5 Strategies to Stay Healthy After Menopause FINDING A BALANCE BETWEEN SCHOOL AND ACTIVITIES
Modernon Salm
Paul Kaklis
Cotillion Mission To act and learn to treat others with honor, dignity and respect for better relationships with our family, friends and business associates later in life and to learn to practice ballroom dance. You can expect your child to graduate from the NATIONAL LEAGUE OF JUNIOR COTILLIONSTM with the poise, self confidence, and assurance of knowing the proper way to conduct oneself in different social situations. The cotillion curriculum helps students cultivate ethical qualities and develop positive peer relationships. For information on the Greater Baton Rouge Chapter Chapter Stacey Troy Smith at 225-810-0860 or View
Online by September 30th!
contents S E P T E M B E R / O C TO B E R ▪ 2 0 1 9
e s u a p o n Me
One Pan Teriyaki Salmon
5 Reasons Green Dentistry is Gaining Popularity
The Super Power of Almonds
Finding Balance in a Crazy Life A New Way to Stretch Fun Fall and Halloween Puns to Safety For Pets Share with Your Kids
Healthy Chocolate Truffles
Natural Dandruff Remedies
Finding Exercise When You’re Traveling
5 Strategies to Stay Healthy After Menopause
What to Eat When You Have Cancer
18 EAT FRESH Modern Salmon
Finding a Balance Between School and Activities
25 HEALTHY DESTINATIONS Ketanga Fitness Retreats
7 Principles to Lasting Happiness
Acorn Squash Caesar Salad
28 DISCOVER ▪ #inspirehealthLA
Almond Crusted Cauliflower Steaks with Mango Cabbage Slaw
Finding a Happier, Healthier, Fitter Future in Fitness
super food
s d n o Alm
THE SUPER POWER OF By Kristy Podruchny
ave you ever looked at an almond and wondered how nature packed so much potential into such a tiny food? Almonds are powerful seeds that contain vitamins, minerals, healthy fatty acids and antioxidants. They’re a great source of polyphenols, magnesium, potassium, zinc and vitamin E just to name a few. Almonds are allies in a variety of areas, including cardiovascular health, maintaining healthy gut flora, and blood sugar regulation. Caroline Gilmore RD, LDN, says, "Research shows that, those who regularly include nuts in their diet have a lower risk of heart disease. Because almonds have a good balance of healthy fats, carbs, protein and fiber, they can be a great way to balance blood sugar and ward off hunger between meals. For those who are following a plant-based diet,
almonds can provide a good source of protein." According to a 2018 study published in the journal Nutrients, almonds reduce levels of harmful LDL cholesterol and help maintain healthy levels of good HDL cholesterol.The fiber in almonds not only helps suppress appetite and regulate blood sugar levels, it also feeds your healthy gut flora. This super food also helps manage type 2 diabetes. A randomized controlled study published in the journal Metabolism had patients with type 2 diabetes replace 20 percent of their daily caloric intake with almonds. The results show that participants saw benefits to glycemic control and lipid profiles after the 12-week trial. This is only the tip of the iceberg of health benefits associated with eating almonds. Now that we know adding almonds to our diet is advantageous to our health,
how can we incorporate this super food into our diets? "A registered dietitian can tailor a diet, including almonds, to your individual needs based on your health goals," says Gilmore. However, almonds make a great snack, and you can add them in your salads or homemade pizza for extra crunch. Try using almond flour and milk in your baking recipes, too! Enjoy them roasted, raw, soaked, lightly salted or even sweetened. Almond milk is a creamy and delicious treat for vegans and dairy consumers alike. Store-bought almond milk contains ingredients your body doesn’t need. Luckily, plantbased milks are easy to make at home.You’ll need a blender, water, a nut milk bag, almonds and a jar. No nut milk bag? Use a sieve, a cheesecloth or an old T-shirt. Soak your almonds overnight before blending
almonds The fiber in ps suppress not only hel regulate appetite and levels, it blood sugar r healthy also feeds you gut flora!
them in four to five cups of water, and filter the pulp from the milk. The milk will stay fresh for three to four days in the fridge. Don’t fret if you’ve made extra, it will stay fresh in the freezer for up to one month. Drooling yet? Grab a handful of almonds and know you’re doing something good for your body. INSPIRE HEALTH LOUISIANA
editor’s letter
Finding Balance in a Crazy Life I found my new thing. I wake up, throw my clothes on, and head to Pilates. Most mornings, I don’t even see my kids before they leave for school. I have some mornings where my brain and body disagree on what I need to do. They have an inner fight on what is best for my day. Do I need to go to Pilates or go back to sleep? But, my brain always wins. I love how I feel after my workout. During, I may be silently swearing at the instructor because she pushes us to be balanced and use our inner core. However, I leave every morning feeling rejuvenated and ready to start the day. Even at the office, my coworkers have started calling me, "Speedy Amy." Daily living is always a struggle. Whether you are married, single, have children or no children, everyone has their daily fight to overcome. As I reflect on this last week, or really since school has started, finding a balance in this new school life has been challenging. To stay on schedule with my health goals, play Uber driver with my three kids and their after-school activities, or finding time to squeeze in a quick dinner with my husband is a challenge. Somehow it always seems to work out, and I thank God for my Google calendar every day, as it is the only thing keeping me on schedule. As you read through this issue, we have many great recipes and features to help you with balancing your life out, no matter what stage of life you are in. We also show some great exercises to do on the geaux, and discuss the benefits of one of my favorite snacks: almonds. Our cover feature with Paul Kaklis introduces a new way to stretch that not only stretches out your muscles but the fascia as well. Hope you have a healthy, balanced and stretched out fall!
Inspire Health Louisiana (September/October 2019) (Issue 4) Principal office: 11831 Wentling Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA 70816-6055. Printed in the U.S.A. For 24 hour service, use our website can also call (225) 292-0032. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited.
