Wai‘anae Elementary School 3rd Grade Class of Kumu Katie meets Sen. Maile Shimabukuro in the Classroom & then visits Capitol

In early September, I was invited to visit and talk story with all the keiki from Wai’anae Elementary School’s 3rd Grade haumana of Kumu Katie Hilstead in their own school. The students were curious about what I did as a Senator for the Hawaii State Legislature with the many responsibilities of being a senator.

AND THEN last week, all those very energetic kids came to visit the Capitol to learn about what the legislature does and how it works
(ABOVE) They learned about power and process at the legislature and (RIGHT) They learned about the many resources at the Public Access Room

~ Senator Maile

Unsure of exactly of who precisely had instigated the banter of threats between Wai’anae High School & Castle High School. The violent threats were posted on social media stating that a group of students from Castle High School were going to come to Waianae ad shoot up the campus. Then there was a retaliatory response where students of Waianae High School were then rumored to retaliate with similar violent threats noting guns.
Honolulu Police Department, the federal FBI, and school officials opened an investigation and also discussed safety measures. One of the outcomes was the canceling of the this weekends game (Oct 6) between each of these two football teams. Let’s all cool down, be safe as we figure all this out, together !
NHIS Political Science Students Demonstrate their Grasp of Modern Hawaiian History

Under the expert tutelage of Kumu Jolie Reyes Oda of Nanakuli High School, she motivated, trained & shaped her 11th/12th grade haumana of her Social Studies Class. These budding activist historians grappled with the complex topics revolving around “Modern History of Hawai’i, Each team tackled and researched one of 16 major topics and presented at an evening session in the cafeteria to a full crowd of Nanakuli people and a whole team of kupuna (above). The students (below) where outstanding.
As Nanakuli is one of the most densely populated Hawaiian communities as well as homesteaders, Mrs Reyes wanted her students to immerse into the historical Political Processes. Congratulations