Buzzer Spring 2013

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Spring 2013

a rt i n f o c u s

STEPHEN M. CLEMENT, III Zachary Davis, Art Teacher Bronze


Spring 2013



Marking a Milestone: Headmaster Clement Celebrates 25 Years at Browning


Dr. Gerald J. Protheroe Inducted as Second Recipient of Stephen M. Clement, III Chair for the Humanities

18 20


Latin Students Study Roman Arches of New Cafeteria Workshops on Traffic Flow Encourage Problem-Solving Skills


Guys Read “Times Two:� Books Bind Browning Families for Second Year


Boys Helping Boys: Peer Tutors Teach and Inspire


Summer Stipends


Parents Association Benefit 2013

Art in Focus (facing page): Art teacher Zachary Davis explains that the bust presented to Headmaster Clement at the 2013 Spring Benefit in honor of his 25th year at Browning began with observations of various images of him "covertly obtained to maintain the

element of surprise." The form, initially carved out of wax, was completed and taken to a local foundry where it was cast in bronze using the "lost wax process." Mr. Davis notes that because there was not a mold made for this piece, it is, therefore, "one of a kind."

3 From the Headmaster

13 From the Archives 22 The Local Buzz 36 Fine and Performing Arts 50 Athletics 54 Alumni in the News 56 Alumni Events 62 Class Notes

Spring 2013



ON THE COVER Director of Academic Technology Jeremy Sambuca used MakerBot’s 3D printer to create this bust of Headmaster Clement on the occasion of his 25th year at the School. Browning boys have access to this printer as part of their course work. Turn to page 23 for more about MakerBot in the classroom.

MISSION STATEMENT Founded in 1888 as a college preparatory school for boys, The Browning School continues its commitment to the goals of John A. Browning: the pursuit of academic excellence and a lifelong love of learning,


Stephen M. Clement, III, Headmaster Martin T. Haase, Director of Institutional Advancement Melanie S. McMahon, Director of Publications, Buzzer Editor Laura Neller Lanigan, Director of Alumni Affairs SPRING BUZZER CONTRIBUTORS Dominique Bernard, French Susan Levine, Assistant Librarian Megan Ryan, Chair, Modern Languages Department Elizabeth Suárez, Spanish Andrew H. West ’92, Athletic Director

the belief in the dignity of the individual, and the development of personal integrity and responsibility to the broader community. The Browning boy develops amid these values. The Browning alumnus is a good citizen, sensitive to the needs of others, and respectful of divergent yet informed opinions. He is, in the best sense of the word, a gentleman.

Contributing photographers: Christine Bramble, Rossa Cole Photography, GKNY Photo, Marty Hyman Photography, Sharon Jacob, Jeremy Katz ’04, Melanie McMahon, Laura Neller Lanigan, Sandy Pelz ’71 and Soo Mi Thompson. Design by Misty Wilt Graphic Design LLC BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2013–14 James S. Chanos, President William L. Jacob III, Vice President R. Thomas Herman ’64, Secretary Celeste A. Guth, Assistant Secretary Thomas S. Hexner, Treasurer Richard L.N. Weaver ’75, Assistant Treasurer Michael Beys ’89, President, Alumni Association Alka K. Singh, President, Parents Association H. Kenneth Metz, Vice President, Parents Association Stephen M. Clement, III, Headmaster Mildred J. Berendsen, Honorary Trustee Laura Z. Barket Stuart J. Ellman Elizabeth Granville-Smith Allan L. Gropper William S. Kingson Jeffrey Landes ’83 Tricia Langton Wendy F. Levey David J. Liptak



Jeffrey S. Olson Raul Pineda Michael L. Rankowitz Ellen Stafford-Sigg Sanjay Swani Lou Switzer Valda M. Witt Tucker York

DIVERSITY STATEMENT The Browning School strives to create a diverse community in which all members are safe, respected and valued. We believe that in actively promoting a diverse learning environment, we are fostering intellectual, social and emotional growth for all. Recognizing and pursuing diversity, however, are not enough; we seek to transcend mere tolerance of differences and aspire to a celebration of the varied appearances, abilities, perspectives and values that characterize our community.

The Buzzer is printed on paper containing 10% total recycled fiber.

The Buzzer is published three times a year by The Browning School Office of Institutional Advancement. The School may be reached at 212 838 6280. The website is

The Browning School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sexual orientation, religion, or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic and other school directed program, or employment practices.

from the headmaster

A Night to Remember A high point in my 25-year

it was Ms. Murphy’s

Parents Association 2103

Mike Cronin, who

career at Browning was the Spring Benefit held at the

American Museum of Natural History on May 3. This

issue of the Buzzer contains a number of really good

photos from the event, and I

know there are images on the Browning website as well.

Let me tell you how the

day began. My usual drill for Monday and Friday mornings begins at the red doors of Browning at 8 a.m. I really enjoy the ritual of greeting the boys because it gives me the

opportunity to interact with them and their parents, as well as many of our faculty. In a school of 400 boys I value the opportunity to learn much about families on a personal

basis, but I must say the press at the door, especially at 8 a.m., taxes my ability to recall names.

great-grandfather, drove the Vice

President in his

The evening’s setting,

Marcy to the waiting

speeches, videos, songs

Station for his trip

and appearance by the

buggy down Mt.

train at North Creek to Albany and

Buffalo. The site of

Yale Whiffenpoofs gave the

TR’s inaugural in

Browning community and me

the corner from

a night we will never forget.

Buffalo was around the house in which

I grew up; I knew a number of older people who recalled

being at the Pan-American Exposition on the day President

McKinley was shot. As a young boy I was very interested in history, and history had come to life at Browning on May 3. Later in the day at the American Museum of Natural

Imagine my surprise on May 3 when I came out of

History, I found Teddy Roosevelt again in the Roosevelt

Roosevelt (Joe Wiegand in “real life”) was in full regalia,

rarely out of character. We had wide-ranging discussions

the School to find a greeter already in place! Teddy

including pince-nez glasses and top hat. He interspersed

his conversation with “Bully!” and questions to each boy:

“Now can you tell me about your people?” To my complete surprise, the Parents Association arranged for Teddy to join me and actually become a presence for much of the day. I

have always appreciated the plaque on our corner indicating

the 26th President’s residence from 1895-1898 at 36 East 62nd Street. At the time he was Police Commissioner.

Interest at Browning in TR has been high recently because

of an original play written and produced by Sarah Murphy, our head librarian. Working with the School’s Encore

program, she led an enthusiastic group of fourth graders in a production about American presidents and the act

Rotunda! Mr. Wiegand is a most engaging man who is

about events in Buffalo, the refurbishing of the White House, and snippets about his children, especially Alice Roosevelt

Longworth. Our talk was a pleasant diversion from the jitters

I was experiencing leading up to the benefit itself. I had spent

several months at Browning uncharacteristically “tuned out,”

as I was exhorted to be surprised by everything. The evening’s setting, speeches, videos, songs and appearance by the Yale

Whiffenpoofs gave the Browning community and me a night we will never forget. It is hard to appropriately express my gratitude to all involved with the event. Thank you.

Maybe I should give TR the last word: “Do what you can,

with what you have, where you are.”

of reading. A key theme in her work, “Teddy Roosevelt

and the Regular Kid,” is the travel of Roosevelt from the

Adirondacks to Buffalo for his eventual swearing-in. In fact,

Stephen M. Clement, III Headmaster

Spring 2013



f e at u r e


MILESTONE Headmaster Clement Celebrates 25 Years At The Helm



THE YEAR 1988 WAS A GOOD ONE, AS STEPHEN HAWKING’S A Brief History of Time hit bookstores, and Doppler Radar was introduced. Headmaster Stephen M. Clement, III accepted leadership of The Browning School 25 years ago as well. His interview with Grytte Editor-in-Chief Michael Gabrellian ’13 reveals what lies ahead as Browning celebrates its 125th year.

S Michael Gabrellian ’13

itting in Mr. Clement’s office, I notice

School’s fifth Headmaster also started the

a portrait of Browning’s red doors

tradition of having a faculty member (usually

hanging on the wall, a staple of the

himself or a division head) give handshakes

School and a familiar landmark that

to every student before he enters the building

greets students, teachers and faculty every

each morning, a routine that every Browning

morning. Making red the prominent school color

student (and many alumni) has become well

(present in team uniforms, publications and the

accustomed to.

building itself), was one of the many changes

Mr. Clement first learned about Browning

Mr. Clement has implemented during his 25

when he moved to New York City in 1977

years as Headmaster of Browning.

from Cambridge, Mass., to head the High

Many of the School’s well-known traditions

School at Dalton. It was shortly thereafter

and symbols would have been very different or

when he met the late Charles W. Cook ’38, his

not even traditions at all without Mr. Clement.

predecessor, who led Browning for 36 years.

Thinking back to when he came to Browning

When Mr. Cook announced his retirement, a

in 1988, Mr. Clement remembers, “There were

Browning Search Committee was given the task

great teachers and great boys, but I was struck

of finding a replacement. When Mr. Clement

that there weren’t many traditions.” This was

was approached as a possibility, he was a little

rare for a college preparatory school with roots

hesitant to follow through with the process. He

tracing back to the 19th century. Browning’s

recalled the adage, “Never follow a legend,” and

annual Thanksgiving Assembly, the first time

was nervous about filling such big shoes.

in the school year that the entire community

Nonetheless, the opportunity to head

(Pre-Primary through Form VI) comes together,

Browning intrigued Mr. Clement. “I wanted

began in 1988 thanks to Mr. Clement. Our

to run my own school and was curious about

Facing page: Stephen M. Clement, III is one of only five headmasters to steer The Browning School since its founding in 1888. The portrait on the facing page by Harry Finkelstein ’08 hangs in Mr. Clement’s office.

Spring 2013



During a reception at the home of Headmaster Clement following the April 2012 NYSAIS/IBSC workshop featuring Dr. Adam Cox, eight IBSC headmasters gathered for the this photo. Pictured (L to R): Stephen Clement, Browning School; John Munro, Fairfield Country Day School; David O’Halloran, St. David’s School; David Trower, Allen-Stevenson School; Gregory O’Melia, Buckley School; Joseph Cox, Haverford School; Dr. Adam Cox; Edward Halse, Warwick School (England); Archibald Smith, Trinity-Pawling School; Mark Lauria, NYSAIS; Brad Adams, IBSC.

the idea of a boys’ school.” He had worked in

“very clear idea of the changes that needed to be

three co-ed schools prior to 1988. A colleague at

made in supporting areas of the School,” such

Dalton advised him to strive to get the job and

as Admissions, the Board of Trustees, Alumni

then make a final decision – advice Mr. Clement

Relations and Development (now Institutional

would offer anyone today. After weighing all


its options, the search committee narrowed

Mr. Ingrisani also credits our Headmaster for

its list down to three finalists. Following more

improving the academic standing of Browning.

deliberation, the committee decided that Mr.

The School used to be “personality-driven,”

Clement was the best choice to replace Mr. Cook.

whereby each individual teacher would decide

Asked if he had any hesitation at this point

his or her curriculum. That, however, proved to

to take the job, Mr. Clement responds with a

be a problem whenever there were personnel

steadfast, “No.”

changes. Now what students learn and do

The only three members of the faculty today

in each grade is connected to what they did

who worked at Browning in 1988 are soccer coach

the previous year and what they plan to do

and physical education teacher Mr. Watson,

in upcoming years. There is a more practical

college-guidance counselor Mr. Pelz ’71, and

and linear aspect to Browning’s education. Mr.

English Chair and teacher Mr. Ingrisani, who is

Clement also “made an effort to make the faculty

currently the longest serving faculty member.

feel supported and held to a high standard.” Mr.

He credits Mr. Cook for moving the School from

Ingrisani notices that there is currently more of

the 1950s to the 1980s, but notes, “There were

an understanding of why Browning is a boys’

many things about the School that needed to

school, a concept that nobody could coherently

be changed if it were to survive into the 21st

answer in 1988. The school’s mission and

century.” Mr. Clement implemented massive

diversity statements, which appear on plaques

changes to the School throughout his first

next to John Browning’s portrait in the Lobby,

several years as Headmaster. He also had a

were also conceived during Mr. Clement’s



Facing page: Today, many of the traditions enjoyed by the Browning community owe their existence to Headmaster Clement, including those familiar handshakes at the red doors each morning.

Spring 2013



Over the years, Headmaster Clement has enjoyed working with members of Browning’s Board of Trustees, including President Jim Chanos (center) and Vice President Bill Jacob (far right).

tenure. “He has left his stamp on the School,”

Advanced Expository Writing class. “I’m lucky

Mr. Ingrisani adds.

that I am able to teach in that room,” he remarks.

In addition to establishing some of Browning’s

This is the class that all Form VI students take

treasured traditions, Mr. Clement also carried

during the first trimester to prepare for writing

out several architectural changes on the first and

some of their college application essays.

second floors of the building during the first few

Mr. Clement has

years of his headmastership. He renovated the

been teaching

Pre-Primary rooms on the second floor, which

this particular

is important, as it is the first encounter many

class for eight

students have with Browning. The Lobby was

years, helping

also improved and recently modified again

Form VI boys

in the summer of 2011. The School also began

polish their

its expansion into 40 East 62nd Street (the

college essays

neighboring building) in the early 1990s. By

and improve

gaining this extra space, Browning was able to

their overall

add the Luce Art Center, Martin Library, science

writing quality.

labs and additional Lower School classrooms.

It is rare for the

“The space that I like the best is the Cook

Headmaster of

Room,” Mr. Clement says, referring to the

any school to

comfortable room on the second floor. It

directly teach a

was used as a classroom but renamed after

class of all seniors.

Browning’s former Headmaster about 10 years

Now what students learn and do in each grade is connected to what they did the previous year and what they plan to do in upcoming years.

Now, celebrating his 25th anniversary as

ago and renovated into an improved space

Browning Headmaster, Mr. Clement feels “very

used for meetings, studying and Mr. Clement’s

fortunate to have had the opportunity” to lead



Most importantly, Mr. Clement wants the “kind, respectful” attitude of the community to remain the School’s ultimate accomplishment.

Browning and is looking forward to continuing

undergoing. He also will continue exploring the

leading the School. “I love the variety. I have

possibility for Browning to offer more modern

incredible diversity in the [Advanced Expository

languages to its students and begin teaching

Writing] class. I like being in the classroom.”

them at a younger age. Already there are Lower

He has hired every member of the current faculty

School boys learning Spanish and French. Most

with the exception of the three members who

importantly, Mr. Clement wants the “kind,

were at Browning in 1988. The administrative

respectful” attitude of the community to remain

team helps Browning operate smoothly and make

the School’s ultimate accomplishment.

it a memorable experience for students. They are

Every year during the first day of school

all “really smart, dedicated people,” Mr. Clement

assembly at Christ Church on Park Avenue, the

adds. “What is really special about Browning is

entire Form VI class stands at the front of the

that the faculty works so well together.”

auditorium with each boy saying his name, how

Looking down the road, Mr. Clement sees a

long he has been at Browning, and one word

promising future for Browning as well as a few

that describes his experience. After speaking

opportunities he would like to take advantage

with him, it is not a surprise that Mr. Clement’s

of as Headmaster. He aims to keep it a boys’

word would be “collaboration.” The students,

school with the emphasis on individuals, a

teachers, faculty, parents, alumni and trustees all

unique aspect made possible by its small grade

work together to make the School a better place.

sizes (around 30 on average). The physical space

“It’s not a very lonely job,” Mr. Clement says,

will always be a challenge in the neighborhood

despite the burdensome responsibilities he faces

Browning is situated in, but Mr. Clement

every day. “It’s hard work but rewarding. I’m

believes we can maximize what we do with

very lucky.”

the space we have, a theme of the multi-phase

—Michael Gabrellian ’13

construction project the School is currently

Spring 2013



BOBBLEHEADS, BENCHES AND BUSTS, OH MY! Among the gifts Headmaster Clement received

assistant, Jenna Montemayor; and two busts

Park from the Board of Trustees, represented

Buzzer) presented by Dean of Faculty Michael

for his 25th anniversary were a bench in Central with a diorama from Board President Jim

Chanos; a look-alike “bobblehead” from his

(see front cover and inside front cover of this

Ingrisani and faculty members Zack Davis and

Jeremy Sambuca. (More photos on pages 68-69.)

Headmaster Clement’s family members were thrilled to attend this year’s benefit in his honor; (L to R): son Winston, wife Sally, Headmaster Clement, son Ted and Ted’s fiancée Diana Cornely.



Special 25th anniversary cake.

Parents Association President and Trustee Alka Singh

Division Heads Chris Dunham, Jim Reynolds and Laurie Gruhn

Jenna Montemayor, assistant to Headmaster Clement, presented him with a “look-alike bobblehead.”

Dean of Faculty Michael Ingrisani and faculty members Zack Davis and Jeremy Sambuca present busts of Headmaster Clement.

Marty Haase, director of institutional advancement, and Lucy Warner, Lower School music teacher, performed at the benefit.

