AEPS-3 HELPS YOU: • Collect essential assessment data and use it across your key tasks • Track and support emerging skills • Link assessment data to a tiered curriculum • Pick up small increments of progress • Actively involve families • Strengthen school readiness
Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System for Infants and Children (AEPS®-3) Third Edition By Diane Bricker, Ph.D., Carmen Dionne, Ph.D., Jennifer Grisham, Ed.D., JoAnn (JJ) Johnson, Ph.D., Marisa Macy, Ph.D., Kristine Slentz, Ph.D., & Misti Waddell, M.S., with Ching-I Chen, Ph.D., & Naomi Rahn, Ph.D.
Is every young child you work with making real progress? With AEPS®-3, early childhood programs will reimagine their practices and do better for the children and families they serve. That’s because AEPS-3 delivers on the promise of other early childhood tools: it gives you the most accurate, useful child data and a proven way to turn data into action across everything you do. Goal setting, IFSP/IEP development, classroom teaching and intervention, progress monitoring, family communication—it’s all integrated in the AEPS-3 linked system, to support collaboration and help you reach your goals.
Special Introductory Price! ORDER THE AEPS-3 COMPLETE KIT: Includes 5 volumes (User’s Guide, Assessment, Beginning Curriculum, Growing Curriculum, Ready Curriculum), two 5-packs of the Child Observation Data Form, 10-pack of the Family Report, 10-pack of the Ready-Set, a pack of 9 Quick Reference Guides, and a USB with all AEPS-3 forms in English and Spanish. $499.00 | Stock #: 21206-55187 | November 2021
Components also available separately; see
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