Summer 2013
John A. Browning
FOOD, GLORIOUS FOOD! Third Grade Art Class Clay
Summer 2013 FEATURES
4 10 12
John A. Browning: A Forerunner of Progressive Education
DEPARTMENTS 3 From the Headmaster
A Banner Day for Browning: Celebrating Its 125th Birthday!
18 The Local Buzz 38 Fine and Performing Arts
Then & Now: First Grade Boys Write Book on Browning History
52 Athletics
2013 Graduation and Matriculation
68 Class Notes
Teddy Roosevelt and the Regular Kid Lower School Drama a Rousing Success
Well Worth the Wait: Bright New Cafeteria Offers Expanded Space and Menu
Summer Stipends
Art in Focus (facing page): Art Department Chair Nik Vlahos explains that the third grade boys created a menu and then selected items from it as their inspiration for sculpture. He notes, “We looked at Claes Oldenburg’s art, as well as other food sculptures by students their age on the
56 Alumni Events
Internet and discussed how they could be built. Students were then given clay to make food and its container. Finally, the works were glazed and fired.” (Clockwise): “Hotdog” by Ford Crawford Brown; “Cookies” by Joshua M. Soh; “Sushi” by Nicolas P. Laffont and “Pizza Slices” by Henry T. Smith.
Summer 2013
ON THE COVER This photograph, a portrait of John Aaron Browning, was taken upon his graduation in 1875 from Columbia College. Turn to page 4 to read more about this distinguished scholar and gifted teacher who founded The Browning School in 1888.
MISSION STATEMENT Founded in 1888 as a college preparatory school for boys, The Browning School continues its commitment to the goals of John A. Browning: the pursuit of academic excellence and a lifelong love of learning,
BUZZER STAFF Stephen M. Clement, III, Headmaster Martin T. Haase, Director of Institutional Advancement Melanie S. McMahon, Director of Publications, Buzzer Editor Laura Neller Lanigan, Director of Alumni Affairs SUMMER BUZZER CONTRIBUTORS Sarah Murphy, Head Librarian Stephanie Seto, Science Andrew H. West ’92, Athletic Director John Young, Chair, Department of Classics
the belief in the dignity of the individual, and the development of personal integrity and responsibility to the broader community. The Browning boy develops amid these values. The Browning alumnus is a good citizen, sensitive to the needs of others, and respectful of divergent yet informed opinions. He is, in the best sense of the word, a gentleman.
Contributing photographers: Christine Bramble, Rossa Cole Photography, Marty Hyman Photography, Jeremy Katz ’04, Melanie McMahon, Laura Neller Lanigan, Sandy Pelz ’71 and Soo Mi Thompson. Design by Misty Wilt Graphic Design LLC BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2013–14 James S. Chanos, President William L. Jacob, III, Vice President William S. Kingson, Vice President R. Thomas Herman ’64, Secretary Celeste A. Guth, Assistant Secretary Thomas S. Hexner, Treasurer Richard L.N. Weaver ’75, Assistant Treasurer Stephen M. Clement, III, Headmaster Michael P. Beys ’89, President, Alumni Council Alka K. Singh, President, Parents Association H. Kenneth Metz, Vice President, Parents Association Mildred J. Berendsen, Honorary Trustee Allan L. Gropper, Honorary Trustee Laura Z. Barket Paul A. Burke Stuart J. Ellman Elizabeth Granville-Smith Philip A. Hofmann Ling S. Kwok Jeffrey M. Landes David J. Liptak Jeffrey S. Olson
Raul Pineda Ellen Stafford-Sigg David N. Steck Sanjay Swani Lou Switzer Deborah van Eck Valda M. Witt Robert D. Ziff
DIVERSITY STATEMENT The Browning School strives to create a diverse community in which all members are safe, respected and valued. We believe that in actively promoting a diverse learning environment, we are fostering intellectual, social and emotional growth for all. Recognizing and pursuing diversity, however, are not enough; we seek to transcend mere tolerance of differences and aspire to a celebration of the varied appearances, abilities, perspectives and values that characterize our community.
The Buzzer is printed on paper containing 10% total recycled fiber.
The Buzzer is published three times a year by The Browning School Office of Institutional Advancement. The School may be reached at 212 838 6280. The website is
The Browning School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sexual orientation, religion, or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic and other school directed program, or employment practices.
The theme of the Lower School Closing has been “1888,” the
restoration project funded by a gift to the school from the
year The Browning School was started. We are celebrating
parents of the Class of 2013.
this special event 125 years later. We have hung a new
Here is a wonderful photograph of Mr. Browning as an
flag, sung “Happy Birthday” together, worn special
older man. I think it was taken in the summer, but he still has
buttons, eaten black and white birthday cookies
his tie on, and you can see a gold watch chain in his pocket.
(with red and brown frosting), and looked at many
There is an elastic band on his left – and right – arm to keep his
wonderful old photographs. We have told our special story in many ways. We know that when John D. Rockefeller
shirtsleeves up. Look closely at his shoes. They are not very shiny at all. In fact, they are dirty, covered with dust. We know Mr. Browning loved to work tending flower and
moved to New York City from Cleveland,
vegetable gardens. He and his two sisters lived in the Dakota,
Ohio, he worked hard to find a great
one of the first apartment buildings built along Central Park
teacher to start a school for his son and three
West at 72nd Street. We know there were many empty lots on
other teenage boys. That man was John A.
the west side of Manhattan at the time, and immediately to
Browning, and the year was 1888.
the west of the Dakota was an open space, filled with gardens.
Mr. Browning chose the word “Grytte” as the motto for his school. For him it meant hard work, grit your teeth, stick with it until the end. In our birthday celebration, we have discovered many special old photographs
This is where we think the picture was taken. The photographer caught Mr. Browning hard at work, sticking with a task he loved, tending his garden. And if you look very closely, you’ll see he even has “grytte” on his shoes. Mr. Browning, we salute you!
through an archives preservation and
Stephen M. Clement, III Headmaster
The photographer caught Mr. Browning hard at work, sticking with a task he loved, tending his garden. Summer 2013
John A. Browning A Forerunner of Progressive Education By Alfred Pinneo Excerpted from School and Society, May 16, 1942
ne morning in September, 1890, the writer
The Browning School was built upon units of six pupils
called at a school on 55th Street, seeking
per class in the charge of a single teacher who taught all the
a job as a teacher, and there began a long
grade subjects except modern languages, art, athletics and
association with Mr. Browning. At that
manual training. There was no provision for music, probably
time West 55th Street was largely occupied with private
because almost all of our pupils took private music lessons,
stables. On the site of the Hotel Gotham stood Saint Luke’s
but Mr. Browning often said he wished he could sing so that
Hospital, a semi-rural building with trees in front of it.
morning assembly might be started with a rousing song.
There were no automobiles to disturb the wayfarer and,
Each teacher was given considerable latitude in the use of
except for an occasional runaway horse, the streets were
methods, consonant with the general plan, and was encour-
safe and peaceful.
aged to exert his ingenuity in presenting “dry” subjects. Our
The School occupied a four-story dwelling. Judged by
principal was a tireless worker and yet not a driver because
modern standards our equipment was not remarkable, but
his tremendous enthusiasm was so infectious that each
we lacked nothing really essential.
teacher became his own driver.
Summer 2013
Perhaps I can best illustrate Mr. Browning’s Progressive
method includes the group development of some construc-
Method of teaching by taking as an example the way he
tive enterprise involving study, exploration, research with
handled that most kicked-about and abused study in the cur-
manual construction and decoration. World history was one
riculum – Latin. It is obvious that one can’t read Latin if he
of the subjects that Mr. Browning taught personally, using as
doesn’t know what the words mean or has not thoroughly
a textbook “Swinton’s Outlines.” At first I wondered why he
mastered the inflections. My class had gone through the par-
had chosen such a bare and meatless structure upon which
adigm of “bonus, -a -um” for some days with little result ex-
to build a foundation, but I found out why.
cept to make the pupils weary and rather hopeless. The next
Each pupil was given a notebook in which he recorded the
morning Mr. Browning entered
main facts stated in the text in the
the classroom with a stop-watch
form of a synoptic outline. These
in his hand and announced that
might cover a short chapter. Then
he was going to run a race – the
the pupil expanded, illustrated
Latin Derby. Handing me his stop-
and enriched these data by means
watch, he asked me to “clock”
of what he had read, collected or
him while he recited all the cases,
otherwise learned. The notebook
numbers and genders of the adjec-
finally contained maps, photo-
tive “bonus, -a -um.” At the word
graphs, prints, drawings and deco-
“go” he flew through the declen-
rations obtained from a variety of
sion with a speed that the Tobacco
sources. It thus became a work of
Auctioneer might have envied. I
art and a personal manuscript of
think he did it under five seconds.
all that the pupil had been led to
By this time each boy in the class
discover for himself. Thus Ther-
was begging to be “clocked,” and
mopylae, Marathon and Olympus
Mr. Browning agreed to give a
became not only proportionately
prize to the boy who could beat
placed in the setting of the world,
his record. The rest of the lesson
but also inspirations and points
was hilariously given up to practic-
Mr . Browning seemed
of departure for an expanding con-
ing for the “Latin Derby.” Finally, I
to sense the coming
sciousness of things that are much
believe a boy did succeed in break-
importa nce of science as
ing the record.
the tr a nsfor mer of life.
The idea of Progressive educa-
more than they seem. Mr. Browning seemed to sense the coming importance of science
tion is to bring to bear upon the task in hand some creative,
as the transformer of life. However, in the 1890s, Einstein
personal or social motive, so that one is carried on and on
had not yet arrived, the Quantum Theory was unborn, and
by the sheer joy of doing things. All the time the pupils are
no one dreamed of protons, electrons, radium or vitamins.
learning, and what one learns by doing he can never forget.
But Edison had begun his transformation of home lighting
The Project Method of teaching, as far as I know, origi-
and Roentgen had discovered the mysterious X-ray. We still
nated with Mr. Browning, and in the early 1890s was already
looked up to Faraday, Tyndal, Crooks and Sir Oliver Lodge
an established procedure in his school. In essence, this
as the light bearers of science.
The idea of Progressive education is to bring to bear upon the task in hand some
personal or social motive, so that one is
carried on and on by the sheer joy of doing things. All the time
the pupils are learning,
and what one learns by doing he can never forget. The Project Method of teaching, as far as I k now, originated with Mr. Browning, and
in the early 1890s was already an established procedure in his school.
Mr. Browning reverenced these great men, and, as far as
sugar and other elements. This science course was related
equipment permitted, repeated some of their epoch-making
with field excursions, the study of plants, and especially
experiments for his pupils. Among these were Foucault’s
excursions to factories and studies of industrial procedures.
Pendulum and the bursting of a barrel of water through the
All of these studies entailed the keeping of adequate records,
pressure of a thin column of water 45 feet in height. Experi-
and when of real importance, they were made the subject of
mental science in secondary schools was greatly influenced
the formal school compositions, the best of which were often
by the performance of the famous “Harvard Forty Experi-
published in the school paper.
ments in Physics.” These became part of our regular science
Teachers in the School were encouraged to keep abreast
course and produced a profound impression. We employed
of the times not only through personal study but by availing
largely homemade apparatus, and I recall the thrill of being
themselves of whatever educational courses were offered
delegated to assemble this material and conduct the experi-
by colleges and professional schools. Fifty years ago such
ments for the class. Thus the Harvard experiments helped
courses were few and far between. The Glens Falls Normal
to introduce the laboratory method of teaching science in
School introduced the writer to such inspiring men as
secondary schools.
Dr. Hinsdale in history and the botanist, Norman Apgar,
Perhaps as a result of the Harvard experiments a course
whose Trees of the Northeastern United States is still a living
in general science was provided for each grade class in the
textbook. At Glens Falls we also studied Sully’s Psychology,
school covering: (1) minerals, their identification, collection,
but in that day psychology was purely a “descriptive
classification, occurrence and use; (2) the animal world, in-
science,” and this is only another way of saying that it was
cluding characteristic groups from amoeba to man; (3) the
not science at all but merely a collection of opinions of what
chemistry of common things, testing foods for starch, grape
people thought took place in the mind.
Summer 2013
In the old days all schools were autocracies – the head-
Peter could not talk, he was very amusing and sometimes
master was practically absolute. But the wiser leaders did
mischievous. His delight was to steal pencils and other ob-
not rely solely upon this power to enforce discipline. Mr.
jects that he could carry off and hide ingeniously in the most
Browning was kindly, sympathetic and unselfishly devoted
annoying places. He finally came to a tragic end through
to the welfare of his pupils. Boys are not slow to learn this,
drinking ink.
and they respected and loved him, though he could be
In the early 1890s, manual training was beginning to be
stern and severe when he considered that a vital principle
introduced into such progressive schools as Pratt Institute
was at stake.
and Teachers College, Columbia University. But there were practically no teachers properly trained to handle this
Mr . Browning was k indly, sympathetic a nd unselfishly
subject. To meet this situation, Mr. Browning got hold of a clever Yankee carpenter to whom he imparted his ideas, and
devoted to the welfar e
together they laid out a course of training that proved very
of his pupils.
successful. Shop work occupied a required place in the curriculum, and to this was added later a course in turning for both wood and for metal.
The study of English was centered upon observation,
About this time, Dr. Sargent began at Harvard his pioneer
original composition and illustration. To afford material for
work in physical education, and Mr. Browning was quick to
such work, pet animals were kept in the class “zoo” – a pair
see that such education could profitably begin long before
of flying squirrels, rabbits and Peter, a tame crow. Although
young people go to college. Besides the daily period for
Courtesy of The New York Times
each class in the gymnasium, the school took part in extramural contests, including baseball, basketball, hockey and the yearly track meet with the Simms School. Football was hardly a secondary school sport in those days. At any rate, we had no football team. Debates between groups of students are now an important part of the college curriculum because they provide for the profitable employment of a number of abilities. They give opportunity for leadership, sustained effort, research, study, English expression, both written and oral, argumentation, oratory, personal development and class incentive. But until Mr. Browning initiated them, debates in secondary schools were, as far as I know, little used. I recall one of the earlier debates on the question: “Resolved, that the steam engine has done more for the progress of mankind than the printing press.” By those who knew him and worked with him, Mr. Browning was considered a great teacher. But what we could not know then has since become very plain; namely, that he was not only a remarkable teacher but a far-seeing and progressive educator, because the very things that then seemed so strange and even startling to us have now become the cardinal principles upon which Progressive education is built. Among Browning School alumni are two professors at Harvard University, a professor of mathematics at Princeton, a former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, an official high in the national war councils, a U.S. Senator, a former Minister to Romania, besides editors, writers and men prominent in the world of affairs. Several schools have been founded by former teachers in The Browning School, the most prominent perhaps being the Calvert School of Baltimore and the present Browning School in which Mr. Arthur Jones is carrying on the traditions and the good work begun by Mr. Browning more than half a century ago. –Alfred Pinneo was a former Browning faculty member and founder of the Pinneo School for Boys in New York City and Englewood Country School, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
Summer 2013
Top left: Kevin Gihon, assistant supervisor in the maintenance department, has worked at Browning since 1984; he and Headmaster Clement, along with special assistance from the Panther mascot, oversaw the raising of the 125th anniversary banner in April.
a Banner Day for Browning Celebrating Its 125th Birthday
pril 4 was a “banner day” for The Browning
celebration of the School’s 125th birthday. After remarks
School, as the entire community – including
from Headmaster Clement and at his urging, the boys sang
the Browning Panther mascot – gathered that
“Happy Birthday” as the new flag unfurled.
morning under blue skies and sunshine to
From the youngest to the oldest Browning boys, all were
help hoist a new flag bearing Browning’s 125th anniversary
eager to share in the celebration and proudly wore their new
logo. Fresh from Spring Break just a few days earlier, the
pins. The flag-raising was particularly memorable for Form VI
boys received a pin sporting the logo as they entered the
boys, the Class of 2013, who were fortunate to be here during
red doors that day, as well as a birthday cupcake later
this special anniversary year. The event was one of many
at lunch time – what better way to continue a year-long
added to their “memory book” of their final year at Browning.
Summer 2013
Above: Upper School Head Jim Reynolds, Chef Omar Maldonado and Athletic Director Andrew West ’92 were among the faculty members who happily answered questions from the boys as they researched their “Then and Now” book. Teachers Meg Epstein and Chelsea Rossman, assisted by associate teachers
Beatrice Lolli Ghetti and Jackie Grant, prepare the boys for the interview process by making sure they establish questions beforehand and listen attentively while their subjects answer; knowing not to try taking too many notes but making eye contact instead is a key component to their success as interviewers.