On behalf of the Trustees, Board President Jim Chanos presented a diorama to Headmaster Clement representing their gift to him of a bench in Central Park.

Benefit Chairs Unchu Tobia, Sharon Jacob and Chanda Chapin

The Whiffenpoofs, Yale University’s a cappella group, serenaded Headmaster Clement.

Spring 2013



Art Department Chair Nik Vlahos oversaw a recent project in which Lower School boys displayed unique perspectives as they painted Headmaster Clement’s portrait.



from the archives

THE DECEMBER 8, 1999 edition of The Wall Street Journal featured Headmaster Clement and a description of his office space, including Mr. Clement’s comments on the objects on his desk and their significance.

WORKSPACES: A LOOK AT WHERE PEOPLE WORK BY NICHOLAS KULISH Who: Stephen M. Clement, 55, Headmaster, The Browning School, a K-12 school for boys

Where: 52 East 62nd Street, New York City

What you see: A commitment to creativity as a teaching tool. On the corner of his desk stands a hand-painted model of the six-story brick building that houses the school, the project of a recent graduate. Next to it stands an old-fashioned school bell, a big hit, according to Mr. Clement, with the pre-primary students who visit the office on Fridays. In contrast to the walls’ staid wood-paneling, a colorful quilt of the alphabet, sown by a fourth-grade class, hangs behind

the desk. Below them a combination

at a school founded in 1888, whose

of old and new: digital-art recreations

alumni include the names Luce,

of Greek vases, made in a media-

Sulzberger and Rockefeller. One of

mixing ancient history class. Above his

Mr. Clement’s favorite items is a

computer more practical decorations

small framed photo of the five sets of

in the form of flyers, schedules and a

twins who attend the School, with a

calendar testify to a busy schedule. In

“twin” of the Headmaster inserted by

the seating area, where green chairs

the photographer. Brothers make up a

and a small green sofa surround a

significant percentage of the School’s

coffee table for chats with students, is

340 students.

an antique lamp brought back from a visit to Greece by a Greek-American

What he sees:

student, who was reminded of the

“These objects remind me about

School’s seal: the lamp of learning. Some more traditional objects share the space. The school mascot’s head is out of storage after an appearance at a recent assembly, where the panther went thinly disguised as a turkey. A large trophy won when the School’s team placed in last year’s national chess championship sits behind the desk. A bit of tradition makes sense

continuity, because you think about the kids you’ve known for 12 years and remember that you’re here for the present but you’re also here for the future as well. I spend a lot of time on the phone fundraising… and the concrete moments remind me why I’m here. This is not corporate America.”

Spring 2013



f e at u r e

Dr. Gerald J. Protheroe Inducted as Second Recipient of Stephen M. Clement, III Chair for the Humanities


February, History Department Chair

list. He is in so many ways the ideal person to work with

Dr. Gerald J. Protheroe was inducted as

students – he is smart, hardworking, focused, passionate

the second recipient of the Stephen M.

and thoroughly enjoys what he does… The Browning

Clement, III Chair for the Humanities. In

School is fortunate to have him, but more importantly, its

2009, Browning awarded this endowed teaching chair, the

students are the true beneficiaries of this wonderful teacher

first-ever in the School’s history, to English Department

and even greater mentor.”

Chair Michael Ingrisani. An Upper School history teacher and faculty advisor to the Model UN program, Dr. Protheroe also serves as a Middle and Upper School soccer coach. With his family, friends and Browning community gathered in the Lower Gym, Dr. Protheroe, who joined Browning in 1996, was recognized for his many accomplishments through remarks by a number of speakers, including Headmaster Clement, Board of Trustees President Jim Chanos, Mr. Ingrisani, current Head of Upper

He is in so many ways the ideal person to work with students – he is smart, hardworking, focused, passionate and thoroughly enjoys what he does… —Matt Horvat, Former Head of Upper School Mr. Reynolds said, “It was indeed an auspicious start when

School Jim Reynolds, alumnus Stuart Orenstein ’00, and

Gerry Protheroe joined the Browning faculty in September

three former Heads of Upper School, including Keith Frome,

of 1996. His being given the reins of the Model UN program

Kolia O’Connor and Matt Horvat. Key Society members

would require commitment and dedication. I suspect his

were on hand to deliver the chair presented to Dr. Protheroe

decision to shake up the team by taking only Form III students

by Mr. Chanos.

to ILMUNC forced all in the School to come to terms with

Upper School Student Council President Alexander

the considerable authority he brought to the table. One has

Bendo ’13 read remarks by Mr. Horvat, who could not

to believe that the team’s successes were very encouraging,

attend the induction. Mr. Horvat wrote, “For years I have

indeed. It is impressive that he has endeavored to keep his

kept a mental list of all of the people I would hire if I were

work at this level year after year…Llongyfarchiadau (Welsh

starting a school. Gerry Protheroe is at the top of that

for ‘Congratulations’), Dr. Protheroe.”



Spring 2013



Guest of honor Dr. Gerald Protheroe, seated center, was feted by members of the Browning community, both past and present, at his induction as the second recipient of the Stephen M. Clement, III Chair for the Humanities. (L to R): Former Upper School Head Kolia O’Connor, Alexander Bendo ’13 (speaking on behalf of former Upper School Head Matt Horvat), Upper School Head James Reynolds, Headmaster Stephen M. Clement, III, former Upper School Head Keith Frome, Stuart Orenstein ’00 and English Department Chair/Dean of Faculty Michael Ingrisani, the first recipient of the Clement Chair.

Mr. Orenstein recalled his days in the classroom with Dr.

Cambrensis (also known as Gerald of Wales) in 1191,

Protheroe: “There was a simple phrase that Dr. Protheroe

but he could have been describing tonight’s honoree

would say to us, whether it was when he asked us to quickly,

whose sharp and acute intellect, rich and powerful

read an assignment to discuss right then and there in class

understanding and, yes, his quickness and cunning, are

or as we were taking a quiz or test, and that was ‘carry on.’

well known to his colleagues and students.”

These simple words stem from Winston Churchill’s famous

The fact that Dr. Protheroe hails from Wales was clearly

and now corporately bastardized quote, ‘Keep calm and

evident in the décor that evening, including bouquets of

carry on,’ no doubt, but I realize that what Dr. Protheroe

daffodils with Welsh flags tucked within, as well as bunches

truly meant was for us to carry on in our learning, our

of leeks adorned with red ribbon bearing the School name.

striving and our eventual achievement of wisdom which

Headmaster Clement shed light on the symbolic meaning

he imparted so much of to us. I would like to end my

of these items. A Wales tourism website provides similar

remarks with a quote from William Arthur Ward who said,

details: The daffodil is popularly known as an emblem for

‘The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The

Wales but became so by accident. The Welsh word for leek,

superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.’

the original national emblem, is Cenhinen, while the

Dr. Protheroe was and is a true inspiration to us all.”

Welsh word for daffodil is Cenhinen Pedr or Peter’s Leek.

Finally, Mr. Ingrisani stated, “My predecessors at this

Over the years, the two became confused. Finally, the

podium have already told you things I would want to

daffodil was adopted as a second emblem of Wales. Myth

say about Gerry Protheroe as a colleague and a friend.

and legend say that St. David advised the Britons to wear

Rather than echo their thoughts, I want to share with you

leeks on their helmets while doing battle with the Saxons in

a quote I discovered recently in which a noted historian

order to distinguish friend from foe, which helped to secure

described the inhabitants of Wales: ‘These people being

victory. Another legend claims that the battle itself took

of a sharp and acute intellect, and gifted with a rich and

place in a field of leeks. In any case, The Browning School

powerful understanding, excel in whatever studies they

community extends its sincere congratulations and best

pursue, and are more quick and cunning than the other

wishes to Dr. Protheroe!

inhabitants of a western clime.’ Thus wrote Giraldus

—Melanie McMahon



Key Society boys presented a celebratory cake to guest of honor Dr. Gerald Protheroe. (L to R): Colin Carter ’13, Paul Pricop ’13, Dr. Protheroe, his daughter Carys, wife Paula, and Ty York.

Spring 2013



f e at u r e


Roman Arches

of New Cafeteria


(L to R): Form IV Latin students Brian Bermeo, Armaan Rawat, Latin teacher Brett Wisniewski, Basil Chalabi, Chris Keyko and Chris Russo.

we headed to press with this issue

studies, have become familiar with the Roman-style arches

of the Buzzer, a group of Browning’s

that now support much of the ceiling in the new cafeteria.

Upper School Latin students had

They were invited by Headmaster Clement to view the

recently visited Browning’s new

segmental arches during the construction process and were

cafeteria to examine its architecture. Latin teacher Brett

on site when the wooden forms were removed to allow

Wisniewski explained, "These students have been working

for the free-standing brick and mortar structures." The

on creating their own model of an ancient Roman city in a

Summer Buzzer will include additional photos and details

computer program called Minecraft, and as a result of their

on this exciting new facility at Browning.



Trustee Laura Barket, along with her children, Jack ’16 and Maddy, unveil the plaque honoring her late husband, Browning Trustee Keith Barket.


She said, “We loved this school from the

In February, the Barket Balcony was formally dedicated in

first moment. When

Mr. Barket’s widow and Trustee Laura Barket, along with

the Board of Trustees,

placed above the window overlooking the Lower Gym and

say ‘yes.’ No small

“The Barket Balcony. In loving memory of Keith F. Barket

routinely worked 80

played an integral part in the plan of the reconstruction of

eled about 200 days a

our friend and visionary.”

more important to

honor of the late Keith Barket, Browning Trustee and parent.

Keith was asked to join

their children, Jack ’16 and Maddy, unveiled a bronze plaque

he didn’t hesitate to

later hosted a reception at their home. The plaque reads:

thing for a man who

(1961-2010). As a member of the Board of Trustees, Keith

hours a week and trav-

the School’s current site. This balcony is named in honor of

year. But nothing was

Headmaster Clement remarked on the Barket family’s

Keith than our family.

contribution to Browning: “Laura and Keith quickly got

Anything for Jack and

and generosity were great assets to the Parents Association

where our boy was, so

involved with the School, and their attractiveness, energy

Maddy. Browning was

and then the Board’s building committee. On the Browning

Browning was where his father would be, too.”

ees Rodney Schiffer and Jeff Olson, sharpened our vision.

was bursting at the seams, and the need for more space

you are (on East 62nd St.), improve it to the highest degree

It surprised everyone (myself included) that the real estate

ics…We have completed Phase I of the construction project,

tion, location. Keith felt very strongly that the current site

the Barket Balcony tonight. And how fitting that Keith’s

vote was to reconfigure our school from within. The rest, as

Board, Keith was a quick study and, especially with Trust-

She added, “Like many Manhattan schools, Browning

Laura will tell you more, but the Barket Plan is: stay where

for our boys was also growing, it seemed exponentially…

possible, and look for offsite facilities, especially for athlet-

mogul I was married to said ‘no’ to a new location, loca-

opening the expanded Lower Gym last fall and christening

of the School was too historic and precious to leave. His

balcony is the literal center of the project.”

they say, is history…Every day over the past two years and

Laura’s remarks encapsulated the impact her husband

two months since Keith passed away, I have wished he was

had on the School and provided background on the fact

still here to see something or to hear something, and today

of the Browning gentleman”– well-read, hard-working,

see what is on the horizon for Browning, for our school.

that a dear friend of theirs, David N. Roberts ’80, “epitome

is no different. He would be so tickled and so pleased to

unassuming, and totally devoted to his family – prompted

Please raise your glasses. To Keith: forever in our hearts.”

them to seek out Browning as the school for their own son.

Spring 2013



f e at u r e

Workshops on Traffic Flow

Encourage Problem-Solving Skills


the end of last

year, Mathematics

“We tell our students that


Chair Michael

Klein arranged for a special day of

it’s important to train their

students. He invited Mark Love,

brains in certain ways; that

Engineers Teaching Algebra, to conduct

is, to think logically and

Browning boys. “Armed with only a

approach problems with

workshops for Browning’s algebra a former engineer and founder of

workshops with Forms II, III and IV

pencil, one piece of paper and an eraser

Mark Love and Michael Klein

these math students applied their

was positive,” he said. “The boys

a real work task,” said Mr. Klein. “The

interesting.’ ”

thoroughfare required the installation

underscored the practical applications

and simultaneous equations derived to

want to respond to a student who

of lights and, therefore, traffic flow.”

the pat response of ‘Because,’ ” said

the course of the day, Mr. Love reported

important to train their brains in certain

are a lot of engineers here at Browning!”

approach problems with a step-by-step

they enjoyed the workshops. “I’m

the unknown by following problem-

(engineers make lots of mistakes!),

algebra and problem-solving skills to construction of a mall along a major

described the exercise as ‘accessible and Essentially, the workshops

a step-by-step procedure. We teach them to identify the unknown by following

of traffic lights. Variables were defined

of studying mathematics. “We never

problem-solving techniques.”

design an efficient, safe and fair system

asks, ‘Why study algebra?’ with

—Michael Klein, Mathematics Department Chair

As the workshops progressed during

Mr. Klein. “We tell our students that it’s

on the boys’ potential, saying, “There

ways; that is, to think logically and

In turn, Mr. Klein asked students how

procedure. We teach them to identify

pleased to say that their feedback

solving techniques.”



HOW COOL IS THAT! Every day is “Cool Date Day” for the boys in Michael Klein’s math classes. At the beginning of each block, his students create an equation based

on the numbers comprising the day, month and year on that particular date. “I ask them to use each digit These sessions successfully

demonstrated a “real-world”

application of algebra and showed

how it can be applied later in life.” said Mr. Klein.

The positive feedback he received

how the study of this subject can

from the boys inspired Mr. Klein and

career. “In teaching them to replicate

to plan more workshops for Form II

potentially lead to an engineering a traffic situation by applying algebraic equations, thereby

predicting and controlling the

outcome, we helped motivate the

boys to learn algebra and understand

members of the math department

algebra students next year. “The success we enjoyed this winter was exciting.

Mr. Love proved to students that algebra is very accessible. It’s like doing a

puzzle…solving it is really a lot of fun.”

from the date only once and perform a math operation of their choice

(addition, subtraction, division, etc.),” he said. “This exercise encourages

number sense and pattern recognition. As I mentioned during a recent

admissions program, it has become so popular with the boys that they

now think ahead and, in fact, are even afraid they might miss it! They really

do look forward to this daily activity.”

Spring 2013



the local buzz

MATH-SCIENCE NIGHT: ORIGINALITY AND TECHNOLOGY The 2013 Middle School Math-Science Night took place in February, with Browning boys eager to share and

preview their presentations to faculty members at the conclusion of classes.

Later that evening, their proud parents visited the School to see what their

sons had been so diligently preparing for in past weeks.

During this annual program,

boys in Grade 5 to Form II design

and execute original science projects

incorporating mathematical analysis of their data as a central component

that drives their conclusions. For the first time, Form I boys used a Prezi

format to create their presentations. During last year’s Math-Science

Night, Form II boys used this format, enabling them to zoom quickly from their aim and background research to their hypothesis, procedure and

results. This year, Form II students took technology one step further by utilizing SMART Boards for their presentations.



Middle School boys enthusiastically share their Math-Science Night projects with peers, parents and faculty members.

PRE-PRIMARY BOYS UTILIZE MAKERBOT TECHNOLOGY First of Their Grade Level to Take New Tech Course Pre-Primary Browning boys in Mr. Sambuca’s technology class received a special treat this past holiday season. Not only did they get to make tasty cookies, they were able to

custom-make their own cookie cutters, too! Through the use of the MakerBot Replicator in their classroom, they actually “printed” their own cookie cutters after designing them with a web-based app, Cookie Caster. This app allowed

them to draw freehand using the computer mouse and es-

sentially create three-dimensional cookie cutters. The Repli-

cator, a 3-D printer that can be used to create colorful plastic models of objects, can literally turn a three-dimensional

computer model into a physical object. The printer identi-

fies cross-sectional slices of the image and then lays down

slice upon slice of ABS plastic to create a physical prototype.

Engineers, architects and other professionals, as well as hobbyists and students, use this machine to make models of designs they conceive.

This year’s PP boys are the first of their grade level at

the School to be enrolled in Mr. Sambuca’s new technology course which meets once a week beginning in the second

trimester. Mr. Sambuca explained, “We realized that most children are exposed to technology at a very early age, so

why make them wait to take a class like this? Why not offer it at the Pre-Primary level? Our goal is to expose and instill a love of learning STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). We set out to design a class that would allow all the boys to explore and play with different types of technology, as well as build confidence along the way.

The boys started the trimester learning the correct way to

hold and properly use a computer mouse. As a result, this skill allowed the boys to design their cookie cutters while developing their hand-eye coordination and problem-

solving skills through web-based games such as FunBrain Playground. Future projects include ‘playing’ with elec-

tronics, iPads, Legos and robotics. The current Pre-Primary boys are essentially part of a pilot program; next year they

will take a technology course for the entire year, beginning in September. By the time they are in fifth grade, they will have had more exposure to this new technology curriculum than any class before them.”

As the holiday season approached this year, Mr.

