Representative Darius and myself had a wonderful opportunity to meet with and talk to the new head of the Honolulu Police Department, Police Chief Joe Logan. In our brief but deep discussion, we built an understanding as well as an alliance to work closely in addressing the multi-faceted elements of crime on the Westside and across the island. We are all committed to working intensely together to address & find solutions to the many issues of safety in our community for real & tangible outcomes benefitting all those involved.

Homelessness & Housing

Ohana Ola O Kahumana Expansion: GIA for Kahumana to purchase the 4.5 acre parcel next to its existing transitional shelter in Lualualei Valley. The land will be used to create a kauhale for approximately 100 individuals experiencing houselessness.
Sanctioned Campsites/Drop Off Center: Legislation modeled after at least 3 states who have created sanctioned campsites, and banned camping in public areas. Allows Courts to divert individuals to homeless services rather than go through the criminal justice system. Appropriates funds to the Judiciary to create a Drop Off Center for individuals needing crisis stabilization, and to the Governor to create sanctioned campsites.
Kauhale Bill: Requires the Hawaiʻi Public Housing Authority, in consultation with the Dept. of Health and Dept. of Human Services to establish the Kauhale Program to provide micro housing units and also services to homeless individuals and families. Creates an advisory committee. Exempts existing low-income rentals, tiny home villages, and kauhale from certain provisions for the duration of their underlying leases consistent with the Governor's 2015 and 2018 proclamations on homelessness.


akea Road: Create a parallel route from Pa removing the emergency access road
Contraflow & Turning Lanes: Add turn lanes at the Lualualei Naval Rd., Nanaikeola St., and Helelua St. intersections; extend the afternoon contraflow.

Makaha Surfing Beach: Adopt the master plan by re-routing Farrington Highway further mauka to address sea level rise and provide an alternate bus turnaround;
Princess Kahanu Estates/Mā Install speed humps were necessary and other high speed areas; lengthen existing speed humps to extend to shoulders.

Cool Classrooms: Air condition all Waianae Coast classrooms by end of 2023.

Papahana O Kaiona Alternative Learning Center: Establish a facility and operations at the old Kaiser Building on St. John's Road.
Waianae Coast Swimming Pool: Collaboration between WHS, YMCA, WCCHC, and others.
Ulu Ke Kukui: renovate transitional housing project into rental units for DHHL beneficiaries.
Transitional Housing: Units for DHHL beneficiaries experiencing houselessness at former military officer's housing units in Kalaeloa.
Community & Hawaiian Cultural Center/Food Distribution Warehouse: GIA to build a community and Hawaiian cultural center, and Food Distribution Warehouse, on DHHL property next to WCCHC.
Water Rights: Add a DHHL representative to the DLNR Water Commission.
OHA Settlement: Provide entitlements at Kakaako, and adopt recommendations of the Ceded Lands Working Group.

Pokai Bay Jetty: Environmental testing and re-design for improved circulation.
Tire Bill: implement a deposit program and tracking system to combat illegal tire dumping.
Flood Mitigation: Collaboration between Navy, City, State, and groups in Lualualei Valley.
Water Testing: require DOH to perform water quality testing during brown water advisories and inform the public of health risks due to water runoff.
Pig & Sheep Farmers, other small animal slaughterhouse at Kalaeloa.
Solar Farm Housing First Projects: modeled after Wai’anae’s “Cedar Farms,” resolution urging solar farms to elevate panels so that beneath them they can provide low-income Housing First farm worker living quarters to address homeless crisis.
WCCHC Emergency Room: GIA for operating funds.
Telephone Healthcare services: permanently allow for patients in rural. and underserved areas to access healthcare through telephone only means.

Alzheimer’s Funding: Appropriation to fund a public health awareness campaign.
Clean Slate: Automatically remove expunged offenses and delete dismissed traffic citations from a person’s public record.
Parent’s Counsel: Require Courts to promptly appoint attorneys to low-income parents who are threatened with parental rights termination by CPS.
Service of Process: Replace the requirement to obtain a judge’s approval to serve family court complaints, petitions, etc. off-island, with a declaration. Include in the declaration that litigants shall abide by the terms of the Hauge Convention in regards to foreign service of process.

Disaster Preparedness: Resolution urging the Department of Emergency Management to implement a comprehensive disaster preparedness plan for the Leeward Coast
Fire Prevention: Ka‘ala Farm $500,000 fire prevention GIA, $1.5m to build four water dipping tanks on the Waianae Coast, $1.5m per year for a statewide fire prevention program, and a twinengine 280 gallon bucket fire fighting helicopter.