Summer 2013
very year, the first grade
describe and analyze a picture from Browning’s past. This
boys begin early on to
year, a collection of archival photos from past decades, gath-
learn about Browning’s
ered to commemorate Browning 125th anniversary, piqued
past and present. The
the boys’ interest, especially as these pictures depicted a wide
excitement of going back in time was especially fun and meaningful this
Melanie McMahon
range of subject matter, from sports to music. For the second part of the project, the boys create their
spring as the School celebrated its
own unique piece of history for future generations of
125th anniversary with a series of
Browning students to discover. Ms. Epstein explains that to
special events, including the hanging of a commemorative
comprise the “now” portion of the book, each boy chooses
banner above Browning’s famous red doors. First grade
a photograph of himself participating in a particular aspect
teacher Meg Epstein explains the project she and her class
of his school day, then independently writes about it. Sub-
completed. “In the beginning of the year, our social studies
jects ranged from recess, to field trips, to board games to
unit focuses on each individual boy, then his family, and
art class.
then widens further in scope to include our school. As part
Ms. Epstein notes, “The boys love this book project
of this study, the boys learn about Browning’s history and
because they are able to interview teachers from all over
interview various faculty members to gather information.”
the School, including Mr. Clement, Ms. Gruhn and other
The writing component of this project includes a “Then and Now” book in which each boy and his writing buddy
Browning leaders. They work hard on crafting meaningful questions like ‘Why did you want to become a headmaster?’
Above: The first grade boys jumped at the chance to interview Headmaster Clement in his office and hear him describe the teamwork that makes the School so successful. The boys were thrilled to see the items he kept in his office over the years, including two needlepoint pillows, given to him by a parent, and a painting of Browning’ iconic
red doors. Next they followed him to the Cook Room where he described some of the many photographs and artifacts on display there. He even humored their request to see his tooth fillings in answer to the question, “Did you have cavities when you were a kid?”
Browning School used to be an apartment 1 The building. Later, after a couple of years, the School moved to 62nd Street. This is a picture of all the old Browning students outside the old apartment. All the Browning kids are all outside. –Krish and Julian of the students look like they play basketball. The 2 Allshorts look short. They need bigger shorts. They look like they are in eighth grade. –Santia and Henry look like they are in the Cook Room. One looks 3 They like Phillip. They are in music class. The teacher is playing the piano. –Kyle and Dylan
Summer 2013
My favorite time at Browning was when I was on the recess deck. I accidentally threw the dodge ball over the fence. I was in first grade. –William
My favorite time at Browning was when I met my best friends. Their names are Gus and Dylan. And we are the BFF Club. We love to play together. –Luke
1 2
2 3
My favorite time at Browning is at art when I made my volcano. It is clay. I saw it at the art show in the art room with some other things. –Cole
and ‘Were you ever a teacher before you became head of Lower School?’ and even ‘When you were a kid, did you have braces and did you get good grades?’ At the end of the study, their ‘Then and Now’ book is bound and ‘published’ and becomes part of our classroom library.” Chelsea Rossman, another first grade teacher, works on a similar project with her class. “Like Ms. Epstein’s group of boys, my students also write a book about Browning in which they discuss the differences (then and now) based on old pictures of Browning boys and some pictures of themselves. Rather than describe a particular activity that they participated in for the ‘Now’ section, however, my class describes something special they learned about the School.” Kudos to the first grade boys and teachers for adding another impressive text to the Browning archives! –Melanie McMahon
Summer 2013
BROWNING BOYS HELP EDITORS CHOOSE NEWSPAPER CONTENT Editors from News-O-Matic, which offers children aged 7 to 10 their first daily newspaper, spoke with fourth grade Browning boys on May 10 to determine the content of that day’s edition. The editorial team produces five news stories each day, “covering the latest in world news, science, sports, as well as the wacky stories kids love.” According to the publication’s website, “News-O-Matic readers also have access to amazing history timelines, fun news games, interactive maps and countless other features.
Russell Kahn, editor-in-chief of
complete edition) can be downloaded
Readers not only have the opportunity
Press4Kids, Inc., which publishes
from the iPad App Store by clicking
to explore the latest current events,
News-O-Matic, explained to
News-O-Matic. It means so much
but they will be given a voice as well.
Browning parents, “Your sons helped
to our team to have the opportunity
They will be able to rate the articles,
pick the news for News-O-Matic.
to speak with students directly; it is
ask questions, and even submit draw-
They were amazing editors-in-chief,
inspiring from both a personal and
ings that relate to the news. News-O-
offering their insights on the stories
professional perspective.”
Matic helps create a fun daily reading
and asking all the relevant questions.
routine – all while encouraging read-
The result of their choices was
sible story ideas, the boys literally put
ers to become knowledgeable, global
evident in a stellar Friday edition.
their heads down and voted on their
citizens. It offers a window to the
In case you are interested, the
favorites which became the basis of
world (and beyond)!”
News-O-Matic app (with the
the news stories in that day’s edition.
After reviewing a number of pos-
BOYS PARTICIPATE IN STUDENT-RUN MODEL UN Browning boys participated in a student-run Model UN at the Dalton School in late April. History teacher Stephen Jasikoff reports: “Basically it was a great day. There were eight schools present, and Dalton students were a smashing success at organizing this conference themselves. It’s somewhat unusual for a high school to organize its own MUN conference. Our students were recognized with a number of honors, including Outstanding Large Delegation (basically second place out of the four largest delegations), Outstanding Delegate (100 Days Joint Crisis Committee, representing Germany) and two Honorable Mentions (Special, Political and Decolonization Committee, representing Germany, as well as Legal Committee, also representing Germany).”
LOWER SCHOOL BOYS AID RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE OF NEW YORK Second grade teacher Rachel Gerber reports on a recent
community service project to be proud of: “This is our second year collecting food items for the Ronald McDonald House of New York which provides a ‘home-
In early May, 13 veterans visited Browning to speak to the
away-from-home’ for families so they can stay close by
Form II English and history classes about military service.
their hospitalized child at little or no cost. The Lower
Head of Middle School Chris Dunham reports: “The vet-
School boys enthusiastically filled 12 huge burlap bags
erans spanned the ages, from World War II deployment to
of food!” Ms. Gerber and the boys wish to thank all
Korea to Vietnam to Iraq and Afghanistan, and left a very
who contributed to their efforts. The Browning mission
significant impression on the audience. The boys were able
statement notes that the goal of the School is to instill in
to ask copious questions of the veterans in preparation for
its students a “responsibility to the broader community,”
an end-of-year research paper. Browning was incredibly
and it is apparent the boys are carrying forth this mission
honored to host this collection of American heroes.”
at an early age.
Summer 2013
FORM II TOURS NATION’S CAPITAL Head of Middle School Chris Dunham reports on the trip taken by Form II boys to Washington, D.C., for three days in April: “The boys had a superb time. The weather was as good as D.C. can offer, and that allowed for many excellent Frisbee tosses on the National Mall in between more cultural experiences. The boys, along with Ms. Suárez, Mr. Young and me, saw many significant memorials, including The Vietnam War, World War II and Lincoln Memorials. They also had profound experiences at the Holocaust Museum and Newseum. Another major highlight was meeting Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney on the Capitol steps and asking her some very pointed questions about current policy. On the lighter side of things, the boys took in a Washington Nationals baseball game and tested their James Bond knowledge at the Spy Museum. All in all, a terrific trip!”
SAVE THE CHILDREN RECEIVES DONATION FROM BROWNING At a May Middle School Assembly, Jason Wood of Save the Children spoke to Browning boys about this organization and its efforts. According to the group’s website, Save the Children is “the leading independent organization creating lasting change in the lives of children in need in the
they need to give their babies a bet-
The Browning School boys will join
United States and around the world.”
ter start on life.” The second video
with other New York City students
focused on Save the Children’s
in organizing an event in conjunction
videos, the first of which featured
World Marathon Challenge which
with the World Marathon Challenge.
Save the Children’s partnership (in
raises awareness of World Food Day,
celebration of Mother’s Day) with
held every October, and the urgent
boys presented a check in the amount
Carter’s to help less fortunate moth-
need to fight childhood hunger
of $2,500 to Mr. Wood to benefit those
ers in America by providing them
and malnutrition. Head of Middle
aided by Save the Children.
with “the support and education
School Chris Dunham hopes that
Mr. Wood showed the boys two
At the end of the assembly, the
PUBLIC SPEAKERS PROJECT WITH POISE In April and May, Lower, Middle and Upper School boys impressed the Browning community as they competed in the Lyman B. Tobin Public Speaking Program, named for Browning’s third Headmaster who also taught at the School for 34 years. Under Mr. Tobin’s leadership, public speaking was established as an essential element of a boy’s education. Objectives of the program as it exists today are to develop effective public speaking skills,
emotional tone, imagination and the
Carroll, J.D., wife of Browning’s John
to memorize a significant piece of po-
general mood created by the recita-
Carroll, a fifth grade teacher.
etry or prose, to learn how to deliver a
tion. Judges look for overall body
poem or piece of prose effectively, and
movement and convincing gestures.
Head of Upper School Jim Reynolds remarked on the interesting mix
Head of Lower School Laurie
of presentations from boys from all
Gruhn noted that the three 2013 final-
four forms during the Upper School
ists in each grade are recognized at the
program. He also thanked the Upper
can thank their teachers for prepar-
Lower School awards assembly. She
School judges, including John Dena-
ing them so well. Each boy’s English
also thanked this year’s Lower School
tale, Samuel (Rabbi Darkside) Samuels
teacher first approves his selection,
judges, including Jill Axthelm, direc-
and Ronald Taylor. Mr. Denatale is
then offers strategies that will help
tor of The Acorn School; Ellen Davis,
director of communications and public
him memorize, rehearse, interpret and
director of Temple Emanu-El Nursery
affairs at Yeshiva University’s Cardozo
recite his selections. Posture and eye
School/Kindergarten, and Serena Fine
Law School and a former senior pro-
contact are crucial to creating a con-
English, director of The William Wood-
ducer for the “NewsHour” on PBS.
nection with the judges and general
ward, Jr. Nursery School.
Rabbi Darkside is a hip-hop artist/
to develop poise and self-confidence speaking in front of an audience. As one might expect, the boys
audience. Each boy is judged on the
The Middle School participants
educator, who, along with Kid Lucky,
fluency of his recitation. A penalty
chose from a wide range of subject
performed at a Browning Upper
may be imposed if a student freezes,
matter, including material by Walt
School assembly last year. Mr. Taylor is
needs to start over, or skips a portion
Whitman, Lou Gehrig and William
a senior account executive at Zanella,
of his selection, unless outside inter-
Shakespeare. As Head of Middle
Inc., a leading manufacturer of men’s
ference is the cause. Judges are asked
School Chris Dunham noted, The
and women’s clothing. Mr. Reynolds
to consider the boys’ poise and facial
Browning School wishes to thank the
added, “Each of these judges brought
expressions, as well as the difficulty
judges for their time; they include
expertise in communication, presenta-
level of their chosen selections. Projec-
Jonathan Rosenshine, Buckley School
tion and public interaction.”
tion, diction, vocal variety, timing and
Upper School Head; Cathy Cramer,
articulation are important, as well as
Interschool Director; and Anne
Summer 2013
BOYS DISCOVER BIRDS ABOUND IN CENTRAL PARK Aviculturists Discuss Waterfowl Conservancy Head of Middle School Chris Dun-
before the boys even entered the ac-
ham and science teacher Stephanie
tual park; in fact, Pale Male was one of
Seto accompanied their students to
their first and, of course, most exciting
Central Park in April to study many of
discoveries, perched on his penthouse
the birds they had discussed in class.
atop an antenna.
Roger Pasquier, a native New Yorker,
Browning boys study birds and
former Director of Foundations for the
their migration in the spring, as it is
National Audubon Society, Inc., and
the best time of year to do so. Central
avid birder, had spoken to the boys
Park attracts numerous migrating birds
earlier during a visit to Browning. He
drawn to this scenic area even in the
returned to the School and kindly ac-
midst of so many buildings. A number
companied each class on a tour of the
of the boys expressed their pleasure at
this spring to speak to Middle School
park where he pointed out numerous
spying so many species, as well as their
boys about their organization. Middle
species, from robins, to various types
enjoyment at being in the park on such
School teacher Dan Ragsdale reports:
of woodpeckers, to grackles, to a red-
a pleasant spring morning. The daffo-
The boys learned about the mission
tailed hawk that he believes was the in-
dils and flowering trees in Central Park
of the LRWC and were introduced to
famous Pale Male, the red-tailed hawk
were the perfect backdrop to the nests
three ducks including a wood duck,
that took to living on Fifth Avenue
and birds they soon discovered. Turtles
a black-bellied whistling duck, and a
back in the 1990s.
sunned themselves on a large rock,
white-faced whistling duck. This or-
while mallards swam near the lake
ganization conserves waterfowl and
onto the sidewalk, the boys began
shore as if to greet the Browning boys
wetland habitats through research,
searching for birds and recording
who came to study them. Before head-
education and conservation activities.
their findings. Mr. Dunham held up
ing back, the classes posed for photos
The conservancy has over 75 species
photos for the boys to view and aid in
on the beautiful Bow Bridge.
of ducks, swans and geese, many of
From the moment they stepped
their sightings, while Mr. Pasquier an-
In other birding news, two avicul-
which are rare or endangered. The
swered questions and helped students
turists from the Livingston Ripley Wa-
highlight of the visit was watching the
spot the many birds along the way.
terfowl Conservancy (LRWC), based
white-faced whistling duck fly around
Starlings and robins were spotted well
in Litchfield Conn., visited Browning
the gym!
FORM I BOYS TAKE FIELD TRIP TO HUDSON HIGHLANDS Head of Middle School Chris Dunham reports on an overnight trip taken with Form I boys in April: “The Form I boys, along with Mr. Davis, Mr. Klein and me, spent two days up in the Hudson Highlands. Black Rock Forest was our first stop. The boys seined for macro-invertebrates in the local streams, hiked Mt. Misery, studied local animal skulls to make connections to adaptations and usage, and had a fun campfire (with Smores!) and a night hike. Mr. Davis and a small crew of students discovered a local cache of Black Rock Forest clay and brought back 10 pounds of it for sculpting use here at school. On Friday, the boys designed Andy Goldsworthy-inspired environmental art in the forest and then traveled to Storm King Art Center to see his original work, along with other monumental pieces. It was a terrific trip for all!”
Browning’s Gay-Straight Alliance took its first theatre trip,
Insider, included The Browning
with 18 students and faculty members, including English
School in its March 15, 2013, com-
teacher Kevin Dearinger, attending Martin Moran’s one-
pilation, “10 Elite Prep Schools That Have Produced
man show, “All the Rage.” Mr. Dearinger reports, “In
Wall Street’s Biggest Names.” The introduction to
an artfully rambling, deeply moving and deeply funny
this listing explained, “We
performance, Mr. Moran revisited moments of great hurt
decided to comb through
and great enlightenment in his life as a gay man and as an
alumni lists of prep schools to
alert, always-learning human being. Mr. Moran, author of a
find ones with big name Wall
memoir, ‘The Tricky Part,’ and a seasoned Broadway actor,
Street alums.”
explored the roots and causes of anger and resentment,
Browning is the only all-boys day school on the
arriving at a remarkable, profound peace with his life and
list, which includes Deerfield Academy, Episcopal
experience. After the performance, he professed his surprise
High School, Ethical Culture Fieldston School, The
at first seeing a front row full of students in blazers and
Hotchkiss School, Lawrenceville School, Loomis
ties and his gratitude for their rapt attention and generous
Chaffee School, Milton Academy, Phillips Academy
involvement with his story.”
(Andover) and Phillips Exeter Academy. Summer 2013
NFL PLAYERS SPEAK TO BROWNING BOYS Thanks to a Browning parent, Middle School boys were treated to a talk and lunch with Giants football player Hakeem Nicks in May. Mr. Nicks is a wide receiver and was drafted by the Giants in the first round of the 2009 NFL Draft. Head of Middle School Chris Dunham led a question-andanswer session in the School’s new dining hall where boys were enthused to ask Mr. Nicks one question after another. Mr. Nicks, who played college football at North Carolina, spoke about the importance of remaining attentive to academics when playing athletics. He also told the boys that a healthy diet and physical activity are vital, especially for him, and that he focuses particular attention on exercises like squats that strengthen his legs. When asked about the best moments in his life so far, he named two: winning the Super Bowl and being drafted in the first round. Family is very important to Mr. Nicks; in fact,
mer NFL player and author of dozens
he was surrounded by relatives back
of books for children and adults. An
in 2009 when he received the phone
All-American football player at Syra-
call saying he had been drafted.
cuse University, Tim was chosen by
Perhaps the most important advice
the Atlanta Falcons in the first round
he gave the boys was that they be
of the NFL draft. By the time he re-
people of “good character.” He said
tired from the NFL eight years later,
one could tell a person of integrity
he had finished a law degree and pub-
if, when all alone, they chose to act
lished his first novel. Years later he
as if they would when “someone
began writing books for children, and
was watching.” The boys and Mr.
his fast-paced, sports-themed novels
Nicks enjoyed dining together, and
are a hit with Browning boys.”
he proved more than accommodating
Ms. Murphy added, “Mr. Green
when asked to pose for photos and
signed books and shook hands in the
provide autographs.
library during homeroom, then gave an inspired presentation in the Wilson
also shared some anecdotes from his
Tim Green visited Browning in April
Room. He spoke of his lifelong love
football days and read from his new-
to meet with boys in grades three
of reading and his belief in the impor-
est book, ‘Force Out.’ Mr. Green’s visit
through six. Head Librarian Sarah
tance of education, working hard and
concluded with questions from the
Murphy reports: “Mr. Green is a for-
developing strength of character. He
eager audience.”