Sambuca decided it would be a fun and useful exercise for the PP boys in his class to make their own cookies,

as explained above. “I showed them how the MakerBot

worked,” he said, “comparing the way it builds layers of plastic to the way one might make a layer cake. Over the

course of three classes, the boys made cookie cutters in the shapes of ships, houses, stars and trees. Then they cut out

the dough, sprinkled their cookies with colored sugar and took home the baked goods (cooked here in the School’s kitchen) to their families.”

Spring 2013



STUDYING SPIDERS AND INSECTS IN BLACK ROCK FOREST Lower and Middle School science teacher Stephanie Seto

reports on a late fall trip taken by second and third grade boys to Black Rock Forest: “In the classroom, third grad-

ers have been studying insects and spiders, and the second

graders have been studying decomposers. As they augmented their studies, the boys had a

wonderful time in Black Rock

Forest, with many of the third grade boys reminiscing about

their time in the forest last year. While on the field trip, both

grades took a hike on some of

the trails. Third graders focused

on differences between fall and winter in the forest, as well

as signs of invertebrate life. We learned about a wide range of topics during the hike, including trail signs and how to read them, woodpecker holes, and the geologic basis for where moss grows.”

Ms. Seto added, “The second graders focused on

identifying various forms of decomposers during

their hike. After lunch, the third graders performed an

invertebrate search in the style of a biodiversity survey,



in small groups looking at one-square-meter plots. They identified, observed and sketched insects, spiders and

other invertebrates up close in Petri dishes. The second

graders searched for, identified, observed and sketched

decomposers in one-square-meter plots, as well as looked at decomposing logs.”

CONSERVATION BIOLOGY STUDENTS CONDUCT BIODIVERSITY SURVEY Science teacher Emilie Wolf reports on an excursion taken by her class to Central Park: “The conservation biology stu-

dents walked to the park to perform a basic biodiversity survey. They compared the diversity and abundance found in areas of high human activity to a more removed area. The boys walked around the Hallett Nature Sanctuary, a piece

of land that has been kept sheltered from human activity since 1934. They observed sycamores, oaks, rhododendrons, holly, squirrels, blue jays, Northern cardinals, house sparrows and a tufted titmouse.”

Ms. Wolf added, “In a later class, the boys tested out various statistical tools to attribute a biodiversity index to each

area. Even without calculations, though, it was clear to see the site near the protected area had a much higher diversity.”

FIVE BROWNING BOYS RECEIVE COMMENDATIONS AT MODEL UN For four days in January, 20 boys from The Browning

School, accompanied by History Department Chair Ger-

ald Protheroe and English teacher Kevin Dearinger, joined nearly 3,000 delegates from 17 nations to participate in the annual Ivy League Model United Nations, hosted by the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.

Mr. Dearinger reports: “This year in the general

assembly and in large committees, the Browning

delegation represented the new nation of South Sudan.

Browning students also participated in a committee on oil

rights in Antarctica and a gathering representing the World Bank. One Browning student sat on a crisis simulation

committee representing the Confederate States of America. The Browning delegation enjoyed the finer fast foods of

the Philadelphia region and its traditional Saturday night

Chinese restaurant feast before the conference dance. Five Browning boys including Liam Kerwin, Aadir

Khan, Arthur Mensah, David Valentin and Michael

Zuppone were awarded verbal commendations at the

awards ceremony, honoring their outstanding work in a large crowd.”

Spring 2013



HELPING WITH HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Mathematics teachers Judit Resika and Rebecca Vinsonhaler, along with Spanish teacher Elizabeth Suárez, accompanied seven Browning boys to New Milford, N.J., as part of a Habitat for Humanity project. Ms. Vinsonhaler reports: “We

worked on a house that was being renovated for a family with three children,

aged five, seven and nine. The seven-year-old, Zoey, has cerebral palsy and cannot use her muscles. So she can’t talk, eat or move normally. Her parents rebuilt their home to allow Zoey more social interaction with the family. They can now wheelchair her to the dinner table,

and her live-in aid is able to stay in a room near her to help at any point of the day or night.”

Ms. Vinsonhaler added, “I’m proud to say that the boys

painted, assembled and moved heavy furniture, and they also cleaned, working from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with a lunch break. They worked very hard!”

MIDDLE SCHOOL BOYS PERFORM IN MODERN LANGUAGES TALENT SHOW In February, all Middle School students of Spanish and

Spanish teacher Giurissa Félix reports on the videos her

French participated in the fourth annual Browning Middle

students created: Earlier in the term, the Grade 5 Spanish

Languages Department Megan Ryan reports: “The event

iMovie to edit it. For the talent show, the boys filmed a

School Modern Language Talent Show. Chair of the Modern included music videos, songs and short plays performed

exclusively in French and Spanish. The program also served as a dress rehearsal for Mr. Bernard’s French I students who

went on to perform their ‘résistance’-themed play on Friday night and Saturday morning at the Lycée français of New

York’s annual theater competition.” [Read more about the

play in the Fine and Performing Arts section of this Buzzer.]



class filmed a Spanish dialogue and learned how to use

video and recorded their own rendition of “La vida es mejor cantando” (Life is better singing), an 80s pop song by the

Mexican children’s group Timbiriche. The Form I Spanish class had a more formidable task. They had to write their

own song in Spanish describing their last day of school and

set it to the music of “Gangnam style.” You may log on to the

Browning website ( to view these videos.

BROWNING BOYS COMPETE IN INTERSCHOOL SCIENCE BOWL In November, a team of seven Browning Form V and VI students competed in the third Interschool Science Bowl competition held this year at The Chapin School. Head of Science Department Sam

Keany reports: “Playing in a buzzer-style quiz show format, the Browning team competed against teams from Brearley, Chapin, Dalton, Nightingale, Spence and Trinity. In this third year of com-

petition, all of the teams showed more discipline and knowledge in specialized areas of science,

including astronomy, chemistry, biology, physics, Earth science and mathematics. Browning had its most successful tournament, winning three out of six games, a record bettered by only two of the

other schools. Our players are to be commended for their enthusiasm, focus and application of science knowledge. Accompanying the team and officiating in various capacities along with me were Browning science teachers Betty Noel and Melodie Ting.�

Spring 2013



ENCOURAGING CAMARADERIE AND SHARING Traditions often grace the calen-

dar at The Browning School, and those that occur at Thanksgiving are particularly enjoyable for the entire community. In Novem-

ber, Pre-Primary boys enjoyed

a Thanksgiving feast with their

teachers. The boys shared what

they are most thankful for and especially enjoyed a visit from Headmaster Clement.

Meanwhile Lower, Middle and Upper School boys

participated in spirited camaraderie and games during

the annual Intraschool Exchange. Head of Upper School Jim Reynolds explained, “The objective is to provide an

opportunity for boys from all of the School’s divisions to get

to know one another; it is also a great way for the boys in the

younger division to get a glimpse of life in the Upper School, where a majority of them will be eventually headed.”


place overall. Finally, over

2012-2013 proved to be a very successful year for the Brown-

spring break,

provided the following report: The boys earned impressive

eled to Nash-

in January, with the K-1 team coming in third place overall,

participate in

Varsity coming in fourth, and Primary Varsity coming in


ing Chess Team. Jackie Grant, after school chess coordinator,

the team trav-

results at the New York City Scholastic Chess Championship

ville, Tenn., to

Elementary Varsity team coming in third place, Junior High

the U.S. Super

sixth. In February the team traveled to

Saratoga Springs to participate in the

Chess Tournament. Brown-

New York State Scholastic Chess

ing’s K-1 team finished 10th out of 47 teams in the country, the

School Reserve team landed a

team finished 13th out of 31, and the K-12 JV team finished

Championship. The Middle

K-3 JV team finished 23rd out of 76, the K-3 Championship

first-place finish, Elementary

27th out of 65.

seventh, and Elementary Re-

successful implementation of the early morning “Sunrise

Championship team came in serve team earned third

One of the highlights of the school year has been the

Chess” program. Many mornings the Upper Cafeteria was filled with boys excitedly huddled over chess boards. This

opportunity to play chess before school, as well as the close

instruction the players get from the 6-1 student teacher ratio during after school chess, has helped many Browning boys

improve their game tremendously over the course of the year.



ASSEMBLIES ADDRESS CIVIL AND HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES Middle and Upper School boys attended separate assemblies

in January commemorating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, with

a special guest, educational “Prezi” presentations and a video as part of the mix. The Browning School’s Multicultural Club

members encompassing Forms II through VI, along with their advisor, Director of Diversity Glenn Walker, are to be commended for conceiving, preparing and presenting for both

events. Mr. Walker expressed his appreciation to all involved, saying, “Thank you for your vision and help in creating a

wonderful tribute to Dr. King. His message of civil rights for everyone came through loud and clear.”

Chair of the Music Department David Prestigiacomo

joined his African Drumming students in providing a musical introduction as the Upper School community took

their seats in the Lower Gym. Mr. Prestigiacomo then told the audience about the history of African drums and the materials they are made from.

Head of Upper School Jim Reynolds and Farouk Oni ’13

introduced guest speaker Dr. Erica Chito Childs, who,

since September 2005, has taught at Hunter College as an

assistant professor in the sociology department. Dr. Childs

received her B.A. in sociology and African-American studies at San Jose State University and her M.A. and Ph.D. in sociology from Fordham University. She spoke about Dr.

King’s influence within the various countries she has vis-

ited on her lecture circuit which includes presentations to

schools around the world. Dr. Childs discussed inequality on a global scale and left her Browning audience with a

question to ponder; namely, how they will leave their own mark on the world in terms of diminishing inequality and influencing social change.

Afterward, Farouk addressed the various subjects cov-

ered by the Multicultural Club through the “Question of

the Month” aimed to raise the consciousness of the School community concerning such groups as those with dis-

abilities, etc. Finally, Farouk introduced a powerful video

(available on the Browning website) that he produced with Mr. Walker concerning civil and human rights featuring

Headmaster Clement, teachers and students in individual interviews and classroom settings.

Meanwhile, Middle School boys and teachers convened

for an assembly covering a multitude of topics related to civil and human rights, including the rights of gays, Na-

tive Americans, women, Latino Americans, Muslims and

Jews, as well as Asian and African Americans. A discussion about the Multicultural Club’s “Question of the Month” series and a video presentation followed.

Guest speaker Dr. Erica Chito Childs, assistant sociology professor at Hunter College, and Upper School Head Jim Reynolds.

The Lower School boys also participated in an assembly

to commemorate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Pre-Primary

teacher Katie Kummer welcomed the boys and teachers, while

Director of Diversity Glenn Walker explained that the program aimed to present a timeline of Dr. King’s career and his fight for equal rights for all. Members of the Multicultural Club

presented highlights of his career and answered questions.

An exciting addition to this assembly was a presentation

by Lower School music teacher Lucy Warner and her students. Ms. Warner played “When the Saints Come Marching In,”

an American gospel hymn, which Headmaster Clement ap-

plauded as he welcomed everyone and explained the impor-

tance of Dr. King’s legacy. He also read a letter from New York City Mayor Bloomberg’s office thanking The Browning School for their community service efforts in the aftermath of Hur-

ricane Sandy. He was pleased to note that the School, like Dr. King, is mindful of helping and serving others.

Ms. Warner elaborated on various types of music, such as

gospel, popular during the days of the Underground Railroad when slaves hoped to escape their masters; the audience was then treated to a related musical selection sung with great

spirit and animation by the fourth grade boys. Ms. Warner

showed a photo of the famous African-American musician

Louis Armstrong and also discussed ragtime music, playing

“The Entertainer” by African-American composer Scott Joplin. She noted that the current Composer of the Month was John Philip Sousa (known as the “March King”) and showed an

excerpt from the movie, “Drumline,” featuring the battle of the marching bands, specifically the drumming competition. As

a finale, Ms. Warner discussed African-American entertainer

Michael Jackson (known as the “King of Pop”) and showed a

video of his performance of “Billie Jean,” which was promoted with a film on MTV – described as “the first video by a black artist to be aired in heavy rotation.”

Spring 2013



FRENCH STUDENTS CREATE SCALE MODEL MONUMENTS French teacher Dominique Bernard reports that for their first trimester project, each sixth grade French

student created a scale model of

a chosen French monument and wrote an essay recounting its

history. The accomplishments of the students are depicted in the

photo shown here. Bravo à tous!

UPPER SCHOOL BOYS PARTICIPATE IN MOCK TRIAL In February, the Browning Mock Trial Team presented an assembly for the Upper School students. Faculty

sponsor and math teacher Marcia Wallace, reports: “The team consisted of 12 gentlemen from Form II to Form V and has been coached by Katherine Weinhoff (mother

of James ’10) for the past eight years. The case was ter-

rific: a community college student feels that he/she was deceived through the application/admissions process.


Guest judge for the trial was Bill Maguire, who is the

head litigator at the New York City law firm of Hughes

In January, 22 Form IV boys traveled to Frost Valley YMCA

Hubbard & Reed. Besides overseeing the assembly, af-

trip with 10th grade students from the Chapin, Brearley,

boys a critique of their performance.”

the single-sex Interschool schools.

enjoyed its first competition of the year as the Plaintiff

camp in the Catskill Mountains to participate in a three-day Collegiate, Nightingale-Bamford and Spence schools – all Dean of Students Sam Keany, who accompanied the

terwards Mr. Maguire was gracious enough to offer the Ms. Wallace added, “A few weeks later, the team

vs. the James Baldwin School. The Browning boys were

group, reports: “Our boys took part in outdoor team-

victorious in Round 1, making a strong showing all

skiing, even though the single-digit weather kept outdoor

sophomores and one junior should be even prouder

provoking discussions led by senior peer leaders from

seniors and one junior! The future is very bright indeed.

successful trip, as our boys recognized how much they had

Browning accomplished the very difficult task (in this

building activities in addition to tubing and cross-country

the way around. Ms. Weinhoff and I feel that our five

time briefer than usual. They also engaged in thought-

of this win after hearing that the opponent had five

each of the six schools. Despite the weather, this was a very

The judge noted that besides winning by point spread,

to offer this broader group of their peers.” Head of Upper

case particularly) of winning the ruling as the Plaintiff.”

School Jim Reynolds and Brett Wisniewski, Greek and

Latin teacher, also accompanied the students and enjoyed meeting faculty members from the other schools.

[Editor’s Note: Please visit the Browning website to view additional photos of many items in The Local Buzz.] THE


SCIENCE STUDENTS EXPLORE LIBERTY SCIENCE CENTER In February, forensics science students braved the winter weather and traveled to the Liberty Science Center in

Liberty State Park, N.J., for a forensic

science extended laboratory workshop. Science teacher Betty Noel reports: “As part of the program, students were

able to expand upon the techniques

studied in class and learn a variety of

new ones. They checked fingerprints, compared fibers microscopically and through burn tests, ballistic analysis,

toxicology and blood spatter analysis,

erly collect evidence and use a variety

students used a little bit of time to ex-

students were challenged with a mock

evidence and choose the appropriate

Skyscraper exhibit. It was truly a great

to name a few. In the afternoon, the

crime scene whereby they had to prop-

of forensic techniques to analyze the

suspect. When the workshop was over,

plore the museum’s Touch Tunnel and mix of education and fun!”

FIRST FAMILY COMMUNITY SERVICE DAY “DELIVERS” HEARTS AND FLOWERS Lower School Community Service Coordinator Rachel Gerber reports on the wonderful family

activity that took place on Valentine’s Eve here at

Browning: “The first Browning Family Community

Service Afternoon was a huge success! About 40 boys came to participate with their parent(s). The boys

enthusiastically made projects such as duct tape flower arrangements for the Hamilton Senior Center and

valentines for Yorkville Common Pantry. I would like

to send a huge thank-you to the parent volunteers and

all those who attended. We look forward to making this an annual Browning tradition!”

Head of Lower School Laurie Gruhn said,

“The parent involvement at all levels made such a

difference, and it was great to have parents and boys work together in such a meaningful event. To have

the boys see that there are ways one can reach out to a community beyond Dress Down Days and bake sales made a difference to them. I thank you.”

Spring 2013


32 32

f e at u r e


Books Bind

Browning Families L

ast year third grade boys

Read has multiplied! This year Browning has two Guys

uncles or other adult guy

to moderate, and one for grade four, led by Sarah Murphy.

and their dads (or grandpas, friends) got together as part

of a new Browning initiative known as

“Guys Read.” Inspired by the belief that it is essential for boys to see the men in

Susan Levine

their lives reading and engaging with

them as readers, the objective of Guys Read was to encourage students to see reading as a fun habit of lifelong learners.

The third grade level seemed like a perfect age to put this

Read book groups: one for grade three, which I continue

Both groups have met three times so far this year, and the

guys, young and old, are spirited participants. Many boys

who began as modest contributors have become discussion leaders. Both students and their big guy companions have

made serious commitments to completing the readings and showing up, not just to express their opinions but to listen to others.

