October Newsletter H ickory B end E lementary S chool
Hickory Bend Elementary School 600 E. 191st Place Glenwood, IL 60425
School: (708) 758-4520 Absentee Line: (708) 757-2115 Mrs. Shawn Jackson, Principal
A Message From The Principal
Mrs. Shawn Jackson Dear Parents/Guardians, It is hard to believe it is October already! Students have settled into their new classrooms and new friendships have been formed. It is exciting to visit the classrooms and see the growth our students have made in such a short time period. Thank you parents, grandparents, volunteers, staff and friends for attending Open House, the Book Fair, Grandparents Day and learning about your child’s educational needs. Our events and programs are successful because of your participation and support.
Hickory Bend Elementary School
Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, November 7th, 2019 from 11:00am to 7:00pm. This is an excellent opportunity for you to meet with your child’s teacher, pick up your child/ren report card, discuss strengths and areas of improvement and set expectations for second quarter. Parents provide important perspectives and information that can be extremely valuable. Teachers need the help of parents to do the best possible job educating every child and can help parents play an active role in education at home. Conferences are a time for listening and sharing. They can reinforce the idea of working as a team. Conferences are successful when teachers and parents create a collaborative climate. This type of climate requires both planning and efforts. Our staff is looking forward to sharing in the effort of creating a positive learning atmosphere for your children. If you have not had an opportunity to sign up for a conference time, please contact our main office at (708) 758-4520 to set up a time. Mrs. Shawn Jackson Principal, Hickory Bend Elementary School
Hickory Bend Elementary School
Change Of Information Parents/Guardians are required to notify the school immediately of any changes in name, address, home, work or emergency telephone numbers; a change in the emergency contact person, changes in guardianship, etc. Any information that might be pertinent to school records or contacting parent/ guardian in case of an emergency.
“NEW” Parking Lot Procedures School ends at 3:10 P.M. For safety reasons, we ask parents DO NOT EXIT your vehicle to pick up your child. DO NOT park in the school parking lot, if you need to exit your vehicle, please park in an adjacent parking lot. You have received a dashboard placard to place in your windshield with your child’s name and grade level. Remain in your car and your child will be brought to you. Please refrain from using the handicapped parking spots when dropping your child off in the morning or picking them up after school. These spots are reserved for individuals who have a handicapped license plate or mirror placard. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR HELP AND YOUR PATIENCE!
Hickory Bend Elementary School
GET INVOLVED! Monday, September 9th, 2019 On Monday, September 9th Hickory Bend kicked off its “Anti-Bullying Assembly” with the Chicago Bears mascot [Staley the Bear].
Please remember to review the “Parent/Student Handbook” with your child. It is very important that your family is familiar with all school procedures.
Staley discussed different types of bullying and several ways students can help tackle this problem and “Bear Down on Bullies”. Students also learned that treating classmates like teammates can foster a positive learning experience!
Grandparents Day... Thanks so much to our Grandparents for their support, towards the academic achievement of their grandchildren. They started the morning by enjoying our wonderful choir and a continental breakfast before going from class to class.
Our Grandparents engaged
in the daily learning process while also sharing in their personal experiences with their grandchildren.
Grandparents were observed participating in painted handprints, reading stories, taking photos and making purchases in our book fair. Our annual Grandparents day was a wonderful success and we look forward to all of you attending again next year.
Hickory Bend Elementary School
Book Fair! Students, Parents, Grandparents, Staff, Friends and Volunteers. Thanks so much for supporting our Book Fair! IT WAS EXTREMELY SUCCESSFUL BECAUSE OF YOU!!
We are proud to have our All Stars participate in our PBIS school-wide plan.
PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) is an
extended program at Hickory Bend School, which is implemented to assist in addressing behavior. PBIS organizes adults and students to create a social-cultural in schools that will encourage positive behavior and incentives, which discourages problem behaviors. This program supports the goals and mission of Hickory Bend Elementary School in that the social-culture will inevitably lead to a safer environment where students achieve academically and build positive relationship with each other and adults. It is our goal to legitimately recognize each of our students for good character and positive behavior. We have wonderful students at Hickory Bend and they should be reminded of this fact on a daily basis. • Verbal and Nonverbal Praise • Positive Reports to Parents • Recognition at Awards Assemblies • Earn Hickory Bend Allstar bucks to be redeemed at PBIS Sales At the beginning of the year, teachers and staff will review our universal expectations, Be Safe, Be Responsible, and Be Respectful. These expectations are taught, modeled and practiced throughout the year. Please take some time to read and discuss our PBIS expectations with your child/children. Your support of our PBIS school-wide system will assist us in having a successful school year.
Hickory Bend Elementary School
ABSENCE REPORTING Parents must call the school and report any student who will be absent. Should a child become ill at school, parents will be notified and it is their responsibility to see that the child is picked up. For each absence or tardiness, a parent must call the school before 8:30 a.m. When calling, please IDENTIFY yourself; give the STUDENT’S NAME, GRADE, and the TEACHER’S NAME and REASON FOR BEING ABSENT. HICKORY BEND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
(708) 757-2115
Nurses’ Corner - “Should I Keep My Child Home From School? Our goal in sharing these guidelines is to reduce the spread of communicable disease at the school and to promote a healthy environment for students attending school. They were created to help you in your decision making process as to whether to send your child to school or keep your child at home. The following is a list of common ailments a child may have. If your child is ill, you may want to discuss these problems with your child’s pediatrician to determine if an office visit is needed. •
FEVER — If your child has a temperature at 100.4 degrees or over without medication, they should remain at home. When accompanied by sore throat, nausea, or rash a contagious illness is suspected. He/she should remain at home until fever free for twenty-four hours without medication.
VOMITING & DIARRHEA — A single episode of vomiting or diarrhea without accompanied fever may not be enough reason to miss school. However, children with watery diarrhea (loose runny stool or cannot get to the bathroom in time) should remain at home for 24 hours. If diarrhea or vomiting is frequent or accompanied by fever, keep the child home and consult your doctor.
RUNNY NOSE & COUGHING — A minor cold or allergy symptoms (stuffy nose with clear drainage, sneezing, and mild cough) should not be a reason to miss school. If your child’s cough is persistent or productive and accompanied by thick or constant nasal drainage, he/she should be kept home.
SORE THROAT WITH FEVER — Sudden onset of a sore throat accompanied by a fever may indicate a doctor visit. If the doctor diagnoses strep throat, the student must remain home for 24 hours after antibiotic treatment has begun.
PINK EYE (CONJUNCTIVITIS) — If your child’s eyes are mildly red and watery and no other symptoms are present this may indicate irritation or allergy. However, if your child’s eyes are markedly red (including under the eyelids) and accompanied by thick, yellow or green drainage, he/she may have pink eye.
RASHES — Rashes can be caused by many things, a few of which may be contagious. A sudden appearance of a rash over any part of the body with an unknown case and accompanied by fever or other symptoms should be evaluated by the doctor.
RINGWORM — Any circular scaly patch seen along the hairline or in the scalp must be evaluated by a physician as it may be ringworm of the scalp, which is high contagious. Oral medications are usually the treatment of choice, but your doctor may recommend a special shampoo or ointment. Your child may return after treatment has begun,
LICE — If your child persistently scratches his head or complains of an itchy scalp, check for pin-point sized grayish white eggs (nits) within 1/4 inch of the scalp that will not flick off the hair shaft. The louse bug is very small and wingless and the eggs are more easily detected. They are often found behind the ears, along the nape of the neck or on the crown of the head. Treatment is a special shampoo available at drug stores or grocery stores before retuning to school. Treatment must be repeated in 7-10 days. Please follow the instructions on the container carefully. Please notify the school nurse if your child is treated for head lice so she can do appropriate case finding.
