A DAY AT B.A.S.E., PEAK OR ADVENTURE CAMP Hours of Operation Eligible Students Contact Information Brownsburg Parks Staff Snacks and Lunches Sunscreen Camp T-shirt Swimming Inclement Weather
PROGRAM POLICIES & PROCEDURES Arrival & Departure Authorized Pick-Ups Early Release Late Pick-Up Dress Code Health & Safety Sick Participants Medication Policy Mandated Reporting Lost Items Possessions, Electronics and Cell Phones Behavior Management Policy Discipline Procedures
UPDATED SAFETY MEASURES TO PREVENT THE TRANSMISSION AND SPREAD OF COVID-19 Updated B.A.S.E. Drop-off Procedures Updated B.A.S.E./PEAK Pick-up Procedures New Enhanced Health & Safety Requirements Assigned Pods for Social Distancing Updated Illness Policy Updated Staff Requirements
Each B.A.S.E., PEAK and Adventure Camp site strives to help our participants grow mentally, socially, emotionally and physically through daily enriching experiences and opportunities within a safe environment. Each site meets these core developmental needs by customizing its program to best serve its participants and families.
B.A.S.E Hours: 6:30 AM - 8:30 AM /3:40 PM- 6 PM PEAK Hours: 2:30 PM - 6:00 PM Camp Hours: 6:30 AM - 6:00 PM or 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Tiny Trekkers only)
Program Site Phone Brown Elementary 317-220-7619 Cardinal-Delaware Trail Elementary 317-478-5663 Eagle Elementary 317-982-0070 Reagan-Lincoln Elementary 317-397-1529 WhiteLick Elementary 317-476-4013 PEAK (East Middle School) 317-431-4773
B.A.S.E. and PEAK are open to all students enrolled in grades K-8 with the Brownsburg Community School Corporation. Adventure Camp is open to all children ages 6-16.
Email Address
Explorers Adventure Camp & BASE Camp 317-478-5663 Pathfinders Adventure Camp 317-982-0070 Tiny Trekkers Adventure Camp 317-220-7619 Trailblazers Adventure Camp 317-431-4773
BROWNSBURG PARKS STAFF Each staff member undergoes extensive background screening and multiple trainings in safe supervision, risk management, age-appropriate behavior management, leading large group activities and games, social-emotional curriculum, and universal precautions, as well as participating in First Aid and CPR training annually.
Brownsburg Parks does not provide breakfast for participants. It is important each participant has a hearty breakfast before arriving due to the amount of activity they will experience each day. Participants will eat lunch in multiple settings due to outdoor activities and field trips. Please consider this when packing lunch. It is important to your child’s health to pack a healthy, nutritious lunch and two (2) snack(s) each day. Participants must bring non-refrigerated lunches/snacks. Please make sure to send a water bottle with your child’s name on it daily! Staff members will provide plenty of water throughout the day to ensure your child stays hydrated.
Participants are required to supply their own sunscreen with their names clearly labeled. Staff members will monitor application of sunscreen prior to spending any extended time in the sun and will have the children reapply throughout program activities. Staff members will do their best to keep each child adequately covered, but each child requires different frequencies of application. Please review with your child(ren) proper sunscreen application to ensure their comfort and safety and have your child(ren) apply sunscreen before arriving to camp in the morning.
Participants will receive one T-shirt for any full-day programs. The T-shirt is required to be worn on any fieldtrip days. Parents/guardians will be reminded of when it needs to be worn. You may purchase additional T-shirts from Brownsburg Parks upon request.
There may be an opportunity for your child to swim at the Brownsburg High School Aquatic Center during a program. Participants will need to bring a bag for wet items, towel, swimwear and pool-appropriate shoes on these days. Participants will change in counselor-supervised locker rooms. No outside pool toys are allowed. Participants who cannot swim are required to wear a life vest. Any participant who wishes to swim without a life vest must pass a swim test, which will be safely evaluated by the lifeguards on duty to determine each participants’ level of swimming ability. Participants who do not pass the swim test will be required to wear a life vest and stay near staff members in the pool. Participants who demonstrate safe and ample swimming skills will receive a bracelet and will not be required to wear a life vest. Participants will be supervised by staff and trained lifeguards at all times. If a child forgets his/her swimsuit or is unable or wishes not to swim, the child may stay with another age group onsite and participate in alternative activities instead.