José Garcia, whose third grade son José is a dedicated

plan into action. The books geared for this age are sophis-

member, says of Guys Read: “The book club is structured

inception, one of the basic goals of Guys Read was to read

hardly contain themselves. It is not often one sees the pas-

ticated and thoughtful, easily leading to discussion. At its

six great books together. Last year’s group surpassed that,

enthusiastically adding a seventh when an opportunity for the author to attend a meeting became available.

At the conclusion of last year there was a unanimous call for Guys Read to continue on to fourth grade. But the importance of offering this successful program to third graders was still there. So Guys



in a way that the boys are so excited to participate, they can sion of a young mind at work.”

Richard Sullivan, father of third grader Ben, feels that

Guys Read is “a great vehicle for us to spend more qual-

ity time together.” He adds, “When you sign up to reach a goal and have a hard deadline, action takes place. Just as I stay in shape by signing up for triathlon races that I must

train for, the book club facilitates Ben’s literary fitness. Ben

and I read the books together before bedtime, and we often discuss the themes and lessons that we discover as we are reading. This is a high quality father-son interaction that

we both enjoy and that would not occur without the deadline of the book club meetings. We usually head out for a burger after the meeting, so the book club evenings turn into a fun night out together.”

Both students

lies. Like Ben and Richard, Spencer Russell and his dad,

and their

choice; so far we’ve been consistent – hamburgers at PJ

big guy

fun for Spencer and me. First are the books; Ms. Levine has


of us thinks the story is headed and where we’ve found

have made serious commitments

Books and burgers seem to go together for several fami-

Ned, treat themselves to “a dinner at a place of Spencer’s Clarke’s.” Ned says, “Guys Read brings several layers of

chosen two winners so far. We talk a lot about where each ourselves surprised.”

The experience of attending a Guys Read meeting is per-

haps best summed up by Mr. Russell, who observes, “It’s al-

to completing the readings and

ways interesting to watch all the boys turn from being fully

showing up, not just to express their

in the book discussion with their dads.”

opinions but to listen to others.

engaged with the cookies in the room to being fully engaged —Susan Levine, Assistant Librarian

Spring 2013



f e at u r e



Peer Tutors Teach


ince the November 2012 publication of Form I student David Eisman’s excerpted article (facing

page) in the student newspaper, the


Grytte, Middle and Upper School Learning Specialist Kristen Sheppard continues to be pleased with the progress of the School’s peer tutoring program which she directs. The tutors who signed up eventually found plenty of “takers” for their services. “By February, I had 34 peer tutors, including boys from Form I through Form VI,” Mrs. Sheppard said. “More tutors from Form I have joined, which will help perpetuate the program.”

The boys participating in the tutor-

ing program are also enthused by the results. Fifth grader Alexander Kwok said, “The peer tutoring program is

really helping me improve my writing skills.” Another fifth grader, Akshay

Singh, said, “Learning with a peer tutor is fun and keeps your grades up.”

Spencer Wolfe ’13 has been a math



and history tutor for three years. “One

three years, agrees that being a tutor

tutoring is that you get a real sense of

I get to re-learn what I have already

of the really great things about peer

accomplishment when you help a student who earns an even better grade

than you did when you took the class,” he said. “Tutoring helps me improve

my own work in my classes and gives me drive.”

Diego Lopez-Liranzo ’15, who has

been tutoring French and English for

is a terrific experience. “First of all,

learned,” said Diego. “I also like in-

teracting with younger students, since I don’t have any siblings. The peer

tutoring program here at Browning has inspired me to tutor math to under-

privileged students in East Harlem on Mondays after school.”

“The peer tutoring program here at Browning has inspired me to tutor math to underprivileged students in East Harlem on Mondays after school.” —Diego Lopez-Liranzo ’15

A NEW WAY OF TUTORING Peer tutoring is a program at The Browning School in which students who specialize in a certain subject tutor struggling students.

Mrs. Sheppard directs the program and prefers

a variety of instructors, including students with

strong skills in foreign languages, math, history, English and science....

David Eisman ’18

Mrs. Sheppard notes, “Any student can come and ask for

help and I will pair them up with someone.” She explained that boys do not have to be afraid to ask for aid in a subject of their

choice. Any student who desires aid in their subject only has to

tell Mrs. Sheppard his problem and he will be set up with a peer

tutor who specializes in the subject of difficulty. All are welcomed to be tutored, and anybody in Form I or older can become a tutor. There is nothing more satisfying than hearing a boy you have

tutored say he got a hundred on a test,” explained Kevin Barbosa ’14. Kevin has given joy to many kids he has tutored by helping them Sixth grader Kenneth Daniel, one of

the Browning boys under Diego’s tutelage, has been helped and inspired. He

said, “I have been getting better grades since I started being tutored. The program has also helped me speak more fluently in French. One day I want to

be a peer tutor in history.” Read on to learn more about how this dynamic program works.

—Melanie McMahon

pass a test or quiz. In exchange for the aid he has given to many

kids, he has been given happiness to know he succeeded in aiding another child at Browning. Kevin is a French tutor who has only

been tutoring for one year, but he has already succeeded in helping many children. Kevin became a peer tutor because he wanted to

help boys with French and give back to the Browning community. He believes that more people should join peer tutoring and help expand the program.

Chris Batista ’18 also helped the community by joining the

peer tutoring program. Chris is only in Form I, but he is already

tutoring math, English, Spanish and history. He believes that it will be a positive step for both tutors and those tutored. “I think it will be a fun experience,” Chris declared. —David Eisman ’18

Spring 2013



fine and p e r f o r m i n g a rt s

MUSIC SURVEY CLASS ATTENDS METROPOLITAN OPERA In January, Music Department Chair David Prestigiacomo

and a group of Form IV boys in his Music Survey class, along with faculty chaperone Sarah Murphy, enjoyed a morning dress rehearsal performance of Rossini’s “Le Comte Ory”

featuring the debut of Pretty Yende, the 26-year-old South African soprano who won first prize (female division) in Plácido Domingo’s Operalia competition in 2011.

Ms. Yende, who performs frequently at Milan’s La Scala,

played Countess Adèle. She was joined on stage by tenor Juan Diego Flórez and baritone Nathan Gunn. The

Metropolitan Opera noted, “Reviving his turn in the comic sensation of the 2010-11 season, tenor Juan Diego Flórez

once again demonstrated his unsurpassed bel canto mastery in this Rossini gem, rediscovered – and reinvigorated – in Bartlett Sher’s charming and witty production.”

Mr. Prestigiacomo explained that his class has been

studying the history of opera as part of their music course work. Each boy wrote a review of his experience at the Metropolitan Opera. The boys jotted notes during the

opera and were appreciative of the opportunity to enjoy such a fine performance in person. In a video interview on the Met’s website, Mr. Sher calls Rossini “one of the

great theatrical minds” in terms of comedic opera; he notes that by the end of any work by Rossini, one has a better understanding of love.

Christopher Keyko ’15 wrote the following about his

experience at the opera: “The scenery for the opera was

designs were wonderful, too, and really made it seem as if

we were not just looking at a stage but were looking inside a room, in a garden, and outside a castle.”

Christopher Russo ’15 also wrote about his trip to

amazing. The performers utilized the large stage that

the opera: “Having never before experienced an opera at

I thought was very well done. All of the women inside

ornate the opera house was. As I sat in my seat admiring

the Met had to offer. There was one particular scene that the castle were running around frantically because of the thunder and lightning outside. The lights were directed at a certain angle, which made the shadows behind the

performers appear as if there were more people on stage and that the situation was even more stressful. Also,

the way they set up the thunder and lightning was very original. They did not use speakers of any kind; instead they used sheets of metal for the thunder, some barrel-

like contraption for the rain, and a spark for the lightning. It was very well done and really created an atmosphere

that seemed realistic. Other stage directions and scenery



Lincoln Center, I was taken aback at how spacious and the immense detail of the hall, I was introduced to my group’s liaison from the Opera Guild. She spent a few

minutes telling us interesting facts about the opera house. I learned that the fancy gold-leaf-covered ceiling was

specially constructed to reverberate the sound back to

the audience. The rosewood siding of the giant hall was all taken from a single rosewood tree which towered at

100 feet before it was cut down for use. Every inch of this space was elegant. The opera itself turned out to be just as fascinating as the beautiful opera house. The visual

and aural aspects, as well as the humor of the play, were especially enjoyable.”


Shakespearean production also took place in January as the

boys, along with students from the Brearley School, performed “Much Ado About Nothing,” adapted by Maxine Kern and based on the original play by William Shakespeare.

Mel House, who served as

director, noted, “One of our

primary goals for the Middle

School production is to create an experience that students

will remember fondly for years to come. There is a lot of work

that goes into a successful play, and a lot of fun! In addition to

becoming ‘Much Ado’ experts and making acting choices for

their characters based on details from the script, students

The play program included quotes from a number of

learn about the responsibilities and joys of being part of an

the cast members. Gianni Chiovetta ’17 noted, “The best

role play, pantomime and learn how to use their voices and

see everyone smiling. It shows the unity among the cast

ensemble. They get to learn warm-up exercises, play games, bodies to tell a story. For the more experienced actors, the

payoff comes earlier as their creative efforts bear fruit during

rehearsals. For others, the payoff comes at the close of the first performance when a sense of accomplishment (and a little applause) kicks in.”

part so far is the cast and the funny moments. It’s good to members and that everyone has a sense of humor, is nice

and respects everyone else’s ability.” Sam Dixon ’18 added, “I’ve learned a lot about the story of ‘Much Ado’ and how

to speak Shakespeare’s language. I enjoyed the status game because it gave me a feel for my character.”


“Rockin’ Fables” at a Lower School

assembly this spring. Based on “Aesop’s Fables,” the program featured Browning boys decked out in cos-

tumes representing the animal world. From insects to elephants and furry

critters in between, the boys told their

Robin,” the boys belted out a lively

of recent Composers of the Month,

made sure the moral of each was ap-

School Music Director Lucy Warner

grass music, and the team of Richard

own tales based on the classics and

parent. Singing to the tune of “Rockin’

rendition of “Rockin’ Fables.” Lower also checked the boys’ knowledge

including Bill Munroe, creator of blueRodgers and Oscar Hammerstein.

Spring 2013



Members of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, including Browning parent Vincent Lionti, pose with some of the members of the various Browning orchestras after presenting an “All Baroque” concert at the School.

METROPOLITAN OPERA ORCHESTRA PERFORMS FOR BROWNING BOYS In February, Browning parent Vincent Lionti, father of

Nicholas Lionti ’19 and violist with the Metropolitan Opera

Orchestra, presented a stunning “All Baroque” concert with an ensemble of fellow orchestra members for Lower School students at a morning assembly.

Lower School Music Specialist Lucy Warner (pictured

with Mr. Lionti) arranged for the visit and reports: “The program featured works of Purcell, Clarke, Vivaldi and

J.S. Bach, including several movements from two of Bach’s Brandenburg concerti. Mr. Lionti introduced each piece

with an interesting remark relating to its composer and to the work itself. With Mr. Lionti’s friendly style of relating to the students, as well as an impressive array of instru-

ments to look at and listen to, the Lower School Browning

boys exhibited great ‘listening skills’ as well as enthusiastic

response to each selection! This program gave Lower School students the opportunity to experience first-hand some of

the composers and instruments they have been studying in music class with me throughout the school year, including

violin, viola, oboe, trumpet, cello, flute and string bass. Also in attendance were sixth grade students and members of

the Browning Ovation Orchestra consisting of musicians in fourth grade, Middle and Upper Schools.”



Ms. Warner added, “This always-highly-anticipated

concert has become a treasured annual event over the past several years for faculty and students alike. Browning is

fortunate to have this opportunity for those who are lucky

enough to attend. By the end of the concert, the Metropoli-

tan Opera Orchestra performers were greeted with smiling,

grateful, appreciative students – and thunderous applause!”


Fourth grade teacher Patty Kim re-

ported on the class trip she took with

are making a sarcophagus in the art

to glaze their sculpture. By using a

Art Department Chair Nik Vlahos,

Museum of Art ends with a 20-min-

clude intricate details that reflect both

laborated on a history-art project: “The

sarcophagi. I also take photographs of

at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in

print them out for reference. Students

Egypt. As they explored the Egyptian

room and make color sketches.”

point out many gods, pharaohs and ar-

the project is to practice making a

In this way, their sculptures become

ings. Mr. Vlahos then instructed them

practice session, we spend three or

contemporary cultures. After the

detailed sculpture. Details include the

once again, and a final coat of clear

false beards. After they are completed,

With this last coat of clear glaze, the

from a few days to a week to dry

rich colors.” The sarcophagi were on

the first firing, students can choose

tion in March.

fourth grade teacher Bill Cantwell and

room. Their tour at the Metropolitan

who for the last six years, have col-

ute sketching session in front of the

fourth grade boys spent the morning

the sarcophagi they are drawing and

conjunction with their study of ancient

look at those print-outs in the class-

wing of the museum, they were able to

He added, “The next stage in

tifacts they recognized from their readto choose a sarcophagus to sketch. The

boys use these drawings to guide them as they make their own sarcophagi

later in the school year. We wrapped up the trip with a walk through the Temple of Dendur.”

Mr. Vlahos elaborated: “While Mr.

Cantwell is teaching about ancient Egypt in his classroom, students

wide range of brushes, they can in-

Egyptian and contemporary culture. Throughout the sculpting and glazing process, I talk to the boys about

how their sarcophagi can reflect their own culture in much the same way that ancient Egyptian culture was

represented on the actual sarcophagi.

sarcophagus in clay. After the first

a hybrid of ancient Egyptian and

four sessions making a freestanding,

sculptures are glazed, they are fired

additions of a headdress, arms and

glaze is applied before the final firing.

these sculptures need anywhere

sculptures take on a glossy finish with

before being fired in the kiln. After

display during the student art exhibi-

from among 25 different color glazes

Spring 2013



FORM I VISITS MOMA: JOINS IN CELEBRATION OF ABSTRACTION In February, Form I boys, along with Head of Middle School Chris Dunham, science teacher Betty Noel and art teacher Zack Davis, viewed “Inventing Abstraction, 1910-1925,” on exhibit at The Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art

(MoMA). As the museum’s website described it, the exhibition “brought together many of the most influential works in abstraction’s early history and covered a wide range of

artistic production, including paintings, drawings, books,

sculptures, films, photographs, sound poems, atonal music and non-narrative dance, to draw a cross-media portrait of these watershed years.”

Mr. Davis reports: “The Form I boys studied abstract

painting and began their unit by looking at works by Wassily Kandinsky and Paul Klee, as well as Marcel

Duchamp and Pablo Picasso. With their attention focused on formal abstraction rather than expressionism, they

began a series of watercolor studies on paper. A selection of their initial results were later translated to canvas and executed in acrylic paint.”

Mr. Davis added, “The boys had the privilege of view-

politely seated in front of an art work, composing their

interpretations. Overall, the experience was well above

my expectations as an art teacher. The boys displayed a

great deal of focus, respect and reverence during all facets of the trip. As ever, we received many positive comments from other museum patrons regarding our boys!” The

completed acrylic paintings were showcased in this year’s annual student art exhibition.

Before heading back to Browning, the boys also viewed

ing ‘Inventing Abstraction, 1910-1925’ which focuses on

Edvard Munch’s “The Scream” (1895). This iconic painting

seum, each student was given a small booklet in which to

“The Scream” were made by Munch between 1893 and 1910.

the early origins of abstract painting. While at the mu-

record sketches and offer descriptions of various pieces

they chose to observe within the installation. At any given moment, small clusters of Browning boys could be seen



enjoyed a six-month exhibition at MoMA. Four versions of Three versions reside in museum collections in Norway,

while the particular pastel-on-board viewed by the boys

remains in private hands and was on loan by the collector.

BOYS EXPLORE PICASSO EXHIBIT AT GUGGENHEIM Spanish teacher Giurissa Félix reports that in

January, the Advanced Spanish and Spanish V boys enjoyed a field trip to the Guggenheim Museum to view the “Picasso Black and

White” exhibit, the first of its kind to explore Picasso’s remarkable use of black and white to draw attention to the formal structure

inherent in his art. Ms. Félix said, “During

the interactive program, the boys explored

Picasso’s approach to line and form, his ex-

periment with a variety of materials to create

two- and three-dimensional works of art, and his creative reinvention of the world around him. They also engaged in discussions and activities involving writing and drawing,

which allowed them to internalize and reflect on the following quote attributed to Picasso,

Photo by Regina Larkin

‘Art is a lie that tells the truth.’ ”

FIRST GRADE BOYS ENJOY PAPER BAG PLAYERS In February, first grade boys visited the Kaye Playhouse for a performance by the Paper Bag Players. First grade teacher Chelsea Rossman reports that the cast members

performed a western-themed show entitled “Saddles and Sunshine.” She explained,

“The boys laughed throughout the play and were actively involved in the performance.