Author and former football star
BROWNING SCHOOL FEATURED IN TOKYO TV AMERICA SEGMENT As reported in previous issues of the Buzzer, in 2011, The
joyed purchasing items from
Browning School acquired a MakerBot Thing-O-Matic, a 3-D
the gumball machines offer-
printer that allows our boys to create colorful plastic models
ing various designs made
of objects. This machine can literally turn a three-dimen-
with one of the 3-D printers
sional computer model into a physical object. The printer
in the “BotFarm.” Other larger items were also for sale;
identifies cross-sectional slices of the image and then lays
most were designed by members of the MakerBot design
down slice upon slice of ABS plastic to create a physical pro-
team and ranged from functional jewelry and accessories to
totype. Engineers, architects and other professionals, as well
pieces of art.
as hobbyists and students, use this machine to make models
In March, a three-member production crew from TV
of designs that they conceive or, alternately, download from
Tokyo America visited The Browning School to film a seg-
the parent company’s website, Thingverse. MakerBot Indus-
ment for their feature on MakerBot and the use of its prod-
tries, located in Brooklyn, N.Y., describes its 3-D printer as “a
ucts in an educational setting. As Mr. Sambuca notes, these
robot that makes things…your own little factory that sits on
3-D classroom printers allow him to turn Browning boys
your desktop.”
“from consumers to creators.”
For the first time this year, the Pre-Primary boys learned
MakerBot Industries, launched in January of 2009, was
to create on these 3-D printers, and just before Spring
named one of the top 20 start-ups in New York City and
Break, Form II boys in Mr. Sambuca’s technology class vis-
has been featured in The New York Times (recently its
ited the MakerBot retail store at 298 Mulberry Street, New
March 9, 2013 edition), Wired, Forbes, The Wall Street Jour-
York. There they learned more about the company and en-
nal and Financial Times, as well as on CNN and NPR.
Summer 2013
“BEST FIELD TRIP EVER!” The fourth grade traveled to Citi Field in May to watch
“It was the best field trip ever!” The boys enjoyed their
the Mets play the Cincinnati Reds. Fourth grade teacher
fill of hot dogs, sodas and cotton candy. Unfortunately,
Bill Cantwell reports: The boys got to see the new Mets’
the Mets ended up on the losing end, but a great time
pitching star, Matt Harvey, in action. As one boy put it,
was had by one and all!
AFTER-CLASS CONVERSATION IN SPANISH This past winter, the Elementary Spanish and Spanish II
the small size of each group (six to eight students), made
courses began offering conversation classes for students
it possible for each boy both to participate in conversation
who wanted to practice their conversational skills outside
and to focus more attentively on his classmate’s comments.
the classroom. Spanish teacher Giurissa Félix reports on this
Each class uses and reinforces the vocabulary and
initiative: Each class was led by me and three Upper School
grammatical structures presented in its corresponding
students: Alexander Wisowaty and Caspar Boele in Form V,
course. Helping to improve a student’s use of grammar
and Diego López in Form IV. I wanted my students to have
and vocabulary in his oral speech can be difficult to man-
the opportunity to adapt to different dialects and communi-
age without the aid of a textbook. I did not want to create
cate with Upper Schools with whom they would normally
an environment with a rigid adherence to assessment that
not interact. Most importantly, I wanted them to get a sense
only emphasizes writing and reading abilities. By focusing
of the personal commitment needed to effectively develop
on one grammar point presented in the week prior to the
and advance their language skills. Diego is a heritage Span-
conversation class, my students were more willing to speak
ish-speaker whose family hails from the Dominican Repub-
and less likely to trip over their own thoughts. When they
lic and has taken French at The Browning School since Form
were still having difficulty incorporating that one grammar
I. Both Alexander and Caspar spent their sophomore year
point in their conversation, it was tremendously gratifying
abroad in Spain, studying and speaking solely in Spanish.
to witness their positive reaction to Alexander, Caspar and
Sessions were held in the mornings from Wednesday to
Diego modeling examples for them or assisting them with
Friday. Diego and Caspar co-led the Form I conversational
vocabulary they might have forgotten. The aim is to make
classes, while Alexander helped lead the Form III/IV class.
these conversation classes a permanent addition and in-
Students earned extra credit if they attended a minimum
clude more task-oriented conversational and reading prac-
of five classes and arrived on time; they could also simply
tices. The final goal is to see the student’s confidence soar,
attend as many sessions as fit their schedule. The short
to expand their cultural knowledge, and to increase their
length of time allotted to each class was a challenge, but
proficiency in Spanish.
BOYS LEARN ABOUT U.S. MILITARY LIFE This spring, Browning boys received a
“Col. Lough made a presentation
October, Col. Lough has returned
visit from science teacher Emilie Wolf’s
during Upper School assembly that
to his civilian jobs, cardiac surgeon
husband, a second class petty officer in
provided on-the-ground pictures of
at George Washington University
the United States Navy. Mr. Wolf spoke
his surroundings and experiences at
Hospital, in Washington, D.C., and
to fifth and sixth grade boys about his
Forward Operation Base Shank in
associate professor of surgery at the
experiences in the military. He talked
eastern Afghanistan. His photographs
Uniformed Services University of the
about being deployed on an aircraft
captured vividly the important work
Health Sciences. He is a 1970 graduate
carrier in the Persian Gulf, providing
he and his fellow doctors, nurses and
of West Point and the father of four
air support to ground troops behind
other Army personnel performed
active Army officers who are all West
enemy lines. He further talked about
while stationed in an active battle
Point graduates as well. Browning
his deployment to Afghanistan, where
zone. This deployment was the second
was honored to have Col. Lough visit
he spent 10 months last year. In his
four-month tour of duty Col. Lough
and to hear his informed account of
presentation, he outlined “team work
has done in the past two years. His
the challenges facing the U.S. and
and training” as the keys to success
presentation to the fifth and sixth
allied forces in Afghanistan.”
in any mission. The sixth grade boys
grade students
later marched out to Central Park
was appropriately
where they were presented with an
toned down a
impromptu boot camp training session.
bit, but he was
Earlier, Col. Frederick Lough, a
greatly impressed
doctor in the Armed Services Medical
by the questions
Corps Reserves, visited Browning and
and curiosity
talked to Forms II to VI along with
exhibited by those
the fifth and sixth grade civics classes
Middle School
about his experience as a field hospital
students. Having
surgeon in Afghanistan. Upper
left Afghanistan
School Head Jim Reynolds reports:
at the end of
Summer 2013
WE CONCLUDE THIS EDITION OF THE LOCAL BUZZ with the writing of three Browning boys, whose original articles appeared in the May 2013 edition of the Browning Grytte and are excerpted here. —Melanie McMahon
THE GRYTTE IMPRESSES MAYOR BLOOMBERG In March, the Browning Grytte staff was invited by Deputy Mayor Patricia Harris to tour City Hall and meet Mayor Michael Bloomberg. When the Grytte Jack Reiss ’14
staff arrived at City Hall, they went in the entrance and were briefed on the ar-
chitecture and history of the building by the tour guide… After viewing the conference rooms, the staff was shown the Blue Room where Mr. Bloomberg sets up press conferences such as those during Hurricane Sandy. The Grytte then went to the second floor to view the oldfashioned Governors Room. The room contains artwork, mainly by John Trumbell, with the centerpiece of the room his depiction of George Washington in 1783 on Evacuation Day when the British left New York. The room also contains the desk that Mayors Fiorello LaGuardia, Ed Koch and Rudy Giulliani used, as well as the desk used by George Washington. While next viewing the Council Chambers, the staff members were called to see the Mayor and his staff in the famous “Bullpen.” The room is an open office with Mr. Bloomberg sitting in the middle. When Mr. Bloomberg
Ben Weiner ’15 got the chance to show Mayor Bloom-
spoke to the Grytte staff, he talked about his past, mainly
berg his article about Mr. Bloomberg’s fight against obesity
his experience at Johns Hopkins University and what he
from a recent issue. Mr. Bloomberg praised the article and
has learned over the years about journalism. He playfully
thought it was “very cool.” Overall the trip was an un-
exclaimed that the future is bright when the boy who failed
forgettable experience, and we want to thank Ben and his
Spanish in high school went on to become mayor, which
family for the surely once-in-a- lifetime opportunity.
gave everyone a good laugh.
—Jack Reiss ’14
[Editor’s Note: Please visit the Browning website to view additional photos of many items in The Local Buzz.] THE
WALL STREET EXTENDS TO EAST 62ND STREET There are many clubs offered at Browning. Lately, however, the club that has garnered the most attention from students is the Global Finance David Valentin ’15
Club led by Mrs. Bosworth and Michael Gabrellian ’13. The Global Finance Club
is easily one of the most relevant clubs in our present time. The club discusses topics that address the economic issues in today’s globalized economy, ranging from the sequester cuts to the monetary policy being implemented in the Euro-
Jackson Richter ’18
zone. Believe me, the discussions can become quite heated.
For five years, Olympian Day has been
Global Finance Team next year is the annual Federal Re-
an exciting experience for students in
serve Challenge competition. This annual competition tests
the Middle School. It was originally
students from different schools on their understanding
only for Form I, but two years ago the
of real-world economics, specifically the U.S. monetary
sixth graders participated in this Middle
policy. Each team plays the role of monetary policymak-
School tradition.
ers by analyzing current economic climate conditions and
In case you do not know, here is how Olympian Day
The most interesting event that is happening for the
ultimately recommending a course of action for monetary
works: First, students dress up as a Greek Olympian or
policy. The teams from each school present a Power Point
Hero. Next, they give a speech about their Olympian or
presentation of their policy, and then constituents of the
Hero of choice in history or English class. English and his-
Federal Reserve ask them questions.
tory teachers look forward to Olympian Day, while the
With many diverse economic perspectives in the Global
teachers who do not take part in the tradition still rejoice
Finance Club, Mrs. Bosworth is excited to put the knowl-
in the fun. Mr. Dearinger, English teacher, said, “Everyone
edge and experience of its members to the test next year,
should have a good time and make his own costume.”
and the group hopes that new students who have a deep
Olympian Day is a unique time for students to show-
interest in such topics will join them.
case their creativity and their great ideas. It offers the stu-
In April, Mr. Wallis, a Browning parent, spoke to the
dents, who are dressed up, a chance to compare costumes
club about monetary policy in the U.S. and U.K. During the
and laugh with their friends, most of whom are dressed as
lecture, he discussed different styles of fiscal policy and ad-
the same character. The costumes were phenomenal. The
dressed the negative and beneficial effects on the economic
level of creativity was unbelievable. All of us looked for-
and even the political level. He concluded that the lack
ward to the unmasking of the different heroes, and every-
of recovery in the economy might not stem from a lack of
one was more than satisfied with the outcome.
supply, but rather a lack of confidence within people.
Mrs. Bosworth, history teacher, said, “I thought it was
—David Valentin ’15
extraordinary. I was particularly impressed with the enthusiasm of Form I. Even though this was their second year, they showed great spirit.” We saw many of the regular gods such as Zeus and Poseidon. However, we saw some students dress up as Atlas in Form I, which I thought was very interesting. One thing that really struck me was that many people dressed up as Ares, as he is a very important Olympian. Although we have had five Olympian Days already, I think we will look back on this one with appreciation for a very long time. —Jackson Richter ’18
Summer 2013
a Glorious day for Graduation T
he Class of 2013 graduated under sunny skies on June 5 at Christ Church. Mark Shriver,
son of Sargent Shriver ’34, proved a most dynamic and charismatic guest speaker. The Browning graduates clearly enjoyed Mr. Shriver’s sense of humor and the content of his address which focused on his book, “A Good Man,” written about his father, founder of the Peace Corps and architect of President Johnson’s War on Poverty. Mark Shriver is the senior vice president of U.S. Programs at Save the Children in Washington, D.C., and a former Maryland state legislator. A highlight of the graduation exercises was the attention given by Headmaster Clement to individual members of the Class of 2013 as he spoke about the career and personal accomplishments of each boy. Along with President of the Board of Trustees Jim Chanos and Upper School Head Jim Reynolds, he awarded diplomas to the proud graduates. THE
(L to R): Headmaster Clement; Mark Shriver, guest speaker; Upper School Head Jim Reynolds and President of the Board of Trustees Jim Chanos.
Please log on to the Browning website to view the many end-of-year speeches. Summer 2013
Given to those boys whose grade point average for the year is at least 3.75. Form VI Gregory A. Belgorod Michael J. Gabrellian Benjamin D. Jacobs Adam B. Nebenzahl Form V Lamberto A. De Boni Christopher M. Haack Aidan L. Page Philip N. A. van Scheltinga Alexander K. Wisowaty Form IV Alexander M. Gottdiener Diego A. López-Liranzo Armaan Rawat Christopher W. Russo Brendan D. Walsh Form III Andrew J. Bendo Liam S. Kerwin Andrew B. Medland Michael L. Zuppone, Jr. Form II George D. Allen Luke E. Barba William H. Graham Alexander I. Kattan Alec R. Siden
Form I Andrew J. Ceonzo David J. Eisman Jaime Gomez-SotomayorRoel George P. Grimbilas Luke M. Hexner Daniel S. Kravitz Connor P. Medland Philip A. Raftopoulos Jackson S. Richter Brogan A. Smith Caleb H. Sussman Jack R. Twaronite Grade 6 Lucas A. Coffey Christopher T. Elwell Patrick W. McAllister Alexander S. Motz Maxmillian A. Motz David M. H. Wilkerson Grade 5 Ryan K. Aotani Maxwell A. Beem Hugh T. Chapin Ryan T. Eagan William J. Hatfield Alexander F. Kwok Reinhardt N. Landsberg Alexander J. Liptak Oliver Obeid Jesse B. Starr Michael Westman Jonathan M. Ziff
Given to those boys whose grade point average for the year is 3.5-3.74. Form VI Alexander J. Bendo Evan M. Blumenthal Jeremy Chen Zachary J. Magill Morgan A. Miller Kevin Wu Form V Griffin A. Bassman Caspar C. Boele Conor F. Dietzgen Michael E. Florentino Peter L.V. Maguire Aaron Z. Parisier Jack F. Reiss Spencer A. Reuben W. Thomas York, III Form IV Douglas M. Belgorod Lodovico H. De Boni Peter V. Florescu Christopher D. Keyko Aadir A. Khan David Y. Valentin Form III Karsten G. Monteverde Julian J. Orillac
Form II Micah Bowey Zak L. Gelfond Ryan T. Olson Ethan L. Parisier Form I Christopher L. Batista Benjamin I. Ellman Takayuki M. Ishikawa Charles W. Pink Rohan A. Singh Grade 6 Kenneth R. Daniel, III William Y. Eun Alfonso Laffont Nicholas V. Lionti Blaise L. W. Lowen Charles J. Olson Grade 5 Wesley H. Baugher Logan T. Flynn Jack E. Freiser Robert A. Michaelson Alexander F. Naber Sharif S. Nsouli Keaton A. Ramey Noah D. Rubin Akshay A. Singh Austin D. Stapleton SC HOL A R S AWA RD
Form VI Benjamin D. Jacobs Form II Luke E. Barba
Form VI Gregory A. Belgorod Alexander J. Bendo Colin P. Carter Jeremy Chen Miles Andrew Collins, Jr. Michael J. Gabrellian Benjamin D. Jacobs Matthew J. Lippa Zachary J. Magill Morgan A. Miller Efrain Morales Adam B. Nebenzahl Farouk O. Oni Paul E. Pricop Noah S. Regen Wilfred O. Wallis Kevin Wu Form V Isaac F. Barrezueta Lamberto A. De Boni Michael E. Florentino Christopher M. Haack Jacob N. King Juan Pablo Llamas Aaron Z. Parisier Spencer A. Reuben Christopher M. Stephens Philip N. van Scheltinga Alexander K. Wisowaty W. Thomas York, III Form IV William S. Abelt Kevin A. Centeno Andrew E. Davis Norman Delgado Peter V. Florescu Alexander Gottdeiner Christopher D. Keyko Aadir A. Khan Diego A. López-Liranzo Alexander Makkos Alec V. Morea Armaan Rawat
Dylan Rose Christopher W. Russo David Y. Valentin Edwin H. Wallis Brendan D. Walsh Benjamin C. Weiner Form III Awentirim E. Abaatu Harry A. Calianese Liam S. Kerwin Arthur F. Mensah Julian J. Orillac Dylan A. Springer Nicholas A. Warner Michael L. Zuppone, Jr. MI DDLE SC HOOL C I T I Z ENSH I P
Form II George D. Allen Luke E. Barba Micah Bowey Erik J. Bronfman Christopher J. Childs Terrell G. Edwards William H. Graham Jamil Guzman Alexander I. Kattan Ryan T. Olson Ethan L. Parisier Alec R. Siden Form I Andrew J. Ceonzo David J. Eisman Benjamin I. Ellman Theodore I. Florescu Jaime Gomez-SotomayorRoel George P. Grimbilas Takayuki M. Ishikawa Daniel S. Kravitz Connor P. Medland Charles W. Pink Jackson S. Richter Brogan A. Smith George P. Stavropoulos Caleb H. Sussman
Grade 6 Lucas A. Coffey Christopher T. Elwell Michael J. Kassis Nicholas V. Lionti Blaise L. W. Lowen Patrick W. McAllister Alexander S. Motz Maxmillian A. Motz Sebastian P. Rodriguez Calvin D. Sherman David M. H. Wilkerson