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The information contained in Inspire Health Louisiana is intended for educational purposes only. A reader should never substitute information contained in Inspire Health Louisiana for the advice of a health care professional. Family Resource Group Inc. and publishers of Inspire Health Louisiana, do not endorse or promote any of the products or services described in the pages of Inspire Health Louisiana, and the publishers do not verify the accuracy of any claims made in the editorial or advertisements contained in Inspire Health Louisiana. Readers should not use the information in Inspire Health Louisiana for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Readers should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program before taking any medication, or have or suspect they have a health problem. © 2019 Family Resource Group Inc., Baton Rouge, LA All rights reserved.
FUN FALL AND HALLOWEEN PUNS to share wi th You r
By Emily Koelsch
all is one of the best times of year, full of events, cooler days and vibrant colors of changing leaves. The season is particularly fun for kids who are visiting pumpkin patches, preparing Halloween costumes, and navigating corn mazes. It’s a great time to get outdoors and experience some special activities with your kids. While you’re enjoying the season, have some extra fun with creative and seasonal word play. Here are a few of our favorite puns (some might argue a few of our worst) to get you started:
▪ Make sure that you remind your kids how GOURDgeous this time of year is. ▪ While you’re outside enjoying the foliage, let them know that you hope this time LEAVES them feeling inspired. ▪ It really is the perfect time to let kids know that you beLEAF in them, and that you think they’re SPOOKtacular. ▪ Are you having trouble convincing them to try
delicious apple pie? If so, encourage them to at least conCIDER it. ▪ Perhaps they need help fixing a broken Jack-olantern? Well, that one is easy, just let them use a pumpkin patch. ▪ It’s always a good (and fun) idea to incorporate some math into your daily activities, with your children so see if they can calculate the ratio of a pumpkin’s circumference to its diameter. Obviously, the answer is Pumpkin Pi.
▪ Do you need help coming up with a cosTOMB? How about being a mummy? ▪ Speaking of mummies, do your kids know what music they like? WRAP. ▪ Or, do they know why the ghost wouldn’t dance at the Halloween party? He had no BODY to dance with. Despite some of our CORNy jokes, we hope you have an aMAIZEing season with your family. And in all seriousness, we hope you and your family enjoy these fall jokes and have fun trying to come up with a few of your own. Puns or no puns, take advantage of this wonderful season to enjoy some quality time together.
The season is kids particularly fun for g tin as they enjoy visi d pumpkin patches an en preparing Hallowe costumes.
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natural beauty
Dandruff Remedies By Crissie Mergogey
espite the negative social stigma about dandruff, at least 50 percent of people struggle with a flaky scalp. So, if you have dandruff, you are not alone. An itchy, flaky scalp is a widespread issue caused by a variety of factors ranging from diet and gut health to genetics. It may sound gross, but dandruff is usually caused by a type of fungus. No need to freak out! It is possible to get rid of it. Most dandruff shampoos contain harsh chemicals to kill the fungus. Luckily, there are plenty of natural remedies to help fight dandruff.
To use essential oils on the scalp, add a few drops to 2 tablespoons of a carrier oil (like coconut oil), massage it on to the scalp, let it sit for 10 minutes, then wash your hair as you normally would. RAW HONEY If you think putting honey in your hair is a bad idea, think again. Raw or Manuka honey Tea tree o il is so powerful, only a tin y amount is needed to see positiv e results f or dandruff . ▪ #inspirehealthLA
is a great natural remedy for soothing the scalp and fighting dandruff-causing microbes. Plus, honey is full of nutrients that will condition your hair. Raw honey is pretty thick stuff, so it is best to dilute it with warm water first. Try a mixture of 2 tablespoons honey with 2/3 cups of warm water. To make it more effective, add essential oils to the mix. APPLE CIDER VINEGAR The malic and acetic acids in apple cider vinegar work together to shed off excess skin cells and fight microbes that cause dandruff. For best results, find a vinegar that has “the mother.” Mix 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar with 1/4 cup water. Then, coat your scalp with the mixture. Wash it off after an hour.
PROBIOTICS & A HEALTHY DIET You’ve probably heard that eating probiotics can improve digestive health, but did you know they are good for skin health too? Skin is covered in microbes, and most of them are good to keep around. Dandruff occurs when a certain fungus takes over the good microbes. To keep the good microbes healthy, add more probiotics and prebiotics to your diet. Probiotics are good microbes that are found in kombucha, kimchi, and sauerkraut. Prebiotics are foods that help feed the good bacteria, which include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and seeds.
ESSENTIAL OILS ▪ Tea tree oil is powerful and anti-fungal. It is so powerful that only a tiny amount is needed for you
to see positive results for your dandruff. ▪ Frankincense oil is another effective anti-fungal for dandruff. It has been shown to fight candida and staph microbes, which may also contribute to an irritated scalp. ▪ Lavender oil can soothe an itchy scalp while also fighting bacteria and fungi.
When You’r e Traveling Stay on Top of Your Fitness When You’re Away from Home By Juliane Morris
acation or business travel tends to lead to over-indulging, treating yourself while away and coming home feeling off course. If your itinerary includes upcoming travel, think about following these ideas (or modifications of them) to help maintain some great exercise options toward your health and wellness.
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SKIPPING HIGH KNEES Skipping High Knees challenge and work many muscle groups by activating hip flexors, strengthening legs and enhancing coordination. The movement of the exercise mimics jumping rope and counts on speed and large muscle motor control. Step 1: Skip in place by hopping on one leg while bringing
the other knee up toward your chest. Lift your knee so it is a bit higher than perpendicular with your body. Swing your arms as you skip with the opposite arm. When your left arm is forward then your right knee is up. Step 2: Repeat the skipping motion, alternating sides. Try two to three sets for 30 seconds.
