Together Wo r k i n g a t B ro s t rรถ m
Tanker shipping our way Brostrรถm is one of the leading logistics companies for the oil and chemical industry, focusing on industrial product and chemical tanker shipping, and marine services.
In contrast to companies in the shipping industry
But even more so, this enables us to offer our
that base their business on buying and selling
customers secure and cost-effective logistics
vessels, we strive to continuously develop and
solutions with a pronounced environmental
renew our fleet. As a result, today we dispose
over a young and modern fleet in which function, quality and safety are of principal importance.
Our business is based on working close to our customers. This makes it possible for us to
develop more efficient and better suited logistics
transportation for a fixed period, we create an
solutions. At the same time, cooperation is key
added measure of security for our customers.
to the growth and continued development of our
This is how we work. Welcome to our world!
business. Our contracts of affreightment are a prime example of this cooperation. By guaranteeing
Crude oil is pumped from wells and transported in crude oil tankers to refineries.
Broström transports the refined products to oil depots.
We add value to the logistics chain Broström plays a clear – and critical – role in the logistics chain that links the supply of refined oil and chemical products between refineries and depots.
Here, we take responsibility for transports of refined oil products (gasoline, diesel, fuel oil, etc.) and chemicals (methanol, ethanol, MTBE, etc.) between refineries and depots as well as between depots. This puts high demands on our reliability. A prerequisite for success in the logistics chain is that our vessels are at the right place at the right time and that loading and discharging are conducted entirely according to plan. It is this precision that is at the heart of the ”just-in-time” transport concept. Through meticulous planning of the vast array of transport assignments for all of our product tankers, we create cost-effective logistics solutions for our customers, which consist primarily of leading companies in the global
Products are stored at oil depots while awaiting further transport.
Finally they are transported onward to industries and consumers.
oil and chemical industry. By meeting their de-
Broström’s ten largest customers
mands for reliability and cost efficiency, we are
In alphabetical order: BP, ChevronTexaco, Ecofuel,
able to create security in long-term business
ExxonMobil, Lukoil, Methanex, Petroruss, Shell,
relationships with our customers – and eventually
Statoil, Total.
– to contribute to economic growth for other companies and our industry. Our fleet is operated from our offices in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, France and Singapore. Broström Ship Agency Network Broström Ship Agency Network comprises seven companies active in ship clearing, chartering, liner agency operations and forwarding. The companies are represented at 15 ports which together account for approximately half of the total goods volume in Swedish ports.
Onboard or ashore – we are all Broström Broström’s operations are concentrated on a clearly defined link in the logistics chain, which is perhaps also the most extensive and complex part of a long chain of events, places and people. To be effective in our activities, we depend on many individuals with various competencies – and an organisation that makes them work well together. A floating mini community
involved in everything from sales, marketing,
Although our vessels spend most of their time at
finance and purchasing, to IT, human resources,
sea, they are arguably the most visible proof of
administration and company management.
our operations. Life onboard a vessel is special,
It is from here that we operate our vessels and
with a finite team of individuals living and working
ensure that they are being employed optimally.
together for several weeks at a stretch – each
It is through the efficient use of our resources
with their own specific expertise. Through clear
that we maximise our profitability, which in turn
areas of responsibility and close cooperation
is a prerequisite for the company’s expansion
between the varying professional categories,
and development.
the work in this mini community flows smoothly and efficiently. It doesn’t matter what role you
Development in focus
have on the vessel – on the bridge, in the engine
At Broström, all employees enjoy a wealth of
room, in the mess hall or on deck. Everyone
opportunities for career development through
plays a key role onboard.
various courses and training programmes. And to make sure they get started on the right foot,
Offices in several countries
every new employee is taken care of from day
Just as professional as we are onboard, so do
one in an individually designed employee
we of course approach our operations ashore.
orientation programme.
Like other international companies, we are
A map for the future Even though Broström’s operations are conducted
and have thereby not tried to create something
in two entirely different environments – ashore
new, but have simply formalised what we do
and onboard – there is much more that they
well – and what gives us a positive reputation.
share in common than that differs them. Most important, of course, is that we work
Today, we know that we share our most important common values with all our colleagues.
together. Our business is built upon a core activity
We know that we are working toward the same
– tanker shipping – and regardless of whether
goals and we understand why. And because
you work onboard or ashore, as a Broström
of this, even prospective employees will have
employee you play an important role in ensuring
a considerably better picture of what Broström
that the overall operation works and flows as
stands for from the onset. But perhaps most
smoothly as possible. This requires that everyone
important of all, in doing so we give our customers
can see their individual significance as well as
a quality guarantee.
the common platform on which we stand. To help us visualise our common base, together
So you know that when you hear someone at Broström say that we strive to be recognised as
we have agreed on a set of values that should
the most attractive logistics service provider based
serve as a map and compass in our daily work.
on performance, reliability and respect, then you
We have based these on our existing operations
know that this is more than just a catchphrase.
In the heart of the world From Archangel in the north to Cape Horn in the
of oil storage services and facilities. At the start
south, from Japan in the east to California in the
of 2007, the commercial fleet operated by
west, you will find Broström’s vessels. Our inter-
Broström consisted of 79 modern product and
national presence gives us a strong position as
chemical tankers.
global companies in the oil and chemical industry make ever greater demands on coordination. Through partnerships and new vessels, we
Quality and safety Quality, safety and the environment are hall-
are continuously strengthening our positions.
marks for Broström, and nowhere else are
For our company, growth is the fastest in Asia,
these depicted more clearly than in our fleet.
where in a short period of time we have doubled
For example, they have been guiding concepts
our capacity through a strategic partnership.
in the development of our new D-class vessels,
Broström works in close cooperation with
of which the BRO Deliverer was named by
several European companies and in a strategic
Lloyd’s List as Ship of the Year in 2006. But
alliance with Vopak, the world’s largest provider
also in our extensive training and education
North Atlantic North Pacific Ocean
Indian Ocean South Atlantic
South Pacific Ocean
DPP/CPP Load Area Methanol/MTBE/ISO Octane Load Area
programme, major emphasis is put on systems,
Positive work environment
processes, handling and so on from quality,
Our goal of creating a positive work environ-
safety and environmental perspectives.
ment is important for all employees as well as
for the company. Everyone should feel that they Surfing on the open sea
have every opportunity to develop, not only
We view new technologies that can enhance effi-
professionally, but also as an individual.
ciency and raise the quality of our operations with keen interest. A modern and uniform IT platform onboard our vessels opens up opportunities for remote direction and support from land. And through the introduction of broadband Internet access, we have now made it possible for crews to stay in touch with family and friends ashore and to stay abreast of news back home. 11
Broström AB SE-403 30 Göteborg, Sweden Visitors’ address: Östra Hamngatan 7