LWS | November Newsletter

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Longwood Newsletter / Issue 004 / November 2022



CHAMPIONS BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM Champions is a before and after school care program available to our Brookwood families. Please contact Champions as soon as possible to secure your spot. SPACE IS LIMITED. Champions Family Support | Phone: (800) 246-2154 ChampionsHelp@kc-education.com

Students should arrive at school no earlier than 8:10 a.m. and be picked up after school no later than 3:10 p.m. If a student is being dropped off or picked up, the driver must adhere to the one-way sign at the entrance of the parking lot. Drivers must NEVER go the wrong way in the parking lot as this is unsafe for students and staff.



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Longwood Newsletter / Issue 004 / November 2022



We made it through another month and the 1st quarter Longwood Families! I say it every month and I can’t say it enough, Thank o Y u for your support. Our students have been in full swing academically and socially. From family events to PBIS celebrations, to student recognition, we have been making memories together at Longwood and look forward to making the year even more memorable. A few things to remember, instruction begins at 8:30 a.m. Students are marked tardy after 8:30 a.m. While a couple of minutes may not seem like a big deal, tardies count toward our attendance metrics. Our attendance metrics are important as it is a measurement that is used for our state designation. Students must be walking into their classroom door before 8:30 a.m. Please make any adjustments you can to get students to school on time. Please remember that I will send out our weekly Lion News with students on Fridays. I will also post it to ClassDojo. Please make sure you are reading it for reminders and updates. I look forward to what November and the start of a new quarter will bring. As always, should you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at (708) 7572100, or by email cmayze@brookwood167.org

Carnisha Mayze Principal cmayze@brookwood167.org School Hours Students’ school day is from 8:30 a.m. until 3:10 p.m. Students should not arrive earlier than 8:10 am.

When Is Lunch? One of the most common questions asked by students at the start of the year is, “When is lunch?m. Below you will nd the start times for lunch and recess for each grade level: Kindergarten & 1st Grade 11:10 a.m. - 11:50 a.m. 2nd & 3rd Grade 12:30 p.m. - 1:10 p.m. 4th Grade 11:50 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Longwood Newsletter / Issue 004 / November 2022

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PRINCIPAL’S CORNER Longwood’s Book Campaign This year, students will be encouraged to read outside of school and daily. Our goal is to build the reading habits of our students. It has been proven that the more you read, the better reader you become. To encourage leisure reading, Longwood will hold our rst 1,50 Book Campaign. Students will pledge to read 1,500 books over the course of the 22-23 school year. Currently, we are at 169 books! Please encourage your child to read every night for at least 30 minutes. When we reach our goal, we will have a school-wide celebration in April!

Attendance/Absences/Tardies To ensure that our students excel academically, they must attend school daily and be on time.

When students are tardy, they miss valuable

instruction, primarily in reading and language arts. Attendance will be tied into our school’s PBIS expectations in which students will be able to earn rewards and participate in fun activities. When your child has to be absent, please inform the front office. Our absentee number is 708-756-2872.

COMMUNICATION & INFORMATION Our teachers do an excellent job of communicating with families. Here is where you can stay informed proactively: •

School and District Website - www.brookwood167.org

Lion News - Weekly school newsletter that will be sent home on Fridays

ClassDojo - It is essential that you sign up for the Principal’s ClassDojo. If you have not already joined, an invitation will be sent to you during the rst week of school. To join, you will need either your phone number or email address.

Aphonecalloranemailisanefcientwaytocommunicatewithyourchildisteacher. Please remember that our teachers are with students throughout the day and will return the call/email as soon as possible. At times, this may be the next school day.

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Longwood Newsletter / Issue 004 / November 2022

If a child has any symptoms listed below, they should stay home in the morning or go home if these symptoms first occur at school.

IF MY CHILD IS SICK, WHEN SHOULD I KEEP THEM HOME? Whenachildcanreturntoschoolisbasedonthespecicsymptomtheyhave. •

Fever of 100.4 or higher

New onset of moderate to severe headache

Shortness of breath, new cough, sore throat

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

Abdominal pain from unknown cause

New congestion/runny nose

New loss of sense of taste or smell

Fatigue from unknown cause

Muscle or body aches

If you answer “YES” to any of the above, your child MUST stay home. Please call the school to report your child’s absence (708) 756-2872 (Option 1.)

HEALTH TIP One precaution to help stop the spread of germs is to not share personal items. Some of these include water bottles, lip balms, hats, hairbrushes, and EarPods. These items should only be used by the individual to whom they belong.

LONGWOOD’S HOUR OF POWER This year we will offer afterschool exploratory experiences and tutoring for our students. These activities will be provided quarterly and will differ by grade level. The goal is to have exploratory experiences available for all students. These are voluntary activities. The goal is to have these activities available for our students beginning in September/October. More information will be forthcoming.

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POSITIVE BEHAVIORAL INTENVENTIONS & SUPPORT (PBIS) PBIS is an evidencebased school-wide multitiered framework that establishes support for all students to improve social, emotional, behavioral, and academic outcomes. It is a way to create an



environment so that all students can thrive. This school year, we will be focused



Tier I PBIS support for all students and Tier II interventions for some students. This will allow us to encourage and reward students for following behavior expectations and working toward achieving academic success.

Each week, there will be a Cool Tool that will be taught to all students. These Cool Tools reinforce Longwood’s School-Wide behavior and character expectations. We will communicate the Cool Tools with families through our weekly newsletter, The Lion News, and encourage families to discuss these Cool Tool expectations at home.

