead to a connection that can result in business 7. Attending social events. The best business relationships often begin casually in social environments. Keep your business cards in your pocket when you attend a wedding, housewarming, holiday party, or your child's soccer game. After you ask, "How do you know our hosts?" or "Which child is yours?" make your next question, "What do you do?"

8. Relaxing. You may have a long list of marketing projects that will take time but not your full attention. Consider doubling up these mundane tasks with a fun activity or some pleasant company. Enter business cards into your contact database on your laptop at the beach. Make phone calls from the hot tub or a park bench. Review your prospect list while watching old movies or listening to music. Ask your kids to help you stuff and address envelopes. Take your project to a friend's house so the two of you can work together on marketing. As you can see, there are many ways to include marketing activities in your busy life. So instead of wishing you had more time for marketing, why not make marketing a part of the time you are already spending?

C.J. Hayden is the author of Get Clients Now! and a San Francisco business coach. Get a free copy of "Five Secrets to Finding All the Clients You'll Ever Need" at GetClientsNow.com


This week’s

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"The third volume of music from 'Glee' features some of the best numbers from the first season of the show. While the first two volumes' music ranged from just 'all right' to 'good', I feel there are definitely stronger, better performances on this deluxe edition of the third volume


: Inspirational Thoughts Dr. Wayne W. Dyer There’s a voice in the universe calling each of us to remember our purpose—our reason for being here now, in this world of impermanence. The voice whispers, shouts, and sings to us that this experience of being in form, in space and time, knowing life and death, has meaning. The voice is that of inspiration, which is within each and every one of us. This Inspirational Thoughts CD will lift you up daily to live an inspired life.

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Guitar Heaven: The Greatest Guitar Classics of All Time Santana | Format: Audi o CD Working from their collective encyclopedic knowledge of rock, Carlos Santana and Clive Davis devised a list of guitar-centric titles and then invited a Who s Who of guest vocalists to perform on every track. Singers range from Chris Cornell (on Led Zeppelin s Whole Lotta Love ), Pat Monahan (on Van Halen s Dance the Night Away ), Chester Bennington and Ray Manzarek (on The Doors Riders on the Storm ), Rob Thomas (on Cream s Sunshine Of Your Love), Scott Weiland (on the Rolling Stones Can t You Hear Me Knockin ), Chris Daughtry (on Def Leppard s Photograph ), Gavin Rossdale (on T. Rex s Bang A Gong ) to rapper Nas (on AC/DC s Back In Black ), veteran Joe Cocker (on Jimi Hendrix s Little Wing ), and more.

$5 Albums

Both Sides Of The Gun by Ben Harper

Miles In The Sky - Miles Davis

Songs And Stories - George Benson


"Fortune sides with he who dares.� -- Virgil 18

Makeover Your Career 5 easy steps 1. Dream a Little Dream

"For years, I hated every job I had," says Olivia (not her real name), who began working for newspapers soon after she graduated from college. The 34-year-old San Francisco resident says she would sit around at work wondering what she'd be doing if she didn't have to be there. "I always worked hard, though, because I kept thinking a promotion would change everything." She eventually worked her way up to a job as an arts editor. "I kept thinking, 'This is my dream job, I'm supposed to love it,' but I just didn't. And to make matters worse, my promotions didn't come with much of a pay raise. I was making so little money that I still couldn't make a dent in my student loans." Sound familiar? If you feel numb, bored, or resentful during much of your workday, it's time for a change. To make it happen, follow these five tips to spiritually transform your life:

in a way that brought her fulfillment. Eventually,

3. Act Out

Spend time fantasizing about your career path. What

she consulted a psychic, who told her that she

"Going to grad school felt like taking a vacation,"

job would be utterly delightful for you? How much

was destined to be a creative writer and teacher.