In the event of severe weather, planned activities or outdoor field trips may be suspended or cancelled. In the event of suspended or cancelled plans, parents/guardians will be notified via email and text message immediately. Brownsburg Parks follows all established Brownsburg Community School Corporation (BCSC) policies and procedures in the event of a fire, tornado, natural disaster or other emergency-related situation. In the event of a severe weather warning, in accordance to BCSC policies, Brownsburg Parks staff will immediately lead participants to shelter and will be unable to release any participant from the program until the severe weather warning has been lifted. Brownsburg Parks reserves the right to cancel a program should inclement weather continue to become a threat to participant safety.
All participants MUST be registered and paid in full for all before- and after-school or camp programs prior to using our service. Registration can be completed at Following online registration, the “Payer� of registration will receive an email invite from ePACT Network to complete the required health information and share it with Brownsburg Parks. This MUST be completed prior to dropping off your child at any program. If registration is not complete prior to drop off, you will be expected to complete this onsite or expect an interruption of care. This is necessary for our staff to access important health, emergency contact, and authorized pick-up information.
All refunds are subject to Brownsburg Parks' policies and approval, along with any other local or state procedures necessary to process a refund. This process can take 4-6 weeks to complete. If a refund is approved, it will be issued in the form of a check from the Town of Brownsburg regardless of how payment was made, and will be mailed to the household's primary member at the stated address on the Refund Request Form. A request for refund must be submitted prior to the start date of the program or reservation date. Brownsburg Parks reserves the right to cancel, combine, or divide classes; to change time, date, or location; to change instructor's assignments; and to make any changes that may be necessary from time-to-time in its sole discretion. A full refund will be issued if Brownsburg Parks cancels a program prior to the start of the program. A prorated refund will be issued if Brownsburg Parks cancels a program after the start of the program. Refund requests are submitted to the Clerk Treasurer of the Town of Brownsburg twice monthly on a predetermined schedule. Depending upon when the request for a refund is received by the Parks Office, it could take up to six weeks to receive a refund check. Any refunded amount under $10 will be issued as a household credit for a future Brownsburg Parks transaction. Program Refunds: Any refund requests made after the start date of the session will be denied. If the participant misses two (2) or more consecutive days within the same calendar week due to illness, injury, or death of an immediate family member, you may be eligible for a refund. A refund request form must be submitted. Eligibility and refund amount will be determined by Brownsburg Parks' administrative office. Additional documentation may be required as evidence of such circumstances and a refund will not be granted without submission of the documentation requested by Brownsburg Parks. Brownsburg Parks will not grant any refund request for or transfer the $25 non-refundable deposit. However, if the remaining balance has been paid, a refund request form can be submitted based on the above refund.
Brownsburg Parks requires parents/guardians to escort the participant in and out of the program each day, indicating the time of arrival on the sign-in sheet, along with parent/ guardian signature. Parents/guardians are required to provide a list of authorized adults to make pick-ups on the ePACT registration form. Â For the safety of your child, all doors are locked for the duration of program operating hours. All parents/guardians must be let in by a staff member and must be prepared to show personal ID to verify he/she is an Authorized Pick-up. If no one is available to open the door, knock or call the site phone and a team member will let you in shortly. Brownsburg Parks takes responsibility for your child once you have signed your child IN. You are responsible for your child upon signing OUT.
For staff and participant safety, staff are NOT allowed to release your child to any person who is not listed as an Authorized Pick-up. To add an Authorized Pick-up, call the site phone to inform staff of the new addition and then update your ePACT information with the new Authorized Pick-up information for Brownsburg Parks to have on file. This individual must be prepared to show his/her personal ID to verify his/her identity to staff upon pick-up. Should an unauthorized individual attempt to pick-up your child, a staff member will contact the parent/guardian immediately to verify the individual and will notify authorities, if necessary.
If a participant needs to leave camp prior to 3 p.m. for any reason, the parent/guardian must fill out and submit an Early Dismissal Form so staff may have the participant ready at the designated time indicated on the form.
Late fees of $1 per minute are charged beginning one minute past the closing time of 6 p.m. according to the site clock. Late fees will be invoiced and must be paid in full before your child may attend any future program.
Participants will be active during our programs. Comfortable clothing appropriate for the weather and sneakers are highly recommended. Absolutely no open-toed shoes, flip-flops or slip-on shoes should be worn. Certain weeks within a program may require additional clothing items for special programming or weather changes. Staff members will make parents/guardians aware at least one week ahead of time, when necessary.
