HB | October Newsletter

Page 1

02 Social Worker Corner Real Men Read Bus Safety Rules

03 Parent/Teacher Conf... Grandparent(s)...

04 Parent Portal Access... Box Tops... Volunteering...

05 College Corner...

Bus Evacuation Drill Events Useful Numbers





Mrs. Shawn Jackson, Principal | 600 E. 191st Place, Glenwood, IL 60425 | (708) 758-4520

A Note From The Principal... It is hard to believe it is October already!

This is an excellent opportunity for you to

Students have settled into their new

meet with your child’s teacher, pick up your

classrooms and new friendships have been

child/ren report card, discuss strengths and

Conferences are successful when teachers and

formed. It is exciting to visit the classrooms

areas of improvement and set expectations

parents create a collaborative climate. This type

and see the growth our students have made

for second quarter.

of climate requires both planning and efforts.

working as a team.

in such a short time period. Parents provide important

Our staff is looking forward to



sharing in the effort of creating

volunteers, staff and friends for attending

information that can be

a positive learning atmosphere

Open House, the Book Fair, Grandparents

extremely valuable.

for your children.

Teachers need the help


of parents to do the best

opportunity to sign up for a

Our events and programs are successful

possible job educating

conference time, please contact

because of your participation and support.

every child and can help

our main office at (708) 758-

parents play an active role

4520 to set up a time.





Day and learning about your child’s educational program.

Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled




in education at home.

for Thursday, November 1st, 2018 from noon to 8:00pm.


Yours in Education. Conferences are a time for listening and sharing. They can reinforce the idea of

Mrs. Shawn Jackson, Principal

8:30 a.m. - 3:10 p.m.

School Hours


Breakfast/ Lunch

Play, Learn and Grow... Together!


“Real Men Read”

Social Worker Corner... October is National Bullying Prevention Month! Here at Hickory Bend we have already begun to learn how we can make a change in the school and community.

We are so pleased to have the men in our community dedicating their time to come to Hickory Bend to listen to boys read. Some of the gentlemen are dads while others are grandparents, uncles, friends and even fathers of students who have gone on to the middle school.

Hickory Bend was lucky to have a presentation from McBrien Educational Assemblies. In the presentation the students learned many lessons, especially on how to recognize bullying as well as how to prevent it in our school.

Boys from second through fourth visit with the mentors once a week for a thirty-minute period to read exciting and adventurous material.

We Learned That Bullying Is: •

unwanted behavior from one school aged child to the other;

a real or perceived power imbalance (when someone else makes you feel scared on purpose);

something that happens more than (1) time

As the boys read they take great pleasure in discussing the topic and sharing their ideas. They also feel good about asking relevant questions.

Students know that if they experience bullying or see a friend being bullied, they can speak up to their teacher, principal, or any adult in the school building.

One of the most meaningful questions asked by several boys is if the volunteer can come everyday.

If you ever have any concerns regarding how your child is interacting in social situations, the social worker is available to support and assist.

If you are interested in volunteering and assisting our students, please feel free to contact the office at (708) 758-4520.

Ms. Murray can be reached at (708) 758-4520.





26 New Parking Lot Procedures...

chool Back-to-S Rules Bus Safety

as the the street me side of sa e th n o • Stand bus stop. d stay waiting an und while o ar y la p • Don’t ewalk. on the sid t to traffic. s. ind the bu • Be aler t of, not beh n o fr in k s wal e • Alway toward th e bus. Move the door th r fo sh ru us stops, • Don’t after the b okay to door only gives the r ve ri d e th d an s open board. and off getting on drail when an h e th • Hold the bus. ile the around wh p or walk u d an st • Never ng. bus is movi bus driver. s obey the • Alway



School ends at 3:10PM. For safety reasons, we ask parents [DO NOT EXIT] your vehicle to pick up your child. [DO NOT] park in the school parking lot, if you need to exit your vehicle, please park in an adjacent parking lot.







placard to place in your windshield with your child’s name and grade level. Remain in your car and your child will be brought to you.







handicapped parking spots when dropping your child off in the morning or picking them up after school. These spots are reserved for individuals who have a handicapped license plate or mirror placard.