Grade 5 Maxwell A. Beem Patrick A. Centeno Hugh T. Chapin Logan T. Flynn Jack E. Freiser William J. Hatfield Chasen M. Hofmann Alexander F. Kwok Reinhardt N. Landsberg Alexander J. Liptak Liam Lis Robert A. Michaelson Oliver Obeid Jonathan M. Ziff
Farouk O. Oni
Grade 4 Fazeel A. Khan Christian E. Kim Dylan M. Landsman Christopher J. Preziotti Alexander Raftopoulos Evan A. Segalman Aaron T. Seibert Hercules P. Sotos
For open-mindedness, dedication and good citizenship. Michael J. Gabrellian Adam B. Nebenzahl
Benjamin D. Jacobs
Grade 3 Jonathan J. Davidoff Nicholas B. Dingle Andrew R. Hatfield Kabir J. Kurani Liam J. Messinger Teymour S. Nsouli William K. Rich Spencer R. Russell Joshua M. Soh Summer 2013
AT H L E T I C AWA R D S FA L L AWA R D S (2012)
MIP (Most Improved Player) Jonathan Flinchum
Top Player Offense Chris Haack Top Player Offense Karsten Monteverde Top Player Defense Philip van Scheltinga Top Player Defense Rafe Harvard
MIP (Most Improved Player) Andrew Bendo Grytte Award Harry Calianese Sportsmanship Norman Delgado Coach’s Award Ben Weiner VA R SI T Y C ROSS COU N T RY
Sportsmanship Alex Wisowaty
MVP (Most Valuable Player) Wilfred Wallis
MVP (Most Valuable Player) Griffin Tobia MVP (Most Valuable Player) John Adam Plenge
MIP (Most Improved Player) Andrew Medland
MIP (Most Improved Player) Lucas Schwartz
Coach’s Award Evan Blumenthal
W I N T E R AWA R D S (2012-13)
MIP (Most Improved Player) Michael Gabrellian MIP (Most Improved Player) Christopher Keyko Sportsmanship Diego López
MVP (Most Valuable Player) Miles Collins Offensive Player of the Year Will Jacob Defensive Player of the Year Peter Maguire MIP (Most Improved Player) Christopher Stevens Sportsmanship Kevin Wu Coach’s Award Farouk Oni J U N IOR VA R SI T Y BASK ET BALL
MVP (Most Valuable Player) Jeremy Chen MVP (Most Valuable Player) Karsten Monteverde
MIP (Most Improved Player) Alex Wisowaty Sportsmanship Alec Morea SEVENTH-EIGHTH GRADE BASKETBALL (RED)
MVP (Most Valuable Player) Offense Kyle Levinson MVP (Most Valuable Player) Defense Jamil Guzman MIP (Most Improved Player) Defense Jack Twaronite MIP (Most Improved Player) Offense Connor Medland Sportsmanship George Grimbilas
MVP (Most Valuable Player) August Chapin
MVP (Most Valuable Player) Offense Jesse Starr
MVP (Most Valuable Player) George Allen
MVP (Most Valuable Player) Defense Alex Liptak
MIP (Most Improved Player) Grant Thompson
Coaches Award Liam Lis
Sportsmanship Alex Buckfire Sportsmanship Terrell Edwards SI X T H GR ADE BASK ET BALL
MVP (Most Valuable Player) Offense Gabe Flicker MVP (Most Valuable Player) Defense Patrick McAllister MIP (Most Improved Player) Jacob Kibel Sportsmanship Justin James Sportsmanship Alex Wittenberg
Sportsmanship Chasen Hofmann
S P R I N G AWA R D S (2013)
MVP (Most Valuable Player) Short Distance Willfred Wallis
MVP (Most Valuable Player) Spencer Reuben MIP (Most Improved Player) Alec Morea MIP (Most Improved Player) Ty York Coach’s Award Lucas Schwartz Panther “Grytte” Award Alex Bendo Sportsmanship Ben Jacobs
MVP (Most Valuable Player) Long Distance Christopher Keyko MIP (Most Improved Player) Short Distance Edwin Wallis MIP (Most Improved Player) Long Distance Mike Gabrellian Sportsmanship Diego López Long Jump Award Rafe Harvard VA R SI T Y T EN N IS
MVP (Most Valuable Player) Offense Kyle Levinson MVP (Most Valuable Player) Defense George Grimbilas MIP (Most Improved Player) Jack Twaronite
MVP (Most Valuable Player) Singles Del Schunk MIP (Most Improved Player) William Abelt VA R SI T Y GOLF
MVP (Most Valuable Player) Adam Nebenzahl MVP (Most Valuable Player) Tom McCormack MIP (Most Improved Player) Conor Dietzgen Summer 2013
Arts Programs
Arts & Sciences
Berklee College of Music
Amherst College
Emerson College
Bard College
Parsons School of Design
Boston College
School of Visual Arts
Boston University Connecticut College
Business Programs Cornell University Indiana University – Bloomington Tulane University University of Delaware University of Kentucky
Engineering Programs Brown University Georgia Institute of Technology Queen’s University Universidad Anahuac del Sur Universidad Iberoamerica University at Buffalo University of California – Davis University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign University of Maryland University of Rochester University of Washington – Seattle Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Duke University Emory University George Washington University Gettysburg College Haverford College Kenyon College Lehigh University New York University Oberlin College Pomona College Princeton University Skidmore College Southern Methodist University Swarthmore College Syracuse University Union College University of Chicago University of Colorado – Boulder University of Miami Yale University
COLLEGE CHOICES – CLASS OF 2013 Congratulations to the graduates of the Class of 2013 and to the fine institutions that will welcome them this fall. G. William Beasley – University of Denver (CO) Gregory A. Belgorod – Georgia Institute of Technology (GA) Alexander J. Bendo – Boston College (MA) Evan M. Blumenthal – University of Delaware (DE) Colin P. Carter – University of Delaware (DE) Jeremy Chen – Lehigh University (PA) Miles A. Collins – Susquehanna University (PA) Jack R. Dubinsky – Evergreen State College (WA) Frederick W. K. Edwards – University of Vermont (VT) Michael J. Gabrellian – Cornell University (NY) Benjamin D. Jacobs – Yale University (CT) Matthew J. Lippa – Berklee College of Music (MA) Jose L. Llamas – Universidad Iberoamerica (Mexico) Zachary J. Magill – School of Visual Arts (NY) Morgan A. Miller – Emerson College (MA) Efrain Morales – Susquehanna University (PA) Adam B. Nebenzahl – SUNY – University at Buffalo (NY) Farouk O. Oni – Gettysburg College (PA) John Adam Plenge – Philadelphia University (PA) Paul E. Pricop – Skidmore College (NY) Declan M. Quillen – Tulane University (LA) Noah S. Regen – Oberlin College (OH) Julian J. Rodriguez – George Washington University (DC) Lucas M. Schwartz – Kenyon College (OH) Wilfred O. Wallis – University of Rochester (NY) Spencer L. Wolfe – Boston University (MA) Kevin Wu – Brown University (RI)
Summer 2013
FORM I BOYS TOUR NEW AMERICAN WING AT THE MET Form I boys visited the New American Wing of the
Gottlieb Leutze’s 1851 painting, “Washington Crossing
Metropolitan Museum of Art in May. Accompanied
the Delaware.” The museum’s website notes that “for the
by faculty members Mary Bosworth, Steve Jasikoff
re-hanging of this magnificent work, a large and stately
and Elizabeth Cooper-Mullin, they viewed a number
gilded frame has been painstakingly recreated by Eli
of impressive sculptures, paintings and period rooms,
Wilner & Company from a recently discovered photograph
including the ballroom in which President George
of the painting from 1864.”
Washington celebrated his last birthday. Before entering the museum, the boys enjoyed lunch
The boys and teachers had their group photo taken in the Charles Engelhard Court in the American Wing,
in a shady spot on the front steps, complete with an
a glassed-in courtyard featuring large-scale American
impromptu serenade by a doo-wop group. With clipboards
sculptures and stained-glass windows. They posed in front
in hand, they later toured the New American Wing
of the facade of the Branch Bank of the United States, a
(expanded with new galleries added and re-opened in
neoclassical structure, and viewed Hiram Powers’ adjacent
January, 2012) where they discussed what they saw with
sculpture, “California,” inspired by the California Gold
their teachers and answered a number of questions based
Rush of 1849, before walking to the other side of the
on personal observations and prior classroom discussions.
courtyard to view the loggia and stained glass windows
The boys were fortunate to view Gilbert Stuart’s portrait, “George Washington,” as well as one of the best-known works in all of American art, Emanuel
designed by Louis Comfort Tiffany for Laurelton Hall, his home in Long Island.
BOYS ENJOY ANNUAL TRIP TO THEATRE FOR A NEW AUDIENCE Twenty members of the Browning community, including Ms. Suárez, Ms. Cooper-Mullin, Mr. Katz and Mr. Dearinger along with his Shakespeare class, attended a spring performance of “Much Ado about Nothing” by the Theatre for a New Audience (TFANA). Browning students have made annual trips to TFANA for many years, but attendees agreed that this year’s production was outstanding. Guided by the direction of Arin Arbus and inspired by the intelligent and witty actors Jonathan Cake and Maggie Siff, the company played Shakespeare’s comedy with great style, well-balanced with the nearly tragic portions of the plot. Mr. Dearinger noted, “The boys of Browning looked sharp, listened carefully and responded with passionate appreciation. It was a great night in the theatre, a great night with Shakespeare and a great night of Browning camaraderie.”
FORM IV BOYS STUDY HUMAN SKULL For the fifth year, Form IV was engaged in a sculpture unit based on the study of the human skull. Art Department Chair Nik Vlahos reports: “We talk about the significance of the skull in art and art history and look at examples from the Byzantine era, Renaissance, Day of the Dead, contemporary art and pop culture. Besides its obvious connotations of mortality in some of those contexts, the skull served another purpose for artists, especially during the Renaissance and up to the 19th century: it was a great way to show off their skill. Simply put, it is difficult to draw, paint or sculpt a skull. In the days before photography or digital
skull from every angle, and three plas-
sculpt every single tooth, so the teeth
portfolios, it was very common for
tic skulls. Using various carving tools,
are a place where they are given free
artists to keep some paintings in the
they carve away at the wax employing
rein to summarize in any creative way
studio as proof of their skill. Displaying
subtractive and additive techniques.
they choose.”
a still-life with various textures along
By observing the symmetries that
with a skull was a perfect way to
exist in the skull, along with the many
takes the wax sculptures to the
showcase their skill.”
ellipses that make its form, students
Modern Art Foundry in Astoria, N.Y.,
arrive at their interpretation of the
where they are bronzed using the lost
subject. The boys are not required to
wax technique.
Mr. Vlahos added, “Students begin with a block of wax, pictures of the
When they are finished, Mr. Vlahos
Summer 2013
BROWNING BOYS TAKE TO THE STAGE For three nights in April, the footlights shined most brightly on the stage at The Nightingale-Bamford School, as seven Browning Upper School boys joined a cast of 20-plus Nightingale girls to perform “Grease.” Upper School Head Jim Reynolds reports: “Under the outstanding leadership of Nightingale’s Diane Davis and Cynthia Coudert, the cast and crew of the show dazzled during four sold-out performances. Browning cast members began rehearsals at the uptown girls’ school in January and rocked the house during their three performances. After opening night, glowing word-of-
mouth about the show spread like butter on hot pancakes and
Fourth grade boys were invited by the parent of a fifth
300-plus-seat theater was packed with audience members
grader to view The Armory Show at Piers 92 and 94
from Nightingale and all of Browning’s constituencies.”
this spring. Art Department Chair Nik Vlahos reports:
made securing a ticket a significant challenge. Nightingale’s
Mr. Reynolds added, “The show was such a success
“We were also lucky to have two other parents as guides
that Ms. Davis and Ms. Coudert have already stated that
to take us around, talk to us about art and introduce
they would like to do another musical with Browning next
us to various galleries. The class saw many new and
April. If ‘Grease’ is an indication of the quality of produc-
exciting things and got to walk away with an Armory
tion these two schools can put on, keep your eyes open for
2013 catalogue!”
ticket information in 2014.”
FORM II BOYS TOUR GREEK AND ROMAN GALLERIES AT THE MET Classics Department Chair John Young reports on a trip he took in April with Form II boys, Art Department Chair Nik Vlahos, and Greek and Latin teacher Brett Wisniewski to the Metropolitan Museum of Art: “Messrs. Vlahos and Wisniewski and I acted as docents and led the group around the Greek and Roman galleries. Classical and Hellenistic sculpture, Roman wall paintings and the Etruscan chariot came under scrutiny. The boys heard about several such pieces from three perspectives: historical overview and contextualization; artistic appreciation of design, material, process; and general observations delivered in comprehensible Latin. After the teachers’ presentations, the boys, armed with sketchpads and pencils, each chose an artifact and set to drawing it.”
LOWER SCHOOL BOYS AND THEIR MUSICAL ADVENTURES Boys in Pre-Primary through fourth grade enjoyed spring 2013 with some memorable performances and surprises. Lower School music teacher Lucy Warner reports on a myriad of musical activities, as follows: On this 125th anniversary of The Browning School, the Lower School Closing chose “1888” as its theme. The musical selections at this annual event opened with the Strings of Spring Orchestra’s arrangement
dents in the Wilson Room (see above photo). Pre-Primary
of Haydn’s “Symphony No. 94,” known as the “Surprise
violinist James Freiser, whose older brother Jack plays viola
Symphony” for its unexpected, sudden loud notes. Thirty-
in the 10-member Ovation Orchestra, had attended three
five energetic Lower School violinists, violist, cellists and
months of numerous early-morning rehearsals with “the
guitarists proved themselves ready, willing, rehearsed and
big boys,” earning a spot as the resident cymbal-player for
able to present this work with enthusiasm and musicality!
the orchestra’s adaptation of Bizet’s “Carmen Overture.”
Featured soloists were Hercules Sotos (first violin), Evan
His performance did not disappoint! Another musical
Thomas (second violin), and Griffin Davis (guitar).
selection on the roster that morning was the piece, “Being
The Lower School singing selections highlighted a diverse
a Soldier,” composed by second grader Jason DaSilva on
number of styles and eras, including Irving Berlin’s (born
piano and arranged for orchestra (with a healthy amount
in 1888) “God Bless America,” a Rodgers and Hammerstein
of input from Jason) by his dad, musician and Browning
“Sound of Music” medley, the rhythmic song, “Working
parent Doug DaSilva. This composition exhibited impres-
Together,” plus “The Loco-Motion,” Van Morrison’s “I Shall
sive maturity and understanding of rhythms and dynam-
Sing,” and a vocal round featuring Spanish and French.
ics. It is not Jason’s first original piece, and, lucky for us,
But a second and third surprise awaited the audience at the Lower School Closing. After the third graders sang
not his last! Lower School instrumentalists Connor McCarthy and
their song, they donned cowboy hats, lined the center aisle
Tomas Infantino each gave a presentation on cello, describ-
of the church, and, to the sounds of banjo, guitar and key-
ing the instrument and its various parts, demonstrating
board, wowed the audience with well-coordinated steps as
both pizzicato (plucking the strings with fingers) and arco
they danced the Virginia reel! Both the boys and the audi-
(playing the strings with a bow). Each cellist performed a
ence were impressed and quite surprised to find out that
piece and did a fine job providing additional information
the guitarist in the trio, Mike Serman ’06, a busy performer
at the Q & A period. At the end of the presentation, the
and teacher, is also a Browning alumnus.
boys’ cello instructor, Jay Tilton, impressed the young au-
In the final weeks of each school year, Browning hosts
dience members with breakneck-speed playing across the
early evening recitals to give Lower School students the
four strings. In another thrilling piece of news: a third cel-
opportunity to perform for a vibrant, welcoming audience
list in Lower School, Colin Mandl-Ciolek, recently joined
comprised of fellow performers and family members. This
the ranks and has been practicing up a storm during his
past spring, with nearly 100 Lower School boys interested in
first months of lessons.
participating in this event, four recitals were held to accom-
Finally, the New York State School Music Association,
modate the large number of soloists. Each event featured
open to all grade and ability levels, holds an annual com-
boys of varied ages, abilities and experience displaying their
petition for vocalists and instrumentalists each June. Last
talents on an array of musical instruments, including piano,
summer, third grader William Morris received impres-
drums, violin, viola, cello, vocals and guitar. During each of
sively high marks for his piano playing before a panel of
the four events, the Wilson Room vibrated with “the sound
judges. This past June, a sizeable group of Lower School
of music” again and again, followed by joyful applause!
Browning boys competed in this music festival. The par-
On a gray, rainy morning in early May, the Ovation Orchestra performed three selections for Lower School stu-
ticipants and prize winners will be recognized at a Lower School Assembly in the fall.
Summer 2013
ANNUAL ART SHOW ATTRACTS ART AFICIONADOS From cars to chairs, shoes to sarcophagi, the annual spring art show features the works of Browning boys who have studied since September under the direction of their art teachers, Zack Davis and Art Department Chair Nik Vlahos. Around every corner of Browning at that time each year, one can expect to be greeted by colorful art. The boys’ parents and peers, family, friends and faculty filled the Lobby and hallways of the School as they turned out to admire and congratulate the artists.