GRASSHOPPER PUSH-UP The Grasshopper Push-Up is a variation of the traditional push up. This exercise is challenging and may not be for everyone. They will take some getting used to, so practice your form and do them slowly and carefully to get the hang of them. The different angles used with these train different sets of muscles. They enhance flexibility in your lower body, and because the movements are intense, after just a few reps, you’ll feel the burn.
Step 1: Place the palms of your hands flat on the floor shoulder-width apart but in line with your shoulders. If your wrists are unable to bear much weight, modify with a closed fist floor placement. Steady your toes on the floor and squeeze your glute muscles to stabilize the body. Form your body into a strong, straight line from your shoulders to your toes. Your face should be downward toward the floor. Step 2: Tighten your core and bend your right leg under your body. Keep your leg under
your body as you inhale and then, bend at your elbows to lower your body until your chest is near the floor without allowing your right leg to touch the floor.You can turn your head as you move so as not to strain your neck. Inhaling when you move down to the floor relaxes your ribcage while expanding your abdomen. Step 3: Exhale slowly, pressing your body back to the starting position, returning and straightening your right leg next to the straight left leg. Exhaling as you push yourself to the starting
plank position releases air to help your ab muscles contract, making the push-up easier and safer for you. Step 4: Repeat the steps with the left leg.
MODIFICATION: These exercises are not for everyone. Only those who are used to a regular exercise program should attempt them.
BIRD DOG PLANK The Bird Dog Plank strengthens your lower back, works your glute, and targets the core abdominal muscles that line the front of your stomach wall. A staple for home or away, this will help you stay on top of your exercise
commitment, even when you’re dragging from jetlag. Step 1: Place your hands and knees on the floor–down on all fours–hips square, knees under hips and hands under shoulders and at shoulder-width, keeping your back straight and your core engaged.
Step 2: Lift up one arm parallel with the floor while lifting up the opposite leg parallel with the floor, forming a straight line from fingertips of raised arm to toes pointed of raised leg. Step 3: Hold the position for 10 seconds with hips squared and core engaged and without
leaning forward or back but centered and balanced over hand and knee, hips level and not curved up sideways. Step 4: Repeat 8-10 times on each side, two to three sets. ■
healthy body
e s u a p o Men
By Shannon Brown
It can be hard watching your body change as you age and go through menopause. But with just a few adjustments, it is possible to stay healthy and continue to live an active and rich life.
CONSIDER BIOIDENTICAL HORMONES. Bioidentical hormones have gotten a lot of attention recently. Instead of hormone medications, bioidentical hormones are an exact match to the hormones produced by a woman’s body. Although there aren’t many long-term studies examining this treatment yet, it has been praised within the medical community, eliminating some unpleasant side effects of typical hormone therapy, such as brain fog and low energy. Short-term studies have found that they can reduce hot flashes and vaginal dryness. However, there is a slightly increased risk of breast cancer with hormone use. Although, some doctors believe that since bioidentical hormones are chemically different than hormone therapy
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drugs, they may not cause this same risk.
MEASURE WAIST CIRCUMFERENCE. Most research has found that menopause doesn’t cause weight gain, but rather, a redistribution of weight from other parts of the body to the abdomen. A recent study in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology confirmed this. Ananthan Ambikairajah, the lead study author, thinks this finding is important. “Central fat has been linked with dementia risk, and central fat is [also] linked with cardiovascular disease risk,” he says. Measuring your waist is a simple way to check your health. In general, a waist size of above 31 inches greatly increases your risk of chronic disease, and above 34.5 inches often means a greatly increased risk. ▪ #inspirehealthLA ▪ #inspirehealthLA
EAT NUTRITIONALLY DENSE FOODS. As you age, your metabolism slows down and you need fewer calories, but still need the same amount of nutrients. Older adults sometimes even have trouble absorbing nutrients due to issues such as low stomach acid. Focus on foods that have a high concentration of nutrients, aiming for a mix of fruits and vegetables, grains, low-fat dairy, lean protein, and a small amount of healthy fats.
STAY SOCIAL. While there are many advertisements for computer games to maintain your brain health, one of the best things you can do for your brain is to stay social. Social connections may help preserve your memory, and people who are isolated also tend to be more depressed, use more medications and are
hospitalized more. Socializing at mealtimes is also a great strategy to maintain your weight. One study published in Public Health Nutrition found that the act of cooking meals at home, including planning, shopping and socializing while eating, led to increased odds of survival in elderly adults.
MAINTAIN MUSCLE MASS. One of the most important changes that occurs in aging is muscle mass loss. Without a strategy, adults lose three-five percent of their body’s muscle mass every year after age 30. Maintaining muscle is crucial to keep your metabolism moving and keep your waist within a healthy range. Aim for two-four workouts per week, including resistance training, aerobics, and walking. Older adults sometimes even have trouble absorbing nutrients, due to issues such as low stomach acid.