The Paper Bag players emphasized creativ-

ity through the use of paper bags and boxes

LOWER SCHOOL BOYS ENJOY MUSIC AND DANCE Lower School Music Specialist Lucy Warner reports on an engaging February field trip featuring The Thunderbird American Indian Dancers and the Leaf Arrow Storytellers enjoyed by third and

fourth grade Browning boys at Symphony Space on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. She reports, “The show featured the talents of storytellers, musicians, and singers, as well as dance numbers

including student volunteers onstage. It was a fun, educational, memorable morning for all who attended!”

for many of their props and costumes. Additionally, ‘Saddles and Sunshine’ highlighted

the importance of gentlemanly qualities such as cleaning up after yourself, learning from

your mistakes, and helping your friends by sharing and compromising. One of the first

grade boys in the crowded theater was even called up on stage to spin a giant wheel to

select a dance for the audience to perform. The other boys couldn’t have been more thrilled and excited!”

Spring 2013



EXCELLENT SHOWING IN FRENCH THEATER FESTIVAL Browning’s Form II and Form IV French students displayed their

“French touch” in February at the annual Middle and High School theater festival at the Lycée français of New York. French teacher

Dominique Bernard reports: “As the impressive auditorium was fill-

ing up, the tension was palpable for the 400 talented young actresses and actors whose task it was to present a short play of five to seven

minutes based on this year’s theme of ‘Résistance.’ The quality of all the performances was impressive and better than ever.”

Mr. Bernard added, “In addition to the regular distinctions and

diplomas, five major awards were discerned by the jury. Thanks to their great work, two Browning boys, Michael Jozoff ’17 and Arthur Mensah ’16, won the hearts of the six-member jury and were awarded the two ‘best non-French speaking male actor

trophies.’ This was a great accomplishment indeed! The Lycée français of San Francisco and ‘La compagnie de loiseau bleu’

won the two best play awards. It was, as it is every year, a fun

and engaging activity, and the numerous Browning parents who

attended the event had every reason to be proud of their children.”



THIRD GRADERS ASK “WHAT’S FOR BREAKFAST?” What better way to start Valentine’s Day than

Ben Franklin, while the expression, “May we have

grade Browning boys. They posed the question,

the man who is best known for his bold signature

with the first play of 2013, presented by the third “What’s for Breakfast,” with their production

based on the book by Jean Fritz, entitled, “George Washington’s Breakfast.” The plot is based on

George Washington Allen, a boy who never gives up until he finds out what he wants to know; he

is determined to “learn all there is to know about his namesake including what the first president ate for breakfast.”

By the play’s conclusion, the audience was

well-versed in some of the many other famous people from that day, including Ben Franklin,

Paul Revere, John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson

and composer William Billings, widely regarded

as the father of American choral music. Among a number of historical facts, the boys learned that

the phrase, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes

a man healthy, wealthy and wise,” was coined by

your John Hancock on this document?” refers to on the Declaration of Independence.

Perhaps most important, though, the audience

finally found out what was for breakfast back

then – Indian flappers, more commonly known today as flapjacks or pancakes. These breakfast treats, as the boys led by Lower School music

teacher Lucy Warner explained through song (to

the tune of the Village People’s “Y.M.C.A.”), were “so fresh and tasty,” a “special morning meal” enjoyed by the colonists.

Head of Lower School Laurie Gruhn thanked

the parents and teachers for helping the boys learn their lines and express them with such

feeling. All in all, it seems like Indian flappers

might be even tastier than a box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day!

Spring 2013



summer stipends

EACH YEAR, THE PARENTS ASSOCIATION AWARDS stipends to faculty members who apply for specific projects, such as summer travel, research or study. Each recipient writes an article for the Buzzer about his or her project; three faculty are featured in this issue.

From Diego To Dalí The Parents Association graciously

facilitated my exploration of Salvador

to view, as always, and it was also interesting to find his

will inform pertaining units in Forms IV

age to both Greek sculpture and Freud’s psychoanalysis, as

Dalí’s oeuvre and Mexican Art, which

and V. I am very grateful for this opportunity, which took me to Chicago, Ill., Elizabeth Suárez

Salvador Dalí’s enigmatic paintings were a pleasure

and St. Petersburg, Fla. At the beginning of the summer, my visit to the Prada-

Schiaparelli exhibition at NYC’s Metropolitan Museum was a sort of appetizer to this experience, as it underlined fash-

ion artist Elsa Schiaparelli’s collaboration with Salvador Dalí

resulting in items such as the “shoe-hat” and “lobster dress.” My main target at the Art Institute of Chicago were

the works by Dalí and other Surrealists, but I stayed there several hours after, delighting in the accomplishments of

artists from the Middle Ages to Impressionism: paintings,

sculptures, decorative arts, photography. What an amazing place! Among them, the works by other Spanish and Latin

American artists particularly drew my attention: Francisco Goya, José Clemente Orozco, Diego Rivera and Diego Velázquez, among others.

famous sculpture, “Venus de Milo with Drawers,” an homwell as objects he created for the famous Surrealist Exposition of Objects in 1936.

Chicago also gave me the opportunity to enjoy Mexican

Art in the heart of Pilsen, an originally Bohemian neighborhood (i.e., current Czech Republic). Now home to a large

Mexican community, metro stations, schools and churches

are colorfully decorated with images of the Virgen de Guadalupe and many famous Mexican nationals (Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, to name just two). It is fittingly there,

then, that you can find the National Museum of Mexican

Art, engaging and meticulously curated, an ideal place to deepen your knowledge about anything from the Mexi-

can Revolution, through photographs and sculptures, to

Contemporary Mexican Art made of a variety of materials,

some as unexpected as feathers and beads. Traditions, such as the Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) and Carnaval, are present through memorable displays.

A variety of salient works immerse us in the Surrealist

movement. Fellow Catalan Joan Miró, who in 1929 intro-

duced Dalí to André Breton, leader of the Surrealist move-

I lef t th e museum w ith a better

ment, is represented, among other pieces, by a collage, a

sense of th e w hole scope of Dalí’s

alan Surrelist, Angel Planells. Other Surrealists that should

understa nding of th e symbols h e

rather unusual find. I was glad to learn about another Catnot be missed are René Magritte and Ives Tanguy.



life a nd wor k, a nd a deeper common ly used in his pain tings.

On my way there, spending time at the Maxwell Street

Fair was a great preamble to my museum experience in Pilsen, given that the fair is a hub of Mexican food and

music. I was particularly grateful to José García, one of the

fruit vendors, for taking the time to explain to me the wide range of produce brought from México for sale there. I

was unaware of the many types of chile that exist and how their names change whether we are dealing with the fresh or dried product. There, for the first time, I tried a tuna, a

fruit somewhat similar in shape to a plum once peeled, and which tasted to me like a richer watermelon.

Subsequently, I headed for St. Petersburg’s Dalí Museum

nent collection is remarkable, and it would be impossible to summarize in a short article such as this. Be prepared to see

works created when the painter was only a teen and already

showing signs of a bright artistic future with influences from Monet, Picasso and Gris clearly distinguishable; get ready

for the impeccably classic style of his Art School days, some

of his most outstanding Surrealist works, his “Nuclear Mysticism” period, plenty of the double image painting that he

so magnificently mastered, jewelry (a melting clock brooch in gold and diamonds was a personal favorite), drawings

and more. The temporary exhibition, which displayed his prints based on writings by Rabelais and Casanova, was

where I continued to learn about this talented artist. The

first rate, as well. I left the museum with a better sense of

and Eleanor Morse during four decades. The building draws

standing of the symbols he commonly used in his paintings.

ture protruding from an otherwise standard construction.

from the former, is no less worth a visit as it houses a variety

and its raison d’être goes beyond the mere aesthetics, as it

years of human creation. Although the Pre-Columbian sec-

museum houses an all-Dalí collection amassed by Reynolds your attention even from afar; it is an enormous glass strucInside, the helix-shaped staircase takes your breath away, pays homage to Dalí’s fascination with this shape, which is clearly recognized in several paintings. Furthermore,

Dalí read avidly about math, geometry and physics, and

followed closely the discoveries regarding DNA, which is

particularly clear in paintings such as “Galacidalacidesoxiribonucleicacid” (!) and “Nature Morte Vivante.” The perma-

the whole scope of Dalí’s life and work, and a deeper underSt. Petersburg’s Museum of Fine Art, not too far away

of works from all over the world, covering thousands of

tion is small, it is well represented by artifacts in gold and

other precious materials, from Perú, Guatemala and Costa

Rica. I am greatly enriched by this experience, which I hope to transmit to my students, and I would be happy if this article moved any of its readers to a similar exploration. —By Elizabeth Suárez, Spanish Teacher

Spring 2013



French Immersion Excursion My trip to France this summer began

with a parade of natives throwing armloads of flowers at my feet. I am not making this up. I arrived in Antibes

from New York in late afternoon on a

beautiful day in early June, quickly unMegan Ryan

packed my things in my rented studio in the vieille ville and then headed out

into the streets where I was literally showered with carnations! I mean flower after flower thrown at my feet, piling

up into a huge bouquet! It was a welcome nothing short of

extraordinary and bode well for what would be two marvelous weeks visiting Provence and the Côte d’Azur, thanks to the Parents Association.

Antibes, my home base for the first week, is a charming

town perched on the Mediterranean about 20 minutes to

the south of Nice. Founded by Greek traders in fifth century B.C., it has an old town, lined by ramparts, that includes a

maze of narrow medieval streets, an exceptional daily Provençal market and a renowned Picasso museum. Antibes is also home to one of Europe’s largest yacht harbors and

boasts an impressive 15th century citadel as well as a lovely

sandy beach, something that is relatively uncommon on the rocky Riviera. Freshly off the school year (not to mention a transatlantic flight), I spent my first couple of days taking

unhurried strolls in Antibes, as well as on the neighboring

and extremely beautiful Cap d’Antibes, and enjoying picnics on the beach and cups of coffee in the cafés.

Feeling refreshed, I decided to rent a car and drive east

along the coast to Monaco, passing through Nice and stop-

ping along the way in the Villefranche-sur-Mer. It is a spectacular drive that affords both breathtaking views of the

ocean as well as a sort of cross-section of life in the Riviera and, perhaps, in France as a whole: everything and everyone from grit to glitz, laborers to royalty, artisanal food to

McDonald’s restaurants, unspoiled nature to overdevelop-



ment, Roman ruins to cutting edge modern art museums.

While the hustle and bustle of Monaco’s seemingly endless construction sites was compelling, Villefranche-sur-Mer

was the highlight of this drive. This lovely, low-key hillside town is tucked into a bay that overlooks the exclusive St.

Jean-Cap Ferrat; exploring its 16th century citadel, harbor and chapel decorated by Jean Cocteau was a delight.

While based in Antibes, I took a second day trip in the

car, this time toward the interior and the Lac de Ste-Croix

and the town of Moustiers-Ste-Marie. The Lac de Ste-Croix, a man-made lake which measures 22 square kilometers

and produces 142 million kilowatts of electricity per year,

is sky blue in color and a strikingly beautiful place to swim and boat. At its northern edge and at the western entrance of the Gorges du Verdon is the very touristy but infinitely charming town of Moustiers-Ste-Marie. Carved into the

side of a limestone cliff, the town is known for its faïence (a

kind of French pottery), for the waterfall that runs down its center and for the paragliders who soar over the gold star that hangs high above the town in the center of a 225-me-

ter-long chain (allegedly placed there by a knight upon his return from imprisonment during the Crusades).

During the second week of my stay in France, I moved my

“base camp” to a village called Noves, located about 15 minutes south of Avignon. My new accommodation was a small

apartment in an old mill that a Belgian-American couple had

converted very thoughtfully into a number of lovely vacation rentals. A river runs next to the mill (naturally!) and the land on which it is situated abuts a national park whose system of hiking trails I explored and whose sangliers (wild boars) I avoided. From Noves, I explored the Provençal towns of

Salon-de-Provence, Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, Les Baux, Vaison-la-Romaine, Uzès and the extraordinary Roman aqueduct Pont du Gard. Salon-de-Provence, which dates to Gallo-Roman times

and was located on the salt trade routes between the Atlantic, Adriatic and Mediterranean seas, boasts an impressive 13th

century château, an unusual but beautiful fountain completely

covered in vegetation that gives it the appearance of a giant

tional example of Roman engineering. While it is, naturally,

of the French Air Force Academy. Isle-sur-la-Sorgue is criss-

number of locals who had come to picnic by the Gardon

green mushroom and a walled vieille ville. It is also the home crossed by canals of the river Sorgue; the town’s numerous

flowered bridges and nine mossy waterwheels (of which there were once 70!) add to its unique charm. I visited the town on a Sunday in order to see its famous Provençal market.

My hosts at the converted mill in Noves suggested

a major tourist attraction, I was particularly struck by the

River, which runs under the aqueduct, and swim in its cool, blue water. After my own dip in the Gardon, I headed over to Uzès (technically in the Languedoc region of France)

where I discovered a delightful, well-preserved town with an interesting history, as well as lovely shops and restau-

that I visit Les Baux, a medieval hilltop village crowned

rants and a beautiful, tree-lined, traffic-free main square.

route” instead of the major thoroughfares. I was glad for

some of the other places I visited in Provence), Uzès began

town’s daily influx of tourists. My route took me through

as the fifth century that was, at least temporarily, embraced

num, and on a leafy, circuitous mountain road that spit me

were heavily Protestant during the Wars of Religion. Ad-

with a castle, in time for sunset and that I take the “back

Somewhat “off the beaten path” (certainly as compared with

their suggestion, as the timing allowed me to avoid the

as a Roman settlement and had a Jewish population as early

St-Remy-de-Provence, past the Gallo-Roman ruins at Gla-

by the Catholic hierarchy; the town and surrounding regions

out into a series of dramatic red rock formations reminis-

ditionally, the duke of Uzès held a position of great prominence among French nobility. The town

cent of the American southwest and that

itself was lively without being overly busy,

afforded an exceptional view of Les Baux.

The sinking sun cast a peaceful glow over the town, a major force in 11th century

southern France, and the hilltop into which

I wonder ed if a nd how liv ing in a

it is nestled, and I wondered if and how

place filled w ith

and history colored the way its inhabitants

h istory color ed th e

living in a place filled with such beauty viewed the world.

Long fascinated by the French experience

of leading modern lives surrounded by vis-

such beau t y a nd way its inh abita n ts v iew ed th e world.

was something interesting to see or, better yet, something delicious to eat or drink!

I suppose I should mention that the

flower-throwing incident back in Antibes wasn’t exactly a spontaneous response

on behalf of the Antibois to my winning, midwestern ways or my admiration for all things francophone. As it happens,

I arrived on the day of Antibes’ Bataille

ible reminders of the multiple layers of history from which this modernity was born,

and it seemed that at every corner there

des fleurs, an annual festival that takes

I was eager to visit Vaison-la-Romaine, a city built on and

place in various locations on the French Riviera and dur-

medieval village. The Romans ruins, of which only a slice

a pared-down version of the Rose Bowl Parade) throw

them, are impressive, well-presented and generally well-

collect enough for a bouquet or two, and sometimes more.

crossed over the 2,000-year-old bridge built by the Romans

always bring out the best in all people.). I must also admit

dered its cobblestone streets and wondered about practical

idea what was going on. As I was at the very beginning of

around a prosperous Roman city and topped with a fortified

ing which people on floats adorned with flowers (think

are exposed as the bulk of the modern town was built over

throngs of carnations, etc., at spectators who in turn rush to

preserved, and the accompanying museum is informative. I

(I discovered that the prospect of free flowers does not

and into the Ville-Haute, the medieval town, where I mean-

that, when I first arrived at the Bataille des fleurs, I had no

aspects of the daily lives of its inhabitants.

the parade route with nearly no one before me, I initially

On my final day in France, I headed west from Noves to

did not dare try to catch the flowers with which I was ef-

the famous Roman aqueduct Pont du Gard and then on to

fectively being pelted because I didn’t know that such a

Built by the Romans in roughly 19 B.C., it is part of a 31-mile

on quickly enough, though, and was grateful for the flow-

water from a spring in Uzès to an important Roman colony

Association for its generosity that enabled me to take this

of the best-preserved Roman aqueducts, it is also an excep-

—By Megan Ryan, Chair, Modern Languages

the town of Uzès. The Pont du Gard is simply remarkable.

thing was not only allowed but also encouraged! I caught

structure, most of which is underground, that transported

ers that came my way. I am equally grateful to the Parents

in what is now modern-day Nîmes. The highest and one

exceptional trip.

Spring 2013



Discovering Martinique Last summer, I was granted the oppor-

tunity to discover Martinique, an island

Creole first wife of Napoleon Bonaparte and at the same

Caribbean Sea and an overseas region

controversial figure in the French West Indies. Indeed, al-

situated in the Lesser Antilles in the of France just like her nearby sister,

Guadeloupe. In Martinique, there are Dominique Bernard

certainly the sky, the sun and the sea but also sugar cane fields, out-of-time forest

trails, tiny villages at the end of the earth. I visited Guadeloupe three years ago. Martinique or Guadeloupe? Which one do I prefer? That’s a tough question. Bouch’a-y pa ni

dimanch’ is a Creole proverb, and it means, “He talks without ever stopping.” For 12 days, I criss-crossed this won-

derful French department. I am going to write (not to talk)

about some of my thoughts during this solo trip. I promise

I will stop! A Martiniquais has the reputation of being very

friendly and hospitable, whereas a Guadeloupian can be at times a little unwelcoming and aggressive. Cliché? Maybe. In any case, I felt comfortable everywhere I went both in Guadeloupe and Martinique.