Olivia remembers. "It was this huge leap into the

income would you need to feel at peace about

Actually, Olivia thought the idea of becoming a

unknown, but I just wanted to do it. It felt right."

money? To make her fantasies concrete, Olivia

teacher sounded awful (standing in front of a

Feelings of joy, pleasure, and excitement are all

chose to create a collage of photos to depict a new

class, disciplining students), but she did long to

signs that you are on your life path. Do

career and to inspire her whenever she felt stuck in

immerse herself in creative writing. Even though

everything you can think of that gives you those

her old job.

going back to school would mean leaving a stable

feelings -- take up the saxophone, climb Mt.

job and going into debt, Olivia began applying to

Everest, or go out clubbing. Who knows? Maybe

creative writing programs.

one of those activities holds a future career path

2. Be Happy Olivia loved to write, but she wasn't using her skills


for you. In any case, once you get used to acting on your

5. Be Open

joyful impulses, you'll be able to recognize them when they're prompting you toward a career change.

"When I went back to school, somehow I didn't 4. Baby Steps

realize that I'd be required to teach in order to finish the degree," Olivia says. "I thought it would

People do sometimes make quantum leaps forward, but most of us progress step-by-step. You may feel impatient as you go about making a career change, but by taking smaller steps, when you find yourself losing inspiration, you may be more willing to revise your goals to avoid another career rut. Do one small thing a day to inch you towards your goal (make a phone call, write an email, read an article online). By the end of the month, you will have done 30 things.

be horrible, but I didn't have a choice. I ended up teaching a creative writing workshop, and I loved it! I was totally shocked." Today, Olivia has her master's degree in creative writing and works parttime as a writing teacher -- a job she loves -- and she's making more money than she did at the

People form their first impression of you in the first four seconds! Maximize your natural attributes to create an instant bond with anyone you meet

Discover how to be your most irresistible self


by E. Quinn

You deserve to be well-compensated for your time and talents. When you are at work, you are devoting a part of your life to that job. Don't settle for low pay unless the job compensates you in other truly meaningful ways. If you believe in your own worth, you'll gravitate towards work that pays you well


The Interactive Approach to Doing a Presentation - Virginia Avery Even if you are already an engaging presenter, add more audience participation. It will help the people you're talking to remember more of your content. Here are some ways to add variety and help people remember the important points that you are trying to make. They are especially effective in a learning or problem-solving situation

1. Ask open-ended questions. 2. Show large colourful props to illustrate your point.

3. Use humour derived from the situation.

5. Try a creative approach. At a business meeting where participants were having difficulty explaining the trouble within the organization, the facilitator had them use a pencil to draw the problem on a piece of paper. This allowed everyone to see the problem clearly ... and opened the door to discussion.


Ask the attendees to help you come up with solutions by using their own knowledge. When people arrive at a conclusion themselves, they understand it and are more likely to remember it.

[Virginia Avery is a communications specialist who trains and

4. Tell stories

coaches businesspeople (including Michael Masterson) to make more profitable presentations. Virginia@AveryPresentations.com]

Eat right – exercise consistently STAY ON TRACK!


Enjoying Weight Loss by Dr Roberta Temes PhD


For Kids (and for the parents, teachers and anyone who is trying to bring out the best in the kids in their lives)

Parenting: Be A Golf Mentor By : Robert Partain

Kids Books

Golf can teach kids many valuable lessons. Unfortunately, it's harder for the younger generation to learn the game. This article tells you how you can be a golf mentor.

Kit's Wilderness by David Almond

How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell

The Demigod Files (A Percy Jackson and the Olympians Guide) by Rick Riordan

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"Only as high as I reach can I grow, Only as far as I seek can I go, Only as deep as I look can I see, Only as much as I dream can I be."

-- Karen Raven


Improve Your Attitude: How to Create New Brain Pathways Understanding your thought patterns and how the brain works provides a frame of reference for creating a healthy attitude, improving your self-esteem and boosting your confidence.

