HB | September Newsletter

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Student Safety Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures

Hickory Bend Newsletter / Issue 002 / September 2022 / i Champions is a before and after school care program available to our Brookwood families. Please contact Champions as soon as possible to secure your spot. Space is limited Champions Family Support | Phone: (800) 246-2154 ChampionsHelp@kc-education.comBeginning

Tuesday, September 7th, 2022, vehicles will not be allowed to park in the main lot during morning drop-off or during afternoon pickup. Respectfully, we ask those wishing to park their vehicles to use the overflow lot (the lot we share with the church). There you may park your vehicle and safely exit to walk your child to the building. We have had several “close calls” during drop off/pick up that we hope to avoid by enlisting this new procedure. Thank you for understanding and helping us to create the safest situation possible for our families, students, and staff.



What can I say???

Students’ school day is from 8:30 a.m. until 3:10 p.m. Students should not arrive earlier than 8:10 am. Quote of the Month

01 / Hickory Bend Newsletter / Issue 002 / September 2022

“Don’t put a limit on anything! The more you dream, the farther you -Michaelget.” Phelps Ronisha Dubose rdubose@brookwood167.orgPrincipal

What can I say besides we are off to a great start!

As we embark upon another school year, we are constantly reminded that our success is reliant upon a strong partnership between school and home. We are reminded that our students need social and emotional learning and support to reach their fullest potential. We are reminded that each child is unique and headed up their own path. As such, Brookwood School District 167 is making sure that students’ needs are being met and that the whole child is being treated. I know it’s kind of overused to say, “we are catering to the whole child,” but the fact is we are! From the foods, they put into their bodies to nourish them physically, to the emphasis and efforts put into helping them to see themselves in the world, to helping them manage their emotional well-being, and of course preparing them for all things academic. We are concerned with their hearts, their minds, and even their precious tummies. As we embark upon this new school year, we look forward to seeing our healthy students grow and soar to new heights. I look forward to seeing you all at the Open House event this year so you can learn more about the many ways we are here to support our All-Stars.

School Hours


• School and District Website - www.brookwood167.org

This is


• A phone call or an email is an efficient way to communicate with your child’s teacher. Please remember that our teachers are with students throughout the day and will return the call/email as soon as possible. At times, this may be the next school day.

The All-Stars wasted no time getting registered and getting back to school. It is such a delight to see and feel all the happiness and motivating energy. When the new faces in our school met with returning faces, they smiled together creating an instant, one-of-a-kind synergy. New staff and new students have only added to the electric, positive vibes that engulf our halls and classrooms every day. I wish the whole world could feel what we feel just by being in this place! going to be a fantastic year! already begun!



academically, they must attend school daily and be on time. When students are tardy, they miss valuable instruction, primarily in reading and language arts. Attendance will be tied into our school’s PBIS expectations in which students will be able to earn rewards and participate in fun activities. When your child has to be absent, please inform the front office. Our absentee number is 708-757-2115.

Hickory Bend Newsletter / Issue 002 / September 2022 / 02 WELCOME TO THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR

• ClassDojo - It is essential that you sign up for the Principal’s ClassDojo. If you have not already joined, an invitation will be sent to you during the first week of school. To join, you will need either your phone number or email address.

Our teachers do an excellent job of communicating with families. Here is where you can stay informed proactively:

• All-Star News - Weekly school newsletter that will be sent home on Fridays

We make a COMMITMENT to stand against bullying. We will treat others with RESPECT and KINDNESS. We will have the COMPASSION to not be a bully. We will have the COURAGE to not be a bystander. It is our RESPONSIBILITY to help others and to report bullying.


When a




If a child has any symptoms listed below, they should stay home in the morning or go home if these symptoms first occur at school.

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ANTI-BULLY CHILD THEM HOME? child return to school is based on specific symptom they have. you answer “yes” to any of the your child MUST stay home. Please call the school to report your child’s absence (708) 708-757-2115 (Option 1.)


• Fever of 100.4 or higher • New onset of moderate to severe headache • Shortness of breath, new cough, sore throat • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea • Abdominal pain from unknown cause • New congestion/runny nose • New loss of sense of taste or smell • Fatigue from unknown cause • Muscle or body aches If


Measuring What Matters

All K-8 students in our district will complete MAP assessments.

PBIS Kickoff

Our All-Stars sure did shine brightly during our PBIS Kickoff event. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, tiered framework for supporting students’ behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health. When implemented with fidelity, PBIS improves social-emotional competence, academic success, and school climate. Since the first day of school, our students have been learning how to behave through the methods and strategies of PBIS. On Friday, August 26th, 2022, we enjoyed culminating events that led to an all-school assembly and the winning of several prizes like games, toys, and Dojo Points (points to be used to purchase fun items from the school store during our PBIS sales). Our 4thgrade students took the lead to help teach the schoolwide expectations to the student body. Our All-Stars are on the right path and are shooting for the moon!