r e c n a C By Kristy Podruchny
ou can't go wrong eating a clean and balanced diet, but there are foods that can help us in the fight against cancer. Eating enough food is important for strength and energy–especially if you’re going through chemotherapy or recovering from surgery. Our bodies are incredible machines and luckily there are foods we can avoid and foods that can help us fuel and strengthen that army inside of us: our immune system. Try to avoid processed foods and opt for fresh meals with plenty of colorful fruits and veggies. Colors in food indicate a prevalence of antioxidants and phytonutrients in food. Foods like blueberries, kale, bell peppers and cherries are
all examples of foods that will help protect you from free radicals. Choosing healthy fats and lean protein is important to help your body build and repair tissue during treatment. In your search for foods with higher protein, try to avoid red meat. Medicinal mushrooms have proven themselves to be allies in the fight against cancer.They’ve been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries, and Western medicine is catching on. A compound called polysaccharide (PSK) produced in turkey tail mushrooms boosts the immune system. A recent study sponsored by the National Institutes of Health gave a turkey tail mushroom product to patients with breast cancer after radiation therapy and noted “an ▪ #inspirehealthLA
Medicinal mushrooms have to proven themselves t be allies in the figh against cancer increase in natural killer cells and other cancer-fighting cells in the immune system.” Nature never ceases to amaze us. Anti-inflammatory foods are paramount as an ally while fighting cancer. Another food has made its way from traditional Chinese medicine to Western medicine: curcumin, which is found in turmeric.The Mayo Clinic states that “curcumin may prevent cancer, slow the spread of cancer, make chemotherapy more effective and protect healthy cells from damage by radiation therapy. Curcumin is being studied for use in many types
of cancer.” It’s important to note that curcumin isn’t easily absorbed without the help of black pepper and a healthy fat, like MCT oil. Fresh and powdered turmeric is delicious in golden milk tea, too! However, there isn’t one specific diet that will help with all types of cancer, and always check with your doctor or dietitian before making big changes in your diet. Sometimes our bodies need some help from a rainbow of whole foods to heal itself.Thankfully, nature has made these cancerfighting foods into flavorful treats for us!
eat fresh
Fresh Salmon is a buttery pink meat that happens to be one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids like DHA and EPA. It is a high protein, low calorie food that is a great source of vitamin D, B12 and selenium to name a few. What’s not to love?
unt of The amo fatty omega-3sent in acids pre pends on de salmon e fish has h t t wha ng. been eati
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almon contains a pigment called astaxanthin (ASX) that, according to a study from Nutrients, has “potent antiwrinkle and antioxidant effects” and “may prevent UV-induced immunosuppression.” Another study from Molecular Nutrition and Food Research found that ASX improves brain health and spatial memory. The high omega-3 fatty acid content in salmon is what gives this fish much of its reputation for being a healthy food. These are essential fatty acids that can’t be produced in our bodies and must be eaten. This high omega-3 content means that digging into salmon on a regular basis could also help manage symptoms of ADHD. Researchers who published a study in Journal of Lipids concluded, “omega-3/6 fatty acids offer great promise as a suitable adjunctive therapy for ADHD.” According to the Washington State Department of Health (WSDH), DHA and EPA help reduce inflammation in our bodies and are important for heart and brain health. The amount of omega-3 fatty acids present in salmon depends on what the fish has been eating. Farmed salmon are fed a specific diet meant to keep those amounts even with, or higher than, wild salmon. If you’re trying to avoid soy or GMOs, keep in mind that farmed salmon are often fed fishmeal, grains and oilseeds that are often soy-derived. The highly controversial genetically engineered salmon are also set to hit the market in 2020.
Did you know that eating salmon may help prevent and treat certain types of cancer? According to the National Institutes of Health, “some studies have shown associations between higher intakes and/or blood levels of omega-3s and a decreased risk of certain cancers, including breast and colorectal cancers.” A study of women ages 50-76 cited by the NIH found that women who took fish oil supplements had “32 percent lower risk of breast cancer after a mean of six years than those who did not take fish oil.” Overfishing and environmental pollutants like PCBs and POPs have given the farmed version of this flavorful and nourishing fish a dark side. The pollutants come from industrial chemical waste, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals and are stored and accumulate in fatty tissue. A study published in BMC fed mice POPs, sourced from farmed Atlantic salmon and discovered that POPs can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. A similar study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health notes that “POPs via salmon oil consumption induced abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia, glucose intolerance, insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis.” This is something to keep in mind while you’re seeking out the perfect salmon fillet. Next time you’re out grocery shopping, take time to glance at the label to make sure you’re buying sustainably harvested wild salmon.
Teriyaki Salmon
Serves 4 Time: 25
INGREDIENTS: minutes ▪ 4 (5-ounce) salmon fillets ▪ 16 ounces asparagus, trimmed ▪ 2 carrots, peeled and julienned cut into 1/8-inch slices or 1/2 cup baby carrots ▪ 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes ▪ 1/2 cup soy sauce ▪ 1/4 cup orange juice or water ▪ 3 Tbsp honey ▪ 2 Tsp grated ginger ▪ 3 garlic cloves, minced ▪ 1/8 tsp chili flakes ▪ 2 Tsp flour ▪ 2 Tbsp olive oil ▪ Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste ▪ 2 green onions, thinly sliced ▪ 1/2 Tsp sesame seeds DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Lightly oil a baking sheet, or line baking sheet with parchment paper. Combine the soy sauce, orange juice, honey, ginger, garlic and chili flakes into a sauce pan over medium heat. Slowly whisk in flour to desired thickness. Simmer and remove from heat. Place salmon, asparagus and carrots in a single layer onto the baking sheet. Spoon teriyaki sauce over the salmon.
Drizzle asparagus and carrots with olive oil; season with salt and pepper to taste.
Place into oven and cook until the fish flakes easily with a
fork, about 16-18 minutes. Serve immediately, garnished with green onions and sesame seeds, if desired. Calories 240.3. | Calories from Fat 76.5 | Fat 8.5g. Sodium 779.8mg. | Carbohydrates 11.0g | Protein 31.3g
cover story
A year ago, I was sched-
uled for serious back surgery (rods, screws, etc.) However, a local massage therapist helped me realize that the root cause of my back pain was actually a very tight piriformis muscle that was pulling my spine out of position,” says Dee Alberty.