Brain Pathways The brain is made up of cells called neurons. These cells have nerve endings called synapses and dendrites. Nerve endings release chemical and electrical stimuli to communicate with each other. This communication forms neuro-pathways in the brain and is the basis for how the brain works. When you initially learn something the brain pathway or connection is weak. The more frequently you think a particular thought the stronger the pathway becomes, forming an automatic and eventually unconscious habit of thinking. This is called brain training. We'll use learning to ride a bicycle as an example of how brain pathways are formed. When you are first learning to ride a bicycle you must consciously pay attention to staying balanced, keeping your eyes on the road, holding onto the handlebars and steering in your desired direction. Then the more you practice, the stronger your bicycle riding pathways become. Eventually you are able to get on your bicycle and ride

without thinking. You're operating on automatic. A strong brain pathway, that coordinates all of the things you previously had to consciously focus your attention on, has been created. It is as though new brain software - bicycle riding software -- has been uploaded and is How Your Attitudes and Self-Esteem is Formed Your brain works the same way in forming your attitude and what you think about yourself. As a child your attitudes and thoughts about yourself are formed from the messages you've heard and believed from important and influential people in your life -- you parents, siblings, teachers, friends, etc... For example, if you were continually made fun of by classmates and not invited to play with them when you were a child, you have probably developed a negative attitude and low self-esteem thought pattern regarding friends and social situations. As a result, as an adult, obsessive thinking, reflecting these thought patterns and brain pathways, may automatically surface in social gatherings where you experience anxiety, fear and nervousness based on thoughts like:

• People don't like me. • I was only invited because they had to. • Nobody's going to talk to me. • I don't know what to say. These beliefs, charged with emotional energy and acted on with conviction are what we call your dominant thought pattern or dominant attitude. They operate on automatic, like a habit, and are the thoughts that trigger, consciously and unconsciously your feelings and reactions to the circumstances of your life.seamlessly operating in your mind. Good News: Thought Patterns Can Be Changed! When you become aware of your attitude and beliefs -what you are thinking and feeling, you can choose and practice creating new brain pathways by consciously choosing and developing new thoughts and behaviors. With practice, your new thoughts will become your dominate thoughts replacing old patterns of thinking and attitudes.


Creating New Brain Pathways -- How to Do It

Step 1: Awareness - All change begins with awareness. Awareness describes a state of consciousness in which you are alert and awake. Awareness allows you to: • Notice your thoughts, feelings, word and actions. • Identify your attitude and beliefs. • Determine if your dominant brain pathways support your dreams and goals. Practice: Focus your attention on the present moment: • What do you see? Hear? Smell? Taste? Feel? • What thoughts are you thinking? • Remember you can always become aware of which brain pathway is operating by actively listening to your self-talk. Step 2: Choice - Choice is the act of making a decision: consciously choosing the thoughts and feelings that support a healthy attitude and your goals and dreams. Awareness partnered with choice allows you to: • Accept responsibility for your thoughts. • Be empowered to make conscious choices that support your desired result. • Understand and use the creative power always available in the present moment to support your dreams and goals. Practice: Make the choice to become aware your thoughts: • Choose and attitude or goal you desire. • Make a list of the thoughts, feelings, words and actions that nourish your attitude or goal. • Read your list at least twice a day -- when you wake in the morning and before you go to sleep at night.

Step 3: Change - Change is where the rubber meets the road, where you put into practice the choices you have made, transforming your thoughts and feelings regarding your attitude and goals. This does not mean there won't be times when you are confronted with your fears of failure or success, or that you won't, on occasion, question your ability to succeed. What it does mean is that as soon as you notice sabotaging brain pathways running your life you will: • Be awake to your feelings. • Identify your thoughts. • Shift your attention to thoughts, feelings, words and action that directly support your dreams. Practice: Have and new thought and change your thinking whenever you notice you are sabotaging your desired result: • Use your list, you made in Step 2 Choice, whenever you notice that sabotaging brain pathways are operating. • Acknowledge yourself for noticing your brain pathways and re-focusing your attention on what you desire.

