The scout issue 3 september 2017

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2D Camp Road,Kingston 5 Jamaica



The Scout Association of Jamaica Quarterly



August 2016 Cubs 1,124 Scouts 152 V/Scouts 000 R/Scouts 003 Leaders 173 Total 1,452

August 2017 Cubs 1,259 Scouts 178 V/Scouts 002 R/Scouts 013 Leaders 196 Total 1,648


Farewell from President Jones

Dr. The Hon. Oliver E. Jones, OJ, CD, LLD (Hon.), JP, CLU

It is with mixed feelings that I step down as President of The Scout Association of Jamaica. Happy, because I was able to be a part of this wonderful organisation, and sad because I will be unable to contribute as much as I would like to. Having served in that position for over 17 years, it has become second nature to me, but there comes a time when one is no longer able to withstand the rigours of continued service and must then hand over the baton to a younger person who has the vim, vigour, and vitality to carry on the work that the position entails. I believe that my successor is one such person and, so, much is expected of him. He has my support. Before serving as President, I was Chairman of the Executive Committee for a number of years. Scouting has, for me, been a fulfilling experience and one I would not have exchanged for anything. I expect to continue to serve in any way that I can in supporting this noble movement. Our youngsters are the future, and we need to guide them now, or our future will indeed be a very dismal one. What I will miss most of all is sharing with the youngsters at King’s House during Scout Week, and at the National Cub & Scout Rally in May of each year. Over the years, I have worked closely with some members of the Association and I shall miss that also. The founder of Scouting, Lord Robert Baden Powell, said “try to leave this world a little better than you found it and, when your turn comes to die, you can die happy in feeling that at any rate you have not wasted your time, but have done your best.” I hope that I am leaving Scouting better than I found it. I certainly do not feel that I have wasted my time and I believe that I can still contribute something to the common good of Scouting before I die. HAPPY SCOUTING!!!

SCOUT JAMAICA NEWS Meeting with the Police

On Tuesday July 4th, Mr. Garth Russell and Mr. Robert Rose of the Scout Association met with Woman Constable Osburn and Cpl. Richardo McCalpin, of the Community Safety and Security Branch of the Jamaica Constabulary Force. The meeting was to see how best we can re-establish a relationship between Scouting and police, and the officers welcome the idea. See follow-up in a later edition.

Summer Work Programme

Scouts from Tarrant Baptist, Saxthorpe Methodist, Lyndhurst Methodist and Carpenters Memorial United Brethren (CUBC) participated in the annual summer work programme sponsored by the Airports Authority. These youngsters work during the summer (July-August) in the office at the National Headquarters performing a number of duties. Thanks to Mr. Earl Richards (Queen Scout) and former President of Airports Authority who was instrumental in setting up this partnership for us

Scouts seeking Scouts

Many of our former Scouts are now influential, talented men who have excelled in their own careers and who may be able to contribute to our networking efforts. As we seek to strengthen the Movement in Jamaica, we are calling on former Scouts to help in a variety of ways. Increasing membership will require more leaders, and who better than our former Scouts. Who better to motivate our troops to be their best selves than our former Scouts! If you are a former Scout interested in contributing to the development of our young Scouts, we would like to hear from you. Call 926-7209, email or visit us at Scout HQ, 2D Camp Road, Kingston.

BEACH CLEANUP The Scout Association of Jamaica joined with the Jamaica Environment Trust (JET) in its "All Island Coastal Clean Up" on September 21, 2017. Cub Scouts and Scouts from the St. Thomas District partnered with the Southaven Citizens Association and collected, plastic bottles, aluminium cans, shoes, clothing and other debris. This project allowed the youngster to complete one section of their duty to others Award.