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Dee went through intensive deep tissue therapy which helped resolve her pain and avoid surgery. However, she credits Fascial Stretch Therapy as the reason she has been able to maintain her progress. “Through a friend, I discovered Paul Kaklis. Paul’s painless Fascial Stretch Therapy, twice a month, is the key to maintaining the progress that my therapy team has accomplished over the last year,” she explains. INSPIRE HEALTH LOUISIANA INSPIRE HEALTH LOUISIANA
Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST™) is pain free and helps improve mobility of your nerves and the flexibility of your muscles and fascia. Paul Kaklis, owner of PK Fitt and Fitt 365 in Baton Rouge, explains, “FST™ falls in line with training and stretching in a three-dimensional way. So many focus on the two-dimensional, but this concentrates on the different angles we move in.” FST™ focuses on the fascia, the ▪ #inspirehealthLA ▪ #inspirehealthLA
area that “surrounds each muscle, connects them to each other, and also connects muscles to tendons, ligaments, and bone to form a body. The fascia connects to all of your organs and systems, too.” Paul explains that FST™ is a form of therapy that concentrates on creating joint space. He says, “It focuses on the connective tissue, joints, and the central nervous system and not the muscles and tendons, allowing
for longer lasting, freer, and easier movements." FST™ can also help with: ▪ Reducing or eliminating pain ▪ Significantly reducing stress ▪ Helping you wake feeling rested and refreshed ▪ Improving posture, looking healthier, and feeling more confident ▪ Increasing mobility ▪ Improving training and increasing motivation
ment, where we will go over the case history. During the FST™ session, we find where the problem areas are. However, we are constantly assessing each person because, as people, we are constantly changing in our structure, our pain areas, and what may be causing tension,” he says. After you have been doing FST™, Paul will teach you corrective exercises to help compliment the therapy. Just as important, however, is the hands-on, customized approach that
without having therapy on my back. FST™ is like stretching on steroids. You’re not just stretching by yourself. You’re getting a better stretch. FST™ helps you move better, and it relieves my back pain and helps my joints. Paul has a great wealth of knowledge, and he understands what is needed. He’s so professional, he cares for his clients, and he gives 110 percent. He wants to help you feel better,” she says. If you’re looking to move better,
“I feel healthier. I can go for longer without having therapy on my back. FST™ is like stretching on steroids...."
Mandy Castille wanted to feel stronger and have more flexibility and energy when she began FST™. She shares, “FST™ has given me relief from tension and relief from tight bands of connective tissue. It alleviates stress, not only on the body, but also mentally and through daily life activities. After a session, you feel unglued, relaxed, and calm. I can train now at a more advanced level. I’ve seen a significant change in my entire body.” Regardless of your age, FST™ could be just what you’re looking for to take your training to the next level or to help with pain management or even stress. Once you have approval from your physician, Paul will work with you to create a program that fits your individual needs. “The first visit is the initial assess-
makes a visit at Fitt 365 so unique. When you’re there, everything you do has a way of building on each other. Paul says, “It’s a boutique-style fitness facility, where every service we offer compliments one another. There’s yoga, including hot yoga, with Yoga Rouge; personal training; massage therapy, and functional equipment you can use; and we are the first 24/7 gym to offer that. There are memberships available, but you don’t have to buy a membership to use the services. So many come here to try and get away from the big gyms.” Jacci Bickford was referred to Paul when she was looking to strengthen her back and alleviate her back issues she had been struggling with for years. Now, after FST™, she feels healthier than ever. “I feel healthier. I can go for longer
increase your activity, and reduce pain, FST™ is here to help you in all of those areas. “Paul is a professional with extensive knowledge. He focuses entirely on the needs of his clients. After just a few stability moves, he was able to craft a program just for me,” Mandy says.
To learn what FST™ and PK Fitt can do for you, call (225) 218-4656 or (225) 326-8338. Fitt 365 3482 Drusilla Lane, Suite H Baton Rouge, LA 70809
FOR PETS By Kai Bragg
Make sure you securely strap in pets when riding in a car or fast moving boat.
hen you’re out for a day of fun and recreation, safety is always an important thing to consider. If you take your pets along for the fun, be sure to think of them too. Whether taking a walk, going for a car ride or spending time on the water, it’s up to us to keep our furry companions safe. If you go out for a walk, be sure to keep your pets close. Pets can easily stray into traffic, and using a leash is a great way to prevent them from getting injured. Using a leash also helps prevent them from chasing potentially dangerous animals. If you use a retractable leash, pay extra attention to what’s going on around you and your pets. A retractable leash can allow excited pets to bolt into dangerous situations. When riding in a car, be sure to strap your pets in. We wear seatbelts for a reason, and our pets need them too. Seatbelts can make a huge difference in an accident, and can also
help prevent your traveling companions from jumping out of moving vehicles. If you bring your animals on car rides, and especially if they ride in the open bed of a truck, make sure they are securely fastened in the vehicle. If you spend time on the water, whether swimming or boating, make sure your pets are protected. For weak swimmers, a PFD can be a huge benefit. Keeping unsure pets afloat, PFDs are a great way to introduce pets to water. Preventing the worry of injury from fatigue, they can also help older pets continue to enjoy a nice swim. If boating is your recreation of choice, be sure to secure your pets as you would in a car. If an animal jumps out of a boat traveling at higher speeds, they can be severely injured from impacting the water. It's important that you always provide your pets with an easy way to get out of the water. There are many options for attachable boat steps, ramps and lifts that will allow your tired pets to climb safely out of the water. ▪ #inspirehealthLA
Keeping your pets safe takes little extra time. Consider these basic things when you bring your pets along for the fun. Keep them out of traffic and safe from wild animals by using a leash. Make sure you securely strap in pets when riding in a car or fast-moving boat. Make use of a PFD for weak swimmers, and always provide an easy way to get out of the water for swimming pets.
Keeping your pets safe takes little extra time.