I was impressed with the immense diversity of land-

scapes in Martinique with luxuriant vegetation in the north and superb beaches in the south. This lack of variety in

Guadeloupe is easily counterbalanced with the proximity

of three tiny, wonderful Islands, Marie Galante, la Désirade and the Isles des Saintes. Every day on my way back to

La Pointe-du-Bout where I was based, I was caught in the huge traffic jam around the capital of Martinique, Fort de France, a city undergoing radical and perpetual transfor-

mation. Schoelcher Library is arguably the most beautiful

edifice in Fort de France. Constructed in France in 1887 in the Tuileries Garden in Paris, the metallic structure building was transferred piece by piece to Martinique to serve

as a dynamic cultural center. Victor Schoelcher (1804-1893) was a French abolitionist writer. He dedicated most of his life to tirelessly denounce slavery.



Joséphine de Beauharnais (1763-1814), the beautiful

time, the first empress of the French, is definitely the most though she had little political influence over the emperor, the inhabitants of Martinique have never forgiven her for

letting Napoleon re-establish slavery in 1802. Josephine is

still so disliked that the statue erected in 1859 at la Savane Park in Fort de France was beheaded in 1991 and, several years later, splashed with red paint!

I stopped for several hours in Basse-Pointe where the

poet, author and politician Aimé Fernand David Césaire

(1913-2008) was born. He was also one of the founders of

the negritude movement in francophone literature defined as “affirmation that one is black and proud of it.” Mr. Césaire’s best-known works included the essay “Negro I Am,

Negro I Will Remain” and the poem “Notes From a Return to the Native Land.”

You cannot sojourn in Martinique without thinking of

the past, of the history, of the slavery and of Abraham Lincoln: “As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy.” Respect, immense respect!

There is a small but continuing community of indig-

enous people in the north of Martinique. Indentured labor-

ers, they were recruited by plantation owners to replace the slaves who had fled the plantations after the abolition of slavery in 1848.

Let’s drive up to St. Pierre. May 8, 1902. That sinister

day, a blast from the volcano Mont Pelée eradicated the

town of St. Pierre, exterminating almost all of the 29,000

inhabitants. The only survivors were a shoemaker and a

prisoner, a certain Cyparis jailed for his excessive penchant for alcohol, who was salvaged from the deadly lava by his posture in a single window jail cell. Once nicknamed the

little Paris of the Caribbean, St. Pierre rose from the ashes

You ca nnot sojou r n in Ma rtiniqu e w ithou t think ing of th e past, of th e history, of th e slav ery a nd of Abr ah am Lincoln: “As I wou ld not be a slav e, so I wou ld not be a master.

Last has and summer, started I was again granted to dream the opportunity of a better future. to discover It is now

the Tuileries English warships Garden passing in Paris, nextthe tometallic it continue structure to render buildthe

Caribbeancenter. historical Sea and an overseas region of France just like

as aAdynamic culturalfarther, center. IVictor Schoelcher (1804-1893) few kilometers stopped at the deeply mov-

Martinique,aan essentially land island of art situated and history, in the as Lesser wellAntilles as a growing in the

her Cuisine! nearby sister, Guadeloupe. Martinique, there Cooking in France In is virtuosity, and the are French

certainly the sky, the sunthis andculture. the sea It but also sugar cane Caribbean has inherited was not too difficult fields, out-of-time forest trails, tiny villages at the end of the to be a little adventurous in this field were it only to share

earth. I visitedexperience Guadeloupe three Martinique or this gourmet with my years fourthago. graders at BrownGuadeloupe? Which one do I prefer? That’s a tough quesing. Monday: Accras (fritters); Tuesday; Balaou (a small poption. local Bouch’a-y pa ni dimanch’ is a Creole and it ular fish); Wednesday: Boudin (spicy proverb, blood sausage); means, “He talks without ever stopping.” For 12 days, I Thursday: crabe farci (spicy stuffed crab); Friday: Giraumon criss-crossed thisorwonderful French department. going (local pumpkin squash); Saturday: ChiquetailleI am (shredto write (not to talk) about some of my thoughts during ded, spicy codfish); Sunday: Chatrou (small octopus). thisThe solosteep trip. Iroad promise I will A Martiniquais the leading tostop! “le Diamant” is veryhas scenic. reputation of being very friendly and hospitable, whereas Le diamant is an impressive 175 meters (574 feet)-high

aisland Guadeloupian can betwo at times little the unwelcoming and situated about milesafrom town named aggressive. Cliché? Maybe. In any case, I felt comfortable Point Diamant. This huge rock draws its name from theeverywhere I went both Guadeloupe and Martinique. light of the sun on theinbasalt rock during the day, espeI was impressed with the immense diversity of landcially at sunset, which recalls the picture of a diamond.

scapes in Martinique with vegetation in the north The road leading to the siteluxuriant is very steep and beautiful, beaches in thefrom south. This lack of varietyDurin and superb the view of the rock afar is breathtaking. Guadeloupe is easilyWars, counterbalanced withpossession the proximity ing the Napoleonic the British took of of three tiny, wonderful Galante, la Désirade this strategic position inIslands, order toMarie control the maritime and the Isles des on my way back to transportation inSaintes. the area.Every Theyday hoisted several canons Lathe Pointe-du-Bout where I was based, was caught the to peak of the Rock and settled 360I soldiers andin only

huge traffic jam around the capital of Martinique, one washerwoman! Finally after a 17-month siege,Fort thede France, repossessed a city undergoing radical and perpetual French the island. It is said that the transforRock was

mation. Schoelcher LibraryMajesty’s is arguably the most considered “His Britannic Ship;” it stillbeautiful appears edifice in Fort territory de France. in France 1887 in as a Britannic onConstructed maritime maps. Evenin still today,

ing was transferred military salute to thepiece site. by piece to Martinique to serve

was a French abolitionist writer. dedicated ing “anse Caffard Memorial” thatHe pays tribute most to theof86his life to tirelessly survivors of thedenounce shipwreckslavery. of a slave ship on the stormy night Joséphine of April de 1830. Beauharnais To mark the (1763-1814), 125th anniversary the beautiful of

Creole the abolition first wife of slavery, of Napoleon a Martiniquais Bonapartesculptor, and at the Laurent same

time, the Valere, paid firsthomage empresstoof the the victims French, ofisthe definitely sinking the withmost controversial these 15 massive figure statues in thewith French an inclined West Indies. headIndeed, turned al-

though the toward she Gulf had little of Guinea. political I was influence very impressed over the emperor, with the

the inhabitants simplicity, the force of Martinique and the emotion have never emanating forgiven from herthose for letting Napoleon statues built of cast re-establish concrete and slavery sandinforming 1802. Josephine a triangleis

still so disliked symbolizing thethat triangular the statue trade. erected in 1859 at la Savane Park Fort de France wastobeheaded in 1991 and, It in was difficult for me leave Martinique! As Iseveral conyears later, splashed with red paint! clude my report, I still miss the beautiful Caribbean sea, the Iwarm stopped people, for several the rich hours culture, in Basse-Pointe the wildlife, where the simthe

poet, author plicity of the and ruralpolitician life and, Aimé of course, Fernand the delicious David Césaire food. I (1913-2008) cannot beginwas to thank born. He the was Browning also one Parents of theAssociation founders of

the negritude enough for this movement generous in stipend. francophone I came literature back fromdefined Marti-

as “affirmation nique a better person that one with is black a better and idea proud andof appreciation it.” Mr. Cés-of aire’s the daily best-known life in thisworks overseas included regionthe of essay France. “Negro I nowIhave Am,

aNegro betterI understanding Will Remain” and of the therelations poem “Notes of an From overseas a Return de-

to the Native partment withLand.” the Mother Country, separated so far by distance and, at the same time, so close and tied despite many You cannot sojourn in Martinique without thinking of differences of aoflong I will know the past, of because the history, the mutual slavery history. and of Abraham Linhow share this unique allnot mybe students coln: to “As I would not be aexperience slave, so I with would a masat Browning in themy future! ter. This expresses idea of democracy.” Respect, —Dominique Bernard, French Teacher immense respect!

There is a small but continuing community of indig-

enous people in the north of Martinique. Indentured labor-

Spring 2013



at h l e t i c s

BROWNING BOYS ARE SELDOM at rest. They often compete on athletic teams (just this year, squash joined the roster of varsity sports offered at Browning) and as staff members of the student newspaper, the Grytte, discovered from the survey they conducted, many stay fit in other ways. The following excerpts from the November 2012 edition provide details.

SQUASH IS A HIT! Squash has become a varsity level sport at Browning. Since only 14 people Jack Reiss ’14

could make the

team, this is the

first year we were forced to make cuts. The Browning squash team is going

to be more competitive and rigorous

than ever before. Instead of practicing

every Monday, Wednesday and Friday,

which was the format of squash in past years, the team will now play more tournaments and matches.

Eddie Kapur, head instructor of

the squash program, is also very excited about this current group, “especially the students of the Middle School who are very enthusiastic, committed and eager to improve.”

When asked about the future, Coach Kapur said, “The plan is to join the Middle and Upper School squash leagues. We are not currently ready but will be soon.”

Although Browning has played matches in the past

(against Trinity and schools in Harlem associated with the Streetsquash program), the goal for the future is to play

some of the best squash schools in the city, as well as other schools affiliated with the Streetsquash and Citysquash programs across the city.



As squash becomes more relevant in New York and col-

leges across the country, including Princeton and Williams, it has become increasingly important for schools to field

a squash program. Because of collegial squash programs,

kids and teens are finding out about the wall ball sport and participating more than ever, making squash a “hot” sport. Thanks to Browning’s early involvement in the sport and

Mr. Kapur’s leadership, Browning is well ahead of the game and on track to offer one of the best squash teams in the city. —Jack Reiss ’14

FITNESS AT BROWNING One of the many challenges for a student at The

Browning School Philip van Scheltinga ’14

is to remain

physically active.

The School offers at least three hours of Physical Education (P.E.) a week,

and many students participate in afterschool sports programs instead of P.E. Last year, 78% of all Upper School

Browning students participated in

at least one sport; this is already an

impressive number. Even if someone is participating in an after-school sport,

he has additional time during the week to do more physical activity. For this

article, we surveyed 30 students to discover what students

week, and the others go every so often. About 50% of the

varsity sport.

helped them keep track of their fitness levels. Those who

do outside of school in addition to their P.E. classes or

The results of the poll revealed that the majority of stu-

students surveyed had a personal trainer or someone who go to a gym are typically older students. Almost all of the

dents are involved in extra sports outside of school. Only

boys surveyed in Forms V and VI go to the gym. This is a

themselves in additional activities. What was particularly

ning to develop and form at 16 years old. Those in Form

student body. Swimming, golf, soccer, basketball, squash,

age, but it is always helpful to occasionally go, provided

taekwondo, boxing and weightlifting were all mentioned by

remain safe.

programs. In addition to the programs at Browning, this is a

to have 100% participation in Browning athletics. Not only

about a tenth of the Upper School students did not involve

very positive piece of data because your muscles are begin-

interesting was the large variety of activities practiced by the

III do not necessarily need to be going to a gym at a young

baseball, running, sailing, rock climbing, tap dancing, tennis,

you understand how the equipment works and how to

those surveyed. Several students are part of rather intense good recipe for maintaining a high level of fitness.

Additionally, two-thirds of the students surveyed are

Every year it is [Athletic Director Andrew West’s] goal

was this goal designed so the School can be as competi-

tive as possible, but life is more enjoyable when you are

members of a gym and attend with some regularity. One

healthier and in good shape. My fellow students, if you can

a week. One in every five goes to the gym three to four

ties, and fitness, then you are taking full advantage of your

in every 10 students goes to the gym five to seven times

balance your academics, non-athletic extracurricular activi-

times a week. Another fifth go to the gym once or twice a

high school life.

—Philip van Scheltinga ’14

Spring 2013



Winter Wrap-up FIFTH AND SIXTH GRADERS ENJOY STAND-OUT SEASON “The winter sports season was filled with some highs and some lows,”

said Andrew H. West ’92, Director of

Athletics. The fifth and the sixth grade basketball teams both finished

with an impressive 6-3 record.

He added, “The

season started off

with a great hardAndrew H. West ’92

fought battle in

varsity basketball

between Columbia Prep and Browning

during the Tip-Off Tournament; Browning knocked the Lions out of their own

tournament in the first round by a score of 67-65.” According to Coaches West

and Travers, “Though undersized and

undermanned, this Panther team fought harder than most, and we are proud of their efforts. Whether they refused to

quit on a game, or they faced adversity with a strong work ethic, they dem-

onstrated true ‘Grytte.’ We are already

looking forward to next year, when our young core will take the next step.”

Mr. West noted that the junior varsity basketball

team improved a great deal throughout

the season and brought home

some victories,

as well as some

very close losses. Coach Mastroi-

anni explained,

“This season the JV team worked



hard in practices all season, did their

significantly over the course of the

The boys learned a great deal, and a

pated in the program this year, many

best game after game, and never quit. few of the boys are now primed for

varsity next year. I was very pleased

with the effort, drive, sportsmanship

and teamwork that the boys displayed all season.”

Forms I and II were divided into

season. Twenty Form I boys particiof whom play basketball and train throughout the year. They will no

doubt be excited to capitalize on their off-season work when they return to

the program next year.” Coach Vinsonhaler adds, “We had a jam-packed yet

two separate basketball teams, with

productive season…The entire team

dale and the Black team led by Coach

finally came to a close. Even though

schedule of games, allowing more

show success, the growth this year will

Ragsdale reports: “Despite some

and off the court in the future.”

positive, worked hard, and improved

sixth grade basketball teams enjoyed

the Red team coached by Coach Rags-

was disappointed when our season

Vinsonhaler. Both teams played a full

the season record does not numerically

playing time for all the boys. Coach

lead them to be better players both on

morale-testing losses, the team stayed

Coach West said, “The fifth and the

the most success, with both finishing

“This year, 15 boys joined the Winter

there is some welcome help on the

upon the students’ request for an

an impressive 6-3 and showing that

way.” Coach Watson reports: “The sixth grade basketball team opened their

season against Town School in early

January with a loss. Two games later, they were still looking for their first

win. That came in convincing fashion against Trevor Day School, and from there on the team didn’t look back,

winning their next five games and finishing with a 6-3 record. In the earlier

games, the boys rushed their plays and

Running Club created nine years ago opportunity to work out during the

cold season to remain fit and also to

prepare for the spring track, baseball

and tennis season. Runners enjoy the proximity of Central Park, and once

a week, they travel to the Indoor Armory Track on the Upper West Side. Since there is no competition, the

grading is basically based on attendance, attitude and cooperation.”

would turn the ball over frequently, but later they realized that if they stayed

calm and composed, the game would come to them and they could dictate

the pace and, ultimately, the outcome of the match. The boys also shared

the wealth, for over 75% of the squad

scored at some point during the season. Hopefully the boys will continue to

play and practice during the off-season

in readiness for next year’s 7/8th grade basketball team.”

Coach Brown reports: “The fifth

grade basketball team had an exciting season. The Panthers’ overall record was 6-3 with their best performance


final game, when they narrowly de-

The Browning hockey program had an unbe-

U. team. While winning games is a

We had a total of 47 players ranging from Pre-

developing the boys’ fundamental

years ago. Browning hockey hosted five teams, including Mini-Mites, Mites

to the first year player, all members

games at the Pee-Wee level which included fifth and sixth grade players

The Browning basketball program is

port from players and parents that both Pee-Wee and Bantam level teams

athletes come up through the ranks.”

All the teams combined played over 60 games, plus we had the most

coming in the closing minutes of the feated a talented School at Columbia

lievable season, as reported by Coach Garcia:

welcomed bonus, our main focus is

Primary through the fifth grade, the most since the program began eight

skills. From the experienced starter

Red, Mites Black, Squirts Red and Squirts Black. We also played several

of the team improved this season.

who had “aged out” of the program. (We are hoping with continued sup-

excited to see this group of talented

will exist in the future.)

Coach Bernard also applauded

the efforts of those boys who participated in the Winter Running Club:

wins of any season in the past three years. The boys played in several

tournaments in which we mostly placed in the top three. The future looks very bright for Browning hockey! I would like to thank Stephen Clement and Laurie Gruhn for their continued cooperation and support.