The health and safety of participants is our top priority. Staff will use the Documentation Log and inform parents/guardians of all minor injuries and incidents at pick-up. These include, but are not limited to: paper cuts, scrapes, splinters, etc. In the event of a more serious injury or accident potentially requiring medical treatment, staff members will immediately attempt to contact the parent/guardian/emergency contact and fill out an Accident Report with details regarding how the injury occurred and the care given. Care may include immediately contacting emergency medical personnel. If a child must be transported by emergency medical personnel, a full-time staff member will accompany the child. All team members are trained in American Red Cross CPR/AED and First Aid.
If your child currently has or has had a temperature of 100.4 or above in the past 24-hour period prior to attendance, please keep your child at home. Anyone showing or developing symptoms such as a fever, rash, diarrhea or vomiting must be excluded from the group. If symptoms develop during the program, the parent will be contacted and expected to make arrangements to pick up the child immediately.
If your child needs to take any medication during the day, you must complete a Medication Dispensing Authorization Form. The prescribed medication must be in its original container clearly labeled with the participant’s name on it. Staff may only dispense prescription medications; they and are not permitted to give medications to control or contain fever. Staff members are not allowed to give the first dosage of any medication. If a participant refuses medication, the incident will be documented and a phone call will be made to the parent/ guardian for discussion. Brownsburg Parks does not have access to the Brownsburg Community School Corporation medicine cabinet. Brownsburg Parks will store all medicines in a locked cabinet onsite and return to parents/guardians at the end of each week.
By participating in Brownsburg Parks programs you acknowledge that under Indiana law, all staff members are mandated reporters required to immediately report suspected child abuse or neglect to the Department of Child Services (DCS). Once a report has been made, DCS will determine whether or not an investigation is necessary. Brownsburg Parksdoes not make the determination of whether or not an investigation is conducted by DCS. If a report to DCS triggers an investigation, Brownsburg Parks will cooperate fully with DCS. Because of the confidential nature of such an investigation, Brownsburg Parks will not comment publicly about the nature of the allegations or the status of the investigation.
Brownsburg Parks is not responsible for any lost or stolen items while at a program. Do not allow your child to bring valuables or irreplaceable items. Please make sure your child’s name is clearly written on all items brought to a program.
The possession and use of electronic items, such as iPods, cell phones, handheld video games, etc., during any program is prohibited. If your child does bring an electronic item, staff will store this item securely at the front desk and return it to a parent/guardian at the end of the day. Cell phone use is prohibited. To discourage use, please do not attempt to contact your child via their personal phone. If you must contact your child, please call or text our Brownsburg Parks site program phones and a staff member will assist you.
Brownsburg Parks is dedicated to providing a pleasant and enriching environment while attending our program. Staff cannot provide the best experience when there are chronically disruptive children present. Chronically disruptive behavior is defined as verbal or physical activity which may include, but is not limited, to the following: · Behavior that requires constant attention from staff. · Behavior that inflicts physical or emotional harm on themselves or others. · Behavior that abuses staff and/or ignores or disobeys the rules. Staff are trained to encourage and positively reinforce behaviors that help your child to enjoy the day and to provide them with a beneficial experience. Staff encourage participants to practice the following daily: · Use listening ears with counselors and peers. · Be polite and kind to others. · Keep hands and feet to yourself. · Always ask before leaving the room & follow bathroom procedures. · Practice good sportsmanship and try your best in every activity. · Use walking feet in cafeteria and hallways. · Food, toys and games from home should be left in backpack. · Clean up after yourself. · Follow school rules when at B.A.S.E., PEAK and camp. · Make friends and have fun!
If a participant is disruptive, physically harming himself/herself or others, and/or displaying disrespectful actions, a warning and redirection by staff will occur. Up to three (3) warnings may be given over the course of the day and posted in the Documentation Log to be shared with parents. ·
If the inappropriate behavior continues after the third warning, an Incident Report will be written, shared and discussed with the parent/guardian, and kept on file. A phone call will also be made to discuss the incident. If the behavior is severe enough or if your child cannot regain control of himself/herself, staff may require a parent/ guardian to pick up the child immediately from the program for the day. Continued inappropriate behavior may result in removal from the program with no refund eligibility.
