Mtc graphic standards guide 13

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graphic STANDARDS GUIDE for Meridian Technology Center

purpose & policy

GRAPHIC STANDARDS GUIDE | Meridian Technology Center

Introduction PURPOSE This manual contains important guidelines for the application of Meridian’s corporate identity to the various printed materials of Meridian Technology Center. Staff, students or student organizations wishing to use the Meridian logo need to receive permission from the Marketing Department before use. Allow two days for approval. The Marketing Department will be happy to provide a copy of the logo when used appropriately. Meridian’s name created the opportunity and need to establish a coordinated identification program in which all of operations can be linked visually by the Meridian Technology Center corporate signature. This signature consists of two elements, the symbol “A” and the logotype “B.” The purpose of this manual is to guide the user in the application of this corporate signature for stationary and general service material used throughout the organization. Adherence to the principles stated in this manual will build the image of Meridian Technology Center in the minds of key audiences. A program of this nature will be a continuing project. Therefore, this manual will be updated periodically and all persons assigned a manual will be responsible for keeping it current. The manual cannot cover every design situation that may occur in the application of the signature. When a question of application or style arises that is not answered by the standards set forth in the manual contact: Director, Communications and Marketing 1312 South Sangre Road | Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074-1899 Tel: (405) 377-3333 | Fax: (405) 377-9604

Meridian Technology Center | GRAPHIC STANDARDS GUIDE

Identity Overview COMPONENTS The look and feel of the Meridian Technology Center identity is determined by two basic components: color and typography. These elements have been


carefully designed and selected to project a coherent and meaningful image of Meridian Technology Center. Application throughout a wide variety of media,


from grant applications to signage, will ensure the continued strength of Meridian’s visual presence.

THE LOGO The identity, comprised of a logomark and logotype, conveys the vitality of Meridian Technology Center. Proper and improper use of the Meridian Technology Center logo are discussed later in this guide.

COLOR The primary colors of the Meridian Technology Center logo are Pantone® 300 and black. For specifics on color usage in the logo as well as other options in Meridian’s color palette see the Color Logo Configurations section in this guide. PANTONE® 300 U

LOGOTYPE The logotype refers to the Merdian Technology Center typeface. It is a computer-modified variation of the Eras type family. Since it has been modified do not attempt to set it in type, but use a reproduction proof from the logo sheet, photographically enlarging or reducing it as required.

GRAPHIC STANDARDS GUIDE | Meridian Technology Center


Logo Variations To accommodate various application situations, four versions of the corporate signature have been developed.





1312 South Sangre Road Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074-1899 Tel: 405 377-3333 Fax: 405 377-9604

Meridian Technology Center | GRAPHIC STANDARDS GUIDE

Unacceptable Logo Variations SAMPLES OF MISUSE These samples demonstrate how the Meridian Technology Center logo should never appear. Always use the official reproduction artwork provided by the Marketing Department.

Do not distort the logo.

Do not reproduce the logo in any non-official colors.

Meridian Technology Center The signature components should not be separated and repositioned.

The logotype should not be reproduced over backgrounds that are overpowering or distracting.

GRAPHIC STANDARDS GUIDE | Meridian Technology Center

The logotype should not be configured with a font that is not official.

Do not “wallpaper� the logomark.

Minimum Safe Area for Signature MINIMUM LOGO SIZE Maintaining this minimum size will ensure legibility of the logomark and readability of the logotype. This minimum size of 5/8” wide is intended only for use in situations where the Meridian Technology Center logo is appearing as a “footnote” (ie, as a sponsor’s logo on an advertisement or handbill). For other logo applications including forms and promotions, etc., keep the logo above


3/4” in width.



Margin is the clear space around the logo that is free from any other text or graphic element. Adequate margin prominently stages the logo and enhances


the supporting typography and imagery used in all applications. In general, the objective is to provide as much clear space as possible. Minimum clear space around the logo is 1/4”.

Meridian Technology Center | GRAPHIC STANDARDS GUIDE

Color Logo Configurations The continued success of the logo depends largely on the correct use of the color. The examples below demonstrate the preferred color system.

LOGO IN BLACK & WHITE The most common and flexible use of the logo will be in black and white. The logomark and logotype should be printed in black. The logo should not be screened.

LOGO IN COLOR It is generally preferred that the only portion of the logo that receives color is the logomark. Pantone速 300 is the preferred color for the logo.

LOGO OVER COLOR If the logo appears over color fields, the logo and/or logotype should be knocked out. Use the logo that best stands out on the background (Keep in mind that even in a full-color piece, it may be the black and white logo). When necessary, knock out the entire logo.

GRAPHIC STANDARDS GUIDE | Meridian Technology Center

Official Color Palette


Pantone 300

Pantone Process Black


C 100%

C 0%

M 44%

M 0%

Y 0%

Y 0%

K 0%

K 100%


R 0

R 0%

G 121

G 0%

B 193

B 0%

PMS, Pantone Matching System, PANTONE速 is a registered trademark of Pantone Inc.

Meridian Technology Center | GRAPHIC STANDARDS GUIDE

logos & wordmarks

GRAPHIC STANDARDS GUIDE | Meridian Technology Center

Co-BRANDING When using another logo affiliated with Meridian, such as the Center for Business Development, Business and Industry Services or a student organization logo such as FCCLA, co-brand it with the Meridian logo. When paired with the Meridian Technology Center logo, affiliated logos will draw on its strength, longevity and recognizability. To maintain an easily recognizable corporate identity, new departmental logos should not be created. Campaign themes and identity marks for promoting events may be created.



Example of wordmark co-branded with Meridian Technology Center logo.

Meridian Technology Center | GRAPHIC STANDARDS GUIDE

templates & format

GRAPHIC STANDARDS GUIDE | Meridian Technology Center

Stationary Package Letterhead, business cards and envelopes are available in the configuration shown below, personalized with relevant information.

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Sangre Ro

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Fax: 405



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Title of Emplo

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1312 South Sangre Road Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074-1899 Tel: (405) 377-3333 Fax: (405) 377-9604

We provide customized education and training services for individuals, industries and communities.

Meridian Technology Center | GRAPHIC STANDARDS GUIDE

Margin and Letterhead Format Please use the following margin specifications when composing a letter on Meridian Technology Center letterhead. Body copy should be 11 point Times New Roman.


March 27, 2013 Recipient 1312 S. Sangre Rd. Stillwater, OK 74074

Dear Sir,

Align body of letter with logotype

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Sender Title Extension Email

1312 South Sangre Road Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074-1899

1.5 ” We provide customized education and training services for individuals, industries and communities.

GRAPHIC STANDARDS GUIDE | Meridian Technology Center

Tel: (405) 377-3333 Fax: (405) 377-9604


Meridian Technology Center 1312 South Sangre Road Stillwater, OK 74074 405-377-3333 @MeridianTech MeridianTechCenter @MeridianTech

Last revision 6/17/2013

NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT It is the policy of Meridian Technology Center to provide equal opportunities without regard to sex/gender, age, race, marital status, religion, color, national origin, disability, or veteran status in the operation of its educational services, recruitment, admissions, financial aids, or employment practices. Inquiries concerning application of this policy may be referred to Schelina Burnett, Coordinator of Title IV, VI, VII, IX/504/ADA responsibilities, Meridian Technology Center, 1312 South Sangre Road, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074-1899, 405.377.3333. Meridian Technology Center | GRAPHIC STANDARDS GUIDE


made Meridian Technology Center 1312 South Sangre Road | (405) 377-3333

GRAPHIC STANDARDS GUIDE | Meridian Technology Center

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