“Honoring Our Past, Celebrating Our Present, Fulling Our Future�
Fr i d a y, O c to b er 1 2 th, 2 0 1 8 9 : 0 0 a . m . - 11 : 0 0 a. m. Hi l t o n G a rd e n I nn ( J ac k son Dow n town ) 2 3 5 We s t Ca p itol S treet Jack s o n , M S , 3 9 2 0 1 2
“Honoring Our Past, Celebrating Our Present, Fulling Our Future”
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. De ce m b e r 4th , 1 9 0 6 Alpha Phi Alpha, the first intercollegiate Greek-letter fraternity established for African American Men, was founded at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York by seven college men who recognized the need for a strong bond of brotherhood among African descendants in this country. The visionary founders, known as the “Jewels” of the fraternity, are Henry Arthur Callis, Charles Henry Chapman, Eugene Kinckle Jones, George Biddle Kelley, Nathaniel Allison Murray, Robert Harold Ogle, and Vertner Woodson Tandy. The fraternity initially served as a study and support group for minority students who faced racial prejudice, both educationally and socially, at Cornell. The Jewel founders and early leaders of the fraternity succeeded in laying a firm foundation for Alpha Phi Alpha’s principles of scholarship, fellowship, good character, and the uplifting of humanity. Alpha Phi Alpha chapters were established at other colleges and universities, many of them historically black institutions, soon after the founding at Cornell. The first alumni chapter was established in 1911. While continuing to stress academic excellence among its members, Alpha also recognized the need to help correct the educational, economic, political, and social injustices faced by African Americans. Alpha Phi Alpha has long stood at the forefront of the African-American community’s fight for civil rights through leaders such as W.E.B. DuBois, Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., Edward Brooke, Martin Luther King, Jr., Thurgood Marshall, Andrew Young, William Gray, Paul Robeson, and many others. True to its form as the “first of firsts,” Alpha Phi Alpha has been interracial since 1945. Since its founding on December 4, 1906, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. has supplied voice and vision to the struggle of African Americans and people of color around the world.
“Honoring Our Past, Celebrating Our Present, Fulling Our Future”
He nr y Au thu r Call i s
H e nry C h ap m an
Eu ge ne K inckle Jone s
Henry Arthur Callis became a
Charles Henry Chapman entered
Eugene Kinckle Jones became the
higher education and eventually
first Executive Secretary of the
University Professor of Medicine
became Professor of Agriculture
National Urban League. His 20-
and prolific contributor to medical
at what is now Florida A&M
year tenure with the Urban League
journals. Often regarded as the
University. A university funeral was
thus far has exceeded those of all
“philosopher of the founders,” and
held with considerable Fraternity
his successors in office. A versatile
a moving force in the Fraternity’s
participation when he became the
leader, he organized the first three
development, he was the only one
first Jewel to enter Omega Chapter
Fraternity chapters that branched
of the “Cornell Seven” to become
in 1934.
out from Cornell—Beta at Howard,
General President.
Gamma at Virginia Union and the Described as “a Brother beloved in
original Delta at the University of
Prior to moving to Washington,
the bonds,” Chapman was a founder
Toronto in Canada.
D.C., he was a medical consultant to
of FAMU’s Beta Nu Chapter. During
the Veterans Hospital in Tuskegee,
the organization stages of Alpha
In addition to becoming Alpha
Alabama. Upon his death in 1974,
Chapter, he was the first chairman
Chapter’s second President and
at age 87, the Fraternity entered a
of the Committees on Initiation and
joining with Callis in creating
time without any living Jewels. His
the Fraternity name, Jones was a
papers were donated to Howard’s
member of the first Committees
on Constitution and Organization
and helped write the Fraternity ritual. Jones also has the distinction of being one of the first initiates as well as an original founder. His status as a founder was not finally established until 1952. He died in 1954.
“Honoring Our Past, Celebrating Our Present, Fulling Our Future”
Ge or ge Bi ddl e K e ll e y
Alli son M urray
Rob e r t Harold O g le
George Biddle Kelley became the
Nathaniel Allison Murray pursued
Robert Harold Ogle entered the
first African American engineer
graduate work after completing
career secretarial field and had
registered in the state of New
the unique privilege of serving as
York. Not only was he the strongest
Howard. He later returned home to
a professional staff member to the
proponent of the Fraternity idea
Washington, D.C., where he taught
United States Senate Committee on
among the organization’s founders,
in public schools.
