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Article XVI Tuition Reimbursement

The Board shall establish a fund of $16,800 annually for tuition reimbursement. Tuition reimbursement will be paid at the current credit hour rate at Governors State University to any teacher who obtains the written approval of the Superintendent or his/her designee for graduate course work prior to the first day of class for each course and receives a grade of A or B. Any unused funds from the $16,800 tuition reimbursement set aside annually by the Board shall be rolled over into that fund up to a total of $33,600. Annual reimbursement per teacher shall be limited to $4,200. Any course taken must be applicable to the advancement of the teacher’s role within Brookwood School District 167 unless it is a course that is part of an approved course of study in pursuit of an advanced degree or taken for other ce1iifications. Individual courses will be paid only one time per teacher. District responsibilities take precedence over coursework. Exceptions may be granted in extenuating circumstances.

To be eligible for tuition reimbursement, a teacher must be employed in Brookwood School District 167 the school year following the school year or summer that the course/courseswere taken. A person who is on leave of absence will not be reimbursed until they return to work in Brookwood School District 167.


Reimbursement shall be paid in October upon presenting transcripts or a grade report to the Superintendent’s Office showing the course completed with a grade of B or better and a paid receipt showing actual tuition paid. In the case of an ungraded course, a ”pass” designation must be obtained. Should the total amount of reimbursement exceed the fund established, then an equal prorated amount will be paid to those meeting the requirements for reimbursement.

Failure to submit the request for reimbursement by September 30th will result in the ineligibility of the teacher to receive reimbursement. Extensions may be granted in extenuating circumstances.

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