MIDDLE SCHOOL CHORUS PERFORMS IN CHORAL FESTIVAL In April, the Browning Middle School Chorus, led by David
the Browning gentlemen combined their voices with the
Prestigiacomo, participated in the Interschool Middle School
choruses from Brearley, Chapin, Collegiate, Nightingale-
Choral Festival at Christ Church, where they performed
Bamford, Dalton, Collegiate and Spence in a rousing
the American folk song, “Old Joe Clark,” and the R&B/
performance of Michael Jackson’s hit, “We Are The World.”
doo-wop hit, “The Lion Sleeps Tonight.” For their finale,
RONDO MUSIC FESTIVAL Four Lower School pianists received hard-won trophies in a newly inaugurated young artist competition this spring. Alexander Raftopoulos, Christian Kim, Henry Smith and Jonathan Davidoff participated in The Rondo Festival, created this past academic year by Browning “after school” music instructors Ilinka Manova and Emilia Oskotsky. The festival provides a forum for soloists and groups (vocalists and instrumentalists) from elementary through high school, attending private, parochial and public schools throughout New York City, to perform for a panel of judges. The winners are honored at a recital in a professional concert hall, complete with trophy presentations. For next year, Ms. Manova and Ms. Oskotsky are planning a multi-city tour and a recording opportunity for the top performers.
Summer 2013
TEDDY Roosevelt
and the
Regular Kid Lower School Drama a Rousing Success
ast fall, I asked the nine boys
the story began to shape itself in my mind later that evening. A
enrolled in Lower School
normal, contemporary student, a perfectly regular kid, enrolls in
after school drama to tell
a decidedly irregular school and is assigned the task of bringing
me about their dream roles.
Teddy Roosevelt to lunch with him. I wasn’t able to fit the NFL
It’s not easy to find published plays for young people that fit our particular
Sarah Murphy
casting needs, so for the second year in a row I was planning to compose
an original piece. Writing with the students’ voices in my head is enormously inspiring, and makes the process more
players and mythical beasts into the plot, but I was confident that I could use each actor to his own strengths. So Americana Academy and its unusual staff and students were born. But the truth is, I had been looking for a reason to write about Theodore Roosevelt for awhile. I had become fascinated with an old family story, and thought a performance of 10-year-olds might be the perfect
enjoyable. So, why not tailor make the play to the boys at
way to explore it. My father is a loquacious guy, full of end-
hand? Hence, the dream roles question.
less information and highly entertaining stories. I didn’t grow
The boys answered according to their personalities, in-
up in his house, so his stories would often blur together and
terests, wildest dreams. Some wished to play professional
become confused in my mind. It wasn’t until I finally read the
athletes, others described dragonesque fantasy characters
1977 booklet published by my grandmother, Eloise Cronin
in great detail. All of them had terrific ideas, but two ideas struck me as having huge potential. One boy had thought about this before, it seemed, and he answered “Teddy Roosevelt” as though he had been expecting the question for months. Another said, with equal confidence, “a regular kid.” Your dream role, I pushed him, is to play a regular kid? He nodded. “Yup, just a regular kid.” Oddly, the title “Teddy Roosevelt and the Regular Kid” didn’t occur to me until long after the script was finished, but
Above left: Gus Stimpson (playing Teddy Roosevelt) and Dylan Landsman (playing Mike Cronin) in a scene from “Teddy Roosevelt and the Regular Kid.” Browning’s head librarian/playwright Sarah Murphy and cast pose by the plaque, just doors down from Browning, indicating Teddy Roosevelt’s residence during his service as police commissioner from 1895-1898.
with the New York Herald. The journey was far from easy, but Roosevelt encouraged Cronin to “push ahead” despite the “rainy mist or a misty rain” they drove through. Cronin described his passenger as “the nerviest man I ever saw” adding, “and I ain’t easily scared myself.” While researching the details of the story, I was astonished to learn that before picking up Roosevelt, Mike Cronin received, via telephone, the information that McKinley had died at 2:15 in the morning, yet decided not to pass that message along to the man who thought he was still Vice President. The Herald Murphy, that I fully understood the details – and the
reported that Cronin “noted Mr. Roosevelt’s increasing nervous-
incredulous nature – of one such story. The booklet,
ness and thought it the part of discretion and wisdom to deliver
“Theodore Roosevelt’s Night Ride to the Presidency”
the telegram at the other end of the twenty mile route.” It was
details Roosevelt’s journey during the night and early
Roosevelt’s secretary, William Loeb, who ultimately delivered the
morning hours when President William McKinley died.
news, once Cronin and Roosevelt arrived safely at North Creek.
Thinking that McKinley would recover from the gunshot
My father has told me that for years after this adventure, my
wound he suffered at the Pan-American Exhibition in Buf-
great grandfather considered Theodore Roosevelt a personal
falo, Roosevelt was vacationing with his family in the Ad-
friend and made a point to travel to see him speak anytime he
irondacks. But by the morning of September 13, 1901, it had
could. Mike Cronin died when my grandmother Eloise was
become clear that McKinley would likely not survive, and
only four years old, but his vivid story lived through the years,
Roosevelt’s secretary had come to North Creek (the closest
and thanks to her research, made it into print several decades
rail station) with a special train to transport the Vice President
later. Aiden Lair sits sadly empty and abandoned, but both the
to Buffalo. On that day Roosevelt was in probably the least
Adirondack Museum and the North Creek train station pay
convenient location in all of New York State; he was hiking
tribute to the night that Roosevelt raced to the Presidency, and
Mount Marcy, the tallest of the Adirondack high peaks.
to all of the local citizens who played a part.
To reach North Creek station from the base of Mount
After viewing “Teddy Roosevelt and the Regular Kid,” Head-
Marcy was no small feat, particularly in wet September
master Clement remarked to me that he has his own personal
weather. Even today, on paved roads and in a car, one can
connection to our 26th President: the houses where McKinley
easily imagine how treacherous a hurried journey in the
died and where Roosevelt was inaugurated after finally making
middle of the night would have been in this mountainous
it to Buffalo were right around the corner from Mr. Clement’s
and still very wild area. Three drivers and three teams of
family home. And anyone who walks to Browning from the
horses were required to get Roosevelt to his destination, a
west has surely noticed the plaque outside 30 East 62nd Street,
35-mile, three-hour trip. The last of these drivers was Mike
noting that Roosevelt lived on the site from 1895-1898.
Cronin, my great grandfather. With his team of Morgans,
We all may feel like regular kids a lot of the time, but our ties
Dick and Frank, Mike Cronin brought Roosevelt from Aiden
to American history are sometimes startlingly close. Like the
Lair, an Adirondack lodge and hotel that Cronin owned
students of the fictional Americana Academy, we can access
with his wife Lilian, to the North Creek station.
extraordinary men and women through curiosity, research,
Almost 112 years later, this scene was reenacted with flair
and by continuing to tell our stories. I am grateful to all of the
by fourth grade performers Gus Stimpson as Roosevelt and
actors in this year’s Lower School drama group for helping me
Dylan Landsman as Cronin. I took a great deal of the dialog
to tell mine.
for that scene from Cronin’s September 15, 1901, interview
–Sarah Murphy
Above: Head Librarian Sarah Murphy’s great grandfather, Mike Cronin, stands with his team of horses, Dick and Frank; Mr. Cronin drove Vice President Theodore Roosevelt to a waiting train at North Creek for his trip to Buffalo where he was sworn in as President. Summer 2013
Bright New Cafeteria Offers Expanded Space and Menu
n May 10, the youngest Browning boys were treated to
a welcome from Headmaster Clement, high fives with the Panther mascot and Form VI boys, red and brown cookies from Chef Omar Maldonado and, perhaps best of all, a sneak peek at the brand new cafeteria with Lower School Head Laurie Gruhn. Still in place from Alumni Reunion the day before were display cases of memorabilia and life-size cutouts of historic photos (including one of founder John A. Browning) representing 125 years of School history. After nearly a year’s worth of construction, this spacious, skylight-lit area was a welcome sight, ready for use on May 20. With a separate entrance and exit, tables of varying sizes, and new traffic flow configuration, the Browning community agrees that the wait was well worth it. The overall quality of the dining experience has been enhanced, and the expanded kitchen space allows for additional, healthier food offerings on the menu in the coming school year. Christopher Stephens ’14, who was interviewed for an article about the new space in the final edition of the Grytte, said it simply, “The cafeteria is very spacious and pleasant. It is definitely a great addition to the School.” –M. M.
On May 20, a mere 10 days after their sneak peek at the new cafeteria designed by the architectural firm, Peter Gisolfi Associates, Lower School boys raised a toast to their first day of dining in this cheerful new space.
Summer 2013
EACH YEAR, THE PARENTS ASSOCIATION AWARDS stipends to faculty members who apply for specific projects, such as summer travel, research or study. Each recipient writes an article for the Buzzer about his or her project; two faculty are featured in this issue.
Ego Amo Angelopolim!
John Young
I love L.A.! Honestly, although I was
Studies (SALVI, for short), Jacque Myers, Luke Henderson
as surprised by my admiration for the
and Justin Slocum Bailey. Our topics of investigation
city as you may be to hear of it, I must
and discussion ranged from literature and pedagogy to
admit that it is true what some say:
government and outer space (spatium cosmicum). Together
Los Angeles is a paradise. The palm
we toured the metropolitan area, visiting Santa Monica,
tree (palma), which I used to think
where I wet my feet in the waters of the Pacific; Hollywood,
rather absurd, is really a noble tree and
where we stood in the footsteps of movie stars and also
impressive to behold. Nor have I ever
climbed the mountain to Griffith Observatory to attend a
experienced better weather anywhere. The sun shone bright
planetarium show, the story of which was told with live
in a cloudless, blue sky, but without scorching, so I was
narration; the fascinating La Brea tar pits and the vast
taken aback to see the redness appear wherever I neglected
collections of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art; and
to apply sunscreen (ceroma solare). My legs in November, at
Malibu, where we explored the Getty Villa, whose founder
the time of writing, still carry a vestige of that bronzing of
constructed an example of a massive Roman villa in order
early July.
to house his beloved antiquities collection.
From the bluff upon which Loyola Marymount
It is our belief that using the Latin language in an
University is built I was able to gaze both upon the ocean
active, conversational way goes far toward “forming and
and the mountains surrounding the city. From these
maintaining a close relationship with the Latin language,”
heights, on the evening of Independence Day, I watched
as Drs. Minkova and Tunberg of the University of
fireworks displays (pyrotechnica spectacula) explode over Los
Kentucky write in a recent volume of the New England
Angeles, Santa Monica and Hollywood.
Classical Journal (Vol. 39.2, pp. 113-128). “Adding activities
I had made this, my first visit to California, in order to
to the classroom,” they continue, “that involve actual
attend a week-long Latinists’ conference at the University. This gathering of almost 30 scholars conducted not only all of its papers and workshops in the Latin language but also all of its personal interactions. We were headed up
Mor eov er, th e personal a nd professional fr iendships w hich
by Dr. Stephen Berard of Wenachtee Valley College, by
I h av e dev eloped at Rusticatio
Dwight Castro of Westminster College, and by the excellent
prov ide su pport a nd occasions to
teachers of the North American Institute for Living Latin
pr actice a nd improv e y ea r round.
usage of the language, as well as communication in the language, can only be beneficial” to the student. My own personal experiences as a Latin student have demonstrated to me the validity of this statement. While acknowledging that the reading of ancient Latin texts and acquaintance with “the linguistic and cultural knowledge connected with them must remain the primary reason for the study of Latin,” active oral and aural use of language greatly facilitates the passive powers of reading. The more we use Latin, the thinking goes, the more easily we can read it and the better we can teach it. Guided by this logic, I had signed up to attend not only Septimana Californiana but also Rusticatio Virginiana, which was taking place the following week outside Charles Town, W.Va. Sojourning at Claymont Mansion has become my
motto for teaching “nullus dies sine ludo” (no day without a
favorite retreat of the summer. Over 40 Latinists convened
game played) is a play on Pliny the Younger’s “nullus dies
in the grand, old Washington family manor to live
sine linea” (no day without a line of poetry written). Her
communally for eight days entirely in Latin, of course.
approach to Latin instruction and her methods continue
Our teachers included the polyglot Dr. David Morgan of
to inspire and inform my own. Moreover, the personal
Furman University, the inestimable Dr. Nancy Llewellyn
and professional friendships which I have developed at
of Wyoming Catholic College, and our own Dr. Matthew
Rusticatio provide support and occasions to practice and
McGowan from Fordham. Sharing the quotidian chores of
improve year round. I return to Claymont in February with
cooking and cleaning, we also attended sessions designed
Nancy and others for a Latin weekend aimed specifically at
to practice and expand our language skills. We went on
active Latin instruction in the classroom. Societati Parentum
nature walks and practiced yoga (ars gymnosophica), played
maximae gratiae et agendae mihi et habendae sunt (I owe the
games and sang songs, read ancient and renaissance
Parents Association a great debt of gratitude for these
texts, and learned in Nancy’s classroom, where I have
learned more Latin than in any other setting. Nancy’s
—By John Young, Chair, Department of Classics/Latin
Summer 2013
From Below Earth to Outer Space: Rediscovering Wonder on the Big Island Forget the beach, the tropical drinks
lava started traveling elsewhere: spiders building their
and the lounging – give me the gritty
webs; algae growing on the hardened lava walls; plants
science! I want the haze of volcanic
seeking locations to root and light for photosynthesis. Lava
gases, the spiders in lava tubes, the
still travels below the surface in tubes that may eventually
curvature of fiddleheads, the struggle
be empty like this one.
of new plants after a lava flow, and the Stephanie Seto
Upon emergence from the lava tube, the plan was to
complex machinery to view distant
depart the park until the following day. However, to my
nebulae. With the generosity and
complete surprise when I turned a corner in the road and
support of the Parents Association, I was able to explore all
onto an overlook, what greeted me was the eerie crimson
of this and more on the Big Island of Hawai’i. It was through
glow of an active volcano accompanied by the light of a
this trip that I was able to renew my sense of wonder about
gibbous moon and countless stars. Admiring Halema’uma’u
our world and beyond, more so than any travels in my past.
Crater under the cloak of night’s darkness and silence left
The island of Hawai’i is divided in regards to ecosystems due to the large dormant volcanoes and their
me speechless. A trip to Volcanoes National Park is not complete
effects on weather patterns. On the east coast, there are
without day hikes across lava fields and volcanic craters,
lush rainforests and waterfalls, where the humidity is
which allow for up-close observations of diverse volcanic
high and the flora create a tropical paradise. At the center
rock and young land. One notable exploration was across
of the island, in a low valley, rest fertile farmlands. The
the Kilauea Iki Crater, the remnant of an eruption in
west coast is dry and hot, and the land is rocky and new
1959 and once a large pool of lava. Today the ground is
from recent lava flows. Just driving on the island through
still warm to the touch, an echo of the tremendous heat
sharp contrasts in nature and rock communicated the
that once occupied the terrain. Any rainwater that seeps
sheer power that the molten earth has on the land and
through cracks in the ground immediately turns to steam,
everything on it.
a phenomenon that can be seen in numerous locations
At first glance, one would imagine that volcanoes and
across the crater. In other sites around the park, cooled and
their effects would be merely seen above ground. However,
dried lava fields have frozen the shapes of flowing molten
underground and spread throughout the island like a maze
rock in time and created new land.
are lava tubes, evidence of ancient lava flows that once
Volcanoes have not only enabled the evolution of
pulsed through Earth’s crust and fed the volcanoes. The
unique ecosystems, but they have also created perfect
Thurston Lava Tube, within Volcanoes National Park, is
settings for observing worlds light-years from Earth. A
normally packed with tourists, but at sunset, hiking the
visit to the Mauna Kea observatories is a visit to ideal
rainforest trail leading to the tube afforded the unique
stargazing conditions. Mauna Kea is a one-million-
opportunity of a private exploration of the lava tube
year-old dormant volcano in the center of the island
at night. With the skeleton of old lava creating a long,
(the last eruption was 4,500 years ago), and the summit
meandering and uneven tunnel, life can be observed
houses massive radio telescopes. Conditions are ideal for
struggling to return even several hundred years after the
astronomical observations: the high altitude location in the
middle of the ocean makes the skies clear and dark, and
tourists, and you have the astronomers and telescopes to
the summit is above cloud level; no large urban centers are
yourself. With just the push of a few buttons, the telescopes
nearby to cause light pollution, and nearby towns commit
calculated the locations of and focused on Saturn and
to low-pressure sodium lamps which emit monochromatic
its rings, the Antares supernova, the binary star system
light easily filterable from astronomical observations.
of Alcor and Mizar, the meteorite belt, the Andromeda
Mauna Kea is gifted with 340 clear nights a year; even on
galaxy, numerous globular clusters, the Swan Nebula, the
cloudy days, the dropping temperatures
Lagoon Nebula, the Trifid Nebula, the
that come with nightfall also push opaque
Eagle Nebula, the Orion Nebula and the
clouds to lower altitudes. The environment
It was th rough this
Ring Nebula. After observing all of these
is so ideal that the observatories have
tr ip th at I was able
distant objects, I now want an incredibly
been booked by scientists every night for
to r enew my sense
powerful telescope and a house atop a
the next two years. Due to its location,
of wonder abou t ou r
dormant volcano.
scientists can view all the stars in the northern hemisphere and 80 percent of all stars in the southern hemisphere. The observatory telescopes have no eyepieces;
world a nd beyond, mor e so th a n a n y tr av els in my past.