Appropriations. He was an African
American pioneer in his Capitol Hill
also became Alpha Chapter’s first
Much of his career was spent at
Armstrong Vocational HighSchool
in the Districtof Columbia. He was
In addition, he served oncommittees
a member of Alpha Chapter’s first
colors and was Alpha Chapter’s
that worked out the handshake and
committee on organization of the
first secretary. Ogle joined Kelley
ritual. Kelley was popular with the
new fraternal group, as well as
in working out the first ritual and
Brotherhood. He resided in Troy,
the Committee on the Grip. The
later became a charter member of
New York and was active with Beta
charter member of Washington’s
Washington’s Mu Lambda Chapter.
Pi Lambda Chapter in Albany. He
Mu Lambda Chapter was a frequent
He died in 1936.
died in 1963.
attendee of General Conventions. He died in 1959.
“Honoring Our Past, Celebrating Our Present, Fulling Our Future”
Ve r t ne r Wo o dson Tan d y Vertner Woodson Tandy became the state of New York’s first registered black architect, with offices on Broadway in New York City. The designer of the Fraternity pin holds the distinction of being the
pass the military commissioning examination and was commissioned First Lieutenant in the 15th Infantry of the New York State National Guard. He
treasurer and took the initiative to incorporate the Fraternity. Among the buildings designed by the highly talented architect is Saint Phillips Episcopal Church in New York City. He died in 1949, at age 64.
“Honoring Our Past, Celebrating Our Present, Fulling Our Future”
THE SEVEN (7) PEARLS OF DELTA PHI CHAPTER Ma rc h 3 r d , 1 9 5 3
Th e D e l t a P h i C ha p t e r o f Alpha P hi Alpha Fra te r nity I nc . was founded on March 3rd, 1953 on the campus of Jackson State College. Seve n v i s i o n a r y yo un g me n sou g ht to b r ing su c h a n illu str io us org aniza t i o n a s A l p h a P hi Alpha Fra ter nity I nc . to this c a m p us.
Th e ch a p t e r fo un d e rs re fe r red to a s the “ Pe a r ls” a re B en E . B ail ey, W. A l ex a n d e r B a r ton, S a m A. H a nnib a l, Johnny Mo ore , Ge o rge Pa t t o n , L ava tu s V. Powell, a nd H u g h E. Steve ns . 7
“Honoring Our Past, Celebrating Our Present, Fulling Our Future”
Del ta Phi 65th Alphaversary Breakfast Program Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. “Jewels” Delta Phi Chapter “Pearls” House of Alpha
Bro. Robert A. Sulton
Bro. Keith Adams
Bro. Floyd Williams
Breakfast Served College Days Reflections “Special PowerPoint” Presentation Keeping the Torch Illuminated President of Delta Phi Chapter
Bro. Davell Carter
Acknowledgement of Brothers By Decades
Bro. Malcolm Jackson
Bro. Frank Patterson
Omega Service Tribute
Bro. Rev. Dr. James Washington
Legacy, Brotherhood, and Leadership Legacy Brotherhood Leadership
Bro. Kevin D. Lewis Bro. Charles Strange Bro. Larry Cameron
Voteless People is Hopeless People (A Phi A and JSUNAA)
Bro. Dr. Albert J. Holmes, Jr.
Delta Phi Scholarship Endowment Special Announcements “Souvenirs”
Bro. Pasqual Slaughter Bro. Dr. Dexter Lee
Fraternal Hymn 8
“Honoring Our Past, Celebrating Our Present, Fulling Our Future”
Omega Chapter Ceremony The OMEGA Service of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity is the ceremony in which all deceased Alpha brothers are transferred into Omega chapter. Omega chapter is the chapter reserved for deceased brothers and this is consistent with the view that “Once an Alpha always an Alpha.” THE LITURGIST I am the resurrection and the life - saith the Lord He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.