Thank you in advance for your help and your patience!

Tips For A Successful Parent-Teacher Conferences... General Hints:

You can find out by asking some questions. Take this list with you to your next parent-teacher conference, and don’t forget to take notes:

Parent-teacher conferences are an excellent opportunity to find out how your child is adjusting to the new school year and to get to know his/ her teachers. Here are some general hints on how to have a successful conference: • • • • • • • • • •

Ask your child if there is anything that he/she would like to discuss with the teacher; Write a list of everything that you want to talk about at the conference; Arrive promptly or a few minutes early; Begin with positive comments about the teacher or classroom; Avoid lengthy discussions of topics that are not related to the purpose of the conference; Be open to suggestions from the teacher; Keep your emotions under control; Take notes about what has been discussed and share them with your child; Express appreciation for the conference; Do not stay beyond your allotted time.

Helpful Questions: In order to help your child have a successful school year, you need to know what will be expected of them academically from now until June.



1. What skills and knowledge will my child be expected to master this year? • • •

What will my child learn this year in key subjects; like math, science, history and English? How do you inform students about academic standards that they are expected to meet? What kind of projects and assignments have you planned that will help my child meet higher academic standards?

2. How will my child be evaluated? • How are grades determined in your classroom? 3. What can I do to stay more involved in my child’s academic progress? • What can I do at home to complement what is happening in the classroom? • How can I know on a daily basis what homework has been assigned? 4. How do you accommodate differences in learning? • What if my child is a slow learner and falls behind, or is a fast learner and is bored?



21 Grandparents Day! Thanks so much to our grandparents for their support, towards the academic achievement of their grandchildren!


They started the morning by enjoying our wonderful choir and a continental breakfast before going from class to class. Our grandparents engaged in the daily learning process while also sharing in their personal experiences with their grandchildren. Grandparents were observed participating in painted handprints, reading stories, taking photos and making purchases in our bookfair. Our annual grandparents day was a wonderful success and we look forward to all of you attending again next year. Parents, please assist us by noting that this event is only for our Grandparents.

“Thanks Grandparents for all you do”!!!


Parent Portal Access Information… If you are new to Brookwood District 167 or cannot log in:

from grades 1-8 if needed. When completed, press the “Enter”

projects will take longer to assess and post

button on the bottom left hand corner of your current page.

depending on their size.

the school year (DO NOT just type in the access ID and

Note: Your Username and Password is unique to your child,

If you have questions regarding an assignment, you

Access Password on the main screen as it will not work).

please keep these logins confidential so that only you and

can always email the teacher.

Click on “Create an Account” the first time you login for

your child(ren) can access their information. Please go to the icon called [Email Notifications]

The portal will ask you to put in your name, email, and your password (you will be able to make up your own

This portal is a great way to discuss school and the classes

and set up any reports you would like to receive

user name and password for ease of use as well).

that your child is taking this year.

from the parent portal. You do not have to use this,

Next, complete the “Link Students To Your Account”

Grades are posted to the [Parent Portal] by the teachers.

section. Add your children(s) access ID and Access

The teacher’s grade book is a “snapshot” and does not

Password data from below. There is a limit of seven (7)

always accurately reflect the student’s overall progress or

If you have any questions or concerns regarding

children per login.


the PowerSchool Parent Portal, contact your child’s

Access ID: XXXX Access Password: XXXXX

Grades can have different values in weighting and will vary

but it’s a great way to have information sent to you on a weekly, biweekly or monthly basis.

school at (708) 758-5252. by particular courses. Please remember that all assignments Finally, continue adding other children from your family

will be put up as soon as possible by all teachers but some

REMINDER... Please call your child’s teacher to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences if you did not sign up at Open House. Conferences will be held on Thursday, November 1st, 2018 — Noon—8PM. We look forward to meeting with each of you!