INGREDIENTS ▪ 1 lb. pitted medjool dates (the softer the better) ▪ 1/3 cup cacao powder ▪ 1/4 cup almonds ▪ 1/4 cup oats ▪ Shredded coconut, cacao powder, or almond meal for rolling
Makes 20 truffles Time: 15 minutes
DIRECTIONS Blend the dates, cacao power, almonds, and oats in a food processor until well combined and a thick dough is formed. Roll the dough into 1- to 2-inch sized balls. Roll the ball through the shredded coconut, cacao powder, or almond meal to coat the surface. Eat immediately or store in the refrigerator for up to a week.
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mighty kids
he average American child’s day doesn’t end when school lets out. About 42 percent of school-aged children play sports, 28 percent are active in clubs, and 30 percent take lessons after school. These extracurricular activities are beneficial. Learning to work and play together with other children hones skills that school may not. A 2015 study published in the American Journal of Public Health highlights the importance of strong social and emotional skills. The study claims that these skills are better indicators of a child’s future academic and career success than cognitive skills. A HEALTHY BALANCE Children can become overscheduled which can lead to stress.The key is finding a healthy balance between
school and extracurricular activities. How do parents know how many activities their child should take part in? When it comes to sports, try to limit it to one sport per season. Remember that most after-school sports involve both practices and games every week.The same goes for music lessons.Your child might only attend lessons one afternoon per week, but musicians need to practice. There is no “magic number” of activities that is best for children though. Every family is different.Take a look at your children’s schedule and see if they have some time for unstructured play. Make sure that your family has time to spend together. Family meals are also important, so ensure you have time to sit down for dinner together, at least a few times per week. Work in enough time for homework, and make sure all of you are getting plenty of sleep. ▪ #inspirehealthLA
KNOWING WHEN TO CUT BACK Watch your child for cues. Joan Grayson-Cohen of Jewish Family Services warns that children who make excuses about not attending activities may be overscheduled. If they can never find their shin guards before soccer practice or if they are happy when practice is canceled, they might be ready for a break. Also, watch for a drop in grades, an inability to entertain themselves and fatigue. These can also be signs that your child needs to cut back on activities. LETTING CHILDREN CHOOSE There may be activities that you don’t want your children to quit. Psychiatrist Alvin Rosenfeld advises parents to categorize extracurriculars as required (like religious school) or optional. Let the child choose from the
Watch for a drop in grades, an inability to entertain themselves and fatigue
optional category on what he or she would prefer to do another time. Another good rule is to require them to finish out the year or the season before deciding whether to take the activity up again next time or trying a different activity entirely in the future.
healthy destinations
etanga Fitness Retreats follow a “Travel Well” philosophy that combines fitness, adventure, and relaxation into one unforgettable vacation. Unlike many retreats, Ketanga does not have a single location. Instead, vacations are organized around the world. Their goal is to create accessible travel opportunities for a variety of fitness and wellness enthusiasts. Some examples of trips include “Pilates & Pinot,” “Boxing & the Beach,” and “Fitness, Food & Fun.”
By Crissie Mergogey
Each unique vacation includes exercise classes for many fitness levels ranging from yoga to boxing to high intensity boot camp. The skilled coaches at Ketanga Fitness Retreats are knowledgeable and fun to be around so you will enjoy your workouts! Many fun and exciting local adventures are also scheduled during the trip. Depending on the location, adventures may include sunset sailboat excursions, zip-lining, horseback riding, biking, and surfing. Since this is a vacation, plenty of
relaxation and free time is also provided on each retreat. Certain trips also feature food, cooking classes and wine-tastings. Ketanga Fitness Retreats for September 2019 to February 2020 can be booked right now by visiting their website. Each retreat is thoroughly planned with daily itineraries. Upcoming
The lineup fo r 2020 getawa ys includes som ething for everyone with retreats focu se on high inten d si interval train ty ing, yoga and boxing.
trips take place in Ireland, Italy, Costa Rica, and Columbia. To kick off each new year, Ketanga Fitness Retreats hosts Camp Ketanga, a five-week annual wellness festival in Costa Rica. Each camp features 1-2 daily workouts, outdoor Costa Rican adventures, a buffet breakfast, two group dinners, airport transportation and all the amenities offered by a four-star beach-front resort. The lineup for 2020 getaways includes something for everyone with retreats focused on high intensity interval training, yoga, and boxing. These retreats are a great way to start a new fitness journey. Retreats are offered year-round and are the perfect getaway for an active adventurer. Ketanga does all the planning for you, so you can enjoy your well-deserved vacation. ■
Contact Information Email: Phone: (800) 484-0726 Website:
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healthy mind
By Caitlyn McKey people should sit directly ne of the many across from one another, aspects of living looking intently into one life as a human another’s eyes. One of the is trying to find participants should focus on happiness. Most of us have being non-reactive, while been advertised a promise that someone has discovered the other simply smiles. In displays of this brief the key to happiness. experiment, the person who Unfortunately, what we is supposed to remain nonare sold is temporary and reactive eventually begins leaves us still starving for to smile.Thus, providing happiness. Shawn Achor, a evidence that what or who Harvard graduate in the field we surround ourselves with of positive psychology and will innately become the author of The Happiness Advantage, is trying to change energy or “vibe” we carry with us. Achor explains the way we quantify, define that this happens because and experience happiness. humans, through evolution, Achor’s studies have have come to work off an discovered how humans are invisible network where intrinsically wired to connect we are influenced by our and feed off of each other’s behaviors or “vibes.”To prove surroundings.This invisible network is also linked to our this, he provides an example survival instinct, helping us to where he explains that two
Investing in our friends, family and community helps increase happiness
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navigate the world around us. So, what does all of this mean for us? Achor has crafted his research into a list of seven principles that we can follow in order to attain and experience true happiness. 1 The first principle discusses meditation, or what I like to think of as brain breaks.These brain breaks allow for moments of contemplation, reflection and gratitude. Achor also lists buying an experience over an object, random acts of kindness, finding something to look forward to and exercising a signature strength as a means of gaining true happiness. 2 In the second principle, Achor discusses how shifting perspective to a more positive or optimistic outlook can drastically alter your experience into a happier one. 3 The third principle teaches us how to notice and identify patterns in our own behavior and how we can then alter those behaviors to take advantage of every opportunity we face.