LITANY FOR THE DECEASED BROTHERS L. O Father of life, and giver of light look with favor upon thy creature’s here assembled: R. AND GRANT US THY BLESSING. L. O, thou, who hast lead man through the ages of His existence upon the
INVOCATION O Master Eternal, give to each of us The deep consciousness of Thy presence That the spirit of fraternity may so Direct our thoughts, guide and control Our hearts and lives, that we may become Through Thee, servants of all mankind. - AMEN -
earth of thy Spirit R. GRANT US THY CONTINUED GUIDANCE. L. Thou who dost generate love and goodness in hearts and the desire for fellowship one with the other in life’s living: R. INCREASE THY SPIRIT IN US L. Thou who hast called our Brothers from their tasks to the reward of noble thoughts and deeds: R. DEEPEN OUR MEMORY OF THEM L. Thou who are the light of the new Heaven, the new Earth, the new
SCRIPTURE LESSON And God said, let there be light, and there was light. And God saw the light – that it was good. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and
Jerusalem, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end of all creation. R. GRANT A FINAL RESTING PLACE WITH THEE TO ALL WHOM THOU HAST CALLED, AND FINALLY OURSELVES.
the Word was God. In Him was the life and light of men. Then spoke Jesus again unto them saying: I am the Light
- AMEN -
of the world. He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. For God, who
commanded the light to shine out of darkness hath
Alpha Brother, gather ‘round and make our praise resound of the
shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of
Brothers Whose labors now are crowned. Their good deeds, heaven blest,
the glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christ. Ye are the light
Commend them through each test To OMEGA our chapter of Sweet Rest.
of the world. Let your light so shine before men, that they
Chorus: Farewell, dear Brothers, Transcendent art thou They Spirit shall
may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in
dwell with us now We cherish thy mem’ry Thy good names, we’ll revere,
heaven. I am ALPHA and OMEGA, the beginning and the
To thy glory, thy honor, Brothers, dear.
end saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
BENEDICTION AND BLESSING The grace of our Lord – Jesus Christ, be with your spirit, brothers. And now,
- AMEN -
may the Peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord; and may the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be amongst you, and remain with you always. - AMEN -
“Honoring Our Past, Celebrating Our Present, Fulling Our Future�
Del ta Phi | Omega Brothers
L R A E P -
Beverly D. Gardner
Fall 1958
Charles Causey
Fall 1959
William Harkless
Fall 1959
Dr. Ralph Rogers
Fall 1960
Morris Anderson
Fall 1961
Ralph Morris
Fall 1961
Cleve McDowell
Fall 1961
Joe Liddell
Fall 1961
Paul Purdy
Fall 1961
Arnold Grimes
Fall 1961
Willie Mott, Sr.
Fall 1961
Willie Henry Coleman
Fall 1966
Floyd Parker
Spring 1968
Curtis H. Austin
Fall 1969
Karl Griffin
Fall 1969
James Macon
Fall 1970
Thomas C. Toliver, Jr.
Fall 1970
John White
Fall 1970
G eo rg e W. Pa t t on
Anthony Levison
Spring 1973
Richard Blackmon
Fall 1973
La va tu s V. P ow e ll J r.
Gerald Todd Cooper
Fall 1973
Derrick Jurden
Fall 1973
H u g h E . St e v e n s
Dwight Miller
Fall 1973
Burley Finnie
Fall 1974
Reginald Singleton
Spring 1979
Beachman Williams
Spring 1975
Larry Baggett
Fall 1979
Tommy Ratliff
Fall 1975
Jerry Davis
Fall 1979
Kenneth Marshall
Fall 1976
Rickey Shields
Fall 1979
Edward Thornton
Fall 1976
Kenneth Dennis
Spring 1987
John Williams
Fall 1976
Calvin A. Lawson
Spring 1987
Calvin Brown
Fall 1977
Dr. Robert Anderson
Fall 1988
David Williams
Spring 1978
Jermaine Dossie
Spring 2001
SPRING 1953 Ben E. B ai l e y S a m u el B ar t on Sam A. Hannibal J o hn n y L . Mor t on
“Honoring Our Past, Celebrating Our Present, Fulling Our Future”
The Omega Service Tribute 1953 – 2018 Bro ther s of De l t a P h i C h apte r w h o h ave e nte re d Ome g a C hapt er
T he Ga t he ri n g
T he L e a de r ( L )
B rothe rs
Bro. Rev. Dr. James E. Washington
‘50s Bro. Malcolm Barnes
‘60s Bro. Solomon Henderson ‘70s Bro. Foster Ellis, Jr. ‘80s Bro. Viera Roseburgh ‘90s Bro. Roy Curry ‘00s Bro. Jonathon Lewis
To the Pearls of Delta Phi who have entered Omega Chapter.
Deepen our memories of them
To the Brothers who entered Omega Chapter in the 1950s.
Deepen our memories of them
To the Brothers who entered Omega Chapter in the 1960s.
Deepen our memories of them
To the Brothers who entered Omega Chapter in the 1970s.
Deepen our memories of them
To the Brothers who entered Omega Chapter in the 1980s.