Spring 2013



alumni in the news

tial terror…Few things in life, then or

particular where, tears in his eyes, he

professor of history at Columbia Univer-

mitting an infraction that would land

dynamited competitors’ oil wells.

school history teachers at the New-York

to await his judgment. Detention was

I was reminded of another great history

My opinion of him demanded re-

CHARLES COOK ’38 LISTENING TO Kenneth Jackson, a

since, have triggered the fear of com-

sity, lecture 15 top New York City public

you on the bench in front of his office

Historical Society on Monday morning,

infinitely preferable.

teacher, Charles Cook.

vision when I had him for American

“Mr. Cook,” as he was known,

history. For some reason, in all my

not only taught 11th grade history at

previous years at the school, it had

headmaster for the eternity that was

of Browning’s best teachers. I know

education at the East 62nd Street insti-

come alive. I remember one class in

The Browning School, he was also the

never leaked out that he was also one

my kindergarten through 12th grade

it’s a cliché, but he made his subject

claimed that John D. Rockefeller had

Some of them apparently belonged to Mr. Cook’s family.

But he glowed even when it came

to eras in which he didn’t have a

vested interest. He had a particular

passion for the Civil War. In common with other great educators, he never

talked down to his students; he never taught by rote; his talent seemed

merely a felicitous byproduct of his passion for his subject.

tution. So I knew him foremost as the

head of school. And, as I believe many a student from that era will attest, he

was a figure who prompted substan-

I know it’s a cliché, but he made his subject come alive.

Ralph Gardner Jr. ’71, columnist for The Wall Street Journal, recalled former Headmaster Charles Cook ’38 as a strict administrator but also one of the “best teachers” at the School. Mr. Gardner’s October 16, 2012, column, “Strong on Uncertainty,” is excerpted above. THE


Their interest in formal attire took strong roots during their high school years and continues to develop in college.


early morning to rush to 8:00 classes,

it’s fair to say that formal wear is usu-

ally the last fashion go-to for a fine day of learning and working in the library.

But for twins Jon and Chris Pelz, suits,

dress shirts, and Vineyard Vines pastel shirts and ties are the usual fashion

trends that these new Bobcats flaunt around the Bates campus.

Like many lovers of fashion, these

twins from New York City have not always dressed as classy as they do

now. “I did not have a sense of fashion in middle school, but I always


wanted to develop one,” said Chris. Their interest in formal attire took

ments where looking your best makes

Current Browning boys seem to be

years and continues to develop in col-

is a big factor for my outfits because I

adding a

strong roots during their high school

lege. They’ve found that putting outfits together becomes easier as they dis-

cover new ways of incorporating style

and sophistication into their wardrobe. But why dress in such a striking

way on a liberal arts campus in the

earthy-crunchy state of Maine? For

Chris, it’s the aura of confidence and intelligence that his wardrobe gives

him. “I feel I do better in school when

I am wearing formal clothing.” But he

also just loves “wearing neckties, bowties and feeling classy.” Matching his

clothing to his variety of ties comes as

both a challenge and source of amusement to this sophisticated Bobcat.

Jon enjoys looking fresh, clean and

stylish. Like his brother, his fashion

choice gives him confidence and pre-

pares him for those unpredictable mo-

a difference. “How I portray myself

do not want to look unprofessional or boring,” said Jon.

following in the Pelz twins’ footsteps, touch of


Even though New York City is


that their style is not typical of the

go. Some

right outside of the financial district, it

this year’s

tire into their everyday wardrobe.


their home, the Pelz brothers believe

they may

city’s fashion trends. However, being

members of

is hard to not incorporate business at-

Model UN

Looking ahead, Chris and Jon


believe that their styles will not

traveled to

forward to incorporating new fashion

were featured

fashionable Jon and Chris Pelz as their

website that describes itself as “Your

tinue to turn heads. It’s not too hard

The students pictured here were

(L to R): Caspar Boele, Conor Dietzgen and Ty York.

drastically change, but they do look


trends of the future…Look out for the

in January on, a

bright-colored pants and bowties con-

Guide to Model United Nations.”

to spy two guys in suits amongst the

declared “Best Dressed Delegates.”

Bean Boots and Patagonias around the Bates College campus.

Bates College’s student newspaper, The Bates Student, profiled Jon and Chris Pelz ’12 in its Style Spotlight section this past fall. Staff writer Ashley Brant’s article entitled, “Dynamic Duo Jon and Chris Pelz ’16 Bring Big Apple Sophistication to the Bobcat Nation,” is excerpted above. Spring 2013



alumni events

Alumni on stage at Christ Church during the Young Alumni Reunion.

YOUNG ALUMNI REUNION On Wednesday, November 21, Browning

hosted the annual Young Alumni Reunion. More than 20 young alumni from the Classes of 2004-2012 returned to the

School to visit with classmates, faculty

and current students. The day began with the traditional Thanksgiving Assembly

held at Christ Church, where Headmaster Clement and Mr. Pelz ’71 recognized the

alumni on stage. As each alumnus briefly

introduced himself to the audience, he was welcomed by applause from members of the community. Following the all-school

assembly, alumni joined faculty and Form VI for a luncheon in the Lower Gym,

Ms. Ryan and Harrison Messer ’12 spent time catching up at this year’s Young Alumni Reunion. See more photos from this year’s event on the adjacent page.

complete with delicious sandwiches, wraps, salad and cookies compliments of

Chef Omar Maldonado and his team. Thank you to all who helped to make this event a success!



Director of Institutional Advancement Marty Haase and James Adeleye ’12.

Director of Alumni Affairs Laura Lanigan and Peter Shapiro ’10.

L to R: Head of MS Chris Dunham, Clovis Ogilvie-Laing ’12, Ibi Diallo ’12, Brian Tudor ’12, Aleksandr Schiavetta ’12, Matthew Marani ’12 and Kyle Johnson ’12.

L to R: Max Liu ’12, Ryan Flynn ’12, Kyle Johnson ’12, Chris Pelz ’12, Coach West ’92 and Jon Pelz ’12.

Headmaster Clement and Henry Newberry ’12.

L to R: Chris Pelz ’12, Jon Pelz ’12 and John Scowcroft ’12.

L to R: Matthew Marani ’12, Brian Tudor ’12, Aleksandr Schiavetta ’12, Harrison Fields ’11, Ibi Diallo ’12 and Mr. Reynolds.

Spring 2013



Coach Watch and Robert Van Laer ’08.

Alexander Bank ’05 (left) and Stuart Orenstein ’00.

L to R: George Grimbilas ’80, Robert Lazar ’89, Marc Cali ’89, Peter Orphanos ’89 and Michael Beys ’89.

L to R: Richard Weaver ’75, Jeffrey Landes ’83 and Christine Weaver.

L to R: Michael Beys ’89, Peter Orphanos ’89, Vassili Frantzis ’89 and Jonathan Mason ’89.

Nan Lombardi P ’84, ’87 and John Hadden ’87.

Nader Mobargha ’91 (left) and Manoli Sakellarios ’92.

L to R: Michael Dorra ’92, Ben Berman ’93 and Andrew West ’92.

Chris Holme ’03 (center, in red) and Samora Legros ’03 (far right) with their guests.

HOLIDAY PARTY On Friday, December 14, Browning’s annual Holiday Party was hosted by the Parents Association at the School. Hundreds of alumni, parents, faculty and friends attended for a festive evening of drinks and hors d’oeuvres. The Cook

Room, the designated Alumni Association room this year,

saw a great turnout of nearly 100 alumni and their guests! L to R: Louis Lenglet ’02, Sean Russell ’02, Jeremy Stewart ’02, Kieran Pickering ’02 and Chris McInerney ’02.

ALUMNI COUNCIL MEETING The Alumni Council met on Monday,

Nicholas Zoullas ’55 and his wife, Susan. Also at the January

Brett Wisniewski (pictured left), who

president of the Alumni Association; Marty Haase, director of

January 28. The special guest was

teaches Greek and Latin at Browning.

Mr. “Wiz” (as he is known to his students) gave a fascinating presentation on the

archeological excavation trip he and two Browning students made to Yeronisos, an island off the coast of Cyprus. This trip was made possible by alumnus and current parent



Council meeting, reports were heard from Mike Beys ’89,

institutional advancement; Laura Lanigan, director of alumni affairs; and committee chairs Stuart Orenstein ’00, Andy Madden ’96, Nick Versandi ’01 and Sharif Tanamli ’87.

Alumni Council meetings are open to all alumni and not just Council members. We encourage all interested alumni to attend and hope to see new faces at each meeting!

Back row (L to R): George Dafnos ’99, Andrew West ’92, Nader Mobargha ’91, Michael Dorra ’92, Phil Blake ’95, Sam Morril ’05, Jonas Borra ’03 and Harrison Messer ’12. Front row (L to R): Ryan Flynn ’12, Adam Dalva ’04, Luc Vareilles ’04, Eric Teran ’09 and Thaniil Theoharis ’09.

ALUMNI BASKETBALL GAME By Andrew H. West ’92 Once again Browning alums gathered at 52 East 62nd Street to battle it out in the annual Alumni Basketball Game, held this year on Wednesday, December 19.

Teams were divided up by graduating year, pitting the “Older Alums” against

Thaniil Theoharis ’09 and Sam Morril ’05 tip off in the Lower Gym.

the “Younger Alums.” The teams consisted of six players each, allowing us to play 4-on-4 to create more space on the floor. The Older Alums took advantage of the space and with constant ball movement, cutting and screening, were able to find easy baskets through-

out the contest, while the Younger Alums relied heavily on the

3-point shot. Although Thaniil Theoharis ’09 was in senior year

form drilling 13 three-pointers while scoring 57 points, Phil Blake ’95’s 66 points for the Older Alums were just too much to over-

come. I think it’s safe to say that everyone had a great time. With so much talk of the new Knicks/Nets rivalry brewing, I think

Younger Alums

Points Boards Assists

Luc Vareilles ’04




Jonas Borra ’03






Ryan Flynn ’12

Adam Dalva ’04

Thaniil Theoharis ’09 Eric Teran ’09

24 5


Older Alums

Lanigan for organizing the event, Harrison Messer ’12 for keep-

Andrew West ’92

and the younger, much more fit alums. Special thanks to Laura

Mike Dorra ’92


ing score and Omar Maldonado in the kitchen for the delicious

Phil Blake ’95


you all next year!

The "Younger Alums" put up a tough fight against the "Older Alums," who ultimately prevailed, in the annual Alumni Basketball Game rivalry.

Nader Mobargha ’91 George Dafnos ’99 Sam Morril ’05

The Upper Gym is always the site of the Alumni Basketball Game, which was held in December this year, instead of January.



5 3 3 4

Points Boards Assists

people are overlooking the rivalry between older, wiser alums

sandwich wrap spread, cookies and refreshments. Hope to see














16 9 6 9

L to R: Nader Mobargha ’91, Mike Dorra ’92, Phil Blake ’95, Andrew West ’92, Sam Morril ’05 and George Dafnos ’99.

Spring 2013



Browning and Marymount alums gathered at the Marymount School following a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Nick Versandi ’01 and Emily Baird, a Marymount alumna from the Class of ’06.

Kate Carcaterra (center), Marmount’s art history teacher, explained details about the Matisse and Bellows exhibits to the group gathered at the Met.

BROWNING-MARYMOUNT EVENT AT THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART On Friday, January 25, Browning and Marymount co-hosted an alumni function at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, followed

by a reception across the street at the Marymount School. At the

Met, guests had the opportunity to tour both the Matisse exhibit

and the George Bellows retrospective, led by Marymount student tour guides and faculty. Despite the cold and snowy weather

that evening, nearly 100 guests attended for what we hope will

become an annual event between the two schools. Special thanks to Marymount for being wonderful hosts!



Chris Jennings ’99 (shown in the Matisse exhibit) attended the event, along with more than 30 other Browning guests.


Did you know that ten Browning current parents are also Browning alumni? The above photo was taken in April of these alumni and their sons. Back row (L to R): Nicholas Zoullas ’55, Armaan Rawat ’15, Sandeep Rawat ’87, Lorenzo Lorenzotti ’82, Amedeo Lorenzotti ’19, Peter Stavropoulos ’82, George Stavropoulos ’18, John Hutzler ’86, Stuart Hutzler ’19 and Ben Berman ’93. Middle row (L to R): Winston Bates-Zoullas ’23, Andrew Bates-Zoullas ’23, George Grimbilas, Jr. ’80, John Hadden II ’87, Ali Theodore ’88, Michael Beys ’89 and Adam Berman ’25. Front row (L to R): George Grimbilas ’18, John Hadden III ’24, Lee Theodore ’24 and Peter Beys ’25.

ALUMNI NOTE-A-THON AND COUNCIL MEETING On Monday, February 25, the Alumni

Council hosted the annual Note-a-thon

event in the Wilson Room. A record 660 letters were signed and personalized by 21 dedicated alumni volunteers.

Letters were sent to encourage alumni to attend Alumni Reunion on May 9

as well as to increase alumni participation in the Annual Fund. A brief Council

meeting was also held during the Note-a-thon event, with much of the discussion centered around plans for the Alumni Reunion/125th Anniversary event on May 9. Special thanks to all of the Note-a-thon volunteers who volunteered their time and energy for this important effort!

Spring 2013



class notes

TO SHARE NEWS WITH THE Browning community, please contact Laura Neller Lanigan, director of alumni affairs, at 212-838-6280 Laura Neller Lanigan, Director of Alumni Affairs

Ext. 192 or



great-grandson of John D.

his wife, Linda Pevear, wrote

Theodore F. Pevear ’60 and

Justin Rockefeller, the

Rockefeller, Jr., Class of

a children’s book titled, “The

1893, visited Browning in

Date in the Junk Yard.”

January to discuss plans

Robert Federico ’63 is

for Alumni Reunion on

May 9, where Justin will accept the Class of 1938 Alumnus Achievement Award on behalf of his

great-grandfather. Stay

tuned for the full Alumni

Reunion event recap in the next Buzzer issue!


Frank Quigley ’38 lives in Palm Beach, Fla,

coincidentally residing

in the same building as past parent Courtney Arnot P ’06, ’12.

executive director of Repertorio Justin Rockefeller (center) with Director of Alumni Affairs Laura Lanigan and Headmaster Steve Clement in front of a portrait in the Cook Room of Justin’s great-grandfather, Browning alumnus John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Class of 1893.


George W. Connell, Jr. ’53 is president of Drexel

Morgan & Co. Recently, he sent Browning the

following note: “Thank

you for giving me a great educational start in life –

grades 1 through Form II.” Thomas E. Lovejoy III ’59

Chauncey O. Johnstone ’59

recently sent us the

following news: "We have

become residents of Florida

but will continue to maintain our house in Connecticut. I was recently elected to

the position of commissioner for district three for the

town of Manalapan, Fla. Six grandchildren are keeping us all busy."

Espanol Theatre. In January,

Browning Spanish IV students and their teacher, Ms. Suárez,

visited Repertorio Espanol and had the chance to meet Mr. Federico during their visit.

John H. Ballard, Jr. ’63

recently sent in the following: “Great news! My wife’s CD

‘Listen Here’ with Grammy winner John Clayton is the

number #1 Jazz CD nationwide on JazzWeek’s industry-

standard chart! Jackie Ryan

has held the coveted number

one spot now for four straight

recently wrote an article

titled “The Climate Change Endgame.” This article

was published in both The New York Times and the

International Herald Tribute in January. Dr. Lovejoy is professor of science and public policy at George Mason University and Frank Quigley ’38 lives in Palm Beach, Fla.

biodiversity chairman at

the H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment.



Robert Federico ’63 (left) with Spanish IV students in January at Repertorio Espanol, the theater where Mr. Federico is executive director.

cars and boats – and always have time for another real estate development deal! Best to all.”

Webster Young, Jr. ’68’s

book “Berkeley-Paris

Express” won a finalist’s medal at the USA Book

News Best Book Awards.

Howard Dean ’66 (center) visited Tom Herman ’64’s (far left) class at Yale in October.

weeks! Jackie has performed

parenting, photography,

Scott’s in London, et

biking, travel and archery.”

at Lincoln Center, Ronnie

cetera. We’ve been touring

throughout the United States, with concerts coming up in Seattle, Texas, Boston, and

Philadelphia – as well as our San Francisco Bay Area. All

Browning alumni welcome! Just contact us at: www.” H. Robert Lind ’63

recently sent in the

following news: “Finally completed our move

to Southern California

to further enjoy grand-

following news: “My

second collection of original short stories, ‘The Door to

Linton Wells, II ’63 will

the Basement,’ was printed

complete 50 years of service

last summer. ‘The Sand

to the defense department

Castle’ and other stories will

on June 26, 2013.

be printed sometime this

The UJA-Federation

Bloomberg Media Group

CEO Andy Lack ’64 at its annual broadcast, cable

and film event in April. Katie Couric presented

the award, which honors a professional in the field “for his or her

philanthropic leadership

PLEASE SHARE YOUR BROWNING MEMORIES Do you have a memory you’d like to share? Perhaps, like Ralph Gardner Jr. ’71, who recalled former

Wickford Welden ’73 recently sent in the

weather, golf, mountain

of New York honored


year. I’ll be donating copies Andy Lack ’64 is CEO of Bloomberg Media Group.

to the Browning library.”

and service to the New

mentioned in the New York

York Jewish community.” Marshall G. Ives ’65

recently sent in the

following news: “Happily

retired – whole family and grandkids within a few

blocks, still playing with

Jeremy R. Paul ’74 was

Times article, “Law Schools’ Applications Fall as Costs

Rise and Jobs Are Cut.” Mr. Paul was appointed dean

of Northeastern University School of Law in August. Previously, he was at the

University of Connecticut where he served as dean

of the School of Law and

the Thomas F. Gallivan, Jr. Professor.