4 The fourth principle discusses the idea of “falling up” rather than failing. Achor explains that we can turn a failed experience into a positive one when we have a takeaway from the overall experience. Changing the failure into a lesson learned alters the experience into a positive one because we focus on what we’ve gained (the lesson) rather than the negatives or where we failed. 5 In the fifth principle, Achor discusses what he calls the “Zorro Circle.”This principle explains that in situations where we begin to lose our balance, there is a need to refocus on smaller steps in order to get back on track to the bigger goal. In a sense, this principle tells us to practice mindfulness by pulling our attention to what is present and what needs our attention in the now. 6 The sixth principle, titled, “the 20-second rule,” teaches us how to replace bad habits with good ones by taking 20 seconds to pause and reflect on the action we are taking. 7 Finally, the last principle focuses on social investment. Achor explains that by investing in our friends, families and communities, we find a key to excellence. By supporting our own social support system, we gain tenfold and build an infallible network that will invest in us equally.This practice also continues the wave of happiness, and your happiness becomes contagious. Having this impenetrable force proves to be essential in all of our overall success. Achor provides evidence that we can change the neuro paths of our brain to not only seek out positivity, but to live as bright beacons of happiness and optimism for ourselves and the world around us. ■
Serves 2 Time: 25 minutes
Ingredients Dressing ▪ 2 Tbsp tahini ▪ 1 Tbsp hummus ▪ 1-2 Tbsp water, depending on desired consistency ▪ 1Tbsp ground flaxseed ▪ 1 Tsp Dijon mustard ▪ 1 Tsp lemon juice ▪ ½ Tsp apple cider vinegar Salad ▪ 2 cups chopped spinach ▪ 2 cups chopped dinosaur or Tuscan kale ▪ ½ acorn squash, peeled and chopped into 1-inch pieces ▪ 1 Tbsp olive oil ▪ ¼ Tsp onion powder ▪ ¼ Tsp garlic powder ▪ ¼ Tsp turmeric ▪ Salt and pepper to taste
▪ 1 avocado, chopped ▪ 1 Tbsp hemp seeds Directions Make the dressing by whisking all ingredients in a small bowl until they are well combined. In a medium bowl, mix ½ the dressing with the spinach and kale. Mix until the greens are well coated. Set aside in the fridge to allow the greens to soften. Steam the chopped squash for 5 minutes. Transfer squash to a pan with the olive oil and add the onion powder, garlic powder, and turmeric. Cook for 5 -10 minutes, stirring frequently until the squash is tender. Add the squash to the greens and top with avocado, hemp seeds, and the remaining dressing.
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For a growing number of patients, a trip to the dentist isn’t what it used to be– and that’s how they want it.
ather than just a routine “drill-andfill” for a cavity, they may receive a head massage, meditative advice and diet suggestions that would seem more befitting a gastroenterologist. What they won’t receive are traditional amalgam fillings– about 50 percent of which are composed of mercury, which has been associated with numerous health issues
and is considered an environmental hazard. This emerging branch of dentistry–which dental professionals say is largely patient-driven–is called “holistic” or “holistic biological.” Holistic dentists believe that poor oral health leads to poor physical health.They perform traditional procedures but consider the whole body–diet, lifestyle, emotional health–when treating teeth.
They also focus on using what they consider to be safer materials in their practices. “It’s the opposite of common dental culture, which is simply ‘drill and fill,’ ” says Dr. Nammy Patel, DDS (, author of Age With Style:Your Guide To A Youthful Smile & Healthy Living. “Holistic dentistry is looking at and addressing the underlying causes for gum disease and cavities; for example, is it your diet, hormonal changes, or acid reflux? “For many years in the dental profession, it was assumed that your oral health had only a tangential effect on your overall health. We now know better.” Dr. Patel provides the following five reasons why holistic dentistry is beginning to trend up as a treatment approach by patients:
Biocompatible and non-toxic materials. Holistic dentists will remove amalgam (mercury) fillings and favor dental appliances made from more natural substances. “A traditional approach to dentistry often uses mercury fillings or crowns and other harmful materials when treating dental issues.”
Alternatives to root canals. Dr. Patel says holistic dentists and root cause. Holistic den- are more likely to look at tistry looks beyond symptoms alternatives, such as herbs, laser to find root causes for dental therapy, or extractions. issues while expanding meth- Balances cosmetics and ods of preventive care. function. “Missing, damaged, or Minimally-invasive crooked teeth can make you treatments. “The focus is feel self-conscious and affect on helping patients avoid your quality of life.” ■ Focus on the whole body
n and Air abrasio are py ozone thera allyim in effective m edures. oc invasive pr
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unnecessary, painful and drawn-out procedures that can hurt overall well-being,” Dr. Patel says. “That doesn’t mean sacrificing high-tech treatments for disease. Laser treatments for gum disease and cleaning are one example of minimally invasive. The latter does a great job of destroying bacteria that are the biggest danger to your oral health. Air abrasion and ozone therapy are other effective minimally-invasive procedures.
Ingredients Cauliflower Steaks ▪ 1 large cauliflower ▪ 1 cup almonds ▪ 1/2 cup Panko breadcrumbs ▪ 1/4 cup flour ▪ 1/2 cup milk ▪ 1 Tsp smoked paprika ▪ 1 Tsp garlic powder ▪ 1 Tsp onion powder ▪ 1/4 Tsp salt Mango Cabbage Slaw ▪ 2 Tbsp milk ▪ 1 Tbsp maple syrup ▪ 2 Tsp apple cider vinegar ▪ Salt and pepper to taste ▪ 1 cup shredded cabbage ▪ 1/2 cup thin sliced mango ▪ 1/3 cup diced spinach or kale Directions Trim the leaves and the bottom of the stem from the cauliflower. Make sure to keep the core intact. Cut the cauliflower in half, from the top, down. Slice the halves into 1-inch slices. Save the excess florets for another meal.