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Longwood Newsletter / Issue 004 / November 2022

I am excited to share with you that for the second year in a row, our Superintendent and Board of Education has decided to provide our students with a set of school supplies to use at school and a set to use at home! Your child should have brought home a school supply kit. Please let us know if your child has not come home with a home kit. If your child needs any additional resources or supplies for any of their classes, please contact our school office at (708) 757-2100, so we can help provide them with all necessary and needed materials.


POWERSCHOOL All Brookwood teachers use an online grading system called “PowerSchool” that they update every Thursday. We encourage you to check your child’s progress regularly.Thisprogramiscondential;therefore, you will need an access username and password to see your child’s progress. If you need your username and password, please contact the school ofce at (708) 75-210. A PowerSchool app for your cellular phone makes it easy for parents to stay updated on their child’s progress.

TECHNOLOGY HELPLINE If your child is having any technology problems connecting to their teacher’s Google Classroom, please contact our help desk at (708) 300-3553 or email our help desk helpdesk@brookwood167.org Please leave a detailed message with your name, child’s name, phone number, and the issue you are having with the device.

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MISSION STATEMENT Brookwood School District 167, in partnership with parents and the community, will create a learning environment in which all students excel at becoming lifelong learners and decision-makers. WE BELIEVE •

Families shape their children’s motivation, confidence, and academic success by bein involved in their overall development.

All students are uni excellence.

In the importance of staff development opportunities based on best practices and educational research.

In educatin technolo y.

The school system should teach students to thin citi ens in our lobal society.

In continuous improvement in all aspects of the school system to foster a culture of e cellence, Accountability, and inte rity.

In responsible stewardship of financial and physical resources.

ue and should be challen ed to the hi

our children in a safe and nurturin

interested and

hest level of academic and artistic

environment with access to state-of-the-art

critically enablin

them to become contributin

IV SION STATEMENT Our overall vision is to improve the achievement of all students, regardless of race, socio-economic status, gender, or ability levels (disabilities). We share the accountability of student achievement throughout the school. We believe in using research-based practices to achieve our goals. We promote school and community involvement because we believe that these partnerships help us meet the needs of all of our students.




Providing our staff with professional development

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Longwood Newsletter / Issue 004 / November 2022

Longwood Newsletter / Issue 004 / November 2022


What is ClassDojo? PLEASE JOIN OUR CLASSDOJO’S AND STAY INFORMED! It is important that you sign up for the Principal’s Class Dojo. I post important information such as if a bus is running late, important reminders regarding picture day, graduation information and other important topics. PLEASE SIGN UP TODAY! ClassDojo is actively used in 90% of U.S. K-8 schools. ClassDojo is a free app that helps build amazing classroom and school communities. Teachers give feedback to students for any skill, like “Working Hard” and “Being Curious.” From the mobile app, parents view their child’s feedback, and can message directly with teachers and school leaders. Please join my ClassDojo so you can stay informed on what is happening at Longwood School. If you would like to join, please accept the invitation that we emailed to you or texted you, or contact the school at (708) 757-2100, email, cmayze@brookwood167.org. All you will need to provide is your cell phone number or email address. GET INVOLVED AND STAY INFORMED!

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Longwood Newsletter / Issue 004 / November 2022


Longwood Elementary had their 1st BOO BINGO night on October 20th, 2022. Families were encouraged to attend the event dressed in their halloween costumes.


event was packed with candy, dancing, and fun. There were over 100 guests who played ABC Bingo, Traditional Bingo, and Halloween Bingo. Families enjoyed the opportunity to win many prizes and adults that joined their children were entered into aparentrafe. Longwoodlooksforward to hostingBOO BINGO for their families again next year! Thank you to all the families that visited our school for BOO BINGO.







Kindergarten through 2nd grade went on a eld trip to Siegel’s Cotton Farm.

Students learned

about how various vegetables are grown and how farm animals are cared for. Each student also came back with a pumpkin. Thank you to all the parents that volunteered to chaperone. See you next year!

Longwood Newsletter / Issue 004 / November 2022

STUDENT OF THE MONTH Each month as a part of our PBIS assemblies, a student from each class will be recognized for Student of the Month.

September Students of the Month Kindergarten: La’Khari Wells, Laila Sawyers, Jeremy Allen 1st Grade: Lucia Jimenez, Mallory Williams, A’aurie McKinney-Adeniyi 2nd Grade: Dacari Franklin, Antony Alvarez, Laila Ervin 3rd Grade: Lazackery Smith, Kyra Figaro, Penelope Mendez-Bravo 4th Grade: Melany Mendez-Lopez, Dre’Shon BarnesOverall, Micah Garrett CONGRATULATIONS to our students. They will be celebrated with a surprise treat, a certicate, and their picture will go up on our Student of the Month Wall of Fame in the hallway.

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Longwood Newsletter / Issue 004 / November 2022

LONGWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE New Food Service Partnership Our Superintendent and Board of Education know how important proper nutrition affects our students’ learning. This year we will

VISITORS If you need to come into the school for any reason, for

be purchasing our school breakfast and lunch from - QUEST FOOD

safety reasons, you will be


required to wear a mask, and you will need to have a

Quest Food Management Servic is passionate about food and they

current Driver’s License that

believe in wholesome, nutritious ingredients. That is why they are

will be checked in our Raptor

committed to using items that are healthier for both our student’s

Security System.

bodies and the planet. Quest Food Management Service, provide communities with fresh, high-quality food, exceptional responsiveness, and intensely personal service. By purchasing with the following standards in mind and preparing items so that they are as fresh as possible when served, they support local agriculture, increase nutrition, and intensify the avor.

Raptor® provides a line of sight as to who is always in our school. The system provides




and for

all visitors, volunteers, and contractors that have signed in/out




This is important for safety reasons.

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