· If a child receives multiple written Incident Reports over the course of the program, the parent/guardian will be required to meet with Brownsburg Parks staff to discuss all recorded incidents and determine the possibility of further action, including but not limited to, suspension and/or expulsion from current or future programs. · Parent involvement and support is crucial to the success of all behavior interventions and the success of the child. Any parent/guardian misconduct towards staff members, such as threats, harassment, swearing, etc. may also result in the removal of the child from the program with no refund eligibility. · If the severity of a problem is great enough after the first incident, Brownsburg Parks reserves the right to immediately remove the child from camp/program with no refund eligibility.
At no time will behavior management include deprivation of food, rest, sleep, placement of child alone without supervision, subjecting a child to ridicule or threats or any physical punishment. Brownsburg Parks reserves the right to review past incidents in other programs throughout the year to determine further disciplinary action.
In the event a parent/guardian needs to contact the Brownsburg Parks office, please call 317-858-4172 and leave a message with the Brownsburg Parks office staff. The message will be delivered to program staff promptly. You also can email staff at Brownsburg Parks encourages direct communication with the program staff during the hours of 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the day of the program. Â Thank you for choosing Brownsburg Parks for your child care needs!
Stay up-to-date on what's happening at B.A.S.E. and Adventure Camp by following us on Facebook!
See open positions and apply at
402 E. Main Street, Brownsburg, Indiana 46112 (317) 858-4172
BROWNSBURG PARKS PARENT/GUARDIAN CONTRACT I acknowledge, understand and agree to the following regarding my child’s participation in Brownsburg Parks programs as set forth in this Parent/Guardian Contract: 1. I understand that B.A.S.E./PEAK and camp programs are voluntary activities organized and conducted by Brownsburg Parks and the Town of Brownsburg for the benefit of the citizens of the Town of Brownsburg. 2. I will take whatever action necessary to ensure my child understands and adheres to all rules, policies, and procedures as outlined by Brownsburg Parks including, but not limited to those contained in this Parent/Guardian Handbook, other official Brownsburg Parks publications, and any and all subsequent updates. Failure to follow any of the rules, policies, and procedures set forth by Brownsburg Parks may result in the loss of any paid fees, the expulsion or prohibition of my child from current and future programs, as well as any other consequences deemed appropriate by Brownsburg Parks, its Director or Board. 3. I will complete all required egistration information requested by Brownsburg Parks prior to my child attending a B.A.S.E./PEAK or camp program. 4. I acknowledge that under Indiana law, all staff members of Brownsburg Parks are mandated reporters and are required to report suspected child abuse or neglect to the Department of Child Services (DCS) immediately. If a report to DCS triggers an investigation, Brownsburg Parks will cooperate fully with DCS and authorities. 5. I or a designated adult will escort my child into the program each day and indicate the time of arrival on the signin sheet with my signature. I will make and handle any and all arrangements for transportation to/from the program and any other non-Brownsburg Parks program activities, including, but not limited to, conflicts with field trips. I will pick up my child within the established operating hours of the program. Late fees of $1 per minute will be charged to my household account beginning one minute past closing time. 6. I understand that if my child is showing or developing symptoms such as fever, rash, diarrhea, or vomiting, I will not send my child to the program. I will not send my child if he/she currently has or has had a temperature of 100.4 F or above in the past 24-hour period prior to attendance. If any of the above symptoms develop during the program, I will be contacted and I will make necessary arrangements to pick up my child immediately. 7. If my child needs to take any medication during the day, I will complete a Medication Dispensing Authorization Form and supply the prescribed medication in its original container during drop off. I understand that staff members are not allowed to give the first dosage of any medication. If my child refuses medication, it will be documented and I will receive a phone call to discuss the incident. 8. I will be responsible for any medical care, transportation expenses, or additional expenses incurred on my child’s behalf during his/her participation in the program. 9. I will meet immediately with Brownsburg Parks staff members upon request. 10. I will pay all court costs and attorney’s fees associated with the collection of delinquent fees.