“Box Tops” For Education We will continue this year to collect box tops. We have had a big push for the beginning of the year.

Volunteering Parents... Please be advised that the procedures for the district are that volunteers must undergo a state and federal background check through district office via Jan Machnikowski (708) 758-5190.

We are giving away blow pops for each box top sheet we receive. Please clip the Box Top coupons off hundreds of your favorite products. We send home a page with the Newsletter or you can request them in the office. (Please tape or glue the box tops) and send them in so we can keep earning money for our school.

We appreciate your support!


When visiting the school, visitors are asked to give the office staff a state id or license to run through our [Raptor System]. This includes parents accompanying students on field trips, sporting events. As well, as copiers, daily volunteers, Real Men Read, Parent Room Assistance, Community Readers, etc.

College Corner...

Bus Evacuation Drill...

Reminder! Fall Picture Day...

“The Tassel Is Worth The Hassle”

We participated in our bus evacuation drill of the

We will have our fall pictures taken on Friday, October

2018-2019 school year which was conducted by


First Student Bus Company.

committee is committed to encourage our students to correlate what they are doing in

Parents will have the opportunity to purchase

elementary school to achieving their higher

Our students learned what to do in the event

photographs. You should have received an order form

educational goals. We have our doors decorated

of an emergency while riding the bus. The

to place your check or cash in already, if not please

with the colleges that teachers and staff

importance of talking in a quiet voice, keeping

call the office. All orders and payments must be sent

attended. Our college t-shirt day will be on

the aisle clear and sitting back to back was

to school on picture day.

Friday, November 9th. We hope everyone can

explained, modeled then practiced by the

participate in this fun event.

students. The students also practiced an emergency exit through the back door of the bus. The students will participate in another bus evacuation drill this school year to ensure they are familiar with the bus evacuation drill procedures in the event of an emergency.

Reminder! Warm Clothing Needed... With the return of fall and the falling temps are on the horizon, please be reminded that warm clothing is necessary for all students when they come to school. We do go out each day for recess weather permitting.


Make sure children go trick-or-treating with an adult;

Make sure children wear costumes that allow them to see and hear perfectly;

Make sure children wear a costume that fits, as this could be a tripping hazard;

Make sure children carry a flashlight

Bedtime Story Night...

Anti-Bullying Assembly...

On Thursday, September 13th Hickory Bend hosted

Bullying Assembly on September 12th. The

a Bedtime Story Night for our students’ families.

students met Chris McBrien of The Chris



McBrien show.



708 758 4520

708 758 5190

Students and families were able to visit different rooms and listen to stories, like “Grace for President”, “The Very Sleepy Pig”, “Pete the Cat”, “David Gets in Trouble” in their pajamas. Afterwards they were given milk and cookies to enjoy before they went home to snuggle in their own beds.

Hickory Bend students attended an Anti-

The students met his puppets. Learned about the different types of bullying; learned why bullying is wrong, as well as how to help Hickory Bend be bully [FREE]. Mr. Dorsey played a role in a skit on how not to be so serious. The students had a fun time, laughed a lot and enjoyed the show.

Useful Numbers





708 757 2115

708 757 2104

ABSENTEE LINE 708 756 2872

5 REPORTING OF ABSENCE(S) Parents must call the school to report their child absent before 8:30 a.m. When calling, please identify yourself, give your child’s name, grade and reason for being absent. If you are aware at the time you are calling how long your child will be absent, please indicate the length of absence in your message.


HICKORY BEND SCHOOL F A C U LT Y & S T A F F 2 0 1 8 - 2 0 1 9


600 East 91st Place Glenwood, IL 60425 Phone

(708) 758-4520


(708) 757-2115

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