The Scout Association of Jamaica hosted its Tri-Annual National Summer Camp at the Phillipsfield Campsite in St. Thomas. The 300acre campsite was rented from the East Jamaica Conference of the Seventh Day Adventists. Cub Scouts from Kingston, Western Kingston & Western St. Andrew, St. Thomas, St. Andrew, Clarendon, and St. James enjoyed the large tents placed on the field, while Scouts from St. Andrew, St. Thomas, Portland, St. Catherine, Clarendon, and Manchester enjoyed the woodland backwoodsman-type setting. Activities included: hikes, swimming, badge work, art and craft, football, running, Scout games and movie night. The campers especially enjoyed the beach area which was located about 2 miles from the campsite. Some learned to swim while others improved on their skills. Despite the rain, sand flies and mud, it was a well-appreciated camp and the youngsters left feeling happy and accomplished. Special thanks to corporate Jamaica who contributed food items and funding for the successful execution of the camp.



Just Missed




National Camp

Emancipation Day Independence Day

Beach Clean-up

OCTOBER National Heroes Day



National Leaders Conference




Rememberance Day

Basic C Course



Cub & Scout Culturama


Fundraiser Luncheon


Congratulations to South Korea on winning their bid to host the 25th World Scout Jamboree.


Contribution by Miguel Thompson Rover Scout, Kingston District.

I was a recent participant of the BSA camp staff program which lasted from the 22nd of June to August 27th 2017 in Boston Massachusetts in the U.S. at camp Resolute. Upon my arrival I, along with the other staff members, was given 5 days of full training in various skills such as conflict resolution, problem-solving and a basic first aid course. The first week was used to set up the entire camp and specific areas, and camp staff were given the opportunity to socialize with each other on a daily basis. I, along with the other international camp staff, Mica Matteo from Argentina, was assigned to the Scout skill area. The merit badges offered in this area were wilderness survival, first aid, orienteering, knots and lashings and cooking. The badges I was assigned to were orienteering, and first aid. I also occasionally assisted in other areas such as the Science and Technology area and at the day camp, which consisted of children 5-12 years of age. In addition, I got the opportunity to hone my skills in archery, rifles and shotguns. The camp's director, Mr. Rick Reopelle was extremely welcoming and ensured that I was in need of nothing. I was given the opportunity to share about Scouting in Jamaica on many occasions. My weekends were especially fun and restful, as I was given the privilege of staying with a different family each weekend. Every single family was extremely welcoming and opened their homes and families to me. I also got the chance to see the city of Boston and Salem. I visited the Museum of Fine Arts and went to see the Witch tour in Salem. These weekends provided a perfect day of rest after an extremely tiresome week. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity I was given to experience Scouting in a different culture and I hope that this program will continue for future Scouts to benefit.

INTERNATIONAL SCOUTING Weekend with Jesus On the weekend of July 15th, Mr. Jesús Arenas from the Regional office, paid us a visit to discuss our local Youth Policies. Once the meetings were done we took a trip to St. Thomas to visit a group of Scouts. Jesús was kind enough to share his photos with us.


6th Caribbean Jamboree - Greneda

July 18-24, 2018. Progress Park Playing Field in the Eastern Parish of St. Andrew in Grenda.

15th Caribbean Cuboree - Jamaica

The Scout Association of Jamaica will be hosting the 15th Caribbean Cuboree in July 30, 2019 to August 5, 2019. The camp will last for seven days and will be held in Ocho Rios, St. Ann on the grounds of Ocho Rios Primary School, Ocho Rios High School, and St. John's Preparatory School. 24th World Scout Jamboree - "UNLOCK A NEW WORLD' - USA

The 24th World Scout Jamboree under the theme "Unlock a New World" will be held at the Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve in the mountains of West Virginia, USA. This World Jamboree is unique because it is a team effort by Scouts Canada, Asociacion de Scouts de Mexico, and the Boy Scouts of America.

Thank you for reading, & Happy Scouting.

2D Camp Road Kingston 5, Jamaica, W.I. Tel: 876-926-7209 876-926-6292

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