Hickory Bend Elementary School
“BOX TOPS” FOR EDUCATION We will continue this year to collect box tops. We have had a big push for the beginning of the year. We are giving away blow pops for each box top sheet we receive. Please clip the Box Top coupons off hundreds of your favorite products. We send home a page with the Newsletter or you can request them in the office. (Please tape or glue the box tops) and send them in so we can keep earning money for our school. We appreciate your support.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Are you looking for opportunities to volunteer at Hickory Bend? If so, we need your support and ask that you consider volunteering with us. Please contact us at (708) 758-4520 for additional information.
“RECYCLE” Recycle your newspapers, magazines, shopping catalogs, office and school papers: 24 hours/7 days a week in the green and yellow Abitibi Paper Retriever bin closest to our school. This is an easy way for you to recycle your paper every week and help us raise money for worthwhile activities in our school.
Hickory Bend Elementary School
REMINDER! FALL PICTURE DAY We will have our fall pictures taken on [Friday, October 4th]. Parents will have the opportunity to purchase photographs. You should have received an order form to place your check or cash in already, if not please call the office. All orders and payments must be sent to school on picture day.
REMINDER! WARM CLOTHING NEEDED With the return of fall and the falling temps are on the horizon, please be reminded that warm clothing is necessary for all students when they come to school. We do go out each day for recess weather permitting.
Tips For A Successful Parent-Teacher Conferences GENERAL HINTS Parent-teacher conferences are an excellent opportunity to find out how your child is adjusting to the new school year and to get to know his/her teachers. Here are some general hints on how to have a successful conference: • Ask your child if there is anything that he/she would like to discuss with the teacher; • Write a list of everything that you want to talk about at the conference; • Arrive promptly or a few minutes early; • Begin with positive comments about the teacher or classroom; • Avoid lengthy discussions of topics that are not related to the purpose of the conference; • Be open to suggestions from the teacher; • Keep your emotions under control; • Take notes about what has been discussed and share them with your child; • Express appreciation for the conference; • Do not stay beyond your allotted time. HELPFUL QUESTIONS In order to help your child have a successful school year, you need to know what will be expected of them academically from now until June. You can find out by asking some questions. Take this list with you to your next parent-teacher conference, and don’t forget to take notes. 1. What skills and knowledge will my child be expected to master this year? • What will my child learn this year in key subjects; like math, science, history and English? • How do you inform students about academic standards that they are expected to meet? What kind of projects and assignments have you planned that will help my child meet higher academic standards? 2. How will my child be evaluated? • How are grades determined in your classroom? 3. What can I do to stay more involved in my child’s academic progress? • What can I do at home to complement what is happening in the classroom? • How can I know on a daily basis what homework has been assigned? 4. How do you accommodate differences in learning? • What if my child is a slow learner and falls behind, or is a fast learner and is bored?
Hickory Bend Elementary School
Hickory Bend Elementary School
WORDS OF THE WEEK Here is a list of updated words we will review from October — November Persuade Narrator
Numeral Estimate
Diagram Idiom
BUSEVACUATIONDRILL Weparticipatedinourbusevacuationdrillofthe2019-2020schoolyearwhichwasconductedbyFirstStudentBusCompany. Ourstudents learnedwhattodointheeventofanemergencywhileridingthebus. The importance of talking in a quiet voice, keeping the aisle clear and sitting back to back was explained, modeled then practiced by the students. Thestudentsalsopracticedanemergencyexitthroughthebackdoorofthebus. The students will participate in another bus evacuation drill this school year to ensure they are familiar with the bus evacuation drill proceduresintheeventofanemergency.
COLLEGE CORNER “TheTassle is worth the Hassle” committee is committed to encourage our students to correlate what they are doing in elementary school to achieving their higher educational goals. On Wednesday, October 9th our 2nd grade students will participate in an after-school “Tassel is Worth the Hassle” activity from 3:15 p.m. | 4:15 p.m. The students will take part in various activities related to their bright future.
Hickory Bend Elementary School
Hickory Bend Elementary School 600 E. 191st Place Glenwood, IL 60425
School: (708) 758-4520 Absentee Line: (708) 757-2115 Mrs. Shawn Jackson, Principal