Deepen our memories of them
To the Brothers who entered Omega Chapter in the 1990s.
Deepen our memories of them
To the Brothers who entered Omega Chapter in the 2000s.
Deepen our memories of them
All Brothers: Grant a final resting place with thee to all whom thou hast called and finally ourselves. - AMEN -
“Honoring Our Past, Celebrating Our Present, Fulling Our Future”
Anniversary Reunion Co m m i t t e e Brother Dr. Albert J. Holmes, Jr.
Brother Marques McWilliams
Brother Rev. Dr. James E. Washington
Brother Pasquals Slaughter
Brother Floyd Williams, Jr.
Brother Philip Kilgore
Brother Abe McGlothin
Brother Samuel Sarpong
Brother Austin Warren
Brother Steve Clark, Sr.
Brother Brian Washington Brother Davell Carter Brother Derrick G ilbert Brother D. Jones Brother Dr. Dexter Lee Brother Foster Ellis Brother Telandus Craft Brother G iolvonte’ Steed Brother Keith Adams Brother Kendall de Verteuil Brother Larry Cameron Brother Malcolm D. Jackson Brother Markus Brooks
“Honoring Our Past, Celebrating Our Present, Fulling Our Future”
Gre e ti n g s Alp h a B rothers: As the midterm elections rapidly approach, it is imperative that we are all registered to vote. We must do everything we can to register our family, friends and community. That is why the National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc. is partnering with When We All Vote. When We All Vote is a new national, nonpartisan not-for-profit organization launched by Mrs. Michelle Obama and a host of other Co-Chairs dedicated to changing the culture around voting and increase participation in this and every election.
Let’s get out there and help people get registered! Fraternally, Brother Cassius L. Rudolph Chair, Voteless People is Hopeless People Committee James C. Johnson National Chairman NPHC Undergraduate Leadership Council 13
“Honoring Our Past, Celebrating Our Present, Fulling Our Future�
“Honoring Our Past, Celebrating Our Present, Fulling Our Future”
Participating Del ta Phi (JSU) Alumni Brothers (1958 - Present) as of Friday, October 5th, 2018 Adams Keith Barnes Malcolm Bishop Charles Broadway Grant Brooks Johnnie Brooks Markus Brown Justin Bryant James Butler Ty Cameron Larry Carter Davell Chester Micheal Clark, Sr. Steven Cunning Calvin Curry Roy Davis Nickolas de Verteuil Kendall Demming Jonathan Ellis Correy Ellis, Jr. Foster Franklin Reginald Gee, Jr. Raymond Gibson Joe Gilbert Derrick Graves Chaz Griffin Dexter Grizzell Brian Guinn Keydron Hall Jesse Hamilton Alonzo Harris Hakeem Henderson Morris Henderson Solomon Hill Cecil Holmes, Jr. Albert J. Hull Cedric
Jackson Arnold (Ernie) Jackson Malcolm Jackson Wade Jefferson Jordan Johnson Kenneth Johnson Theodore Johnson Travis Jones Davern Kidd-Buckner Kyle Kilgore Phillip Lee Dexter Lewis Jonathon Lewis Kevin Lewis Kevin D. Martin Jeffrey McCoy Jon E. McDaniels Johnnie McGlothin Abe McWhorter Anthony McWhorter Barney McWilliams Marques Milteer Andross Moorehead O’Terrious Morris Jeremy Nash Jerry Norris Jamaury Offiah Dilibe Patterson Frank Ptterson Gerius Plair DeMerrius Potters III Jessie Powell Keith Powell LaCurtis Robinson Dillon Roseburgh Viera Rowan Keith
Sample Titus Scott Terry Shaw Corey Sigers Gerald Slaughter Pasqual Smith Nicholas Smith Joe Smith Oliver Steed Giolvonte Stewart Devin Stovall Henry Stowers, Jr. Clarence E. Strange Charles Sulton Robert Taylor Percy Turner, Sr. Marvel A. Vance Vercell Warnsley Joseph Warren Austin Washington Brain Washington James Washington Michael Wicks Corky Williams Corey Williams, Jr Floyd Wilson Frazier K. Wofford Cory Woods Antwon
“Honoring Our Past, Celebrating Our Present, Fulling Our Future”
“Roll Call”
“Honoring Our Past, Celebrating Our Present, Fulling Our Future”
Keep In Touch!
Fall 1961: 14, “The Mighty 14”
G et i n touc h