Our school will host our “Black History Wax Museum” on
Thursday, February 29, 2024. Times are 2:15 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. We hope you can join us to see our students reenact famous African American Historical figures.
dR. MuRiel McclaM-holliMon | PRinciPal
200 Glenwood-lansinG Road
Glenwood, il 60425
Please use extreme caution when dropping off and picking up your children. The speed limit is five (5) mph on school grounds. Watch for children exiting and entering vehicles. Please yield to buses dropping off and picking up. We thank you for helping us to keep all students safe.
“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”
--Albert Einstein
February 2024 and the New Year are starting GREAT! It is hard to believe how fast time is moving. Our students completed the 2nd Quarter of school on January 18th, and we are now working on our 3rd Quarter. I want to encourage families to talk with your students about their grades and any missing assignments. As a reminder, Paper Tutoring is a resource that can be used at home to help students with their assignments.
On February 15, 2024, we will have Parent teacher cOnFerences the times are 10:00 a m tO 6:30 P m we hOPe FOr 100% Parent attendance iF yOu cannOt attend, Please get in tOuch with yOur student ’ s teachers thrOugh class dOjO and make arrangements FOr a Future cOnFerence we cOntinue tO stress that everyOne cOnnects with class dOjO sO that yOu are receiving imPOrtant messages FrOm teachers and my OFFice.
Please encourage your children to dress according to the weather and wear a warm coat, hat, and gloves. We are looking forward to another awesome month of establishing routines, building relationships with our students, and watching students create friendships among their peers.
I can be reached at the school number (708) 758-5350, by email
challenged to the highest level of academic and artistic excellence.
• In the importance of staff development opportunities based on best practices and educational research.
• In educating our children in a safe and nurturing environment with access to state-of-the-art technology.
• Families shape their children’s motivation, confidence, and academic success by being interested and involved in their overall development.
• All students are unique and should be
• The school system should teach students to think critically, enabling them to become contributing citizens in our global society.
• In continuous improvement in all aspects of the school system to foster a culture of excellence, accountability, and integrity.
• In responsible stewardship of financial and physical resources.
“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.” --Vince Lombardi excellence... PoTenTial...
Brookwood School District 167, in partnership with parents and the community, will create a learning environment where all students excel at becoming lifelong learners and decisionmakers.
1. Providing students with highly qualified teachers
2. Providing our staff with Professional Development
“Whatever you want to do, if you want to be great at it, you have to love it and be able to make sacrifices for it.” --Maya
AngelouOur overall vision is to improve the achievement of all students, regardless of race, socio-economic status, gender, or ability levels (disabilities). We share the accountability of student achievement throughout the school. We believe in using research-based practices to achieve our goals. We promote school and community involvement because we believe that these partnerships help us meet the needs of all of our students.
To report absences, please call the attendance line at (708) 757-2110, Option (1). Please call the school before 8:30 a.m. to report your child’s absence.
Please leave The FollowinG inFoRMaTion:
• Student’s full name with the spelling of the last name
• Reason for absence/tardy/early release
• Your name and relationship to the student
• Please call the main number (708) 758-5350 at least 45 minutes PRIOR to early dismissal.
For your student to be EXCUSED, you must sign them in and out in the main office, or their absence will be marked as unexcused.
Official attendance will be reported every morning at 9:00 a.m. If your child joins a teacher’s classroom late, they will be marked tardy in PowerSchool, and you will be notified through the Principal’s Class dojo.
Healthy communication between the school and home is essential, and we are working to provide numerous ways for this vital communication. To help suppress paper usage, we will continue providing information using digital communication as much as possible.
We encourage you to do the folloWing to help uS communicate With you:
• School and District Website -
• Timberwood News - Weekly school newsletter that will be sent home on Fridays
• ClassDojo - It is essential that you sign up for the Principal’s ClassDojo. If you have not already joined, an invitation will be sent to you during the first week of school. To join, you will need either your phone number or email address.
• A phone call or an email is an efficient way to communicate with your child’s teacher. Please remember that our teachers are with students throughout the day and will return the call/email as soon as possible. At times, this may be the next school day.
if my child iS Sick, When Should i keep them home?
If a child has any symptoms listed below, they should stay home in the morning or go home if these symptoms first occur at school.
When a child can return to School iS baSed on the Specific Symptom they have:
• Fever of 100.4 or higher
• New onset of moderate to severe headache
• Shortness of breath, new cough, sore throat
• Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea
• Abdominal pain from unknown cause
• New congestion/runny nose
• New loss of sense, taste or smell
• Fatigue from unknown cause
• Muscle or body aches
if you anSWered “yeS”...
If you answered “YES” to any of the sympthons, your child MUST stay home!
Please call the school to report your child’s absence (708) 758-5252 (Option 1).
One precaution to help stop the spread of germs is to not share personal items. Some of these include water bottles, lip balms, hats, hairbrushes, and EarPods. These items should only be used by the individual who they belong to.
If you need to come into the school for any reason, you will need to have a current Driver’s License that will be checked in our Raptor Security System.
Raptor® provides a line of sight as to who is always in our school.
The system provides school and District-wide reporting for all visitors, volunteers, and contractors that have signed in/ out of our buildings.
This is important for safety reasons.
To ensure that our students excel academically, they must attend school daily and be on time. When students are tardy, they miss valuable instruction, primarily in reading and language arts. Attendance will be tied into our school’s PBIS expectations, in which students can earn rewards and participate in fun activities.
When your child must be absent or picked up early, please inform the front office. Our number is 708-758-5350.