The most influential aspect of this trip was the renewed sense of wonder I discovered. Sometimes one needs to not just read about science and collect
instead, they are hooked up to computers
data but be immersed in its context
that receive data and compose the desired
and environment, taking the time to
images over the course of a night’s observation. Every night, the visitor’s center at Mauna Kea and
fully appreciate the world and all its details. I thank the Parents Association for this opportunity; I hope to give
its volunteer astronomers host observation events with
back by nurturing this same sense of wonder and inquiry
impressively large telescopes that were fully funded by
in my students.
visitor donations. Stay long enough to outlast the other
—By Stephanie H. Seto, Lower and Middle School Science Teacher
Summer 2013
undefeated in league play and won first place at the post-
season tournament. Varsity baseball players finished in
once again a very successful one. It all started with an
third place in the regular season but lost in the first round
amazing trip to Port St. Lucie, where the varsity baseball
of the playoffs. Varsity track continued their success by
team was able to practice and play under the beautiful
qualifying many boys for the championships and NYSAIS
Florida sun. Going in to the season, the coaches and I
track meet. Speaking of NYSAIS, Browning was again
were worried that we had a large number of freshmen
represented in track this year in the state meet! All and all,
and not as many upperclassmen. However, soon after
it has been a very special year and one that I, as athletic
the first practice, we were encouraged by the skills of
director, am very proud to have been a part of. Here’s to
the newcomers! The teams all did very well, mostly
the Class of 2013 and the rest of the 86 percent of Upper
finishing in the top half of The New York City Athletic
School boys who participated on Browning athletic teams
League (NYCAL). Varsity tennis players once again went
in 2012-13. Go, Panthers!
2013 Spring Sports Wrap Up SEVENTH AND EIGHTH GRADE BASEBALL Coach Brown reports: The Middle School baseball team enjoyed a great season. Led by our cocaptains, Luke Barba and George Grimbilas, our team finished the season at an even 6-6. This was an excellent finish for our team considering that we play in a highly competitive league and our team is comprised of mostly Form I boys. Next year we look forward to these players being a year older, stronger and more experienced. Our defense was anchored by consistent pitching from George Grimbilas, Kyle Levinson, Sebastian Baquero and Charlie Pink. Leading our squad in nearly every offensive category was Kyle Levinson with a batting average of .761, 15 RBIs, 14 runs and 14 stolen bases.
VARSITY TRACK Coach Bernard reports: The track team finished the season with a great afternoon at Queens College during the NYCAL championships. The boys did very well and placed second with 62 points behind Loyola School (72 points). While all the boys who qualified for this meet deserve to be congratulated, Wilfred Wallis, Rafe Harvard and Christopher Keyko were the true leaders of the team. By winning the 400 (51.37), the 800 (2.08), finishing fourth in the 100 and fourth in the 200 (25.36), senior Wilfred Wallis scored 22 points for the team. Rafe Harvard also performed strongly.
He finished second in the long jump and 100 events
Coaches West, Zeuner and Travers report: The 2012-2013
and third in the 100, scoring 18 points. Christopher
varsity Panthers ended the season with a 5-7 record, includ-
Keyko placed second in the 3200 and sixth in the mile,
ing 3-5 in the NYCAL. With five freshmen in the starting
chalking up seven points. Christopher Keyko, Michael
line-up most afternoons, it was truly a rebuilding season.
Gabrellian, Edwin Wallis and Chris Haack finished sec-
Though many players struggle with the adjustment to var-
ond in the 4 x 800, gleaning six precious units. Michael
sity level, the coaches were pleased by the development they
Gabrellian, Diego López, Edwin Wallis and promising
measured throughout the season. As Coach West said, “Of
eighth grader Jamil Guzman placed third in the 4 x
course it is difficult to lose games, but when I remember that
400, scoring four more points. Arthur Mensah, Gregory
so many of our guys are young, and I consider how good
Belgorod, Diego López and Rafe Harvard supplied the
they can be one day if they put in the effort, I have to smile
finishing touches to consolidate our position by plac-
about the future.” Seniors Alex Bendo, Lucas Schwartz and
ing second in the 4 x 100. The NYSAIS Championship
Ben Jacobs will be missed both on and off the field. Thank
in May at Icahn Stadium closed another great season.
you for the support!
Summer 2013
VARSITY TENNIS Varsity tennis coach Michael Klein offered this report on the success of his winning team: The Panthers successfully defended their backto-back undefeated NYCAL League and Tournament championships this season to make it three years in a row. Highlights include #1 singles player Del Schunk (Form III) emerging undefeated in league and tournament play, co-captain Paul Pricop (Form VI) winning the #2 singles tournament title, co-captain Evan Blumenthal (Form VI) winning the #3 singles tournament title, George Allen (Form II) and Jaime Gomez (Form I) winning
Del winning his three-set match to seal
got to play in a match at some point,
the #1 doubles tournament title, and
the victory against Trevor Day in the
gaining valuable experience.
Spencer Wolfe (Form VI) and Peter
Grandstand court.
Maguire (Form V) winning the #2
Athletic Director West added
doubles tournament title.
While we lose three seniors this year, three of our top five players return
challenging matches against
next year. The rest of the team included
Riverdale, Fieldston and Staten
Aaron Parisier (Form V), William Abelt
the team (and coach) practicing in the
Island Academy to the schedule this
(Form IV), Dylan Rose (Form IV),
Louis Armstrong and Grandstand courts
season, providing great opportunities
Nikita Tsimmer (Form III), Zack
at the Billie Jean King Tennis Center, and
to play better players. Everyone on
Gelfond (Form II), William Graham
the 14-player roster team this season
(Form II), and Michael Jozoff (Form II).
Other memorable moments included
VARSITY GOLF Coach Watson reports: The varsity golf team returned three players from last year and added four more this year, giving us one of the biggest squads in a number of years. With the new league rule whereby six players can play and the four lowest scores count, it was just as well that we had a bigger squad! However the boys started poorly in the cold of early March and lost the opening three matches. After a break from matches of some 12 days, the team came back with a victory against Calhoun and very nearly upset Staten Island Academy in the next match. Winning our return fixture against Calhoun then had us up against the undefeated Columbia Prep side. Although well beaten, the boys played some of their best golf with two of them recording their lowest scores of the season to date. After going to Brynwood Country Club for a full day of playing, the team finished their season with a loss to Loyola and a fourth place finish in the NYCAL Golf Championships. Each player during the course of the season lowered his personal score anywhere from six to 16 strokes and would have lowered his score further if he had been able to avoid the dreaded three putts on the greens at Mosholu Golf course. With only one senior on the squad, I am looking forward to a competitive and experienced team next year.
FRIENDLY SKIES FOR FIELD DAY 2013 Lower School boys finally got their dose of sun in May
and kickball. Everyone took a break for a pizza picnic
for Field Day 2013, as reported by Director of Physical
before Pre-Primary and first grade loaded the buses back
Education Patricia Zeuner: "We have not had so much
to Browning. In the afternoon, second, third and fourth
luck in the past, with many field days held indoors due
graders competed in a variety of activities, such as the in-
to rain. Monday, however, proved to be a perfect day on
famous 50-yard dash, tug of war, Frisbee fling and many
Randall's Island for some fun in the sun. Pre-Primary
more. The event was very successful thanks to the com-
and first grade students completed a circuit of eight
bined efforts of everyone involved. It certainly seemed
activity stations, while second, third and fourth grad-
like fun was had by all!"
ers competed in games such as capture the flag, soccer
Summer 2013
The Class of 1963 had a record turnout for a Browning 50th Reunion class! Seven classmates are pictured above at the Knickerbocker Club for their induction to the True Grytte Society (L to R): Paul McCobb ’63, Julian Bivins ’63, John Ballard ’63, Linton Wells ’63, Tom Oliphant ’63, Godfrey Bloch ’63 and Paul Vartanian ’63.
Anniversary Alumni Reunion
n Thursday, May 9, more than 200 guests
grandson, Justin Rockefeller, accepted the Award on behalf of
returned to Browning for the 125th
the Rockefeller Family. Also during the reception, the Stephen S.
Anniversary Alumni Reunion. Guests
Perry ’76 Memorial Class Representative Awards were presented
included alumni from the Classes of 1950
to eight outstanding class representatives:
through 2012, along with their guests, as well as a number
John H. Ballard Jr. ’63, Godfrey C. Bloch ’63 and Linton Wells II ’63 –
of current and former faculty.
Most Outstanding Class Representatives
The Alumni Association’s highest honor, the Class of 1938 Alumnus Achievement Award, was presented at the
Edward D. Kent ’02, Joe G. Metzger ’02, Kieran P. Pickering ’02
cocktail reception posthumously to John D. Rockefeller, Jr.,
and Sean T. Russell ’02 – Most Outstanding Class Fundraisers
Browning’s first alumnus, from the Class of 1893. His great-
Nicholas S. Versandi ’01 – Most Outstanding Class Correspondent
One of the hallmarks of Browning’s Alumni Reunion is the annual True Grytte Society & Consecutive-Year Donors Luncheon, which was held at the nearby Knickerbocker Club.
Director of Institutional Advancement Marty Haase (right) and Haughton Randolph ’62 during the presentation of True Grytte Society certificates.
Ulrike and Julian Bivins ’63 traveled from Arizona to attend Browning’s 125th Anniversary Alumni Reunion events.
The Lower Gym and new dining facilities were packed with more than 200 people at Browning’s 125th Anniversary Alumni Reunion in May. Guests in the above photo were treated to a special 2-minute video about the School’s history.
Following the Perry Awards, the Class of 2003 presented
L to R: Dorothy Plohn, Steve Clement and Charles Plohn ’62 at the Knickerbocker Club.
Head of the Music Department David Prestigiacomo and Browning’s Upper School Chorus surprised guests with two musical numbers at the luncheon at the Knickerbocker Club.
At noon, the annual invitation-only True Grytte Society &
Headmaster Clement and the School with its 10th Reunion
Consecutive-Year Donors Luncheon was held at the nearby
Gift, a check in the amount of more than $77,000 to fund a
Knickerbocker Club, where a record number of 11 new mem-
faculty award. The evening was capped off with an impres-
bers were inducted. Luncheon guests were greeted with a
sive archival display in Browning’s new dining facilities.
surprise visit from Mr. Prestigiacomo and the Upper School
Earlier in the day, the entire Upper School had the opportunity to hear from a Distinguished Alumni Panel of three Alum-
chorus, who sang “Bonse Aba” and “Old Joe Clark.” Tours of the School – particularly throughout Brown-
nus Achievement Award recipients: Thomas Oliphant ’63,
ing’s new facilities – and classroom visits were also big
Charles Plohn ’62 and Linton Wells ’63. Please see pages
highlights of the day. Special thanks to all who helped
62-65 for profiles on these three distinguished alumni.
make this year’s milestone Alumni Reunion a success!
Summer 2013
L to R: Justin Rockefeller, Michael Beys ’89, Jim Chanos and Steve Clement are pictured on stage following the Alumnus Achievement Award Ceremony. Justin accepted the Award on behalf of his great-grandfather, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Class of 1893. More details can be found on page 60.
L to R: Michael Linburn ’50, Kathy Linburn, Laura Lanigan and Steve Clement at the Knickerbocker Club luncheon.
Tom Oliphant ’63 (far right) spoke to Mr. Ingrisani’s class during Alumni Reunion.
Browning’s new dining facilities were open for viewing during the Alumni Reunion cocktail reception. A number of archival displays and life-size cutouts were scattered throughout the space.
L to R: Andy Sandberg ’01, Stuart Orenstein ’00, Linton Wells ’63, Godfrey Bloch ’63, Kieran Pickering ’02, Joe Metzger ’02, Nicholas Versandi ’01 and Headmaster Clement are pictured on stage in the Lower Gym following the Stephen S. Perry ’76 Memorial Class Representative Awards Ceremony during the Alumni Reunion cocktail reception.
The Class of 2003 presented Headmaster Clement with its 10th Reunion Gift – a check in the amount of more than $77,000 to fund a faculty award.
L to R: Michael Linburn ’50, Kathy Linburn and Nicholas Zoullas ’55.
The 25th Reunion Class enjoyed celebrating and catching up in the Lower Gym. L to R: Craig Mooney, George Papailias, Andrew Gelb, Jeremy Novak, Daniel Schweitzer, James Sterling, Gordon Graham.
Summer 2013
John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Class of 1893 The Browning School’s First Student
he late John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Class of 1893, was The Browning School’s first student and is the 2013 recipient of Browning’s Class of 1938 Alumnus Achievement Award. Browning was
founded in 1888 when John D. Rockefeller, Sr., retained John A. Browning, a recent graduate of Columbia College, to form
“The success of each is dependent upon the success of the other.”
a school for his son, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and his brother William Rockefeller’s son, Percy. The School was set up in a
–John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Class of 1893
Rockefeller family-owned brownstone on West 55th Street. The late Mr. Rockefeller recalled Mr. Browning as a remarkable teacher who “inspired interest in learning.” He said Mr. Browning “helped me to study and to concentrate... I owe a great deal to him, more than to any other teacher I ever had.” Following his education at The Browning School, Mr. Rockefeller went on to Brown University and later became a director of both Standard Oil and U.S. Steel. During the Great Depression, he developed and was the sole financier of a vast 14-building real estate complex in the geographical
of the Museum of Modern Art, which was co-founded by his wife in 1929. He also purchased and donated land for a number of America’s national parks. He is the author of the noted life principle, among others, inscribed on a tablet facing his famed Rockefeller Center: “I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty.” Justin A. Rockefeller is the great-grandson of John D.
center of Manhattan, Rockefeller Center, and as a result,
Rockefeller, Jr., Class of 1893, and he accepted the Alumnus
became one of the largest real estate holders in New York
Achievement Award on his great-grandfather’s behalf. He is
City. He was influential in attracting leading blue chip corporations as tenants in the complex, including GE, Standard Oil of New Jersey (Esso), Associated Press, Time Inc., and branches of the then Chase National Bank, now JP Morgan Chase. However, he is most remembered for his philanthropy and conservation efforts, giving over $537 million to myriad causes over his lifetime. In the arts, he gave extensive property he owned on West 54th Street for the site A number of direct descendants of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Class of 1893, and their spouses attended the Alumnus Achievement Award ceremony and cocktail reception (L to R): Steve Wayne, Valerie Rockefeller Wayne, Justin Rockefeller, Indre Rockefeller and Charles Rockefeller.
Browning’s Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Jim Chanos, presented the Alumnus Achievement Award to Justin Rockefeller, great-grandson of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Class of 1893.
director of the special relations group at Addepar, a Silicon
states from 2005-2009, and with Mr. Rockefeller serving as
Valley-based technology company reinventing the tools to
chairman of the board, GenerationEngage merged with a
aggregate and analyze financial data. He is also a venture
similar NGO, Mr. Rockefeller attended
partner at Richmond Global, LLC, a firm focusing on
St. Albans School in Washington, D.C., and then received
technology-enabled services and mobile technologies with
his B.A. from Princeton University in 2002.
applications in the U.S. and across major emerging markets. He serves on the board and investment committee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. He is a member of the executive
“I believe that every right implies a
committee of The International Council of The Museum of Modern Art, a “TEDster” and an Americas Business Council
responsibility; every opportunity, an
Foundation Fellow. Previously, Mr. Rockefeller was co-founder and national
obligation; every possession, a duty.”
program director of GenerationEngage, a nonprofit that empowered young adults with resources and access to become leaders in their communities and active
–John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Class of 1893
participants in our democracy. After operation in five
Summer 2013
Alumni Reunion Career Panelist PROFILES Thomas N. Oliphant ’63 Thomas N. Oliphant ’63 is the 1999
desegregation, which was awarded
recipient of Browning’s Alumnus
the Pulitzer Prize’s gold medal. Five
Achievement Award. His 45-year
years later, his series of editorials
career as a journalist and author has put
on the energy crisis was the Pulitzer
him in the middle of every American
Prize’s runner-up.
Presidential campaign from the tragic
quent guest on television, including
Barack Obama in 2008. As Washington
all the Sunday programs and all the
correspondent and then syndicated
morning programs. For a decade, he
columnist for The Boston Globe after
provided analysis and commentary
graduation from Harvard College,
for “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer,”
he was named by Washingtonian
including daily work during such
Magazine one of the country’s top 10
special events as the 9/11 attacks and
political writers and one of Washington
President Clinton’s impeachment trial.
D.C.’s 50 most influential figures.
He is the author of two books on poli-
In 1971, he was the first person to
tics and public policy, “All by Myself”
write about what became known as
and “Utter Incompetents.” His mem-
the Pentagon Papers, and obtained
oir of his New York childhood and re-
The Globe’s copy of the documents in
construction of the 1955 World Series,
defiance of federal court orders block-
“Praying for Gil Hodges,” was a New
ing further publication by The New
York Times bestseller. His current
York Times and The Washington Post.
book with NYU president John Sexton
In 1973, his coverage of the Ameri-
is called, “Baseball as a Road to God.”
can Indian Movement’s occupation of
It was published this spring and also
Wounded Knee, S.D., earned him the
made the Times’ bestseller list.