BROWNSBURG PARKS PARENT/GUARDIAN CONTRACT 11. I understand that any cancellations or refund requests made after the program has started will not be eligible for a refund of any amount owed or already paid. Any program openings filled after the program has started will be subject to payment in full requirement and will not be eligible for any refunds. 12. I agree to INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS, AND DEFEND Brownsburg Parks and the Town of Brownsburg, their employees, agents, elected and appointed officials, and directors in any action or proceeding against all claims, lawsuits, losses, damages, actions, suits, proceedings, claims and expenses, including attorney’s fees and costs arising from or relating in any respect to either me or my minor child’s participation in the program or my assistance at the program or my breach of this Contract, regardless of whether the act or omission complained of was caused in whole or in part by the negligence in any form of the Brownsburg Parks or the Town of Brownsburg. 13. This is a full release and waiver of any and all liability that may now or forever be attributed to Brownsburg Parks or the Town of Brownsburg resulting from the program and/or my child’s participation in the program. This Contract cannot be changed except by written amendment approved by Brownsburg Parks which specifically refers to this Contract. I have read and fully understand this Contract and agree to be bound by its terms. I understand that by signing this document I may be waiving certain legal rights, including the right to sue the Brownsburg Parks or the Town of Brownsburg or any of its employees, agents, officials, and directors. I have read this document and sign this document freely and willingly.
Name (printed) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name (signature) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Child’s Name (printed) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Brownsburg Parks is working closely with the Brownsburg Community School Corporation (BCSC) to create a safe environment for our participants. Brownsburg Parks will align with BCSC on all safety measures and procedures put in place for the regular school day. When possible, all programming will be held outdoors to provide adequate space for safe social distancing practices. If weather isn’t suitable for outdoor programming, B.A.S.E. and PEAK will adhere to the guidelines set forth by BCSC for safe building usage.
COMPLETING/RECONFIRMING YOUR ePACT HEALTH INFORMATION IS ESSENTIAL to keeping drop-off and pick-up as efficient as possible. Please be patient and plan for longer wait times at drop-off as enhanced safety measures will take additional time. · Parents/Guardians will not be permitted to enter the school building and will instead be asked to wait outside the doors to check participant(s) into the program. · Participants will be greeted each morning at the program entrance doors by a staff member who will ask the parent/guardian a brief questionnaire regarding the child’s current state of health, as well as to take a contactless temporal temperature scan. · The staff member will then record the check-in and out times and initial on behalf of the parent/guardian, and mark attendance in ePACT on the site phone. · Participants will be instructed to wash their hands or apply hand sanitizer prior to entering any BCSC facility and join their assigned color pod group at their assigned location.
· Parent/guardians will text or call the site cell phone within five (5) minutes of arrival so that staff may prepare the participant for pick-up. · Parents will wait outside the entrance doors with ID readily available for a staff member to confirm that the individual is an authorized pick-up with ePACT. (HINT: Upload your parent/guardian photo to ePACT to eliminate the need for photo ID and allow staff to identify you as an authorized pick-up more quickly!) · The staff member will then record the check-out time and initial on behalf of the authorized pick-up in ePACT on the site phone.
· Parents/guardians and other visitors will not be permitted in BCSC facilities and will wait at the doors during drop-off and pick-up. *See Updated Drop-Off /Pick-Up Procedures · Participants and staff will be instructed to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer prior to entering any Brownsburg Parks or BCSC facilities, including upon arrival at B.A.S.E./PEAK. · Staff will be issued Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for use during the program, and will be required to wear a mask while indoors and while in close proximity to participants. · In alignment with school expectations, participants also will be required to wear masks while indoors when feasible and safe to do so. Masks will not be required when engaging in physical activity so as not to interfere with heavy breathing. Safe social distancing measures will continue to be enforced. · Staff will send small groups of students at a time into the restrooms during restroom breaks. · Staff will monitor handwashing to ensure that proper handwashing guidelines are being followed. Participants will be required to wash hands before and after meals. If at all possible, participants will eat their meal outside “picnic-style” to minimize the need to clean tables and chairs after each use. - If tables and chairs are used for meals, participants will be assigned seats. Staff will clean, sanitize and disinfect all surfaces before and after designated meal time. - Staff will wear gloves and masks to assist participants when handling food items. · Participants will not be permitted to bring any toys, electronics, or other items from home. Any of these items will be confiscated by staff and returned to parent/guardian at pick-up.