Makes 2-3 cauliflower steaks Time: 1 hour
By Crissie Mergogey
v Pulse the almonds in a blender or
Place the cauliflower on a lined or
food processor until the texture is similar to breadcrumbs. Mix in the panko breadcrumbs and pour onto a plate. w In a bowl, combine the flour, milk, smoked paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, and salt. Dip the cauliflower slices into the batter and coat completely. After dipping in the batter, coat the cauliflower with the almond and breadcrumb mixture.
oiled baking sheet. Bake at 375°F for 40 minutes, turning halfway through. Prepare the Mango Cabbage Slaw. Mix the milk, maple syrup, apple cider vinegar, salt, and pepper in a bowl. Add the cabbage, mango and spinach to the bowl and mix until well coated. Remove the cauliflower from the oven, let sit 5 minutes, then serve with the Mango Cabbage slaw.
You can use chicken or salmon instead of cauliflower, if desired.
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a Happier, Healthier, Fitter Future in Fitness Kathleen Trotter Finds a Fit J u s t f o r Yo u By Patricia F. Danflous
ear your exercise clothes to bed. Wake up and get moving–no excuses. That’s just one of the down-to-earth suggestions Kathleen Trotter shares as she works hard to empower others to make fitness a lifelong habit. The experienced personal trainer, Pilates specialist, author, and ultra-fitness blogger, has a fresh and practical fitness style. “It seems like I live and breathe health and wellness,” says the vibrant six-foot tall fitness guru. “But it can be a frustrating focus because the usual discourse around health and wellness is often negative and shame-based, concentrating on what you can't eat or what you can't do. That’s not how it should be. For me, the emphasis is on changing your lifestyle because you love yourself. You can be fit, but let’s make that a fitter version of yourself, not somebody else’s definition of fitness.”
Trotter promotes activity and healthy choices to reflect individual personality. She asks, “Are you a gym bunny, competitive athletic gym bunny, time-crunched multi-tasker, or homebody?” Depending on your answer, Trotter offers a unique fitness recipe that incorporates your reality, lifestyle, goals and the rhythms of your life. If you are a timecrunched multi-tasker, for example, she recommends finding ways to move throughout the day–dance around the room as you
Fit: A Compassionate Trainer’s Guide to Making Fitness a Lifelong Habit and the recently published follow-up to that book, Your Fittest Future Self: Making Choices Today for a Happier, Healthier, Fitter Future. Defining her own active and healthy fit was a life-changing experience for Trotter. “An active life has the ability to be empowering, energizing, and extremely positive,” she explains. “That doesn't mean that it's not hard at times. It's full of ups and downs like all of life is. I
"For me, the emphasis is on changing your lifestyle because you love yourself." watch the evening news or pace around your office during conference calls. The Toronto resident chronicles her personal fitness journey along with guidelines, tips, exercises and nutritional principles in her first book Finding Your ▪ #inspirehealthLA
don't always love my body, but I respect it, appreciate it and I try to love it.” Although she is acknowledged as an innovative leader and role model in the fitness field, Trotter is extremely quick to let you know that she was “not
born this way.” Her self-motivation and love of living an active lifestyle was an acquired skill. “I actually was a really unhealthy, but more importantly, unhappy kid and teenager,” she says. “When I was younger, I ate my way through my parents' divorce. I hated myself and that came out as hating my body. I was the kid who would do anything to get out of gym classes, pretending to be sick and calling my mother to take me home.” Trotter laughs as she remembers her childhood and how she had an obsession with food. “My school was beside a Mac's Milk convenience store, and I would go in to buy Smarties or M&M's, eating the entire packages the minute I left the store,” she says. “I wanted more but was so shameful about buying another one that I'd go back in with a made-up story about dropping them. The clerk didn’t care two hoots what I bought, but in my mind, I was scared about people judging me.”
How did a Smarties-loving Canadian teenager open the door to fitness instead of the candy store? Some people might have an “ah ha” moment, but Trotter points to an accumulation of thought. “It's like that final coin that makes you a millionaire,” she explains. “If you didn't have all of the ones prior to it, that last coin doesn't matter. I really think health is like that. It's that final step that gets you to the top of the mountain. You have to take all the prior steps, even though they are seemingly discouraging. Eventually, you become aware of the things percolating over time and you know what you need to do.” Her final move was a “Thank you, mom,” moment. “My mom is amazing,” she says. “I credit her with not only changing my health life but also inspiring a lot of my fitness philosophy. When I was in eighth grade, she told me that, ‘Being active has to be in some way a non-negotiable. So, we have to find a way that works for you. ‘I’m going to give you a
membership to the YMCA.’" At first, Trotter would walk on the treadmill at the Y for no more than 10 minutes at a time. As her stamina and drive increased, she joined group exercise classes and became so enthusiastic that she was asked to be an instructor. “For years, I volunteered to teach aerobics classes,” she says. “That gave me confidence and inspired me to [go to school to study] Kinesiology. Now, I have a master's in exercise science and a Pilates certification, and I am still learning.” In the end, Trotter encourages, “You have to start somewhere by figuring out what works for you,” Trotter says. “Figure out what you can do consistently, because what you do on a consistent basis is much more important than what you do once a month. Do it. Then, keep going and tweaking as your life changes. In my 20s, my fit was marathons and Iron Mans. Now, in my 30s, my fit is running and Pilates. In my 40s, it will probably be different. If I ever have kids, it'll be really different.”
“You have to start somewhere by figuring out what works for you,”
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