02 Drawing of the Week... Book Challenge... Safety First...
03 Social Worker Corner...
People Special To... Change Of Information
04 Events Calendar 05 Parent Portal Access...
After-School Activities Bookmobile Dates Useful Numbers
Mrs. Pierce, Principal | 200 E.Glenwood-Lansing Road, Glenwood, IL 60425 | (708) 758-5350
From The Principal... As we approach the end of the quarter, our first Parent/Teacher conference is almost here. Your student’s teacher will be available to address any concerns or questions that you might have at this point in the year. Please try your best to attend and take this opportunity to come into the school and review the progress of your child. We are embarking upon the fall and winter seasons with unpredictable temperatures. With that in mind, please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately to combat the
7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
School Hours
weather. It is our suggestion that your child wear layers to help ensure that he or she is comfortable in class. Please be advised that coats, hats nor heavy jackets are to be worn inside the classroom. Students who wear any clothing that appear to be outerwear will be asked to remove the clothing and place it in their lockers. Keep Warm!
Mrs. Pierce, Principal
Breakfast/ Lunch
Play, Learn and Grow... Together!
Mr. Rab’s Drawing of the Week CONGRATULATIONS!
Meet Your Goal Book Challenge...
Each week the art room has a theme and students can draw anything based on that theme. At the end of the week a winner is chosen and the winner is displayed in the art room window for the week. Every week there is a new theme. These are the winning drawings from our first six (6) weeks here at BMS.
Students will be able to register and set a personal goal. Directions will be given to students on how to log books that are read throughout the challenge.
• • • • •
The kick off of the “Meet Your Goal” Book Challenge is November 1st, 2018.
The challenge will conclude on April 18th, 2019.
Jonathan White Kayla Manzera Itzel Reyes DeKar Lozano Johnny Williamson
21 School Zone | Safety First...
chool Back-to-S Rules Bus Safety
as the the street me side of sa e th n o • Stand bus stop. d stay waiting an und while o ar y la p • Don’t ewalk. on the sid t to traffic. s. ind the bu • Be aler t of, not beh n o fr in k s wal e • Alway toward th e bus. Move the door th r fo sh ru us stops, • Don’t after the b okay to door only gives the r ve ri d e th d an s open board. and off getting on drail when an h e th • Hold the bus. ile the around wh p or walk u d an st • Never ng. bus is movi bus driver. s obey the • Alway
Parents / Guardians, please remember safety is our top priority at dismissal time. Please adhere to the following procedures for car rider pick up: Please enter on the driveway from Rhodes Street; Please stay in your car; Students will be dismissed and exit out of door #1; Keep your ears and eyes open for students.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Social Worker Corner Red Ribbon Week Parent(s)/Guardian(s), This has been a very eventful quarter for Brookwood Middle School. During Anti-Bullying Week, students learned about different kinds of bullying, as well as the importance of being an “Upstander�. Students were to learn strategies to stand up for their friends. They also created posters for a poster contest that allowed students to develop and illustrate their own anti-bullying messages. October 1st, Brookwood Students also joined schools across the nation and world by participating in [Blue-Up Day]. Wearing the color blue symbolized [students taking a stand against bullying]. During the week of October 22nd - 31st, students will celebrate [Red Ribbon Week]. Students will not only be learning the importance of being [drug-free], but will also be receiving information about how to stand up to peer pressure. Please ask students to show you the information that will be sent home which will create an opportunity for you to discuss the dangers of substance abuse with your child. As always, if you have any concerns, please let me know. Thank You! Ms. Rudder (708) 758-5350
24 Change Of Information
Grandparents/ People Special To Our Hearts Day!
Parents/Guardians are required to notify the school immediately of any changes in name, address, home, work or emergency telephone numbers; a change in the emergency contact person, changes in guardianship, etc. Any information that might be pertinent to school records or contacting parent/ guardian in case of an emergency.
Grandparents / People Special to our Hearts Day was a huge success. This was an exciting day where students were able to share their learning environment with special people in their lives. Students were able to have classroom time with their loved one as well as meet in the cafeteria for a special message from the Principal. We appreciate parent support and hope you enjoyed time and refreshments with your child.