We will begin MAP Assessments the week of Labor Day. MAP assessments are used to measure a student’s growth in Mathematics and Reading. The Fall assessment gathers the baseline data. The Winter assessment measures progress. The Spring assessment measures the students’ growth to that point. In addition to measuring progress, the data can be used to identify achievement gaps and individualize instruction. As an online, adaptive assessment, each student’s test responds to their individual ability according to their strengths (increasingly challenging questions as the child shows mastery; increasingly less-challenging questions when the student needs academic support).

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All Brookwood teachers use an online grading system called “PowerSchool” that they update every Thursday.

Thursday, September 1st | 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. HOUSE

If your child is having any technology problems connecting to their teacher’s Google Classroom, please contact our help desk at (708) 300-3553 or email our help arephonewithPleasehelpdesk@brookwood167.orgdeskleaveadetailedmessageyourname,child’sname,number,andtheissueyouhavingwiththedevice.

Please join us for our annual Open House. The Open House will present an opportunity to meet your child’s teachers and get to know our staff. You will receive information about Curriculum and Instruction, have a chance to visit the Book Fair, pick up your child’s “home device,” and tour the building. We look forward to seeing all our All-Star Families during Open House.


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We encourage you to check your child’s progress regularly. This program is confidential; therefore, you will need an access username and password to see your child’s progress. If you need your username and password, please contact the school office at (708) 758-5350. A PowerSchool app for your cellular phone makes it easy for parents to stay updated on their child’s progress.

• The school system should teach students to think critically enabling them to become contributing citizens in our global society.


Brookwood School District 167, in partnership with parents and the community, will create a learning environment in which all students excel at becoming lifelong learners and decision-makers.

• In continuous improvement in all aspects of the school system to foster a culture of excellence, Accountability, and integrity.

Hickory Bend Newsletter / Issue 002 / September 2022 / 06

• In the importance of staff development opportunities based on best practices and educational research.


In educating our children in a safe and nurturing environment with access to state-of-the-art technology.


• Families shape their children’s motivation, confidence, and academic success by being interested and involved in their overall development.

Our overall vision is to improve the achievement of all students, regardless of race, socio-economic status, gender, or ability levels (disabilities). We share the accountability of student achievement throughout the school. We believe in using research-based practices to achieve our goals. We promote school and community involvement because we believe that these partnerships help us meet the needs of all of our students. TO Providing students with highly qualified teachers


• All students are unique and should be challenged to the highest level of academic and artistic excellence.

• In responsible stewardship of financial and physical resources.

2. Providing our staff with professional development


07 / Hickory Bend Newsletter / Issue 002 / September 2022 FOOD SERVICE / BOOK FAIR


Great taste, whole grains, filling portions, and low sugar makes the new meal company a HIT!!! Breakfast and lunch are crucial parts of everyone’s day, especially students. Once the body is fed and nourished with all vitamins and minerals needed to support health and well-being, students can enjoy focused learning and balanced behaviors. Both breakfast and lunch are provided for all Brookwood School District 167 students FREE OF CHARGE! Big Thank You to our School Board and Superintendent Bethany Lindsay for prioritizing our student’s health and wellness.

The scholastic book fair is happening now through September 15th, 2022. Each student has had an opportunity to peruse the shelves of the library to see what books spark their interest. Equipped with a wish list, I am sure they are pleading with our parents for cash to purchase their top picks. Please remember to send cash only. Also, it is wisest to send the cash in an envelope marked “Book Fair” and your child’s name. The Book Fair will be open to all during Open House on September 1st and during VIP Day on September 9th.



Hickory Bend Newsletter / Issue 002 / September 2022 / 08

ClassDojo is a free app that helps build amazing classroom and school communities. Teachers give feedback to students for any skill, like “Working Hard” and “Being Curious.”

From the mobile app, parents view their child’s feedback, and can message directly with teachers and school leaders. Please join my ClassDojo so you can stay informed on what is happening at Hickory Bend School. If you would like to join, please accept the invitation that we emailed to you or texted you, or contact the school at (708) 758-4520, email, rdubose@brookwood167.org. All you will need to provide is your cell phone number or email address.

It is important that you sign up for the Principal’s Class Dojo. I post important information such as if a bus is running late, important reminders regarding picture day, graduation information and other important topics.


PLEASE SIGN UP TODAY! ClassDojo is actively used in 90% of U.S. K-8 schools.

What is ClassDojo?


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If you need to come into the school for any reason, for safety reasons, you will be required to wear a mask, and you will need to have a current Driver’s License that will be checked in our Raptor Security System. Raptor® provides a line of sight as to who is always in our school. The system provides school and districtwide reporting for all visitors, volunteers, and contractors that have signed in/out of our buildings. This is important for safety reasons.

V.I.P. Day is Friday, September 9th, 2022 In the lives of our students are Very Important People (VIP) who make a difference for them every day. This VIP might be a parent, guardian, grandparent, aunt/ uncle, or a friend of the family. Whomever you are, we invite you to spend a couple of hours with your student at Hickory Bend on September 9th, 2022, from 8:30 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. Spend time in class with your student, visit the Book Fair, experience their morning, and simply walk a mile in their shoes. Please Note: For the sake of space, we must limit each child to one (1) VIP visitor (you must imagine: having only ONE VIP per student will already DOUBLE the class size).



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