Spelling bee participantS
• Maame Diondo (5th)
• Frederick Brunson, Jr. (5th)
• *Kyeren Green (6th)
• Neriah Betts (6th)
Congratulations to Kyeren green for winning the Middle sChool spelling Bee!
we had a great turnout! faMilies froM every sChool in our distriCt partiCipated.
“let’s talK aBout Bullying!”
gaMes with Mrs. CoBBs, assistant prinCipal
Once again, our Superintendent and Board of Education have decided to provide our students with a set of school supplies to use at school and a set to use at home!
If your child needs any additional resources or supplies for any of their classes, please get in touch with our school office at (708) 758-5350, so we can help provide them with all necessary and needed materials.
If your child is having any technology problems connecting to their teacher’s Google Classroom, please get in touch with our help desk at (708) 300-3553 or email our help desk
Please leave a detailed message with your name, child’s name, phone number, and the issue you are having with the device.
ClassDojo is a global community of more than 50 million teachers and families who come together to share kids’ most important learning moments, in school and at home —through photos, videos, messages, and more.
ClassDojo is a “FREE” app that helps build amazing classroom and school communities. Teachers give feedback to students for any skill, like “Working hard” and “Being curious.”
From the mobile app, parents view their child’s feedback, and can message directly with teachers and school leaders. Please join my ClassDojo so you can stay informed on what is happening at BROOKWOOD MIDDLE SCHOOL.
If you would like to join, please accept the invitation that we emailed to you or texted you, or contact the school at (708) 758-5350 or email, mhollimon@ All you will need to provide is your cell phone number or email address.
Kids have always learned together in physical spaces. Today, they learn in virtual spaces, too. Now that ClassDojo has connected a worldwide community of teachers, kids, and families, we’re building that virtual space for everyone...
As part of our PBIS Initiative at Brookwood Middle School, our teachers have been infusing a Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum into their daily routines. With a lesson focused on each week, this curriculum teaches our students important skills such as how to have empathy, emotion management, problem solving skills, friendship skills, and responsibility. The weekly focus for each lesson varies. Please talk with your child about these lessons, it will help to reinforce them at home! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s SEL teacher.
define, teach, and routinely acknowledge family expectations.
• Discuss how you want to live as a family and identify some “pillars” (important, building-block concepts) that represent what you value. Talk about what those pillars look and sound like in everyday routines. To help the family remember and be consistent, choose only 3-5 and create positive statements about them.
here are a feW exampleS:
• Speak in a respectful voice.
• Be responsible for actions.
• Be safe; keep hands, feet, and objects to self.
• Identify a couple of “hot spots” to begin. Challenging behaviors often occur within routines. Perhaps mornings or mealtimes create hot spots for the family. After discussing 1-2 ways to be Respectful, Responsible, and Safe in the morning, teach what each looks like. Have fun with it! Set up “expectation stations” for practicing the plan and assign each family member one pillar to teach to the rest.
• Behaviors that get attention get repeated. Notice when a child does the right thing and say something about each success: “I noticed you stopped to pick up your shoes in the hallway. Thanks for putting them away and keeping the walkway safe for others.” The easiest way to change a behavior is to point out what a person does right!
• Remember this catchy phrase, “5-and-1 gets it done” to ensure five positive interactions for each negative interaction. When the expected behavior becomes routine, the reinforcement can fade away.
create engaging and predictable routines.
• Children crave structure and routine. Adults may look forward to a relaxing evening or weekend, but kids often need regular activity and engagement. Consider that either the kids are busy, or the adults are busy managing bored kids!
• Use visuals to create predictability. A visual schedule can display major routines of the day with pictures that are drawn, real photos or cut-outs from magazines. Create the schedule together, if possible. Parents can ask a child to check the schedule – especially when moving from a preferred to non-preferred activity. It’s hard to argue with a picture!
All Brookwood Middle School teachers use an online grading system called PowerSchool that they update every Thursday.
We encourage you to check your child’s progress regularly. This program is entirely confidential; therefore, you will need an access username and password to see your child’s progress.
If you need your username and/or password, please get in touch with the school office at (708) 758-5350. A PowerSchool app for your cellular phone makes it easy for parents to stay updated on their child’s progress.
Champions is a Before & AfterSchool Care Program available to our Brookwood families. Please get in touch with Champions as soon as you can to secure your spot.
Space is limited.
Champions Family Support
Phone: (800) 246-2154
Thursday, February 15th, 2024 | 10:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
If you wish to discuss your child’s progress, teachers will be available during the times listed. You do not need an appointment to attend. If you would like a specific time, don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teachers through Class Dojo, email, or by calling the school at (708) 758-5350.
Conferences should average about 10-15 minutes; accommodations will be made by the teacher if more time is needed (The last conference time can be honored as late as 6:15 p.m.). Students are encouraged to attend with their parents!
Parents, Parent/Teacher Conferences are welcome anytime throughout the school year. We welcome and encourage parent involvement and partnerships. We must work together for the success of every child.
Gospel Choir
Timber Talks
Student Council
Violin Club
Science Club
Art Club (6th - Grade)
Academic Enrichment
Gospel Choir
Band (Brass)
Academic Enrichment
Band (Woodwinds)
Chess Club
Volleyball Camp
Art Club (5th - Grade)
Academic Enrichment
Violin Club
our 6th grade StudentS are participating in Some SportS at bJhS, come out to Support our teamS!
• We make a COMMITMENT to stand against bullying.
• We will treat others with RESPECT and KINDNESS.
• We will have the COMPASSION to not be a bully.
• We will have the COURAGE to not be a bystander.
• It is our RESPONSIBILITY to help others and to report bullying.