We are off to a great start of the 2018-2019 school year. Our students have demonstrated their Mighty Timberwolf spirit with a positive attitude and an energetic spirit. As the staff of BMS works to keep you informed, here are a few reminders for upcoming events:
Nov 1st
No School | Parent/Teacher Conferences
Nov 2nd
Early Dismissal @ 11:30 a.m.
Nov 5th
BMS Picture Retake
Nov 9th
Honor Roll Celebration
Nov 12th
Board Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
Nov 14th
Parent University @ 6:00 p.m.
Forms can be returned any day of the week to the office prior
Nov 17th
School Wide Crisis Drill
to attending activity.
After School Activities are off to a great start for the 2018-
Nov 21st-23rd No School | Thanksgiving Break
2019 school year. If your child has not already done so, please have them browse the [Activity Catalog] for activities that interest them.
Please keep in mind students must maintain a “C� or better in all classes and not receive any discipline referrals in order to participate in after school activities.
Parent Portal Access Information… If you are new to Brookwood District 167 or cannot log in:
from grades 1-8 if needed. When completed, press the “Enter”
projects will take longer to assess and post
button on the bottom left hand corner of your current page.
depending on their size.
the school year (DO NOT just type in the access ID and
Note: Your Username and Password is unique to your child,
If you have questions regarding an assignment, you
Access Password on the main screen as it will not work).
please keep these logins confidential so that only you and
can always email the teacher.
Click on “Create an Account” the first time you login for
your child(ren) can access their information. Please go to the icon called [Email Notifications]
The portal will ask you to put in your name, email, and your password (you will be able to make up your own
This portal is a great way to discuss school and the classes
and set up any reports you would like to receive
user name and password for ease of use as well).
that your child is taking this year.
from the parent portal. You do not have to use this,
Next, complete the “Link Students To Your Account”
Grades are posted to the [Parent Portal] by the teachers.
section. Add your children(s) access ID and Access
The teacher’s grade book is a “snapshot” and does not
Password data from below. There is a limit of seven (7)
always accurately reflect the student’s overall progress or
If you have any questions or concerns regarding
children per login.
the PowerSchool Parent Portal, contact your child’s
Access ID: XXXX Access Password: XXXXX
Grades can have different values in weighting and will vary
but it’s a great way to have information sent to you on a weekly, biweekly or monthly basis.
school at (708) 758-5252. by particular courses. Please remember that all assignments Finally, continue adding other children from your family
will be put up as soon as possible by all teachers but some
Join the Principal’s and your child’s classroom community... TODAY!
After-School Activities... ALL students are expected to participate in extracurricular activities. We have no cuts for our sport teams, any student wanting to participate will make the team. We offer the following sports and clubs:
• Anime Club
• Student Council
• Yoga
• Band
• Volleyball*
• Girls Club
• Basketball*
• Gospel Choir
• Art Club
• Yearbook
• Craft Club
• Random Acts Of Kindness
• Cheerleading • Robotics
Glenwood-Lynwood Useful Bookmobile... Numbers The Glenwood-Lynwood Book Mobile will return to BMS on November 7th, 2018.
Please remember that last year’s library cards for the Book Mobile and the Glenwood Lynwood Public Library are [Obsolete].
School Office
Students have been given new applications that must be returned before the next upcoming visit.
LET’S GET READING!! Respectfully,
708 758 5350
MIDDLE SCHOOL 708 757 4528
708 758 5190 BROOKWOOD 167 FAX
708 757 2104
LINE 708 757 2110
Ms. Simmons, BMS Librarian
Any student planning on participating in a sport (*) must have a current physical on file.
5 REPORTING OF ABSENCE(S) Parents must call the school to report their child absent before 8:30 a.m. When calling, please identify yourself, give your child’s name, grade and reason for being absent. If you are aware at the time you are calling how long your child will be absent, please indicate the length of absence in your message.
BROOKWOOD MIDDLE SCHOOL F A C U LT Y & S T A F F 2 0 1 8 - 2 0 1 9
200 E. Glenwood-Lansing Road Glenwood, IL 60425 Phone
(708) 758-5350
(708) 757-4528