November 2017
Middle School NEWSLETTER
Mrs. Onquanette Pierce | Principal Brookwood Middle School
Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored. -Earl Nightingale
HELLO NOVEMBER!!! Parents, As we approach the end of the quarter, our first Parent/Teacher conference is almost here. Your student’s teacher will be available to address any concerns or questions that you might have at this point in the year. Please try your best to attend and take this opportunity to come into the school and review the progress of your child. We are embarking upon the Fall and Winter seasons with unpredictable temperatures. With that in mind, please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately to combat the weather. It is our suggestion that your child wear layers to help ensure that he or she is comfortable in class. Please be advised that coats, hats nor heavy jackets are to be worn inside the classroom. Students who wear any clothing that appear to be outerwear will be asked to remove the clothing and place it in their lockers. Keep Warm!
(708) 758-5350
Brookwood Middle School Mrs. Onquanette Pierce | Principal
200 E Glenwood-Lansing Road Glenwood,IL 60425
It’s that time of year again, the dreaded [Flu Season]! Parents I ask that you remember to please keep your child at home if he/ she is sick. We want to be proactive and ensure that we do not expose well students to contagious germs.
[Healthy Habits] are important. Studies have shown school children who wash their hands are 33% less likely to be absent from school and have 50% less sick days than their peers who do not wash their hands.
If your child is experiencing some or all of the flu symptoms listed below, we ask that you please consider if he/she is well enough to attend school.
We would like parents to encourage their children to wash their hands with soap and warm water or waterless hand sanitizer. It is also important to use tissue when possible to cover sneezes. If a tissue is not handy children can be taught to cough or sneeze into their elbow.
It’s not always easy to tell the difference between a cold and the flu, but here are some general symptoms that may help differentiate between them:
Remind your children to wash their hands or sanitize: •
When they get home
Sudden Onset
Slow Onset
High Fever
"NO" (or mild) fever
Severe Exhaustion
Mild Exhaustion
After playing
Severe or Hacking Cough
Usually "NO" head-
Whenever their hands are dirty/sticky
Dry Cough
Decreased Appetite
Muscle aches
Normal Appetite
Usually "NO" muscle aches
Sore Throat
If your child has the flu please do not send him/her to school for 24 hours after he/she is free from fever without medication. Please reinforce to your child the importance of good hygiene by covering the mouth when sneezing or coughing, proper disposal of nasal secretions, and frequent hand washing.
from school
After handling pets
After using the bathroom
After eating
After they cough or sneeze
Healthy Habits Include:
• • • • •
Hand washing; Staying away from sick people; Staying home if they have a temperature; Eating a good healthy diet; Getting plenty of rest and exercise.
Practicing healthy habits promotes optimal health!
Cold & Flu Season Is Here!
GOOD TO KNOW... AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES! After School Activities are off to a great start! If your child is interested, please fill out the permission slip and return to school office prior to attending activity.
“RED RIBBON WEEK” Our social worker Mrs. Johnson-James and Intern, Patrice Ellen would like to send a special [THANKS!] to the faculty, staff, students and parents for making our “Red Ribbon Week” a success!
November 3
Parent Café
10:00 A.M.
November 6
Picture Retake
November 9
Family Curriculum Night
November 17
School Wide Crisis Drill
and alcohol awareness, healthy
November 22-24
choices and avoiding peer pres-
6:00 P.M.
MR. RAB’S | DRAWINGS OF THE WEEK! Each week the art room has a theme and students can draw anything based on that theme. At the end of the week a winner is chosen and the winner is displayed in the art room window for the week. Every week there is a new theme. These are the winning drawings from our first six weeks here at BMS. 1) Isaac A.
2) Kayla M.
3) Jonathan G.
5) Liliana W.
6) Mary I.
7) Alex P.
The students learned about drug
4) Daniel C.
The students dressed each day for “Spirit Week” with different themes. The students also participated in a school wide poster contest with the theme of “Anti-Bullying”.