PMS 300 blue for uncoated surfaces
PMS 294 blue for coated surfaces
2010 - 2015
Strategic Plan
The Planning Process The strategic planning process at Meridian Technology Center was a campus-wide effort, with the goal of developing long-term aims for Meridian to reach by 2015. This strategic plan will ensure that Meridian’s resources and time are focused in the most critical areas for organizational success. Meridian’s values served as an area of focus during the planning process to ensure we are meeting the needs of the individuals, industries and communities we serve. Work groups met regularly to provide feedback and input in the planning process. Leaders are assigned to each performance measure to ensure that the plan stays on target, with a review of the plan to take place annually. Employees from across campus will be asked to join team leaders. The major aims are campus-wide targets that all employees at Meridian are charged with contributing to in order to ensure their success.
We provide customized education and training services for individuals, industries and communities.
Meridian Technology Center strives to be recognized and respected as an engaging environment that fosters relationships for success.
Values excellence
Strivi ng
innovation integrity
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Aims To make a measurable difference in client and student success Goal 1: Increase employers’ satisfaction with graduate performance Performance Measure 1: Conduct an annual employer satisfaction survey Performance Measure 2: Conduct an annual graduate satisfaction survey and a five-year graduate survey
Goal 2: Meridian full-time students will be career and college ready Performance Measure 1: 80% of students are career major completer Performance Measure 2: 80% of adult students without a high school diploma or GED will be working toward a high school equivalency degree while enrolled at Meridian Performance Measure 3: 100% of secondary students earn a high school diploma or GED Performance Measure 4: 80% of students demonstrate college readiness Performance Measure 5: 50% of students will be qualified for the advanced distinction/designation
Goal 3: Meridian customized programs and services contribute to client profitability Performance Measure 1: 100% of customized programs and services have pre-determined measurable outcomes Performance Measure 2: 80% of initiatives meet or exceed desired outcomes
Goal 4: Ensure that short-term training contributes to the individual’s personal and professional growth Performance Measure 1: Collect student expectations pre- and post-class for 100% of programs Performance Measure 2: Increase the percentage of repeat enrollments by 5% Performance Measure 3: Increase the percentage of new enrollments by 5%
Goal 5: Increase the number of businesses served Performance Measure: Increase the business and industry penetration rate by 5% each year
To exceed the value of each community’s investment Goal 1: Increase Meridian’s presence in partner communities Performance Measure 1: Increase presence in district communities by 25% each year Performance Measure 2: By June 2013 create a community council to develop and implement strategies to increase Meridian’s presence in district communities
To ensure a “best place� to work culture
To maximize resources for fiscal and operational effectiveness
Goal 1: Use the Best Place to Work survey annually Performance Measure 1: By June 2013 create baseline data Performance Measure 2: Each year implement strategies to continually improve survey results
Goal 1: Develop a long-range unified campus plan Performance Measure 1: Campus plan will be developed by June 2013 Performance Measure 2: Campus plan will be reviewed and updated annually
Goal 2: Develop a preventive maintenance plan by June 2012 and update the plan annually Goal 3: Create a school-wide culture of energy conservation Performance Measure 1: Create a committee to determine strategies for energy conservation Performance Measure 2: Develop and implement a conservation plan that targets a reduction in utility usage by at least 2.5 to 5% each year
Goal 4: Increase revenue through grant applications Performance Measure 1: Achieve a 75% increase in grant applications by June 2015 Performance Measure 2: At least 10% of staff will apply for grants on an annual basis
Goal 5: To embrace continuous improvement Performance Measure 1: Annually identify and analyze at least five cost centers for fiscal effectiveness
To embrace continuous improvement Goal 1: Annually review and revise the strategic plan Goal 2: Continue implementation of Tech Centers That Work and Business Excellence Goal 3: Strengthen the business and education council structure Performance Measure 1: By August 1, 2012, create a business and education council guidebook Performance Measure 2: Each year report to each business and industry council what their recommendations were the previous year and how Meridian implemented or researched the feasibility of implementation
Goal 4: Proactively identify and implement innovative services to better meet the needs of individuals, industries and communities Performance Measure 1: Visit at least two out-of-state sites per year Performance Measure 2: Conduct at least one visioning session per year through the assistance of an innovative third-party facilitator