NO NA PO’E ‘AINA HO’OPULUPULA ‘O WAI’ANAE !! (Hear Yee,Hear Yee, Hear Yee…
To the Wai‘anae Hawaiian Homesteaders)
Great news After long and lengthy advocacy, Governor Green released $ 7.2 MILLION in capital improvement funds for the repair and maintenance of sewer infrastructure on the Wai‘anae Hawaiian Home Lands Residential Subdivision on O’ahu !! MAHALO NUI
Residential Recovery Program, Cohort 103
completed a rigorous 9 week course dealing both directly and comprehensively with Post Traumatic Distress Disorder (PTSD) at Tripler Veteran’s Affairs.
These veterans have served this country with honor and distinction and we wish them a most healthy recovery and promising futures.
What a fantastic time was had by all the students in the Pua Kaiaulu Program as they underwent an extremely intensive Legislative training “bootcamp” workshop at the Hawai’i State Capitol under the tutelage of my Chief of Staff, Kumu Keahi Renaud. The program involved Kamaile Academy, Nanakuli High & Intermediate School, Wai’anae High School Kapolei Charter School, as well as Hawai’i Technology Academy and the many alumni, teachers, and mentors of these schools.
MAHALO NUI TO EACH AND ALL OF YOU who took the time to come visit and learn about the State Capitol and the important work that we do to improve the Wai’anae Coast and the Good State of Hawai’i nei ~ MAILE
The Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center’s (WCCHC) high school program, Ho’oulu Nā Mamo is a Hawaiian cultural-based program to inspire and grow the next generation.
Hoʻoulu Nā Mamo summer interns participated in an intensive 5-week program immersed in traditional Hawaiian cultural practices shared by WCCHC’s Ha Ola Mau and School Based Health Centers (Waiʻanae High, Waiʻanae Intermediate, Nānākuli High & Intermediate and Kamaile Academy PCS) with mentors Kaliko Chang, Blane Garcia, and Ariel Panui.
On July 21st, these 11 interns and 3 mentors visited the Hawaii State Capitol to learn more about the law-making process and the power of the legislature. Cultural protocols began the day paying homage & respect to our Queen.
We then conducted a high-speed, high-yield legislative bootcamp learning about a variety of legislative processes useful in passing laws. We wrapped up our visit at the Hawaii State Public Access Room where there some mission is to empower any student who walks through their doors wanting to make change.
The MANA of this program exuded itself during their entire visit. We here at Senator Maile Shimabukuro’s office look forward to witnessing big ideas from these Hawaiians and to strengthen our ties with this incredible WCCHC program, Ho’oulu Nā Mamo, and look forward to meeting their young leaders in the future!!
He ‘a‘ali‘i kū makani mai au; ‘a‘ohe makani nana e kula‘i
I am a wind-resisting ‘a‘ali‘i no gale can push me over.
Twenty awardees were honored by Nā Wāhine O Wai‘anae (WOW) at a recent celebration on April 22 at the Kamehameha Community Learning Center at Ma’ili (CLCM).
The event was celebrated with lunch followed by awards and sharing from the recipients.
Mahalo nui to all who helped to make the event a success including the major donors; Hawaii Womens’ Legal Foundation (HWLF) and the Community Health Education and Evaluation Partners (CHEEP !!
Thanks are owed to all our faithful donors and yard sale customers.
(credit to Westside Stories by Karen Young)