Headmaster Charles Cook ’38 on page 54 of this issue,

you recall a teacher or another “moment at Browning” that truly stands out. In celebration of the School’s

125th anniversary, we hope to print your submissions

in a future issue of the Buzzer this year. Thank you for

sending your reminisces to Editor Melanie McMahon via

email (, or mail to her at The Browning School, 52 East 62nd St., New York, NY 10065.

Jeremy Paul ’74 is dean of the School of Law at Northeasten University.

Spring 2013



Brett Gladstone ’75

recently sent us the

following note: "I regret that a busy schedule prevents

me from getting to the 125th Anniversary. Delighted

to be a partner in one of

San Francisco’s largest law firms, and with a great

group of partners. I saw

my friend Sean Cherry ’75 at my San Francisco home

the other day, and he keeps me in touch with alumni

activity. Still playing jazz piano, sometimes with a

group, and playing squash."

Recently, Mr. Beker

published a Kindle book

about his dog called, “Notes from a Dog Rescue in

Progress.” To read more,

check out his blog at www. Peter G. Provet ’76

recently sent in the

following news: “Still president of Odyssey House in New York,

treating individuals with addiction and mental

health disorders. Three

sons - Jeremy (22), Jack (15), Sam (15) - all great.”

when asked to list his


named Mr. Ingrisani as

’80 wrote an article about

In an interview on the

blog “AdviceToWriters,” Brian M. Beker ’76, writing influences,

“the biggest influence of

all.” In 1991, Brian wrote and directed “Lines of

Fire,” the award-winning documentary about

revolution and heroin

trafficking in Burma, which screened at the Museum of Modern Art in New York

and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Los Angeles, and was recently curated for the

permanent film collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Mr. Beker has

been published in The New York Times and elsewhere,

conducted clandestine war zone investigations for

Greenpeace, and recently directed the aviation

documentary “AERO.” He attended Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism. THE


Lorenzo Lorenzotti ’82 (right) with George Stavropoulos ’18 at Browning’s Middle School Math-Science Night in February. George’s father, alumnus Peter Stavropoulos ’82, submitted the photo.

In February, Peder Zane connoisseurship for The

New York Times titled, “In

Pursuit of Taste, en Masse.” Alexander B. Glos ’81

lives in Shanghai.

David A. Callaway ’82

was a featured speaker at the 50th anniversary

conference of the Society of American Business

Editors and Writers in April in Washington, D.C. Mr.

Callaway is editor-in-chief of USA Today. He and his

brother, Jack Callaway ’84,

received Browning’s Class of 1938 Alumnus Achievement Award in 2012.

Asher E. Miller ’85

is assistant research

curator in the European

paintings department at the Metropolitan Museum of

Art. In January, Headmaster Steve Clement attended

Members of the Class of 1989 had dinner together in NYC in December. (L to R): Kevin Polakoff ’89, Jonathan Mason ’89, Peter Orphanos ’89, Vassili Frantzis ’89 and Michael Beys ’89.

an exhibit curated by

Mr. Miller, titled, “The Path

of Nature: French Paintings

From the Wheelock Whitney Collection, 1785-1850.” The

New York Times article “The Great Outdoors” reviewed the exhibit in January and

mentioned Mr. Miller’s role. In February, Juan D.

Reyes, III ’86 joined the

interviewed in a New

York Times article titled

“Crosswalks in New York Are Not Havens, Study

Finds.” Dr. Frangos is the

author of the study that the article highlights.

“Holiday Dinner” on

of Seyfarth

December 19 in New York.

Shaw LLP

partner. He

In April, Spiros G.

Frangos ’87 was cited and

of 1989 had their annual


York as a

governmental approvals.

Members of the Class

real estate

in New

building code matters, and

Michael Beys ’89, Vassili Juan Reyes ’86 is a partner at Seyfarth Shaw LLP.

concentrates his practice in

land use, development and permitting, with particular experience in zoning,

planning, landmark and

Frantzis ’89, Jonathan

Mason ’89, Peter Orphanos ’89 and Kevin Polakoff ’89 were all in attendance.

The tradition was started

by Andrew Monachelli ’89, who unfortunately was

unable to attend this year.

Orphmedia, a

more information, visit

leading digital media

agency specializing in

Wesley N. Kaplan ’97

the hospitality industry

and his wife, Deborah

and headed by Peter

Davis Kaplan, welcomed

R. Orphanos ’89, has

their son, Mason Eli

been given the highest

Kaplan, to the world on

recognition by the 17th

January 31. Baby and

Annual Webby Awards.

March. He currently lives

Orphmedia’s redesign of The Bryant Park Hotel

website was selected as a 2013 Official Honoree in the Best Visual Design Aesthetic category.

in California where he

was married in 2011 and

and his wife were filmed

New Jersey, Richmond and Charlottesville.”

Matthew E. Webber ’93

for the series

“You’ve Got” about their

Media. MLB Advanced

“Breakfast with Strangers:

Media is the internet

and interactive branch of

Major League Baseball and operates the official web

site for the league and 30

Major League Baseball club web sites.

Gregory C. Hewett ’93

honeymoon adventure,

50 Meals Across America.” For more information, visit www. breakfast

Dave Eppley ’94’s

exhibition “Oil Stains” ran from January 19 through

February 16 at the gallery

tells us he and his family

OBORO in Montreal. Mr.

years at the American

art department in March.

with many travels to

Hillman ’94 is a co-owner

China and Sri Lanka,

entirely devoted to bacon.

completed two master’s

Avenue (at 104th Street),

and one in administrative

brownies, caramels,

and his family will move to

sweets, all made with

School in Tunis, Tunisia.

recently featured the

have had six wonderful

School in Chennai, India,

spent time with Laura

Lanigan, Maureen Linehan, Sam Keany and Ms. Wolf’s fourth grade science class.

home over the summer in

technical architect at Major

League Baseball Advanced

at Browning, Mr. Cabrera

happy to be home at


is currently working as a

works for Facebook. While

Greg Hewett ’93 with his wife, Katie, and their two children in Sri Lanka in November.

Christmas and will be

Peter A. Thomatos ’92

Etienne Pourtout ’99 and Headmaster Steve Clement at Browning in November.

Eppley visited Browning’s

Wesley Kaplan ’97 with his son, Mason.

parents are doing well. Wes works in wealth

management for Lenox

Advisors in Manhattan, and he and his family reside in Forest Hills,

N.Y. He can be reached at In other Browning alumni

news, Deborah Kaplan’s sister, Lauren Davis, is engaged to David A. Kreeger ’99.

George Cabrera III ’98

visited Browning in

The fourth graders found it

particularly interesting that

Mr. Cabrera studied science at Browning and now

knows Mark Zuckerberg! Edward-Isaac Dovere ’98

has been named White

House editor at POLITICO, a political journalism

organization based in Arlington, Va., that

distributes its content via television, the Internet, newspaper and radio. Previously, he served

as deputy White House editor there.

Sean-Patrick M.

Malaysia, Singapore,

of Baconery, a shop and café

among others. Greg has

Located at 911 Columbus

degrees: one in education

Baconery sells cookies,

education. In August, he

marshmallows and other

the American Cooperative

bacon. The New York Times

Greg tells us they “were

shop in January. For

George Cabrera ’98, a technical PM at Facebook, spent time with Ms. Wolf’s fourth grade science class in March.

Sam Keany and George Cabrera ’98 (right) in front of George’s “Alumni in Science” profile in the science lab.

Spring 2013




In February, Charles Davi ’00 wrote an article for The

Atlantic titled, “The Mystery of the Incredible Shrinking American Worker.” Mr. Davi is a capital and

derivatives markets lawyer

at McDermott Will & Emery LLP in New York. He is a member of the policy

committee of Concord51, a political action committee. He received his J.D. from New York University

School of Law and B.A. in Computer Science from

Hunter College. He also

writes the Kalle’s Kultur

blog, which can be viewed


74th Street Magic, an early-

be viewed on C-SPAN

in Manhattan; and MFM

org/clip/4371650. Mr.

childhood activity center Industries, a cat-litter

manufacturer in Ocala, Fla. Michael D. Alpert ’01

financial and fiscal policy.

Molecular Genetics

recently directed the New

According to Harvard’s

at the Oasis,” with scenic

Microbiology and

for his thesis work.

website, “The Prize is

awarded to that candidate within the Department

January Management,

his family’s investment firm. He is director of

operations for several of

its companies, including

Columbia Cabinetworks, a

custom cabinetry company in North Greenbush, N.Y.;



York premiere of “Zelda

design by Colin McGurk ’01. Kevin Dearinger attended

Sam Tisch ’03 married Eliana Bavli in March.

and his wife is an account

the degree of Doctor

manager at Google Inc.

of Medicine, Doctor of

Benjamin P.

Philosophy, or both,

D’Innocenzo ’06 submitted

who, in the judgment

of the Prize Committee,

the following news in

best exemplifies the

Colin McGurk ’01 (left) and Andy Sandberg ’01 worked together on the Off-Broadway play “Zelda at the Oasis.”

creativity, collegiality, and

the show in November.

community happy, healthy

by Bernard N. Fields as

Andy and Colin in “Pippin”

It is with great pleasure

Molecular Genetics.” Dr.

is a managing partner in

Andy Sandberg ’01

Immunobiology for

of Microbiology and

in New York. Mr. Levey

Obama’s economic,

of Microbiology and

of the Department

Schaevitz at Gotham Hall

covering the White House

N. Fields Prize in

University’s Bernard

Professor and Chairman

Levey ’00 married Marissa

at The Washington Post

and focusing on President

compassion displayed

In November, Evan H.

Goldfarb is a staff writer

was awarded Harvard

virtues of intellectual

Evan Levey ’00 married Marissa Schaevitz in November.

at www.c-spanvideo.

Alpert received his Ph.D. from Harvard and is

currently working full time at starting a biotechnology company in the area of vaccine technology.

Zachary Goldfarb ’01

questioned President

Obama on March 1 at a White House press

conference about President Obama’s continuing

negotiations with Congress in regards to the budget sequester. The clip can

January: “I hope this

note finds the Browning

Mr. Dearinger directed both

and stronger than ever!

at Browning in 2001.

that I share the following

Jonas F. Borra ’03

recently sent in the

following news: “I was

just named the department head for the balcony and

balcony lounge at Webster Hall which means all

VIP and bottle service

for the entire fourth floor of the club is under my

managerial jurisdiction.” On March 3, Samuel A.

Tisch ’03 married Eliana Bavli at the Park Avenue Armory in Manhattan. Mr. Tisch is currently

studying for an M.B.A. at the University of Pennsylvania,

news. This spring I will

be moving to Cameroon

for two years to work as

an economic development

advisor for the Peace Corps. I feel truly honored and

very fortunate to have been given this opportunity,

and I am happy to share

in Browning’s tradition of community service and engagement.”

In February, Nicholas

Taub ’08 was hired as an

assistant account executive

at Grey Advertising in New York. He is also serving

as this year’s 5th Reunion

Chair for the Class of 2008.

IN MEMORIAM John L. Crandall ’38

John W. Hadden P ’87, ’93; GP ’24 L. Garrison Kean ’73

Timothy S. Rothermel P ’99 Risë Stevens P ’62

Leo Alavian ’11 (left) and Pranay Advani ’11 at Browning in January.


Pranay Advani ’11 and

Leo Alavian ’11 visited Browning in January.

Mr. Advani attends the University of Virginia

and Mr. Alavian attends St. Andrews University. J.R. Chansukul ’12

broke a swim team record at Bowdoin College that had

not been broken since 2001.

James Brisotti ’12 and Headmaster Clement at Browning in November.

Jon Pelz ’12 joined the

Bates ballroom dancing

team and earned fifth in

the tango competition, and was also a finalist in the foxtrot competition.

James Brisotti ’12 re-

cently wrote to Class Representative Chris Pelz ’12:

“I survived eight weeks of Plebe Summer at USNA.

During the academic year, I joined the YP Squadron,

where we take out the academy’s yard patrol craft and drive them like real navy

ships. We just completed a

trip to Baltimore, in which I

worked with the navigation team. I am currently training to be Conning Officer (the guy who drives the ship) for our next trip.” Ibi Diallo ’12 and James Adeleye ’12 at Browning in January.

James Adeleye ’12 and

Ibi Diallo ’12 visited

Browning in January.

Mr. Adeleye attends Boston College and Mr. Diallo

attends Cornell University, where he recently joined the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity.

Ryan P. Flynn ’12 was

Former Faculty News Christopher A. Karachale,

former Browning faculty, recently wrote to Headmaster Clement: "I hope all is well.

I have received the literature about the 125th anniversary and the impressive changes at Browning. I continue to

work as an attorney in San Francisco, practicing tax

law and employee benefits. Coincidentally, I now work with a Browning graduate,

Brett Gladstone ’75. A small world. My wife, Krysten, recently started working

again as an editor. We live in Berkeley which is wonder-

ful. The campus is nearby as

a deputy in the field office

well as good bookstores. I’m

representative campaign

my two children, Kallista (4)

on a victorious state

still playing cello, now with

last fall with the University

and Crawford (2)."

of Michigan.

Matthew M. Marani ’12

Joyce Miller recently sent

Headmaster Steve Clement

the following news: “For the last three years, I have been

very happily situated at The Kew-Forest School in Forest Hills, N.Y., teaching Upper School art. A new head of

school, Mark Fish, came on

board a year before me and has been gradually transforming K-F into a wonderful place.

I’m quite happy to be part of this change. One of the K-F

fathers, Steven Schott ’76, who I don’t personally know, is a Browning alum. Although I

have not been in much contact with those who I worked with while at Browning, I often

meet members of Browning

families and alumni out on the

East End where I spend part of

my summers. Best regards and congratulations on Browning’s 125 years and your 25 years.” Sandra Royer and her

family live in the French Alps in Grenoble, France.

In December, Taylor Mali

qualified for the semifinals

is treasurer of a political

of the Urbana Poetry Slam,

College called the Franklin

the Bowery Poetry Club in

thought group at Skidmore

a weekly poetry slam at


New York.

Sandra Royer with her two daughters, Emma (9) and Louise (3).

Spring 2013



parents association benefit 2013



h o n o r i n g 25 y e a r s o f l e a d e r s h i p Headmaster Stephen M. Clement, III was honored for 25

undersea flora and fauna, attendees spent a magical evening

years of leadership at the 2013 Spring Benefit on May 3 at

together, complete with a cappella serenades by the legendary

the American Museum of Natural History. Over 630 guests,

Whiffenpoofs of Yale University (Headmaster Clement’s alma

including parents, grandparents, alumni, faculty, friends and

mater), as well as an appearance by guest actor Joe Wiegand

Trustees, gathered in the Theodore Roosevelt Rotunda for

as “Theodore Roosevelt.” Mr. Roosevelt, 26th president of

cocktails and silent auction before proceeding to the dazzling

the United States and celebrated conservationist, enjoyed a

Milstein Hall of Ocean Life for dinner, dancing and a chance

lifelong association with the Museum. Turn to page three for

to fete the guest of honor. Beneath a 94-foot blue whale and

Headmaster Clement’s reflections; additional photos appear

surrounded by the museum’s celebrated dioramas depicting

on pages 10 and 11.

2 0 13 s p r i n g b e n e f i t c o m m i t t e e Benefit Chairs Chanda Chapin Sharon Jacob Unchu Tobia

Journal Chairs Wendy Brooks Paula Pink Gail Weiner

Auction Chairs Lisa Elson Valerie Feigen Jane Sussman

Finance Chairs May Kang Kathleen Glaymon

Cristina Avello Leyla Bader Cynthia Barba Dianne Batista Joya Buettner Margaret Caldwell Janice Coffey Leah Crawford Valerie De Boni Claire Felix Myra Ferreri Kathleen Glaymon

Maria Gottdiener Soledad Infantino May Kang Sumi Kang Jody Kaplan Julie Kerwin Sandy Leong Pamela Ludwick Stephanie Loeffler Elizabeth Milgrim Elysa Newman Kimberly Oliva

Regan Orillac Karen Reuben Teresa Russell Teresa Segalman Leslie Singer Jodi Starr Carmen Taton Angela Wallis Nicole Wan June Young

Spring 2013


T H E BROW N I NG S C HO OL 52 East 62nd Street New York, New York 10065




TO PARENTS OF ALUMNI If this magazine is addressed to your son who no longer maintains a permanent address at your home, please notify the Alumni Office at 212 838 6280 x192 with the correct mailing address. Thank you.


Director of Academic Technology Jeremy Sambuca and Headmaster Clement at the MakerBot store where Mr. Clement posed for a 3D portrait later used as the basis for a bust made using MakerBot’s 3D printer. The front cover reveals the final product fashioned in the classroom by Mr. Sambuca. THE


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