©2010 Susyn Reeve & Joan Breiner. Joan Breiner & Susyn Reeve have transformed their lives by using particular tools and techniques. They know that maintaining a positive attitude starts with making a conscious choice and then using the information, exercises, worksheets and Daily Inspirations, on their site, to support you in developing and maintaining a positive attitude no matter what is going on in your life. They co-founded http://www.CelebrateAHero.com - a website to celebrate the special people in your life by making personalized gift books. Susyn is the co-creator of http://www.WithForgiveness.com and the author of Choose Peace & Happiness, The Gift of the Acorn and WITH Forgiveness Personal E-Workbook.

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How to Stay Ahead of the Competition To succeed in today’s rapidly changing world you have to focus more on competitors, and less on executing your old success formula. You have to be part of disrupting and changing markets in order to compete effectively. Here are my top ten tips to stay ahead of the competition: Develop more future scenarios. Too many businesses spend their time thinking about what they did last week/month/year when they should instead be thinking about what they need to do tomorrow. Instead of spending hours analyzing prior results, put that energy into developing future market scenarios, looking for potential shifts, and identifying how you can upend competitors. 2. Obsess about competitors. Spend less time thinking about what you want to do and more time thinking about how competitors can, and will, hurt you. Your execution is probably better than you think, but if your strategies and tactics aren’t focused on dealing with competitor actions, then you can’t make more money. Most problems are created by competitors that require you to adjust what you do, not how well you do it. 3. Study fringe competitors. Ignoring upstart rivals is expensive—just ask bankrupt newspapers what the cost was of ignoring Google and Craigslist. Fringe competitors show you how to use new technologies, new solutions and new business models to change the marketplace, and how to reposition yourself for growth. 1.

8. Run lots of tests. Planning and forecasting are Attack your organizational lockins. Businesses get locked-in to and repeat their dramatically overrated. Too often they lead to behavior. But repeating behavior, not matter trying fewer ideas because of the pre-action how successful, allows competitors to predict overhead. Recognize that it is impossible to your moves, and makes you an easy target. predict the impact in competitive markets. Attack those things that keep you stuck in your Instead, get in the marketplace and do it. Try ways so you become a moving, less predictable things. Spend money on tests, and use test target. feedback to adjust and compete better. Let tests 5. Seek disruptions. If you always do what you’ve pull you into doing what the market values, and always done, you won’t ever do anything new. what competitors don’t offer. Intentionally disrupt the way you do things so 9. Acquire lots of outside advice. People inside you will try new and different approaches. This your business are too focused on execution to will open your organization to new growth see most market changes. Better execution opportunities. always looks like the answer to any problem. 6. Don’t ask customers for insight. Customers Outsiders can point out what the market is mostly tell you that they want better, faster, and looking for and how you should adjust to be a cheaper. They won’t tell you what competitors stronger competitor. are doing to make breakthrough improvements. 10. Target your actions at competitors. Look for Nor will they tell you when they are evaluating how your competitors are locked in, and attack new solutions that you don’t offer. Following them in ways they cannot respond. Don’t just do customer advice further locks you into the old what you want to do, take actions intended to business and leaves you wide open to hurt your competitor. Never miss an opportunity competitor attack. to ruin your competitor’s day. 7. Avoid cost cutting. Cutting costs weakens your Adam Hartung is CEO of SparkPartners and is an entrepreneur and ability to execute and eliminates resources to do author. His book, Create Marketplace Disruption, explains how to new things. It makes you weaker. Smart compete profitably in today’s rapidly shifting marketplace. You can competitors recognize the opportunity to pounce read more at Adam’s blog and follow him on Twitter at Adam_Hartung. on customers and steal business during market weakness. 4.


"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." — Winston S. Churchill

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