Elijah Parish Lovejoy Award in de-
As a columnist, he has been a fre-
turbulence of 1968 to the election of
Prior to his successful journalism
fense of the First Amendment as well
career, Mr. Oliphant was a student at
as a three-count criminal indictment
Browning for eight years, leaving after
from the Nixon administration, even-
Form II. He has three children, two
tually dismissed. In 1974, on special
granddaughters, and is married to
assignment, he was one of three edi-
CBS News correspondent Susan Spen-
tors who managed The Globe’s cover-
cer. They live in Washington, D.C.,
age of Boston’s tumultuous school
and Rappahannock County, Va.
L to R: Charles Plohn ’62, Tom Oliphant ’63 and Linton Wells ’63 were the three participants in the Upper School alumni panel on May 9 at Christ Church.
Headmaster Steve Clement introduced another distinguished alumnus, Tom Lovejoy ’59, to the Upper School and alumni guests prior to the start of the career panel.
Headmaster Steve Clement welcomed guests to the first event of Browning’s 125th Anniversary Alumni Reunion, a morning career panel featuring three distinguished Browning alumni.
Summer 2013
Charles J. Plohn, Jr. ’62
Charles J. Plohn, Jr. ’62 had a distin-
financial magazine articles, and co-
from 1977-1990 and vice president
authored a chapter entitled “Strategies
from 1989-1990. In addition, he was
and Tactics of Share Repurchases” for
the 50th Reunion Chair and recipient
a corporate restructuring textbook.
of the Stephen S. Perry ’76 Most Out-
He is a former member of the Ameri-
standing Class Representative Award
can Stock Exchange, National Stock
(2012); recipient of the Alumnus
Exchange, New York Mercantile Ex-
Achievement Award (2004); inducted
change and the New York Society of
into the Athletic Hall of Fame (1988);
Security Analysts.
member of the Headmaster Search
He attended P.S. 6 until coming to
Committee (1987-1988); and Gradua-
guished career that spanned more
Browning in Grade Six. He was vale-
tion Speaker (1978). At Princeton, he
than 45 years on Wall Street, including
dictorian of his class and received the
has served as a member of the Wood-
almost 35 years as a managing direc-
Komito Award for Citizenship in 1961
row Wilson School Advisory Council
tor and manager of the Special Equity
and 1962 and the Mayflower Compact
(1996-2008), including chair of the
Transactions Group at Merrill Lynch,
Award for Study of American History
Steering Committee for the 75th Anni-
Pierce, Fenner & Smith, before retiring
in 1961 and 1962. In addition, he was
versary Celebrations (2004-2006) and
in 2008. His responsibilities included
co-editor of The Grytte and a four-
the Dean Search Committee (2001-
the marketing and implementation of
year starter on the varsity basketball
2002); as a Guest Lecturer in a Corpo-
corporate open-market stock repur-
and varsity baseball teams. After grad-
rate Restructuring Course (2004-2008);
chase programs and self-tenders, sales
uating from Browning, he majored in
as a member of the Council of Princ-
of control and restricted securities, the
the Woodrow Wilson School of Public
eton University Community Commit-
confidential accumulation and sale of
and International Affairs at Princeton
tee and the National Annual Giving
securities as well as other special eq-
University, from which he graduated
Committee; as the Grand Marshal of
uity transactions.
cum laude in 1962. After Princeton,
the Princeton University P-rade (2008-
he attended the Wharton Graduate
2012); and currently president of the
corporate stock repurchases and was
School of the University of Pennsylva-
Class of 1966.
known as the “Dean” of stock buy-
nia, receiving an M.B.A. in 1968, and
Charles and his wife, Dorothy,
backs on Wall Street. He appeared
then served two years of active duty
have lived in Princeton, N.J., for the
as a featured speaker or panelist in
in the U.S. Naval Reserve.
past 30 years. They have two children
He was a recognized expert in
several seminars and conferences, ap-
Over the years, Mr. Plohn has been
peared on television and radio stock
very active in education-related activi-
market report programs, was featured
ties. He was a Trustee of Browning
or quoted in various newspaper and
from 1975-1990, serving as treasurer
and three grandchildren.
Linton Wells II ’63 Linton Wells II ’63 is the interim direc-
destroyer. He holds a B.S. in phys-
tor of research at the National Defense
ics and oceanography from the U.S.
University in Washington, D.C., as
Naval Academy, an M.S.E. in math-
well as interim director of the Institute
ematical sciences and a Ph.D. in inter-
for National Strategic Studies. He also
national relations from Johns Hopkins
heads the Center for Technology and
University. He was the first U.S. naval
National Security Policy and is a Dis-
officer to attend the Japanese National
tinguished Research Professor.
Institute for Defense Studies in Tokyo.
Prior to coming to the National
He has thrice been awarded the De-
Defense University, he served in the
partment of Defense Medal for Distin-
Office of the Secretary of Defense from
guished Public Service.
1991-2007, serving last as the principal
Dr. Wells entered Browning in the
deputy assistant secretary of defense.
fall of 1958 with the Class of 1962. In
In addition, he served as the acting as-
1960, he left Browning for one year to
sistant secretary and chief information
live aboard the trans-Atlantic liners
officer of the Department of Defense
going back and forth to the Mediter-
(DoD) for nearly two years. He has
ranean. He returned to Browning in
served in the DoD for 49 years.
1961, and graduated with the Class of
During his 26 years as a naval of-
1963. In 1995, he received Browning’s
ficer, he served on a variety of surface
Alumnus Achievement Award. He
ships, including command of a de-
most recently served as one of Brown-
stroyer squadron and guided missile
ing’s three 50th Reunion Chairs.
Summer 2013
Headmaster Clement hosted Form VI and several key members of Browning’s Alumni Association at the New York Athletic Club in April.
L to R: Michael Beys ’89, Jeff Landes ’83, Jeremy Katz ’04, Andrew West ’92, Joe Metzger ’02, Stafford Travers ’05 and Sandy Pelz ’71.
The Form VI Breakfast was held in a room at the New York Athletic Club that had a lovely view of Central Park.
Alumni and seniors enjoying breakfast together in April.
FORM VI BREAKFAST On Wednesday, April 24, Headmaster Clement and Alumni Association President Michael Beys ’89 hosted the Class of 2013 at the New York Athletic Club for the annual Form VI Breakfast. The Form VI Breakfast is a spring tradition where the seniors are formally welcomed into Browning’s Alumni Association and presented with engraved key chains to commemorate their upcoming graduation. Speakers
The Class of 2013 was welcomed into the Alumni Association in April.
included Alumni Association President Michael Beys ’89, Trustee Jeffrey Landes ’83, Alumni Association Secretary Joe Metzger ’02, Mr. Pelz ’71, Coach West ’92, Mr. Katz ’04, Mr. Travers ’05, Mr. Reynolds, Ms. Lanigan and Headmaster Clement. Morgan Miller ’13 also sang and played guitar to kick off the breakfast.
Morgan Miller ’13 helped kick off the breakfast with a musical number.
ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION On Monday, May 20, the Annual Meeting of Browning’s Alumni Association took place in the Wilson Room. As is tradition, officer elections were held: Michael Beys ’89 was re-elected president for two more years along with Allanby Singleton-Green ’83, who was re-elected vice president for two more years. In addition, John Moran ’97 was elected secretary, replacing Joe Metzger ’02 who served as secretary for six years, the maximum number of terms. Congratulations and thank you to all!
2013-14 ALUMNI EVENTS CALENDAR M O N D AY, S E P TE M BE R 1 6 Alumni Council Meeting, 6:00 pm
FR I DAY, J ANUARY 24 Browning-Marymount Reunion (location TBD), 6:00 pm
T UE S DAY, S E P T E M B E R 1 7 Alumni Soccer Game (Randall’s Island), 5:30 pm
MONDAY, J ANUARY 27 Alumni Council Meeting, 6:00 pm
T UE S DAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 4 Class of 2000 Distinguished Speaker Series, 6:00 pm
MONDAY, FEB R UARY 24 Alumni Council Note-a-thon, 6:00 pm
SAT UR DAY, OC TOB E R 5 125th Birthday Celebration, 5:30 pm
MONDAY, APR I L 7 Alumni Council Meeting, 6:00 pm
F R I D AY, O C T O BE R 2 5 Book Fair Opening Night Cocktail Party, 6:00 pm
WEDNESDAY, APR I L 27 Form VI Breakfast (New York Athletic Club; by invitation only), 8:00 am
MONDAY, NOVE M BE R 4 Alumni Council Meeting, 6:00 pm W E D N E S D AY, N O VE M B E R 2 7 Young Alumni Reunion, 11:00 am F R I DAY, DE C E M B E R 1 3 Holiday Party, 5:30 pm T H UR S DAY, DE C E M B E R 1 9 Alumni Basketball Game, 5:30 pm
FR I DAY, MAY 2 Alumni Reunion, all day MONDAY, MAY 19 Annual Meeting of the Alumni Association, 6:00 pm WEDNESDAY, J UNE 11 Graduation (Christ Church), 11:00 am
Summer 2013
TO SHARE NEWS WITH THE Browning community, please contact Laura Neller Lanigan, director of alumni affairs, at 212-838-6280 Laura Neller Lanigan Director of Alumni Affairs
Ext. 192 or
’40s Michael Mittelmann ’49 recently submitted the following news: “After about 36 years of New England life in Connecticut, Suzanne and I have made a permanent move. We’re in a superb gated residential community that’s only a few miles from the Jersey shore. During Storm Sandy, we sustained minimal damage and dined by candlelight. The evidence of rebuilding right now is remarkable but still incomplete. My best regards.”
’50s Chauncey O. Johnstone ’59 recently sent in the following update: “My wife Pat and I enjoyed seeing old friends at Browning’s True Grytte Society luncheon this past May. We are now spending winters in Florida and summers in Connecticut. Six grandchildren keep us busy – four boys and identical twin girls! In March, I was elected to the position of commissioner, a two-year term, for District 3 in Manalapan, Fla. I suppose
the ‘Cavanagh’ gene brings
proclaimed prophet and a
attendance, including
out the political side of me!
woman seeking revenge.”
Kate Randolph, daughter
Best to all.”
Charles J. Plohn, Jr. ’62
of the late Christopher
reports that the Classes
Randolph ’63. Also on
joy III ’59 received the 2013
of 1962 and 1963 enjoyed
May 9, Mr. Plohn served on
WWF Leaders for a Living
celebrating their 51st and
a Distinguished Alumni
Planet Award. This Award
50th Browning reunions
Panel when he returned
recognizes environmental
together this year. He writes,
to Browning for his 51st
leadership and outstanding
“After the reception at the
Reunion. For more details,
and inspirational work in
School, 24 of us gathered for
please see pages 62-65.
conservation. In April, Dr.
a wonderful dinner at the
Lovejoy was featured in a
University Club, which we
recently submitted the fol-
four-page profile in Nature
finally closed down at 11:00
lowing updates: “On May 9,
magazine, titled “Splinters
p.m.!” Browning alumni in
the Class of 1963 celebrated
of the Amazon,” which de-
attendance included: John
its 50th Reunion. The Head-
tails his ecology work in the
Ballard ’63, Julian Bivins ’63,
master gave us a luncheon at
Brazilian rainforest dating
Godfrey Bloch ’63, Robert
the Knickerbocker Club that
back to the 1970s.
Federico ’63, Paul
day and Paul Vartanian ’63
McCobb ’63, Thomas
gave a dinner at the Uni-
Oliphant ’63, Paul Vartanian ’63,
versity Club. The next day,
Linton Wells ’63, John
I gave a dinner at the Play-
In June, Thomas E. Love-
Godfrey C. Bloch ’63
Baker ’62, Peter Muller ’62,
ers Club. On June 4, Marge
Robert J. Dalva ’60 recently
Charles Plohn ’62,
Bloch, my wife, presented
sent in the following news:
Fred Spoor ’62 and
a student the Daughters
“Marcia and I are headed to
Haughton Randolph ’62.
of the American Revolu-
San Luis Obispo tomorrow
A number of spouses and
tion Citizenship award at
to help celebrate the 70th
family members were also in
Browning’s annual Prize
birthday of fellow Browning
Day. On May 17, at Avon
alumnus Gene Keller ’60.
Olds Farms’ 50th Reunion,
I edited two films last year,
I received my high school
both of which were shown at
diploma (since I entered
the Sundance Film Festival
college one year ahead of
this past January. ‘Lovelace,’
my classmates), long after
opening in August, is about
I received my bachelor’s
Linda Lovelace. The other
degree and master’s degree,
film, ‘Sweetwater,’ stars Ed Harris, January Jones and Jason Isaacs. It is a Western that follows a sheriff, a self-
L to R: Enne Randolph (wife of Haughton), Haughton Randolph ’62, Fred Spoor ’62 and Tom Oliphant ’63 at dinner at the University Club in May following Alumni Reunion.
and my certified public accountant certificate.” Thomas N. Oliphant ’63 co-authored the book
to attend if the dates work.
graduation. I can vividly
Please contact me via email
recall on November 22,
1963, coming out of French
even if you do not plan to
Language Lab to the awful
attend. It would be fun to
news of President Kennedy’s shooting in Dallas. We were all in a state of shock – faculty and students, Republicans and Democrats alike. Never quite got over it. Later on, it was much the
Linton Wells ’63 and James Brisotti ’12 at Browning in May.
Jonathan Gates ’65
same with the assassinations of Bobby Kennedy
back and forth to the Medi-
hear from as many of you
and Martin Luther King, Jr.
Seeing Beyond the Game,”
terranean. He returned to
as possible.”
Awful business. It gave us a
published in March by Go-
Browning in 1961 and grad-
Jonathan Gates ’65 re-
tham. In May, Mr. Oliphant
uated with the Class of 1963.
cently submitted the follow-
to come, but no one then
served on a Distinguished
In 1995, he received Brown-
ing news: “Portly, living in
could have seriously imag-
Alumni Panel when he
ing’s Alumnus Achieve-
a 1,100 square foot house on
ined the tragedy of 9/11.
returned to Browning for
ment Award. Dr. Wells most
five acres in a 26 square mile
his 50th Reunion. For more
recently served as one of
town with 850 people one
master Charles Cook ’38,
details, please see pages 62-65.
Browning’s 50th Reunion
hour south of The Eastman
Browning has physically
Chairs and was recognized
School of Music. The city of
and organizationally contin-
as one of three most out-
Rochester, N.Y., which has
ued to grow. There is now
spoke to the Upper School
standing Class Representa-
one of the most extraordi-
roughly twice the student
boys in an assembly about
tives during the Stephen S.
nary cultural environments I
enrollment that there was in
his work with a division
Perry ’76 Memorial Class
have ever seen. My land has
1968. Still the fundamental
of STAR-TIDES (Sharing
Representative Awards cer-
been in my family 193 years.
principles appear to be in-
To Accelerate Research-
emony at Alumni Reunion
Blue jeans are the norm
tact: The pursuit of academic
Transformative Innovation
on May 9. Also on May 9,
giving way to city clothes
excellence and a lifelong love
for Development and Emer-
Dr. Wells served on a Distin-
for openings and concerts.
of learning (I can attest to
gency Support). Dr. Wells is
guished Alumni Panel when
Health is fair. I am in touch
that), the belief in the dignity
interim director of research
he returned to Browning for
with John Coleman ’65 and
of the individual (still a fun-
at the National Defense
his 50th Reunion. For more
Joe Pennock ’65. I pick at
damental overtone through-
details, please see page 65.
the guitar more than on it.
out the curriculum), and the
My best to all.”
development of personal in-
“Baseball as a Road to God:
On May 10, Linton Wells II ’63 graciously
University in Washington, D.C., as well as interim
F. Dodd Adair ’65 re-
H. Lee Adamo ’68
certain foreboding of things
Since the days of Head-
tegrity and responsibility to
director of the Institute for
cently sent in the following
National Strategic Studies.
update: “Class of ’65 – we
was interviewed by
the broader community (an
He also heads the Center
are approaching our 50th
current student Alexander
ever present theme). The real
for Technology and Na-
anniversary of graduation. I
Wisowaty ’14 about life
trick is to maintain these val-
tional Security Policy and
would like to invite all to at-
at Browning in 1968, an
ues throughout life. I believe
is a Distinguished Research
tend a celebratory dinner in
assignment given by
that Mr. Clement, the faculty
Professor. Dr. Wells entered
the summer of 2015 in NYC.
Mr. Ingrisani. Some excerpts
and staff have succeeded im-
Browning in the fall of 1958
I have already contacted
from Dr. Adamo’s responses
mensely well in promoting
with the Class of 1962. In
Bill Selden ’65 and John
to the interview questions
and maintaining these prin-
1960, he left Browning for
Coleman ’65, who has con-
are included here:
ciples. They haven’t wavered
one year to live aboard the
tacted Jonathan Gates ’65.
“I was at Browning
trans-Atlantic liners going
They have tentative plans
from Pre-Primary through
over the years since 1968.”
Summer 2013
Paul Zahl ’69 (right) with his son, Simeon (left), and Headmaster Clement.