Participants will be assigned to grade-level pods with a designated meeting place on site. One to two staff members will be assigned consistently to each pod to supervise. · All pods will be kept separate and will not intermingle with one another, whenever possible. - Procedures will be put in place to ensure that only one pod is travelling to specified locations (restrooms, outdoor space, etc.) at a time to help keep distance from one another. - Just as participants will be kept separated to minimize exposure, staff will not intermingle with other pods or staff, whenever possible. Staff will not move from one pod to another without approval from the Recreation Manager or Assistant Director of Recreation Services. · Transferring a participant to a different pod will not be an option in order to best protect our participants and staff. Once a child has been assigned to a pod, there will not be an opportunity to move to a different pod. · Participants may use playground equipment. - Brownsburg Parks will align with BCSC rules regarding playground usage. - Participants must wash hands prior to and following playing on the playground equipment. - Some features of the playground which encourage close proximity of others may be closed off and unavailable for use.
Parents/guardians are our best defense against the spread of illness at B.A.S.E., PEAK and camp. Please keep your child at home if he or she is exhibiting any symptoms of illness. Participants will be greeted at the program entrance each morning by a staff member who will ask the parent/guardian daily health screening questions and take the child’s temperature. · If the answer to any of those questions is yes, the participant will be sent home and will not be allowed to return until at least 72 hours have passed without symptoms and without the use of fever-reducing medications. · The staff member will take each child’s temporal temperature upon arrival. If the child’s temperature is above 100.4F, they will be sent home and will not be allowed to return until at least 72 hours have passed without symptoms and without the use of fever-reducing medications. - If a temporal scan indicates temperature at or above 100.4 F, staff will provide secondary standard thermometer temperature reading. If the second reading registers at or above 100.4F, the participant will NOT be allowed to attend the program until they have been symptom-free for at least 72 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication. - If a child with an indicated temperature at or above 100.4 F has siblings enrolled in B.A.S.E./PEAK, then the siblings also will not be permitted to attend for indicated time parameters listed above. · Staff will monitor their assigned pod of children looking for signs of illness and will notify the appropriate personnel if a child develops a constant cough, shortness of breath, or appears to have a fever. Parents/ guardians may be called for immediate pick-up and the child may be prohibited from attending the program until fever-free for 72 hours without any fever-reducing medication. Prompt pickup is expected in this situation, and lack of promptness or communication may result in suspension from the program. - Brownsburg Parks will provide a designated isolation space at each program location for participants who become ill. - Staff will isolate the participant from others until a parent/guardian arrives. - Staff will immediately sanitize and disinfect all surfaces and items that the ill participant may have come into contact with. - Staff will monitor coughing and sneezing and will require participants to immediately wash hands afterwards. Additionally, staff will work to educate participants to cough and sneeze into their elbows. · If Brownsburg Parks becomes aware that a participant or staff member has tested positive for COVID-19 and has recently visited or worked at B.A.S.E./PEAK, Brownsburg Parks will notify the school corporation immediately. Brownsburg Parks will work alongside the school corporation to determine the next course of action to take. - The families of all participants who may have been in contact with the individual will be notified within 24 hours of a COVID-19 confirmed case via email/text with details regarding any closures that occur in response, if necessary.
Brownsburg Parks will increase staff awareness of communicable disease procedures through additional required trainings and enhanced procedures. Training will include, but is not limited to: - New health and safety procedures - Additional cleaning/disinfecting/sanitizing procedures - Daily self-health assessment upon arriving to work - General communicable disease info and proper use of PPE - How to identify potentially ill participants · Staff will be issued Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for use during the program, and will be required to wear a mask while indoors and in close proximity to participants. · Staff will engage in enhanced cleaning efforts during the camp day. - Everything that was touched by participants and staff during the day will be placed in a “yuck bin” after use to be sanitized and disinfected at the end of each program. - Staff will routinely clean, sanitize, and disinfect surfaces of any objects that are frequently touched, especially toys and games. This may also include cleaning objects/surfaces not ordinarily cleaned daily, such as doorknobs, light switches, sink handles, countertops, tables, and chairs. - Supplies that children have placed in their mouths or that are otherwise contaminated by body secretions or excretions will be set aside in a “yuck bin” until they are cleaned by hand by a person wearing gloves. - Staff will routinely disinfect commonly used surfaces such as keyboards, desks, and phones that can be wiped down before use. - Any supplies that cannot be cleaned and sanitized daily will not be used. - Participants will not share supplies with other pods during the program unless they have been cleaned, sanitized and disinfected before being moved from one pod to another. - Children’s books, like other paper-based materials such as mail or envelopes, are not considered a high risk for transmission and do not need additional cleaning or disinfection procedures.