Junior High
Ms. Beth Lindsay | Principal Brookwood Junior High School
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to
Happy New Year! Looking Forward To A Positive & Productive 2nd Semester!
change the world. --Harriet Tubman
(708) 758-5350
Brookwood Junior High School Ms. Beth Lindsay | Principal
200 E Glenwood-Lansing Road Glenwood,IL 60425
BUILDING A CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE... What does the research tell us about the impact parent involvement has on student achievement?
Help Your Child Explore College Education and Career Options--It’s Not Too Early!
The more intensely parents are involved, the more beneficial the achievement effects -Cotton, K. School Improvement Research;
Parent involvement leads to higher grades, test scores, and graduation
Junior High is not too early for students to begin exploring their career and educational options;
Have frequent conversations and encourage your child
to continue his/her education after high school. Most
Parent involvement leads to better school attendance;
careers today require education and/or training beyond
Parent involvement leads to increased motivation and better self-
high school;
esteem -Epstein, J., 1995. Research on Parent Involvement; •
Parent involvement has a greater impact on student achievement than SES/income level;
excellence is a by-product of interest; •
Parent involvement can close the achievement gap between high SES/ income and low SES/income students. -Keith, T. & Keith, P. (1993). School Psychology Review.
Tips for Parents: •
Pay close attention to weekly folders and communication from school;
Read frequently with your child and encourage non-fiction, as well as fictional reading;
Play math games with your child to support development of math fluency;
Review homework for accuracy and completion;
Contact the school if you need additional resources for your child or if you think your child needs additional help;
Watch documentary programs with your child, using the closed-captioning features so your child is able to view the text;
Observe your child and stay engaged because there will be changes in how your child learns and new materials may be unfamiliar;
Encourage and challenge your child to learn;
Visit the state education department’s website to see the standards and how they are being implemented (ISBE);
Ask your child questions about what he/she is learning.
Help your child pursue his/her own interests… Remember For more information on helping your child plan and prepare for a career, go to www.mappingyourfuture.org.
Parent Involvement/Home Connections: Supporting Learning and Achievement at Home. •
Study Island
ISBE - PARCC Practice Items
Electronic Book Shelf
Various Educational Websites
Mathia X
5 Essentials Parent Survey
Study Island Blue Ribbon Contest
It’s not too late to submit your survey. The survey gathers data related
Encourage Your Child To Use Study Island At Home
to five indicators that can predict important student outcomes,
Student Goal = (30) Blue Ribbons
including improved attendance and larger test score gains. These (5) five indicators that affect and predict school success are: •
E f f e c t i v e • Leaders
Collaborative • Teachers
S u p p o r t i v e • Environments
Ambitious Instruction
I n v o l v e d Families
If at least 20 percent of parents complete this survey, we can receive a report on the responses and use the information to guide school improvement plans.
Our students have access to a great resource for preparing our kids for the state standardized tests. We have purchased a building license for a web-based program called [Study Island], which is accessible to students from school or home. If you have Internet access, your child can access Study Island from home as well as during our after-school tutoring program to prepare for the state assessments. Every student has his or her own username and password. I encourage you to develop a schedule at home that requires your child to complete a set amount of hours/lessons each week.
The Illinois 5Essentials Survey will end on 1/31/18.
Scripps Spelling Bee
To take the survey visit: https://survey.5-essentials.org/Illinois/
BJHS will be participating in the Scripps National Spelling Bee!
and select the appropriate survey to begin.
All students will be participating in their classroom spelling bee! The
Student Attendance Is Important
winners of the classroom spelling bees will advance to the final school
As we begin the New Year, we ask all parents to make sure that
district spelling bee.
spelling bee. The winners of the school spelling bee will advance to the
their child attends school each day. School attendance is extremely important for the success of the student. Please make sure that every effort is made to ensure that your child arrives to school on time and misses only when absolutely necessary. If your child is
For more information go to: http://spellingbee.com/ This site contains more information and tips!
late to school or needs to miss due to an illness or an appointment,
Brookwood School District 167 will hold the Annual Spelling Bee at
please make sure you call the school. This call should be made each
Brookwood Middle School on January 26, 2018.
day your child is going to be absent from either all or part of the day. Attendance and success at school go hand-in-hand.
EVENTS... If there is no struggle, there is no progress. --Frederick Douglass
January 1-7
January 8
- School Resumes - Black History Writing Project Begins - BOE Meeting 7 P.M. - 5 Essential Student Surveys
January 9
- PBIS Meeting
- Boys BB Game - Home - Chess Tournament - Home - 5 Essential Student Surveys
January 10
- Bloom High School Placement Testing - Boys BB Game - Away - Girls Volleyball Game - Home - Spelling Bee Meeting - Map Winter Benchmark Begins - Math 180 Training - 5 Essential Student Surveys
January 11
- Faculty Meeting 7:45 A.M. - Boys BB Game | Chess Tnmt. - Away - Girls Volleyball Game - Home - 5 Essential Student Surveys
January 16
- School Spelling Bee - Wrestling Meet - Home - SSJHSA BB Tournaments - 5 Essential Student Surveys
January 17
- Crisis Drill for Faculty - SSJHSA Speech Festival - Carnegie Math Coaching - SSJHSA BB Tournaments - 5 Essential Student Surveys
January 18
- Peer Mediation Student Training
January 19
- SSJHSA BB Tournaments - Carnegie Math Coaching - Girls Volleyball Game - Home - STEAM PLC - Tri-District Leaders Meeting
- Advisory: Social Emotional
Wellness - PBIS Monthly Celebration Activity
January 22
- Special Ed. Collaboration Mtg. - Girls VB Game - Home
January 12
- Report Card Pick-Up - Advisory: Social Emotional Wellness - 5 Essential Student Surveys
January 23
- Chess Tournament - Away - Wrestling Tournament - Away - Girls VB Game - Away
January 15
January 24
- Girls VB Game - Away - PTO Teacher Meeting - Read 180/System 44 Coaching
January 25
- Parent Cafe - Peer Mediation Student Training - Read 180/System 44 Coaching
January 26
- Advisory: Social Emotional Wellness - District Spelling Bee
January 29
- Boys VB - Away - Girls VB - Home - New Teacher/Mentor Meeting - Wrestling Meet Away
January 30
- Boys VB - Home - Girls VB - Away
January 31
- NWEA MAP Winter Benchmark Ends