Paul F.M. Zahl ’68 and his son, Simeon, visited Browning in April. Dr. Zahl had not been back to Browning since 1959. He spent time touring the School with Headmaster Steve Clement, Director of Institutional Advancement Marty Haase and Director of Alumni Affairs Laura Lanigan. He currently resides in Winter Garden, Fla. Following his visit, he wrote to us: “Browning was (is!) extremely important to me, and I see this more clearly today than I did before. It was my Browning classmate Scott McConnell ’69 who came back into my life a few years ago when I was rector of All Saints Episcopal Church in Chevy Chase, Md. What a thoughtful and fascinating man he has become. Other classmates I remember
’70s Richard E. Fisher ’72 re-
James Lasry ’85 (left) with retired Major General Andrew Salmon, former commandant of the Royal Marines and co-director of the Chamber of Commerce.
cently sent in the follow-
his son playing lacrosse.
ing news: “After 14 great
We were never that big in
years with Executive Search
high school; at 6’3” and 220
Wyndham Mills, I was ap-
pounds the kid’s a beast.
proached by the #5 Global
Tom Jr. is considering a la-
Search Firm, DHR Interna-
crosse scholarship to VMI.
tional, to join their Southeast
Go Keydets!”
team. I have an office on
my time out of my home in
Greensboro, N.C.”
James G. Lasry ’85 is a part-
the world on May 25. Ian
East Bay Street in Charleston, S.C., but spend more of
James Sejong is the son of Ian McGrady ’88.
their son, James Sejong, into
ner and head of funds at
is presently coauthoring a
cently sent in the following
Hassans International Law
book on IT systems integra-
update: “Victoire and I will
Firm and was re-elected as
tion projects, in addition to
send our fourth and young-
chairman of the Gibraltar
acting and working in film
est child, Parker, off to col-
Funds and Investments As-
and television development.
lege next fall, and then will
sociation. He is also a found-
have the fabled Empty Nest
ing member and chairman
and his wife, Annette, are
about which we have heard
of the Gibraltar-American
enjoying being new parents
so much.”
Chamber of Commerce.
again. Caroline Abigail
Peter J. Gardner ’76 re-
Theodore L. Sprague ’88
well include Charlie Dean
Webster J. Lancaster, Jr. ’78
Luis F. Llosa ’86 re-
Sprague joined the family
’68, Treat Rinear ’68, Tony
submitted the following up-
cently sent in the following
in April. After living in the
Movshon ’68, Neil Lang ’69,
date: “I recently reconnected
news: “My first book comes
Vail, Colo., area for the past
and the beat goes on. Not to
with Tom Brown ’78. With
out in August. It is titled
10 years, the Spragues are
mention teachers like Clair
a name like Thomas Bow-
‘Beyond Winning: Smart
now in the northern San
Smith, Mr. Jacquiet, Mr. Root,
ers Hynson Brown, he is
Parenting in a Toxic Sports
Francisco Bay area.
Miss Allen, Miss Hurt, Miss
hard to forget! Like myself,
Environment,’ and is co-
Lamont, and of course, Mr.
it turns out Tom is also an
authored with Kim John
Cook ’38. Even as a very
operations director for an
Payne, author of ‘Simplic-
small boy, I can say that
East Coast university. It was
ity Parenting,’ and Scott
for me, Mr. Cook radiated
great hearing from him after
Lancaster, former director
warmth and caring, as well
all these years. We chatted
of youth football at the Na-
Brian S. Kraus ’91 recently
as authority. Looking for-
about his life in Maryland
tional Football League.”
submitted the following
ward to staying in touch.”
and his family. He also sent along some video of
Ian B.F. McGrady ’88 and his wife welcomed
news: “I just ran my first 5k race with my 10-year old
son, Matt. We finished the
coast to coast. But if law
Concord Rock’n’Race in
enforcement didn’t have
36 minutes. Also, as of
the support of a citizenry
December, I was promoted
taught to ‘See Something,
at Lincoln Financial and
Say Something,’ the second
joined the Rapid Response
bomber might still be on the
team in customer service.
run. Thankfully, the person
We handle escalated situa-
who saw something in their
tions for the customer and
boat did say something.
then look into root cause
It is our duty as citizens
analysis and provide feed-
to remain aware of our
back and training updates
surroundings. And when
based on our findings.”
we see something wrong,
Sean-Patrick M. Hill-
Eric Frayer ’97 at Browning in May with his girlfriend, Sarah (left) and Director of Alumni Affairs Laura Lanigan (right).
we absolutely have to say
fore the madman made an
what surprised by the vari-
man ’94 recently sent in the
something! This is espe-
erratic turn west onto 49th
ous reactions. The two most
following update: “One of
cially important after last
Street. I called 911 again to
common: ‘Are you crazy?’
the most important take-
week’s tragedy. I raise this
update them on his loca-
and ‘WOW! You’re a hero!’
aways from a Browning
point because I was con-
tion. Once we hit Eleventh
I am merely a New York
education is a responsibility
fronted with a situation last
Avenue, he finally noticed
native who will not let any-
to the broader community.
week that required an addi-
I was following him and
one hurt my family, friends,
This is something that I
tional step: DO something.
burned through a red light
employees or fellow New
in heavy traffic to careen
Yorkers. What was I going
have always tried to live
On my way to return-
and abide by since leaving
ing a car rented for a Rock
west onto 51st Street, onto
to do? Let a deranged in-
62nd Street nearly 20 years
& Rawhide charity event,
the highway. I noticed a
dividual stay on the loose?
ago. One example of caring
I spotted a taxi with its
patrol car pulling into a
No way. I wasn’t raised that
for the broader community
distress signal on, stopped
garage and the 911 opera-
way, and neither were any of
is ensuring its safety. In
at a red light right in front
tor advised me to pull over
you. Bottom line, we all have
the aftermath of the tragic
of Lincoln Center. I pulled
and speak with the officer.
a civic duty-to each other,
events of 9/11, we were all
up alongside the vehicle,
impacted by one simple
noting only a driver inside.
location in and told me that
community, we call home.”
statement, ‘See Something,
When I lowered my win-
the taxi had been jacked on
Alexander M. Levy ’94
Say Something.’ The very
dow to make sure the guy
23rd Street and Eighth Av-
recently sent in the fol-
same emotions that drove
was okay, he fumbled in
enue earlier that morning. I
lowing news: “I started
our fair city in the years
lowering his, then blurted,
asked if he needed anything
my own law firm located
after 9/11 became apparent
‘there’s a radiation bomb in
else and when he said no, I
in NYC about a year ago,
to our brethren in Massa-
Manhattan,’ before slam-
went about my business. By
the Levy Law Group, P.C.,
chusetts in the immediate
ming on the accelerator.
the time I got to my desk,
and we do everything from
aftermath of the Boston
The officer radioed the
and to the city, or broader
I received a call from an
transactional matters to
Marathon bombings. The
ately while trailing the
officer who reported that
litigation. I am living in
very idea that a person, or
taxi down Ninth Avenue
they’d caught the guy and
Wilton, Conn., with my
persons, could instill the
at high speed. My target
that he didn’t have a bomb
wife, Alexis, and our two
level of fear that once shut
weaved in and out of traffic
on him. He emphasized
daughters (ages 4 and 6). I
down lower Manhattan in
without signaling, nearly
that the driver was likely an
try and keep in touch with
yet another American me-
hitting several cars and pe-
emotionally disturbed indi-
some of my classmates and
tropolis impacted the entire
destrians. But I continued
vidual. He then thanked me
I am happy to report that
nation. When the bombers
my pursuit. We drove all
for helping out.
Adam Levien ’94 is en-
were brought to justice, a
around Hell’s Kitchen, then
sigh of relief was heard from
back to Ninth Avenue be-
I called 911 immedi-
When I posted this story on Facebook, I was some-
gaged and Josh Cohen ’94 was recently married.”
Summer 2013
rate Compliance Insights (visit and search for ‘Estreich’ to read more).” Jason K. Lopez ’00 visited Browning in May. He is L to R: Christine Bramble, Sandy Pelz ’71, Kevin Gihon, Jason Lopez ’00, Maureen Linehan, Steve Clement and Andrew West ’92 at Browning in May.
Roman Vail ’94 recently
bought an apartment on the
sent in the following up-
Upper West Side and as a
date: “I am proud to say
lifetime Upper East Sider,
2013 marks the 11th year
I couldn’t be happier with
that I am married. We have
the change!”
a soon-to-be seven-year-old
mastering engineer in NYC
( We are
Francesco Civetta ’00
very active in the com-
recently sent in the follow-
munity for autism and my
ing update: “Been a very
wife’s school teaching will
busy year DJ-ing Art Basel
be sidelined this summer
Miami with The Kills; CAA
by her charity work for out-
film premiers at Sundance;, aiding Haiti’s
Grammy, Oscar parties in
LA; SXSW Festival; Coach-
and it is the eighth year that I am working as an audio
William D. Dearie ’97
ella Music Festival; White
recently sent in the follow-
Feather Gala Ball with Julian
ing news: “My wife and I
Lennon, Whoopi Goldberg,
had our third child this past
Prince Albert and Prin-
fall, a boy named Charles
cess Charlene in Monaco;
Homer Dearie. Fellow
Cannes Film Festival; Mo-
alum, Eric Frayer ’97, is
naco Grand Prix; Governors
Charles’ godfather!”
Ball NYC; Guns ’N’ Roses
Eric W. Frayer ’97
after party, and headed to
visited Browning in May.
LA to DJ Julian Lennon’s
While at Browning, he spent
Album LAUNCH.”
time with Mr. Pelz ’71,
Jonathan G. Estreich ’00
Mr. Ingrisani and Mrs.
sent in the following news:
Bramble. Mr. Frayer works
“Recently hired as a vice
in finance and strategy for
president at JPMorgan
ABC Family, a Walt Disney
Chase to advise and consult
subsidiary. He recently
on anti-money launder-
moved to West Hollywood.
ing and counter-terrorist
John C. Dearie ’99 sent
financing matters for the
in the following news: “My
Corporate and Investment
wife, Sarah, and I recently
Bank. Published by Corpo-
in graduate school at New York University studying for his masters in social work. While at Browning, he spent time visiting with Headmaster Clement, Mr. Pelz ’71, Mrs. Bramble, Coach West ’92 and Nurse Linehan.
Nader Mobargha ’01 and Director of Alumni Affairs Laura Lanigan with a life-size cutout of John A. Browning at this year’s 125th Anniversary Alumni Reunion.
L to R: Sam Keany, Michael Alpert ’01 and Betty Noel at Browning in April.
On April 12, Dr. Michael D. Alpert ’01 returned to Browning for a special
Zach Goldfarb ’01 married Sarah Lovenheim in May.
“Lunch with a Scientist”
owner, was moderated by
educational presentation to
Dr. Noel, microbiology
Upper School boys inter-
teacher, and Mr. Keany, Sci-
ested in careers in science
ence Department Chair.
and/or business. After his
Zachary A. Goldfarb ’01
graduation from Brown-
recently sent in the follow-
ing, Dr. Alpert attended
ing news: “I married Sarah
Cornell University where he
Lovenheim on Memorial
earned a B.S. in biology. In
Day Weekend in Rochester,
2011, he received his Ph.D.
N.Y. We went on honey-
in virology from Harvard
moon in Belize and live in
University. Dr. Alpert is the
Washington, D.C., where
founder of Immunathon,
I’m a White House and
a biotechnology start-up
economics reporter for The
involved in developing
Washington Post and my
technologies needed for a
wife works for Senate Ma-
vaccine for HIV, the subject
jority Leader Harry Reid.”
of his doctoral dissertation.
Andy Sandberg ’01 has
The luncheon discussion,
enjoyed catching up with
which focused on his career
various Browning alumni
as a scientist and business
in recent months, and he
Andy Sandberg ’01 sang at Browning’s Spring Benefit honoring Headmaster Clement’s 25 years of leadership.
had a blast singing with, or email
the current Yale Whiffen-
poofs and fellow Whiff
In June, Emir Senturk ’01
alum David Prestigiacomo
defended his dissertation,
to honor Headmaster
“The Role of Mdm2 in
Clement at the Browning
Tumor Response to Che-
Spring Benefit. He contin-
motherapy,” as part of the
ues to work as a theatrical
requirements for the MD/
producer, director, writer,
PhD program at the Icahn
and actor in New York,
School of Medicine at
and is currently direct-
Mount Sinai.
ing the world premiere of
Jonas F. Borra ’03 has
the new musical “Shida”
been named director of
( –
VIP operations at Webster
premiering Off-Broadway
Hall in New York. He also
this summer at Ars Nova.
qualified for this year’s
His production of “Opera-
Westchester Amateur Golf
tion Epsilon” received rave
Championship and is con-
reviews in Boston, and he
tinuing his work with his
hopes to bring the show to
music projects.
Broadway in the coming months. The cast album for his production of “The Last Smoker in America” has just been released and is now available on iTunes and Amazon. He recently shot a role in the upcoming film “The Living” and is also writing a new play about the cutthroat world of kindergarten admissions entitled “Application Pending.” For more information on his current and upcoming projects, please visit an-
Max Levai ’06 (right) and his father, Pierre Levai, at the Marlborough Gallery in Manhattan, photographed for FD Luxe by Danny Ghitis.
a job at Creative Artists
Peace Corps development
Agency (CAA) – an influ-
advisor in Cameroon! I
ential and innovative global
am currently in training
organization that represents
in Bafia, a town a couple
prominent talent in the
hours north of the capital,
world of movies, TV, books,
Yaounde, and will be sent
sports, and of course,
to my post at the end of
music. I am excited to be
two months. I hope the best
back in Nashville pursuing
for our community. Feel
the goal of working as an
free to get in touch!”
agent here at CAA.”
Tennyson Singer ’08 (left) works at Siegelvision.
Robin A. Lewis ’05 works for Radio Disney and is being transferred to the company’s Los Angeles operation. Owen B. Canavan ’06 recently sent in the following news: “After graduating from Vanderbilt University in 2010, I moved to Los Angeles to begin working in the music sector of the entertainment business. After an exciting year on the West Coast, I came back to Nashville to take
J. Tennyson Singer ’08 Benjamin D’Innocenzo ’06 is a Peace Corps volunteer, and is pictured here with his host family in Cameroon.
Benjamin P.
sent us the following news: “I recently graduated from Sewanee: University of the South with a double degree
D’Innocenzo ’06 recently
in French and economics
sent us the following up-
and I am pleased to report
date: “I was so excited to
that I have accepted a full
see all the great changes
time position as a strategy
happening around Brown-
analyst at brand consulting
ing when I visited for the
firm Siegelvision, started
Alumni Reunion cocktail
by Alan Siegel, founder
party in May. Hopefully
of global branding firm
I can bring some of that
Siegel + Gale. At Siegelvi-
spirit to my new role as a
sion, I work with a variety
Summer 2013
Former Faculty News L to R: Dylan Smith ’11, Mr. Dearinger and Harrison Asen ’10 at Browning in May.
of clients to sharpen brand
for the summer. Christopher
identity, design, visibility
Perkins ’08 is doing well
and communications. I am
working for a venture capital-
truly fortunate to work
ist firm – and John Hendren
one-on-one with Mr. Siegel
’08 recently quit his job in pri-
almost daily as we develop
vate equity so that he could
impactful brands for a va-
focus on taking the LSATs
riety of clients. He is one of
and going to law school next
the pioneers of the industry,
spring. It’s so great to still
and also just released a new
have a group of friends that
book called ‘Simple’ that
is just as tight as we were
is receiving some really
when we left Browning on
good attention. Our firm
graduation day.”
strives to help organizations
place – with most recent
clients including National
Andrew J. Chanos ’11
Public Radio and New
visited Browning in May
York University.
following the completion
define exactly who they are in their respective market
Our Browning group is
of his sophomore year at
still just as intact as ever. I
Yale University. He has de-
was with about five of the
clared a major in Italian and
Stephen Hamilton and Mr. Prestigiacomo at Browning in May. Jack Kaufman as pictured in The New York Times in May.
Jack Kaufmann, former Browning Latin teacher, was recently featured in a New York Times article titled, “Back to School, but for the L to R: James Adeleye ’12, Harrison Fields ’11 and Ryan Flynn ’12 at Browning’s Lower School Field Day in May.
Degree, Not Just the Fun.” Browning was also mentioned in the article, which was published in May.
is training to be an opera
Stephen Hamilton,
singer. Over the summer,
former head of Browning’s
he will be working with his
music department, visited
voice teacher.
Browning in May.
Congratulations to the
William N. Moseley is
Class of 2013, the newest
head of St. Margaret’s Epis-
members of Browning’s
copal School in San Juan
Alumni Association! The
Capistrano, Calif. While at
Class Representatives for
Browning, Mr. Moseley was
the Class of 2013 are: Alex-
the head of admissions as
ander J. Bendo ’13, Benja-
well as head of the Middle
min D. Jacobs ’13 and Paul
School and assistant head
E. Pricop ’13.
of school.
boys just last night. Ethan Schulman ’08 is about to start working full-time for the Weinstein Production
Company and his brother,
Richard Miller P ’92
Brett Schulman ’08, just fin-
D. Hennen Morris, III ’47
ished his first year at George Washington University Law School and is interning for an appellate judge in New York
L to R: Director of Annual Giving Soo Mi Thompson, Andrew Chanos ’11 and Director of Alumni Affairs Laura Lanigan at Browning in May.
T times throughout the day by thousands of people in Times
day, in a photo taken by Christine Bramble and representing
TO PARENTS OF ALUMNI If this magazine is addressed to your son who no longer maintains a permanent address at your home,
REMEMBER THE PAST… Celebrate the present …And Toast the Future Saturday, October 5, 2013 by invitation only